A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Mar 19, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a companion story to "Things that Go Bump." The story lines are related and the characters will occasionally interact. The stories begin at roughly the same time. My sincerest thanks go out to Darryl AKA the Radio Rancher (darryltheradiorancher@gmail.com) who kindly edited this chapter. And thanks to everyone for writing such encouraging emails.

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spams and flames, so just let me know!

A Light in the Darkness, Chapter 7


On Friday, William, Chase and Matt got off the bus and ran to Chase's house to get a snack. After they made their plans for the weekend, Matt went home and the boys changed into casual clothes, Chase to get more comfortable and William to be prepared for his training session with Avery and James.

William left Chase working on his computer to walk out to his workshop, but when he opened the door for James and Avery, he was surprised to find they were accompanied by Sebastian. At Sebastian's request, William brought Chase down to the building to talk with Sebastian.

Sebastian explained the new developments in his war against Sammael -- that they had lost Sekhmet -- and then dropped the bomb on the boys about Chase's true nature. "Like my relative, in whom the light of true knowledge shined, I believe that you are a prophet...."

Chase's laughter was immoderate, as the words seemed utterly ridiculous to him, but Sebastian was clearly serious. And it made sense, really, the voices, the messages. Chase thought he might be losing his mind, but this was really more than he was prepared to hear. "Why are you telling me this, now," he asked Sebastian innocently.

Sebastian explained that he needed Chase's help, he needed guidance and he could think of nowhere else to go. Sebastian proposed that they return to the temple, where Chase heard the voices most clearly.

"Not without me," William demanded.

"You can come if you want, but it's easier to hear when I'm away from you," Chase said, cutting Sebastian off. Chase blushed as he finished, "Thinking of you, knowing you're there ... makes it hard to concentrate.

After a joke from James at Chase's comment, William relented and allowed Chase to go alone with Sebastian and Sam. When they were gone, William looked at James with a frown. "I don't like this one bit!"

The bigger boy put a big hand on William's shoulder and squeezed. "I'm sorry, but Sebastian won't let anything happen to Chase.... You have no idea how important Chase is to him.... I'm not sure I do...."

"What do you mean," William asked, sounding a little jealous and very curious all at once. Avery walked across the room, giving the boys time to talk alone.

James smiled, unsure of what to say. "Well, Chase is, or at least Sebastian thinks he is, our last hope against Sammael, so he will protect him to the end.... But there's something else.... The connection Sebastian feels to Chase, it's almost primal, because of how the boy reminds him of his relative.... Chase is like a last, long-forgotten connection to Sebastian's human life, his humanity, and ... God...."

Cautiously, William asked, "You aren't jealous?"

"No," James exclaimed with a laugh. "I might be, but one of the benefits of my powers is that I can feel what people are feeling.... I know how Sebastian feels about me, just as I know how you two feel about one another...." William nodded, and the boys talked some more, getting to know each other a little bit. They talked about their former lives, ripped away from them.

At last, Avery approached. "Well, boys, we'd better get to it, then," he began, and fired off a spell at them, which they were able to deflect. For a while he cast spells and let them counter them, two on one, before teaching them a new set of offensive spells. "This incantation will allow you to conjure a whirlwind.... You can do some serious physical damage with this one, and you can control the size. You can make it small enough to destroy a person, or large enough to wipe away small swaths of a town...." Raising his wand, he uttered the spell slowly and clearly for the boys, who watched as the tiniest of tornados manifested in the room. He then showed them how to expand and contract its size and control its motion.

"Too cool," James muttered, as the door from the temple swung open. Sebastian stormed into and through the room back to his house, while Sam helped Chase through the door and filled them in on the developments. James and Avery said quick goodbyes and hurried after him.

"Sam," William began to ask, but the man shook his head.

"It's bad," he muttered. "I know Americ.... He's a good person, but he won't hold up against Sammael. If he knows something damaging, Sammael will know it now...."

"What does this mean," William asked, not sure he wanted to know.

Chase, with the faraway look in his eyes and staring into the dark corner at the far end of the room, said, "The end of all things draw nigh...." Both William and Sam shivered involuntarily. "Relax," he added, laughing at their response, though he could not have seen it. "There is so much that you can't imagine that's yet to pass!"

"Somehow, that's not as comforting as you meant it to be, I think," Sam responded.

"I suppose not," Chase smiled, returning to himself.

"I hope that they're okay," William said, thinking of their friends and what they were now facing.

"It ALL depends on what Sebastian does now," Chase said knowingly, moving toward the door.

"Do you know what happens," Sam asked.

"God only knows," Chase said, "but it's scary how much, from here on out, everything depends on the choices we make.... It's always been that way, I guess, but ... there's so much less wiggle room now.... We've all got to remember that our choices aren't just our choices, they ripple through the universe...."

"Like the ripple a pebble makes in a pond," Sam mused poetic.

A cross look appeared momentarily on Chase's face as he said, "Like a tsunami...."

After Sam was gone, the boys went upstairs and worked on homework, though neither made much progress. Their minds were elsewhere. At last, giving up, William stood up and changed into some nicer clothes. "I'm going to the synagogue," he said.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to stay here," Chase said, glumly.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to stay home?"

"No, you go ahead.... I just need to think...."

William leaned over and kissed the back of his neck softly. "Okay, I'll be home soon, then," he whispered, closing the door softly as he left the room. Downstairs, he found Steve, who gave him a ride and offered to pick him up an hour later.

Chase, meanwhile, sat in his chair and cried softly. "Why me," he whispered.

"I'm sorry," a deep voice answered him unexpectedly, making him jump.

Turning, Chase smiled sadly. "Gideon...."

"Chase, I.... If there was any other way...."

"It's not your fault.... It's not your choice.... But, I just don't get it. Why me? I mean, of all the people in the world, why me?"

With a sad smile that carried in his voice, Gideon asked, "Why not you?"

Chase laughed, "I'm selfish, I'm weak, I'm blind, I'm gay, I don't know anything about any of this stuff...."

Gideon laughed in return, weakly. "The fact that you think you are selfish only shows how unselfish you are.... You are so full of love, for everyone you meet!" Chase grunted at that. "Chase, that's what matters! Love! For some reason, none of you people ever REALLY get it, how important, how powerful it is.... If you tap into that, there is no limit.... You know, I've been with you since you were born, watching over you, just as I have been watching over William. I can't tell you much, but I can tell you, you've lived up to every expectation He ever had for you two."

"I'm scared, Gideon.... What am I supposed to do?"

"Follow your heart, listen to that, and you'll figure it out...."

"What about the voices," Chase asked.

"They'll always tell you the truth," he began, but Chase heard him hesitate.


Gideon smiled, "But the truth can be confusing, and it'll be up to you to know what to do with what you're told, so listen to your heart.... It's your truest guide."

"I can't do this, Gideon!"

"I'm sorry, Chase.... You have no choice...." He reached out and stroked the boy's cheek softly before he disappeared, leaving Chase alone with his heavy doubts. But he had cried all he would that day. So he sat down at the computer and worked as best he could on his work, knowing that they would be spending the next day with their friends.

When William returned he was feeling a little better, and sighed when he felt the boy's strong hands on his shoulders. "Feeling better," William asked as he gently massaged the boy's shoulders. Chase nodded and put a soft hand on William's right.

Standing, he turned and stepped into William's arms, whispering. "It's just ... overwhelming...."

William nodded. "I know.... But ... well, there's something else.... Sebastian and James are coming back in the morning, they want to meet with everybody. That means we ought to talk to your parents tonight...."

Chase sighed deeply and shook his head. "Alright.... This is going to be fun," he said with resigned sarcasm. He trudged heavily downstairs when they were summoned for dinner, so out of character both of his parents knew something was up. They figured a lovers spat or something on that order. Boy were they in for a surprise!

After dinner, Chase's parents withdrew to their bedroom in shock, the boys presumed to talk about what Chase had told them, so William and Chase went upstairs and lay on the bed with a movie on William's laptop. Chase's head rested on William's chest and William ran his finger's gently through Chase's golden locks.

"Do you think they're okay?" Chase asked softly.

"Of course they are.... Just in shock. Aren't you," William asked.

"Yeah," the boy answered softly. "I just wish it would all go away...."

"Well," William said with a laugh, "on the other hand, it was all this, the good and the bad, that brought us together.... If it does all end up badly, I'm glad we got this for a few months...."

"Don't talk like that," Chase chided, squeezing him. "We're going to grow old together!"

"Yeah, because we're going to kick the devil's ass," William snickered, as they settled in to watch the movie.

Meanwhile, half way around the world, Sammael, Aethon, and Sekhmet walked into the ancient Buddhist temple at Chaing Mai, Thailand. Before the assembled monks had a chance to respond, they began to die bloody deaths. Severed heads littered the floor, blood splatter covered most exposed surfaces. As the demon and his vampiric minions moved through the complex, they killed the remaining monks going about their chores. In the crypts, they found what they were looking for -- a western, Latin-inscribed urn. Opening it, Sammael smiled.

"It's here," Aethon asked, excitedly.

"We knew it would be," Sekhmet hissed impatiently. "Let's go! I don't like this, there could be a trap, like in my temple...."

No sooner than she'd said it, Sammael lifted the urn and a loud click was heard as the mechanism engaged and fire filled the room as the bomb exploded, rocking the temple complex.

When the dust settled, the three figures lay on the floor. Sammael had the urn in his arms, unharmed. He had expended tremendous energy shielding himself and the urn from the explosion, but he had been unable to do the same for Aethon and Sekhmet. Aethon had blood trickling from his mouth but was largely unhurt. Sekhmet, however, was blackened and burned, with a deep gash in her neck.

With a last weak wave of the arm, Sammael looked at his companions and transported them back to their arctic base, before doing the same for himself.

In the morning, William and Chase dressed before coming downstairs for breakfast. Steve and Sarah were nowhere in sight, and William looked hesitantly at Chase. The boy seemed perturbed that his parents weren't out yet, as they were always early risers. William poured each of them a bowl of cereal and they sat and ate breakfast silently.

At last William couldn't take it anymore. "I'll be right back," he said, sliding the chair back. He walked to the door to the master bedroom and knocked loudly.

A moment later Steve stuck his head around the door, looking drowsy. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry," William whispered, "but you should know, Chase is sitting in here thinking you're avoiding him because of what he told you last night, and I really don't care whether you're comfortable with it or not but you need to...."

"Whoa, whoa.... I'm sorry, we just overslept! We'll be in in a minute...." William nodded and walked back to the kitchen.

Chase smiled weakly. "You didn't have to do that!"

"Well, you just looked so ... down, I couldn't stand it!"

Chase laughed softly, "I love you!"

"Glad to see you're feeling better," Steve said as he walked in, tying his robe. "Sorry to leave you boys hanging this morning, but your mother's not feeling well...."

Chase looked over at him, confused, and then with a creeping smile. "Is she?"

"We don't know yet, so don't get excited...."

"She is, I know she is," Chase said, boiling over.

William looked at him, "You know, or YOU KNOW?"


William hugged Chase and kissed his neck. "That's fantastic!"

"We never realized it could happen so fast," Sarah said as she turned the corner, hand on her stomach.

William smiled at her and said, "It only takes once, you know...."

"Well, we don't know anything yet," Sarah said with a frown.

"Yes, WE do," William said, raising his eyebrows and putting an arm around Chase.

Sarah looked at Steve and smiled. "Would you mind running down to the pharmacy and getting one of those early pregnancy tests?"

With a sigh, Steve disappeared in the direction of the bedroom and emerged quickly in jeans and a t-shirt. "Be back in a minute.... Thanks, guys," he said with a humorous frown at the boys. Sarah watched the boys eat for a few minutes before she had to leave, unable to stand the sight even of cold cereal.

When Steve got back, he asked, "Where's your mom?"

William put his hand on his stomach and rolled his eyes with a smile. Steve disappeared down the hall to find his wife. It wasn't long before the boys had their answer in the form of the woman's screams of delight.

When they emerged, Steve asked, "I suppose you boys heard the news?"

"We already knew," Chase said simply.

His parents looked at him seriously. "We both know that you boys are special," Sarah said. "Maybe in some ways that we weren't entirely prepared for.... But in the end, that doesn't change anything. It might just take some getting used to.... Just be patient."

Chase ran to his mother and gave her a hug, smiling brightly. "I love you, mom." Then he hugged his dad. "I love you, too, dad! Oh, and remember, James and Sebastian are dropping by this morning...."

"Ah, yes," Sarah replied, less than enthusiastic.

"Mom! They're the good guys," Chase cautioned.

"Some good guys," Sarah said. "Vampires!" As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Chase dragged William to the door, and William checked the peephole. It was them. So Chase opened the door and gave both young men hugs as they were invited in.

Sebastian looked at Sarah and smiled. "But, you have to admit, I'm a vampire with an interesting family tree...."

The woman blushed realizing he had heard. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize," she began, but stopped as he raised a hand. "But I'm not sure what you're talking about...."

"Oh," Sebastian said, raising his hand with a smile. "I was just telling the boys yesterday about why I was so familiar with Chase's abilities. I was very fond of my relative, Abraham, from your Bible.... You actually remind me of him with, your namesake...."

"You can't be," she began, before shaking her head. "Of course you're serious.... You'll excuse me for being wary. Your kind doesn't exactly have a positive reputation...."


"Chase," Sebastian said with a smile, "I'm not offended. Indeed, our kind has, at times, deserved a much worse reputation than we have had.... So many of the evil gods and demons of the ancient world were really just vampires.... If people had known what we really were, they would have hunted us mercilessly. And in many cases, rightfully so. That's part of the reason we have the council -- we police ourselves and avoid attention to avoid open conflict. Point of fact, it's a conflict we'd probably win, but there is a balance to be maintained...."

"So why are you different," the woman asked.

Sebastian looked surprised. "I'm not. Not entirely, anyway. For a long time, I followed the way of my teachers, spreading terror and doing terrible things.... But I never ... felt right.... Over time, I came to understand what I was missing and it changed my perspective.... I suppose I also never lost some feeling of connection to where I came from, both humanity in general and my family in particular.... So, when I turned James, it had been a thousand years since I had done that...."

"Why did you do it," Chase asked.

James spoke up. "We fell in love, madly.... But my father didn't like it much. My mother decided to leave him, but before she could, he killed her and tried to kill me.... I was ... bleeding to death on my front porch, and he had to decide...."

"You poor dears," Sarah said, shaking her head. "I'm very sorry...." Chase smiled so she couldn't see, knowing his mom had been won over.

"Thank you," James said with a cute shrug. "But on the upside, we get to spend the rest of our very long lives together...."

"Sarah, if you don't mind, we need to talk to the boys," Sebastian asked, his eyebrows arched in a question. The woman nodded. "Oh, and congratulations...."

Sarah blushed, "How long were you at the door?"

"Oh, it's not that.... We're just very sensitive to emotions and thoughts," James added with a smile. The boys all walked out the back down to the shed and into the training complex.

"So," Sebastian began heavily, "Sammael had taken Americ hostage, and offered him in exchange for the location of Resheph's head, which he needs to move forward with his plan...."

"Chase said that pretty much everything depends on how you responded to that," William said, apprehensively.

"I gave him what he wanted, in exchange for my friend," Sebastian answered.

"Shit," William exclaimed, only to be puzzled by` Chase's laughter. "What?"

Chase shook his head. "You need to get this through your heads! This is a battle between good and evil! You don't win that battle by doing more evil. A person willing to trade his friend for strategic advantage could never stand against the evil one...."

"See," James said, smirking at Sebastian.

"What," Chase asked, amused.

"Sebastian thought that the way we'd best be protected from Sammael would be to use dark magick to bolster our defenses...."

"Quite the opposite," Chase responded with a shake of his head. "You need to identify the most powerful wizards and the most powerful white magick available to them.... That will defend us against Sammael best...."

"Any suggestions," Sebastian asked.

"Angelic magick," Chase said, simply.

"That's lost knowledge," Sebastian declared definitively.

"There is a book, Sefer Raziel ha-Malakh, The Book of the Angel Raziel," Chase began, but Sebastian cut in.

"All that remains is a medieval manuscript that's more fiction than fact...."

Chase smiled. "We'll see about that...." With that, the boy took tentative steps toward the door of the Temple. William took his arm and led him to the door, the first time they'd entered without Sam.

William put his hand on the door and nothing happened, so Chase smiled and moved his hand aside, easily opening the portal with a touch. The four stepped through into the Temple, and none of them failed to notice that the veil of the Holy of Holies rustled heavily upon their entry, as if something wanted out.

"Don't worry," Chase said quietly. "We're quite safe!" The rest held back as he walked up to the altar with an easy gait. "Come on," he said, motioning them forward. Sebastian stood to his left and William to his right, and James stood next to Sebastian. Chase put both hands on the altar and bowed his head. For a long time they just stood there, waiting for him.

At last, however, he raised his head and began tracing a design with his finger on the surface of the altar. Sebastian recognized it as a sigil, more complex than any he'd ever seen. When the boy finished, Chase instructed them all to hold hands as he looked up and yelled, "Raziel!"

With a peal of thunder, they found themselves across the altar from a fearsome looking angel. Chase held his ground and held the hands that flinched and involuntarily moved back almost imperceptibly. "How dare you," the dark angel glared at them with a growl. "You desecrate this place with your presence, and dare call for me! Vampires and wizards, and a mere mortal!"

"Bite your tongue, angel," Chase said with a commanding voice. "Do you not know that the time of Sammael is nigh? We are all that stands between the earth and the abomination!"

"Well, then," the angel began, decidedly less confident, but with an air of superiority, "it IS the end!"

"How dare you question the wisdom of the Holy One?" Chase's word's stung as the being stepped back.

"I only meant...."

"I know what you meant.... Gideon!" As the boy spoke, the tall angel appeared at his back. "Perhaps my guardian can convince you?"

Chase was unable to see what the others saw, the haughty being kneel and bow his head. "My Lord!"

"Rise! It is not me before whom you should humble yourself!" Gideon commanded. The angel rose, perplexed, and Gideon laughed derisively. "You, who taught Adam the secrets of creation and who walked with his descendent, Abraham, teaching mysteries, do not recognize your charge?"

Raziel looked at the little blond with curiosity. "Why would you, a prince, be assigned as a guardian," he mused to himself, until, at last, his eyes opened wide and he fell back to his knees. "Forgive me! You are ... not what I expected ... and you DO keep strange company...."

"Please, Raziel, think nothing of it," Chase said with a smile, holding out his hand. Feeling the angel take it softly, he squeezed and indicated he should rise.

"Now I would know you anywhere," the angel said, his eyes on the ground as he rose. "I am sorry...."

"This is not the time," Chase said, still smiling. "Who knows how long we have to prepare? Please...."

"Yes ... let's see," Raziel said, deep in thought. "We must begin immediately...." With a look at the others, he asked, "Is there somewhere we can be alone?"

Chase laughed, "Raziel, there is nothing that you can tell me that I won't share.... My companions are our last line of defense against Sammael, and they need all the help they can get."

Warily, the angel sized up the three boys, before looking at Gideon, who nodded. "Very well.... Let us begin...."

Like the expert teacher he was, Raziel weaved an entrancing tale of the origin of creation and the power that runs beneath all things, tying matter together and joining everything to every other thing. He told them the now familiar story of the creation of man and the fall of the angels led by Sammael. Sebastian couldn't help but notice that Raziel kept glancing at Gideon as he told the story of the ill-fated love of Gabriel and Sammael. "The day Gabriel chained Sammael in the great pit ... it was as if the divine presence itself dimmed momentarily from the sadness of it.... It was the day ... we all knew that, in the end, it would come to this," he said with a dramatic flourish of his hand.

"How can we defend ourselves against such a being," Chase asked.

"It is a difficult thing. Ancient magicks are mostly useless against him...."

"But not angelic magick," Chase said.

"No," Raziel smiled, "not angelic magick.... But you must all be warned.... It takes extraordinary power and control, and it does not come from any dark place like your magicks." He placed the emphasis on your as he looked at Chase's companions.

"I told you black magick was not the answer," James whispered to Sebastian with a smile.

"Quite right, young vampire," Raziel said, with an appraising glance.

"James," the boy answered, stepping forward.

Raziel leaned in and reached out a hand, touching his shoulder. "Peculiar, most peculiar.... James, you are a strange vampire, born of love...." With that Raziel's eyes widened again and he laughed a hearty laugh.

"What," Chase asked.

"I never knew He had such a sense of humor," Raziel chuckled good-humoredly. One hand on James, the other on Chase, he said, "The bounds of your powers know no limits, if you can tap into the deep wells of your hearts, dear boys...." Turning to their partners, he said, "As for you two, protect them well, for it all turns here...."

With that, he taught them some of the most simple spells, with their complex sigils and incantations, but after a long time, none of them could make any of them work. At last Gideon walked over and pulled Chase aside.

"Chase, clear your mind," he whispered. "Feel what you felt when you first realized that William could return the feelings you had for him, when you first realized he loved you.... Feel that feeling and hold onto it while you make the sigil in the air, while you speak the words...." Turning to the others, he said, "Watch!"

Chase concentrated hard and raised his hand in front of him and began to draw with his finger. As he did, the air was filled with blue light everywhere his finger went. William gasped as he saw the sigil form in blue blazes in the air, and an electric 'wroom' sound, something like the sound of a light saber, filled the room.

"Now, cast your most powerful spells at Chase," Gideon invited. As they hesitated, Gideon encouraged, "Don't worry, I assure you I'll let no harm come to him...."

At last, William was the first to do so, casting a powerful fireball at his beloved, trusting the angel to shield him. But the fire was merely absorbed by the glowing blue sigil. James attempted to fire a bolt of electricity at him, but that too was dissipated by the shield. At last Sebastian raised his hand and conjured an extraordinarily powerful bit of dark magick, an ancient and unnamed killing spell, and cast it at the boy. When it struck the shield, the shield crackled and a powerful wave of energy burst back, knocking James, Sebastian and William onto their backs.

"I forgot to mention," Gideon said with a laugh, "that the more powerful the spell, the more reactive the defense.... You can imagine the devastating effect it might have against a demonic attack...." James and William laughed, while Sebastian smiled and shook his head.

"I don't suppose you might have thought of that before," Sebastian mused aloud humorously.

"Oh, I did think about it, but I decided to let you see for yourselves how much more powerful magick rooted in life and love is than that rooted in hatred and destruction" Gideon responded with a kinder smile than Sebastian had seen on him before. "Now we just have to work on accessing the source of that power.... I'm afraid that it will come easier to Chase than the rest of you, but it is within the grasp of anyone."

"I have a question," James asked, uncharacteristically stepping out of the shadows to take part in the conversation.

"Ask it," Gideon urged.

"How did this happen? How did Sammael get free? After all, he was locked away," James trailed off. "How easy is it to free a demon from the pit?"

"Very difficult, and the more powerful the demon, the more difficult the conjuring," Raziel stepped forward and answered. "It is absolutely unimaginable that someone could free Sammael. Even releasing one of the lesser princes would result in catastrophic damage to the immediate vicinity and the death of the wizard.... Sammael ... would be so much worse. Could it be that this is his time," Raziel asked Gideon.

"No ... well, perhaps.... I wasn't expecting, but.... Who can say but the One?"

"It is ... the only way," Raziel suggested more gently.

"I suppose," Gideon admitted.

"What are you talking about," James asked.

Raziel sighed, "When the rebels were put down, they were sentenced to suffer for a set period, at which time they would be set free and given the opportunity to seduce the world.... Mortals will make the choice. They can follow the rebels, in which case we stand aside, or they resist and we join the conflict and put the rebellion down, once and for all...."

"So why isn't the world crawling with demons," William asked.

"None of us know exactly how it will happen," Raziel answered. "Perhaps Sammael escapes and prepares the way.... But in any case, we really should get back to work...." They worked with the angels for an hour or so more, until James was able to do the simplest spell, and William and Sebastian were just beginning to be able to carve the sigil. Meanwhile, Chase had leaned a couple of additional spells.

At last, however, Chase reminded, "We have plans with our friends this afternoon...."

"Very well," Raziel said. Waving his hand over the altar, he manifested an ancient book, which he handed to Chase.

"I'm blind," the boy said with a laugh.

Raziel smiled, "You don't read this book with your eyes.... Pass your hands over the pages and the knowledge will come directly to your mind.... And I will be available to you if you but call...." Looking at the assembled, he apologized again. "I'm sorry for my abrupt manner. I hope you'll forgive me. After so long a wait...."

They all nodded and smiled, waving their goodbyes as they stepped out of the temple, leaving Gideon and Raziel alone.

"Do they know who you are, master," Raziel asked.

"Only Sebastian, but he has kept my secret.... I'm surprised, actually.... I was most unkind to him."

"He sees how you protect the boys, and he has some inkling of their worth," Raziel mused. Gideon only nodded, turning to look longingly at the veil of the Holy of Holies. "You will return to us soon, master...."

"I pray that it is not in defeat," Gideon admitted, sounding a bit low.

"The boy is amazing.... So pure, so full of hope.... The wisdom of the One who chose him shines...." Gideon nodded at Raziel, but his face remained apprehensive. "You are not losing faith, master?"

Gideon looked at him, surprised. "NO! I'm just uncomfortable with putting so much faith in the humans.... I've never seen what you all see in them...."

"Until now, perhaps," Raziel asked with a creeping smile.

"Perhaps," Gideon admitted grudgingly, disappearing.

Raziel smiled and closed his eyes in prayer, before walking around the altar and pulling back the veil, blending into the supernal light.

Back in William's training room, Chase and William said their goodbye's to James and Sebastian. "We'll do this again soon," Chase said with a smile, as he hugged them both. "And we'll come visit some weekend!"

"Good," Sebastian said. "Listen," he began, looking at both boys seriously, "I can't keep your existence secret from the shadow council for much longer.... I was wondering if you'd be willing to come to dinner next week. I'd like to introduce you to some of my closest friends and allies.... I need to explain to them how I think we might still get through this.... Otherwise, I think we'll begin to lose people to Sammael. Particularly when he's realized I still have the last bit he needs to bring Resheph back to life and when he makes his counterstrike...."

William waited for Chase to answer, but he knew what was coming. "Of course, just let us know when!"

"Thank you, both of you," Sebastian smiled, giving them each a quick peck on the cheek and taking his leave. James smiled and waved as he followed Sebastian through the door to his mansion.

"What a day," William exclaimed.

"And its only lunch time," Chase added with a smile, as he took William's arm and squeezed. As they made their way through the back door, they found Steve and Sarah waiting expectantly.

"Well," Steve asked.

"Well, what," Chase responded with a smirky smile.

"What happened," the man asked with a frown.

"Nothing much.... Sebastian filled us in on what the Council's doing about Sammael, then we went to the Temple and I called up a powerful angel who taught us ancient mysteries...."

His parents looked at one another apprehensively, too sure he wasn't joking, but not knowing how to respond.

William, seeing their faces, suggested, "And we worked up a sweat, so we need to go change before everyone gets here...."

"Sure," Steve said. "What are you guys doing today?"

"Matt and the others are coming over and we'll probably just go to the mall or something, catch a movie and all," Chase said.

"Okay. Don't forget your phones," Sarah added.

The boys ran upstairs and took turns showering and put on fresh clothes. William showered second and returned to find Chase napping on the bed. The boy's face was as peaceful as an autumn evening and William sat down on the edge of the bed next to him and leaned in to kiss his cheek before stretching out next to him. Feeling the presence next to him in his sleep, Chase rolled over and curled into William's nude body. Soon both boys were sound asleep.

Luckily, William wasn't very tired and heard Matt slam the door downstairs and had time to slide under the covers before the boy burst into the room. "Hey guys! Oh, wait, is it nap time?"

Chase rubbed his face and smiled. "You've really got to start knocking! What if we had been naked?"

"In the middle of the day? Horn dogs!"

"Actually," William said, blushing and looking down his bare chest toward the covers, "I did lay down after my shower SO...."

Matt laughed and said, "Well, get dressed, everybody will be here soon!"

William shook his head and laughed, "GET OUT!"

"Whatever," Matt said, rolling his eyes and closing the door on his way out.

Chase leaned over and kissed William on the cheek, running his hand down William's chest beneath the covers. As his fingers tickled over the boy's hip and thigh, William gasped and rolled onto his side, grabbing Chase and pulling him into a deep kiss. "We've got to hurry! Matt won't give us long," Chase warned.

"I know," William sighed, trying to ignore his insistently throbbing member, as Chase teasingly gripped it and gave it a few quick tugs. "If you don't watch it, I'll have my way with you, and if Matt can't wait, he can watch!"

Chase giggled and kissed him, removing his hand. "Get dressed, stud!" As William stood and walked away, Chase sighed. "I wish I could watch you walk away.... Watch you dress...."

William quickly pulled up his underwear and sat down on the bed, grabbing Chase's hand. "I know, baby.... Me too...." William paused for a moment, before continuing, "I ... I did some research.... There's a doctor in Switzerland, Dr. Victor Sibelius.... If anyone could help, he could...."


"Sam doesn't think there is anything he can do.... He thinks the cause of your condition is something ... higher than magick...."

Chase drew a breath and squeezed William's hand. "Maybe if we get some time and can get away, we could go there and ... just see what he can do?"

William felt his heart break as Chase tried not to look hopeful, and failed. "Chase, we'll find a way, somehow, if there is one. I promise we'll try everything. I wish I could promise we'd be successful, but...."

"I know," Chase whispered. "I love you...." He hugged William tight, and giggled a little as he ran his hand down the smooth skin of William's back. "Finish getting dressed!" A few minutes later they ran downstairs to find Matt talking to Edward and Susan.

"Hey guys, that took a while.... Squeeze in a little afternoon lovin," Matt asked.

William blushed but Chase responded, "Squeeze in is right, I'm huge...."

"Excuse me young man," Sarah asked from the living room. Now Chase did blush and everyone laughed at his expense.

"Hey, guys," Edward laughed as they got to the bottom of the stairs. Chase hugged him tightly and William did the same. Susan stood by smiling and got the same treatment. They talked for a while before Charles and Maria, and then Amy, arrived. Matt gave Amy a quick peck on the cheek and blushed when the others laughed.

"So what do you guys want to do," William asked. After a brief discussion, they all agreed on the mall again, and a movie, and took off in two cars. They had a good time and no one bothered them as they walked around this time. Edward and Chase had lagged behind talking, so William was chatting with Susan.

"So he told me all about what he talked to you guys about," Susan said. "I'm surprised he opened up so fast, but you guys are something else...."

"I'll take that as a compliment," William said, smiling and looking straight ahead. "To be honest, I'm surprised your taking it so well, Edward I mean...."

She pursed her lips and also looked straight ahead. "He's a sweet guy.... Between you and me, I don't think we have a future. I wish we did, but ... I think Edward's repressing the better part of himself from the pain, and we're safe.... But he deserves more, and I do too." William nodded and grunted. "I love him, but ... I wish we.... Well, anyway...."

"I'm sorry, Susan," William said softly. "I wish I could say I thought you were wrong...."

Susan's smile was enigmatic as she whispered, "I think he has a crush on Carl...."

"Susan, I...."

"It's okay, William, really.... We're more like brother and sister, anyway, no matter how much I wish it could be different...."

William took a long look into the distance and thought things over quickly. The thought that there might not be much time haunted the shadows of his mind. "Susan, I think that you ought to talk to him, soon. Let him know how you feel and that ... it's okay for you two to go your own ways in the dating world.... You do deserve to be with somebody who feels about you the way you feel about them.... I think Edward's a stronger person than ... he was a few months ago. He's got friends, too, now. We can all help."

"I'll ... think about it," Susan said, thoughtfully.

"I don't mean to overstep, but ... think fast, Susan...."

"What's going on, William?"

"Let's just say, life's too short to try and be something you're not...."

"Hmmm," Susan huffed. "Anyway...." William laughed. "Everything good with you guys?"

"Yeah," he said.

"But," Susan asked, drawing out the question. "Come on, tell me!"

"Chase ... has been having a harder time dealing with not being able to see, since I came along...."

"I can see that," Susan said, drawing William's look. "Well, your gorgeous, and he knows it, and it's sort of cruelly ironic that that the one person in the world who can't see you is the one guy who has you...."

"Well, I found a doctor, I want to take him and see if there's anything they can do...."

"Where is this doctor?"


"Oh, shit.... That'll be expensive...."

"That won't be a problem. I'm just worried about how disappointed he'll be if there's nothing they can do."

"Chase ... seems like he's a lot stronger than most people give him credit for," Susan said.

William nodded, "But I'm a lot weaker than most people give him credit for," William quietly admitted with a sad smile. "I ... don't know what I'll do if I find out there's nothing I can do for him...."

She draped an arm across his shoulder and said with a smile, "I know how you feel.... I've been there.... But you can't fix everything. Hell, not everything needs fixing. I know it doesn't seem fair, but ... maybe it's just the way things are...."

William nodded and they walked on silently for a while, until Chase and Edward caught up, laughing and talking loudly.

"Why so serious," Edward said as he walked up and put an arm across Susan's shoulder.

"Ah, nothing," William responded, "just talking...." Chase got a funny look but let it slide, as he intertwined his fingers into William's. They browsed around for a while and all joined up for the movie. After it was over, though, Susan asked William if she and Edward could come by the house and talk.

"Sure, we can talk upstairs when we get home," he said, leaving, Chase, Matt, and Edward looking confused. Most everyone was quiet on they went home, and Amy went back to Matt's house for a while, after everyone said goodbye to Charles and Maria.

Edward and Susan said hello to Chase's parents and they all went upstairs to Chase's room. "What's up," Chase asked, as he closed his door.

"It's ... it's what William and I were talking about tonight," Susan began, looking decidedly nervous. Looking to Edward, she took his hand and squeezed. "Edward, I ... I don't know what to say.... But I know you don't feel the same about me as I feel about you, and I can't help but feel like I'm ... holding you back, or helping you hide or something...."

"You ... you said you could deal with me ... liking guys, too...."

"Edward," Susan said, trying to be patient, "you don't like guys TOO.... You LIKE GUYS.... Be honest with yourself! What happened to you, it ... it made you gun-shy.... Girls are safe. I'm more like your sister than your girlfriend, and it's not good for either one of us!"

"Susan, I ... I need...."

"No you don't," she said with a smile. "I'll always be your friend! And you've got a lot of friends, now! And you don't need to hide behind me anymore.... I," she faltered, looking at William briefly, "I need to be with someone who can love me back, completely...."

Edward began to cry softly and Susan wrapped her arms around him. She whispered, "I wanted to do this here, so you'd have the guys to talk to.... I love you, Edward, like a brother, and I ... always will." With a quick kiss on the cheek, she got up and walked toward the door. She hugged both Chase and William, asking each of them to, "Take care of him...." They both nodded and William walked her to the door. Then he called Edward's house and told his mom Edward had crashed out at their house. A little white lie.

Back upstairs, he found Edward in Chase's arms, stretched out on the bed. Sitting next to the boy, he put a hand on Edward's shoulder and said, "You know she's right?"

Edward nodded, crying a little harder. "It's so hard," he said through his tears. "Why does it have to be so hard?"

"I wish I could tell you," William said, looking at Chase, too. "I really do...." Chase ran a hand softly over Edward's hair and just held him.

"Are you going to be okay?" Chase whispered.

Edward nodded softly. "I ... guess I knew eventually...."

William leaned in and said, "I ... I'm kinda to blame, I think.... When we talked earlier, I told Susan she really needed to think about what she wanted and how she felt about you. You don't know how much time you've got left, and...."

Edward looked confused, "What do you mean I don't know how long I've got left?"

"Well, look how close you came, when that guy almost killed you.... You'd never have had a real relationship, not a something mutually fulfilling. You'd never have held a guy you want, the way you want." Chase jumped in, covering for William's slip.

Edward nodded. "I guess you're right...."

"Let's go to bed," William suggested. "We can talk more in the morning."

"I should get home," the boy said, but William put a hand on his chest to stop him from getting up.

"I called you mom and told her you fell asleep here...."

"Guys, I don't want to be in the way. I know the last thing you want is to have me in the way...."

"Edward," Chase said, squeezing him again, "I owe you my life.... And besides, you're a great friend. You're never in the way...." Edward relaxed somewhat and leaned back into the thin arms holding him.

William smiled and nodded, getting up to toss his clothes into the hamper. Chase did the same, and at last Edward folded his clothes and put them in Chase's computer chair. When Edward lay down, the boys crawled into bed, one on each side, surrounding him. Chase cuddled up to his left side, while William wrapped an arm around him. They were all emotionally exhausted and soon fell into fitful sleep.

In the middle of the night, William woke up and looked around the room, surprised to see Chase standing at the window, his pale skin bathed in eerie moonlight, his blond hair practically glowing. His icy blue eyes stared sightless into the infinite distance, glistening with uncried tears. He didn't move as William stood and walked up behind him, wrapping his arms gently around the boy and resting his chin on Chase's shoulder.

"What are you looking at," William asked, falling silent when he realized what he said as his ears burned with a fierce blush.

With a deep rumbling chuckle, Chase leaned back and kissed his cheek, resting a lot of his weight on the athletic boy's chest. "I know what you meant.... I can feel the moonlight on my skin, I can hear a hum behind everything. At night, it's hypnotic," he whispered.

"You're so beautiful in the moonlight," William whispered.

"I bet you are too," Chase said, softly. "It really isn't fair...."

"I didn't mean to be so discouraging. Maybe there's something the doctor can...."

"Not that, William," Chase said with a soft laugh. "That too, though.... No, it's just ... I know it seems like we've been together forever, but we've had ... so little time...."

"I'm not following you," William said.

"I hear the voices, I feel the message, but ... I can't be sure they are what everyone thinks they are.... And they're frantic, they're ... I can't describe it ... there is an urgency to it.... It's not reassuring...."

"So what are you telling me?"

"The hum, the background noise, its pitch is rising.... I'm scared.... The world is scared...."

"Oh, baby," William said, squeezing him tight. "We'll win, I know we will...."

"Maybe," Chase said. "But right now, we're so close to the end, the end of all things. I just don't know," he finished, at last letting the tears fall. He turned and buried his face in William's chest, his tears running down the soft skin of the boy's chest. As Chase cried in the moonlight, Edward pretended he was still asleep, but his blood was icy cold with terror at what he was never meant to hear. He knew, in an instant, that he had heard the truth; he knew what William had really meant, and there was no going back.

Sammael paced back and forth, his body battered by the explosion he had suffered. Defending himself and his minions against the blast, moving them all across the globe, and healing himself was seriously depleting his energy, and it took an incredible amount of energy just to manifest himself in the physical world. For the first time, Sammael found himself at a serious disadvantage. That pissed him off.

He went through his things and looked over some papers. "Where do we stand in the Jennings boy?"

"Sir," Andrew asked, hesitantly. "What do you mean?"

"Alexander Jennings's son! Why is he still alive? What are we doing about it?"

"Sir, the last attempt we made was foiled. The bombs were discovered, and the hit man sent to the school was foiled...."

"How could that happen? Even the old Rabbi made it through!"

"Sir, we know that Sebastian has been slipping away beneath the radar.... It looks as if there are periods of intense communication between him and Richmond before these disappearances. Perhaps he's been in contact with them?"


"What does this mean? William Jennings.... Why is he so important," Andrew asked.

"I've been collecting seers and magi, as you know.... One dark wizard with second sight told me that the Jennings family was the key to my downfall.... That they, or someone they would lead me to, alone could foil my plan...."

"So far everything we've tried has failed," Andrew said.

"Then we TRY SOMETHING ELSE," Sammael yelled, bringing his hand down on the desk in a rage. It hurt. That angered him further. "I need more power," he seethed. "In the meantime, fetch me a few dark wizards...."

"Yes sir," the young man choked. "You ... have a plan?"

"Oh yes, I have a plan! I know just how to go after a group of teenage boys. They won't know what hit them...."

The next morning, Edward was withdrawn and quiet. At last, while William was out of the room, Chase put a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Are you okay?"

"You don't have to worry.... I'm going be okay. I'm not going to hide anymore.... Life IS too short...."

"What do you mean," Chase asked.

"I ... I wasn't asleep last night," Edward responded, haltingly.

"Oh," Chase said carefully. "I'm sorry...."

"No, really.... I just.... What are you guys?"

William spoke from the door, startling the boys. "I'm a wizard, and Chase is ... special...."

"I already knew that last part," Edward said with a smile. "A wizard, eh? I ... well, wow...." He fell silent for a moment. "I guess that's a secret?"

"We'd appreciate it," Chase said, softly. "Not even Matt knows...."

Edward looked at them appreciatively. "Thanks for trusting me...."

The rest of the morning and most of the day, they just hung out and talked. William and Chase joked around with the boy and talked about the boy's he liked, and confirmed Susan's suspicion that Edward had a little crush on Carl, the big basketball player who'd befriended them.

As evening fell, they walked him home, then walked home leisurely, pretending that there wasn't a contingent of wizards flanking them on both sides, keeping their distance. They held hands and walked in the light of the setting sun. Back home, they turned in early and made love until nearly midnight, falling asleep naked in one another's' arms.

The next day, school was back in session, and a dark cloud was brewing in the horizon. At lunch, there little group was sitting together in the noisy cafeteria when the doors at the far end of the room opened and the volume of the room dropped noticeably, as most of the boy's turned to look, as if under a spell. A tall, shapely girl with flowing red hair and blue eyes, dressed every inch the naughty school girl, walked into the room and looked around for a seat. Amy punched Matt in the shoulder as his jaw dropped open at the girl. Even William and Edward noticed that she was definitely hot.

The girl made a bee-line to their table and said, "Hi! I'm new.... Do you mind?" Matt nearly tripped over himself to move over for her, as she settled in between him and William. "My name is Katrina," she said with a bewitching smile. Maria introduced herself, then elbowed Charles, who did the same.

Susan nodded and said, "Susan," with a suspicious look mirroring Amy's. William, Chase, and Edward followed suit, though they did not match the girls' animosity for the beautiful Katrina.

Carl smiled and said, "I'm Carl.... So, did you just move here?" He wasn't fixated on her like Matt and Charles, a point William noted silently, as he noticed that, around the room, hundreds of male eyes were constantly darting their way, wondering who the new girl was, and more importantly, who she'd be going out with.

Edward and Carl shared a look, however, as Katrina looked at William like a hungry cat. Boy was her bubble going to be busted, both boys thought at the same time, a fact they recognized in each others' smile. But there's still a lot of damage a girl like her could do. If only they knew then....

Next: Chapter 8

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