A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Apr 22, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a companion story to "Things that Go Bump." The story lines are related and the characters will occasionally interact. The stories begin at roughly the same time. My sincerest thanks go out to Phoenix Rafael and Tarton who kindly edited this chapter. And thanks to everyone for writing such encouraging emails.

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spam and flames, so just let me know!

A Light in the Darkness, Chapter 9

"Circles Within Circles"

At school the next day, William held Chase's hand as they walked into school and met their friends, who were sitting with the newcomers, Katrina and Daemon. Chase squeezed his hand tight, and William blushed at the look Daemon was giving them. Somehow, he found the boy less alluring; not that if he wasn't free.... But he wasn't drawn to him to the same degree. But the feeling was enough that he didn't notice the sigil grow warm against his chest, fairly buzzing with energy. Chase, however, couldn't miss it and became instantly agitated.

"William," he whispered, as they sat down. "Something's wrong!"

"Chase," William whispered back, leaning in so no one could hear him. "Not this again!"

"It's not that, it's just...."

"Chase, you're the only one for me. I'd never," he began, but Chase stood up and pulled away before he could finish.

"I'm going to the library.... See you in class," he said to no one in particular, an edge in his voice. Normally Matt would have followed him, but Matt was fawning over Katrina while Amy fumed. William watched helplessly as Chase walked away.

"Trouble," Daemon asked quietly.

William looked at him and risked getting lost in his dreamy eyes before shaking his head and sighing. "Just a thing.... Anyway, how are things going? Getting settled?"

Daemon's smile could have lit a room, and even Matt turned momentarily from Katrina to gaze at him. "Yeah, it's great! And you guys have been so nice.... Listen, why don't we all do something this weekend?"

William felt the 'sure' rise to his lips almost involuntarily, but cut himself off as the vision of Chase came to mind. "I'd love to, but Chase and I...."

"Come on, William," Matt said. "You guys can hang out some!"

William glared over at him with a look Matt couldn't ignore, but shrugged. "We really shouldn't change our plans...."

"It's alright.... If I had a boyfriend as cute as yours, I wouldn't change my plans either," Daemon said, his eyes twinkling.

"So you're," Amy asked, tearing her glare from Katrina.

"I prefer to avoid labels," Daemon responded with a wink.

Carl, who had remained silent, felt Edward shiver a little, and wrapped a protective arm around him, earning his own set of shocked looks. He whispered to the boy, who was relaxing in his arms, "I'm going to find Chase...."

Edward nodded and watched the boy walk away, which left Daemon feeling frustrated. None of this was going according to plan, and the only person responding predictably to him was Matt, and he'd only have limited success with him in any case. 'What is it with these fucking boys,' he fumed to himself.

In the library, Carl didn't see Chase anywhere, so he walked around the book stacks and found the boy sitting with his back to a bookcase, arms around his legs, resting his chin on his knees. "You okay, Chase," he asked softly and the boy jumped a little in response.

A little tear rolled down his cheek, but he nodded yes. "I'm alright.... Just need some time alone...."

Carl knelt down next to him and wiped the tear away with his big hand. "No you don't.... Now what's wrong?"

Chase huffed and hid his face, partially in embarrassment, as he said, "It's that Daemon, and Katrina too.... Nothing's been right since they showed up.... They're messing everything up...."

Carl felt a surge but restrained his tongue. "What do you mean?"

"It's like everybody's under a spell or something.... Everybody's like ... fallen in love with them or something ... and Matt's messing up with Amy and William's making me jealous and everybody seems to think they crap golden bricks or something. Everybody except the girls and ... you...."

"I'm not going to lie; I don't like the guy...."

"Why not," Chase asked softly.

Carl sighed, a moment of truth at hand. His nerve failed at the last minute. "Edward is going gaga over Daemon and I'm kind of jealous too...."

Chase laughed, "Edward is totally in lust over you, and I think he likes you too!"

"Yeah, well, William loves you absolutely, but that doesn't keep you from being jealous," Carl retorted.

"There's something else, I just don't know what it is yet," Chase said softly, becoming suddenly thoughtful again.

"Yeah, I think so too," Carl added, wrapping a friendly arm around Chase's comparatively small shoulders. They sat in silence until the bell rang.

At lunch, William and Chase sat down to a table buzzing with nervous chatter. "What's up guys," Chase asked.

Matt spoke excitedly, "This guy, Robert Patterson, from the basketball team...."

"Yeah," Chase asked.

"He went out last night and never came home.... The police were here this morning," Matt answered, and William saw something, almost a smile, pass between Katrina and Daemon. Weird, he thought, but let it slip as Daemon caught his eyes, momentarily erasing all directed thinking. Again, his chest warmed beneath the amulet around his neck, but this time his hand rose to the spot and he was shaken from his daze.

"His parents must be worried sick," Chase said softly. He knew the boy, not well, but better than he wanted. Robert wasn't the nicest of the jock crew to him and Matt.

"He'll turn up with an STD somewhere," Matt said, obviously not worrying. Then he shifted to a plaintive whine. "Why can't you guys change your plans?"

"What," Chase asked, confused.

"Daemon and Katrina wanted to hang out this weekend, but William said you guys had plans. Can't you change them?"

Chase's face changed almost imperceptibly and he squeezed William's hand under the table. "I don't think so.... There's always next weekend, or you guys can do whatever without us...."

Matt's face lit up at that suggestion, but Amy pointedly shook her head. "We're busy TOO, MATT...." Her look said, 'Cross me and die, boy!'

Daemon's patented smile faltered ever-so-slightly before he turned to Edward, but Carl had positioned himself between Edward and Daemon and kept the boy distracted with a strategic game of footsy. Carl had never been one for public displays of affection, but he knew what could happen if he let his guard down; he'd slowly lose the boy. Katrina, however, had begun weaving her web around Matt pretty thoroughly, and that infuriated Daemon even more.

Lunch passed pretty quietly after that, and the day went on without incident. After school, though, Carl shadowed Daemon for a moment until he realized where the boy was going. Before Daemon could turn onto the hall Edward's locker was on, Carl grabbed him, spinning him around. Daemon just smiled coyly, his eyes raking over the big boy's body. "Can I help you?"

"Shut your mouth," Carl snapped quietly and Daemon's smile instantly disappeared, replaced by a cold and calculating look.'

Punctuating each word, Daemon hissed, "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME?"

"What you're doing is wrong," Carl answered, angrily.

"What exactly is it you think I'm doing, jock-boy?"

"Magick.... You've done a love spell, haven't you?" Carl watched him closely and did not get the response he'd expected. He'd expected either a sputtered denial, or a claim that he was insane. Perhaps he was.

Instead, Daemon's eyes smiled and he cocked his head cutely. "What's it to you?"

"These are my friends! You and your sister, you're going to hurt people I care about.... If you don't stop, I'll...."

"You'll what," Daemon said with a curious smile. He wasn't angry or defensive, but amused. That pissed Carl off.

"I'll bind you and stop you myself!"

"You're a wizard too? It must be going around," Daemon muttered to himself, giving Carl pause. There were others?

"Not a wizard, Irish Druid...."

"Close enough," Daemon sneered, raising a hand full of energy to smash into Carl's chest. Carl never saw it coming, but he felt the silver knot beneath his shirt pulse with energy and saw Daemon fly back on his ass.

Reaching beneath his shirt, he pulled out the pendant and smirked at the boy. "Stay clear of me and Edward.... This isn't over, Daemon...."

Daemon's look was withering, but he smiled as Carl walked away. He'd been underestimated and that was a good thing. His cover wasn't blown. And perhaps....

Chase was sitting at his desk at home working on homework when William trudged through the door from training and slumped onto the bed, tired and sweaty. "How is everyone, babe," Chase asked, not slowing his fingers on the keys.

"On edge. Sebastian has contacted the human authorities. He plans to strike out at Sammael's headquarters as soon as possible.... Things are...." He broke off with a deep sigh, and Chase stood up and came to his side, laying his head on William's shoulder. His golden locks tickled the boy's ear and he smiled.

"I love you," William said.

"I love you too," Chase answered. And then, "Thanks for this weekend...."

"It's been a while since we got to do anything alone.... And I figured you needed a break from Daemon...."

"That's the truth," Chase said, exaggeratedly. "Now go take a shower! You stink!"

"Yes, master," William said, grabbing a clean pair of shorts and heading for the shower.

He returned about fifteen minutes later, damp and wearing soft shorts that clung to the curve of his ass, and Chase jumped up into his arms, nuzzling his chest and inhaling deeply. "Much better," he said softly, the soft skin of his cheek feeling like heaven to William against his chest. William jumped as Chase grabbed his ass with both hands and giggled.

"Down boy! Your mom has dinner ready...." Chase sighed and saved his work on the computer, while William pulled on a pair of lounge pants and a loose t-shirt. They went downstairs together, and joined their family for dinner.

That night, after Chase and William fell asleep, exhausted and glowing in one another's arms, Chase drifted into a dream-state he recognized. "Gideon?"

"No," a voice answered, and another figure stepped out of the shadowscape.

"Raziel," Chase smiled. "So we'll pick up where we left off?"

The angel smiled softly and nodded. Raziel was more businesslike and standoffish than Gideon, but he could see how even an angel of Gideon's status was drawn in by the boy's nature. "You've not told anyone of our private training sessions?"

"No," Chase frowned. "Not even William...."

"I'm sorry, it is necessary.... Much that I am teaching you ... is for your knowledge only. It would pose a danger to anyone else...." Chase nodded, but he clearly didn't like it. "The things I'm teaching you represent the most powerful magicks available to created beings.... You have been prepared to wield such power.... William was prepared for you...."

"Will we make it," Chase asked, softly.

"What do you mean," the angel asked sincerely confused.

"William and I ... will we make it together?"

Raziel cocked his head and wrinkled his brow. "Your love for one another is ... uncommon.... I do not doubt it. Do you?"

"No.... Not exactly.... There's a boy and William ... notices him...."

Raziel rolled his eyes. "Teenage boys," he said with a sigh. "He loves you. Do not doubt it!"

"Will we win," Chase asked.

"Against Sammael?" Chase nodded. Raziel continued. "That is a harder question.... Sammael cannot prevail unless your kind, mortals, support him.... Sammael will do everything he can to seduce the wicked and terrify the righteous.... But if you stand against him.... Yes, yes you will.... But the cost will be ... unimaginable."

"The cost?"

"Sammael will unleash plague and famine and war, he'll destroy the innocent, he'll pervert and corrupt the weak.... Every day he survives one he begins will be a human tragedy of terrible proportions...."

"Then let's get to work," Chase said, smiling resolutely.

"Tonight I'm going to teach you ... something I've never taught a mortal. It's terrible magick, terrible but awesomely powerful.... No human, much less one like you, should ever have to use it, but you should know it...."

"What is it," Chase asked, swallowing hard.

Raziel didn't meet his eyes as he said, "The annihilation matrix...."

Hours later, Chase's eyes snapped open and he sat up in bed, a cold sweat covering his bare chest. he jumped when he felt William's strong warm hand on his lower back. "You okay, love?"

Chase gulped and caught his breath. "Bad dream," he whispered as William sat up in bed and took him in his arms.

"Want to talk about it?"

"No," Chase said as he cuddled into him, curling up into William's arms. Softly, he began to cry. "I'm so scared," he whispered.


Chase nodded yes, but it was a lie. He had mastered the annihilation matrix. He was scared of himself.

The next day, Thursday, at school went smoothly, as both Daemon and Chase kept a low profile. That was primarily because of the news that slowly spread through the school. That morning in class, teachers turned on the televisions in their classrooms to CNN. "Reports are flowing in from this rural Alabama school district, Scott.... As we've been reporting overnight, a school bus full of high school students was found yesterday evening, all of its occupants had been killed...."

"Do we know exactly how many students were involved here, Katy?" the male anchor asked the correspondent.

"Tom, no exact numbers yet, but the bus was the largest size and nearly full.... Probably over forty students and the bus driver...." Around the classroom, students could be heard to inhale sharply and one girl burst into tears.

"Do we know any more about the circumstances of the attack, Katy?" Tom asked, blanching visibly.

Sighing, the woman answered, "Police have confirmed that there were no guns involved, no gas.... The attack was brutal, vicious and personal.... An unidentified source in the medical examiner's office reports that the wounds appear almost consistent with a mauling...."

"Excuse me, Katy, did you say MAULING," the man interrupted.

"Yes, Tom, it would appear that some sort of blades or perhaps ... even teeth were involved...."

Katrina shot Daemon a glance across the room and nodded slowly, her eyes knowing. It was the master's work.

The atmosphere at the school was grim for the rest of the day, and the bus ride home was fast and silent. Fast, because many parents picked their children up at school that day, or students got rides from older friends, and silent because everyone was on the lookout....

James and Avery filled William in on the situation that evening at training. Sebastian had struck, Sammael and his minions had escaped and Resheph had been resurrected with the help of a friend of James's, and they had begun to act.

After dinner, William reported as much as he could to Chase and his family, as well as to his Uncle Xavier, who had joined them at William's request. "Soon the council's going to have to move, once we find a way of tracking them...."

Xavier arched his eyebrows at William's use of the word 'we.' With a sigh, he said, "You consider yourself part of the Council?"

"They are the only people standing against Sammael, so, yeah!" William looked at his uncle pointedly. "Don't you?"

"My history with the Council is long and .... rocky.... But Sebastian ... he needs all the help he can get.... Yeah...."

William nodded, almost thankfully. "When the fighting starts, I'm going," William said. Xavier had expected as much, and just shook his head, then nodded.

Chase, however, dropped his fork, which clattered against the plate, tears welling up in his eyes. William wrapped an arm around the boy and whispered, "I'm sorry, but you had to know it was coming.... In the end, both of us will have a part to play.... I know you're scared, but you've got to believe...."

"I do," Chase whispered tearfully, "I do! It's just too soon! Why couldn't it just leave us alone for a while? Just a little while?" William squeezed him but said nothing.

There was a long quiet at the table, until Xavier stood and knelt between the boys wrapping an arm around each, kissing each of them on the head. "I'm sorry boys," he said. "It sucks! But it is what it is.... We'll get through this and then ... who knows? Maybe a little peace?"

Friday brought only more gory news, but the shock had begun to fade. By Monday, kids were still avoiding buses however they could. And Daemon was again on the prowl. This time, he caught Chase alone in the library during his study period.

"Chase," he said, putting every ounce of his appeal into his voice, appealing to the boy's second most powerful sensation.

Chase turned with a deadpan face and said, "Daemon," without a hint of warmth, without a trace of a smile.

"Chase, why don't you like me," the boy asked, surprising Chase and throwing him momentarily off-guard.

"I ... I...." Chase stuttered as a blush spread across his face. For a second, he had felt it, the irresistible pull and he understood something in an instant. It wasn't William's fault, it was Daemon -- Daemon was somehow causing this. His chest burned beneath the angelic sigil, and he took a step back. "I guess I was just a little jealous...."

Daemon smiled, sensing the tug, but missing the realization Chase had come to. "That's silly! You're gorgeous," Daemon exclaimed sensually. "Any boy would be lucky to have you," he added, reaching out with a delicate hand which caressed Chase's arm lightly. But as he met the bare skin of Chase's hand, rather than heaven, both boys felt electricity. Not the spark the romance novel's speak about, the kind of surging electricity that makes electrocution victims unable to drop the wire that's shocking them as it forces their muscles to tense. In fact, Daemon's hand gripped Chase's arm with almost bone-crushing strength as both boys tensed up and time slowed to a crawl. It took just a few seconds, but it seemed like years. When the moment passed, Chase jerked away violently, falling back onto the floor and hitting his head with a good deal of force on the ground. But it wasn't the head injury that made Chase lose consciousness; it was the sheer terror of the vision he'd seen.

Daemon was momentarily stunned as well, but when he realized no one had seen the incident as yet, he called out, "Someone, help!"

The librarian came rushing over to check on the boy and saw Chase lying on the ground. "What happened," she asked, panicked.

"He jerked, then he fell and hit his head.... I think he had some kind of seizure...."

"God," she exclaimed, feeling his head and discovering a little trickle of blood from his scalp. "Run to the office and tell them to call 911," she yelled. Kids passing in the hall were crowding around, and the assistant library reached into her pocket and pushed a red button on a little key ring, sounding a security alarm with the wizards on-sight and at Sebastian's headquarters.

Given the school incident in Alabama, rescue personnel would arrive quickly, but not more quickly than Sebastian, James and Avery, who entered through a portal into the AV room of the library. "Good God," Sebastian cried as he came out into the library and ran to Chase's side, "What's happened to him?"

"Please back up," the librarian answered him, failing to notice he wasn't in uniform for the school but wore a flowing black coat and was followed by men dressed in the same.

"I'm not a student ma'am," he said as patiently as he could, "I'm in charge of his security and I need to know...."

The woman said, "He was talking to a boy and he had a seizure and hit his head when he fell...."

"What boy?" James asked.

"The new boy, Daemon," she answered. "He went to the office for help...." In fact, he returned at that very moment and stood in the door.

Sebastian raised his eyes and, when his eyes met Daemon's, he yelled for the wizards in the hall, "HIM! GET HIM!"

Daemon recognized Sebastian, but it was too late. Two big wizards were on him. Moments later, William, Matt, Carl, and Edward were brought to the library by security and William ran to Chase, kneeling across from Sebastian.

"He seems okay," Sebastian whispered. "He took a good knock though...."

Seeing the wizards restraining Daemon, William's face contorted in fury. "What did you DO?" William stood and raised his hand, not to fight, but gathering what looked like a storm cloud in his hand.

"William," Sebastian called. "We don't know.... He was the one who reported it, we just need to find out what happened...."

William's hand relaxed, but he saw his friends and a few of the wizards staring at him, mouths open. "What the hell was that?" Matt asked, beginning to back away. But he would go nowhere without his friend, and Chase wasn't going anywhere.

"Magick," Carl said, shocking everyone at the easy and unconcerned way he said it -- most were shocked at the fact he took it so well.

"There's no such thing," Edward said, his eyes still glued to William's open palm.

Carl took his hand and squeezed, "Yes there is," he whispered.

"He's right," William said, softly. "I've been keeping it from you all to protect you.... Some very weird stuff is going down and...."

"Who are all these people," Matt asked, looking around at the young battle wizards arrayed around the room.

"They are wizards in my service," Sebastian said, rising. Matt recognized him from the party. Quickly, Sebastian explained the most basic facts of the situation, the least dangerous ideas. Each of the boy's was left flabbergasted in his own way. Sebastian summoned to healers to begin working on Chase and then he answered some questions before turning to Carl. "You, young man, seem little surprised by our existence. How is that?"

Carl pulled the pendant out of his shirt for all to see. "I was raised by my grandmother in the old ways," he said simply, as Edward watched him with widening eyes. Not scared, but full of awe.

Sebastian nodded and turned to Daemon. "And you! What happened to our Chase?" Daemon spit out the same explanation he'd made before and Sebastian seemed satisfied.

But Carl called out. "Something's not right!" Daemon glared at him, but he went on, "I think he's working some kind of love spell, he and his sister...."

"Fetch the girl," Sebastian called and they waited.

When Katrina entered under guard and saw Sebastian, William and the boy's, and Chase lying on the ground, she snarled, "What have you done," at Daemon.

"Shut up," he growled. "It was an accident! I grabbed his wrist. When he pulled away, he fell! It was an accident," he said, beginning to cry, and though his beauty was heartrending, most weren't buying it.... Those with protection weren't buying it anyway.

"Why did you lie," Sebastian asked, considering him with cold eyes.

"I was scared," he wept, and Sebastian nearly eased up on him.

But, from the floor, a soft weak voice whispered, "Demon!"

Daemon was quick, "I'm here Chase, I'm so sorry," he answered as if Chase had called his name.

"Demon," Chase tried again weakly, but so softly that no one got it. When he saw Daemon's shoulder relax, as if he'd won, Chase, with his last strength and breath, muttered loudly, "INCUBUS," before falling unconscious again.

Daemon's eyes widened, but Sebastian was faster. Before he could rip out of the wizard's grasp, Sebastian raised a hand and blasted him in the chest with an enormously powerful fireball, sending the boy flying against the wall. When he hit the ground, he slumped, alive, but injured. Then Sebastian looked at Katrina, as if to ask, you want some, and then said, "You, go grab your companion and drag him away from the wall."

She looked at him with disdain, but seeing that she was surrounded by wizards she did as she was told. Then as she stood holding him, Avery formed a magick circle around them, about eight feet across. Sebastian formed the outer circle. That prison would hold them for the time being.

Carl's head was in his hands. "I should have known," he yelled, before turning and hitting the wall.

Sebastian shook his head. "No one could see it...."

"No, no, the two of them, the way it made my amulet burn.... It was more than magic...."

"The amulets," William said, reaching into his shirt. "Mine felt warm too, but I wasn't paying attention.... Chase tried to tell me...."

"Guys," James shouted. "We got them! We got them before any serious damage was done! Chase is going to be fine!"

"I hurt his feelings, I ignored his warnings...." William looked in distress. Matt looked pale as he put a hand on William's shoulder and knelt down next to him, putting a hand on Chase's leg.

"He tried to tell me, too! He warned me about Katrina.... I don't know if Amy'll ever forgive me," Matt whispered.

Sebastian and Avery stepped into a corner. "Avery, have the wizards clear this room and secure it.... We've got to decide what we're going to do about them.... If we send them back, Sammael will just summon them again, and ... I think that Daemon might know what Chase is...."

"How," Avery asked.

"I think, and I'm guessing, that Chase got a good look at Daemon's true nature, metaphysically speaking of course.... If that happened, I suspect Daemon got a look of his own...."


"Exactly," Sebastian said. "We can't move them, we can't kill them, we can't keep them here...."

Avery barked a few commands to the men to clear the room, and then asked one of them to fetch him a gallon of holy water. "We can interrogate them," he said with a smile.

By the time the man returned with the holy water and other equipment, Daemon was more or less on his feet again. He stood, small but proud, and radiated sex defiantly at the men in the room. "So you are the High Consul Sebastian! And who are your friends?" he asked haughtily.

Sebastian nodded. "This is Avery Salazar, leading a strike force of battle wizards. And this is my partner, James. William and Chase you've met, though Chase has seen better days. He must have gotten a good glimpse of you, eh?" Sebastian asked, and got confirmation in the demon's widening eyes. "And of course Matt, Carl and Edward.... Now, who do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

The demon's smile widened in false politeness. "This is one of my little sisters, Katrina.... And I am Daemon, Lord of the Seducers...."

"So you are part of Sammael's high circle, then," Sebastian asked, taking a seat.

"Sammael takes no counsel, Sebastian. It's a point of contention.... I'm somewhat of a black sheep in any case," he said with a smile.

"How so," Sebastian asked, legitimately interested.

"I love the flesh! I love people! Not like the rest, who view you as vermin..... Your pleasures give me the greatest satisfaction, even as the others, like Beelzebub, take pleasure from your suffering.... You can see how this would lead us to disagree on basic strategy...."

"Daemon," Katrina said. "You speak out of court!"

"Hush, succubus.... I am your lord!"

"Sammael is my LORD," Katrina snarled.

But Daemon just smiled contemptuously. "But Sammael isn't here, is he?" Sebastian found this direction very interesting. Then to his surprise, Daemon looked at him and said, "I'd like to make a deal...."

Sebastian smiled, "Oh, this is going to be good!"

Daemon smiled back. "Let me go...."

"Ain't gonna happen," James began, but Sebastian held up a hand.

"Go on," he said.

"Thank you," Daemon smirked at James. "Let me go, and I'll return to hell to ensure that the other lords do not rise to support Sammael's misadventure...."

Katrina rushed him and wrapped her fingers around his neck. "TRAITOR!" Daemon, however, raised his hand and set power through her so powerfully that she fell, temporarily paralyzed.

"Now, where were we," he asked with a smile.

"You could do that," Sebastian asked.

"While we disagree on much, none of the lords seeks the destruction of the world, as Sammael does.... We get much pleasure, each in our own way, from your kind...."

Sebastian looked at Avery who shook his head and shrugged. "And you'd tell Sammael and the others nothing of what you've learned about Chase?"

"I can promise that ... and you'd be assured of my truthfulness...."

"How? And why are you doing this?"

"The answer to both is one and the same!" Daemon looked at the blond boy laying on the floor and pointed. "Him! Well, him, and I'd like to fuck hot young things for another four thousand years...."

"What do you mean, him," William asked. "You don't mean you're doing it for him?"

Daemon laughed. "He's cute, but he's not that cute," Daemon answered. "No, I'm doing it because he scared the shit out of me.... I want nothing to do with him, I want out now!" All eyes fell on the ancient demon, who was dead serious, with a mixture of doubt and curiosity. "None of you has any clue what he's capable of.... What he'll do before all's said and done.... For me, and those like me, he's what nightmares are made of...."

William laughed, but fell silent as he felt Chase squeeze his hand and struggle to sit up. "No, he's right TO BE AFRAID," Chase said slowly and quietly, but with deadly emphasis. Taking a long breath, he said, "You know, if you're lying, I'll hunt you down and destroy you?"

"I know," Daemon said, quietly.

"What about her," Chase asked.

"She'll go to Sammael, warn him about me, at the very least...."

Chase nodded, and said, "Let him go...."

"Are you sure," Sebastian asked.

"Let him go...." Sebastian nodded to the guards, who lowered the circles and replaced them when Daemon was outside of them. "Daemon," Chase said, motioning the demon over. The boy struggled to his feet and whispered something no one else but the demon could hear, but everyone saw Daemon's face. The terror was no act, and then he was gone.

"We can't trust him," Avery said.

"We can," Chase said, "because he knows what I can do to him, what I will do to him...." The way he said it sent chills through them all. "Now what about her?"

Katrina sat in the circle looking at them like a tigress waiting to devour. "We can't keep her here, and we can't let her go," Avery said, repeating his earlier sentiment.

Chase nodded sadly, and said, "I need you all to leave the room...."

"What," Sebastian asked.

"I'm going to do something very dangerous and ... I need to be alone...."

"Chase," William pleaded, what are you talking about.

"I'm going to kill her...."

"Chase, if you kill her body, the demon will return to Hell, so she can contact Sammael," Avery explained patiently.

Chase snapped, "I know that!" After a moment, he added, "I'm sorry, Avery, I'm upset...." Again, after a pause. "I'm not going to kill the body, I'm going to destroy the demon...."

"You ... can't do that," Avery said, sounding very unsure of this absolute truth.

"No," Chase said heavily, "YOU can't do that.... Alright, if you won't leave, get as far from her as possible...." The look he gave them set them all in motion as they all backed up against the back wall. "Avery, I need you to do one thing before you take cover...."

"What Chase?"

"I need you to put up some circles around her...."

"There are two already," Avery added.

"There need to be at least seven, and make sure they're strong.... Very strong...."

Avery went about his work and it took him a long time to perform the task up to the standard of caution Chase had inspired. He lifted eight circles around the two that held Katrina. Avery led Chase to the edge of the outer circle and helped the boy kneel down before he moved to the far side of the room. Without looking at them, Chase said, "You're aware that a great deal of energy is present even in a small piece of matter, and that converting it to energy releases a great deal of power.... Imagine the potential or reducing energy, pure spirit, to a state of non-being...."

"Impossible," Edward whispered to Carl.

But Sebastian quietly replied, "An hour ago, I would have agreed with you...."

Chase began moving his hands in the air in front of him creating a sigil more complex than any of them had ever seen, burning with blue fire. With a wave of his hand, the sigil began to move like a slow comet toward Katrina, who backed away until he was against the wall of the inner circle. When the sigil struck her, the body she had formed for herself collapsed, leaving a being of pure spirit standing over it. The demon was revealed for what it was, but could not escape.

"Katrina" was about 9 feet tall, black as night, with the skin of a serpent. A thick green tongue protruded from between two rows of serrated teeth. She was a horror to behold. "Conjurer," the demon screamed, "I'll tear your flesh from your bones for this!"

"Be silent," Chase said, and gave his hand a quick vertical wave. Unseen force drove the monster to its knees. He reached out and felt for the energy of the outer circle and used it to orient himself. Walking counterclockwise around the huge circle, he began weaving a spell, so complex, so difficult, it boggles the mind. As he walked, he drew a complex web of sigils, signs and knots ON the immaterial wall of the outer circle in what looked like black fire. Once, twice, three times he circled, each time adding more symbols, more details, quietly humming a melody both haunting and beautiful. Each pass, Katrina's screams became more authentic and more terrified. Four, five, and six times he circled, inscribing red symbols on top of the black fire. Then he stopped and face the terrible wall. From deep within, as if a world away, Katrina's voice could be heard. "Please, have mercy.... Please!"

Chase's voice called out to her, "Do you turn to God, repent of your rebellion, and seek HIS forgiveness?"

Softly she moaned, until it faded to a maniacal laughing. "Fuck you!"

He heaved a heavy sigh, and said, "In six days, God created the heavens and the earth and established all things. If it be your will, oh Lord, reverse your decree!"

The sigils of black and red fire began to spin slowly, but surely, even as the outer wall began to shrink, steadily drawing the circle in on its radius. Soon a horrible but hollow screaming began to emanate from its core until it was silenced in a sickening crushing sound. Within moments the circle was no bigger around than a plate, then a saucer, then a quarter, then a pencil, and then ... it was just gone. The silent observers began to stir and move about, but Chase stood still and raised a hand and carved the shielding sigil in the air, just as a shock wave tore through the room, invisible, immaterial and deadly. The shield absorbed most of the blast and protected those present, though most were knocked off their feet.

Chase collapsed to his knees and William rushed to his side. "Are you alright, Chase?" he asked in a whisper.

Chase shook his head, no, over and over again, as tears poured down his cheeks. Soon, wracking sobs were added. No one dared move, or said a word, as Chase just sat there, shaking his head and weeping.

William's arms closed around him and his body absorbed wave after wave of heaving sob, which took about thirty minutes to subside.

At last, it was Sebastian who spoke first. He leaned in to Avery and asked, "WHAT WAS THAT?"

"Something terrible," Avery said. "Things like that ... aren't supposed to happen, aren't supposed to be possible...."

"It was necessary," Sebastian asserted softly.

Avery nodded, but added, "But it's a terrible thing nonetheless.... I can't imagine what he must be going through...." Sebastian nodded and motioned for his men to clean up and get things put back in order.

When he noticed that Chase had fallen silent he walked up to the boys, and could see that Chase had fallen into a deep sleep. He hoped it would be dreamless. "Do you need help with him?" William shook his head and effortlessly lifted the boy off the ground. "Come with us, he can rest at my place and we can get you home later...." William nodded and the mass of wizards left the school as if they'd never been there. Sebastian motioned for Matt, Edward and Carl to accompany them back to his mansion.

Sammael paced in the mobile command unit he'd had assembled as it rumbled up Interstate 85. His limbs tingled with strength; he'd fed deeply from those teens' fear and pain, and he longed to unleash the power he was building up, but he wouldn't anytime soon. He wanted to come out with a bang.

A young man at the communication center announced, "There's been an incident at the school in Richmond, sir.... Our operatives are off-line, and the wizards have stormed the school...."

"What?" he asked, his voice full of anger. "Daemon?"

"He has been returned to the Pit, sir. He's out of contact at the moment...."


"We are unable to locate her sir. She's gone...."

"What," Sammael asked again, his anger rising.

"Her body is dead, but her demonic form is not in Hell, sir," the young man answered.

"Well, where is she?"

"I'm sorry sir...."

"Get me DAEMON!"

"I'm on it, sir!"

"What are you saying, Damon," the mammoth red, hairy demon asked, his voice full of rage and terror all at once.

"Sammael is out, he's making his move, and he's kept it from all of us," the Daemon the Seducer replied to Hell's vice-regent.

Beelzebub's growl echoed through the chambers of the city of Dis's inner court. "How? HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED," he demanded.

"Did you think we could keep him ensnared forever, mighty Lord of the Flies," Belial asked sagely, bowing his head in false piety and smiling a freezing smile.

"You are the watcher of the gates," Beelzebub snarled back at Belial.

"My lords," Daemon, Lord of the Tempters spoke softly. "Sammael WILL call for us when he is at the apex of his power.... We must turn our attention to this.... What will we do?"

"What else would we do," Abaddon muttered. "We will go.... If he succeeds and we are wrong, he'll destroy us for our disobedience.... If he fails, he returns as our lord.... If he succeeds and we are right, we cease to be and suffer no more!"

"Pascal would be proud," Daemon smiled sweetly, "at your logic, my lord! But perhaps there is another way?" All eyes were on him and he knew it was time. "I met with Sammael's enemy, who trapped me. He allowed me to return here to suggest ... an alliance...."

"An alliance with heaven?" Belial asked, snorting derisively. "Our inability to do that is how this got started," he laughed motioning around him.

"Not heaven," Daemon said, uttering a half-truth like only a demon can. "Sammael is opposed by the Shadow Council of wizards and vampires. Heaven stands predictably silent. But I have seen what they do. If we withhold our aid, they can defeat Sammael ... finally and forever...."

Whispers broke out across the packed chamber, as all assembled wondered whether it was possible. "This is too unbelievable," Adramalek said in his high, whiney voice.

"Then summon Katrina back to us, our master's favorite of my charges.... She was with me before I was dispatched. This assembly may summon any lesser demon, from any possession or outer place. Summon her!"

Beelzebub nodded and Belial agreed. Abaddon said, "Let us begin, then...." But after three times they were unable to summon the lower demon, something that had never happened before. Ever. "What is the meaning of this, Daemon...."

"They have learned Raziel's lost art," he said, as demon lords gasped in shock.

"It cannot be," Astaroth's voice rumbled from the shadows as demons parted for his approach. "That magick is lost!"

"And yet, Sammael's enemies have performed the annihilation matrix this very evening to silence Sammael's spy," Daemon declared. "If they succeed, we'll all be free of the tyrant.... We must make sure they succeed!"

Around the chamber, there were nods of agreement. But at last one voice spoke out in outrage. "Blasphemy," boomed the tall shadowy figure who stood in the archway, unseen til now. "Sedition! There will be an accounting for this outrage...." Even as the figure stepped out into the fiery light, the shadows that clung to him were not banished. In some mysterious way, they deepened.

"Who are you," Beelzebub snarled, "to interrupt these proceedings? Seize him!" Hellish monsters, Behemoth and Leviathan, reached for the figure, but cried out in pain as their flesh touched his shadows. Seeing the great beasts recoil, the gathered demons recoiled.

Lowering his dark cowl, the figure smiled a cold and skeletal smile. He looked humanoid, but the flesh had rotted from his bones in most places, and his empty eye-holes burned with a yellow light. "You must forgive me, brothers, I know you know me not.... I am a private being.... These many years I have served my Lord Sammael only, and spoke to none other in all of Hades, and only those humans my lord made me...." Looking around, he saw their faces hostile. "I am the Archivist.... The keeper of the Book of Death, the Lord of the Pit, Pursan...."

Again, whispers spread through the chamber; Pursan was a legend even among eternal beings. His knowledge of all things all things earthly and secret, from knowledge of divinity to the creation of the world, was exceeded only by that of the Holy One. He sees past, present, and future in the same glance. "And I come to tell you, there WILL BE AN ACCOUNTING!"

"What price wouldn't we pay for relief from the ancient tyrant," Daemon asked boldly, to cries of assent by his brother lords.

"It is not mine to reveal, nor mine to execute, but you are warned of this course. Mark my words," the demon smiled, his yellow glow cutting to Daemon's core, as he turned and walked out. Despite the uproar, Hell was settled on its course. Sammael was on his own.

Next: Chapter 10

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