A Little Piece of Heaven

By moc.oohay@72notpmorb

Published on Mar 5, 2009


This story contains sexual scenes between males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

This story is not intended to imply the sexuality of any of the characters involved. This story has nothing to do with the real lives of the characters used. I do now own any rights to them.

Comments and Suggestions are welcome. You can write me at brompton27@yahoo.com


I could feel my cheeks turning red as he walked by. It always happened, and every time I buried my face in my book.

"Hey Zack"

"Hey Brian"

"I thought you finished that last week"

"I did, but it was just too good. I had to read it again"

"You and your fucking books"

I watched Brian pick up his guitar and start shredding. He knew how much I envied him. He always did it on purpose. I was a good guitar player, but Brian, he's a fucking god.

"What are you staring at? You look like a love sick puppy"

"OH....nothing......just thinking, that's all" I hadn't realized I was staring at him, mouth open. But how could you not?

"I don't want to know Zack"

"You're right, you don't" I whispered. The only thing I wanted most in this world, I could not have. Him.

Brian was everything I wished I could be and more. I idolized him and loved him with all my heart. And he would never now. Damn.

"Dude, you're doing it again!"


He walked over and sat down next to me.

"You're starting to freak me out. Whats going on in that skull of yours?" he asked knocking on my head.

"Brian, trust me. You really don't want to know"

"Oh come on Zacky. It's me. Brian"

"I know. I don't want you to hate me"

All of a sudden Brian got this worried look on his face. He scooted closer and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Zacky what is it? And how could you possibly think I could ever hate you?"

He was not making the situation any easier by being that close. I had never gotten this hard this fast. I could not believe this was happening.

"Brian please"

"Zacky. Seriously. What is going on?"

He didn't understand. How could he. He had never realized how close I sat during practice. Where I chose to sit in the van when we had to go do a gig. How could he ever understand.

I pulled out of his grip and walked across the room. "Brian you could never understand what Im going through. No one could. And yes you could definitely hate me. And That is the last thing in the world I want to happen." I grabbed my gear and headed for the door. "Im going home. I'll see you tomorrow."

Brian jumped up in front of the door before I could even take a step. "You are not going anywhere until we get this straightened out. Now what is going on here? You are seriously scaring me."

I could not believe what he was asking. He actually wanted me to tell him the one thing I could tell no one. But maybe, just maybe he could understand. Maybe he would be different. I took a deep breath "Brian I....I'm in love"

Oh my god I cannot believe I just told him that! What am I going to do? He was just standing there looking at me. "You're in love? That's what you were freaking out about?" He punched me hard. But not too hard. "Dude I though it was something serious" He walked back over to the couch and sat down.

Serious? He didn't think me being in love was serious? Well, I guess if I was in love with a girl it would be normal. But no, I was in love with him.

"Well Brian, to me that's pretty serious" I said sitting down, not as close as he was before. I was still considerabley hard. "I mean, I've had these feelings bottled up. You're the first to know. So that's probably the biggest part of all this right now." I could not believe this was actually happening. I was talking to the man I love, about loving him. But he still couldn't know. "You haven't told anyone else? I'm the first? Why?" I punched his shoulder, "Because you wouldn't let the subject go dickhead"

I stood up and got my gear again. "You wanna go with me to Goniters and get a drink" I knew Gontiers was Brians favorite local bar. I loved going there with him. It was special to me. To spend time with him in a place he would be himself.

"Hell yes! Like you even had to ask. Just let me grab my gear." I don't think I had ever seen the man move that fast. "Slow down killer. I'm going to put mine in my trunk. You're driving."

"Fine with me. Take the keys." He tossed me the keys and I headed outside.

As I sat in the car waiting for Brian, it gave me time to think. What should I do about this? This is my oppurtunity to tell him how I truly feel. But could I really tell him? I don't think I could. The thought of him rejecting me was too much. I couldn't bear it.

That thought was cut short by Brian getting in the car. "You do realize that conversation is not over yet. I still want to know the details of this whole being-in-love business. But that can wait til we get to Gontiers" As he pulled out he cranked up "Walk" by Pantera. Did he ever love that song. And I though we were done with that conversation. I sure the hell was. Why the fuck hadn't he bought what I'd told him? It was all the truth I just left out the details. But Brian was the details kind of man. He had to know everything. That was one thing I admired about him.

"Dude you have that look again. This person must be pretty special" Brian screamed over the stereo. I tried to glare at him, but I knew I was blushing. Brian just grinned back.

When we reached Goniters we headed to Brians favorite spot. An out-of-the-way couch in the back corner where you had quite a bit of privacy. "Go ahead and sit down Zack, I'll get us the usual" I nodded and went to sit down.

"Fuck" I was so excited to be here. In this bar with Brian, but not in this situation. I would just have to play it by ear and see what came of it.

"Dude. Beer. And you had a freakish far off look in your eyes. You okay?" I took the beer and downed half of it in the first gulp. Second gulp and it was gone. "Whoa there, calm down Zacky. We've got plenty of time. And beer" Easy for him to say.

"So about this person you were drooling over"

"I was not drooling" I protested

"Pfft. YOu should of seen your face. It was full on puppy love mister, so don't even try and hide it"

Shit. I was afraid of that. I downed the next beer in one gulp. I'm going to need a lot of this shit if I'm going to make it through tonight.

"Really Brian, you don't want to know the details. So how's that solo coming?" Music was the only thing that could distract him. And by the look on his face it had worked. "Dude you have no idea! It's one of my best yet I think. I actually like it for once. Which is definitely a change"

I loved watching him when he talked about music. I couldn't even hear the words he was saying. I was just in awe of his presence. All I saw was him. Nothing else. "Zacky. Hello. Dude what is up with you and this spaced out lovers look? Seriously" Fuck I did it again. Down went another beer. Was that three, or seven? I lost count. "Sorry dude, just thinking"

The look he had on his face kind of scared me. "Seriously what is going on in your brain? Im not sure if I should be happy for you or freaked out" He leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.

"You really want to know who they are" Please God, let him say no.

"Yes I really want to know, now fucking tell me." He still had his eyes closed.

I knew what I wanted to do but could I? I got up from my end of the couch and walked, well more like stumbled, over to Brian. How many beers was it? Fuck it. I straddled his lap and held his arms above his head. "Zacky what the fuck are you doing?" I could see the confusion in his eyes. But I also noticed he didn't force me away. Which he could have done. He is a lot stronger than I am. "You said you wanted to know who they were. So I'm going to show you" I looked him right in those breathtakingly beautiful eyes and kissed him.

Next: Chapter 2

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