A Little Revenge

By sacred cowboy

Published on May 7, 2018



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Jess Du'Prix is a transplanted Southern Boy, relocated to the Wild Lands of California. By day, a medical professional, caring for those in need. By night, a writer of filthy and fun fiction.

These stories are `mostly' true, as names have been changed to protect the -ahem- innocent. We don't want to bust up any marriages now...

Look for RUNNING THE BULLS on Amazon for a sexy story with mythical beings... with a modern twist...



"I mean it, babe. I don't want to have to bail you out of jail again!" Aiden's expression meant that he was beyond deadly serious.' "Someone says something stupid, and you go all red-neck' on them." I started to protest, and he cut me off again. "I remember what happened to you the last time you went off to one of these kinds of things! Getting into a fight at a Carnival? Really?" He had long abandoned trying to straighten my tie, and had removed it all together.

"Well, if you were that concerned, you could go WITH me to the reunion." I said. I knew that he hated these kind of things, having given his own former high school gatherings the middle finger.

"If you were staying home, I'd cancel my plans with Doug. But, since you are going out, I might as well go out, too." He said, and smiled broadly at me.

"Yep, can't give up swinging on Doug's 9 inch cock." I said, teasingly. He just smirked.

"Listen, anyone who drives for 200 miles, just for a blowjob, should be rewarded." He answered.

"Well, the rules are in place. No dinners. No dates. And you come back to the house within... 48 hours." I said.

"Look, I don't spend time with Doug because he is a champ at conversation. Once he pops, he's usually out the door." He said. "And that's okay with me." He gave me a kiss, and handed me my wallet.

"Well, I haven't had a crush on anyone in high school since I was a kid." I said.

"10 years is a long time, Jess. You might surprise yourself. I mean, I've seen your yearbook. You look better now at 28 than you did at 18." I kissed him for that.

Aiden and I had been together for five years now. We had a few rocky times, but we managed to get through them, without too much bloodshed. He had informed me that because I was so young, he wanted to make sure that I got to sow all of my wild oats, and had instructed me that we were going to open our relationship. We were not interested in bringing anyone else into our zone. But if something special came around, we would take advantage of it. The rule was `hit it and quit it.' It worked for us.

I wasn't going hunting' as it were. But, I had been contacted by one of my old high school friends. Gretchen. She was my lifeline in that horrible little school. I was a tall, skinny kid, with a Cajun accent, and fit in as well as a dressed up pig in a country club cotillion. Aiden had asked why I would even consider going to my 10 year reunion, when I had absolutely burnt every bridge from my past. I told him that it was because of Gretchen. She made me feel a certain way while in that nightmare scenario. I wanted to experience that emotion, again. If it got too bad, I would give the group the best fuck you' I could muster, and take off.

I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel where the reunion was. As the Gods of fate would dictate, it was a place I knew very well. I had been a bartender for the better part of 7 years now. I was in charge of one of the night clubs in a very prosperous hotel in my part of central California. The hotel chain had three properties. University, Garden, and Airport. I was at the University property, next to the college. The reunion was at the Garden. So, I would be identified as an employee here, by the others who worked on site.. The company had a very strict policy. If you worked for Palm Hotels, you were never allowed to drink on their properties. It was an instant dismissal if it was discovered. So, I knew that I was going to have to go into this celebration, bone dry, and sober as a nun. Before I even got my car into a parking stall, I was having serious second thoughts. But then, I couldn't abandon Gretchen. That would be beyond evil. I just collected my blazer, and get out of the car.

The main entrance was coming up fast, and I ran smack into the person I was wanting to see. Gretchen St. Cloud. I had not seen her in 8 years. She looked pretty much the same to me. Still a beautiful woman, but always the target of the popular girl's wrath, due to the small amount of weight she carried. She was about the same. Dressed smartly, but moving quickly. I thought it was to me.

"Hey there, stranger-" I started to say, and she was almost passed me. I realized that she was upset.

"Oh! Jess!" She said, stopping, and I could see that she had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I just... I just can't do this." She said, pulling out of my hands.

"What's going on?" I tried to stop her. But she just uttered a single word, a name, really, and it was something that I associated with one of the levels of Hell.

"Cece." She said. "I thought I could do this, but I can't." She did pull away from me again. "I'll call you tomorrow." She said, and the darkened parking lot swallowed her.

Cece Burrows. One of the biggest bitches that has ever walked on the world. She was the thorn in the side of anyone who wasn't from the `right' family in our little town. She targeted me since the 7th grade. Gretchen had managed to avoid her until she was a sophomore in high school. Then, Cece and her clique had made my best friend, an example to the rest of their group. I hated Cece worse than any other dictator, living or dead. If Cece was the one that drove Gretchen out of this event, I was not going to let it go unchallenged.

I remembered, as a 16 year old kid wanting to seek out revenge on her, having the conversation with my mom's boyfriend, Dale. He had literally grabbed me by the neck and informed me that:

"Unless you are in mortal danger, you NEVER put your hands on a woman. Do you understand?" He shook me, just to emphasis the point. I nodded, and he turned me loose. I was of the adage, that if you treat someone as bad as she had treated many, she deserved to be tagged in the mouth. But, Dale had changed my mind.

I squared my shoulders, and tried to settle my nerves. I walked towards the entrance. Who should be sitting at the registration table in front of the Broadmore Ballroom? Cece, along with Grace and Mary. Two of her cronies. For the tiniest of moments, I considered leaving. Then, I realized I was 28 years old. I had faced down my fair share of demons and dragons. I had bested most of them, and the ones that had gotten the best of me, I still stood up to them.

"Well look who it is. I would have bet money that YOU, of all people, would not have bothered to come." Cece said to me, from her seat. I realized that she was still as attractive as she ever was, but her mouth and soul made her into a Medusa. Only, this warrior was not turned to stone when meeting her eyes.

"Glad to prove you wrong." I said, and I'll be damned if the Cajun accent did not come out in spades. Cece and Mary both laughed, but Grace looked so uncomfortable.

"We don't seem to have a name tag for you." Mary said as she batted her eyes at me.

"Oh, it's okay. He works here. He can use his employee one." Cece responded. "You're the janitor, right?" She added. I just gave her a long glare, and moved past them into the rest of the party. Talk about Cerberus. The three headed dog that guards the underworld. Those bitches had nothing on him.

The atmosphere inside the ballroom was a lot better than it had been outside. I knew some of the folks, and was greeted warmly by some friendly and familiar faces. I even saw some of the faculty as well. Mrs. Lyons was my English teacher, and I instantly gravitated over to her. She had been my mentor in school. Her classroom I took refuge in at lunch time. She was the one who got me started putting pen to paper. I had even dedicated one of my non-smut stories to her. She kissed me on the cheek, and after chatting for a few moments, she insisted that I call her by her first name. I just smiled at her, and informed her that it was not going to happen.

About that time, I felt a tentative tap on my shoulder. It was Grace. I just sighed.

"What can I do for you?" I asked. I was, after all, an employee of the property, and could not afford to piss anyone off. I realized that she was not scowling or annoyed. She had the opposite expression on her face.

"Jess... I just... I just needed to tell you something." She said. I was shocked when she put her hands on my face. "For everything, EVERYTHING I ever put you through, I am so... so sorry." She had tears in her eyes. "I wish I could just blame my behavior on being young, or stupid. But I can't. I was horrible to you, and to so many of the people here. I just... I just couldn't go another year without trying to let everyone know who bad I felt. I would give anything, if I could take it all back!" I took her hands in my hands, and looked her in the eye.

"Thank you, Grace. I forgive you for everything that you said, or did. I will hold no grudge against you." I said. Her shoulders sagged, and she threw her arms around me.

"I was afraid you would tell me to fuck off or something." She sobbed.

"No, not at all." I said, and kissed her cheek. "Cece on the other hand, well... let's just say that I have a good number of Creole curses on her head. She should be bursting into flame any time. now." I teased.

"She wanted to hold the reunion here, just so she could publicly make fun of you, Jess. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen."

"When I saw that it was her name on the top of the reunion committee , I figured something like this was going to go down." I said. "You don't think there is a bucket of pigs blood suspended from the rafters or anything?" I asked. She searched my eyes, and I could tell she was thinking, considering. I gave her a smile, and she gave it back to me with a great deal of relief. She introduced me to her husband, a contractor from the next town over. They had a lovely home, and three amazing children. I told her how pleased I was. She offered to have Aiden and I over for dinner sometime. It was a lovely thought, but something I knew wouldn't happen.

I circulated amongst the others, greeted (gently) my co-workers. I even checked on the dinner that was to be served. I stopped off at the men's room, to wash my hands, when I ran into someone who had been the focus of my jack off fantasies, long after I had left school. One of our coaches.

Miles Barlow had taken over the position of PE coach when I was going into my Junior year. The former coach, an obnoxious ego-maniac, had been one of my original tormentors. During wrestling class, the old coach put me up against someone that was two weight sizes bigger than I. The dude had broken my nose, which had left its mark on my face, that could even be seen today. When I was standing there, blood running down my arm, I had asked if I could go to the nurse. He called me a `pussy' and threw a hall pass at me. Later that year, he had succumbed to a very fast cancer, and I told the committee who was trying to gather money for a wreath for his funeral, that what I'd leave on his grave would not pass for flowers.

Barlow was the new guy. He walked into that first class, looking like a Roman soldier. He was wearing white shorts, and a royal blue polo shirt. His arms and legs were covered in a dark spray of fur, and you could see it poking out of the v in his collar. Brown hair and eyes, with a thick mustache. He was a walking STUD! What made it worse, was that he refused to address me by my last night, like most of the other teachers had. He called me Jess. He looked me in the eye. He patted my shoulder. And I had a roaring crush on him. For a moment, I was transported back to my bedroom, back in that little town. I had shucked off my boxers, and was lying in bed, feeling naughty and naked. I remember that earlier that day, I had seen Coach Barlow, peel his shirt off. Despite the fur on him, he was still built like a temple to a heathen God. If he would have come out of his office, with goats legs, looking like a satyr, I would not have been surprised. After he shucked his shirt, he caught my eye, and gave me a tiny little smile. I think my dick grew two inches that day! I just thought about what his cock would taste like. How hard would it get between my fingers. If I would ever see that man, fully naked? I imagined that his prick was big. Maybe a good solid 7 inches. And thick. I could almost feel the heat of it, as that prick brushed against my cheek. I could feel his hands in my hair, as he guided my lips to the rigid cock. I'd open my mouth, and feel it sliding over my tongue, disappearing into my throat... the next thing I knew, I was wiping my own cum out of my eyes, and praying to God that I didn't splash it against the wall paper next to my bed.

For many MANY nights after that, I thought about Barlow. What I would like to do to him. What I would say. But, I never got that chance. Something did happen between us, but it wasn't sexual, and it was laughable.

"Oh, Jess. Good to see you." He said to me, as I exited the Men's room, still with a wad of paper towels in my hand.

"Coach! I didn't realize you were here." I said, and tentatively offered my hand.

"Miles, please. I'm not your coach anymore." He said with a big smile. I could see that his lids were half down, and knew when a man had been drinking. We looked each other over. "Glad to see that you still maintain your physical nature." He said. I just smiled at him.

"Well, it helps when you live with a body builder." I answered.

"Oh. Your... wife?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, my husband." I answered. I watched the light come on in his eyes.

"Really? So, the stories about you..."

"Yeah. True. But, I wasn't banging anyone from school." I said, and let his hand go. "Fact is, I didn't start having any kind of physical relations with anyone until I was in college." He nodded at me. Clearly, a little unsure where to take the conversation.

"So... I hear you are part of the management team at this hotel." He said, trying to find something polite to say.

"Bar Manager for one of the other properties. But, I know my way around. Are you staying here tonight?" I asked. He nodded, but slowly. "Great. Make sure you hit the brunch tomorrow morning. The crab cake Eggs Benedict are amazing." I left him in the hall.

I was glad to see that he wasn't the shell of what he had been. Fact was, a lot of the guys that I graduated with... well, it seemed like their glory days were spent. The best part of their lives, occurred before graduation. Some of them were 20 or 30 pounds over weight, with a number of receding hair lines. Even the captain of the football team, a guy named Terrance, wore his letterman jacket in to the celebration. Clear that he hadn't moved on since he left school grounds. Barlow had some salt and pepper at his temples, but still had that wonderfully rugged body. I could easily see it through his slacks and button up shirt. If Aiden was out of town sometime soon, and I was tossing a little rope, Barlow would make a guest appearance in those fantasies.

Though I paid for dinner, I did not take it in the dining room. Others had missed me, but I didn't feel like eating, and I had the chef box up my plate so that I could take the Rib-Eye home. Instead, I went off to the bar. I couldn't drink, but I wanted to be in a lower key setting, not assaulted by hair-band music, and the constant questions of `do you remember that time when...' I was thinking that maybe I should just pack it in. I mean, I'd have liked to have had a longer chat with Barlow. But he was a little wasted. Instead, I just went into the side bar. Maggie was tending tonight so, I gave her a wave, She tossed a napkin down on top the bar with a little flick of the wrist.

"Hey sweetie. What can I get ya?" She asked.

"Large tonic water." I answered, sitting down on the bar stool.

"You want me to flavor it for ya?" She asked, putting her hand on the vodka bottle. "You know I won't say a word." I just shook my head.

"I'd know." I said. She poured me my drink out of the gun, and left me to take care of another sizable bar order. I sipped the tonic, and lusted after the vodka.

"You in recovery?" A voice asked from next to me. I turned to see this strapping individual next to me. A dark skinned black man, sat there, in a finely tailored suit. He was much taller than I, even though I'm 6'3".

"No, not exactly. I am just not allowed to drink here." I said, and lifted my glass and kind of made a scoffing face.

"Sounds like a hell of a story to me." He responded, flashing me a smile that belonged on a comic book hero.

"Not quite that interesting, I assure you." I answered. "I work here, and even though I am off duty, I've got to stay dry." He nodded, and returned to his own drink. Judging by the color of it, I would bet he was taking whiskey, neat.

"Well, your co-worker looks like she could keep a secret." He responded. I just gave him a smile.

"Integrity is what you have when no one's lookin." I answered. He seemed amused by that.

"Well, here's to the actions of an honest man." He toasted me, and I touched his glass with mine. "I'm Marcus." He said, extending a hand to me. I shook it. My hand seemed to get lost in his.

"Nice to meet you, Marcus. I'm Jess." He nodded, and then his face fell.

"Jess, as in Jess Du'Prix?" He asked.

"Guilty." I said, and sipped my own drink. Maybe he'd heard of me from the other nightclub.

"Well, I must say, Mr. Du'Prix, that you are nothing the way my wife described." I gave him a long look.

"Oh dear Lord in Heaven." I whispered. "Please tell me you're not..."

"Cece Burrows's husband." He finished out for me. I just gave him a long hard look.

"Do I say something ugly about your wife now, and then, you sock me in the face?" I asked. He just continued to look at me with that slightly amused expression.

"Not at all." He sipped from his glass. "I am afraid that Cece has not adequately described you." He said. "She called you a little `mincing pervert.'" He laughed at that.

"Well, she got the pervert part right. But, I am rather discreet, and extraordinarily selective in my... activities. Shall we say?"

"Well, it seems that you have quite a bit more character then she led me to understand."

"Cece hates the ground where I stand." I answered. "And for the life of me, I could not understand why."

"In 8 years of marriage, I can tell you this: when that women gets something into her mind, there is no talking her out of it."

I finished my tonic water, and put a bill up on the bar for Maggie.

"Nice to meet you, Marcus. I am glad to see that Cece has good taste in men. I'll grudgingly give her credit for that" I said, and shook his hand again.

"I'm sure we'll talk later." He said, and gave me a wicked smile.

When I went back to the ballroom, there were some more people there that I hadn't seen. I was hoping that Gretchen would have decided to come back. Maybe find a little courage to face these bitchy demons. But, I didn't see her anywhere. I'd have to call her later, to see if I could coax her back.

I had just explained to a small group of people, that I had gotten a little success in my writing career. I had actually sold a pilot for a sitcom to NBC, but it wasn't picked up. I knew that `California State of Mind' was in a vault somewhere, and that sometime, it might get dusted off, and considered.

"So, you're only a partial loser then." Cece said, from behind someone. When she came around the group, I saw that Terrance, the former football captain, was kind of orbiting her. They had been a `thing' Senior year, and a bit beyond from what I had heard. But, now she had a strapping black Adonis to play with. I was wondering what these two were doing in each other's presence..

"Well, I was paid for my efforts." I responded, and instantly regretted my words.

"So's a hooker." She slyly smirked. Terrance was the only one who laughed.

"You would know my dear. I hear that's how you made your ends meet in college.," I gave her my best `die bitch' look, and moved out of the knot of friends.

"Don't walk away from me Du'PRICK!" She screeched. I was half expecting Marcus to pound me into a puddle for saying something like that to his wife. Oh well, it was worth it. Marcus was no where to be seen.

"Jess. I need your help." Maggie said, as she came up to me in the hallway.

"What's up?" I asked.

"One of the guests from your party, he's pretty trashed. I think he needs to get taken back to his room." I nodded at her. Though I was off the clock, she knew she could count on me. I was expecting it to be one of the jocks. Maybe one of the motor heads or something. I quickly followed her back to the bar, and when I came through the accordion doors, I was stopped in my tracks.

Miles Barlow was half slumped on one of the tables. I walked over, and sat down with him, taking a handful of his jacket, and pulling him backwards so he was sitting in a more normal position.

"Mags, what room is he staying in?" I called out, gently to my friend.

"338." She said

"Do me a favor, get me a pass card from the front desk. Tell them that I am authorizing it. If they give any push back, tell them that we need to get a guest back safely to his room." She nodded, and was out the door in a flash.

"Miles." I said, sternly, but quietly. "Miles!" I called out to him again.

"Oh, hey Jess. Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. I just put my arm around his shoulder. His very broad and thick shoulder... Steady Jess. The dude was drunk. I chided myself.

"No, Coach. But, I am going to take you to your room now."

"Yeah, okay." He whispered. "I think I fell asleep here." I patted his hand.

"Yep, you sure did. I want to get you upstairs before you get sick. Okay?" He nodded at me. I gave him a three-count, and he stood up with me. I was just outside the accordion doors, when Maggie came up to me with a white pass card.

"Do you need any help?" She asked. I just shook my head. Miles was standing on his own, he just needed a little help with remaining upright.

We got to the elevator, and was waiting, when Miles asked me a question that pretty much shocked me out of my shoes.

"Why did you run that day?" He asked. I knew what he meant. It was a powerful moment for me in my youth. Something that burned into my brain a story of all stories. When I was a Senior, and had just finished up with a workout with the wrestling team, I had wandered into one of the large open showers, with a handful of my friends. I got under the spray, and had stood there for a long time, letting the heat of the water, soak into my aching muscles. Nearly everyone was done and in the changing area, when I heard water come on beside me. When I opened my eyes, there he was. Miles Barlow, naked. He looked at me with a kind smile.

"Save me some hot water, Jess." He teased. I scanned him quickly, taking note of his washboard stomach, his thick rugby player thighs, and that dangling cock that was six inches on the hang. I ran my hands over my face, at lightning speed, shut off the water, and RAN! I BOLTED out of the shower. I didn't even bother to dry, just pulled on jeans, no shirt, no shoes, and fled the area.

I didn't even make it home. I stopped off at the hardware store, went into their bathroom, and jacked my dick. I came so hard, I saw stars. I was lost in the memory for a moment.

"Why did I run?" I asked him.

"Yeah. You can tell me. Did I scare you or something?" He asked, he had a huge grin on his face.

"Yeah, coach. You did. You scared the fuck out of me." I answered, just as the elevator doors opened. We got in, and I pushed the button for the third floor. However, we went down. The doors opened again, in the parking garage. I just pushed the third floor button again.

"How did I scare you?" He asked as the doors closed.

"I'd never seen a grown mans cock before." I answered, truthfully. "I was afraid...". I started to say.

"Afraid what? That you'd start sucking it or something?" His tone had an edge to it. "Because I would not have let you." He answered.

"Well, I wasn't asking to then. I was just afraid that I might chub up or something." I replied. He considered my comment for a moment.

"Really? Me in the shower might get you... turned on?" He asked. We went by the first floor again.

"Coach, I had a serious crush on you back in the day." I said.

"The hell you did." He laughed. "The girls did, and so did Miss Lopez. But not you." He said.

"Oh, yes I did. Big time crush." I said, and he laughed. He staggered, and we fell against the far wall. His hand went to my neck, and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me! Right there, in-between the second and third floor. At first, I honestly thought that he fell on me. But when his tongue went between my lips, I realized, that it was happening. The door dinged, and I pulled away from him. He looked at me with a funny expression.

"Oh shit, did I just do that?" He asked. I pulled him tight against my hip so we could walk side by side.

"Yep, but I won't hold it against you. You're pretty trashed, coach. Let's get you into your room.

I found where he was staying, keyed the lock with the card, and pushed the door open. He was staying by himself. I knew he was married, but his wife was not here. I maneuvered him over to the king sized bed, and he sat down heavily.

"Shoes." I said, and he gave me his feet. I undid the laces, and slid them off. Next his socks. "Can you stand up?" I asked. He needed a hand, but I got him to his feet. "Do you sleep in pajamas?" I asked. He shook his head. "Boxers?" He shook his head. Oh Lord in Heaven. This was really going to test me. I kept telling myself I was an honorable man. I unbuttoned his shirt, and took it off his shoulders. He was still just as amazing as he was that day when I was a senior. I put it on the chair beside the bed. I took hold of his belt, and tugged.

"You've done this before?" He asked.

"Undressed dudes? Many times, Coach." I answered, freeing his belt, and taking hold of the button on his slacks.

"You mean, you take care of a lot of drunk people?" He asked.

"No. Just guys I'm going to sleep with." I said, and undid his britches. When I slid down the zipper, and pushed his slacks down past his hips, his cock sprang out of his fly. It was 8 solid inches, and pointed directly at my chin. So much for whiskey dick. I just ignored it. I have to admit, it was the hardest thing I had even done, NOT putting that piece in my mouth. I wanted to experience it, the way I had always wanted to, But, he was drunk. He wasn't gay. He would hate himself in the morning, and probably level assault charges against me. Right now, this was all business. I folded his slacks, and put them on the same chair, and walked into the bathroom area to get him some water. As soon as I was around the corner, I had to adjust my own cock. I was in the process of pouring a glass for him, when he suddenly flashed by me, slamming the w/c door. The next sound I heard, was wrenching. His body was getting rid of the booze. I just reached into my own pants, and gave me cock a good squeeze. That was about as good as I was going to get, for sure.

Several minutes went by, and I found the trial bottle of mouthwash on the counter. I opened it up, and waited. Eventually, Miles came out of the water closet. His dick was tucked in his shorts, and had gone down. Mine, however, had not. But, my cock head was tucked neatly under my waistband.

"How ya doin, slick?" I asked, handing him the oral rinse. He took it, and poured half into his mouth. Swished it around for a solid minute, then spit it in the sink next to me.

"Listen, I'm sorry-" he started to say. I just waved my hand in front of him.

"No need to apologize." I said, quickly. "I just want to make sure you get tucked in, safe and sound." I said, and walked back over to his bed. I pulled back the covers.

"Sheet only. I'm burning up." He said, and I realized he slid out of his boxers. I held open the cover for him, and he climbed in.

"Jess, did you really have a crush on me?" He asked.

"Yes sir, I did." I nodded at him.

"What about now?" He asked.

"Well, I have a wonderful mate at home. Actually, he's with a friend tonight, but he's happy, and so am I." I answered. His eyes were so much clearer now. Not the half hooded look from before.

"So that's a no?" He asked, putting his arms above his head. I could see the outline of him under that pristine white sheet. He was tan, fuzzy, naked, and a whole lot more sober.

"Miles, you are married, and so am I. I have permission to explore anything I want. But you don't, So, no. My crush on you has been resolved a long time ago."

"I'm not married any more." He said. "We split up two years ago." Suddenly, my heart started to beat a little faster.

"Well, good for you. But honestly, are you seeing anyone?" I asked. He just kind of shrugged, spreading his legs a little wider. His prick had gone back to the happy state it was in. I just stood there, like a dolt, debating on what I would do. Was he sober enough that I could have some fun with a man I had lusted after for a decade? Could I live with myself for possibly letting this golden opportunity escape me? What would Aiden do? Well, that one I had an answer for. My mate would be slobbering all over his joint by now.

"Does it turn you on, knowing that another man wants to suck your dick?" I asked him. He laced his fingers behind his head, and closed his eyes.

"Yeah. It does. I haven't had any head in nearly five years." He said. His hips ground upwards, and that thick cock of his made an obscene outline under the Egyptian cotton. About five more heartbeats went by, and I was pulling my clothing off. I took a handful of that sheet and snatched it away from his body. He was glorious. Just the right amount of fur and muscle to remind me that he was a man's man. His cut cock had a slight bend to it, and I suspected that it would go down my gullet, easy as a breeze. When he opened his eyes, I guess he was a little surprised to find me naked.

"Listen, I don't know how I feel about... reciprocating." He said, with an almost panicked voice. I just pushed his knees a bit wider, and settled down between his thighs.

"Coach, I never ask anything from someone who isn't willing to do it on his own." He seemed a little more at ease with that, and closed his eyes.

When I gripped the base of his cock, he jumped a little. I thought it was charming. I just gave him shushing sounds, and told him to relax. He seemed to settle down a little. I couldn't get over how tan he was. Against the sheets, he was a wet dream come true. I stuck out my tongue, and slowly began to lick his prick, from base, to the crown. He made an approving sound, and his hips pushed him up a little harder. The feel of his flesh was pure granite. I hadn't felt a dick this rigid in a long time. I just regarded this monster for a moment more.

"Jesus, I've dreamt of this moment for years." I said, and slowly inserted that hot cock into my mouth. His hands went straight to my head. But, I wouldn't let him pound my throat. This was going to take awhile. I ran my fingers gently over his huge nuts, and knew that he was packing, and packing well. When it was time for him to fire off, he'd blast away. I continued my slow assault on his cock, taking it a little deeper than the stroke before. Giving just a little more pressure on it than when I started. I was able to use my tongue on the underside of his shaft, and he groaned loudly, letting off a string of swear words, that only made me want to take that cock deeper. After about five slow, and agonizing minutes, I pulled completely off of him, with a pop.

"You like this, coach? Watching your dick disappear into the mouth of one of your students?" I really wasn't into dirty talk, but sometimes, straight(ish) guys really got off on it. He guided my mouth back to his prick, and then thrust into my throat. I knew that if I didn't stop him, he'd just continue on, and flood my mouth. Not a bad thing, at all. But I wasn't sure when I was ever going to get a chance like this again. I pulled off once more, and he looked at me with such panic. I got up, walked into the bathroom, and came back with the trial bottle of hand cream. It was hypoallergenic, so I knew that he (and I) wouldn't have an adverse reaction to it.

"What do you have in mind with that, Jess?" He asked, a little out of breath.

"I was just going to blow you. Give you the shattering orgasm I always wanted. But, I really need you to fuck me, at least a little bit, before you nut." I said. He looked a little skeptical.

"I dunno about this, Jess." He said, but when I took another couple of steps towards him, he didn't protest any more.

"I will never forgive myself if I don't get at least a stroke or two of you into me." I said, and he looked at me for another tense moment. He then chuckled softly.

"Guess you are going for broke then." He said.

"Hey, if you never ask, the answer is always `no.'" I answered, and applied a little to my asshole, and then a lot of it to his cock. It was cool, and he looked like he deflated a little. A couple of tugs, followed by a lick to his nuts, got that monster up and vibrating again.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Just relax. When I get you all the way in, your can put your hands around my hips." I answered. I rubbed his prick against my opening, and after a few more moments of anticipation, I sat down on it.

Holy God he was thick! I mean, Aiden plows me regularly, and he's no slouch in the cock department. But Miles Barlow had a cock on him that was as thick as any respectable dildo that I had seen. I hissed a moment, and he looked concerned.

"I'm good." I whispered, and waited for a moment for the pinch to leave. When it was done, I went down to his nuts. Once there, I squeezed him with my ass muscles, and he let out a little gasp. I did it again, and this time, he pushed up into me.

"How are you doing that?" He asked. I just laughed, and squeezed him even harder. That was what it took to get him to respond. He pushed up into me, as I rode his dick. Soon enough, I could feel every inch of him, going right up inside me.

"You feel amazing." He said, and ran his hands over my chest, and belly. He took hold of my cock, and gave it a squeeze. I rewarded him by cinching down on his prick, which made him thrust up into me, harder. I leaned forward, and put my forehead to his.

"I think you can take over now, if you want." I said, and he rose up, and my back was pressed against the mattress. He was still buried up to his nuts in me, and then he began to just pound my ass.

Both of us had started up a good ole' fashioned sweat. It began to run off his face, and down his back. I could feel him as he ground into me, harder and harder. He reached down, and I realized that he was going to pull out of me when he shot, so I hooked my heels around his hips, and pushed up against him. When he realized that he wasn't going to get to pull out of me, he covered my mouth with his, and cried out, as his orgasm shook both of us. He continued to shot-gun my guts, and soon enough, I could feel his sticky seed, running over the cheek of my ass. He must have pumped a quart into me. He raised up, and looked into my eyes for a long moment.

"Jesus, I can't believe we just did that." He said, breathlessly.

"Coach, I'm an adult. And I think I kind of talked you into fucking me." I said, and I squeezed him once more. He screwed his face up, and continued to pump me, even though his prick was starting to soften.

"You want to stay the night? I think I could get used to taking that ass of yours." He said. But, I shook my head.

"Sorry. I do have an obligation to my husband. He lets me play where I want, but no overnight stays." I answered. He continued to look at me, and then kissed me, once more. Tender, passion filled. And I couldn't have been happier.

He was asleep before I left his room.

I was going to head home after that. I mean, I could still feel Barlow inside me, and that made me almost giddy. I had just taken a load from someone I had dreamed about for so long. I wanted to get back to Barlow's room, and curl up with the nasty little straight guy. Get another three or four loads out of him. Explore every inch of his body with my tongue. But, then, I had the rules to follow. And as I was in love with my husband, following the rules wasn't a chore.

I got on the elevator, and looked at my reflection in the dark panels of the door. A little rumpled. But in good shape. My watch told me that it was just a bit after midnight. The party would still be going on. I thought about making one more trip down to the ballroom. The elevator opened on the second floor. I saw a familiar couple at the far end, and realized it was Cece. She had just walked into a room. She was followed by Terrance, who looked around as he started to step into the doorway. He saw me, and even at this distance, I could tell he was pretty shit faced. He then gave me a thumbs up, and walked into his room.

Oh, this was delicious. If I could find Marcus, I could let him know that his wife was stepping out on him. I considered the fact that maybe Cece and Marcus had an arrangement, like Aiden and I had. But, open straight relationships were a little more on the rare side. I could do one of two things. I could find Marcus, and let him know what was going on. Or, I could just head home...

Marcus was still in the bar. My choice to seek him out was predicated on the fact that Cece had driven Gretchen off. Had Cece just behaved herself, this one time, I would have suffered her torment, and let her marital issues work themselves out. But, she had insisted on being a grade A CUNT, and as far as I was concerned, she was going to get a little back of what she had given. I waved at Marcus when he saw me. He lit up when he saw me walk over.

"I saw you take your friend out of here. Is he okay?" He asked. Maggie also appeared, and put another tonic water in front of me.

"He's fine. Got him tucked in all safe and sound." I said, and I guess I let a little smile slip out, when I was taking a taste of my drink.

"Judging by your expression, I would say that there is a little more to that story than you are letting on." He said.

"Oh, there is. But remember, I am painfully discrete. A gentleman always knows when to keep his mouth shut." I answered. He gave me a good laugh at that. I took another drink of my tonic.

"So... where's Cece?" I asked. He just shook his head.

"I guess she and a bunch of her girlfriends are up in a room, going over year books." He replied. "I couldn't handle any more of that and told her to come get me when they were done." I motioned for Maggie to fill up his glass again. She pulled down the Glen Lauren, and gave a single, and when I nodded at her, she made it a double.

"No, Marcus, she's not. I saw her going into Terrances room on the second floor." I said it evenly, and flatly. I wanted to see the fire start in his eye. But, then I realized that this man had done nothing to me. He was innocent of anything and I had no right to extract any kind of revenge against him. He just gave me a long look, took his glass, and downed his double.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I just slowly nodded at him.

"Now, I can't have you going in and bustin the place up." I cautioned. He just shook his head.

"No-no. Nothing like that." He said, and he put his head in his hands. I rubbed his back for a second.

"Do... you want another drink?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No, but if you don't mind, I'd like to get my bags out of our room. Would you give me a hand with that?" He asked.

"Of course." I answered. "Mags, put his bill on my tab. I'll square with you on Monday." I told the bartender. She gave me a nod, and took our glasses away.

Inside the elevator, I could see that he was seething mad. His fist were clenched, and his jaw was set. I wanted to say something to him, but I realized too late, that I had said enough. His room was on the third floor as well. When I passed 338, I just touched the room number, fondly. I think Marcus caught the gesture.

Inside their room, I noted that the bags had been meticulously unpacked, and the cases were set neatly beside the bed. I watched Marcus reach for one of the larger bags, and his hand stopped. He paused over it a moment.

"Jess, I really want to thank you for your kindness. I watched the way you took the other guy out of the bar. I was impressed then. I am impressed now." He said, gently. He held out his hand to me to shake.

"My pleasure, Marcus -" I answered, and stuck my hand in his. He gripped it, and then he pulled me into his arms. I thought I was about to get my ass beat, for sure. But he didn't punch me. He kissed me. Right there. His arms went around me, and he leaned down and stuck his tongue into my mouth. For about three seconds, I was at a complete loss of what was going on. But then I realized, that I had a strapping man, four inches taller than I, who had me in a lust filled clench.

"The enemy of my enemy..." started to say. I just grabbed his shirt, and ripped the buttons right off of it. He shrugged it off, and proceeded to get my shirt off as well.

I realized in that flash of a moment, that this was going to be 100% grudge. It wasn't about how sexy he found me, or how attractive we might have found each other. This was going to be a raw experience. He was getting back at his wife, by being intimate with her greatest enemy. And for the life of me, I was completely fine with that. I would love to see the expression on her face, when she found out that I was about to go down on her husbands big black cock. I pulled away from Marcus, and watched in utter awe as he slid out of his slacks, revealing an absolutely chiseled frame. He was massive, cut, and hung. What the FUCK was Cece thinking, going off with Terrance? I mean, I had seen his average dick in the school shower. And the ten years since we left school, he'd only gotten softer, and more out of shape. Marcus, was the apex predator. He was the walking God. My cock was so hard before I managed to get out of my clothing, it was a wonder it didn't catch on my waistband.

When we were both naked, and staring at each other, he just kind of hesitated.

"Jess, I've never been with a guy before. I am not sure what to do." He said.

"Well, you kiss like a machine!" I said, and wanted to feel his lips on me again. Instead, I just gently pushed him until he was sitting on the bed. I knelt on the carpet before his wide spaced legs. "You just relax. Nothing is going to happen unless you want it to. And remember, I know how to keep my mouth shut.... well, when I need to, that is" I gripped the base of his enormous cock, and squeezed it. He responded accordingly. He chubbed in about 30 seconds. Before I had that member in mouth, it was already hard. 10 inches at least, and as big around as a soda can. I pulled back the foreskin, exposing the head.

"Does Cece suck your dick?" I asked.

"She hates it." He responded.

"Tonight, you are gonna feel very fortunate." I respond, and licked that dark flesh. He groaned, and leaned back on the bed. I ran my hands up his incredible thighs, and over his rock hard belly. I ran the head of his cock around my lips, and then slowly began to engulf it. He responded by touching my head, gently. Inch by inch, I slowly gobbled that meat. I had gotten a good two thirds of it down my gullet, when I slowly began to draw back. I didn't realize he was watching me as I slobbered all over him. I continued to slowly bob up and down on his prick. His legs parted even further, and I ran my fingers over his nuts. They were huge, and heavy, and I couldn't wait to feel their contents on me in some way or another.

Again and again, I jammed that flesh down my throat. Did I want him to blow in my mouth? Taste that salty goodness, or did I want to try to sit on his beast, and coax the cum out of him that way? He sat up, and while I still suckled on his knob, I felt him touch my back. He ran his fingers along my spine, and it coaxed out of me a wave of goose flesh. He chuckled softly, and then I felt his finger touch my hole. I was still pretty slick from a short time ago, and I think he seemed to approve.

"So, you do get fucked?" He asked. I did not turn loose of his cock, but nodded. "Good, because I think I wanna fuck you, hard." He said. Music to my ears. He then took charge of the situation. He pulled me up to where I was now sitting on the bed. He come over me, and I realized how big this man was. Holy God! He pushed my legs up in the air like I weighed nothing. He put them over his shoulders, aimed his cock at my back door, and plugged himself in. Less than an hour ago, I had 8 hard inches up me, and now, something bigger was invading. He just pushed his way up inside me, and I took it like a champ. Oh, did I feel stretched out! It was an amazing feeling. There was a little pain involved, but the thought of this huge man, coming down on top of me, with his hard cock, coaxed out of me, a lot more pleasure than I expected. He sank himself up to his balls, and I did what I usually do, I clamped down as hard as I could on him. His cock responded with a momentary pulse, and then he let out a small gasp.

"Do that again, white boy." He said. I clenched down on his prick once more, and when I released him, my muscles spasmed a bit around him. He raised up, and then sank back into me. I tried to keep up with him, but soon enough, he began to pile drive into me. I was gonna be ruined for a week, but I didn't care. He put his cheek next to mine, and I bit his ear. His hips resounded accordingly, and I got a few more harder thrusts. He rolled me over, until I was on top of his chest. I sat up, and when I did, his dick went even deeper. My own cock was throbbing.

"You like that, do you?" He asked. I took my cock, and bounced it off his hard belly. He took hold of it, and gave it a couple of strokes. I spasmed around his dick again, and damn near shot my load right there. He put both his hands around my hips, and thrust up into me so hard that he lifted me off the bed.

After a few more moments of that, he twisted us back to where he was over me again. I loved looking at that massive chest, and those slabs of muscle that were crowned by perfect dark nipples. He lunged forward again, and again, getting fast and faster. He had ahold of my ankles, and continued to piston into me. I was actually being moved across the bed.

"You close to cumming?" I asked, breathlessly.

"Oh, hell no, son. I am only getting warmed up!" He answered, and for a moment, I thought I might be in some serious trouble. He then pulled completely out of me, took hold of my waist, and spun me around until I was on my knees. I then felt him on my back, as he plugged that cock back into my ass.

Slowly now, he fed that flesh into my back side.

"Do that thing again." He breathed, and I responded. "Man, it looks like your ass is eating my dick." He said with a smile. He smacked my butt, and then began to slide into me, quicker this time. He took hold of my hips again, and pulled me up against his crotch so hard, there was just no way his dick could get deeper. He pulled out, and then slammed his cock home again. It knocked the breath out of me, but in the best way. He continued his assault, and I soaked up every bit of it, At one point, he lifted me up, to where my feet were off the ground, and walked us over to the door. For the briefest of moment, I had this image of him walking us down the hall, into the elevator, and over to Terrance's room, so his wife could see us. But that was not the case. He just continued to pound my ass, as my legs were wrapped around him. He had ahold of my cheeks, and kept me suspended, as his hips did all the work. I could feel my own orgasm starting to build. After all, I had not cum with the coach. Now, I was feeling the need to splash some seed. He was getting worked up as well.

"How do you want to cum, white boy?" He asked me.

"Sitting on top of your dick." I answered, so he brought us back to the bed. All the while, still plugged in, and still grinding. When he got us situated, I was now impaled on him, like I had been when we first started. I leaned down, and kissed his lips. He was a little tentative for some reason, and then returned the kiss. I got his tongue in my mouth, and when I felt both, I really started to throw my ass onto his cock. I could feel him getting even harder. His prick was like an iron bar, as it slid into my flesh. But my cock was also ridiculously hard. I pulled off his mouth, leaned back, took ahold of my own cock, and jacked it, while I continued my ride. He must of have sensed that I was beyond close, because he started really thrusting into me. And then I started seeing stars. I threw back my head, and just howled. My dick spasmed, and cum went flying. Aiden always teased me that I had something in common with milk: We both came in quarts. I let loose with blast after blast of white ropes. It got his face, his neck, his chest and his belly. Against that dark skin, it looked so obscene, and so delicious. I couldn't help it. I must of clamped down on him hard too, because he was not far behind me. He raised up, put me back on my back, and covered my mouth with his cum covered lips. He kissed me deep and hard, and when he shot his load, it was so deep in my ass, that I knew his seed would never see the light of day. His body convulsed on top of me, and that prick of his poured out his spunk. It had to have been even more than my own.

Sated, I just laid there, with all that glorious prick inside me. I was shocked at how hard it still was, even when he pulled out. I rolled off the bed, and looked at him. I was wondering what the fall out was going to be. He seemed blissfully happy.

"You... a... mind if I clean up in the shower?" I asked. He just gave me a smile.

"I guess you know where it is." He said. I chuckled softly.

I stepped into the large stall, and was not at all surprised, when he climbed in there with me. We washed up a little, and I couldn't keep my lips off his prick. I went down on him again, unsure if he was going to pop again so soon. But, his meat was just as hard as it had been a short while ago. Still, the velvet of his skin felt great in my mouth. I was surprised at how enjoyable this little act was.

"I have to say, your wife is an idiot for not enjoying going down on you." I said, and mouthed his cock even more. I was sure he was going to let me finish him off this way, but he had other ideas. He bent me over, until I was almost touching my own toes. He then slid that hard cock back into me, making me gasp. He continued to pump into me for a good five solid minutes before he let fly another scalding volley into my guts. After he popped, he turned me around, and knelt down to examine my own cock. I was pretty shocked, when he stuck it in his mouth.

He wasn't great, for sure. Too much suction, but a whole lot of enthusiasm. I finally pulled out, cranked my dick until I shot another load. This time, all over his face and chin. He was very amused by that. After a minute or two, he stood up again, and jacked his cock until load number three was dripping off my own features. Watching that black cock squirt was the joy of the evening.

A quick dry off, and I had started to get dressed. I would have loved to have gone another hour with him, but it was well after 2 in the morning, and I had a bottle of vodka in my freezer at home. It was about time that I settled back, with a stiff shot, and just reflected on the evening.

I had just finished buttoning my shirt, when I heard the door to the room start to open. I just stepped into the bathroom area, not sure what was about to go down. Marcus was lying in a tangle of sheets, still naked.

"Honey I am SO sorry. Bethany was serving these canned margaritas and I guess I just had one too many..." Cece stepped into the room. She saw Marcus lying there, knee cocked, arm behind his head. "Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry, I am just too tired tonight to take care of you. Maybe a rain check, okay?" She asked. Clearly, she had not seen me yet.

"It's alright, babe. I found someone to handle it. How is Terrance?" He asked, and there was such a sweet undertone of venom in his question, I actually winced.

"What - what are you talking about? I was with Bethany?" She said.

"Bethany left after dinner. I watched her leave. She wasn't even staying at the hotel." He said. "I know for a fact you were with Terrance, your old boyfriend."

"Oh honey, it's not what you think. Terrance and I were just... talking. We wanted to catch up. I didn't tell you, because I didn't want you to be jealous." She said, and even someone who was stone drunk could have smelled the lie on her.

"Like I said, it's okay. I found someone tonight that was willing to take care of my needs." He said, threw off the blanket, and walked over to where I was standing. When Cece turned, she looked like she was about to shit her pants. Marcus took my face in his hand, and laid a very small kiss on me, right there. I ran my hands quickly over that delightful ass of his.

"What the fuck?" She shrieked.

"Sorry Cece, I was just... cleaning up a few things. You know, it's what us `janitors' do." I said, gave Marcus a sweet look and started moving towards the door.

"Oh no you don't, you little fucking bastard!" She yelled, and came at me. But Marcus caught her hand before she could bring it down on me.

"Thanks for the fucking, Jess. I don't think I am gonna be able to sit down for a week." He said, and if Cece's eyes were wide before, they almost split her face after that comment. When I was closing the door, I heard her demand,

"You let that little fruit fuck you? Are you serious?" I just had to shake my head. He knew how to twist a knife, that was for sure.

When I got home, Aiden was there. He looked like a cat who had been dining on favorite treats all night.

"That good, huh?" I asked, giving him a kiss. He nodded.

"Doug was so enthusiastic that he popped three times." He said. "Did you get a chance to see your old crush?" He asked. I nodded, enthusiastically and told him the whole story. Aiden swung top, but loved to suck dick. He hadn't got an orgasm this night, so while I was telling him about Marcus, he was doing me on the couch. Amazing how a little revenge can really make your evening.

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