A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Jan 6, 2002


Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing on nifty so be gentle as you read. I've been a reader and always interested in writing so I am giving it a shot. Please send any comments, good or bad, long or short, to me. Any criticism would be good.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with. Besides that, happy reading.


"Jesse my boy. Glad you could join us. Why don't we get right down to business."

A Love for James Chapter 5

"I'm sure by now that news has traveled to you about Mike Weston's demotion. I'd like you to be clear that his demotion was cause by his illegal use of the GAAP(generally accepted accounting principles) to get his client to pay less to the IRS. That is cause for immediate dismissal here at Juventus but we decided on a less dramatic punishment."

"Yes, Sir. I'm aware that all of this has happened but other than my not having him as a boss, how does this affect me?"

"Well, it is quite simple actually. We need a man to cover his job. We need to promote someone to his old position and I think that you are the man for the job. What do you say?"

I was stunned but only half-surprised as I had half expected that the old bag would choose me. Who else could there be? No one was as good as me in my department as conceited as it may sound.

"Thank you very much Sir. I'd be honored to do the job if you allow Mike to show me all that I need to know. He knows it best so I want him to show me."

"Done deal. Sign your contract and welcome to middle management."

Now let me explain the company a little bit to you before I go on. There are three levels: the lower, middle, and upper. The lower level deals with very small businesses that are usually self-owned and self employed. The middle level dealt with regular businesses like your everyday drug stores and grocery stores. The upper level dealt with any major companies like your million dollar companies. Signing this contract put me in charge over every employee minus two other managers of the middle level. It was a big honor. So, I signed the contract and off I went to get Mike to help me get settled into a new office and a new job.

<<Lance's Day>>

After the thousandth question from this teenybopper guy, the interview was finally over. And on top of that, he was flirting with me. Anyways, the five of us got some down time to chill and hang out. I entered the room when my interview was done to find 4 pairs of eyes looking at me, watching my every move. I got a drink from the fridge and sat down on the nearest couch next to Justin.

"What's up guys? Why are you all gawking at me??"

"Well, where were you last night?" asked JC.

"Yeah, we called you to hang out and Lonnie said you had gone out to meet someone, " said Chris.

"So, who's the lucky guy Lance?? Spill it," said Justin.

First the guys all know that I am gay and are always trying to hook me up with someone. I knew I couldn't keep anything from them.

"Well, actually, last night I went to discuss some details with my accountant Jesse."

"On a first name basis already??? Something else must be going on," said Joey.

"He's just such an interesting person. He's sweet, charming, must be romantic, and he's been nothing but nice to me. I went over their last night to talk to him thinking nothing would happen but one thing just led to another but, I actually don't know. I wanted you guys to meet him over lunch and let me know what you think. Then he and I have dinner plans and we're gonna discuss where we plan to take things between us."

"Well, Lance, u guys must be attracted to each other. What have you done so far?? It almost sounds like you guys had sex together and none of that I don't kiss and tell bullshit either," said Justin.

"Well, we did more than just kiss. We got physical but it's not like we had sex or anything. I don't know why I am explaining myself anyways. Look just please come to lunch and meet him???"

"OK" they all agreed in unison.

"One more thing guys before I call him to tell him we're coming."

"What is it Lance?," asked Chris.

"Well, there is one thing unusual about him. He is kinda in a wheelchair."

"Whatever Lance. If you like him, he must be cool regardless. Let's go," replied Joey.

This would be great. Now all I had to do was call Jesse.

<<Jesse's POV>>

As soon as Mike and I were done, my cell phone rang. I was surprised to see it was James. It gave me a little ounce of hope that things would work out between us and we could be together.


"Hey sexy. How's your day going?"

"Hey, it's going pretty good. How about you?"

"We're on break now and me and the guys wanna take you to lunch. Can you get away?"

I really wanted to go but I also had a doctor's appointment in less than two hours. But my heart won out and I agreed to go but he would need to pick me up. I didn't bother to call home to Rick. I think he would figure out that I didn't want to have lunch with him today and if not, he was gonna find out real quick.

James pushed the button for my floor and he went to my old office and found it abandoned. He was very lost. I just happened to wheel out of my new office when I saw him.

"James? Down here."

"Hey, what's up with your office??"

"I got a new one."

"How come?"

"I will explain later."

"Ok, let's go. The guys are getting a table at the restaurant. We just have to meet them there."

"Ok. Let's go.

We rode down the elevator and out of the building to his 4-runner. He helped me get into the car and put my wheelchair in the back. He got into the driver-side and just looked at me for a minute.

"What?? Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all...I just...wanna.." that's as far as he got before his lips were pressed to mine. Not long after our tongues were wrestling and we were moaning. I knew this had to stop cause I was feeling a slight tingle and rise motion a little 'south of the border' so to speak. So I pulled back. He seemed disappointed.

"James. That was great. So great that I am having trouble keeping myself down. I don't wanna start what can't be finished."

"I never start what I can't finish," he said before pulling me right back to his lips.

Within a minute, I was rock hard and he knew it. I wanted to just fuck him right there but I knew we couldn't do it. What I couldn't figure out is how he managed to not get hard.

"Oh, mmmm..." I moaned in our kiss. His hand slid up my leg and thigh to my constrained cock just as he let my lips go.

"You need a little something to fix this?"

"Yeah, I need that hot little mouth of yours actually."

"Well, what do you say?"

"Please, suck my cock."

Within seconds, he had my zipper undone and my dick pulled through the slit of my boxers. He swallowed all of it down I started a slow bucking motion, fucking his face with my hot, hard cock.

I was so hot for him it only took me a few minutes to release a juicy load down his throat.

"Oh God, James....that was soooo good. Thank you."

"You're quite welcome actually. I just can't get enough of that cock of yours. If things don't end up working out for us, I might just have to detach it and take it with me."

"You ain't gonna be that lucky."

"Whatever you say....we're here. Let's go meet the guys."

I was really nervous and I didn't know why. I trusted that James had told them about my wheelchair and I wasn't really self-conscious cause I was sure that I was good looking. I just didn't know why this felt so weird. I guess it's cause it feels like meeting his family. He always says that the guys are like his second family. That must have been it. James got behind me and was ready to push me but I put on the brakes to give him the hint that I could do this myself.

"Hey, what did you do?? I can't push your chair."

"The brakes are on."

"How come??"

"Look. I love that you watch out for me and I know you wanna help out but I am so used to this chair and if it's alright, I'd like to do this myself," I stated hoping that I wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"Oh, you should have just said so. If you wanna wheel yourself, go for it. I just thought you didn't mind the break of someone pushing you."

"I don't but I guess I don't want the guys thinking that I am totally helpless."

"They won't. They already don't care about the wheelchair thing. I told them and all they said was if I liked you then you must be pretty cool, no matter what the circumstances. So let's go meet them and have a good lunch."


We went inside and James led the way towards the table where Justin, Joey, Chris, and JC were all sitting sipping on drinks and talking about the upcoming tour.

"Hey guys. We're here. I'd like you guys to meet Jesse, my accountant. Jesse, this is Chris, Joey, JC, and Justin."

"Hi guys. It's nice to meet all of you."

"On behalf of all these goofballs, I'd like to say, it is very nice to meet you as well Jesse," stated JC obviously trying to state that he and James weren't like the rest. They were mature. I didn't understand why till I saw the onion rings ordered as an appetizer being flung on their fingers like they were playing Horseshoes. Then they were putting them in their eyes to make themselves cry. It was horrible but funny. I hadn't laughed this hard in ages. I hadn't been paying attention to the time either. I had to call the doc and tell him I would be about 20 minutes late. Then I had to call home and get someone to come get me.

"Excuse me guys, I have to make a call really quick." I wheeled off to the side a little.

"Hi, can I please talk to Reynolds please."

"Yeah, Hi. It's Jesse Towns. We have an appointment in about 15 minutes."

"Yep, that's the one. I'm running a little behind. Give me about 30-35 minutes and I should be there."

"Great. I appreciate this. I know how important it is........let it be.....please just let me go so I can call home and get a ride over there......thank you.....bye." I had been so annoyed by him and I knew my next call wouldn't be much better.

"Hi Alyssa. How's Rick?"

"He hasn't said one word all day. What happened??"

"I'll explain later. Can you come get me from a restaurant and take me to see Reynolds."

"Sure but shouldn't you ask Rick??"

"I'd like you to do it please."

"Yes, sure thing boss. Where to??"

I gave her the name and directions to the place I was at and told her to hurry up cause I was late as it was. As I turned around I could see the conversation was still going but James and Josh were looking at me wondering about my call, obviously had been eavesdropping.

"What was that all about?," asked James.

"Nothing big," I stated.

"Jesse, please don't be dishonest," said JC.

"Alright, come outside and I'll talk to you two about it."

The three of us stepped outside and they immediately demanded to know what was going on and who was Reynolds.

"Look JC, you don't know much about me or my lifestyle. I have two people who work for me. Alyssa and Rick. I have to have people drive me to and from places because it's too hard for me to drive myself. The last call was to Alyssa to have her come pick me up to take me to see Reynolds. It's short for Doctor Reynolds. I have an appointment that I am gonna be late for. JC, my paralysis is only temporary and I am constantly trying new things to get my strength back to walk again. My appointment is an evaluation of my paralysis and how the drug I have been taking has affected it."

"Wow. Sorry to jump to conclusions. I just have to watch out for Lance here and we're all a little worried about him. That's all. Don't take it personal."

"Not taken personal. But here is Alyssa so I will be off. Thanks for the lunch though. How much do I owe ya?"

"It's on us. Hope all goes well," stated JC before escaping inside.

"We still have plans for dinner tonight right?" asked James.

"Yeah. What time though?"

"How about I pick you up at about 7pm. Reservations are at 8pm."

"Sounds good. Can you help me get in?"

"Of course."

He helped me get in the car and helped Alyssa get the wheelchair into the trunk. He came back to the side door and said he would see me tonight and turned to close the door but I called his name.


"Come here a sec."


"You forgot something."

"What was that?"

"This" I flatly stated before pulling his face to mine for a kiss. I knew public kissing was out but we were technically inside my car and the windows had limo tinting. I let him go and told him I would see him later. He said ok and he went back inside to meet the guys.

<<Lance's POV>>

That was one great kiss. I was so mesmerized by him. God, I am falling for him but it's so quick. It can't be happening...but it is. I just hope he feels the same for me though he did start the kiss so maybe I do stand a chance.

I met the guys back at the table and they saw the look on my face that said it all.

"Oooohhhhhhh.... Lancey boy got a kiss. That's for sure," stated Justin.

"You're just jealous," I stated back at Justin who bowed his head in defeat knowing that I was right.

"So, what did you guys think of him?" I asked.

"He seems pretty cool. Great sense of humor and fun to chill with. He's A-OK with me," stated Chris. Joey and Justin were quick to agree.

"I agree with them Lance. Wholeheartedly. He's a great guy. He's really sweet and caring. He's got a great personality and he's obviously hopelessly falling for our Poofu here," stated JC.

"You think so JC?"

"I know so. When you see him tonight. Don't let him go or you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"Thanks guys. This means a lot. I've got some stuff to do before my date tonight so if you all will excuse me.."

"Cya later Lance. Any problems give us a call. We'll be glad to help you out."

"Thanks guys. Bye."

I walked out of the restaurant and got in my car driving to a local florist. First dates have to have flowers. I was so excited. I just hoped all went well for him at the doctor's office.

<<Jesse's POV>>

"Thanks for getting me Alyssa."

"No problem but you have to tell me what the hell is going on between you and Rick"

"Well, he made a move on me last night while I was asleep."


"Yeah, while I was asleep having a wet dream about James...he crept up and just put his mouth right on my dick. I couldn't feel it was real till I'd shot. When I saw it, I was so disgusted."

"I can't believe he would do that."

"Apparently he has been in love with me for some time now and wants me to forget about James and be with him."

"Don't even think about it. Fire Rick. Love James. And for god sakes, walk already. Don't tell me you can't. I saw you crawling and starting to walk a little bit. Whatever Reynolds gave you seems to be working."

"I'm busted. Yeah. This stuff is doing wonders for me. I feel so alive. I'm just about ready to start regular walking. I just don't wanna rush into it."

"But you can move you legs and all that. Just not totally comfortable on your legs?"

"Right. But Reynolds will fix that in a heartbeat. He always does."

"Well, get in there and start walking. It would be a great surprise for Lance."

"I guess it would. But his name is James. I will never call him Lance. Not unless I get mad at him or something."

"Well, I'll be back at 4:30 to get you."

"Alright. See ya then Alyssa."

I climbed out of the car and made myself take the walk to the trunk of the car to get my wheelchair. Alyssa popped the trunk and I took the chair out and got in it and wheeled myself up to Reynolds office where I was let right in to see him.

"How are we doing today Jesse?"

"Pretty good Doc. I think you have found the right drug for me."

"What makes you say that?"

"I guess I could show ya."

"If you walk, I might have a heart attack so please don't kill me."

"Not walking unassisted yet. But I am walking while holding on to things. It's an improvement."

"Not good enough. We'll get you walking by the time you are out of here. We got two hours to do it."

"Alright. Let's do it."

We worked for two hours straight and I left Doc Reynolds office to find Alyssa in the parking lot waiting for me. We put my chair in the trunk and started home. When we got home, I talked to Rick and told him flat out that my feelings toward him were as friends and that if he wouldn't accept that, he could leave. He chose to leave. His loss I suppose. I called up James and we talked for a while before I had to go get ready for our date.

"You need help in there sweetie?"

"Nope, I got it all under control."

"Ok. Let me know if you need help."

I showered and dried off without Rick's help proving that I wasn't quite sure why I had Rick around.

I chose a nice pair of khaki dress pants and a navy blue button down dress shirt. Alyssa approved of my choice in outfit and I styled my hair, shaved, and got dressed. Upon seeing me, Alyssa was totally speechless and knew James would be too. She just hoped I wouldn't kill him. They doorbell rang and I went to the door to answer it..........

Is Jesse really able to walk yet?? Will that be his surprise for James?? Will he tell James about Rick?? Will they hook up on their date?? Keep reading to find out. Next chapters should be up soon. Hope you are enjoying the story. Feedback is welcome and encouraged. Haven't heard from anyone since the first chapters. Feedback helps me right the story...your thoughts about the story may impact what happens so let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 4

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