A Love So Blind

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Jun 16, 2000


'm sorry last chapter was so short, and I also apologize for the spelling mistakes, I forgot to spellcheck before sending. I'd like to give special thanks to my friend Tommy, (yes he's the same one featured in the story) for inspiring me to write this. No this isn't the last chapter, I just forgot to say thanks to him before. Also check out his story which is also on Nifty nifty/gay/celebrity/boy-bands/fated-love/ -- Fated Love Ok I'll shut up now, you all kno the discliamers and other boring facts that no one pays attention to, so on with the story.

It's been months since I've had a good night sleep. last night when I came home I slept like a log. No nightmares, not tossing, and I didn't wake up with a headache. I went downstairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

"Hay honey, how did you sleep?" asked my Mom. "For once good," I grabbed a box of corn flakes and took a handful of them in my mouth. "Jason, use a bowl, we aren't savages you know." "Sorry Mom." "You got a call today," "Was it Lance?" I admit I asked too eagerly. "No, it was Tommy. He has spring vacation this week and he wanted to know if you'd like to spend it with him."

Tommy had been my best friend since grade school. He was away at collage in New Jersey. I always did kick myself for not going to collage, and I know my parents didn't approve of my choice in taking the year off either.

"He is going to call back?" I asked. "Yeah, I was going to wake you up, but he said not to, he said he'll call back before he comes by." "Great! It would be good to see him again." "Yes, he was always a sweet boy. Do you want a ride to the hospital?" "No, I'll drive myself, Thanks though, I should be getting going soon any ways. Ulm, Are you sure your all right with everything Mom?" "Honey like I said last night, I'll always love you, your my baby." "Mom I'm twenty-one." "Well, then your my adult baby. Now go and get ready."

She gave me a small kiss on the my cheek, which I sometime find embarrassing, but that time I accepted it.

I've always hated hospitals. I hated the smell, I hated the nurses, some doctors I didn't mind though :::Smile:: I especially hated needles. No matter how old you get, I don't think you ever get over needles, even those little butterfly ones that they claim "Don't hurt!"

Nurse Willings (the same one I had that night I was brought in) took care of me. She gave me all the stuff I needed for my wounds and told me not to take a shower few a couple of days until the padding come off.

"How are you feeling since the incident?" She asked while putting new bandage on my chest. "As good as can be expected." "Well, you are very lucky, and very brave." "Nah., I was scared when I woke up that night." "Well your all bandaged up. Come back with in a week, I'm it will okay to take them off by then, remember no showers." "All right, I'll stink, but okay." "Hay your mom call if you need anything before next week, okay?" "Will do. Bye, and thank you." "It's my job. Bye, have a good day."

When I got home I noticed a new car in the driveway. A smile came across my face, I knew it was Tommy's car. I must have missed his call. I went into the house and saw him on the couch. he looked up at me and smiled.

"Hay dude! Long time no see!" "Tommy, buddy! I'm so glad you we're able to come down!" "I herd what happened man, I'm sorry for not calling earlier, you okay though right?" "Yeah, I'm fine, so you already made yourself at home huh, bag of chips and a soda, you, moocher." "Hay, its yours mom's idea, she did say make yourself at home, so I did. She went out by the way." "So how is everyone?" "Fine, just fine. My mom is dating this asshole." "That sucks." "Yeah, but other then that everything is fine. I broke up with Rich last month." "How come?"

Before I continue, I should inform, that Tommy, is also gay, only he knew t for a long time. For a while he's been seeing some guy named Rich. they met on the Internet and instantly fell in love. one of the reasons he went to collage in New Jersey.

"Got me bud. he said he needed space, so I gave it to him." "That sucks." "Life sucks bud, you seeing any one special?" "Actually yeah, I started dating someone really special a few days ago." "A few days ago?! Damn, you work fast!" "Fast?! I'm not the one who flew out to New Jersey to meet someone online who the only talked to for a few weeks!" "It was worth it. So who is he?" "Well, he's name is James, unfortunately he's not from here," "Whoa, you we're dissing me about meeting someone from online, what's your excuse?" "I never said I met him online. I met him at a concert, well actually I met him after the concert." "Well what's he like?" "Shit I forgot! I had plans with him today! I have to call him do you mind?" "No not at all." "it will only take a few seconds."

I ran up to my parents room too use the phone.

In the hotel room about twenty minuets ago......

"Hay Lance, after the interview you wanna hang out? Maybe go to the mall or something." "Sorry, Josh, I can't. I have plans with Jason." "Figures." "I'm sorry, maybe Justin will go with you." "I would, but I'd rather hang out with you. I mean, we don't really do that much." "I'm sorry, I really can't cancel this though. Jason and I won't be able to see each other for a long time after this week. I want to spend as much time as I can with him. You understand right?" "Yeah, I guess so. Does he know about Matt?" "No! And don't tell him either. I'm trying to think of the best way to explain it to him." "How's he doing?" "Fine. He went to the hospital this afternoon. Only for a check up though." "You really like him huh?" "Yeah, I know we just met, but I really do." "He seems like a great guy. His sister is cool too, too young for me though. What's going to happen after we leave?" "I don't really want to think about it. Can you through my that shirt over there." "Here. Well you really should think about it. I mean, you two just met, you claimed your love for each other, and in three days we're leaving. Your going to be miserable." "That's why I'm trying not to think about it." "I think it's too late for that now Lance, I mean your spending every waking hour with him since that happened." "Josh, I really don't see why your so worried about it anyway. I'll deal with it when it happens." "Yeah, like the way you dealt with Matt." "That's not fair Josh!" "How do you know he won't do the same exact thing?" "Because I know him." "Know him? You only met days ago. It took us a whole year to get to know each other, I'm sure there are stuff about you that I don't know still." "Well, then if there is, I hope yo never find out." "Lance, I'm serious." "So am I Josh, drop it okay. I appreciate you worrying about me, but you said so yourself he seems cool." "Fine. I won't bring it up anymore." "Thank you."

Lance tucked in the bottom of his shirt into his pants. He looked up at Josh. "How do I look?" He asked. A little startled by the question, he looked over at his friend and smiled. "Great!"

Josh sighed as Lance went into the bathroom. He had his own secrets, his own problems, which no one seemed to realize yet, not even himself. he watched sadly as Lance finished getting ready.

"Well, I'm going to go and see if Justin wants to hang out, I'll leave you alone." "Josh, I didn't mean," Lance was interrupted by the phone. "You better get that." said Josh. "It's probably your boyfriend." with that he left and slammed the door behind him. "Great, just great. Hello." "Hay Lance, It's Jason." "Hay Jas, what's up?" "Well I have sorta have bad news. Do you mind if we not hang out today?" "What? Why?" "Well, a friend of mine came to see me. He's on spring break. You all right?" "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow?" "You bet, I'm really sorry it was last minute, I didn't even know he was coming til this morning." "Really Jason, it's all right."

I could tell Lance was upset about something. His voice was cracking. "Lance, it's not what your thinking." "Jason, I said it was all right, don't worry about me okay? We'll see each other tomorrow." "I love you Lance." I herd him sigh heavily. and swallowed. "I love you too. Talk to you later." "Bye."

It broke my heart to turn Lance down like that. I could tell he was mad at me.

"Is every thing cool?" Asked Tommy when I cam downstairs. "I think so. he's sorta mad at me, but everything's alright." "So what's there to do around here?" "Well, nothing's changed really, still same boring city. You wanna go to the mall." "Sure, sounds cool."

I left a note for my mom to tell her where we'd be. Tom and I went to one of old favorite mall. "You want to eat first? or look around?" I asked when we got inside. "Let's look around, I want to check out the music store, I need some headphones." "I need to get to the jewelers before we leave." "How come?" "I went to get something for Lance's birthday. We won't be able to be with each other." "That sucks, why won't you be able to be with each other? Is he working?"

I suddenly remembered I never did tell him who I was seeing. "You can say that." "Am I going to get to meet, Mr. Perfect?" "I'm sure you will, but remember, no flirting, he's taken." "No problem, you always had bad taste." "Hay! I used to like your sorry ass!" I said jokingly. "See what I mean?" "Maybe he'll be able to come by tonight and you can meet him." "When's his birthday?" "In May. I don't know if I should get him a ring though, we've only known each other a couple days." "Nah., a ring is a good present. Do you want to get that first?" "Yeah, if you don't mind." "Not at all Let's go."

JC's thoughts......

Great way to start the day. I said to myself.

"You okay Josh?" asked Justin.

He sat in front of me looking in my direction. He looked a little silly wearing the hat and sunglasses inside, but I didn't have the energy to laugh.

"I've been better." "What's wrong buddy?" "Lance and I had a fight." "Why?" he looked confused when he asked me that. "Long story. What do you think of Jason?" "I like him I guess, don't know him really. He seems to make Lance happy, which is good because I was a little worried about him." "Yeah, he hasn't been happy much until he met Jason." "You y chance didn't bring up Matt and that's why you had the fight?" "Yeah, I kinda did." "We really shouldn't bring that up in front of Lance. I mean if he wants to talk about it with one of us he will." "I know, I apologized to him about it, but I still feel bad." "Well, knowing scoop, I'm sure he'll forget about it. Besides, we should be thinking about what to get him for his birthday anyway. What do you think?" "I have no idea, Hay Just, look."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I knew for sure it was Jason, but he wasn't with Lance Like he should have been. He was with some other guy. His arms we're around his shoulders.

"Isn't that Jason?" asked Justin. "Yeah." "Well who is he with?" "I have no idea. I don't want them to see use though." "Shouldn't we do something?" "Like what?" "Should we tell Lance?" "I don't know. But don't say anything about it until I think it over okay?" "I can't believe he would do this to him!" "Basted!" "You know, suddenly, I'm not feeling so hungry anymore, let get out of here." "You got it."

I left a tip on the table and Justin and I left. I felt sick to my stomach. I wish hadn't seen what I saw. How was I going to tell Lance? After our fight today he won't believe me.

Next: Chapter 6

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