A Magic Journey

By william michael

Published on Nov 13, 2021


A Magic Journey, Part 2

Iain awoke in a tangle of arms, legs and blanket. He was alone in bed but his thoughts were full of the events of the night before. In the week that followed the intrusion of the injured Elfwin maid he and Mistress Alura had been busy with the preparation of the various vegetative raw materials that she would now spend slow weeks turning into her various elixirs and salves. While they had had no further interruptions, they had worked long days and the nights had been given over to brief sexual encounters.

Yesterday had been on the slow side so when they retired for the night, there was a lot of pent up passion to vent and vent they did. It seemed that neither could get enough of the other. He seemed to think that he had left two loads of cum in her pussy and another down her throat. He was treated to two loads of her delectable cream in his mouth and she shot a third between the two of them while he was dumping a load inside her. Then they were cuddled up for sleeping until she woke him up in the early morning hours with her mouth on his cock.

He decided he wanted some of the same so with some coaxing he got her turned around and they treated each other to a slow, luxuriant session of mutual oral that was more about love than lust but ended the same with each getting a reduced but still satisfying load of cum to swallow. Then it was snuggling under the blanket and back to sleep. Now that he was awake he was listening for an idea where she might be and he thought he heard water so he assumed she was in rear of the house in the springs.

Feeling bold, he got out of bed and walked naked out of the bedroom and down the corridor to the former cavern and now the rear room to the stone house. As he thought, Alura was crouched in the larger basin, enjoying a bit of a soak.

"Ah, there he is. Good morning, my love. How are you feeling this morn?"

"Very well, thank you, Mistress. Very satisfied," he said with a smile as he walked up beside the basin.

She offered her hand and he stepped in and joined her. The basin was a bit of a tight fit for two adults but it didn't matter much as she wrapped him in her arms and pulled him in tightly and began kissing him deeply. He joined in with enthusiasm. In the few weeks that he had been with Alura he was coming to find her kisses to be even more welcome than the most intimate sexual activity.

The feel of her lips, the playfulness of their tongue wrestling, the security of her embrace all came together to send chills down his spine and electric jolts through his balls, although the concept of electricity was foreign to him. She too had come to revel in the feel of his lips or his hands on her body. For years she had been convinced that her lot was to live a solitary life with only the occasional visit from a supplicant seeking her help.

Now in just a matter of a few short weeks she had become completely enthralled with this boy, or young man, or what have you. The fact that they were members of two separate sentient species didn't seem to bother either one of them. They were both outcasts and they were building a life on the borders that pleased them both. With these thoughts in her mind she continued to kiss and caress this marvelous boy and it was a true testament to the events of the previous evening that neither seemed interested in taking it further than the kissing while they soaked in the not quite hot water.

The day took an interesting turn shortly after they had eaten their midday meal with a knock on the door. When Iain swung the door open he was surprised to see the younger male Elfwin standing there with a bundle in his arms.

"Greetings, Iain of Blackthorn."

"Welcome back to you," Iain said, having never gotten the Elfwin name.

"I am known as Gransen, Iain," the Elfwin offered with a smile. "May I enter?"

"Certainly, Mistress Alura is within."

The Elfwin entered and bowed to Alura who gave a brief head nod.

"Mistress, I have come to return the blanket you lent to my sibling. Also, the payment for your services."

Having said this, he placed a folded blanket on the work table followed by a small bag. He was still holding another bundle and he turned to Iain. He held it out to him, saying,

"In recompense for your services on behalf of my benighted sibling as well as enduring her unfortunate mouthings, my sire asks you to accept this with his thanks and apologies."

Iain took the offered bundle and removed the covering. He revealed an elfwin bow and quiver. The bow was the same slightly recurved type he had seen previously although this one seemed somewhat larger. The quiver was of some form of tanned animal hide and contained a dozen or so arrows.

"Gransen, I thank you and your sire, but this is far too much for the little I did for your sister."

The elfwin held up a hand.

"Iain of Blackthorn. I realize that the customs of humans and elfwin differ, but what you might have considered a minor insult was for us a gross breech of decorum. Were you to follow our customs she could wind up fighting for her life."

Iain was more than a little shocked. While it was true he found the female elfwin rather insufferable, which was interesting considering the brevity of the encounter, he didn't consider it worth a blood feud. So he reached out and allowed Gransen to deposit the bundle in his hands and he gave a brief head nod.

"Thank you. I appreciate your sire's concerns and please inform him that I consider the matter closed."

The elfwin nodded in return and with a brief bow to Alura, he took his leave. After the door closed, Alura looked at the boy and said,

"That is a handsome gift, dear. One wonders if it was made specifically for you."

"I wouldn't think so, Mistress. Unless the elfwin have techniques significantly different just bending the laminates require several weeks and then the curing of the glues can last months. My guess would be it was made for someone of considerable size for an elfwin and was in need of a home. It is still a very fine piece of crafting."

He took out an arrow and found it to be likewise well crafted with well-matched fletching and what appeared to be bronze arrowheads. He watched as Alura put the blanket away and then picked up the bag, which he was sure had coins inside. He thought for a moment and then asked,

"Mistress, if I may, do you have a store of coins in the house?"

"I do, dear, not a great deal but some. Why do you ask?"

"I would be concerned of someone attempting to break in and steal them. Surely, the idea that you receive such in payment must be well known."

She had returned to stand near him and she reached out to run her fingers through his hair. She smiled and said,

"My dear, I appreciate your concern for our security, but I can assure you that the stories you have heard have proven very effective in keeping such from occurring."

"What if someone comes claiming they are sick or injured but in fact are bent on robbing you?"

"Perhaps a demonstration would be in order, dear. I will leave the room. You will place a weapon or weapons of choice on your person and leave the house. Move out into the trees and then come as quietly as you can. Be assured I will not allow you to come to harm."

Her expression was neutral, but there was a firmness to her voice he was unaccustomed to hearing. So he waited until she left and then he took two small knives from the table and tucked them into his belt. Then he picked up a large pestle that could double as a small cudgel. He left the house and walked to the southern edge and then began working his way eastward through the undergrowth toward the house.

He went about twenty paces when it seemed that the undergrowth was getting more difficult to push through. By the time he was half way to the house, he was forced to move back out into the clearing as his arms and legs were scratched and the undergrowth had becoming interwoven with more bramble then he could recall. He had the pestle in hand as he crept up to the rockface of the ridge that held the spring cavern.

When he pressed his hand against the rock to steady his crouch, the pestle stuck fast and despite using all this strength, he was forced to leave it behind. If he didn't know better, he would have had serious misgivings about approaching the front door. He pulled out one of the knives, more so as a way to jimmy the door latch then as a weapon.

When he stepped onto the first of the flagstones that made up the path to the front door he felt a shock run up through the soles of his slippers. He had yet to secure a replacement for the boots that had been reduced to leather fragments during his flight from the Baron's vengeance. It felt as if he had jumped from the roof and landed squarely on his feet. He stepped to the side and onto the grass that formed a small patch of lawn before the house. The sensation ceased. Then he was moving forward, his eyes darting side to side, looking for any signs.

He was holding the knife low as he approached the compact porch. When he stepped onto the stone platform the knife became unbearably hot and he had to let it drop. He took the second knife out and dropped it with the other Then he knocked on the door and called out,

"Thank you for the lesson, Mistress."

The door opened and the enchanter stood there with a small smile and her arms folded beneath her impressive bust.

"My darling boy, there is much that I could tell you about myself. But I was afraid to reveal too much, too soon, for fear that it would feed your imagination based on those stories you had heard. Over time I will reveal all, but for now know that short of a massed charge, the house is quite secure."

"I'm pleased to know this, Mistress. Thank you."

Between the reduced work load and his increased sense of security, Iain was willing to begin to move about in the perimeter of the woods and undergrowth, bow in hand. He wasn't hunting as such, unless the acquisition of knowledge was considered a hunt. As he walked quietly and cautiously he thought he caught a familiar scent. He walked another two hundred paces and he caught sight of wisps of vapor rising above a low rise. He also thought he heard the sounds of splashing.

Slowly he crested the ridge and looked down to see a large pool of steaming water, surrounded by rocks with several large ones emerging from the water itself. The splashing sound came from a figure chest deep in the water dipping out hands full of water and letting it run over his shoulders and chest. Then the head turned in his direction and he saw the it was the elfwin, Gransen.

"Hail, Iain of Blackthorn. Come ahead," he said with a lazy wave of his hand.

Iain made his way down to the edge of the pool. The water was relatively clear and he could see that it wasn't all that deep so he surmised that Gransen was seated on the floor of the pool.

"I see you've found my little hideaway. I find this a relaxing escape from the noise and frenzy of the lodge. My sibling has been increasingly vocal about her discomfort as her shoulder heals. My sire has become increasingly vocal in berating her for her lack of common sense and basic intelligence. Feel free to join me if you'd care to."

"Um, I'm not really dressed for bathing," Iain said, a bit uncomfortable.

"I may not be familiar with the habits of humans, but I wasn't aware that bathing required specific attire."

Iain gave a shrug. He had the feeling that he was going to be living in that forest clearing for some time to come. It was a happy feeling, but he also felt he was going to have to make sure he stayed on good terms with the neighbors. He didn't want any more late night escapes through back windows. So he put down the bow and quiver and began to disrobe. In a few moments he was cautiously stepping into the pool across from where Gransen was sitting.

The water felt a bit warmer than what flowed through the basins in the back of the house. He was also conscious that he was standing naked in front of a near stranger who appeared to be casually observing him. He was thankful that he was able to get settled in the water before he began to react. He had to admit it felt very relaxing. The large pool allowed him to stretch his legs out and the stone behind him was smooth and rounded enough to be comfortable to lean against.

"I see you find this a comfortable spot as well."

"You are right. Fortunately, I don't have the same stresses to deal with as you."

"You are young yet, Iain of Blackthorn," Gransen laughed.

Iain laughed as well, thinking he wasn't nearly as young as his years would indicate. He took some time to examine his surroundings, seeing that the ground cover was mostly moss, likely due to the constantly damp air. The light level was on a par with a cloudy day, adding to the sense of seclusion. He also had the feeling that he was being observed himself.

Bringing his eyes back to the pool and it's other occupant he noticed that Gransen was watching him while one hand seemed to be moving beneath the water. He couldn't imagine the elfwin being that much different from humans as far as anatomy was concerned so he figured Gransen used the seclusion for more than just a good soak. The idea had him thinking and those thoughts were starting to make themselves felt.

He let his hand drift beneath the surface of the water and it took hold of his stiffening cock. As the motion of his hand became obvious, he could see that Gransen was smiling a bit. His next move surprised the boy when he stood up and then stepped back so he could sit down on the rock that was behind him. Iain was right. An elfwin was anatomically very similar to a human, a human of small stature.

He was probably a bit more than four and half feet tall. His build was slender but it appeared every inch consisted of wiry muscle. Of even more interest was the cock that he was slowly stroking. While not very impressive in a real sense, when viewed in terms of the body it was attached to it looked much more interesting. It appeared well formed with a few prominent veins and beneath hung a pair of balls in a smooth skinned sack.

Not wishing to be rude, and getting more and more aroused, he stood up and likewise seated himself on the nearby rock. His cock was by now at full hardness and the look he was getting from Gransen was one of definite interest. Iain let his legs separate a little more, exposing his low hanging balls to the elfwin's scrutiny. Then it appeared that Gransen made a decision. He stood up and took several steps toward the middle of the pool. Iain followed suit and he wound up just out of arms reach from the smaller, older elfwin.

But then a thought occurred to him. Letting his eyes sweep over his companion, he saw a smaller version of himself. Slender, wiry, smooth skinned with a well proportioned cock relative to body size. And apparently, horny as could be. So he took another step and let his hand drop, fully revealing the fat cock pointing up to his chin. Gransen did the same and while the result was smaller, it was every bit as hard, showing a flow of precum.

The elfwin took the initiative and took hold of the fat human cock in his small but strong hand. Iain enjoyed the feel, reminiscent of a time when the roles were reversed and he was the small one sharing a moment of discovery with the older larger son of the stable master at home. But the thought was fleeting as he returned his concentration to the moment at hand and he took hold of the rigid dick of the elfwin and began to stroke it.

Not long ago he would have been incredulous of the idea that he would be having a sexual encounter with a being of another species, but Alura had driven that notion from his mind. He was jolted out of this train of thought when he felt a wet tongue flick across first one and then the other nipple. He looked down in time to see the top of Gransen's head as it lowered, dragging his wet tongue down the boy's abdomen until his mouth was level with Iain's fat cock.

The elfwin looked up at him and said,

"I have never encountered one of such size, Iain of Blackthorn. I trust you will not mind if I take some time to enjoy it."

"Please feel free."

After a brief smile, the elfwin's tongue flicked out and scooped up a bead of precum that had formed on the tip. Then he used the flat of his tongue to swipe up the length of the shaft until he reached the top and then let his lips close over the head. He enclosed the head with his lips and began working it with his tongue while one hand took hold of Iain's smooth ball sack and fondled his balls. It was obvious that Gransen was truly enjoying his first human cock and this particular human wasn't about to interfere in any way.

So he just stood with his legs braced and spread enough that his balls were freely accessible. He was glad that he had recovered most of his strength because Gransen seemed determined to examine every bit of his cock and balls. He wasn't able to get the whole shaft in his mouth but he was determined to try. Then he shifted to each of the low hanging balls, taking each one into his mouth while he stroked the wet, slippery shaft.

Then he was back sucking what to him was quite a large cock. Iain was quite amazed at the amount of saliva that was running down the shaft and onto his balls. He was also becoming aware of a tightening in those balls and he didn't want things to end yet so he took hold of the elfwin's shoulders and pulled him upright, grabbing a hold of the smaller cock and giving it a squeeze. Then he was bending over and getting his mouth on it, easily pulling it all into his mouth to suck and tongue.

Gransen moaned and rested his hands on the boy's head while his hips urged his cock more firmly into Iain's mouth. He spent plenty of time working the hard cock using what he had learned based on Alura's reactions and the elfwin seemed to like the same things. So Iain was a bit dismayed at first when the elfwin's hips pulled back and the cock slipped from his lips. As he stood up he saw Gransen backing up until he was back at the rock he had been sitting on. Then he turned and bent over, bracing his hands against the stony surface and sticking his ass back at Iain.

The boy looked down and saw that his own cock was still rigid and looking very slick so he followed along until he was standing directly behind his new friend who's small tight ass was looking very inviting. The elfwin even wiggled it a bit. Iain took the hint and placed on hand on the small of Gransen's back and the took his cock in the other hand and placed the head against the tight hole.

He could feel the pressure as Gransen pushed back so he pushed forward. With some pushing and wiggling they worked together and he felt the head start to move past the tight ring so he added some of his own saliva to his shaft. Once the head was fulling embedded, Iain let go of his cock and took hold of the slim hips before him and began to pull and push and with firm fucking motions, soon had his entire cock buried in the tight, eager ass.

"Oh, yes, Iain, this is the best I've ever felt. Continue what you are doing, please."

So Iain did as he was asked and began to fuck Gransen's ass as he would Alura's pussy, deeply and firmly. In return the elfwin was pushing back in time with his fucking and was grunting noisily. Iain was thoroughly enjoying this new adventure and was hoping this wasn't going to be a onetime event.

Gransen must have been enjoying it too because Iain felt a hand take hold of his balls and play with them while he fucked the elfwin's deliciously tight hole. He took hold of Gransen's shoulders and began hammering his hips forward, leaning in so that his hips stayed in contact with those hard, tight ass cheeks. The grunt had turned into more of a constant moan until he felt the walls of this hot little ass spasm and the hips beneath him buck.

It was at this point that his own hips began to shuddered and his balls began to empty through his cock and streams of cum were shooting up inside the elfwin's body. It seemed that his cumming was going to last forever but of course it didn't and he finally shot his last. He seemed to do a slow collapse to come to rest on the elfwin's back. He put his hands down to brace himself against the rock surface.

Amazingly, he could feel Gransen's ass pushing back against him and a bit of a wiggle suggesting he wasn't finished. Iain leaned back and with a step to the rear let his cock slide for what he thought was a well fucked ass. His cock was a mess and he could see some of his cum leaking from Gransen's ass. The elfwin slowly turned and sat down on the rock, his own cock showing only a slight droop.

"Iain, that was magnificent. I've never experienced the like before. I would hope this would not be the only time."

"I agree. The feelings were amazing."

The elfwin smiled and took a handful of the warm water and let it drain out over Iain's cock, then using his hand to wipe it clean. Of course, this not just cleaned the boy's cock but started to revive it. Gransen continued to stroke the thick shaft with his small hand, watching carefully as it continued to stiffen and swell. When he judged the time right he slid to his knees in the water and engulfed as much of Iain's cock as he could in one go.

Iain stiffened and let out a groan as he felt those warm wet lips slip down his sensitized shaft. Two hands gripped the boy's ass and he felt his hips being pulled forward, trying to force more of the thick shaft into his mouth. Iain figured the head of his dick must have been by the opening of Gransen's throat and he could feel some kind of massaging going on. It was amazing the things this `person' knew how to do.

When his cock slipped from Gransen's mouth it was again covered with a thick coating of saliva. The elfwin backed himself up and climbed up onto the rock, laying back and raising his legs to expose his still needy asshole. Iain took the hint, and gladly, so he moved up close enough to grab hold of Gransen's ankles and position his cock at the slightly less tight ring. Pushing the legs back a bit more he gave a shove with his cock and was thrilled to see the head of his cock quickly disappear.

Gransen let his head tip back and his eyes close as Iain pushed in more of his cock. This time around it only took a few strokes to bury his dick balls deep. Then it was the back and forth, pistoning his dick hard and fast, the slapping noise sharp in the humid air. Looking down he could see that the elfwin's cock was hard and drooling precum onto his stomach. Each time he drove his dick in hard the cock jerked and more precum oozed from the tip.

Letting one leg come to rest on his shoulder, Iain took hold of the elfwin's swollen cock and began to squeeze and stroke it. The flow of precum continued uninterrupted, forming a puddle on Gransen's stomach. This inspired Iain to ram his dick that much harder and faster causing the elfwin's entire body to shudder. He finally had to take hold of Iain's upper arms to steady himself on the rock.

Iain was having the time of his life as he pounded away at the tight asshole of the diminutive creature who seemed to be enjoying it just as much as he was. Gransen's legs slid from Iain's shoulders and he got them wrapped around the boys back so he could add pressure to the hips that were slamming into him. With the help of the legs around the boys back and his grip on the boys arms, Gransen maneuvered Iain down so that they were chest to chest and in a moment lips to lips.

For Iain this was something new. Of course, he and Mistress Alura engaged in passionate kissing as a matter of course, either as part of their intense sex sessions or just on the spur of the moment when they were in close proximity and one or the other chose to initiate a deep tongue kiss. Here he was kissing another male punctuating their unusual, unexpected and undeniably amazing fucking.

They carried on in this fashion for some long moments and then Iain felt the body beneath him starting to buck and shudder and something warm and wet was being forced between their stomachs. Gransen was cumming and he couldn't hold himself back anymore and he began to unload his balls inside his new friend and lover. Eventually the two bodies came to rest in a tangle laying atop the smooth stone outcropping. Iain felt his cock spasming as they lay there, both breathing heavily.

Iain took a final breath and then pushed himself up off the elfwin's inert form and allowed himself to fold up so that he came to rest sitting in the not quite hot water. For that vantage point, he could see that as the elfwin lay panting, the double load of cum began to leak out of his plundered asshole. He found the water to be very relaxing after all the exertion of double fucking his new little friend.

It wasn't too long before Gransen raised his head and looked across at Iain with a small smile. He allowed himself to slide down the rock's surface until he too was back in the water. It seemed the very warm water felt good for him too. He rubbed some on his chest and stomach to clean off his cum.

"Iain of Blackthorn. That was simply fantastic. I've never enjoyed an encounter as much as I have today."

"You have done this before a few times, I imagine."

"A few," he replied with a laugh, suggesting more than a few. "It is not an encouraged behavior among the elfwin, but if done with discretion there are more than a few opportunities. But you my young friend bring a new, how shall I say, dimension to the experience. Ahh, this water feels most soothing. Now, how would you suggest we arrange for future encounters."

Iain paused to consider for a few moments.

"What would you say to the first day of the new moon? At this time?"

"It sounds like a workable plan. It may take that amount of time for me to recover. You are a young man of great energy," Gransen said with a grin.

Iain had the good grace to blush a bit. He sat for a while longer and then said,

"I should be getting back. Mistress Alura will be getting concerned I may have fallen down a hole."

"I can now understand why she would be anxious to have you back under her roof," the elfwin said, his grin growing.

Iain grinned a bit himself as he stood up from the water, his now flaccid cock hanging down over his balls. He stepped out of the pool and began stripping water from his body and then he pulled on his clothes. The weather was warm enough that he figured he'd be dry by the time he got home, but if this continued he'd have to make arrangements for the cooler months. With a wave and a promise to be back at the appointed time he began his trek back to the clearing and house.

The sun was not high above the horizon when he walked through the door, finding Alura at the table working on some preparation. She looked over at him and smiled,

"Well, there is my wayward love. I trust you had a good time getting to know your new surroundings," she said her smile bright.

Iain had been having thoughts while he walked through the trees and they troubled him somewhat. He wasn't sure how Alura would react to the idea that he had sex with the elfwin, not so much the species issue, but maybe thinking they had some exclusivity. But he also didn't want her finding out some other way.

"It was a very good day. But you might not agree with why I think that."

"What do you mean, dear?" she asked, moving away from the table.

"While I was out exploring I came upon a large hot spring pool to the east of here. Are you familiar with it?"

"I can't say as I am, dear. I get that way only rarely. Most of what I need that can be found among the trees are to the south and west."

"Well, the pool was occupied. Gransen."

"The elfwin chief's son?"

"Yes. Um, he invited me to join him in the water. Which I did. And one thing led to another and we would up having sex. Twice."

"Oh, I see. Did you find it enjoyable?" she asked, evenly.

"To be honest, yes, I did. It was different than what you and I do, but it was still, I guess, fun."

She gestured to a chair for him to sit in. She took another and once settled she looked at him and said,

"Would you please tell me what transpired, so I can understand what you mean by fun."

Before he started she crossed her legs and one leg was exposed from the knee down. He noticed the robe she was wearing was one that opened at the front and was held by several sets of ties down the front. She did have beautiful legs. Take a breath he began to describe the scene, his feelings and the actions shared by the boy and his friend. Iain had his attention fixed on Alura's face, looking for signs of coming trouble. As a result he wasn't noticing how her chest was moving with more emphasis and how she recrossed her legs several times during the telling.

"And the idea was for us to meet occasionally for more encounters. It appears that his elfwin friends lack the size he likes. Are you upset with me?"

"Oh, my darling boy, no. You came upon an opportunity and you took advantage of it to the benefit of the both of you. And you have been completely honest with me. You are a young man who has undergone a life changing series of events and you're exploring your options. My only regret is that you appear to be rather depleted. I found your description of your encounters to be very stimulating."

Iain looked at her in amazement and he wanted to be able to do something for her. Then he had a thought.

"Would you mind standing up, please."

With a brief smile she did as he asked. By doing so she wound up almost in reach, so he leaned forward and took her hand and pulled so that she took the step needed to put her where he wanted. He noticed that her robe was tenting in just the right spot for what he had in mind. He let go of her hand and with three quick motions undid the ties holding the robe closed. The robe parted and her pale blue semi rigid cock became visible.

"My darling boy, whatever do you have in mind?"

"I had a very good day today and I'd like for you to share in that with me. If you will allow?"

"Whatever you wish, my darling. You have such wonderful instincts."

So Iain reached forward and began to stroke her cock until it was at full extension. He loved how the hard shaft felt in his hand. He kept stroking until the first bead of precum appeared and then he used his tongue to lick it off. He loved how she tasted. Then his mouth was on the head and he began sucking while he continued to stroke the shaft. He sucked and stroked for a while and then he let go and worked nearly all of the shaft into his mouth.

He let his hands slide under the robe, around her hips and came to rest on those two magnificent ass cheeks. He tugged and released, urging her to begin fucking his mouth while he sucked and licked. Her hands came to rest lightly on his head and she gave a great sigh of pleasure. When he felt that enough time had passed, he pulled his mouth off her cock and brought one hand back so he could press her cock against her stomach and begin to pay some oral attention to her balls.

"Oh, lover, yes, you're wonderful."

Then he slid his other hand around and lifted her balls and went to work on her pussy with his lips and tongue. Her grip on his head tightened and she pulled him in harder which suited him fine as he was trying to get his tongue inside her as deep as he could. It was at this point that he felt more than saw that her robe was falling to the floor and he knew she was naked in front of him. He wondered if he should join her but he decided, no, this was all about her.

As such he let go of her balls and let them drape on his forehead while he continued to lick and suck her pussy. His free hand began to run over her abdomen and brush the underside of her full tits. It was also clear that he was giving her all kinds of good feelings as he could hear her moans and feel the movement of her hips as his lips and tongue continued to work her pussy. Then he had an idea, inspired by his time with Gransen and how Alura responded to his description. With gentle hand pressure on her full hips he persuaded her to turn around, presenting her ass to him.

He used his hands to massage her ass and then pull the cheeks apart to expose her asshole. He pressed his face in and let his tongue start to work on the tight ring while he reached between her legs to take hold of the still hard cock and begin to stroke it. This approach seemed to be really reaching her as she pushed her ass back against his tongue and face. She also bent over a bit and spread her legs to allow more access, which he made use of to get his tongue on her pussy.

His grip on her cock tightened as he began to swipe his tongue from the tip of her clit to the ring of her asshole and back again, pausing intermittently to probe her asshole and suck on her clit. He wasn't sure how long it took but without warning she stiffened bucked and then began to fire shots of cum across the room while her ass was pushing back hard on his face. When she was finished her knees buckled and she wound up kneeling on the floor in front of him.

He got his arms around her waist and pulled her back so that his head was next to hers with his chin resting on her shoulder. She brought a hand up to rest on the side of his head and she turned hers just enough to get her lips on his cheek.

"Oh, my darling, darling boy. That was just amazing. If your adventures with your friend continue to inspire you like that, I'm more than happy to enjoy the benefits. In fact, I had a thought while you were describing your escapade but now I'm sure. Perhaps after a few more encounters and you feel confident, you could invite this elfwin to join us."

"You'd be agreeable to that?"

"Well, yes, darling, I did just suggest it didn't I? Quite frankly, I find the idea of having two hard, fine young cocks to play with to be a most exciting idea. And you?"

"I hadn't considered it but now that I do, I find it very exciting. So much so, perhaps we could go to the bedroom and I'd show you."

Alura turned her head to look him more fully in the face and her eyes were alight. She gracefully got to her feet, took hold of his hand and almost yanked him to his feet. Then she was towing him down the corridor and into their room. She proceeded to pull his clothes off and once he was naked she could see his cock was almost fully erect. She sat on the bed and pulled him so he was standing in front of him and she swallowed his cock to the base.

She spent only a few moments to ensure he was fully hard and then she let his fat dick pop out of her mouth. Then she was on her hands and knees on the bed with her ass facing him and she said over her shoulder,

"I want to feel what the elfwin felt, my darling. Fill me as you filled him."

Then she wiggled her ass at him and dropped her shoulders to the mattress and waited. She had left his dick with a coating of saliva so he spit a fair quantity on her ring and then used the head of his dick to rub it in. One thing was for certain. He liked the look and feel of Alura's full, firm ass more than he did Gransen's. He took a firm hold on her hips and began to push.

Alura moaned and then pushed back. He used his hand to move his cock around and forward and before long the head was pushing past the tight ring so he began to push harder and the head popped past the ring. Her face was pressed against the mattress so her moans were muffled but they were all the encouragement he needed so with a constant pressure he pushed and then pulled and pushed some more and pretty soon he was embedded balls deep in her hot, tight ass. Paradise just got more interesting.

She must have been enjoying it too as her ass was moving and he could see how her hands were grasping at the bedcover. With his cock fully inside her and his hips pressed tightly against her ass he leaned forward so that his hands could rub along her sides, making grazing contact with the sides of her tits. He fucked her with short strokes while his hands closed over her tits, feeling the hardness of her nipples against his palms. He even manage to apply his lips to her bare back, down along her spine, loving how warm and smooth the skin felt.

Then she was talking to him from the mattress.

"Lover, please, let me see your face. Get me on my back, quickly."

He didn't think he could ever deny her when she used that voice he leaned back, pulled his cock out of that warm, delicious place and then helped roll over onto her back. Looking up at him with those blue gems, she pulled her legs up and back once more exposing her asshole. He got himself into position and with a quick thrust his cock was back in her asshole and she was pulling him in with her arms and legs, wrapping him up tightly.

Knowing they were both near to cumming, Iain resumed his pounding, similar to the second time with Gransen. Each down thrust got a grunt from Alura but her grip was tightening so he assumed he was on the right track so he just kept slamming his hips into her until he couldn't take it any longer. He began to pump a heavy load of cum deep inside her and he felt her hips began to buck and the warm wet feeling of her cum shooting up between them.

It felt like his balls were going to pull right up into his cock but eventually he drained them and his hips came to rest. There was no sign that Alura's grip was going to lessen so he just stayed put. At some point he felt her lips touch his ear and then he heard,

"If you even think of moving I'll turn you into a toad."

"A toad in your service would be fine thing, but I have no desire to move. Nor the ability, I think."

He heard her chuckle and her hands moved across his back, but her legs remained locked in place. But the events of the day finally caught up with him and at some point he fell asleep locked in her embrace. He didn't wake up again until the wee hours of the morning. He could feel the emptiness in his stomach but he also felt the warmth of her body at his back and her arms around his torso, so he sighed happily and went back to sleep.

When he did wake up this next morning, he found himself alone, which was not unusual. He just needed to figure out where she was. But first it was trip to the garderobe. Once he was done, he assumed she must have been out front since she wasn't soaking in any of the basins. He found her in the front room, sitting in the one large, well cushioned chair. Instead of her usual robe, she was dressed in a short shift of some material that he hadn't seen before. She gave him a sultry grin and patted her lap. He regarded her with a frown and she said,

"Please, dear. Humor me."

So with a shrug he stepped up and perched himself on her lap and he was instantly wrapped in her strong arms and pulled tightly against her chest. She kissed his face a number of times and then rested her head on his and said,

"Believe me, lover, I am not feeling the least bit motherly. Right now my feelings for you are full of lust and desire. You have ignited feelings that I thought were long buried. I hope you are prepared to reap the harvest of what you've sown. Hmm, that sounded a bit too pretentious, don't you think."

"Well, now that you mention it."

She laughed and squeezed and kissed him and her hand worked its way inside his robe to rub his bare chest. However the moment was ruined when his stomach growled loudly.

"Oh, my darling, I'm so sorry. I'm so hungry for you but I think we better get you fed or you'll waste away to nothing."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to say anything but I did miss dinner last night. It was an energetic day."

She laughed again and gave him a push to clear her lap so she could stand. When she did he was almost sorry he had mentioned eating. What she was wearing was so much different than what he was used to seeing on her. It was a wraparound of a silky material that crossed just below her cleavage and the hem was barely below her ass. Her legs were fully exposed and although he had seen them numerous times somehow the combination was so stimulating he could feel his cock beginning to expand.

She moved to the other side of the room and took a platter and placed bread and cheese on it and carried it to the table.

"Sit, eat."

When he sat down she stood behind him, pressing her big tits against his back. Her arms slipped around his chest and she nibbled on his ear while he worked on the food. By the time he was done and his stomach was settled his cock was sticking up under the robe and she had it in hand.

"Oh, gods, darling, please, I'm on fire here. Take me right here on the table."

To emphasize her need she practically ripped off the wrap and sat up on the table in front of him, spreading her legs. He smiled at her and pushed her legs further apart and began working her balls and pussy over with his tongue letting her dick rest on her stomach. She rested on her elbows so she could watch him. Giving her legs a bit more of a push her asshole came into view and he began to tongue it vigorously.

"Yes, darling, yes, use me any way you want. Take me every way you can."

He kept pushing with his tongue until her ass ring spread open and he began to give her a tongue fucking that had her squealing. Then he stood up, took hold of his drooling dick and put the head to the now relaxed sphincter and began pushing in. Maybe he was getting better at it or she was still loosened up from last night but his cock didn't seem to have as much resistance and the shaft began to slide in without much effort.

Her head was dropping back and her eyes were closed. Her mouth was open and she was moaning gently. He had her legs up on his shoulders and his hips were now moving back and forth, slapping on her ass. It was a good thing that the table was as large and heavy as it was because once he had gotten the full length of himself in her ass he began to pound away.

He watched as Alura lowered herself down so that she was laying on the table and her hands were working her big tits. He leaned down, pressing her legs further towards her body and he was sawing his cock back and forth. She took him by surprise when she yelled out and her hips began to buck and her cock began to spray thick streams of white cum up towards her tits and upper chest. He knew he wasn't going to be far behind but then he heard Alura talking to him.

"Please, dear, don't waste that load. Come up here to me," she said with her arms out.

As quick as he could he pulled his cock out of her ass with a pop and then he was climbing up on the table so he could get his cock to her lips, because he knew that's what she wanted. When the head of his cock was at her lips, she opened her mouth and let him slide it in. Her lips closed when about half his dick was in and she proceeded to suck while he fucked it back and forth. He was so charged up that after only half a dozen pumps he grunted and his balls started to empty through his cock.

He knew that thick streams of his cum was coursing down her throat and she was greedily gulping it down. When he was done cumming she continued to suck and lick until he had to pull out of her mouth and sit back on the table top. Her hand came up to grip his as she looked up at him with those deep purple eyes.

"Oh, my darling boy, I am feeling so deliciously wicked. I could never have imagined that you could arouse such passions. I won't be so callous as to suggest you were sent to me, considering the tragic circumstances, but I'm so thankful that you are here with me now."

"I suppose my fate was sealed when the new Baron first arrived, but in the end his fate was worse. I'm alive, here with you, and he and his heir are laying in a mausoleum somewhere."

He didn't want to dwell on such a thought so instead he reached out with his free hand and began to lightly massage one of her full tits, letting a finger play over the nipple. She let her eyes close and her lips pursed in pleasure at the feel of his hand on her body. He added some pressure and watched as her cock twitched and began to swell. Her body was a constant source of fascination for him although he might not have phrased it like that.

She let go of his hand and let hers come to rest on his bare thigh. He used his now free hand to take hold of her cock and began to slowly stroke it, watching as a bead of precum formed. Alura began to moan softly and her hand began to search out his cock, which she found and began to stroke, matching Iain's timing. With a little shifting around they got themselves securely situated atop the table and then Iain bent down and got his mouth around the head of her now rock hard and drooling cock.

Her taste was intoxicating him and he started to slide his lips down the shaft towards her balls. She in turn began to tug on his hips and got him to stretch out alongside her with his dick near her face so she opened her mouth and swallowed whole. Had anyone come knocking they would have been in for a long wait. The mutual blow jobs were slow and loving and neither seemed interested in getting to a climax any time soon. They were so relaxed that Iain surprised himself when he realized he had her entire cock in his mouth, the head having eased past the opening of his throat.

It felt like heaven to Alura, particularly when he swallowed a time or two, giving the head an interesting massage. They went on together like this for a while, mouths working cocks and hands running up and down bare skin. But eventually all this attention worked its magic and they rolled more tightly together, arms wrapped around each other's hips and those hips began to buck, almost in unison and each began to pump a load into the eager mouth of the other.

Multiple streams of cum were being given and taken until their bodies finally relaxed and they lay together staring up at the roof rafters, head to hip. Each had a hand resting on the others torso. It was Alura who finally moved, if slowly, as she sat up and swung her legs off the edge of the table. With still considerable strength she tugged on Iain's arms and got him to his feet. Each with an arm wrapped around the other, they made their way to the warm springs at the rear of the house and settled into the largest basin, she with her back against a smooth stone wall, he with his back against her torso, wrapped in those long, strong arms.

As they soaked in the warm, slightly sulphurus water, she rested a cheek against his ruffled hair and let her finger tips caress his bare chest. He was sure that were he to be offered back the estates of Blackthorn, perhaps the entire Barony, he would forsake it all to be able to remain here, like this, for a lifetime.

As her legs were stretched out on both sides of him, he brought a hand to rest on each firm thigh and began to slowly caress both in long strokes. Her arms tightened her grip and a wet finger found both of his nipples and began to caress them. A pair of moist lips brushed gently over his ear and then he heard the whispered words,

"Remain here with me, my love, and I will teach you all that I know. While you may not possess the ability to work the full magic, there is so much that you will be able to do. And we will share such delights of the body and mind that those who dispossessed you could not even dream of. We have become of one body and soul. Please, never leave here."

He reached down, getting his hands under her thighs and he pulled her legs up so that he could get them around him. He leaned forward a bit and kissed both her knees lightly and then brought his head back to rest along her shoulder. Turning his head so that he could get a partial image of her perfect face he said,

"Nothing or no one could offer me anything that would induce me to leave here, or more specifically, you. Not all the lands of the north or the treasures of the south. I'll learn whatever you wish to teach me and whatever pleasures we discover, we'll share them. And speaking of pleasure..."

He didn't finish the thought, but swiveled around in her embrace and proceed to lavish such attention on her that by the time they were finished most of the water in the basin had been sloshed out onto the floor. They would later discover that even mopping up a wet floor could be enjoyable when you were both naked.

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