A Mile End Story

By Ash Eater

Published on Sep 7, 2022



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"Oh fuck off then" Chris shouted as he slammed the front door. It was the second argument of the day with his husband and it was only Saturday lunchtime. Although their relationship was open, to the extent they had separate bedrooms, Chris was getting increasingly annoyed that Andrew seemed to prefer hooking up with randoms off the apps at the drop of a hat than spending any time with him. Andrew had just announced he was meeting up with someone off Recon for the afternoon, when they had agreed a couple of hours earlier that that they would go out for coffee before visiting a hardware store.

Chris' annoyance was less to do with the fact that those plans had been scuppered but that yet again Andrew seemed to be the one benefitting most from the open relationship.They'd not long moved to East London, and it took a while for the most of anger to disappear . When it did Chris suddenly realised he looked in what was a familiar street. Familiar but something wasn't quite right.

"This is where Backstreet was. I thought that they'd knocked it down."

Yet there in front of him was that familiar door. In all the years that he had been a regular he had never been down the street in broad daylight. It was he thought unusually busy, although no one seemed to take any notice of him. It was 2pm, Andrew's probably getting fucked right now he thought. It was then he realised that the door was open. He still thought it was odd as he was sure the building had been knocked down, nonetheless his curiosity got the better of him and he pushed the door open.

He walked into what had been the changing area, the light above him flickered. He heard something move behind him , it was the door closing, there was another noise from the other side of the door into the main bar. It sounded like a cough. Again Chris's curiosity took over, and he pushed it open, there was a haze of smoke, cigar smoke. "Have the forgotten about the smoking ban?" Through the thick haze another cough.

"You're late boy"

It had been sometime since Chris had been called boy, most of the hook ups he had off the apps were annoyingly pretty vanilla.

A youngish man stood in front of him. Six foot plus thin in full Langlitz, "I said you are late. Boy" He lifted a cigar to bismuth before blowing the smoke in Chris's face.

"Sorry" Chris mumbled He was regressing to the obedient sub that he used to be whenever he entered through the bar doors. Chris looked down sheepishly afraid to look at the man in the eye.He was wearing leather trousers, and knee length boots. Chris blinked confused, it was mid July and in the high twenties, he had left his flat in a T-shirt and shorts.

"`Prove it" The man came up closer to Chris and breathed another cloud of smoke into his face. Chris fell to the floor and began to lick the Wesco's that were right in front of him. A wave of warmth came over him as his natural instinct to obey kicked in

The taste of boot leather, it had been far too long since he had experienced that sensation , he had no idea who this man was, yet he also felt familiar. Of course over the years he had often fallen on his knees and licked a leatheman's boots without knowing who he was. As he licked he could see the wet shine on the boot increase. God how he had missed this. Chris was about to move on to the other boot when "

"Good Boy. Now, Fuck off You can go, but next time don't be late."

Chris stood up. What had he done wrong? The man was walking away from him, for a moment he thought he might have seen someone else there with him. The second man turned round and looked at Chris and tapped his boots with what looked like a riding crop.Chris heard another noise from the other side of the double doors. "I'd better go." He thought, to himself. Three minutes later he was outside. A mother and two kids walked past him "I like the t shirt" she said. Chris looked down he was no longer in leather He looked at his watch it was 2.10, he had only been in there two minutes. How could that be? "I need a coffee"

Later that evening Andrew announced he was heading out again. "I can't help if men want a piece of this arse" he said slapping his buttock. He leaned over to give his husband a kiss. He was expecting Chris to complain and was surprised but relieved when he didn't. Chris was already planning another walk.

It had just turned 9pm and was just starting to get dark. He walked along Mile End Road , and turned a corner, a few minutes later he was outside those doors. Chris was still confused as he was still certain the place had been demolished. He saw a chink of light coming through the bottom of the door, he looked round although there were people about they seemed to not notice. A young couple walked by laughing.

He looked down he was again dressed in leather. He heard a cough. It came from what had been the toilet. He went in. The man was there again. "About time I need a piss. You don't keep me or anyone else hanging around waiting. Understand" He grabbed Chris by the shoulders and turned him to face the mirror, he was wearing a yellow leather tie. Chris nodded, although he far from understood. Who else was here?

"Now get down and open that mouth. Don't you dare spill a drop" Chris looked up wide eyed as the young man pulled out his dick flaccid but there was a substantial length and girth.

It felt like an age as the man stood there and emptied his bladder into Chris's mouth. "Remember don't spill a drop" He tried to see if he could catch the man's face but the upper half was obscured under Muir Cap, all that was really visible was cigar, and a hint of a ginger moustache, which would on occasion glow as the man took a breath.

"Like that Boy" Chris nodded. "Next time you might even to taste some cum" He lifted Chris upon his feet and pushed him against the wall, He moved forward and gave started to kiss. Chris at first was tempted to resist by the taste of cigar on the man's breath meant that he surrounded and allowed the man to probe his mouth. He finally released him and pressed gloved hand across Chris' mouth he took a draw on the cigar and exhaled. He began to roughly undo Chris' leather trousers, and turned him round. Before Chris knew it he was being fucked. Chris had no idea how long the fucking lasted for it was hard and merciless it was clearly for the leatherman's pleasure not his, suddenly , he felt the cum dripping down his leg. "Get outside and wait"

Out in the changing area, a second man was there, the same one he must have seen earlier. He looked at Chris as if he was measuring him up for size.,"What do you think?" "Perfect" The second man looked at Chris, "You'd better like boots and ash Boy." He then waved his hand as if to dismiss him.

"Good Boy, now go away."

As he exited the couple he had seen as he was entering were just walking up the end of the street he looked at his watch, he had been inside for little more than three minutes. What was happening? As he walked away he swore he heard a voice saying, "Until next time Boy."

"Fancy a night in" Andrew said a couple of days later. Chris was about to agree but he heard a voice "Come and worship Boy" ."I need to go out for a walk first" Andrew was taken aback but he couldn't really complain after all he hadn't been home until late for over a week meeting random Recon and Scruff hook ups. As Chris exited the block of flats the heavens opened, he almost turned round, but that voice "Come Boy" made him continue with the walk.

As he walked Chris seemed oblivious to the rain, he reached the doors and walked in. He fell to his knees and crawled to the double doors, once inside he waited. The young man approached "Good Boy. You came back are you ready to serve?" "Yes Sir"

Those words came out as if they were second nature. He suddenly found himself being led across the floor of the bar. Where had that collar and chain around his come from? "I must have put them on before leaving the flat" Chris thought to himself, forgetting that he had gone out in just his summer clothes and a rain coat. He was led through the bar, he thought he could see shadows of others, silent leather clad figures.

He was led to the back of the bar, outside, It was bone dry and not hint of rain. "Here he is?" The other man from his previous visit was there waiting. He bent over and spat on his boot."Get going"

"Yes Sir"

"Yes, Sir" Chris repeated and began to worship. As he did he felt a whack on his arse, one of the men was beating him with a riding crop. He muffled a "Thank you Sir",as each whack took him deeper into a sense of submission. A heavy boot on his back pushed him further into the ground, neither this nor the beating distracted him from his role as boot licker. "Now you behave and remember to obey" "He's now all yours".

"You can do better than that. I want to feel that tongue through that leather on my foot" "Yes Sir"This continued for the next half hour Chris put every effort he could into worshipping the boot, which again made him doubt whether the bar had ever closed down. Eventually he was brought back on to his knees.

"Here's a reward Boy. Open wide." Chris obeyed ash fell on his tongue "Keep it there" Chris kept his mouth open, waiting for permission to swallow, the man moved closer, Chris could now see his face, wide, and smiling, his grey beard almost glistening. Chris was mesmerised by how handsome he was, The man leant in closer and spat in Chris' mouth. "Swallow"

"Good man. Did you like that?" "Yes Sir" "Do a good job of getting this hard, and you'll get two rewards. It's very quiet out here tonight just you and ,me. It will be our spot "

Chris looked around he could see no one else in the flickering of the candle light. Where had the other man gone? Before he had time to think too much he felt a hand push against the back of his head, gently guiding it so the whole dick was in Chris' throat. The blow job was briefly halted so another mouth full of ash could be deposited along with a healthy dose of spit. A bottle of beer suddenly appeared, Chris took a mouth full to wash it down, he watched as another cigar was lit, and returned to worshipping dick. Chris lost the track of time as he worshipped the man's dick, it never softened, and he wondered if he would ever come. "Ready Boy" "Yes Sir Chris grunted and he was soon chocking on what seemed like gallons of cum. "It's been a while, since you did that boy" The man spoke as if Chris had sucked him off before. Had he?

He looked up and the cigar was coming to an end. "Stand" Chris obeyed, the man ripped open Chris's leather shirt and placed the cigar close to his right nipple, he moved in closer, Chris winced, but the man quickly changed his mind. Instead he stubbed it out on Chris's right bicep. "Something to remind you of me" Chris let out a groan of pain, but managed to whisper a "Thank You Sir. "

"Now fuck off I'll see you later," the man lit another cigar as he waved Chris off with a dismissive right hand. The smile on his face exaggerated by the red glow of the gar. The man who had greeted him was waiting "this bladder needs emptying , you know what to do" Chris's arm was aching from having the cigar extinguished on him, but that was blocked out as he knelt there in the middle of the bar swallowing piss. A slap on the head indicted his service was over. He got up off his knees and left. Just before he went out he looked at his arm, it was red , and a few blisters were already forming.

When he was outside it was still rain, he ran back home. "How far did you go? You must be soaked" Chris looked at his watch he had been gone barely an hour, not long enough to smoke two fat cigars. Removing his rain coat he looked at his arm, there was no sign of the earlier branding at the hand of the cigar smoker. He returned to the lounge and lay next to Andrew on the sofa. Andrew placed his arms around him and kissed his head. "You smell nice, have you been wearing that tobacco after shave?"

The next morning Chris woke and made breakfast, he tried to put the odd events of the past few weeks out of his head. His arm looked fine, perhaps he had just been dreaming after all. He and Andrew ate their breakfasts ,as they were putting the dishes away Andrew suggested they go for a walk just before lunch. A couple of hours later they were out of the flat.

"God look at that monstrosity, replacing a perfectly service leather bar with a block of flats and a Tesco, what were they thinking" Andrew was ranting as they walked closer to where Backstreet had been. He dragged Chris down the side road to the old entrance, as he did Chris felt a pain in his arm, the heat from the cigar had returned and there was a nasty burn. He grimaced.

"Look at that, " Andrew pointed, starting to waffle on about modern architecture and the death of the leather bar. Chris was looking at the same spot all he could see was the old Backstreet. Andrew his ranting over started to stomp off in the direction of the park Chris moved towards the club entrance. He swore he could hear a voice "Come on Boy" he was about to push open the door when Andrew shouted after him"Oi slow coach come on" He turned and ran off to catch up with his husband. As he reached the other side of the road "Worship Boy" rang in his ears. Five minute into the park Chris looked at his arm. It no longer hurt and the scar had gone.

The next week had been a hectic one for Chris, late nights, which meant that all he wanted to do was fall into bed. He and Andrew had long been in separate beds, a relationship which suited them both. When he got home just before midnight on Thursday he could hear the grunts coming from Andrew's room. Chris smiled and turned round, it was time for a walk.

He almost had second thought but he was summoned by "Boy now" as he passed the tube station. The voices from the bar seemed to be getting louder, and could be heard further away. He almost ran , and as he did he could feel the scar on his arm return, he looked down and it looked as if it had only just happened. He pushed the door open and walked to the back. "Want some more then"The man was sat in exactly the same place as he had left him almost a week earlier. "Yes Sir."

Chris bent down and waited, A gloved hand moved towards him "Suck it boy" The taste of years worth of cigar smoking filled Chris's mouth. He looked up as caught the man's eye. The smile that greeted him made Chris feel protected and he moved hands to caress the muscular leather covered legs that he was kneeling between, "Like that Boy" "Yes Sir" "Do you like pleasing me" "Chris nodded. "Do you want to be my Boy for ever. Serve me for ever" without thinking Chris nodded. "One day Boy, one day," The gloved hand was removed from Chris's mouth , and he was lifted onto his feet. The man unzipped his leather jacket exposing a muscular hairy chest. "Worship it boy. I want to feel that tongue " Chris spent what felt like half an hour worshipping the gorgeous body, inhaling and tasting the fresh sweet sweat. As he did he felt his dick harden . "No touching Boy, you are here to please me:

When Chris finally left the bar, a matching burn on his other arm, it was daylight. When he arrived home Andrew was in the kitchen. "Home early from work dear" Chris looked at his phone it was 4pm, He had been in the bar for 16 hours. There were text message from work, asking where he was. " Anyway I'm off out for an hour there a sexy American in town who wants to fill my guts."

Chris was alone again. He made himself a strong coffee and tried to work out what the fuck was happening. He tried to occupy himself at home but he could not concentrate so three hours later he was talking towards those doors, he smiled as the pain from the cigar burns made themselves felt. He was proud to carry his Sir's mark. "His Sir?" where did that come from, not that the thought occupied his head for long, he knelt down. "Ready Sir"

When he next looked at his phone, it was 10pm He had spent almost 24 hours worshipping his Sir. Not that it felt like it. Whenever he walked through those doors time didn't really matter. He returned home and stripped, the smell of cigar smoke was every where, and the jeans that he had worn to work that day were soaked with piss. Andrew was no where to be seen, he checked his messages, he had gone out drinking.

As he pulled down his trousers, he saw that he was wearing cock cage. He gave it a tug there was no way that it would come off. When did that get put on? As the water from the shower fell on his body he noticed that the burn marks were still there. They had not disappeared in fact they had been joined by a third on his left pec. As he soaped his buttocks he grimaced. He looked round, there were fresh welts, a sign he had been subject to a hard beating. "Thank You sir" he said allowed "You are welcome Boy" a voice came from no where.

Chris called in sick to work the next day, and the next. For a whole week he'd wait for Andrew to leave for work before heading to the bar. Some of the changes that took place as soon as he entered no longer reverted, as far as Chris was concerned the Prince Albert had been there for years.

Chris put the phone down after calling in sick for the fifth day, and made himself some breakfast, went shopping and cleaned the house. He was trying to distract himself so that he wasn't thinking about the bar, thinking about Sir But whenever he stopped his mind was just full of imaged of his leather Sir, standing there a riding crop sticking out of his boot, and a cigar in his mouth, his jacket undone ready for Chris to worship. The voices taunted him "Good Boy" "Lick it Boy" "Come on Boy". He tried to down the voices out by playing music but they wouldn't go away.

Finally he relented, he opened up his wardrobe, and pulled out his leathers. It had been at least a year since he had taken them out yet they smelled of cigar smoke, He put them on and slipped on his boots. On the floor he saw a collar, something which had had never owned, but placed it round his neck, and snapped the padlock shut, leaving the key on his bedside table. He looked in the mirror , and the word Slave appear tattooed on his face, He smiled , and left the flat, taking nothing with him, his phone, his wallet even his keys were left on the kitchen table.

As he walked towards his destination the voices got louder, he upped his pace , he was excited at what lay ahead. He knew now that there was no going back. He felt guilty for not letting Andrew know where he had gone, but he'd survive, He might not even notice his absence .

He pushed the door open, the Man was there waiting. Chris knelt. "Hello Boy" He placed his hand on Chris's head, his finger slipping through the gap between Chris' neck and the collar. "Master I am ready" "About time too Slave, we have a lot off time to make up, but have all the time in the world to do so"

Chris was led to the back of the bar, as he followed his Master he for the first time he noticed that space was full of other leather men each one with an obedient slave kneeling beside him. He was finally outside, he and his Master "I said that this was our spot, I think we will be very comfortable here" the Master said as he spat a tobacco flavoured ball of spit into Chris's face. Chris said nothing but hurried his head into his Master's leather crotch. He was where he belonged.

Outside on the other side of the main door two men were walk past it from opposite directions. One a German tourist who thought to himself that he was certain that he had read that Backstreet had closed and been demolished yet there it was. He began walking towards the entrance as if a voice was beckoning him "Please Sir I'm ready". How could he resist?

The other was Andrew, he was oblivious to the presence of the other man, he was more concerned with his anger at the monstrosity that had replaced the Backstreet. He muttered to himself at the state of the new building, memories of Chris evaporated, the wedding ring on his finger vanished into thin air. By the time he had turned the corner he was he started think about the second date he had with a cute American. "Being single has many advantages " he said to himself

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