A New Start Series

By Connor PIper

Published on Mar 5, 2014


First of (Hopefully many)

Usual warnings apply for Nifty.org (Gay sex, harsh language, ect.)

Sorry about the margins. :P

I was 19, I had just entered a College hoping to get a degree and live a life with money, not with a partner. I knew I was gay, I had convinced myself that I was not for years. But there is no pushing down emotions such as that. I had only entered college because I knew that I would suppress that feeling and move on with my life. I would get some money (With a desk job), buy a nice house that fit my demanding tastes and then get a Volvo S60 R-Design. That was it, I had a plan. I knew that, living in California, that I was much safer as a homosexual. I still contained myself. I would know I would have friends. I had them in highschool, but I went to a separate college. I just needed to get the right ones, and make up a ton of crap.

So, I drove. I took the long route, it was fall. Rain had just fallen, and the trees were pushing their warm colors to mix with the dark, deep sky. I was driving my car, my baby, I had always been into cars and computers. But in a different way, but, I always had a different way. When everyone bought Macs and Dells, I bought a Sony. When everyone had Civics and Trucks, I had my beloved 2000 Volvo S80 (with the dual-turbo, of course). So I sat in silence, winding around the road. I usually was a music person. I had my phone and my headphones (Yea, everyone had Beats, I had Sonys). My Volvo also had quite the sound system for its time. I realized that I was trailing off, noticing the water on the windshield, the hum of the transmission. So I got my phone and started some Electronic music. I was back to my old self, alone, in my car. Singing to the lyrics in the music and bouncing around. I laughed, I was content.

I know you want to know about me, well. I am regular height (I was short as a kid) and have brown/blonde hair. My eyes are very striking, they are a Ice Blue color. I love them, I have always loved my eyes. I was somewhat skinny, no six-pack. But there was abs, they were just, whatever. I cared a bit, but I never worked out. I have always been on the skinny side. I again, just went with it. So I turned on the seat heater, popped on Pandora and just went with what was on. I was getting close to a civilized area, my stomach churning, I was nervous. Would my room-mate be a Douchey piece of shit? Or a slob? I was not organized, but I was not dirty. I always called it `A clean mess' because things were just thrown everywhere, but they were clean. Not clothes, not food, just wires, chargers, pens, computer things. So I pulled into the parking lot. I parked in the middle of two empty spaces, I loved my car. I was the only thing that I still showed affection to. I had left my parents, I did not hate them. Just afraid, of myself. I had just lived on my own with a job at BestBuy a year before college. I was not lonely, but I was not the most outgoing person. I went to the dorms offices, all I brang was my laptop. I had money, not tons. But I had it, I was good at spending it. I had a pretty laptop, with a screen that flipped around. I walked to the door, took a breath, and walked in. I went, to the desk.There was a woman there, she was in business type clothes.

"Hello, I'm here to check in. Or whatever you guys do here" I said

"Oh, yes. I just need you to sign some forms, Mr..." She said

"Just call me nick, Nick" as I placed my computer on the lower desk next to me

"Well, Nick, here is the dorm compliance agreement, you are not to contribute in explicit activities listed in the forms. That means no drinking" Yea right "No smoking and no disturbances after 9pm" She said in a `I'm doing my job, prick' sort of way

"Sure" I said

"Okay Sign here, and here and I will give you your keycard and your room number"

"Okay" I pulled out my pen, rejecting the one she gave me, and signed every little box

"You are good to go! Here is your card, use it to open the building doors and your room door." She looked at a paper, clicked on her keyboard then replied with "You will be room 256, on the third floor"

"Okay, thanks" I grabbed the card, my laptop and walked to my car.

I drove till I got to a spot closer to the dorms. I parked my S80 and got my laptop and my basic suitcase. I would get my hell of a desktop and two monitors later. I got to the room, placed the card in the spot, breathed, and walked in. There was no-one inside. It was a one roomer, with two desks, two beds, and a bathroom. I liked the fact that I did not shower in public, I hoped not to get a boner in there.

I shivered at the thought. I put down my laptop on the desk opened it, and moved my suitcase to the bed in which I chose. Then, I got on my laptop, hoping my roommate would help me with my Desktop and bring it up with me. I sat in the chair, and typed away on Skype, telling my staff on a Minecraft server that I had made it. I was a Admin, I ran the whole show.

I did everything, the owner, was an old friend. But I have not seen him on in a while. I ran a top-notch server. People paid for things, and we provided. It was a business, that I was not willing to lose, just yet. Then I hear the beep of the keycard in the door, and my roommate walked in. He was fairly tall, had black hair and tanned skin. He was not my type, but quite pretty nevertheless. I said I would not do this to my roommate, so I stopped.

Then I realized that we had been staring at each other for about 7 secs. I cleared my throat and got up.

"Hi, my names Nick" And shook his hand, trying to be "regular"

"Hey, I'm Tom" Then name took me back, he did not look like a Tom, whatever. Long pause...

"Soooo" I said, very awkwardly

"Oh, sorry, can you help me with some of my stuff?" He said

"Sure, i'll be needing some help myself too" and I smiled

"Okay, great, thanks, I just need to get my monitor up here" And I took a breath

"So you are a computer guy too!" I said with excitement

"I guess you could call me that, I built my computer" he snickered

"You have got to be the best roommate ever!" I (Almost) shouted

"Okay, Lets get to my car" and he turned around and walked to the door

We got both of our computers in the room and then hooked them up, assorted cords, booted them. Got things ready. And then looked at the others build.

"Bro, we're 3570K brothers!" and he high-fived me

"Oh my god, I never thought that Bro' and 3570K' could be used in a sentence together. Thats like a football player using a calculator" I laughed

"lol, I know" I thought, He just said lol...

"Well, I'm going to head off, I have to get some stuff and get ready for class tomorrow" I said

"Yea, me too. Isn't it weird that they have class the very next day?" He asked

"I don't know, I bet the first week will be easy" I said

Oh, but was I wrong The very next day I was in class. My Engineering teacher was fast talking, young, and made quite a lot of puns. I was thinking to myself, with my computer open. I was just thinking, about my car, about my life, about my roommate. I regained my notice of the world, and looked around my classroom. And thats when I saw him...

I was staring for I don't know how long, at this boy. Man. Thing. I don't know. He was striking, very intense, his eyes, so Ice blue, almost grey. His face, wonderful. His hair, light blonde. He was sitting in the other side of the room. I was staring at him. Was this love at first sight? I don't know. I just wanted to know about him, was he gay? Well, I'm keeping my hopes up. I was not that lucky, and anyways, he was out of my league. The class had ended, but I was still staring at him.

Everyone started shifting, he put his computer away and got up. Then. He noticed me, almost with my mouth open. And I broke my stare, feeling embarrassed and quickly got my stuff and left. I did not look back. What would he say? What would he do?

I don't know, I just walked and went through 2 more classes. It was late when my 2nd class was done and I went for a nice drive, stopped at a coffee shop, worked on some online class stuff. And then drove back to the dorms.

I got back, it was almost dark outside. I left my stuff in my car, I would go to dinner later then bring it in then. I was going to ask my roommate to come with me, we could entertain each other with computer talk. If he had plans/friends. Oh well. I got my keycard ready, opened the building door with thought. Then, there he was. He was there, standing at a door trying to get in, I could tell he was frustrated, the key card would not work on the door to the dorm he was trying to enter. He got mad and turned my way, probably to get to the dorm office for another card. He saw me. Staring at him for at least 20 secs. That brought me back to reality, his powerful stare. He realized who I was. His motions indicated that he would say something. My face, red. I grabbed my car keys from my pocket and quickly moved out of there. He yelled "Hey!" just as the door was shutting. I got in my car and went to a close restaurant ordered some to-go food. And took the back entrance to the dorms this time. I went to my room, and ate while studying. I realized that Tom was sleeping on his bed. I soon got tired and went to bed soon after typing my final line. I woke the next morning, and got my stuff ready, I went to engineering. I did not stare at Beautiful (My new nickname for him) and just worked.

I went through my other 2 classes without incident. This time I was going to the library, I got my computer sat down at a table. The table was quite big, but the library was silent.

I got my computer and a text book, I was typing some notes from the book to my computer. Someone entered the library and sat on the bench opposite to table that I was at. He sat down some stuff and was about 2 feet from me, just across the table at a slight angle. I did not think of anything, I was busy. Just typing. About 20 mins later he asked with the voice that I had thought of all night "Hey, can I borrow a piece of paper off you, I was stupid and forgot my binder"

I looked up.

It was Beautiful, I tried not to jitter. I said yes and went to get my binder.

He was not looking at me when I said that, so I doubt he recognised me. I was thinking, how do I impress him? How do you impress him with how you open a binder? I just got a couple pages of paper and handed them out.

He looked up and a said with those powerful eyes

"Thanks" he said quickly, without thought

I soon replied, without thinking "No, thank you" then slapped my hands to my face What have I done! He looked up again, and this time recognised me. He was about to say something, but I was quick. I got my backpack and computer and left as fast as possible. I got to my dorm, put my computer down, and then realized that my binder was not there. I had left it on the desk when I ran from Beautiful. I said shit quietly and left the room.

I walked to the library, scanning for Beautiful. I got to the building, entered, and walked to the table. There was no Beautiful, just my textbook that I had left. My binder, gone.

I put my head down. Where had my binder gone? Where is Beautiful? Was he telling his jock friends to `Beat up that fag'? I was tired anyways. I went back to my dorm.

Okay, first one here. Please E-Mail me for suggestions. I have more of the story already done. I just have to make sure you don't find this to be utter crap :P

Thanks! E-Mail: thatvolvoguy80@gmail.com (This is my "Other Use" E-Mail)

Next: Chapter 2: A New Start 2

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