A Night with Jeff

By Neaux Name

Published on Jan 7, 2018


Please consider donating to www.nifty.org . They are doing a great job providing this archive to us. **************************************************************** I was so excited to be finally cooking a homemade meal for Jeff Conner. We had been talking and texting more and more since the afternoon he fucked me in his truck in the middle of a freak MIssissippi snowstorm. When I told him I wanted to cook a nice dinner for him, I was prepared to cook my signature Chicken Paprika. I was surprised when Jeff said he wanted a good old fashioned homemade hamburger.

I called Jeff on my way to his house. I had gone to the local grocery story and bought the freshest ingredients I could find. Jeff told me he was about to get in the shower, but that the front door to his mobile home would be open, and I could come on in and get started.

Carrying all of the groceries in at one time, I made my way into Jeff's home. It was obvious that he had been cleaning up some. Everything seemed to be in it's proper place and the smell of lemon scented furniture polish lingered in the air. As I sat the groceries down on the kitchen counter I could hear the sound of a shower coming from the back room.

Slowly, I walked down the hallway into the master bedroom. Looking across the room I could see directly into the bathroom where Jeff was showering in a glass enclosed shower. He was facing away from me and I couldn't help but take in the sight of Jeff's beautiful naked body. His hair was already wet, and sticking up all over. And his thin, tanned, muscular body glistened from the hot water from the shower that was cascading down his back. His soapy hands ran over his perfect ass cheeks and proceeded over his abs and obviously down to his cock and balls.

"Are you gonna watch me, or are you gonna cook?", he asked. Startled I let out a laugh and said, "I was just making sure you were doing it right." "Oh, I'm doing it right", he said with the cutest grin on his face...."I always do it right."

Walking back to the kitchen I began getting everything seasoned and prepared for cooking. I had brought my own seasonings as I wasn't sure what Jeff would have on hand. I heard Jeff come into the kitchen as I had my hands in the ground beef and I felt his hands come to rest on my hips and simultaneously I felt his moustache and beard on my neck as he gave me light kisses which created a stirring in my own crotch.

I turned my head around and planted my lips on his. He gave me several long kisses before quickly slipping his tongue in my mouth and backing away. "You tease!" I said to him as he plopped down on his sofa. The same sofa where I first took his clothes off of him and sucked his long, hard cock.

With the hamburger patties ready to cook, I washed my hands and begin preparing the lettuce and tomatoes as well as the condiments. Once everything was ready I began cooking the hamburgers. I was concentrating intently on my cooking temperature and the perfect moment to flip the burgers when I noticed again that Jeff was standing behind me. Resting his head on my left shoulder he would watch me cook for a minute, then he would give me light kisses on my cheek. Then I felt his hand again on my hips as they ran their way into the waistband of my blue jeans and his right hand found its way to my cock which was beginning to have a lift of its own.

I leaned back into him as I felt my dick getting harder and harder. His right hand had a firm grip on my cock and was slowly stroking up and down the length of it. His tongue was licking me from the base of my neck up to my left ear where he would stop and gently nibble on my earlobe then kiss his way back down my neck.

"You better turn your burgers, or they're gonna burn", he quipped. "Well, someone has me slightly distracted", I responded. With that he withdrew his hand and just watched over my shoulder as I finished cooking.

He never took his eyes off of me the entire time we were eating. In fact, one time some ketchup had escaped the corner of my mouth. He wiped it up with his thumb and put it in my mouth, allowing me to suck the ketchup off of him.

Once we finished eating he asked me to sit by him on the love seat in his living room. He told me how much he enjoyed my cooking and said he wanted to show me just how much he liked it.

With that, he put a throw pillow on the floor and knelt on it between my legs. His hand began rubbing my crotch area of my blue jeans with my cock responding and it's outline being made very obvious through my jeans. Jeff then leaned forward and began licking the outline of my cock while his hands unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped my zipper. He carefully reached into my boxer briefs and pulled out my hard cock. He then put his hands into the waistband of my jeans and my underwear and pulled them both completely off of me.

With my clothes out of the way, Jeff began slowly stroking my cock. The entire time he was stroking me, he never broke eye contact. His gaze was fixed to be sure I was enjoying the amazing handjob he was giving me....and I was. Both of us noticed at the same time when a drop of precum formed on the tip of my cock. Without missing a beat Jeff leaned down and licked it off, and spread it over the head of my hard dick with his tongue. Once the head of my cock was covered in precum, Jeff allowed his mouth to completely enclose my cock. He began slowly sucking just the head with his tongue swirling around the end. Any precum that had formed was now being taken by Jeff directly into his mouth.

He worked his way farther down my shaft until I could feel his nose pressed into my pubes. Maintaining amazing suction, he worked his way back up my dick. Then he began repeating the same action.

After he had done this about six times, I could feel a familiar stirring in my balls. "Jeff, if you keep this up, I'm gonna cum." ..... "He kept on...."Jeff!!! I'm getting close"....He began to speed up his pace until I couldn't hold it any longer. My cock exploded into his mouth. Rope after rope of cum shot into his mouth. He brought his mouth back up my shaft, making sure that he didn't lose any of my cum...then he swallowed every drop. I couldn't believe it.

I was anticipating that Jeff would begin slowly kissing his way up my belly to meet my mouth in one of his passionate kisses. I was really expecting to taste my own cum as he slid his tongue in my mouth and shared my load with me. Instead, Jeff took ahold of my legs and pushed my knees up to my chest. My bare ass was stuck up in the air and I was completely shocked when I felt Jeff's tongue begin licking my hole. His warm mouth felt amazing. His tongue circled all around my hole. I had never been reamed before, and I couldn't believe how amazing it felt. Although I had just shot my load, my own dick was beginning to get hard again. The feeling was absolutely amazing.

I looked down at Jeff and saw him looking down and spitting on the head of his own hard cock as he lined it up with my hole. His cock pressed against my lubricated opening and I felt him push his cock inside of me. He inched inside me slowly. I couldn't help but moan, as the size of his cock was still hard to get used to intially.

Once Jeff had his entire cock all the way inside of me, he began slowly, but methodically, fucking my ass. He maintained his gaze the entire time he pumped my ass. Our eyes never left each other. The only sound was me moaning my approval, and Jeff's increased breathing.

At that moment, I broke the silence as I said, "Jeff....just fuck me!" And he did. His pace increased dramatically and I could hear his balls slapping against my ass as his hard, thick cock thrusted hard in and out of me. "John, I'm about to come inside your ass". I could hardly wait. Just then, he leaned down and planted a huge kiss on my mouth. As our mouths opened and our tongues met, I felt his hot cum began unloading in my ass. His cock throbbed and throbbed as he shot over and over inside of me.

I was in complete bliss as this gorgeous man laid there on top of me with his cock softening inside of me. As his dick slipped out of my ass he stayed on top of me. Our tongues were busy exploring each other and my hands were rubbing all over his muscular back. I knew that we would be spending our second night together...content holding each other all night long.

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