Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Nov 28, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


This one is dedicated to Evan of Morphians for planting the seed.



G. Cutter

The old school seemed to speak in the night, creaks and noises that shouldn't be heard. Most of the pupils had heard tales of ghostly old students and even masters prowling the long panelled corridors and gloomy hallways. The younger boys of eleven or so were even reluctant to visit the toilets after dark when the place was only illuminated by dim emergency lighting. The boys of St Anselms were of rich parents and spoilt but the school was where they came down to earth. It was one step removed from a small military academy as they have in rthe USA. Tradition was strong and living like a mini Spartan was all part and parcel of 'being made a man'. It was an old and respected English public school which means the polar opposite of what it means in most other countries. An English public school is very private. The one type who didn't get into St Anselms were the 'general public', so, no serfs, peasants and peons here, the boys came from respected families and mainly rich ones. There were a scattering of foreign students but normally these came from families either working or stationed in the U.K.

Friday night was Mack's night, it was the night that he and his little bunch of cronies met up in the Boiler Room to the rear of the bathrooms and had a giggle. The giggle was normally associated with food parcels, a smuggled drink or sex. Yes, sex. They were Fifth Formers which in St Anselms meant that they were fifteen and verging on manhood. This little crew spent most of their waking moments contemplating sex past, sex present and sex in the future. It had to beat thinking of trig, algebra and even worse grammar and the ultimate, modern poets.

'They gonna be there,' John, Mack's closest pal whispered as they lurked in the shadows both pretending to be brave. The school was spooky after dark and there were dire penalties for being caugh out of their dormitory after hours.

'They'll be there Johnny Boy,' Mack smirked in the dark. 'That Karl's after your body.'

'He's got to get in the queue,' John giggled as he felt Mack's arms snake around him. He jumped as he felt his skinhead companion press against him rubbing the hardness of his groin against his bottom. 'Stop it,' John hissed but not before pressing back into Mack. He knew how to keep his boyfriend on his toes.

'Come on,' Mack hissed. 'Karl's got a food parcel and Jimbo's come by a bottle of wine.'

'A bottle of wine?' John's voice broke. 'Wowsers.'

'As you say,' Mack grinned. John was such a kid at times but he loved him deeply. If he didn't, then he lusted him deeply, it was all the same to a fifteen year old schooly. He'd been buggering John for a whole year but in the last six months John had got payback. Taking turns at playing the top and now quite freely kissing and canoodling (in private that was) their relationship grew stronger and stronger, they were inseperable.

'We gonna try for a split tonight?' John whispered just before they made their last dash up the darkened corridor.

'Mixed doubles?'

'Yeah, you have it off with little Jim, you know he fancies you and I'll look after Karl.'

'Whatever,' Mack grunted. He didn't care and fresh meat was always welcome. He knew John to be totally faithful but both of them had a wandering eye. The boys they were meeting were in the same form but a different dormitory and approaching the meeting place from a different direction. 'Stop.' Mack grabbed John and they froze pressing themselves back against the wall.

Two vague and shadowy shapes had appeared right down by the boiler room and Mack saw the taller of the two reach up and after a struggle retrieve the so called hidden key from the top of the door, a moment later they disappeared inside.

'We're on,' Mack giggled and raced down the corridor with John in close pursuit. It was nearly midnight and the chance of being caught was extremely unlikely but you never knew your luck. Sod's Law dictated that they'd get captured sooner or later but the boys had calculated that with what they supected of the masters they had a fifty-fifty chance of falling into friendly hands. The hands may even be over friendly but no gain without pain as Mack had laughingly said.

'Hi di hi, campers,' Mack grinned as he entered the warmth and spotted Karl and Jim up in the darkest corner of the room illuminated by the weakest bulb in the whole wide world. 'I'm trading John for first dibs at your food parcel,' he looked at the scruffy parcel held by the German boy.

'Sounds good,' Karl grinned. He had the vaguest accent but nothing to raise comment, he didn't care anyway, he'd got through the Evil Boche, Horrible Hun and Nasty Nazi stage and was now firmly entrenched in Fifth Form society, of course being a brilliant football player helped. Jim or Jimbo was the smallest in the class and with his close cropped black hair put the others in mind of a naughty chimpanzee, an image he played upto. He was the class clown, forever in trouble and everyone liked Little Jimbo. Mack liked him more than most and had been delighted when John had agreed to some swoppy changey, he just hoped the others were similarly inclined.

They spread some dust sheets in their corner after bolting the door from the inside sat back and chilled. All were wearing the mandatory pyjamas and dressing gowns but these soon came off and they sat there barechested in the warmth still wearing their long bottoms. Some furtive ogling going on as pyjama flies tended to gape but these boys were familiar with each other. Karl had a thing going on with Jim and John and Mack were partners but that was as far as it went. Mack was determined that tonight things would change. He glanced at Karl and saw a slight smile on the handsome blond boys face, things were looking promising.

'Sit by me. John,' Karl patted the dust sheet alongside and Mack grinned squeezing alongside little Jim.

'Cosy,' Jim whispered wriggling up against the larger boy.'Skinheads corner,' he giggled and his leg pressed against Mack's, Mack gently pressed back.

'I have biscuits, fruit cake and a can of brisket but we can save that for the dorm. Jim...'

Jim fished a bottle from under his dressing gown. 'Table wine, I liberated it from the kitchen.'

'The chef will catch you one day and shag your sweet arse silly,' John laughed softly.

'Hopefully,' Jimbo grinned.

They took their time eating their way through two packets of biscuits and then a bit bloated watched Karl as he broke the cake into pieces, it would have been easier with a knife and maybe plates but be fair, they were fifteen year old schoolies not brain surgeons.

'Wine,' Jim announced and unscrewed the top of the cheap wine taking a long swig. 'Urghhh...' He held the bottle out and pulled a face.'

'What's it like?' John grasped the bottle.

'Brill,' Jim shuddered.

John took a long swig and passed it onto Karl who also took a mouthful and then swallowed. He passed it across to Mack.

'Well?' Mack looked at the German.

'Ruff, ruff,' Karl giggled. 'I think Jimbo got the rat poison.'

'Didn't,' Jim squealed. 'It's alright.'

Mack took a gulp and then another, choking and silently red faced he passed the bottle back to Jim.

Jim took a long draught this time and so it went, each boy bravely swilling at the warm and rather indifferent wine. They weren't experts but the taste, the surroundings and their imaginations helped. At last the bottle was empty and rather relieved they hid the bottle on top of the boiler, if it was found the service engineer would probably get the blame. Knowing the way the school worked the empty bottle would probably stay their for the next ten years if not longer.

'I feel a bit wobbly,' Jim grinned at his bigger crop headed companion. 'Even Mack looks tasty.'

'I always look tasty,' Mack pressed against the boy and as Jim fell on his side he lay on him and slipped his hands in the smaller boy's pyjama front slit. 'Horny little oik's got a stiffy.'

'Me too,' John wriggled and his stiff penis slipped free poking out at an angle. Karl smiled and took it in his hand. Mack had given the all clear earlier and anyway, Mack was now struggling with Jim who was giggling and trying to remove Mack's pyjama bottoms. ''Here, I heard of a pretty disgusting game.'

'What.' The other three voices sounded as one. The one way to captivate a teenage boy audience is to mention disgusting games, it works every time.

'We put a piece of cake on a plate,' Karl separated a large chunk of cake and placed it on a lump of cardboard. 'Now... we all wank over it, the last one to cum has to eat it.'

'Gross,' John pulled a face.

'Ditto,' Jim giggled.

'I dunno,' Mack looked at Karl and winked. 'You eat it when you suck your pal,' he looked at Jim.

'I drink it,' Jim grinned managing to extract Mack's stiff flesh from his pyjama bottoms at last and held the warm hardness in his hand. It was bigger than Karl's and he felt his own stiffen even further in sympathy. He'd fancied Mack for some time but Mack was too involved with John. Tonight could be his lucky night. He wriggled as he felt his bottom twitch at the thought of Mack's sexual organ in his belly. Yeah, tonight could be the night but they had to start somewhere. 'I'll have a go if everyone else does.'

'I'm game,' Karl grinned.

'So we've heard,' Jimbo cackled as he saw John slowly working Karl's hardness to and fro.

'I'll give it a go,' Mack shrugged.

'Me too,' John agreed reluctantly. Jim immediately jumped up and dropped his bottoms standing naked with his cock jutting out and watched the others follow his example.

'Kneel,' Karl whsipered and they dropped to their knees. Mack was the biggest and toughest with a well muscled body and the largest penis rooted in a healthy bush of dark pubics. He was followed by the German boy, Karl, who was as tall but slender and wore his blonde hair long on his neck like an old style hippy. John was third in line and third in the size stakes, he was also fair haired but kept his in the normal side parted schooly cut... the fourth of the quartet was the grinning Jim with his black skinhead close to the scalp, a surprisingly large cock for his build and a soft haired black pubic nest. As one they took a grasp on their erections and started to wank. All four were determined to not to cum last and suffer the penalty but that's not the way things happen.

Mack was the first to cum a long streamer of spunk which shot over the cake and hit John directly opposite on the belly, John screeched and Mack laughingly directed his jerking cock downwards liberally coating the cake wirth his pearly white cum. Karl was flogging away like mad and to his relief managed to cum next and managed to get his whole ejaculation onto the cake and the piece of cardboard. He was followed seconds later by John who managed to squirt his all over the floor missing the cake entirely.

This left a red faced Jim who wanked away like a loony but the war was over. Karl had pressed John back onto the dustsheets and was sucking at the shorter boy's deflated penis sucking the residue and cleaning up John's mess. Mack looked at Jim and reaised his eyebrows just as the boy managed a weak squirt over the now drenched cake.

'I couldn't do it wrth you lot watching,' he mumbled awaiting some pity or even mercy but none came. Even Karl lay his face on John's belly to watch the show.

'Come on. Jimbo,' Karl urged.

'Shit,' Jimbo suddenly grabbed Mack and whispered hurriedly into his ear.

'Yeah, love to,' Mark grinned and stroked Jim's back as the boy crouched and then bent over the spunk puddled fruit cake.

'Good job I like fruit cake,' Jim sniffed and then looked at the others. 'Who dares wins,' he smirked and dove onto the cake. He literally dove, he stuck his arms out to his sides and with his tiny bottom cocked up into the air munched, sucked and slurped at the mix of boy cum and crumbled cake. Mack immediately got to his rear and stuck his face onto Jim's crack and started to lap and suck at the delightfully musty little crack spreading the small buns and exposing the boy's pulsing pucker. Reaching around he scooped some of the mess from the carboard and smeared it over his raging hardon slipping it up onto Kim's ring. As Jim pushed the almost clean piece of card board out of the way Mack held his penis firm and slowly pushed.

'Jeezus...' Jim groaned loudly as he felt his ring stretch and then the heat and mass of Mack's fat cock broached his sphincter and entered his body. The other two had lost interest by now and John was on all fours sighing as gasping as Karl's long skinny and pale skinned cock tore into his sweet arse time and time again.

'You did well,' Mack crouched over Jim and pulled him up into a crouch like John. At the same time he moved in and still shagging worked his fat cock deep into the smaller boy.

'You're my biggest so far,' Jim grunted wiping cake crumbs from his lips and feeling the heat and hardness fill him and then came the ride. Mack held the boy's hips and drove time and time again into the soft and springy bottom until he felt his second cuming. It wasn't a lot but enough to have Jimbo wriggling and squirming on the semen slippery meat still moving in his gut. He was happy, he's shagged with the biggest boy in the class and this was only the first of many. Of course he was also the bitch of the best looking boy in the class. He glanced across at Karl fucking John... well, everyone needed a bit of variety now and then.

When it came to the return match Mack lay on his back and let the smaller boy come from the front. He was a bit dismayed to find that Jim was a messy eater but that didn't stop the brat being a fervent kisser so Jimbo wasn't the only one to have cake and cum for a late night snack.

''What did he whisper just before he dived in?' John asked Mack just before they slipped into their respective beds.

'He just wanted a fuck,' Mack smiled in the near darkness. 'He also wanted a threesome.'

'Karl and him with you?' John looked slightly miffed.

'You, me and he,' Mack laughed softly. 'Tomorrow evening over the old cricket pavilion.'

'Sounds good,' John chuckled and slipped into his bed. He still felt sore from Karl's hard fucking but he'd got his revenge and if things worked out OK he'd be rumping with the class clown tomorrow. 'Gawd, I'm so sick,' he smiled in the dark as he felt his penis thicken and stiffen.


This shorty one off was inspired by the antics of the Un-seelie elves on the Morphians 3D Image Site. One of my favorite sites, excellent art, no humans harmed in the making and he has provided illustrations to my 'Summer Fun', one of my favourites on Nifty. Morphians does NOT feature REAL youth, young men, etc etc.

For a couple of his pix or a link do EMail me quoting this story in the 'subject' line..


Next: Chapter 2

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