Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Feb 19, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



11b - The Foursome

(Told by Dom)


G. Cutter

We lay in the afternoon heat and with the lovemaking and lack of air it was hot. There was Tak, my young Thai lover and classmate and Jimbo and John also classmates. The difference between us was that Tak and I were what I'd call normal, long and lanky fifteens both Jimbo and John were down the other end of the scale. They were still hanging around for their growth spurts although the were spurting OK elsewhere (that one followed by a dirty laugh). I liked Jim or Jimbo, he was a bit of a hooligan but I'd noticed in class he wasn't a dumbo, far from it. As for young John, I hadn't taken a lot of notice, he was one of the quiet ones but when his naked body was sprawled alongside me and his foot was not so discretly rubbing up against my leg it was hard to ignore him. I noticed that Jimbo was giving Tak a little stroke with his fingers lighly running across Tak's belly giving my lover the giggles.

The arrangement or the payment for using the Pavilion attic had been a set of mixed doubles with Jimbo and John but not just yet. All four of us had done our lovemaking and were coming down from wherever we'd been.

'Tomorrow's Sunday,' Jim informed us.

'He's so smart,' John grinned breaking his silence at last. He looked at me and gave me a little pout, I think they call it a moue but he was sending a message and I blew him a kiss back. He was so skinny although he was nicely tanned. Jimbo was the other way around, he was dark skinned and almost swarty. Comments have been made about his Neaderthal looks and I've got to say they're exagerated but what weren't were the descriptions of his organ. It was out of proportion to his slight build and I was surprised he didn't topple over when he was hard.

'So, tomorrow's Sunday,' I looked at Jim and then at Tak, I could see what was coming a mile off.

''So, do you want to come up here tomorrow afternoon?' Jim finally got it out.

'Of course,' I grinned and Tak giggled. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around the wriggling John. He squirmed and laughed, he probably wasn't worried, if he could take Karl the Kraut and Jimbo he certainly wasn't worried about myself or Tak plugging his skinny white bottom. Mind you he had a nice well proportioned cocklet but I was more interested in giving him babies to be honest and from the way the evil Jimbo was looking at Tak, he was thinking the same thing. Jimbo was in for a surprise, as I've said in the last chapter Tak was no Thai boy pussy.

We had a shower downstairs as it was hot enough for a quicky chilly and a cold shower in company is fun. Jimbo gave us a tour once we'd dried off demonstrating what needed painting and also dropping the hint that Karl was still looking for another couple or four workers. The plan was to do just a decent three hours in the morning and that was it and were mainly in the changing rooms, showers and the entrance lobby. We'd be paid each day by one of the masters who would come and check progress each lunchtime. The payment was basically peanuts but it was all pocket money after all. So, as far as the task went there'd be no buggering around but after payment... who knew.

Tak and I told Jimbo we'd think it over and he was to tell Karl of our interest. After the tour we made a crafty exit and walked back over to the school block and a bit of sports which was on the TV. After watching it with Tak for a while we arranged for a get together before lights out although we had to find ourselves some sort of sanctuary. We saw both Mack and Jimbo back in the dorm but they disappeared and I assumed they were going for some fun, Jimbo was insatiable although Mack was more laid back, perhaps they were once a weekers, that goes for Mack not Jimbo. He was a once or twice a nighter, the little bum rat.

I settled up for the shower routine. We couldn't find anywhere safer, I toyed with the idea of asking Jimbo for his pavilion keys but in the end settled for a bit of soapy loving in the showers. We also settled for a bit of oral suckies, the showerrs were shared by our form and some of the Fourth so we weren't worried about anyone with any clout disturbing us, anyway, they were rarely used in the early evening.

I drank my fill of beautiful spicy Thai cream fresh from the spout and he did the same (only he got Olde English cream) and when we returned to the dorm Mack and Jim were at the evening tea party. I still hadn't found out where Jimbo got the gear but it was a nice wind down to the day. Even Fred and George, the brothers, joined us and I wondered idly if they were at it. If they were, they weren't giving anything away.

The following day being a Sunday it was a slightly later breakfast and I saw our Jimbo chatting with a couple of young chefs which explained the tea party, a pair of good lookers too and Jim rejoined us with a big grin on his face.

'David and Steven... good lookers ain't they?'

'Yeah,' I looked across at the servery and they were dealing with breakfasts smiling and being pretty casual with the queue of kids. If they were what I thought, they'd struck gold in this place. There were more randy boys floating around than the International Boy Scouts. This place, from what I knew of it, was a sink of iniquity (I like that)... and that was just the Fifth Form, God knows what went on with the Third and Fourth let alone the top dogs, the Sixth.

'After lunch?' Jimbo poked about at something slightly warm and quite mysterious on his plate.

'Yep,' I settled for bread and jam, even the caterers couldn't bugger up something out of a jar although the bread was slightly suspect. 'You do stuff with those two?' I glanced over to the young chef's.

'Lots of times,' Jimbo grinned still poking at the still life on his plate. 'What is this?' He called out after pronging the suspicious food on his plate and waving it at the servery bar. The long dark haired chef with his hair done up in a snood came charging across.

'Woops,' I concentrated on my bread and jam and Tak did the same.

'It's goulash,' the tall eighteen year old (at a guess) hovered above Jimbo but Jim looked up completely unfazed. 'It took Honek hours making that up.'

'Why? It tastes like crap,' Jimbo wouldn't back down.

'It took him hours to cum in it,' the chef lowered his voice, he bent over and studied the plate. 'Yeah, that's the bit, we saved it for you.'

'Yummy,' Jimbo gave up popping the offending morsel in his mouth.

'Good girl,' the chef grinned and walked away.

'Score one for the catering department,' Tak giggled.

'Unrtil he wants a quick shag,' Jimbo sneered.

After that little episode we went out and watched the footballers practicing and then wandered around to the pool which was mainly the First and Second formers with a couple from the Sixth acting as lifeguards. Dishy as well, the sixers not the infants I mean although some of the twelves were slippery sexy if you know what I mean. I wouldn't have minded a splash around but Jimbo suggested we could kick off the afternoon's play with a shower over at the pavilion and once I thought of our naked quartet together under running water thoughts of swimming went out of my mind.

We did the usual and did a furtive flit across the sports fields which is a bit of a giggle in broad daylight. Anyone with half a brain would have wondered what the hell we were upto and probably have guessed right. We were on assignment.

Once we were inside we stripped off and at that stage were at the filled out stage rather than at a full erection but the shower changed all that. Cold water tends to shrink bits as everyone knows but when you're leaping and frolicking around with like minded mates the hot blood wins the war and naturally enough fleshy sword fighting begins in ernest . I grabbed little John or he grabbed me, I can't remember which but he was all boy and keen, keener than keen, he was a randy little mongrel and in the end I stepped from the shower dragging him with me. Still dripping wet we shot up into the attic and made our way down to the end section which I'd shared with Tak the previous day. This kid was no Tak but he was cuddly, even childish in a way but once we dried off a little and got down to it the childishness disappeared and the true John bloomed. For starters, he was a keen kisser and sucker as he demonstrated by going down on me almost immediately. He was also organised and knew what he wanted.

'Gonna suck you dry,' he threatened at one stage as we maneuvered into a sixty niner.

'Gonna take forever when I fuck you,' I tried a bit of one upmanship, fingering into his tight little crack as he crouched above me .

'That's the idea,' he giggled around my rigid meat as I managed to wriggle one finger into his extremely tight little hole. God, it was nice, you could crack hazel nuts in his tight little butt. Well, the first squirt didn't take long and as I swallowed his quite thick offerings he sucked and slurped away at me until I sprayed up into his mouth. He then played dirty boy continuing to suck and lap at my belly until I dragged him around and into my arms for a cuddle. We had all the time in the world and we pulled some of the old clothing and towels over us into a little nest and just snuggled letting our energy flow back. Flow back from where I hear the skinny kid call from the back... I don't bloody well know do I but it does come back pretty quickly at fifteen and and it takes a lot longer when you're fifty. Believe me.

'You alright?' I kissed the back of his neck as he'd turned away from me.

'Yeah, fine,' he turned inwards and snuggled in. 'It's so peaceful up here.' He was right. Being in the dorms was OK bnut there was a constant babble and background noise. It was indeed nice to lay in the peace and quiet with a warm boy in your arms. 'Did you bring any starters?'

'Starters?' I asked dumbly.

'Lube,' he giggled and grasped my hardening penis gently massaging it until it started to show some life.

'Oh, yeah, I have some sun tan stuff.'

'Great,' he struggled from the nest and raked around in my pockets, as soon as he found what he was after he was back into 'bed' and back into cuddling. I felt him uncap the tube and then the feel of his oily hand on my penis and we were away. He didn't go mad but kept up a slow and sensual massage until I could feel myself as hard as a rock under the makeshift bedding. 'It's ripe,' he giggled and turend his back on me. Hint, hint, I suspected.

I moved in guiding my oiled prick between his soft little cheeks and he rolled onto his belly and parted his legs which made life easier. It was an experience. I know I say that every time but this kid was so tight and I had to literally force my way into his tiny hole parting his flesh remorselessly until I had my now weeping glans lodged in his delicious heat. He moaned and groaned but he'd taken bigger than I so I took it as all part of the act. He relaxed and clamped in time to my little shoves and I slowly entered his sweet little boy fanny. No wonder Jimbo followed him around like a lap dog, I could see why now. This kid, this John was an expert. He knew when to relax and when to tighten and when I felt my pubics crush against his soft bottom I closed my eyes. I tried to keep my weight off him as I savoured his slick little boy fanny which gripped me like a velveteen fist.

'Whooo... that's big,' he sighed and craned his head around offering his lips. I kissed him on the side of his mouth and he wriggled his bottom. 'Nice and big,' he bit into the bedding. 'Slowly.'

I did that and he was good, he clearly had experience playing the toy boy or maybe the toy bitch but he pushed back quite happily as I rooted away. I tried 'long cocking' which is a game Jimbo had mentioned last time around and that is where you slowly slipped out until just your glans was inside your partner. Now this needed either a very big cock on the part of the fucker or a very tiny arse the part of the fuckee and you need to do it slow... so I gave it a go. I slipped out accidently a couple of times but John seemed to love it, he mumbled disapproval as I dropped out and then gave a satisfied sigh as I broached him again. His little fanny must have finished up like a horse collar but it was fun. In the end I pulled him up and did the twisty thing so that he was facing me and I was fucking down into his sweet bottom. In the end and like always I went mad and hammered his sweet arse until he begged me to finish which I did in a flood of cum and sweat.

We were both exhausted and as I'd slipped free mid spurt he had my semen all over his bum and his balls. I rubbed it in making him giggle and wriggle and then thrust in hard and deep into his cum bubbling little pucker and started all again. He protested feebly but in the end wrapped his arms and legs around me urging me onto a further demonstration of my vigour and virility... yeah, well, you know what I mean. Well, I humped and throbbed inside him again and I think I did a little one but he was happy. He didn't muck around this time, as I slipped free he was all over me and I quite happily lay on my back with legs in the air in stuffed chicken mode and let him go for it.

Yet another surprise, after his sort of super willing bottom bit (for want of a phrase) he got inside me without too much difficulty and started to fuck away like a lunatic rabbit or a mad March hare. God, that kid could go and when he finally cum it had to be called a torrent. He seemed to be glued into me for hours which he clearly wasn't but I upgraded his cum to a super cum. Incredible, I never thought such a weedy little brat, although he was in the same year as I was, could produce so much semen. I could feel it trickling from my hole as he slipped free of me and lay alongside breathing like a cart horse. I really did think the poor soul was going to pass out on me but, needless to say he survived otherwise we would have been in deep doo doo.

'Fantastic...' He looked across at me with a tired grin. 'Bloody fantastic,' he added for effect.

'You're right there, John,' I cuddled his sweaty little body in closer. 'I can see why you're the Belle of the Ball.'

'I try,' he smiled modestly. We were still laying there in our stinky fug when Jimbo and Tak rolled up looking as shattered as we felt but no rest for the wicked as they say. They must have planned ahead down their end as Tak claimed John and Jimbo was all over me.

I think we just relaxed and didn't really talk about the sex but Tak was realy opening up, his hands were all over little John and he clearly wanted to get to the boy but Jim was playing the teasing game. At one stage he went down to the toilets as I did but at seperate times. When I came back Jimbo was laying there on his back waggling his fat cock suggestively and I gave in... whatta slut. I creamed him with our lube and straddled him slowly sitting on his monster cock watched by John and Tak who soon split a little although remaining in the nest. I think my last memory of that particular day was moving up and down on Jimbo's thick root as he fucked upwards. He eventually did an about face and I finished up on my back again with him diving into my battered fanny like a bloody Stuka.

However all's well that ends well as they say and after the sex we retired to the toilets and showers. For once Jimbo had used his loaf and turned the boilers on so we had a nice soapy game under warm water. We overextended our time and missed tea, in fact, we barely made it back in time to change for the set piece dinner we did but before then we did a proper foursome with everyone sucking everyone else. It was an effort and by bum and noodle both ached but another quote to end on: No gain without pain and at the end of the day, it was worth it.





Next: Chapter 16

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