Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Mar 12, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



13 - The Summer Shutdown


G. Cutter

Josh Raynor sat in his room which he shared with another boy who had already cleared his gear and gone on holiday, one of the early leavers. There were two other Seniors staying an Italian boy and a Russian, a right little United Nations, he thought but never mind he would be the bossboy for the holidays at least. He was a Sixth Former and had just about completed his final set of exams. The results of these would give him the leeway to apply for a place at a University or not, it just depended how good his results were. Under the current goverment regime he hoped to know where he stood within three months or so. This school, St Anselm's, had created a so called Seventh Form which would comprise boys who needed further education to increase their pass levels or boy's whose parents wanted them boarded or looked after for another year. There was also an option for successful boys to stay on as Teaching Assistants to fill in the so called gap year, so Josh was at the confused stage... the results would make the choice for him. His parents lived in Singapore so other than taking a long and very expensive flight he was at the mercy of an elderly uncle or aunt who lived in Bournemouth of all places. He sighed and looked at the printed list he's got from the School Secretary. It was a list of the boys who would be staying on over the ten week summer break. Other boys who had parents out of the country or parents who found it more convenient to dump their kids rather than have them home for such a long period.

Scipio Fortunato was one of the few Sixth Formers that Josh rather fancied, his father, an Italian army officer, worked for NATO and was based in Turkey. He would join Scipio or Skip as he got called for a Christmas holiday in Venice where they had property but he didn't want him to stay in the rather remote region of Turkey he was based in. Far too much in the way of trouble with kidnapping being high on the list. Josh also spotted Jimbo or Jim Saunders on the list, a Fifth Former and probably one of the shortest. Josh knew that this one was in a sex circle and probably the same one as Karl Hauser, a German and another boy Josh had his eye on.

During the term apart from studying heavily, with the occasional diversion with Ross and Dustin, Josh had spent time trying to list or get clear in his own mind the various little sex clubs or 'sweaty circles' as he called them. He was pretty sure that Karl, Jim, maybe John Hunt and one other were the Fifth Form's circle of sin and he'd outlined the vague formation of another two groups in the Fourth Forms. Owing to the school's intake there was only one quite large Fifth Form but two Fourth Forms, Four A and Four B. There were also two Third Forms but he hadn't even bothered to try and determine how many of the randy rugrats were at it. Probably most of them, he decided but these kids made a habit of keeping clear of the bigger and older boys. The Second and Third Forms were almost a school within a school and the First Form were newbies, below contempt although he had noticed some very sweet eleven year olds scampering around lately. He saw two listed and noted the star alongside their name, they would be staying with the School Matron who lived on the grounds. She probably had to change their nappies and would charge school funds appropriately.

'Whassup, bro?' Ross came in and sat on the bed. His affected gangsta chat amused Josh but he tried not to laugh, Ross and Dustin, another Sixer (that's Form not inches by the way), were his best mates and sexual explorers, he didn't want to upset them. 'Whatcha doing?' This time Josh did grin.

'What are you doing?'

'That's what I said,' Ross pouted and grabbed Josh's knee. 'Don't come all Head Boy on me.'

'Deputy Head Boy.'

'You know what happened to Rudolph Hess?'

'Went to work for Santa?'

'Shurrup, he joined Spandau Ballet,' Ross laughingly grabbed the list and started to read through it. Josh flopped back on his head. It never ceased to amaze him how Ross with such platignum rich parents and rabid Christians to boot had turned into such a slob. The sandy haired boy who verged on ginger was a mess, he probably had the longest hair in the class along withDustin and Skip, he wore the school uniform of grey flannels and white shirt with dark green tie but just looked a shambles. His shirt tail was fashionably out of his trousers, just one side mind you and the knot of his tie was up around his ear. He looked like he'd been dragged through a hedge backwards as the old school expression has it.

'You should tidy yourself up, Ross boy,' Josh murmured as he gazed at the sun dappled ceiling.

'The Dustbin has been trying go get inside my greys... and my boxers,' Ross laughed.

'Oh,' Josh wasn't alarmed. The Dustbin was their occasional name for Dustin or Dusty the third member of their little group. They made a good and colourful trio. Josh with his blonde overlong hair and golden suntan, Ross, near ginger and heavily freckled a bit of a Ron Weasley lookalike or so he imagined and Dustin, sallow skinned and with long black shoulder length hair. Dustin was a babe magnet, he was also a boy magnet, everyone wanted a piece of Dustin.

'So what's all the ticks and crosses for?'

'Peter Thomas, The History master has asked me to try and sort them into two or three dormitories but me and the other two Sixers can stay up here. The point is that he wants everyone in one location in case of fire or whatever.'

'Makes sense,' Ross commented. 'You're Head Boy over the hols, you're the senior anyway.'

'Yeah, the Headmaster knighted me earlier,' Josh laughed. In effect and under public school rules he would be lord and master in all but name of the other sixteen boys who remained over the break.

'Ive got a note from the office, which will cheer you up no end,' Ross passed over a folded piece of paper.

'You've read it?'

'Natch,' Ross grinned.

The message was brief, in effect it was from Mr Harris the senior master over the holiday telling him to call the boys together and explain who was sleeping where. The Third and Fifth could stay in dorms directly under the Seniors Floor but the Fourth form of which there were only three had to bunk in with the Sixth.

'Great,' Josh snarled. 'Scipio and Kostya are going to have a bloody good moan.'

'Maybe not,' Ross grinned.. 'The Blair boys and sweety Brian Stanson to share out. Jeez, I'd take the Blair kids off your hands any day.'

'You would, you fuckin' child molester.' Josh grinned. Fortunately as he pored over the list of names Scipio Fortunato, the Italian boy and Kostya Demikhov, the Russian peered in to see what was going on. Josh told them and they didn't seem too concerned. Ross left Josh to it saying that he'd catch him later. Josh looked at his fellow Sixers, time to try out his new found authority. 'I'll take the Stanson kid if you like to take a Blair each.'

'Maybe take the pair on alternate nights,' Kostya winked at Skip. 'One night to look after them then one night to recover.'

'Dirty bastard,' Skip grinned.

'Can we round them all up after tea maybe and I'll let them know what's going on.'

'H'OK, Boss.'

And so it was. The seventeen which included Josh himself met in the great hall after tea and were given the news.

Josh did notice that although the Third and Fourth who were staying together seemed unconcerned the Blair twins and Brian Hanson didn't seem too enchanted. Brian Hanson looked at him and scowled for which Josh gave him a sunny smile in return. He'd bring a smile to that surly face, give it a night or two.

'As soon as the school clears out tomorrow I want the move done,' Josh stood making giving his little talk. The two dorms for the Third and Fifth are prepared and they are the two opposite the bathroom on the first floor and directly by the staircase that leads to our floor... the Seniors that is. I want the three Third Formers complete with all your bits and pieces, lads...' He looked down the table.'For say ten o'clcock tomorrow and we'll see who's bunking in with who.'

'So what do you reckon?' Skip stood with Kostya and Josh as the meeting broke up.

'About what?' Josh looked at the Italian boy who had a big grin on his face.

'About our little blond angels, the twins.?'

'A bit tiny,' Kostya muttered missing the point that he topped six foot himself and was just about the tallest in the class. 'But there are some likelies there.'

Josh didn't ask what he meant by the remark. His own form hadn't escaped his spying and he was sure that the Italian and the Russian boys were both at it although not with each other. He was quite determined over such a long period he would get to know them both better and was quite looking forward to it. He'd seen them both in the showers and, at least, had a preview and both measured upto his standards. He hoped that he met theirs but Brian Stanson was his immediate challenge or would be from tomorrow night.

The following day was chaos as it normally is on the last day of term. Some boys were being collected by parents early all of whom seemed to want to see this master or that. Some boys were being collected in the afternoon so the whole day was going to be a shambles but the end result should be everyone would be gone except for the remaining boys who were in for the long Summer break. Breakfast was at was at nine by which time all who were going would be packed and ready to leave, the dorms would be clear other than the boys staying over the holiday. Those who had peeped at their new dorms were happy enough already... the new dorms were a vast improvement on the older ones with the bonus of both being fitted with a decent television, a luxury until then apart from the communal relics down on the ground floor.

Directly after breakfast when things had settled down Josh rounded up the three Fourth formers and took them upto their new lodgings. The boys were shy but after being paired off seemed to accept the situation as it was, they could hardly do anything else. The blond brothers went with Skip and Kosty and he took Brian Stanson to his room.

The boy stood looking around and actually and finally smiled. 'Nice place,' he commented.

'You won't spend a lot of time in here apart from sleeping,' Josh returned the smile. 'That's your bed there and the bathroom is the other side of the hall.'

'Great,' Brian dumped his belongings onto the bed. 'I'm not a misery you know. It's just we thought we'd have our own dorm, the other forms have theirs.'

'That's life. We won't hassle you. You do your thing with the rest of the kids and we'll do ours. Make full use of the Common Room but don't feel you have to stay up here all the time... you are on holiday after all.' He reached out and squeezed Brian's shoulder. 'Holidays are supposed to be fun.'

'I guess,' Brian grinned at him as they returned to the others. Josh felt a prickling in his groin, the Stanson boy was sweet once he got rid of that damn scowl. Unfortunately with his spying he hadn't paid any attention to the lower forms, it was hard enough keeping track on his own guys and the Fifth. He'd have to be cautious with these fourteen year olds as would his Russian and Italian pal. No pressure and no overt actions, just play it cool and see how it went. He couldn't remember if the shutdown was eleven or twelve weeks but it was certainly long enough to make some headway with the kids, they weren't bloody saints after all.

After the boys had viewed their room Josh mustered them in the Common Room for a welcoming cup of tea and to outline a few ground rules. First of these was no surnames, over the holiday period at least he wanted all boys to use christian names or forenames as they had to call them now. Surnames were a particular bee in his bonnet and he couldn't quite see why classmates and even friends couldn't be on first name terms, they were civilised, surnames were like the bloody Army. Bedtime hours were laid down and the three younger boys settled down to watch the televsion and he sat up at the table with Skip and Kosty discussing the bulky folder he'd received from Mr Harris who would be the master in charge over the holiday.

It seemed that each and every duty that Harris and his cohorts had was being devolved onto the Sixers, pool patrol, sports coaching, 'piping down' routine which was the quaint nautical phrase they used for bedding down the boys... even the Saturday dorm inspection.

'I thought we were supposed to be on holiday,' Skip moaned. 'The prick's using us as substitute teachers.'

It may work to our advantage,' Kostya grinned. 'I'll look after the youngsters pool time, the swimming practice.'

'And the showering off after I suppose,' Josh laughed.

'That too,' Kostya agreed. 'That little slut Jim Fraser has just swagged away one of the brothers and that Brian.'

'Don't fuss,' Skip lay his hand on Kostya's brown arm. he casually looked around. 'Bastard, he's nicked my brat.'

'He's on the game that Jimbo,' Josh laughed. He looked over at Brian, the smooth cheeked boy was now leaving the room with the other two and he wondered what they were upto. Josh wondered what he was like with his clothes off. He looked a tough little tyke against the brothers but how tough? Hopefully not 'anti' which would be unlikely in an enclosed boy's school but you never knew your bad luck. It would be just his to be stuck with the only homophobioc midget in the whole of the Fourth.

'How do you know,' Scipio grinned and looked at Kostya. 'Our beloved leader must have contacts in the Fifth.'

'I know,' Josh repeated and riffled through the paperwork. 'Painting party,' he grinned. 'That should be fun but it seems Karl Hauser and Mr Smythe are looking after that.'

'We can always look in and give a hand,' Kostya grinned. 'Maybe clean them up afterwards.'

'Yeah,' Scipio laughed.

Josh looked at them both. He was sure they were at it. Well, he was ninenty percent sure but still not too certain. 'We keeping the early morning tea thing going?' He looked up from his papers.

'Why not.' Kostya nodded. 'Six teas has got to be better than twelve or fifteen and we have assistants,' he glanced over at Andy sat on his own watching the television. Of the three Fourth inflicted on them he was probably the smallest and slightest, his brother was slightly taller and bulkier but Brian Stanson was the top dog amongst that particular threesome. 'I'll have to be careful with that one,' he Kostya grinned at his two form mates. 'I don't want to break him.'

'Leave him alone then,' Scipio looked at Josh and winked.

'Small chance and no chance,' Kostya sniffed. 'He's a little baby doll.'

'Something to kiss and cuddle,' Josh ventured the rather risky remark.

'It started with a kiss,' Kostya crooned and then grinned. 'That beautiful pale boyish body against my many Russian chest... two hearts beating as one.'

'Pervo,' Josh laughed. 'What about yours, Skip?'

'Maybe a little suck for starters, build up the boy's confident. Nothing he doesn't want to do... little by litte. You and Brian?' Skip looked at Josh.

'Same as you, gentle start and take it from there.' Josh felt like a weight had lifted from him. He's said it and it was now clear that all three of the seniors would be making some sort of move on their smaller guests.

'We should compare notes,' Kostya suggested. 'The film Trading Places comes to mind.'

'Was that about buggering small boys,' Scipio laughed.

'The name not the action,' Kostya growled. 'Once we score we can swop them around.'

'Jeez,' Josh laughed. 'Nothing like stacks of confidence. If I hear screaming from either of your rooms tonight I'm gonna leap on Brian and have my wicked way. We all go down together.'

'I wouldn't worry about it,' Skipio laughed. 'The way he looks at you I think he might be more of a top than a bottom if you know what I mean.'

'I can live with it,'

'Really?' Scipio raised his eyebrows.

'Let's go down and have a kickaround,' Kostya suggested. 'Before you two start shagging.'

'Not yet, we have the best part of three months,' Scipio laughed and gave Josh a wink.

Josh grinned. Just a small conversation but an important one. he glanced across at the boy on the sofa and wondered how much the kid had overheard. No matter, he could pass it onto his pals. The die was cast and tonight should be a good one, or a very interesting one at least.


The next 'Prince Coco Project' will follow as soon as this has cleared through the Nifty system.

Keep an eye out for 'The Doctors Rumpus Room' due shortly and probably Adult/Youth

Whey!!! I managed to get through a chapter without sex. Stax of nooky next time around. A bit of a sorting out chapter more than anything.

List of Characters for the Holiday Shutdown

Sixth Form Josh Rayner (16) Kostya Demikhov (16) Scipio Fortunato (16)

Ross Fraser (16, dayboy and local) Dustin Fox (16, dayboy and local)

Fifth Form Karl Hauser (15) Jim Fraser (15) Dominic La Plant (15) Trak Pol-etc (15)

Fourth Form Brian Stanson (14) Joe Blair (14) Andy Blair (14)

Third Form Peter Lark (13) Paul Gives (13) Luke Smith (13) Simon Ryder (13) Thomas Dover (13)

First Form Harry Carlin (11) Wiliam Carlin (11)

Others Mr Harris (Bursar) Mr Thomas (History) Mr Smyth (Handicrafts) Mrs Jones (Matron) Steve (19) Chef Dave (18) Chef Honkek (17) Chef Billy Rendell (13)

That should be enough to make some pairings in future chapters.


Next: Chapter 19

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