Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Mar 19, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



14 - Joe Blair's First Day

(Told by Joe)


G. Cutter

I took my gear up the stairs to the Sixth Form landing following my brother Andy and tailed by the third of our group, Brian Stanson. I think we were all a bit miffed, the Third had stayed as a block and so had the Fifth, they both had a new dormitory or a redecorated one for the holiday and us, the poor old Fourth were to share with the Seniors. Brian was with the Deputy Head boy, Andy was with a bloody Russian of all things and I was lumbered with a fuckin' Italian. Talk about Nato although I don't suppose you can where Russians are concerned. Anyway, we were in lumber, we'd probably be watched all over the holidays and no doubt raped in our beds if everything the others said was true. I've got nothing against rape it's just that I'd rather be the rapist than the rapee if that's the word for him, her or it. My brother and I did boy on boy and I was hoping over the holiday period to get a lot more in and maybe mingle a bit with the Third or even the Fifth. No way, we were stuck with heavies.

We congregated in their Common Room as they called it and were pleasantly surprised to see it kitted out with a music centre, a TV/DVD setup and a load of bashed up sofas and chairs... it may not be so bad after all, very Hogwartsy.

'Spead yourselves around lads,' the straw haired lout who went under the title of Deputy Head Boy spoke out. 'First of all we're on first name terms for the holiday and... Brian will be sharing with me. Andy will share with Kostya and Joe will share with Scipio.' Great, I was lumbered with some dick who thought he was a Roman general.

'You are welcome to make yourself at home sharing the bathroom and toilet facilities on this floor. However... however, you are not to go in the rooms of the boys on holiday, just your own or your pals.'

'You mean, I can go in and see Joe or Andy and they can visit me?' Brian had to ask, he was the Bolshie one.

'I thought that's what I said, you're not in prison you know,' Josh Raynor grinned and looked at us all in turn. 'To be honest we didn't want you up here and I suspect you didn't want that either but that's the way it is. So, lets cohabit and get on with it.'

'What time's bedtime over the hols?' Andy asked.

'Er...' Josh had to think about that one. 'I want you all ready for bed by eleven and no wandering downstairs after that time. If you have guests up here in the evening I want them off the floor by ten at the latest.'

'We'll show you our rooms and then we'll have a nice cuppa tea... come on Misery,' he spoke to Brian and Brian actually smiled.

'Joe?' The darker and longer haired of the other two boys spoke and I guessed he was the Italian. I stood and picked up my belongings and followed him as he led off. He was quite nice, dark skinned almost swarthy with very long black hair almost like one of those cavaliers we did in history. The other guy the Russian had a crew cut with long hair back and sides although all three were quite good looking in their various ways. At least we hadn't been lumbered with a bunch of swots or nerds as they call them now. I quite fancied Josh and was a bit jealous of Brian but then this Scipio looked rather cool.

'This is ours,' he pushed open a door and led into a small room but perfectly adequate for two kids. Two beds, two lockers and a spread over closet at the end. we had a bay window with a table and couple of chairs. He also had a laptop plugged into a big monitor on a table at the end of one of the beds. 'We can watch films after lights out,' he grinned and pointed to a bed. 'Do you snore?'

'I don't think so,' I smiled trying to be friendly.

'Any other bad habits?'

'Not as far as I know.'

'I'll have to train you then,' he laughed. 'I'll show you where the bathroom is and then we can have a cuppa. English and their bloody tea. We'd have a glass of wine in the old country. Avanti,' he grumbled and led off again. I dumped my gear and scurried off after him wondering what he meant by his bad habits remark. Probably just making conversation I guessed and at least I'd pick up some Italian I supposed.

Back in their common room they had the television on and tea on the go, feeling a little more familiar now I settled down with my brother and Brian, I was so used to calling him Stanson that I had problems remembering it was Brian now. In conversation it seemed my room mate was shortened to Skip and the Russian kid went by Kosty rather than Kostya . By the way, he was quite dishy and bulky upfront if you know what I mean.

One of them put the television on and being a Saturday it was wall to wall sport but it gave us something to watch. Andy jerked his head and I knew he wanted to say something so we drifted over to the window alcove pretending to spy out what was happening below. Nothing by the way, apart from a gaggle kicking a ball around. I recognised most of them and was thinking that the holiday should be alright once we got over the inconvenience of living with the damn Sixth.

'That Russian prick groped me in our room,' Andy hissed.

'Probably trying to be friendly,' I replied stiffling a laugh. 'Did he grab your willy.'

'Nah, he patted my bum and that's worse.'

'Oh, come on...' I laughed. 'He's just trying it out. He's rather nice I thought.'

'Yeah, 'til he's trying to get into bed with you,' Andy scowled. 'You seen that lump in his baggies?'

'I had noticed,' I looked out of the window again. 'You did say the last time we had a one on one that you'd like to experiment, go a little further,' I reminded him.

'With you, not with a bloody great Soviet.'

'He's alright, his dad's a Minister in their government.'

'Means nothing,' Andy scowled. 'An arse grabber is an arse grabber.'

'Lucky you,' I laughed and left him to it. I really couldn't be bothered. He and I were fourteen not bloody four, he was old enough to say no or in this case niet. At the end of the line he was big enough to kick this Russian kid in the bollocks as well. I hadn't got the time or the inclination to fight his battles, I had a rather sweet Italian to guard against. The more I took sly looks at Skip chatting to his pals the more I liked what I saw. If he tried to get in my jim jams tonight I wouldn't fight him off. I'd go with the flow... ho, ho, ho.

'Wassup?' Brian asked as I sat down again.

'Nothing, Andy's a bit nervous about the big Russian kid.'

'He looks alright to me,' Brian looked up as two boys walked in. These were Sixers but day boys as I recalled. One with long black hair but straight to the shoulders and rather dishy, the other was nearly ginger or ginger blond and looked like he got his haircut by chainsaw. I knew him, he came from a well off family and to be blunt he was a slob or more accurately a scruff. They just gave us curious loks and a friendly nod and sat down with the others and got into conversation.

'I'm bored,' I yawned stretching my arms above my head. 'Wanna go on walkabout?'

'I'll watch tele, Man. U's on,' Andy squeezed in between us, he really was such a child at times.

'OK,' Brian grinned. 'I'll just tell them.'

'Why?' I asked. 'As he said, we're not prisoners.'

'True, let's go,' Brian got to his feet and we left the Sixers in charge of their little empire.

Down below it was confusion as the Third and Fifth settled into their dorms I knew kids in the Fifth so we poked our noses in there to see what was going on. Karl Hauser seemed to be a pal of Brian's and I knew Jimbo Fraser who I knew definitely was on the game. This was solid gold, God's honest truth... he'd told me, in fact, he'd even chatted me up once and I'd only puulled back at the last moment. He was nice, he looked a bit like one of those nutty monkeys you get in the zoo and I rather and secretly had the hots for him. Perhaps this holiday it would happen. The other two, an Oriental kid and a newish boy were sitting on one bed deep in conversation and ignored us.

'How's it going with the big boys?' Jimbo fell on his bed and patted alongside in an ivitation.

'Alright,' I sat down and saw Brian over in the corner chatting to Karl. 'All very laid back and they seem decent enough guys.'

'You watch that Josh, he likes his boys,' Jimbo sniggered and purely by chance his hand drifted upto my knee and gave a little squeeze.

'He's not the only one,' I smiled and removed his hand.

'This holiday?' Jimbo ran his pointed tongue across his upper lip in a move he probably thought was sexy. Well, it was and I overat him as he lay back blatantly displaying his lump.

'Probably,' I moved closer so that my bum pressed up against his knee. He gave a little press back in return. I was hard, can you believe it, a couple of body contacts and I was in fuckin' heat.

'More than probably,' Jimbo grinned. 'I think I might have left some stuff in our old dorm, wanna come down?'

'Yeah, why not?' I agreed. He was going to try it on and I was happy with that. I was frustrated, hard up and hard done by. My get togethers with Andy were kid's stuff. Jimbo was light years ahead of us and he was fun, he was a giggle... and a well known boy's boy. I followed him from the room telling Brian I'd be back in a while but he was knee deep in IPod with Karl and the other two looked like they were about to mate. 'They're a bit bold, the kid and the Chink,' I remarked once in the passage.

'They're an item... lovers,' Jimbo explained quite openly. 'Tak is a Thai and he and Dominic go at it like rabbits.'

'Lucky sods,' I laughed. It was just no good trying to be prim and proper with Jimbo.

'I hear you're bunking with Skippy the Italian Kangaroo.'

'How do you know?'

'The all seeing eye,' Jimbo laughed. 'They give me a quid here and there to keep their Comon Room tidy and I spotted Josh's list. He's going for the hard one, Brian.'

'Is he hard?'

'Got a reputation for being a misery guts, a whinger, a pain in the arse to be blunt but I think Josh fancies him.

'Oh...' There was nothing to say after that.

Here we are,' Jimbo ushered me into their old dormitory which looked like the Goths, Vandals, Huns, Mongols and any other barbarians you chose to mention had just galloped through. They would get a callback to tidy up from one of the masters but that was their problem I had another one on my hands. Jim had moved in behind me and rested his hands on my hips. I smiled and pushed back a little so that my bum lightly pressed against his groin and I could feel a lump. Jimbo was horny, no surprise there, so was I.

'So, now what?'

'This is where I make a mug of myself,' Jimbo looked a little nervous and then smiled slightly and reached out. I felt his hand grasp my crotch, fumble a bit and then grasp the outline of my semi erection. I didn't move or flinch, I just stared back and smirked.

'You're not a mug, Jimbo,' I moved in as his arms reached out and encircled me. I felt his hardness press against mine, he was a little shorter than I was but no matter. We both sighed with relief as we embraced and I felt his warm lips on my neck like a baby vampire having a bit of a suckle. I also felt his hands drop and grab my bubbles and then clasp them harder in a squeeze. 'Hey, not on a first date,' I giggled as I felt him move against me.

'I'd like for us to get together over the holiday,' he pulled back a little and played with me through my shorts. 'Get close together, that is.'

'I bet you say that to all the boys,' I grinned. The fact was, I fancied him and would do what he wanted I just didn't want him thinking I was an easy lay as it was pretty obvious what he wanted. He wasn't a slap and tickle boy, he was an all the way boy. I'd heard enough about his 'friends' but perhaps he didn't appreciate how big and flourishing the school grapevine was.

'Some of them,' he admitted. 'You and your brother as known as the Frosty Twins, did you know that?'

'No,' I frowned. And we're your latest challenge?'

'No, not so,' he held his hand out continuing to massage me with the other. 'I just fancy you.'

'Blunt but you ain't plugging my bum and telling every one in the school of your conquest.'

'If I did they'd know you've had mine. Sit.'

He pushed me onto the bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 'Listen up... some Jimbo statistics. Ten percent of the kids in this school are sexless, ten percent are predators... they fuck everything in sight and that's all. Probably five percent are true queenz and blowers... right?'

'Right,' I nodded. 'And the rest?'

'Like you and me,' he screwed his face up as if engaging his brain. 'Seventy five percent belong to the versatile gang and that's people like you and me,' he drew me back onto the bed and stared down at me. 'If they want sex, they'll do it either way to get what they want. If I wanted to fuck your Andy for example I would expect him to want me as well... otherwise I'd put him in the queenz the passive block and he doesn't look like one of those.'

'I wouldn't know,' I looked up at him and wondered if he would. He would. He bent over me and I saw his face drop and then his dry lips on mine. He kissed long and hard and I felt his tongue flicker at my lips. I opened up and his tongue was in my mouth.' Some minutes later he drew back and smiled.

'Hot,' he grinned. 'Very hot,' he rucked up my t-shirt at the belly and dropped his head again nuzzling at my belly and lapping at my navel. 'Do you want a token of my good faith.'

'Not really but if you're offering and I grinned as he laughed and unclipped the top of my shorts and ran the zip down. He promptly grasped my stiffy through the thin material of my briefs. 'Ooooh...' I moaned as he softly squeezed me and ran my loose skin up my shaft causing a damp spot to appear just below my waistband. 'Jimbo...' I moaned.

'Just lay there I'll do all the work,' he ducked his head again and peeled my briefs away exposing my penis fully hard with my foreskin now retracted and glans gleaming in the afternoon sunlight.

'Jeez, Jimbo. Someone's going to walk in on us.' I moaned but didn't move. It was going to happen, what I'd dreamt about and something I was going to risk with my brother. Jimbo was going to go down on me.

'Only be people who belong in the dorm and that's only Tak and Dom,' Jimbo grinned. 'No blow, no glow,' he stared at me for a moment and slowly dropped his head. I closed my eyes as his tongue swiped across the top of my knob, he circled it with his wet oral embace and then... shit. His lips slipped down mty shaft and I felt myself slip into the back of his throat, his nose brushed by my pubics as his head began to move up and down. I wimpered as his lips and wet mouth enveloped me and the gentle sucking began. He lifted my balls gently stroking my smooth scrotum and then his hands cupped my buns. I reacted by slowly fucking up into his mouth and I saw his eyes as he glanced up my belly and grinned around my slippery cock. This was glorious and I even liked the bit where he moulded and squeezed my bottom. My damn dick twitched as I imagined him inside me, the second thought of me inside his dark skinned bottom nearly made me cum. 'Slow down, Tiger,' Jim spluttered around my cock.

He rested his cheek on my belly and slowly wanked me for a moment staring at my spit slicked member.

'Don't stop.' I begged and he chuckled and took me in again as I played with his scruffy black hair. I could feel it cuming, my nuts were so tight they ached and then I felt the first burning at the base of my cock. 'Jimbo... aaaaaah!' My hips bucked and it happened. I felt the hot streamers of spunk shoot up my cock and straight into his eager swallowing. He drained my squirting penis as if he was thirsty and as the passion ebbed he turned his head to look at me with a big smirk on his face.

'Tasty,' he licked his lips and I could see the whiteness of my own cum on his lips. 'Come on, Spunky Boi, we'd better go.'

'What about you?' I lay there looking at him.

'You owe me,' he stood and walked to the window. 'If Skippy makes a move on you tonight put a good word in for me.'

'Do you think he will?'

'Unless he's a sexless prat which I don't think he is,' he giggled. 'I think he's beautiful.'

'So do I,' I admitted. I hadn't thought so a few hours ago but I'd had a rapid change in mindset if that isn't confusing. I was seeing things in a new light. If Jimbo's percentages were right we were in for a good holiday. Seventeen boys in a huge and very empty school and rattling around like dried peas in a can. So many hiding places, so may opportunities and so much time on my hands. I pulled up my briefs and shorts and walked over to where Jimbo was standing. 'Thank you.'

'My pleasure,' Jimbo grinned. He flinched when my hands shot out and I grabbed him but he smiled when I gently kissed him on the lips and fondled his bottom. 'I want that.' I squeezed the soft flesh.

'And you'll have it,' he grinned. 'After I've sucked your brother dry.'

'I shall expedite,' I put on my Dalek voice and we both laughed as we left the disaster of a dormitory. I nearly did a dance on the way, talk about being on top of the world, I was over the bloody moon, I'd had my first ever blow job and this was only day one of the long summer shutdown.

To be continued

Look out for "The Prince Coco Project - 4" released directly after this one. "The Doctor's Rumpus Room" a four parter directly after that. Next up: Chapter 15 - Joe Blair's First Night

Please remember, writers like anyone else can get discouraged at a lack of response. Don't send me adulation as I embarass very easily but if you read any of my stuff and it strikes a chord do drop a line. All EMails are answered.


Next: Chapter 20

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