Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Apr 2, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



16 - Brian Stanson's and Josh

(Told by Brian)


G. Cutter

Well, the changeover had gone without too much stress. I was still a bit upset with having to spend the holiday up with the Sixth but they seemed OK, a bit clannish but that was natural enough. I don't suppose they wanted us up on their patch any more than we wanted to be there. They were hospitable enough and I thought we three would have been crammed into a spare room but we finished up being shared around. Now that gave cause for concern, the only one who seemed happy with that was Joey but I think he was one of those. I was almost convinced he had a little thing going with his brother but that was none of my business. I had Jimbo Fraser from the Fifth after my arse but I was fighting him off, I was nobody's bitch let alone a stunted Cro Magnon from the Fifth Form. I shouldn't have said that, Jimbo had a heart of gold it was just that he was a bloody sex maniac, he never stopped chatting someone up. It was a way of life with him and I suppose every school had one, or two or three.

I finished up bunking in with the Boss Boy who was called Josh. If I was into it I'd say he was a looker, not girly or anything like that but certainly someone who caught they eye more than most. I suppose if I was going to undergo groping I could live with it being Josh. I'm sending confusing signals here. I was a boy of the laid back persuasion but surrounded by homosexual loonies, the place was rife with it and so far I'd managed to keep myself to myself. I had urges the same as any boy had and even fancied a few, mini crushes you might say but I'd never indulged. No mutual wankies, loads of solo but no mutual or anything else along those lines and I knew perfectly well what this mob got upto. They sucked, they fucked, they fell in and out of love, the place was a living breathing bordello and I was one of the outsiders. I was pretty sure things would change for me over the holiday.

Once again, don't get me wrong. I wanted to experiment, I wanted to play, I just didn't want to get used and abused by a smart arse who wanted a quick fix or an easy lay. I was wairting for Mr Right and if that sounds limp then fuck you too. In fact, Jim, in one of our rare conversations said I was 'my worst enemy' although I didn't quite realise what he meant by it.

On the first day, 'Settling in Saturday', as we called it I took a wander down to the Fifth who were now berthed directly below us with Jimbo, I'd heard a hint about some paying work and he was the link. I took Joey down with me leaving Andy watching the television and away we went. I was bloody sure Jimbo was after Joey boy and sure enough as soon as I got chatting to Karl Hauser the kid running the paint job Jimbo and Joey disappeared.

Karl expained the mission and told me that we'd get paid daily a small amount, nothing to get excited about but something to add to the allowance I got from home. The painting seemed a good way of getting in with the other boys as well. I wasn't that much a loner as I may have suggested just a bit shy I guess and I tended to keep myself to myself.

'We'll have the use of the showers on the job,' Karl was saying. 'What I though was that we all work in just old shorts or whatever and keep a towel and clean clothing for before and after.'

'How messy can you get doing a bit of painting?' A rhetorical question what one I fancy. Not so.

'Very,' Karl laughed. 'We'll have thirteen year olds with us... and Jim. You will get emulsion on you believe me and warm water takes it off, it's as easy as that.'

'Plus we get to share a shower,' I glanced at him and he slowly smiled.


'No seniors?'

'No, I'm the top man,' he smirked. 'I do all the back washing...'

'And Jimbo does all the fronts,' I laughed.

'Bet on it,' he looked at me for a moment. 'Although I might do your front as a special.'

I felt myself redden. He was coming onto me and we'd hardly started the bloody holiday. His eyes dropped as if regretting being so outspoken. 'I'd have to do yours,' I replied feeling like I'd made one of those giant steps for mankind sorta thingies.

'Excellent,' he beamed. He probably thought he'd scored and he maybe he was right. If I was going to play around Karl was a good choice, a typical Kraut or as we imagine. Tall, pretty well built and with startling blue eyes, he was looking dishier the more I took crafty peeps. 'Relax,' he whispered and gently clasped my thigh. 'I could take you over and show you the job tomorrow,' he dropped his voice as another two of his form were over by the window. 'Just you, maybe after lunch.'

'OK,' I croaked. As they say in all the good books, the die was cast.

We left it at that although we did natter on about what Jimbo and Joey might be upto. Let's face it, that's what made the scool go around, gossiping I mean, not the sex. Rethinking that perhaps I meant both. Eventually Joey and Jimbo returned looking a bit flustered but happy, another romance on it's way.

The day wore on, one good thing about rthe holiday was that we had our evening meal, our grand dinner casual at last. No getting changed into uniforms, eating and then changing back again. It made a nice change and with just three or four tables it was a lot more informal than the Hogwarts routine we normally followed. Mind you I wouldn't mind a Ron Weasley in a four poster next to me at lights out but that's another story. Gawd, he's so delicious, thinking along those lines I wondered how the night with Josh was going to turn out... he had to try it on, it was in the stars.

We spent most of the night on the pool table and finished up in the Sixth watching the television. Josh as the Boss boy didn't seem tro know what to do about bedtime until he toldf the Russian and Italian to go down and make sure the dorms were bedded down and he gave us our marching orders. This was it, this was crunch time.

I knew something was going to happen and I suppose I was moderately happy, I needed some companionship, some loving even, I just didn't want someone to treat me like a boy toy but I've said that all before. I should have had a go at Andy, he'd been on his own all afternoon and he was sweet, the sort of kid you wanted to cuddle, kiss and then shag silly. I think Joey knew what I was feeling as he kept giving me funny looks like I might turn into a sex mad schooly and ravish his kid brother (by a couple of hours I understand). Mind you a rolll in the hay with Joey would have been alright. Christ, the first day of the long holiday and I'd almost talked myself into sex... well. thought myself into sex at any rate.

The other two Sixers reported all quiet on the western front and we eventually split with a scramble for late night widdles and a final warning that breakfast wasn't until nine. A pretty unpleasant time for a Sunday morning but the rules weren't that relaxed.

'Come with me,' Josh whispered as he turned out the Common Room lights.

'Said the spider to the fly,' I retorted feeling myself shake either with nervousness or anticipation. I was bloody hard which diodn't help but my baggies hid Mr Pointy.

'A good looking fly,' Josh put his hand on my shoulder and guided me down the short passage. It was the first real personal remark he'd made to me and the first time he'd touched me as well. I suppose if I'd have done a moody and shook his hand off right there and then the night might have taken a different turn but I didn't.

What followed is history... but I'll tell you about it anyway.

We got into the small bedroom which they called a cabin for some strange reason and he turned the light off leaving the place just lit by the reading light above his bed, I left mine off. The problem was getting my gear off without him seeing my raging erection. It must have been my dirty mind but it was just getting harder and harder, the other thing was you could cut the atmoshpere with a knife... I just knew something was going to happen, it had too.

He peeled his shirt off and then sat to remove his trainers and socks. He pretended not to ogle me but he did as I followed his lead. I suppose I was acting like a bloody big girl but suddenly he stopped undressing and lay back on his bed with his long jeans unzipped showing his white briefs.

'You're excited,' he remarked conversationally.

'I can't help it.' I went as red a bloody tomato. He'd spotted me and I was so embarassed.

'Wanna hand?' he grinned.

'What?' I squawked like a strangled chicken.

'Oh, sod it,' he laughed and promptly jumped from his bed to mine and sat alongside me. 'Chill out, Bry,' his hand settled on my thigh inches away from my stiff flesh. He spread his fingers and his thumb made contact with my hardness and he rubbed it gently through my blue nylon shorts. 'Alright, Bry?'

'Yeah,' I croaked laying back a little to allow him to do whatever he wanted. If I was marking him a score card I'd have given him top points. He took it slow and gentle and just placed his hand on my crotch and flathanded my cock until it felt like a steel bar. He then grasped it feeling it's girth and length as if exploring. 'Josh...' I moaned and he grinned at me and to my horror leant in and kissed my throat. I was lost I flopped back hitting my head on the wall with a clonk.

'You alright?' He looked at me grinning as I moved on the bed and got comfortable.

'Yeah, fine,' I was still at that semi blushing state, flustered I suppose you'd called it but his smile reassured me. Surely someone as angelic looking as our Deputy Head Boy couldn't be upto anything too bad. He stroked me for a while and then dropped his head onto my shorts and I felt the pressure of his lips and the warmth of his breath filter through the thin material. I gave a little prod upwards and as quick as a flash his hands were under me clasping my buns. I didn't mind this to much as I knew he was in for the long haul. There's a hell of a difference between someone who wants to play with you, someone who wants to do some foreplay and a guy that just tugs and rips at your clothing intent on having his wicked way. I didn't mind Josh he held my bottom and lifted me up as if he was trying to eat me. I clenched my cheeks and moved up into his mouth for a few moments before he made his move.

'Wanna try it in the flesh,' he whispered.

'Only if you get naked,' I smiled and for the first time reached out and felt him up. God, it was so big compared to mine and so hard. He moaned and moved in again nuzzling at my neck. I felt his hands slip down the back of my shorts and then he clasped my bare bum fondling and caressing my perky buttocks (well, I think they're perky). My shorts went down to my knees allowing my penis to pop out and twitch and jerk as one hand grasped it and felt it in the flesh.

'Nice one,' he grinned and moved me up on the bed so that I was laying full length with my underwear and shorts around my ankles. He suddenly ducked his head and kissed the tip of my cock and then lapped at my pee slit looking up with an impish grin. 'I can taste, Bryan.'


'Bryan juice,' he chuckled softly and then to my absoluted delight put his wet lips around my knob and slowly took me into his warm suction.

'Aaaaah...' My back arched and I shoved upwards as he slowly and very sensually moved his head up and down making my dick so hard and so slippery. I felt I was going to burst, my balls were so tight but he jiggled them until they eased off and then he sat up and looked at me. 'Get nudey, Josh,' I whispered. I was past the needy stage, I'd gone to super randy and all I wanted to do was squirt but I wanted that little extra. I wanted him naked alongside me and I wanted to see his boyhoood and I wanted to return his favours. I wanted to see his big cock in the flesh... and maybe more.He broke free very quickly and tugged my briefs and shorts clear leaving me totally naked and then quickly dropped his jeans and underwear. I had only a moment to goggle at his stiff penis swaying heavily as he moved and he was back down on me. This time he took me all in as well as clasping my bottom again. He set about me like he was sucking an ice lolly. he took me all in right down to his choke point and I felt his nose in my sparse pubics but the slipperyness and the suction was driving me mad. I grabbed his erection like it was a a lifesafer. A very warm and very hard lifesaver and he groaned around his blow job. He fucked into my hand and didn't miss a stroke on his suck.

I was now just about frantic, I was fucking way as I felt my balls tighten and suddenly it happened. I felt the burning rush and then the spurts and squirts started, better than any self managed wank I just cum and cum. He swallowed hungrily but some still splashed on his cheek and jaw and he actually buried his face on my overflow puddled on my belly. What a mess, he loved it and in the heat of the climax I barely noticed when his pushed his finger against my buttonm and I felt myself opening and admitting his finger.

Jeez, that was wild. I squirmed around still pulsing clearer and thinner spunk as his finger moved in and out of me hitting some mysterious button inside that made me jerk and spasm. It was done, I was a right mess with my own cum all over my belly and in my pubics, he was grinning and I closed my eyes. I was wiped out bigtime... I was done but it wasn't over yet.

I felt his warm breath as he softly kissed me under the jaw. I liked it. 'What does it taste like.'

'Boy cum?' He chuckled.


'Try it.' I felt his lips on mine, his slippery lips and the taste... that taste. I just lay there in shock as I felt his tongue at my tightly clamped lips and then I opened up. Jeez, it was my cum after all and as his tongue snaked into my mouth I wrapped my arms around him hugging him, tasting my own spunk and feeling his warm hardness press against my thigh. I had to do it, all the reservations I'd had and all the second thoughts I'd experienced about boy-on-boy loving were gone. I was a loner no more. I broke from his kiss and pressed him onto his back, it was my turn now and I decided to start on the nipples. As they say with new and sometimes difficult subjects in class, you have to start somewhere.

He just lay there and sighed with satisfaction as I sucked one nipple and then the other, he ruffled my hair as I kissed his sternum and then lightly traced the tip of my tongue down the centre of his chest onto his rounded belly. I could feel the heat and the nearness of his hardness as I licked his navel and I actually felt his slippery glans touch my cheek. It was now or never. |I turned my head and the thing was an inch away. Dark red, inflamed with passion to get all poetic and just the faintest of smears of precum oozing from the tip. I licked the pee slit and he gasped. Holding it firmly in one hand I slowly wanked it licking the knob tasting the bland and rather tastleless whiteness now dribbling from the end. I knew he wouldn't last any longer than I did, he was ready to go.

I kissed his smooth belly one last time and then closing my eyes sank my mouth over his fat and very hard cock,

'Jesus, Bry,' he sighed and held my head lightly. 'Slowly...'

I did as he said and took him in a little at a time. I suppose now's the time to say it as it was... I liked it, not just the thick and tasteless morsel in my mouth but the sense of being one with someone. I had a pal, a playmate if you like. He was a couple of years oldeer than myself but he would teach me everything I needed to know and there were enough of the younger ones around to experiment with. He could be my big brother and lover rolled into one, with this in mind I took him in until I felt him in the back of my throat and then with a supreme effort even further.

Brian, Brian, Bry...' he moaned and shuffled me around on the bed taking my revitalised noodle into his own mouth as I deepthroated him and sucked the essence from his very core.

When he cum it was a torrent, I swallowed and gobbled ignoring the vague taste of nothing but slime and sucked him dry as he got the second thing he was after. His finger was back in me and vigorously fucking my arse as I sucked and slurped on his juicy stiffy as it started to deflate. I rubbed my face on his belly as his finger moved inside me and I felt myself painfully hard, sore even but I didn't care as he dragged my crotch down to his face taking me in for the second time but this time the finger was on that button stroking and massaging. I fucked his face delighted as I felt my second cum of the evening erupt with less force and less quantity but a definite cum all the same. He took it all in sucking me to limpness and until I begged him to stop. At the end we just lay there exhausted and satisfied.

'That was brilliant, Bry,' he cuddled me and crushed me in his arms. 'We'll give the tea boys a treat in the morning.'

'How?' I had visions of leaping on them and practicing my new found skills.

'Shock and awe,' He giggled and standing lifted me up, span around and deposited me in his bed. 'Move over,' he slipped in alongside me and then snuggled in tight. I turned onto my side and he cuddled in behind me, I could feel the beat of his heart on my back and the warm and soft mass of his penis mashing against my bottom. I didn't think he'd try any funny stuff like the ultimate as he was as tired as I was.

Then again, I wouldn't have minded too much if he had.

To be continued.


Next: Chapter 22

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