Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Apr 9, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



17 - Skip and Joey do it


G. Cutter

I awoke to strangeness. I was in a strange room and in bed with a strange body. I could feel the warm press of a bottom on mine and it took a few minutes to remember where I was. I was in bed with Scipio Fortunato and we'd done everything apart from fuck last night. We'd mutually wanked. I'd given him a bj and he'd given me one and then in the very early hours we'd done what he called a sixty niner. I was wiped out and totally exhausted. Needless to say with teeny hormones raging I was also as hard as a rock.

I turned over and clung to his smooth back neatly slipping my stiffy between his warm and slightly sweaty cheeks drowsing off again imagining that I was doing the ultimate. That would be giving my beautiful Italian boyfriend some English babies by the way. Mind you, I'm taking liberties using the boyfriend word here, he might have a queue of admirers for all I know, a kid as good looking as he was certainly wouldn't be going short on the aforementioned admirers.

I was awoken from my nap and cuddle by a shocked gasp and the rattle of mugs. Skip slept on but I swiftly detached and lay on my back wiping sleep from my eyes. My brother Andy was standing there with a tray bearing a couple of mugs and the big Russian kid was at the doorway with a big smirk on his face. I noticed Andy only had a dressing gown on but he had his tighty whities on under. He placed the tray on the small bedside cabinet and looked down at me.

'Joey...' he started but I cut him off.

'If you can't beat 'em, join 'em,' I waved him away. 'We'll talk later.'

He walked from the room, no he didn't... he leapt from the room red faced and I heard him squeal outside. God know's what the Russian had done to him last night but I heard them laugh in the distance, it couldn't have been that bad. I struggled up in bed and grabbed my mug giving Skip a prodding with my finger and finally shaking him until he surfaced.

'Tea, Big Dick.'

'Ah, cheers,' he sat up alongside with his hair all over the place and looking totally disoriented. 'Jeez, I always wake up in bed with the ugly barmaid.'

'Shurrup,' I giggled and passed his tea managing to spill some on my belly which led to a bit of excitement. By the time it was over we lay there together like an old married couple sipping tea and feeling the warmth and smoothness of our sides and hips in contact under the bedding.

'No regrets?'


'I thought you were going to try and shag me earlier.'

'You were awake?' I remembered the warmth and the buzz iof having my stiffy buried between his tight cheeks. A bit of bravery and I might have scored.

'Yeah... awake and a hoping,' he grinned. 'Wimp.'

'Cheers for that,' I gave a manly growl. 'There's always tonight.'

'And this afternoon,' his free hand reached out and felt me under the bedding. 'Sooooo hard,' he grinned. 'Bloody kids.'

'I know,' I giggled. I was in that curious state of absolute satisfaction. Everything was right with the world. Jimmy Fraser downstairs wanted me, Skip wanted me and in my mind I wanted him and finally, Andy knew that I was one of the fallen at long last. There were no more secrets, he either accepted me for what I was or he didn't. 'Whatcha doing this morning?'

'Probably a bit of swimming after breakfast,' he placed his mug on the side and slipped down in the bed. 'We can do a bit of sunbathing this afternoon,' he looked up at the ceiling. 'I know somewhere nice and private.'


'Ultimate private,' he glanced at me. 'So private we could do anything you wanted to do.'

'You know what I want to do, something I haven't done before...'

'We talking about the same thing?'

'Of course we are,' I grinned turning inwards and reached for the warm hardness sticking up on his belly. He turned inwards also so that his cock pressed against mine and his hand reached over my hip and stroked my bottom.

'Beautiful bum,' he whispered and kissed me.

I just parted my legs slightly, allowed his erection to slip in and then clamped on him and hugged him tightly. I was so sick, sad and very definitely in love. As I've said, a perfect Sunday.

We managed to clash with Kostya and Andy in the showers a little while later. Josh and Brian were still in bed. Although Kostya and Scipio had a mumbled conversation Andy and myself were silent. It was as if we were complete strangers. He seemed to have got over the nakedness problem he'd had and was quite happy splashing around and even giggled a little when Kostya splashed him. They seemed to be getting on alright although neither of them gave any indication of what had or hadn't happened in their cabin overnight. Andy must have had a right eye opener on his first Sunday, I found out later that as he'd found me snuggled in with Skip he'd also found Brian in bed with Josh. God knows what he would have found had he gone down to the dorms below. We could hear noises from that lot so they were all up and about and getting ready for breakfast and then whatever the day would bring.

Breakfast was a curious meal, we three 'lodgers' or 'flatmates' as Josh insisted in calling us sat with out three Sixers and drew a few curious glances from the other boys but the only one who had the courage to join us was Jim Fraser and he was just being nosey. I think he was trying to get a foot in the door if you know what I mean, I mean, he's started on me and from where his eyes went he also had his prurient gaze on my kid bro as well... Prurient gaze, I like that, it describes Jimmy Fraser exactly. He was jusy one randy, lecherous, horny, Stone Age midget with his underhung jaw and outsized cock... I quite liked him!

'Going swimming, James?' Skip asked probably trying to be polite.

'Didn't know the pool was operational yet?'

'Yeah,' Josh chipped in. 'Sunday mornings only but weekdays and Saturdays it's afternoons and early evenings only and don't asky why because I don't know By the way, Mr. Thomas says that if the pool gets used this afternoon he'll be doing a wine induced Nelson.'

'That's so's not to upset the bloody Christians,' Jimmy grunted and he was probably right. The Lord's Day Observance Society had come to life again locally and was bleating on about the supermarkets being open etc. etc. ad nausam. If they heard a posh public school was making merry when we should all marching into church and singing hymns the Board of Govenors would be getting letters.

'I would have thought it would be the other way around,' Kostya contributed. 'Make you lot go to church on the Sunday morning and then do what you like Sunday afternoon.'

'You'd have to go as well,' Jim pointed out.

'Not me,' Kostya grinned. 'I'm Russian Orthodox so up their tight Anglican arses... any complaints and I'll rape and pillage a couple of choirboys.'

'Again,' Jim laughed. 'What's a 'wine induced Nelson' by the way?'

'Use your head, Shortarse,' Kostya laughed and ruffled his already scruffy hair.

We broke up after breakfast. One of the masters was taking some volunteers to the local church down the road and had got three or four volunteers and the rest of us settled for lazing about or trying out the recently cleaned and modernised pool. We'd had a grand opening a week previously but this was the first time it had been opened for splishing and splashing rather than 'official swimming'.

I went up and changed with the others rather chuffed that I was being escorted by one of the best looking kids in the school, does that sound camp? Fuck it, he was and he wanted me and I was pretty sure from what he's said that we were going to be really bad boys later on in the day, I couldn't wait. I so desperately wanted to do him, to dominate even if only for a few minutes and I knew he felt the same. Once in the water I came back to Planet Earth with a bang. it was gropes and grabs all the way and not suprisingly Jim Fraser was one of the ringleaders.

It was a lark, no masters and the Sixers joined in, normally they remained aloof from the rest of the school but now the barriers were down. I stuck with Skippy and Jim who seemed to have attached himself. The big Russian was with Andy and they seemed quite happy, at least Andy was doing enough screaming and shouting to wake the dead. Brian Stanson was with Josh and I just had that sneaky suspicion that they too would be upping the stakes after lunch. To me it seemed a perfect way to pass a pretty dreary Sunday afternoon. The masters would be down the pub, most of the boys would be back in the pool and the hardcore would be doing their private stuff in relative safety. Jim eventually drifted off and started to chat up Karl the tall lad from the Fifth and left us in peace.

''After lunch we can disappear,' Skip grinned at me. 'I know a place.'

'Is it safe?'

'One hundred percent,' he grinned. 'How's your kid brother?'

'He's alright,' I glanced at him. 'What exactly do you mean?'

'Kostya was asking me, trying to get a heads up sorta thing. He hasn't done anything yet... they had a bit of a cuddle last night but nothing out of order.'

'So, you want to know how Andy will react to being tampered with?'

'Something like that?' Skip laughed.

'Hey, Andy,' I called out ignoring Skip. My brother splashed over and splashed me before settling down.


'I think that big bad Russian wants to get inside your little speedos,' I said quite bluntly.

'Did he ask you to chat me up,' Andy snapped.

'No,' I grinned. 'Skippy the Kangaroo did.'

'Well...' Andy looked at Scipio boldly and then at me. 'You'd better tell Kostya to hurry up because that Jim is after my body and I want some action.' With that he fell backwards in the water and swam away.

'Now you know,' I looked at my new pal. 'If Kosty doesn't get Andy then Jimbo will. Jimbo's after me as well so you guys have competition.'

'We'll sort Fraser out, we'll wipe out the little bum bandit,' Skip laughed. 'We'll gang bang him... and his Kraut mate.' He looked at me and pushed me against the pool surround. 'You and Fraser fucked?'

'I told you I'm a virgin.'

'Good,' he moved in on me and I felt his hardness pressing against mine under water. 'Not for much longer,' he gave me a kiss on the lips and I flapped my arms in protest but I didn't think anyone was watching, at least I hoped not. Kissing in public on a Sunday was a bit strong.

As I say, we had fun and I even got a crafty grope from Kostya, mind you I think Andy got one fron Scipio which put some evil thoughts into my mind. What if they were on a long range plan, it was a long holiday after all. Perhaps the end game was we three from the Fourth in an all out orgy with the three Sixers. Now that would be fun, perhaps I'd get to do my own brother and even Brian Stanson who I wouldn't mind spending some quality time with. He was a bit bigger than me although the same age and he had a damn fit body. God, the sun must have got to me, all I could think about was sex.

We got dried off and casually dressed for lunch. All three masters were missing doubtless down the local so Josh gave a short speech which basically went along the lines that if the masters were kind enough to trust us then we had to be good boys and repay that trust. He also reminded us that Sunday afternoon was the one day we were not allowed off the school grounds without prior position.

No one took a blind bit of notice even when reminded that dinner would be at six in the evening for the remainder of the holiday so the chefs could get away earlier. There was a sort of ironic cheer from the kitchen when this was announced and then it was grub up. Much much better than normal and I wondered if it was because the younger chefs seemed to be in charge or that the reduction in the number of meals made life easier for them. Funnily enough Ross and Dustin two of the Sixers who were dayboys and on holiday rolled up but they went straight into the kitchen and I didn't see them again.

'They were going to collect me for the afternoon,' Josh told Brian and I happened to overhear. 'I phoned them earlier telling them that I would be tied up.'

'Handcuffed actually,' Brian giggled. 'Perhaps they'd come to watch.'

'Would you mind?'

'Not at all,' Brian grinned and then noticing me earwigging shut up. I'd have to pump Skip later on about this little lot. It sounded like another of the sex clubs. On that front I wondered what the Third Form would be getting upto but they were all eating and chattering away like a bunch of monkeys. A few dishy ones there but just a matter of splitting them, they seemed to stick together like they were velcroed at the hips.

I was waiting for Skip who was chatting to someone when he finally looked my way and gave a little jerk with his head to the passageway leading to the accomodation. I wandered over trying not to look too conspicuous and he came over a gave me a quick grin.

'Avanti, Sweet Cheeks,' Skip led the way and I followed. We returned to our cabin and collected towels, sun tan lotion and rolled up a couple of blankets and a pillow each, we were set for high adventure. I don't know how many other boys Scipio had done this with and I didn't care, today he was mine. I hadn't got the slighest idea where he was going but we moved through the space occupied by the Sixers and he unlocked a door which led into more accomodation but this was unused and in some disrepair. It looked like it had been idle for ages.

'What's this place?'

'Well, officially it's still part of our territory but it's overdue for decoration. The good thing is that it leads out onto a flat roof and sure enough it did. We went into one big room that had French windows that led out onto a flat roof which was paved much to my surprise. There we a few window boxes and plant pots so it may have been someone's little garden in the past. 'This may become the Seventh Form Quarters as it's got another staircase and it's own bathroom facility,' Skip announced as we walked out and looked over the edge. We could see the quad below and a few of the younger kids playing around but it was so quiet and so peaceful I relaxed.

'What's the Seventh Form? Seventeen year olds?'

'Yeah. Josh amongst others was interested in staying on to do further study and basically occupy himself... maybe as a backup teacher until he can go to university. His family is in Singapore but he'd rather stay here.'

'He must be mad,' I helped spread the bedding on the floor. The sun was pretty fiece but Skip produced a huge sunshade from somewhere which made it nice and shady as sunshades tend to do, rather cosy in fact plus it shielded us from any nosy helicopters. Well, that's what he said anyway. 'What if someone comes through?'

'Josh is the only one with a key and I have it. I also know that he's entertaining young Mr Stanson in his cabin. I think they'll be doing pretty much as we'll be doing.'

'And what's that?' I asked playing the coy virgin bit. I do love a bit of play acting then again my family was into theatre.

''Making luuuuve....' He grabbed me and bore me down ontot he bedding sticking his lips onto mine for a breathtaking kiss and sliding his hands inside my t-shirt crushing my body to his. I melted into his arms feeling his now familiar hardness pressing against mine, at the same time his hands slid down inside my shorts and briefs cupping my buns and squeezing and moulding my bottom. There'd be no going back on this one, he wanted me and thankfully I was up for it. The thought of doing it in broad daylight was a turn on in itself and gradually we scrambled around undressing until his dark olive skinned body lay against my naked and paler one. We were off and he was into a kissing frenzy, his hands and his lips were everywhere and I just went with the flow. I was as hard as a rock and oozing white stuff as we wrestled our way to something a little more tender and loving.

In the end he uncapped his sun tan lotion and ran a long white streamer of the stuff down from my throat to my pubics and that's when it started to get messy. We wrestled around but I could see what he was after and let myself go limp although not too limp, I didn't want him to think I was an easy mark. I lost it completely when he finally managed to get me onto my belly and parted my legs massaging the glop into my crack and then the finger arrived. OK, so it was nothing new but it was oiled this time and he stirred and moved his long finger deep inside me pressing all the right buttoms. I squirmed around and even puffed a little in annoyance when his finger left me but it was immediately replaced by two and this I could most certainly feel. He was actually stretching my ring and when he squirted more of the stuff onto my back end I knew. This was it, I was about to be deflowered only with a young and virile male penis not a pair of slender fingers.

'Cara mia,' he whispered as he gently slipped his fingers free and I felt his knees inside mine forcing mine apart leaving me open and defenceless. 'Joey, my sweet.'

'Don't hurt me, Skippy.'

'Never.' I felt his spongey glans slide between my cheeks and fought back the temptation to clamp up but it was too late anyway. There was the briefest of pressures and he was in me. I bit back a cry as I felt my pucker stretch and stretch and then he was in and it felt like a huge log. I felt distended if that's the word. I had a Sixth Former inside me and he was more than a youth, he was a young man with a young man's thick, meaty and thankfully dribbling cock. I blessed his precum as he started to move deeper and deeper, the pain had passed and he seemed to bloat me or fill me as I felt his pubics brush against my bottom.

'Go on,' I grunted pushing up onto him pretending to be brave but in a curious way I liked it. The body heat, the sweat, the smell of the sun tan stuff, the feel of his body on me and inside me.

'Good boy,' he whispered and then I felt a jolt and it felt like his cock's end was up in my throat, he was inside me totally and utterly. I was fucked but not quite. He lay his forearms either side on me and just moving his hips slipped in and out a little at a time and then faster and faster as I moaned and in the end pushed up onto his thrusts. He wasn't fucking, we were fucking and it felt good strangely enough. I wondered what it would be like in bed without all the slippery glop but I'd soon find out. I wanted to do it again and I hoped he did, I could get a taste for it.

He went from frantic to smooth lover in turn finally finishing up in frantic mode again and finally slapped into me pressing me into our makeshift bed and I felt him go. The throbbing and the pumping nearly got me squealing as I felt his thick baby juice shoot up my arse and making my guts feel like a milk shake. He slowly moved in and out of my messy bottom but he was done. I was in a daze but he kissed me and slipped free cuddling me as if I was the best thing since sliced bread.

'By God, you're a good boy, Joey. When we go to bed tonight...'


'We'll do it nice and slow, not so much of the glop and maybe a frontal.'

'What's that?' Well, I had to ask didn't I.

'That's what you're going to do right now,' he lay on his back and parted his leg and surprisingly I got it in a flash but let him continue his instruction. He slopped the suntan stuff on my hardness which was now a raging erection and nothing else. Precum was dripping from my knob and suddenly he raised his knees to his chest dragging me right onto himself. As soon as I felt my glans brush against his ring I pushed. I slipped out the first time but scored the second and he closed his eyes with a sigh as I penetrated and then slowly moved in tight relishing every movement in his hot Italian arse. He loved it, I loved it, what more is there to say?

Oh, yeah. It was better overnight but it's always the first time you remember or so my mentor said. Sixth Formers prefer being called mentors to shag buddies by the way.

To be continued.

Next up, the little virgin Andy... who else? The Prince Coco Project - 7 directly after this one clears into Nifty GCutter66@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 23

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