Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Apr 16, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



18 - Andy spreads his wings

(Told by Andy)


G. Cutter

Well, I shouldn't need to introduce myself as my older brother (by an hour or so), Joe has been doing all the chatting lately. He's been telling all and sundry about his adventures but I, of course, was the last to find out how far he'd gone and with whom. We'd played slap and tickle with the addition of a few wankies in the past but nothing serious. We were both a little worried about this incest thing and being so similar in appearance it was a bit like doing it with a clone of yourself. Anyway, we both had a taste for it, we were both fourteen and ready to try things out... some new things that is.

We along with our number three, Brian Stanson were the only ones in our form to remain over the holidays and I think deep inside we both had a little thing about Brian although he was a right grump at times. To our shock and horror we got billeted up with the Sixth, up in the Gods as they called it up on the top floor. Then to make matters worse we were parcelled out to the remaining seniors, also three in number. Brian went to the Deputy Head Boy, Josh. Joe was allocated Scipio Fortunato an Italian kid and I got lumbered with a hulking bloody Russian of all things. Kostya was alright, very prim and proper although I was dreading the first night actually sharing a room with him. I must admit I spent the first night in a blue funk as they used to say but he never made a move on me other than a couple of little pats on the bottom. If I'd have wriggled my bum and said something smart or sexy things might have happened sooner than they did, but I didn't and that was that.

The eye opener came the next morning when Kostya and I had the tea duty which Joe has explained. I found Joe in bed with Scipio and to make matters worse Brian was tucked in with Josh. It seemed I was the only one who hadn't been raped and pillaged. I was miffed to be blunt as in spite of Kostya's size I quite liked him, he had this sexy Russki accent and was a bit of a quiet one. I was strongly convinced he needed a playmate and was determined to be just that as we sat down at breakfast on the Sunday morning. Everyone chatted about everything except what had happened overnight. I suppose that was fair enough, they weren't going to talk through the gory details over the Wheaties. I think it was the general concensus that we all hit the pool for the morning and that would exclude the three or four churchgoers... there's always some mumpties trying to score points. The outcome was the pool was occupied by around a dozen half naked screaming lumps of boyflesh and I was getting more and more frustrated. Joe had a chat with me and claimed that he only had a kiss and a cuddle with Scipio but in a more serious moment admitted that he was going for the jackpot later in the day.

He gave a lecture on the facts of life, telling me it was a thing he wanted to do and asked forgiveness for being gay.

I had to do my bit, of course, and say that everyone was at it and it was no more gay than a couple of mongrels boy doggies shagging each other which may not have been the best way to put it. He asked me how I'd got on with Kostya and I told him... zilch, nothing had happened. He just laughed and said that he knew for a fact Kostya was 'at it' and for me to watch my arse which is a delightful phrase. The swimming was good fun and from all accounts we had the use of the pool for the rest of the holiday although there would be a roster for cleaning it up and whatnot which was fair enough. I'd clocked interest from Jim Fraser, a renown 'player', a couple of the Third Form and interestingly enough Bryan who seemed to be superglued to Josh since last night.

In fact he fronted me up in the water where we bobbed up and down splashing each other watching the lanky Josh and the better built Kostya laying in the sun and nattering.

'Wanna bet?'


'Josh is asking Kosty if he scored,' he grinned and tried to tweak one of my nipples.'

'No he didn't,' I scowled. 'He didn't even try.'

'You sound annoyed,' he laughed.

I shrugged, I didn't know what to say. He bobbed closer and suddenly I felt his hand under water cup my balls and gently squeeze, very gently I might add. I froze, I didn't panic or flounder away, I waited to see what he'd do next. His hand moved up and felt me up feeling my thickening penis inside my wet speedos and he grinned. 'What now?' I muttered and reached out to hold his hip trying very hard not to look conspicuous.

'You want it,' he muttered thickly.

'Want what?' I answered rather stupidly.

'You wanna use this,' he gave my rapidly hardening penis another squeeze. 'What's Kosty doing this afternoon.'

'Said he was playing cards with his kitchen mates, the Polish kid and the others.'

'Betcha a pound to a pinch of shit he's doing things with that Pole, I've seen them scurrying around together.'

'You've got a dirty mind,' I laughed pressing in a bit. I liked the feel of his hand on my bits.

'Do you want to come with Josh and myself this afternoon?'

'Whatcha doing?'

'It will involve getting naked,' he grinned. 'A bit of noodle work, a bit of flesh on flesh...'

'Shurrup. I'm as hard as a pipe.'

'I know, I can feel it. Stick with me this afternoon, we'll have a giggle.'

'OK.' I don't know to this day why I said it. Maybe jealous at everyone having fun. Maybe scared of being labelled a scaredy cat or maybe just lust and I did fancy Brian. The thought of both him and Josh in the nudey had my pecker almost bursting. 'Joe's occupied with Scip anyway.'

I know that,' he laughed and ducked under water nuzzling at my crotch and then grabbing my hips and dunking me. After that is was all spish and splash. Sunday afternoon wasn't going to be a boring ol' afternoon after all. With luck Kostya might try something at bedtime as I was quite convinced that the three Sixers were as thick as thieves. What I'd said to Bryan would go back to Josh and then probably ontop both Skip and Kostya. I was convinced the three Sixers wanted to make us three juniors sex slaves. Well, as it turned out it wasn't that bad but I wasn't all that wrong.

Sunday lunch was quite nice and that's a first for St Anselms, I don't know if the young chefs we seemed to have for the holidays had made an extra effort or what. Joey said that the less food they had to produce the more time they could take getting it right which sounded unusually deep for my brother but also right. I asked what he was doing over the afternoon after my tip off from Brian and he was evasive. Brian was right my Joey was on the sex trail. He asked me what I was doing and I said I was spending the afternoon with Brian which seemed to get him a bit moody, jealous maybe. We seemed to drift after lunch, I kept my eyes open and people seemed to disappear in twos and threes, I suppose most of them were going to the pool although it was technically forbidden, others would be having the traditional Sunday afternoon nap.

'See you up in the Common Room,' Brian whispered at one stage and Josh gave me a craft wink, it seemed our little threesome was all systems go. I didn't quite know how I was going to fit in but hopefully I was going to be more than a spectator, mind you I was a bit concerned about being ganged up on and raped but hopefully they were both too sensible for that sort of thing... hopefully I said.

I took my time and tailed them upstairs where it was quietening down, the Common Room was quiet with just Brian looking out of the window.

'All gone?' I looked around.

'Josh is waiting in his room, our room,' he corrected himself. 'Your dishy brother has just disappeared witjh Skippy over the other side somewhere...'

'I wonder where they've gone.'

'Dunno but they took bedding with them,' Brian laughed. 'Ready for a ride?'

'A ride? Who's riding who?' I asked trying to be witty but dead nervous.

'You can ride me if you're a good little boy,' he grinned and fuck me if he didn't kiss my ear. 'Come on Stiffy Boy.'

I followed him in a trance, it was too late to turn back now and from what he'd just said offered himself. The toughy of the Fourth had offered his body, I wasn't in a trance, I was in a bloody daze.

We found Josh sitting on his bed with just a towel around himself not leaving a lot to the imagination and Brian ushered me in and shut the door. There was light coming in although the threadbare curtains were drawn, I notice the window was slightly open affording a bit of air but Brian was in action. With absolutely no modesty he grabbed me in his arms and kissed me, like a real kiss I mean, his tongue pressed against my lips and slipped inside my mouth. I was in a state of shock as I felt Josh behind me pull me down onto the bed and his hands started to wander. I just let myself go, I was still nervous but put up a brave front. Josh's towel was the first to come undone and as soon as he was naked he made sure that Brian and myself were the same. Brian had a nice body, a bigger dick than mine and a beautiful bum. They must have liked me as I was attacked by hand, lips and tongues as I was undressed and until we all cuddled on the bed together.

'We've put on a special event for you,' Brian smiled at me as he sucked one of my nips, Josh was down on my willy.

'Oooh er...'

'Don't panic,' Brian chuckled. 'I finally get to do what I want with Josh and you can do me. I'm going to be the meat in the sandwich,' he giggled although he seemed a bit nervous as well . Of course, at this time I didn't know that this was a first for him. 'You just do what comes naturally, or unnaturally I suppose.' Josh moved away from me and knelt on all fours on the bed and I watched as Brian set to work with some lubricant rubbing it between Josh's smooth white cheeks until Josh rather impatiently told him to get on with it.

I just lay there feeling rather left out of it as I saw Brian mount Josh like you see mongrels in the street do (if you're lucky). He buggered around until Josh took him in hand quite literally and guided Brian's slippery round peg into it's round hole. Gasping time. Brian gave a long drawn out moan as he must have pentrated and kept going, Josh gasped as he was taken and I gasped as I lay there shuffling around for a decent view and got there at last. I was almost laying under Josh avoiding his swinging and jerking cock and I could see Brian's slippery prick disappearing into Josh's tight arse. It didn't last for long, they stopped and Brian told me and this time with a definite quaver in his voice to 'do' him and to take it easy. Back to what I'd said before, I didn't know that this was his first outing if you want to call it that and quite happily clambered into a crouch like them and guided my super stiff stiffy between his tight little cheeks. I hit the resistance of his sweet hole and merrily pushed away.

'Tahe if easy, rodent,' he squealed and Josh being the bottom man laughed pushing back hard and forcing Brian onto my thrust. We were one. I nearly passed out as the heat and tightness of Brian's body accepted me and I felt myself slide into his beautiful bottom... my first fuck and it was with the toughest kid in the form. He groaned but as soon as I was well and truly snuggled up into his bum he made his first move. I wondered what Brian felt like shagging someone and having someone doing him at the same time but he was puffing and panting like an old man as he tried to maintain a rythm and I was the same. I was in heaven, I never imagined it would be as good as this but the sweaty joining was as good as it gets and soon the sound of wet and sweaty slaps echoed around the small room. It was a damn good job everyone was about their business otherwise we'd have collected an audience. Mind you, I shouldn't think the Sixth Form Quarters were any stranger to a bit of rumpy pumpy, it probably ponged a bit like a spunk factory with twenty or so of them in residence.

'Yeah, go, go,' Josh was chanting pushing back hard now and shaking the bed with the three of us on it. I was hammering my heart out into Brian's sweet bottom and poor Brian was stuck in the middle but from the wimpering and groaning he was enjoying himself. I think I was the first to cum and clung to Brian's slender body as I felt myself jerk and throb inside him, I felt my own warm juice encase my noodle and I was done. I slipped free and lay on the bed on my back gasping like I'd done a hundred metre dash... Brian kept going and finally he gave his own grunts and gasps bearing Josh down onto the bed and I saw Josh look at me and smile. Going by the flexing and tightening of Brian's buttocks I reckon he'd scored at last. Climaxed not scored, I get the words mixed up in this new language we were learning.

One thing had occured and that was that it was Josh's time, it was time for Big Dick and he was bigger than both Brian and I to show his skill. I should have known that these two had cooked up a plan or a plot and the remainder started to work out. I found out later that this was basic corruption. Brian's first time and my first time and Josh as the team leader (to have a giggle) was orchestrating it all. Brian had broken his duck to get all English and so had I, now it was the dreaded 'p' time and what does 'p' stand for... PAYBACK, everyone knows that.

Brian slipped free and he looked quite pleased with himself, his cum was running down the inside of Josh's thighs and Josh just grinned and looked at us both. 'Go and have a quick shower and whatnot,' he ordered. 'I'll make a pot of tea.' Jeez, how crazy can you get, tea in the middle of an orgy, this had to be bloody England.

We sat out in the Common Room sipping their tea, none of us wore any clothing as Josh had assured us he'd locked up and if Scip and Joe came in from 'the other end' they'd probably join in. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to do sex with Joe but then again it was down to him, he took the lead in most things we did, I suppose he was the stronger character, he always had been but I was treading my own path now as Josh indicated the tea break was over. Payback time was truly upon me, well, Brian and I.

As soon as we were back in the cabin Brian was on me. he lay me out did a very superficial kissy kiss and then went for my bottom. He did the fingering and oiling and I didn't even feel embarassed as Josh sat there and watched giving advice would you believe. We didn't go into a three way doggy this time as Brian wanted to do me face to face as he called it and I was so nervous I just told him to get on with it. He did and I nearly hit the roof as he penetrated me but it was a bit of an anti climax, I was expection pain and whatnot but just got this stretching and then the feeling of a foreign mass inside me filling me and making me feel bloated. I clung to Brian as he worked his way in and then relaxed as he lay still. I clamped and eased on his cock and he grinned and kissed my nose.

Suddenly he tensed and I heard Josh sooth him and then the pressure was on me. Josh was fucking his way into Brian and I was getting Brian crushing me to the bed. It wasn't going to last to long as I knew Brian was near popping as I could feel his cock as hard as an iron bar in my gut. We got into a rythm or, at least they did, Josh pushed into Brian and Brian pushed into me, I just lay there and suffered in silence and wondering what all the fuss was about. One thing was for sure, it was more fun fucking than being fucked but this was just like homework, something that had to be done. I was looking forward to my first one on one in private. Now that should be fun. I wondered who it would be, maybe Kostya tonight, now that would be one up on my scoreboard. I'd only caught a glimpse of him naked once and couldn't even imagine what his fat cock was like at full stretch but he'd have to be bigger than Josh.

'Andy...' Brian panted looking directly into my eyes.

'Yeah,' I grunted, I was beginning to feel the weight.

'Squirties,' he grinned manically and rammed in as deep as he could. I swear the bastard was trying to split me but I felt his meat swell and throb inside me and then the really weird feeling of warm fluid splattering and squirting into my back passage. I knew straight away that he'd cum, well he hadn't peed that was for sure. As his offering pumped inside me things eased as he lay there. I was still getting the aftershocks as Josh battered Brian's sweet bottom but suddenly they stopped and Brian gave a little sigh. His dick twitched as he obvioulsy clamped on Josh but that was it. It was over.

'Jeez,' Josh slipped free from Brian and I felt the weight come off me. 'I'm shagged, I'm just going to watch you two.'

'Phew,' Brian flopped out onto his back as Josh slipped over to the spare bed and lay on his side looking at us. 'I'm all icky,' he reaised his legs and tried to peer down. He looked all right to me and I took a feel of his puffy pucker. 'Geroff, you sex maniac,' I felt Brian's slippery ring clamp on my fingeras I prodded. I chanced a quick look at Josh and he gave me a slight nod. Well, why not, I was the only one with any juice left after the latest round of shagging. I quickly got to my knees and just as quickly positioning pushed into Brian's slick and extremely slippery boy fanny. He gave a suprised grunt but accepted me and lay there with a dopey smile on his face as I started on a long and extremely drawn out fuck.

Of course, I forgot all about Josh on the bed behind me. I was reminded a few mintes later.

To be continued.


I might rest this for a couple of weeks as I've got so much stuff going at the moment I have to finalise some stuff and get my head straight. I have a five parter (Doctor Dick) in progress on PZA Boy Stories and that will be available when completed to my Nifty Readers who ask for the Zip containing all five parts. Two of the characters from 'Doctor Dick' will join with the lads in The Prince Coco Project, so yet another Chapter to fit in there.

I'm working on a story 'Boy meets Elf' and have nearly finished. I have completed'The Doctors Rumpus Room' a four parter. I am deep into a story of fourteen yo German Naval Kadets in 'Kiel Naval College, 1911' which was borrowed from an old porno I watched many years ago. My boys are a lot younger that the people in that.

And finally NO, I haven't forgotten 'Nyetimber' or my 'Tales from the Spooky Woods'


Next: Chapter 24

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