Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on May 7, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



19B - The Painting Party

by Jim Fraser.


G. Cutter

I suppose Brian's account of the first day was pretty kosher. I was interested and was lining up the two kids from the Third for a snatch and grab but things went all to cock. It was like the start of The War of the Worlds... you know, the bit where the voice over tells us that 'eyes from another planet were watching us', sorta thing. I was so busy doing a little planning with Brian that I didn't even realise that Karl was stalking me. We'd got on well over the weekend, we'd wanked and I'd given him a blow, I didn't realise he wanted more, much more. We went on the boiler room get togethers as youll have read a lot earlier in this saga but he'd never shown much interest in shagging, everything else, but not actually bum plundering. All that was to change.

By the time we got back to the school and had lunch I was feeling pretty well knackered. For one, I wasn't actually used to manual work, none of us were and sloshing paint brushes around for the best part of four hours sure tired the arms. Of course, getting shagged at the end of it was a bit wearing although I was more used to sex than painting. It seemed from what went on we had a good, versatile and ready to spread it around team and I lay in the empty dorm dozing for the afternoon. Dominic and the Thai had eloped somewhere, they clearly had a hideaway but I wasn't going to hassle them, I'd bide my time. I'd seen Brian chatting Honek lunchtime but he did a runner soon after so I guessed he was building on his forenoon's contacts. The Blair twins had ate with their Sixth Formers and I hoped they just hadn't said too much. Anyway, that night I slept with Karl for the first time. The other two were keen enough on pushing their beds together so we decided to try it. I mentioned mixed doubles to Karl and he said maybe in a week or so, Dom was clearly infatuated with the swish Thai kid, Trak... mind you he was a beauty.

The next day was the same routine, brilliant sun and hot even that early in the morning. We worked through until ten and had a chilly fizzy break. Karl showed his leadership and began a lecture. I think most of us ignored him as he did like his lectures. Well the Thirds carried on whispering throughout in their corner and the Blair brothers just gazed into space. Brian and I gave each other crafty glances until the word 'bath' was mentioned.

'Go back, go back,' one of the Blairs piped up. 'We missed that bit.'

'I was saying that if we press on we're far ahead enough to bring the bath forward to eleven thirty and go for firm pairs.

'Firm pairs?' Peter or Thomas squeaked.

'Yeah,' Karl grinned. 'If we all want to play.' He pulled some white cards from his pocket, each of the seven had one of our names on it. 'I call it Pot Luck which is hardly original ,' Karl grinned. 'I just need all of you to agree.' We did with the two Thirds finally giving nods of their heads.

'Two pairs and one threesome?' I asked being one jump ahead.

'Yeah,' Brian agreed with me and Karl just nodded.

'Peter's the youngest, he can deal... two cards, then another two and then turn over the three. No peeping and no fucking around.'

Peter went the deepest shade of red but rose to the challenge making sure everyone saw that he was being very honest with his dealing. He clumsily shuffled the seven cards and then dealt two out onto the small table we were gathered around.

'You're supposed to turn them over, Pete,' Thomas his form mate grinned.

Peter cautiously turned one card over, Thomas and then the other, Karl.

'Two more,' Karl demanded.

'Me,' Peter squeaked as he turned his first card and then slowly turned the other card over. 'Him,' he looked at me and burst out giggling.

'Pete and Jimbo,' Karl declared. 'Gotta leave the Blair boys and Brian.' The three looked at each other and I guess they were happy enough, they were all the Sixers pets for the holiday after all. I suspect they'd all been at each other before now but I had Peter... the youngest and the smallest of the bunch. Me and my big dick that was. I looked at him and he looked at me with a nervous smile on his pretty face. With a stretch he could have been one of those little Italian bambinos or whatever they call them, I was captivated and I was going to teach this boy the ways of love. Zowee!

We continued with out painting and Karl removed the Blairs from the trolley thingy, the acess tower and started them on the low level stuff, under the benches and whatnot. We were getting on well and even with the extended bathtime we were on top line for our four day finish and small bonus. Emulsioning is easy when you get the hang of it, just don't put too much on the brush and don't wave the bloody brush about. We didn't even use rollers, we hand painted the lot and did just fine. This time Karl had the bath going nice and early and sure enough at eleven thirty called a halt. The ceiling bouys were a bit messier this time but I had a sneaky idea this was a ploy, the more of the glop on them the more they had to be manhandled by the rest of us. Weird, bent and very nice... the two Thirds make a pleasant contrast with the Blair boys. Even with their smaller dickies I'd like to have had some pictures of them in a foursome, a perfect colour contrast as all the sex bits were about the same size.

I had a plan with Peter. I always have a plan. I wasn't going to embarass him in front of his form mate and the others but I was gpoing t ask him for an afternoon date, I could comandeer one of the empty dorms like Brian had yesterday. Then again we had the run of the grounds and perhaps some sunbathing was the way to go. Most of the 'lodgers' seem to mess around in the mornings and then devote the afternoon to lounging around the school. Mind you the exceptions were the interesting ones and being a nosey bugger I would start doing a bit of the old Sherlock Holmes when this painting job was done.

We finished and then it was the mad scramble to throw off paint stained clothing and slide into the hot water. No false modesty this time and little pixy Peter came straight to me and snuggled in like a pet cat.

'Wanna play it cool and slide away somewhere this afternoon after lunch?' I wrapped my arms around him feeling the smoothness and tightness of his little bottom as he wroggled against me.

'Of course,' he grinned. 'Thomas snuck away with Brian yesterday.'

'I worked that one out,' I smiled down at him. 'I was thinking something more open air, take some stuff to lie on and go across the sports fields.'

'Do it in the open,' he gasped.

'We're not going to have an audience,' I laughed. 'Anyway, the further from the school the better.'

'OK,' he agreed and I felt his busy hand on my erection. I had no intention of taking him in the bath but just to get him excited a bit. Maybe drain him so he got a taste of a Jimbo blow... one of the best. I positioned him by the steps so that his four inch peg was sticking up clear of the water and dropped to my knees. 'Dive, dive, dive,' he whispered.


'That's what they say in submarines,' he giggled. 'My dad's the Exec on a nuke,' he exclaimed proudly.

'Better check out your torpedoe then,' I skinned his foreskin back exposing his dark red glans and took a lick. Just the faintest taste of boy cum but enough to get me sucking and soon I had a pair of slippery sallow brown cheeks in my hand and was working my mouth up and down on his noodle which was getting harder and harder. I saw at the other end of the bath Karl had Thomas seated on the side of the bath and was doing the same as I was and had probably come to the same arrangement. Brian and the Blair boys were just fucking around, I expect they also had something planned for the afternoon. I didn't care, I was falling in love with Peter's sunburnt brown body, in another couple of weeks he'd look like a sooty. The other thing was that he was so willing, I knew from Brian that the pair weren't exactly virgins but when I slipped a finger inside Peter he started to shag my mouth like a maniac.

When he'd squirted I'd intended to get dried off and changed but he had other ideas, he just propped me up against the wall and kneeling in the warm water took me in hand and into his mouth. Damn, that kid was good. God knew what those Third Formers got upto but he lapped and sucked like a right little queenie, he also slipped a finger up into my bum so he wasn't that much of a girly boy. I had the feeling that provided we picked our spot well we were going tohave a good afternoon.

Rare for me, I was a bit embarassed with a child sucking my cock but I managed to get over it when I saw the others performing and grabbed Peter's head and fucked his face good. He did well and in the end gave me the cheekiest grin as he gulped and swallowed my cum down without missing a drop. Well, he did, but the dribbles at the side of his mouth I cleaned up with my tongue.

We did our usual half shamed and half proud breakup after that and wandered over for lunch. We were a bit more punctual this time around and I saw Mr Thomas grab Karl and chat him up, probably for a progress report I guess. I said hello to my favourite chefs and introduced Peter who was shadowing me like he was scared to lose me. I got a few raised eyebrows there, they probably thought I'd gone into cradle snatching. I was feeling quite pleased with myself, if Peter was ha;f as willing as Thomas had been with Brian I was in for a fun time. We scoffed lunch down at a warp speed and after nicking a couple of counterpanes from an empty dorm were on our way and yeah, I did have my sun tan lotion.

We walked all the way across the sports field into the rough grass where the groundsman's work ended. There was a band of this very long stuff like corrn. You know what I mean, the stuff comes upto your waist and you can pull the tops off which you can throw like arrows. I don't know what you call it but the tops stick to your clothing and are bloody prickly, you're also supposed to keep your dogs away so someone somewhere must know what I mean... Anyway, this stuff ended at a treeline and then a chain link fence so we flattened an area enough for our bedding which we spread out. It was well out of the way, in fact it was one of the least used areas on the field and most of the kids would be swimming anyway. No one would come from the treeline as that was well secure and provided a good screen from the road. Finally, we were laying on the ground surrounded by three feet high grass, we had our nest.

'Here we are,' Peter said nervously, took a final peek around and fell onto the counterpanes and me. 'Just you and me.'

'You and I.'

'Whatever,' he squealed as I wrapped my arms around him, it was hot but there were a few clouds around to mask the sun now and then but we didn't care. We undressed each other until we were both naked and just lay there snoggling and playing around for a while. I loved it, the silence only broken by buzzing thingies and the feel of Peter's firm young flesh against mine. We were both dark skinned and he was more sunburned than I was so the suntan stuff was a waste of time but I needed it for something else.

'That's so big,' he murmured and held my penis sllowly skinning the foreskin right back so that the glans bulged, he smirked when a bead of cum oozed from my pee slit. Ducking his head he lapped it up and then sank his mouth over my warm flesh. He shuffled around so that he was more or less laying at right angles to me and surprise, surprise I could hold his firm young meat. He was hard as hard could be and I decided to cary out my plan. Nothing extraordinary with this one, it was to let him have a bite of the cheery first in a manner of speaking. I found it always helps with youngsters to let them go first then they don't feel used... well, it's a theory and it seems to work. Once they'd shagged you they feel they've had their share and that's most important with kids like Peter. These worst thing is to let them think that you're after their arse and that's it.

'Do my back,' I handed him the sun glop and rolled onto my belly.

'You're nice and brown, you don't need it.'

'My bum needs it,' I opened my legs. Jeez, this kid was thick, how many hints did he need. I pushed my bottom up intothe air and he finally stroked it and I then felt the coldness of the oil across the small of my back.

'Wicked,' he began to run the stuff in and then started to massage my cheeks in a rotary motion as if trying to blend two lumps of dough. 'Whoo, what's in here,' he giggled and I felt his fingers delve into my crack. Openeing up I admitted him and then he got the message. He squirted oil between my cheeks and delved deep.

'Not too much,' I warned and hoisted my bottom up a little making an offer he couldn't refuse.

'Shall I?' He whispered.

'Get between my legs,' I turned my head and then suddenly changed my mind. I flipped over and ignoring his protests dragged him between my open legs again but this time stared up at him. 'Come on lover,' I raised my elgs and dragged him in. OK, so he hadn't fingered me or any of that caper but he was ready and so was I. I was sweaty and there was enough of the glop around to ease his passage, my passage really. I guided him in and he leant in dropping his face to mine for a kiss. As I placed his bulging little glans at my hole he just gave one firm push and he was inside me.

'God,' I groaned. It is a fact of life that no matter how small they are they all feel like steel pipes when they come in from the front and he was no exception. He drove straight in virtually falling onto me still kissing but with his hips slowly moving to and fro until he could go no further.

'This is so hot,' he breathed into my mouth. 'I never realised you'd be so tight.'

'Well, thanks for that... I think.' I groaned and moved my legs out so that they rested on his buttocks as he moved up and down. 'Fuck me, Peter the Poof.'

'I'm not a poof,' he squealed and then started to fuck just to prove his point. I did all the bloody work by the way, I changed position and pushed him up so that he was truly superior to me and shagging downwards. Poor little bugger, the sweat was flying off him and I thought he was going to pass out but he rammed and thrust his way to a decent climax and I clamped hard at the end when I felt his warm squirts splash inside me. He was done, he gave a tired smile and rolled off and out of me wrapping his arms around my body. 'That was bloody brill.' His cum stained noodle was stuck to his belly and I contented myself with raising up on one elbow and stirring the limp meat with one finger.

'You did well, Peter,' I lightly kissed him and he grinned proudly. That's another thing with youngsters, always compliment them.

'You doing it from the front or the back?'

'How do you want me to do it?'

'Like we just did it but you gotta stop if it hurts,' his voice was shaky but he looked determined. I think it was because his mate Thomas had scored with a bigger boy yesterday and he wanted to do the same. Peer pressure I suppose you'd call it, I was all for it. Fuck me, I was a Fifth Former it was down to me to help my juniors. I told him to take his skinny legs up and expose his bottom which he did and I applied glop to his nut brown ring. He was incredibly tight but his perspiration and my finger soon eased the way and he began to wriggle on my digital probing (like that?) giving little groans and sighs as I moved in and out of his tight little passage. He jumped a bit when I tried two fingers but he accepted them after a bit of moaning and I let him settle down. I knew I had a big prick and it was fatter than most, I certainly didn't want to hurt him, I wanted him to like it and come back for more.

'You ready?' I hovered over him with my oiled cock swinging and felt like a bloody great vampire about to swoop on the village virgin but I was well aware that this kid was no virgin. 'Let me impregnate you with my love juice.' I murmured still in vampiric mode.

'You're a fuckin' lunatic,' he remarked in his best public school accent. British at it's best I thought as I steadied my oozing glans at his twitching pucker and gently pushed. I think he was about to yell out but I smothered his mouth with mine sliding my forked tongue (sorry, still in vampire mode) in deep seeking his tonsils. He struggled and bleated into my mouth but he was well and truly pinned and he was so bloody tight he was a miracle on skinny legs. I moved in deeper and then took a coule of slow moves feeling the tensenes drain from him and then his arms and legs bound me in. We were OK.

'Orrite, Pete.'

'I'll live,' he grinned and clamped his sweet fanny on my slowly moving meat. My balls were uptight already and I was determined I had to have more. I started to move faster and he groaned and wriggled around but took it all until I was slapping my belly against his balls and he was even hard again. 'Go, go, go...' He hissed as I fucked and I did. When I cum it was a good one for me and a good one for me is a 'cum superior' for the hoi poloi. I lay on him with my cock pumping and filling him and he lay there like a dead man or boy.

'Beautiful arse action.' I nearly decapitated myself turning my head to see who had spoken and it was Tak the Thai from my form. His buddy Dom was standing there with a big grin on his face.

'Mind if we join you?' Dom said and flopped one side of us and Tak sat the other side.

I was going to tell them to fuck off as it was a private party but when you're stuck up inside a thirteen year old it's a bit difficult being assertive. Peter was looking a bit scared, in fact, he looked terrified so I resumed my slow shag into his already spunked hole. The rest of the afternoon could prove interesting but you'll have to wait and see.

To be continued.

Well, we're limping along but I shall be bringing back the older boys and the chefs once I've cleared the Painting Party away. Maybe a Midnight Fuck Fest down by the swimming pool or up on the roof. I've got a mob of horny boys and youth all wanting some of the action so it's a bit hard fitting them all in.


Next: Chapter 26

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