Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jun 4, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



20A - The Little Tea Leaf

(by Simon Ryder aged 13)


G. Cutter

Hi. It seems everyone who writes (or dicates) one of these little chapters is entitled to give his take on things just as he feels they happened. I'm told by Brian (my Spirit Guide) I can say what I like and that's what I'm going to do.

I was the youngest of the Third Formers staying on over the holiday although thankfully not the smallest. There were two elevens also staying with Matron but they don't feature in this story at all. No twelves at all, so, forget about them. I was the odd one out in the Form, the five of us that remained. The other four were all dark skinned and dark haired like a bunch of gypos, I stuck out like a sore thumb, I was the only one who was a carrot top, the only pale skinned ginger knob in the whole sixteen or seventeen who remained not that it did me a lot of good. I felt a bit of an alien in fact, Thomas and Peter had got involved in this painting caper and the other two Luke and Paul were as thick as thieves as good apostles should be. Yeah, we and others had worked out that our little dorm made up nearly half of JC's disciples... odd, but there you go. What's in a name. Anyway on with the yarn. It was pretty obvious that once the holiday settled down the biggest enemy was going to be crushing boredom. The masters rigged up some ipsy tipsy sporting things to do in the mornings, there was the painting party, and various cleaning jobs to do but these were just timewasters . The consolation was that we had huge grounds with a lot of it overgrown and nearly wildwood, we had a nice pool and the run of a huge and mostly empty school and this where my suspicions became aroused.

It was so obvious after lunches especially that little groups and even pairs went missing. Now, I'm not a dummy and I know what goes on at a boarding school I was just jealous. All my bits were working as I proved to myself about three times a day but I just couldn't click until one day I was sitting on my own and got chatted up by a rather dishy Fourth. OK, so he was only fourteen but I thought he was nice and he was also pals with Jimbo from the Fifth... now he was a dish. They all took the piss because he was a bit like the missing link but I had a thing on him, a crush, a lust, a whatever but I did have some very bad and quite stiff dreams about him in his baggy swimming gear. He did strut his stuff, no two ways about that but he always had a younger (or older) kid in tow. Brian was a lot quieter and a lesser lust to get technical.

'You seem lonely,' he sat alongside me on the wall by the back door to the dining hall.

'I am a bit,' I admitted trying not to sound like a wimp. In fact, I was fixated on the blond hair on his golden brown upper thighs as he sat with his shorts rucked up. Jeez.

'Perhaps you'd like the company of an older boy with a world view.'

'You're not much older than I am,' I snapped biting like a fish on a line.

He laughed and clasped me around the shoulder rather familiarly I thought but what the heck, it was nice to have some bodily contact.

'I didn't mean that,' I mumbled red faced and let me tell you, us gingers know how to blush.

'I was going to knock off some biscuits for an afternoon snack but I need a leg man to do the dirty,' he remarked conversationally.

'Knock off?'



'You sound like a fuckin' parrot he,' grinned again. 'Steal as in misappropriate.'

'Where from?'

'The kitchen have an outside Dry Store they always leave open during catering hours. Up for it?'

'Yeah, go on.' Well, I had to didn't I? Over a week now of stupifying boredom and here I was being offered a little adventure from one of the dishier younger boys in the school. Woops... make that 'dishier' handsomer I think. Don't want to make too much of the crush thingy. He took me down the side of the building and we walked around to an open space overlooked by the dorms and where the chefs had a little smoking area. It was normally deserted as the young cooks would be on their post lunch clean up. They'd have a long afternoon break and then start to prepare dinner later on, all they did tea time was brew an urn of tea and sling some bread, butter and jam out.

'That hut... it's unlocked,' he hissed as we lurked like a pair of pervs in the bushes. 'It's got gear strewn around all over the place. Grab a couple of packs of biccies and do a runner.'

'What about you?' I asked nervously.

'I'll keep lookout.'

'I dunno,' I whined.

'I'll reward you,' he moved closer in the bushes and I could feel his breath on my face. 'Personally.' I could smell his sweet breath he was that close, rhubarb crumble and custard if I remembered correctly. 'Very personally...' I felt his hand brush across the front of my shorts and nearly wet myself.

'Really?' I squeaked.

'Really,' he grinned and I felt him again only this time it was more positive, a mini grope, nothing rough but a quite gentle squeeze and very pleasant. What the Hell am I talking about, it was great and there was a promise of more to come. Once again beet red faced I made a dash for the wooden hut. Lost in Lust... sounds like a Bonnie Tyler song but that was me, I or Simon... I was on heat like a damn bitch mongrel.

He was right, the wooden door was open and it was semi dark inside, what light made it's way in came through one skylight which was shaded by a tree anyway. I closed the door behind me and had a rummage. The place was like Aladin's cave, cans of this and cans of that. fruit, veg, even hot dogs and more exotic stuff probably for the master's table. I found the biscuits in big tins at the back of the store and there was a good selection. I went for broke and sorted out some custard creams, my faves, chocolate chip cookies, my extreme faves and some jam thingies. Five in all, I reckoned I was being a rather superior Raffles and also found a plastic bag to pop them in. The next question was one of bravery, I'd be leaving the hut blind and just prayed that Brian was doing his lookout duty properly.

Yeah, right.

Good old trusty, local, faithful and effing useless Brian Stanson. As I reached out for the door handle it turned and opened. The space was filled by a young guy in shorts but with a white apron on and one of those white kepis on, like a square ball cap. He looked at me as he blocked the door and smiled. 'A Tea Leaf?' He fronted me up and he was a damn sight bigger than I was, he looked to be seventeen or even eighteen and he blocked the door.

'Er...' I stood there like a lemon to be honest. I was captured, trapped, effed to be very basic.

'A Tea Leaf,' he repeated his statement and dug me in the chest through my tatty t-shirt nearly punching a hole in my chest.


'A thief,' he translated in his slightly weird English. 'Not a chef,' he looked me up and down. 'Not a friend of a chef even,' he closed the door and I gave up on Brian. The traitor had done a runner and left me to my fate. 'You must be a pupil... a schooly,' he pantomimed extreme surprise. In fact, I nearly laughed but thought better of it. He pulled a rickety folding chair over and parked it right in front of the door and looked at me. 'I was talking to Mr Holland yesterday,' he remarked conversationally.

'Yes?' I replied as he was clearly expecting an answer.

'He said to me how pleased he was that the boys were behaving themselves and there had been no punishment required... you still have canings here and beatings for really bad stuff?'

'Yes,' I felt my face begin to redden up.

'Like stealing school supplies.'


'What is your name and Form?'

'Simon Ryder, the Third.'

'Well, Simon shall we go and see Mr Holland?'

'No, no, please.' I was shaking. I knew with Holland it would be six of the best and then my name would be poo for the remaining eight weeks of the summer, I would be a marked boy. I didn't have too many people talk to me now, I'd have even less after this episode.

'What else?' He shrugged and looked up at me as I stood before me.

'Can't I do some kitchen work? Pots and pans maybe?'

'You are volunteering for me to deal with you... me, not the senior chef,' he gave another of his easy grins.

'Yes.' I remained defiant as he sat down, there was no going back now but the dreaded Mr Holland was receding into the distance.

'Come here, come closer and put the bag down.'

I placed the bag at my feet and he reached up and out held my by my hips and pulling me closer. I resisted for a moment but then realised what was happening, he was pulling my crotch into his face and then I felt his face press against my noodle and nuts as he reached around and grasped my bum squeezing my cheeks one to each hand. 'Chef...' I wailed although I could feel myself getting excited. This was all too much and he was rather nice in a moon faced, scruffy straw haired sort of way. I think he was a Czech, Pole or Ukrainian, one of that mob anyway. I moaned as I felt my dicky harden up and he dry mouthed the front of my shorts. 'Chef...' I sagged.

'It's Honek, my little Simon,' he whispered and I felt his hand slip up inside my shorts and then up inside my tight briefs clasping my bare flesh. It was all over now, I was fully erect but he knew exactly what he was doing. 'This is punishment, not pleasure,' he frowned up at me. 'Kneel,' he removed his hands and guided me down into a kneeling position between his splayed legs as he sat on the stool. 'Well...'

I knew what I had to do. I ducked my head into the fork of his shorts and pressed my face in feeling the warmth and hardness within. God, it was so hard and so big, it lay upto one side completely extended, he was either wearing baggy boxers or was commando under the shorts but I could feel the stiffness and his loose skin move on the shaft as I rubbed my face up and down a little. I hate to say this but I liked it and wondered how far he was going to go. I didn't have to wait long too find out.

Suddenly he floundered about and got rid of the apron and sat there with his t-shirt rucked up over his head exposing his full torso from his rounded belly to his neck. He was beautiful, a lovely golden tan and a blond hairy lower belly peaking at his navel, he pushed his shorts down as I remained between his knees and his curly pubics came into view. 'Come on...' he whispered and I ducked again this time quite willingly and lay my face onto his warm belly. 'Down...' he whispered again and as my face slipped down he pushed the front of his shorts down until his mearty man sized cock sprang into view. I was shocked, I'd never seen one that big and it was so hard and thick, you could drill for oil with the damned thing and the foreskin was gone, fully retracted and his knob, his bulging glans was shiny with his oozing. 'Go on,' he urged me and as if in a dream I felt him guide me onto his hot cock. I took a little lick and heard him moan his pleasure.

Now, this is the funny bit. I wanted to try it, I really did but I also wanted to please him. I wanted him squirming in my hands, I wanted him to want me, weird or what? I did it, I grasped the hot hardness and sank my mouth over his straining glans smiling around his cock as I heard him give a quavering moan and ruffle my hair. 'Good boy, Simon. So good,' he held the sides of my face lightly and moved my head so that I got the idea and began my first blow job. I knew most of the terms but there's a hell of a difference between dirty talk and dirty deeds. 'Yeah, go Si, go,' he murmured and kept me down on it until I could feel his hot and slippery lump right in the back of my throat. I was as hard as a pipe myself as well, I could feel the dampness at my tip but I was trapped now, no way was I going to get to dealing with myself especially when I reached in and held his warm eggs feeling them drawn up tight in their sac. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' he was giving little prods up and I could taste his tart precum on my tongue and palate. Suddenly he held my head more firmly and began to fuck. My cheeks bulged and I felt like gagging but it didn't last as I started to breathe through my nose. I knew what was coming but I was trapped and I was powerless... plus I liked it.

I was caught by surprise whe he stopped and then I felt his hardness seem to throb and pump, a second later I felt the first splat of his creamy spunk in the back of my throat which I swallowed and then another and finally a mouthful of the slippery man juice flooded my mouth and I gagged and even let some run back down his gleaming shaft. He sagged and dragged me up his body and then to my complete shock, horror and amazement sealed his lips to mine slipping his tongue into my mouth tasting his own cum and nearly suffocating me.

It was my first ever kiss with a boy or man and it was oiled and flavoured with Honek's creamy spunk. I should have been screaming in disgust but just lay in his arms as he gently moulded and squeezed my bottom and his savage kisses reduced to something sweeter and more loving.

'You are a treasure,' he whispered at last. 'We have to go further on this,' he looked at me in the gloom and licked my nose. 'Yes?'

'Yes,' I even managed a grin reaching down between us to clasp his softening cock. 'Do I get to keep the munchies?'

'You do,' he laughed and pushed me away. 'You'd better tell that lookout of yours that he's useless.'

'You know...'

'Him and that other little thieving sod, Jimbo are in and out of here like yoyos,' he laughed and sat me on his lap. 'But I am going to see you again, Simon?'

'Yeah, I'd like to... somewhere more private,' I felt like a slut but this was my first taste and I was hooked. I ran my fingers up his tough, flat belly and toyed with one of his dark brown nipples. He removed my hand and kissed my fingers.

'Go now, he will be worried,' he stood and grinned pulling his shorts up. 'We will meet again.'

'We will,' I grinned, I grinned so wide I sparkled as clutching my bag I shot from the store into freedom. Now to sort out that shagbag, Brian Stanson.

I tore up the side of the building colliding with Brian as he burst from the bushes. 'What the hell happened,' he blurted out catching me by the wrist. 'You were in there hours.'

'Half an hour,' I glanced at my watch. 'Fine effing lookout you were.'

'Sorry, sorry,' he babbled as we walked back to the side entrance. The place was deserted now, the afternoon had set in and other than the gaggle in the pool the usual suspects would now all be parked up in their secret squirrel nooks and crannies. Honek's mention of Jimbo and Brian had just fanned my suspicion into a flame. Stanson had set me up. 'He was too quick for me, I wanted to warn you,' he mumbled. 'Hey stop...' We stood there face to face and he looked at me and slowly smiled. Reaching out he wiped his finger across my forehead and examined it. 'Yummy, tastes Polish.' he grinned and licked his finger but not before I saw the glistening pearly bead of cum on the tip. 'Looks like I owe you,' he whispered and curiously he looked relieved.

'Yeah,' I muttered not quite knowing what to say.

'We'll hide the munchies in an empty dorm?'

'Whatever,' I grunted. I was a bit annoyed to be blunt. I'd done this wonderful thing and really wanted to do it again but I was personally unsatisfied. I had an aching hard on which had since deflated but my briefs were damp and I needed to get away and have a good wank but Brian had something on his mind. If he thought he was going to use me like Honek, he was sadly mistaken but as they say, go with the flow.

'Come on, Sweetnuts.'

'How do you know they're sweet?'

'Gonna find out right now,' he giggled as we entered the building. That one cheered me up no end.

We went upto the level just below where our dorms were, these were the slightly larger First and Second Forms and were completely empty and supposedly locked up. There was also supposed to be a working party cleaning them up in the mornings but this just wasn't happening. Mr Holland would have to cough up some money, the boys were on holiday and apart from keeping their own dorms clean didn't see why they should be used as slave labour.

'This'll do,' Brian led me into the first and snapped the catch on the door. I saw it already had some use, there was a mattress on the floor in the sunlight of the window bay and it was screened by a couple of lockers, it was a nest in fact and I strongly suspected that it wasn't the first time Brian had used it. 'Whatcha got then,' he squatted down and I handed the bag across. He raked about as I sat down and grinned across at me. 'Tell me all about it, all the gory details,' he smiled and broke the first packet of biscuits in half handing me my share.

'It's dead embarassing,' I felt my normal blush start up.

'Hey,' he whispered and moved in so that we were laying side to side. 'I told you I'd look after you,' his hand reached out and I felt it slip between my t-shirt and shorts and rest on my belly. 'Tell me all,' he moved in and we stared at each other like a pair of chipmunks crunching our biscuits. I started off faltering at first but soon getting into it feeling more confident as I progressed. Funnily enough it was a buzz talking about it and I ladled it on feeling him getting more excited as I talked. He took his t-shirt off and kicked his trainers off and so did I. We lay there side by side and when I got to the bit about resting my face on Honek's belly and holding his cock he moaned and suddenly reached out and grasped me by the hip and pulled me in. I pressed in feeling his hardness pressing against mine as we slowly moved against each other. 'I owe you,' he suddenly grinned and flattened me out and tugged the front of my shorts and briefs down exposing my rampant four inch spike in all it's pale glory. 'Can I?' He looked up my belly with a smirk.

'Go on,' I grunted and then nearly passed out as his hot mouth descended on me and took the lot in one fell swoop.

'Aaaaah... Brian,' I bucked and twitched but he flathanded my belly and just sucked. He didn't bob his head up and down but moved his tongue around my glans and pee slit and gently jiggled my balls. He kept on me but tugged my shorts and briefs right off so that I was naked in my ginger and paleness in the sun beating through the windows.

'Beautiful,' he smiled at me and then clasped my soft bottom in his hands and virtually dragged me into his mouth. Damn it was good, it was exquisite, I was so hard and he was so good. I knew he'd want me to do him but I didn't care, after Honek anything else would be an anti climax.

'He wants to see me again,' I explaimed rather proudly.

'You know why,' he spluttered around my cock. 'He wants that tight little white arse of yours.'

'I know,' I giggled.

'You'd need some practice first, he's a pretty big guy,' he'd suddenly stopped and was looking up my belly.

'I'd need a teacher,' I grinned down at him and gently pressed his head, he took the hint. I looked down at him and he was on the move, he was wriggling out of his shorts and underwear and I grinned when his stiffness jerked free. It was nice, nowhere near as big as Honek's but big enough for me and I didn't need too much in the way of brain to see what he was after as he started to move around toe to tail.

I scored before I took him into my mouth but as he swallowed me all down and sucked me dry I did him and then we started all over again. The second time we did some finger fucking, I was on the sharpest learning curve since I'd joined the school but these lessons were fun and the big times had yet to come

To be Continued.

More of Homek, Brian and Simon to cum.

A quiet week for me but I have a follow onto this one... SUMMER TRUANTS should appear in Young Friends or High School very shortly.


Next: Chapter 29

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