Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jun 11, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



20B - The Little Tea Leaf

(Simon Ryder)


G. Cutter

I crept down the stairs along the darkened corridor. Well, it was lit but very dimly by the safety lights which were blue of all colours. I checked the dorm number and I had the right one. Ever so quietly I turned the knob and the door swung open. Heart in mouth I stepped into the pitch black room and carefully made my way to the window bay where it was quite well lit from one of the quadrangle lights.

'Pssst.' The sound came out of the darkness and I saw the white blob of a face appear against the dark background. Thank God for that. 'Thought you weren't coming,' Brian whispered.

'I've been twitching all night,' I muttered and f fell into his arms and then down onto the bed. Great, I could feel a pillow and sheet under us, he'd really made an effort. He was just wearing boxers but I was togged up in my dressing gown and full length pyjamas but they were soon gone and we lay naked in the warmth of the night in the darkened dorm, safe and all on our ownsome. We'd played about and done a double suck twice in the afternoon, what he called a sixty niner but in the end he'd admitted that he wanted to go 'all the way' and so did I but carefully and gently, I didn't want a bigger boy raping me, I wanted a bit of the old romantic loving. I also said that I was interested in getting together with Honek also on a strictly one to one basis and he said he could fix that but there would be a price. He didn't need to spell it out although I insisted that if he wanted sex with me then it went both ways. To my surprise and delight he laughingly accepted and said he loved little boys and what he loved the most was their stiff little peckers. A boy after my own heart. My confidence had grown in leaps and bounds and I expected the guys in the dorm must have noticed the difference in me in the evening's conversation.

'Mmmmmm... this is so nice,' he kissed me gently as we squirmed around in the half light admiring each other's bodies, his sunburnt and my pale skin almost washed out by the outside light. 'Love your cock,' he sank his mouth onto me and I lay back.

'Pervo,' I giggled.

'I know,' he grinned and took my scrotum into his mouth gently sucking and rolling my balls around with his tongue.I heard him uncap something and just lay there accepting what was to come. I didn't know if this one counted as paying my dues for Honek or our own romantic deal but who cared, we were going to do the big dirty and tonight was the night. I was a bit surprised when I felt his cold hand grasp my hardness and it was oiled. he massaged my cock until it was as rigid as a spike and then some more. 'You go first.' he whispered and lay on his back so that his face was in shadows but he was lit from his tits down to his knees. What a sight, I was almost drooling as I allowed myself to be guided between his parted legs and made to kneel upright. I was a bit lost here but he raised his knees to his chest and told me to shuffle in and then I got it. I was shaking as I held him steady with one hand and guided my stiffy down to it's target with the other but then the sensation and the almost automatic action took over. I felt his pucker yield a little, I heard him groan and then I felt myself sink into his heat and tightness as he grabbed my hips. 'Steady, little one,' he whispered and relaxed as I moved to and fro sinking into his living flesh until my skimpy ginger pubics mashed under his balls and I was totally sunken into his boyish bottom. 'That is so nice,' he kissed me and wrapped his legs around me binding me in and stroked down my back pulling me in until I started to move within him.

If you're going to lose your virginity I suppose a spooky dormitory in a half deserted school is the place. It was a warm night but I made my own heat as I slipped in and out of his hot bottom and he stroked my back, clasping my bum binding me in and I went for it. I could feel the itching and burning in my balls and knew I was going to have a good one but I tried to delay it. The actual fucking was that good but I knew once I squirted it would be over. We mashed our lips together and his tongue slipped inside my mouth as I plugged away but then it got too much. I groaned in frustration as I felt the heat surge up my cock and then I jerked and throbbed inside him letting my little load go. It wasn't all that little, in fact, it was one of my better ones and he seemed to appreciate it as he clung to me and I felt his bottom clamp and ease, he was milking me. 'That was a good one, Si,' he whispered and wriggled on my softening cock. 'It'll last longer next time.' I grinned like a Cheshire Cat in the gloom... there was going to be a next time but the time was on me. I had to take his cock which was a damn sight bigger than my own. Right in the back of my mind was Honek's fat and juicy lump... and that was a target. I had to have that in me, maybe Jimbo en route as they say. I had a taste for it and I hadn't even had it yet, work that one out. He slipped free with a squelchy sound and handed me a small towel to wipe off with but he was moving around and I felt his hardness glance of my arm, he wasn't wasting any time.

'Lay on your tummy and part your legs,' he croaked with a husky voice. I knew what he wanted and could feel his desperation. The horny toad was after my sweet bottom and now it was time for me to put up or shut up. I rolled onto my belly and resting my face on my arms parted my legs. I felt his dry lips glance across my buttocks and kiss. He murmured something and I felt his fingers in my crack.

'Can't we do it like we just did... face to face?'

'Not the first time,' I felt his tongue trace up my crack and I quivered. 'This is the easy way, we can do it the other way later. What we have to do is ease that little muscle.'

'The arsehole?'

'Gross,' he giggled. 'We call it a boy fanny or a boy pussy, it sounds better. He was right and it did. I felt him part my cheeks and then his hot breath. Unbelievably his tongue started to lick and lap delving deeper as I relaxed. I was even getting hard again as I felt his suck at my ring, sorry, my boy pussy. I trembled as I felt his finger oily with some lubrication smear across my pucker and he was in me. I clutched at the bedding as I felt his fingers inside me squirrel about and then stroke something that sent me super hard. It was like a very tiny buzz of electricity and I moaned as I felt his finger rub against this spot like a little dick fucking me. 'Good boy...' he hissed and his finger slowly withdrew. 'Tell me... who do you want to fuck with?'

'You,' I whispered in return. 'Then Jim Frazer, then the chef, Honek.'

'Greedy cow,' he nipped my bottom with his teeth. 'Your wish is my command, little one. Jimbo's Mr Fixit and I'm his assistant.' His finger slowly slipped free to be immediately replaced with two fingers which really stretched me but was even more of a buzz. I cocked my oily pussy up in the air as he delved deep with his two fingers. My own hardness was now weeping as I fucked the bedding moving my hot boy fanny (hows about that) on his busy and slippery fingers. 'Enough,' he declared and carefully slipped his fingers free again. Before I knew what was happening he was between my legs and I felt his blunt glans at my hole, one push and he was in me.

No gain without pain is what they say but he was in me and I felt great, no pain, no stretching just that wonderful feeling of hot cock inside me and his belly brushing against the small of my back as he slowly dropped his body until he lay stretched out on me with his fully erect boy cock buried in my honeypot (another one of his words). 'Woooo...' I clamped on him and pushed upwards.

'Gawd, you are so tiny,' he kissed the back of my neck. 'Do you feel OK?' He asked anxiously.

'I feel great,' I squeezed on him gently not tying to force him out which I could have done, I just wanted him to know I had a grip on things.

'Really?' He sounded sceptical.

'Fuck me...' I retorted guessing that was blunt enough and it was. He started to move within me with a regular up and down and I loved it. I pushed up so hard in the end so that I was crouching up on all fours and he finished kneeling and giving me a good fucking. He stroked my sides, he grasped my noodle with his oily hand and kept up a regular fucking that was wonderful. It was everything I'd imagined although I did think there would be pain as well for starters but there was none. We were a perfect fit, his five inches slipped in and out and then he began to go faster and faster until he was holding my hips and slapping into me like a machine. 'Faster, faster,' I begged and pushed back onto his advances.

The surprise came when he stopped and rammed right up inside me and I felt his penis pump and squirt his thick spunk deep into my gut.

'You loved it,' he growled moving on his own spunky coating.

'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' I agreed pushing back onto him feeling him begin to soften.

'You little angel,' he tipped me onto my side and still in me kissed and munched at my neck. 'You are so fuckin' beautiful.' I wriggled on his crotch as his limp cock slipped free and turned in his arms. Kissing slowly and sweatily we dozed off once he pulled a coverlet over us.

I awoke in the pre dawn, you know, when it's just beginning to get slightly light and he was gone. I was in a minor panic for a moment before I heard the door creak and I heard the pad of his bare feet and he rushed down the dorm.

'Where you been?' I asked.

'Just getting rid of the babies before the dawn fuck,' he grinned in the half light. 'You need to go?'

'Yeah,' I muttered. I did indeed feel squishy, I also felt randy, I wanted seconds.

'Go on then,' he giggled and squeezed my penis which was hard and jutting like a pipe. 'Randy Ginger Knob.'

'Compliments'll get you everywhere,' I laughed and slipped from the bed. God, it was chilly but I made it to the bathroom and back. The school was dead but we were on a deserted floor so it was entitled to be. I snuggled back into our warm little nest and clung to him like a limpet. He was my 'in' to the others and I needed to keep him happy, luckily he was a versatile boy (another one of his sayings) and I suppose I was too. We both liked it both ways and I rolled him onto his back laying on him and slipping my hardness under his balls into his warm little nest.

'Mmmm...' he stroked my bottom and kissed me on the nose. 'If you do me again I am going to fuck you so bad...' I could feel his erection pressed between our bellies. I knew the score by now, he'd invited and challenged at the same time.

'Goody,' I stuck my lips onto his and attempted to lift his legs but he did that himself willingly enough and a moment later and on his intructions I swiped some of his little pot of glop onto his hot fanny and thrust home. It was better than the first time, I knew what to expect and enjoyed it twice as much and I was so bloody hard... 'Mmmmmm...' I moved in and out on my coating of lube and it was so slick and so tight. I felt as if I was wanking into my clenched fist on the odd occasion that I'd used oil, it was wonderful and so was he. He moaned and wriggled on me and I was surprised.

'Big or not so big,' he grinned up at me. 'They all feel great and you're good...'

'Great,' I fucked on feeling extremely flattered. He had his hands on my cheeks binding me in and I still fucked away enjoying it more and more. It was almost annoying when I felt my heat arise and I knew I was going to cum, I would have liked it to go on forever. 'Brian...' I wailed and then I popped. I shoved into his sweet bottom hard and felt my cock jerk and splash warm squirts into his clinging boy pussy and then it was all over except for the kissing and the slipping free. I was exhausted and flopped onto my back in the dawn's light as it filtered through the dusty windows.

'You're good... for a midget,' he grinned ruffling my hair. 'You are damn good for a thirteen year old kid.'

'How good are you for a fourteen year old kid?' I asked probably sounding a bit girly but there was only the two of us. 'You are going to fix me up with Jimbo?'

'And with Honek,' he confirmed and crouched over me. This time without any shame or modesty I took my knees back to my chest. I was going to do that wonderful thing again but this time he just rubbed some spit on his bulging knob and presented it to my pucker and slowly but firmly pushed.

I nearly yelled out but he sealed his lips to mine. This time without his slippery lube I really felt it stretch and pop into me after that it was OK. I lay there feeling his hot hardness fill me slowly as he took his time and between kisses slowly fucked me until I begged him to go harder and faster. He ignored me and slowly long cocked me as he called it. This is the one where he slipped right out to his glans and then slowly slipped it right back in. Twice he slipped out and rammed back in again forcing my closing pucker open again. I loved it, I clung to his sweating body as he shagged away and clamped hard on him when I felt his end strokes come on him. With a series of grunts and moans he pushed me up the bed and exploded inside me like a geyser or a torrent. I felt his hot juices splatter inside me and even trickle from my hole. He moved faster even when he had cum until well fucked he slowed to a stop. 'Jeez... that was good,' he grinned. 'A twenty four carat fuck.'

'And a Third Former,' I laughed as he lay on me pecking me with his lips and finally laying his face alongside mine with out squishy organs now limp but pressed against each other.

'Indeed... what about the others in your Form, it's about time they joined in with the other lads all the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth are at it.'

'All of them?'

'Every one,' he grinned at me. 'You're gonna be a star.'

'Great,' I swear I purred as I lay in his tacky embrace.

'Come on, it's light,' he crouched up. 'We'll roll up the bedding and leave it here for you and Jimbo. We can have a shower and split to our dormitories.'

That's what we did but plans oft go adrift if I remember that damn Haggis poet we did in the term. We were no sooner in the showers and Sod's Law said we had to be playing and soaping up when his two form mates wandered in. They were blonds and not much bigger than myself which meant they were short compared to Brian, they were brothers as I recall and as soon as they saw Briam messing around with me they joined in. Fuck it, I loved it as they weren't backwards in coming forwards. The shorter one grabbed my cock and dropped to his knees for a suck and the other got behind me and I could feel his hot and slippery cock trying to get between my cheeks.

'Go with the flow, Simon,' Brian stood to the side also wanking and rubbing his cock up and down my side. I relaxed and guided the taller of the two who was behind me in the right direction. I felt his hardness push at my hole and he was in me easily and started to fuck. This was great, I was in a group fuck with what remained of the Fourth, I really should have a go at my own Form next. At this stage I was determined to fuck my way through the holiday party until I got to the chefs. I'd have to make up a chart, make it a hobby.

'Oh, yeah. Yeah...' I pumped into the kneeler's mouth as he sucked and held my cheeks apart for his brother. The one at the rear was slapping against my bottom like a manic rabbit and I felt his cum. He must have had a dry night as he squirted quite a mess inside me and bugger me if he didn't slip free and then replace the kneeler. At least he got some of his cum back when I did a mini sqirt into his mouth whilst his smaller brother fucked me silly. Brian as I recall got to his knees and took the blond who had just blown me. It was a damn good job the Fifth and Sixth had their own bathrooms or it could have gone on forever.

The one consolation with all this was that the fat cocked Jim should just fall into my Tunnel of Love (one of Brian's more fanciful ones) when the time came and that would be around midnight tonight if I didn't drop dead before then.

To be continued.

Jimbo then Honek... how far is our little thirteen year old ginger headed nymphomaniac willing to go in his quest for hot cock?

Look out for the one off 'GERBYS' after this probably in the Adult/Youth Section.


Next: Chapter 30

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