Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Dec 12, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



3 - Another Saturday Afternoon


G. Cutter

'Do you reckon they'll be in,' John looked at Jim as they walked through the school's main gates. They had signed out as required with others who chose to ramble around or visit the local town. The school was on the edge of the county town of Guildford and a mere twenty minutes walking would get them into the town centre but they were headed the other way, they had an appointment or should it be more properly called an asignation or a tryst?

'Bet on it,' Jim smirked. During the week he'd told his little foursome how he'd been captured by the young chefs and more to the point how, that in future, he had no reason to go stealing. He had a trade for the youths in the kitchen, they now had inside contacts under a deal both beneficial to Dave, Steve and himself. Depraved maybe, corrupt maybe but it made life a damn sight easier.

In fact , he had offered to take a pal around to the Junior Chef's flat for an afternoon's fun but both Mack and Karl played football Saturday afternoons which Jim knew perfectly well. That was the reason he'd suggested John in the first place and the fact he also rather liked playing around with John although they'd never done a hot and sweaty one-on-one together one their own. The dust sheets in the Boiler Room would be nice but on a bed, in privacy and safety now that was Five Star. He'd spent the week running around like a blue arsed fly but it had all come together. The young chefs had even agreed to let him and John have some quality time on their own and that couldn't be bad.

'How far is it?' John huffed and puffed. It was a hot sunny day and one of the school's rigid rules was that if you went out into civilisation Saturday or Sunday you went tidy. No sloppy t-shirts, no shorts and certainly no smoking or drinking. There were sixth formers, daymen, who lived locally and some of them were prefects, there were eyes everywhere Saturday afternoon.

'This is it,' Jim checked his piece of paper and turned into a leafy avenue.

'Posh,' John commented. 'And pricey.'

'The house belongs to one of their dad's, so they have the top floor for a peppercorn.'

'They should be easy to get being chefs and all that,' John laughed.


'Does daddy know they're gay?'

'Dunno, didn't ask,' Jim scanned the numbers as the walked along. Not an easy task as nearly all the houses were laid back inside a hedge and lacked numbers on their assorted gates and fences. The postman must be pretty well up to remember which was which, Jim thought as he ducked back out of another small driveway. 'That's number fourty so it must be the third from here.'

'Good,' John grinned. He was a bit nervous about all of this but then Jim knew the men and a Junior Chef at eighteen was hardly a man. Jim had called them boys but that wasn't entirely accurate either, young men or youth was the more apt title.

'Here you go,' Jim declared triumphantly as they stopped and looked at a mock Tudor set back from the road and with two cars in the driveway. 'Up the side they said.' He looked closer at the house and sure enough there was a black painted iron staircase leading to the upper floor. The house was quite clearly split into flats, one upstairs and one down. 'Must be a bloody big flat,' he whispered .

'Hurry up,' a voice called from an upstairs window. 'You're like a pair of old slappers.'

'Woops. There goes the neighbourhood,' John giggled. He looked up two young men with smiling faces and recognised them immediately from the dining hall. The fair haired one was Steve as he remembered and the darker one was David. Both good shags as Jimbo had said but then again he hadn't got around to shagging either, he'd just been used. This time would be different, Jim had passed the message well before the event that neither he nor John were willing to be used as shagbags, it had to be two way or nothing.

'Come in, come in,' David flung open the door at the top of the stairs and ushered them in. Both boys were suitably impressed. The flat took up the complete top floor and from what they could see it was neat, tidy and clean something they never expected with two teenagers living unsupervised. It was a damn sight tidier than their dormitory put it that way.

'Welcome, Horny Jimbo and this must be John.' Dave stuck out his hand and shook with the startled John. Steve walked in with a tray with cold drinks on and offered them around waving everyone to a seat.

'Pleased to meet you John,' he smiled a welcome and raised his glass in a toast. 'Here's to the Fuck Club.'

'Brutally frank,' Jim laughed at John's expression. 'Chill out, John. You know what these pervs want.'

'Same as what I want,' John made the attempt to smile. This was all a bit strange to him and he had to keep reminding himself that Jimbo knew these two intimately. The good thing was both the young chefs seemed civilised which was a poor choice of word but they weren't running around naked and frothing at the mouth plus they were both dishy and fit which were the current buzz words. Not slightly manic and drooling like Jimbo when he got going.

'Er...' Steve paused seeming to be uncomfortable but after a glance at Dave he carried on. 'I thought for an intro we should split up, one on one is a lot easier than a group shag.' He stopped and both Jim and John tried to hide grins when they saw that the older boy was embarassed. It seemed all this was new to him as well.

'Blond with blonde and darky on darky?' Jim suggested staring boldly at Dave.

'Sounds good,' Dave laughed quite happy with the outcome. Things would become easier later but it was a start and that was always the hardest part. They'd had friends to visit and sleep over in the past but it had always been a friend of one or the other. They'd never actually tried a foursome with two virtual strangers. Mind you calling the dark haired Jim a stranger was stretching it a bit. 'Looks like I've got my little suck buddy from last week,' Dave grinned.

'I'd show you around but I'm too lazy,' Steve smiled now clearly more at ease. 'Lounge here. Two bedrooms down the passageway and a bathroom and toilet down the end. A kitchen over there,' he waved his arm.

'Fine, let's split,' Jim looked at Dave. This time it would be different and he wanted it all the way this time, he fumbled with his groin, he had popped one at the thought of getting his revenge on the handsome Dave after that most messy of fucks last Saturday.

'Yeah, let's split,' Steve stood and held his hand out to the blond fifteen year old and smiled. Jim had turned up trumps. he had brought the most delightful of morsels to the banquet. The idea of stripping the blond kid, licking him to distraction, sucking him dry and then fucking him silly had a roused a raging hardon in his jeans and he had trouble keeping it under control. The boy seemed shy but got from his chair and gave Steve a smile.

'About time,' he said and Steve laughed seizing the boy and bending him back glued his lips to those of the boy. One had to start somewhere. By the time John was over his shock he was being dragged into a bedroom and Jim and David had disappeared.

'God. you are so tasty,' Steve whsipered as he lay John on the bed and started to undress the boy starting with the trainers and socks always the big pain. Nothing worse than getting someone's jeans and briefs down and then getting them hung up on the fooptwear and to his delight John seemed just as eager to see the bigger boy naked. They rolled around laughing ang giggling as the clothing was thrown around until they were totally nude and really getting close and friendly.

Dave and Jimbo were a little more sedate but not by much. Watching each other closely they undressed and Dave well aware of what his smaller companion wanted pointed to a small tub of gel on the side of the bed. Jim grinned, it was come uppance time and he was going to shag the arse of this guy. Dave smiled reading Jim's intent, He wasn't into short beetle browed Cro Mags but when they were hung like this fifteen year old he'd make an exception. Besides, he was rather fond of Jim and ... aah, what the hell.

'Come to Davey, Jimmy-Jim Jim,' he held his arms out and opened his legs.

'Right,' Jim gulped and dove in.

Steve experienced in the way of young boys was doing a job on John. He had the boy spreadeagled on his bed and had started on his feet. Sucking toes and tickling the soles he soon had John squirming and giggling fit to bust but that was just a start and a bit of a laugh. His next moves were more serious, he licked up John's legs to their join and took the youngster's scrotum into his mouth holding John's jerking cock in his fingers and peeling the foreskin back to expose the glans slippery and ripe.

'Ready for this,' John boy?' He looked up John's taut belly and slowly and sensually licked across and around the shiny red glans. John gasped and arched his back but Steve ducked his head and began to suck the boy's vibrant and stiff cock as it twitched and throbbed in his mouth. Moving up John's body he kissed every inch he could reach settling on sucking John's sticky up nipples as the boy lay there moaning. 'You're being lazy, John.'

'Why?' John replied lazily stroking Steve's overlong blonde hair.

'Because you're first up.'

'Ah. Right,' John suddenly sprang into action and Steve had to admit for a for a fourteen year old and very slightly built boy the kid didn't mess around. He mounted Steve doggy fashion after a make believe struggle and tried to force Steve's legs apart.

'Is this how you novices do it?' Steve asked over his shoulder smiling as John tried futiley to force his way into the honeypot.

'Yeah... doggy,.' John panted trying to force is rock hard and now oozing erection between Steve's tightly clamped legs.

'Jeez...' Steve snorted in disgust. He flexed himself and threw John off and then rolled over pulling the boy on top of himself. 'From the front, I want to see you as you cum,' Steve opened his legs and guided the willing boy into position. He rested his calves on John's shoulder and coaxed the boy closer. 'You won't need any stuff, I'm sweaty. Mind you a bit of spit wouldn't harm.'

John was in a daze. Fucking face to face was a thing that the Club had never tried. He almost blacked out as he swiped spit onto his already slippery glans and moved in closer. Steve told him to take it slow and he did just that, a final positioning and then the push. This time he really did black out as he felt his tight skinned erection push against Steve's pucker and then penetrate. Steve let go with a long moan as the boy entered him and then hugged the dazed kid as John began to move. This was incredible, a face to face and with an 'almost adult'. John grinned as he began to move to and fro sinking deeper and deeper into Steve's tightness and then they kissed long and hard. It was too much for John, he kept his mouth glued to Steve's and moved in and out finding it easier and slicker as he fucked. He could feel the older boy's legs on his back binding him in and Steve's hands were down between their sweaty bellies holding and stroking his smooth chest and and then up and down his sides.

'You fuck well,' Steve grinned as the youngster moved in and out. John wasn't big in the cock department but it was meaty enough for his age and he soon picked up the tricks, the corkscrew, the extra hard jab at the end of each thrust... the works.

'Yes, yes, yes,' he chanted as he started to hammer away feeling his heat arising.

'Yeah, go for it,' Steve moaned as he felt John go faster and faster. 'Fuck me,' he growled and that did it. John started to move in and out like a machine until balls tight up under his belly he felt himself go. His cock seemed to swell, and then the delicious pumping and throbbing as he squirted his creamy young juices into his more than willing lover. As he moved tiredly in Steve's well spunked hole they lay cheek to cheek and Steve stroked the boy's sweaty back finally cupping the sweet butt cheeks keeping his deflated lover inside him. 'That was so good,' he turned his head and licked sweat from the side of John's face.

'Great stuff,' John whispered. 'You going to do me that way?'

'Do you want me to?' Your choice.'

'Yeah, I do,' John smiled. He' quickly sussed out the mechanics of it, the fucker clearly got better penetration and the fuckee got more cock. It was as easy as that. 'Yeah, I do,' he declared firmly...

John was lucky, Steve wasn't quite as gung ho as he appeared at first. He lay John down and got the boy to hold his knees up to his chest and part them so that the dark pink little pucker was stretched tautly and perfectly visible. To John's surprise the young chef then ducked his head and took his first taste of John's tiny hole. He grinned as he probed with his tongue and the pucker actually puckered. He forced his tongue at the pliable muscle and felt it yield a little but to actually penetrate someone's back door with your tongue needs a damn stiff tongue. Steve settled for second best, once he had John squirming and trying to stiffle his laugher he pounced. Unseen by the boy he'd coated his forefinger with gel and suddenly smeared the stretched muscle and slowly entered John's hot little arse.

'Aaaargh...' John yowled more in surprise than pain, in fact there was no pain just the wonderful feeling of Steve's finger inside him and then rubbing on his pubescent prostate. It may not have reached it's fiull growth but the gland reacted at the stimulus and John went apeshit. He writhed and wriggled but the grinning Steve held a hand on his chest and thrust his oiled finger in deep, he finger fucked the writhing boy easing, relaxing and even bringing John back to the boil. John moaned as he felt his own cock jerk up and down on his belly and a white bead appear at the pee slit. 'Fuck me, fuck me now,' he whispered gazing at the grinning face above him.

'Your wish is my command,' Steve whispered and slipped his finger free sparing a glance for John's gaping pucker closing. He then bent right over the boy sealing his lips with his own and then running his tongue into John's mouth. John flapped around but he was pinned by the bigger youth and then he felt the blunt pressure against his sphincter and pop... it was in. He tried to yell out but Steve's mouth was on his so he held the bigger boy tightly feeling the mass of cock slowly move in him and then the relief as Steve began to move in and out.

'God, that was something else,' he muttered with tears at the corners of his eyes. 'I thought you'd split me.'

'No way, you were as slick as a chick.'

'As if you'd know,' John grinned feeling the stiffness moving inside him and gradually taking him all the way. It had hurt a bit at first but he was alright now, it was such a buzz gazing into Steve's hazel eyes and watching the expression of pleasure on his partners face. He gave a little squeeze of his anal muscle and saw Steve smile. 'Harder...' John whispered.

'That was it. Steve grabbed John's smooth hips and shuffled the supine boy around the bed as he shagged deeper and harder as requested. As he fucked he felt John's legs clamp on his back and the boy demanded kissing, he grabbed Steven neck and drew their faces together. Steve felt the pressure on his cock as the warm flesh bound him in and squeezed on his slippery prong. This kid was wonderful, he was on a par with Monkey Boy in the other room and he smiled his pleasure.

Before they agreed to come and visit they'd asked if they could have a bed so they could fuck together, he and Dave had agreed. They needed to add a clause to the unwritten agreement. He wanted to watch Jim and John go face to face now pretty sure that all they ever did was variations on doggy. Let's face it, a litle schoolboy on schoolboy on a Saturday afternoon had to beat watching football but for the moment....

'John,' he gasped as he tore into the boy's well battered fanny. 'I'm cum...' That was it, he drove in for the last time shoving John up the bed and then grasping him tightly and closely as he felt his stonking hard erection jerk and splat squirt after squirt of his warm cum deep inside the smaller boy. John laughed. He could feel the stuff splashing inside him and the ride got even smoother, Steve the chef had cum like a donkey and John closed his eyes as he felt it trickle from his hole and down onto his tailbone.

'Fucked,' he whispered and licked across Steve's lips as they rubbed noses. 'Well and truly fucked.'

'We go well together,' Steve slowly withdrew cuddling the short haired blond schooly to his chest. 'Did you know..?

'Go on,' John snuggled in, he liked Steve. Then again he fancied Dave as well and was determined to shag Jimbo in a full frontal, choices and decisions all the way.

'Dave reckons he could handle the two of you on his own, he was saying so yesterday.'

'Well, of course he can,' John stretched himself like a cat. He could feel the spent juices fluid in his bottom and daren't move. 'One in him and one in his mouth.'

'He reckons two up his bum at the same time, he saw someone do it online and has been buzzing ever since.'

'Have you tried it yet?'

'He's not that silly... he wants two normal sized boys like as in schoolboys, not grown men.'

'Normal sized boys..?' John's eyes flickered to the right to meet Steve's twinkling hazels. 'Like me and little Jimbo, you mean?'

Steve grinned.


Each of these shorty shorts is self contained but I reserve the right to leave a few cliffhangers along the way.


Next: Chapter 4

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