Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jun 18, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



20c - The Little Tea Leaf

(Simon Ryder)


G. Cutter

'Where have you been then?' The question came right out of the blue. I'd had the shower and the group sex fest with the Fourth and had just entered my own Dormitory. It was still pre reveille as we tended to call it and I supposed everyone to be asleep. Peter Lark in the next bed certainly wasn't, he peered at me bright eyed with curiosity as I took off my dressing gown and sat on the edge of my bed in my pyjamas. My freshly made bed as I suddenly remembered.

'Ah, stayed in the Fourth Form Dorm,' I lied.

'Thomas got the hump, he was going to send out a search squad,' Peter grinned. Thomas Dover was the nominal Class Leader over the holidays and it was part and parcel of his silly little job to make sure all we Thirds were in our billet at bedtime.

''Yeah, I should have told him,' I muttered. 'I'll apologise later.'

'He'll be looking for more than an apology, Ginger,' Peter tittered. '

'Ah ha,' Thomas in the next bed to Peter suddenly sat up and looked at me. 'The return of the Prodigal Son.' The other two awoke with the talking, Paul and Luke tended to keep to themselves but sat up in bed eager to hear what was going on. Suddenly it appeared everyone was on my case. 'I declare a Court Martial.' Thomas looked at the others as they clambered from their beds and they surrounded me. 'Anywone wanna bet a quid against me. I bet the Ice Queen has been rumping all night.'

'Playing sticky fingers more like,' Peter sneered and snatched at my dressing gown. The next thing I knew was that my gown was gone and then my pyjama jacket. 'Hold his arms and legs,' Peter ordered and they threw me on the bed as one of them held my arms above my head the others tugged my trousers down leaving me fully naked.

'Shrunken balls indicate extreme use,' Thomas declared solemnly.

'Oh, bollocks,' Luke laughed. 'He might have just got rid of an early morning glory.'

'True,' Thomas conceded. 'Flip him over.'

They did just that and I felt their eyes on my bottom. I was literally pinioned, I couldn't move.

'Mmmm...' I felt lips on my cheeks and the lap of a tongue up my crack, it was Thomas again. 'Let's have a peep.' He flathanded my cheeks apart exposing my pucker and I knew the game was up. After the night and the session in the shower it had to be red at the very least.

'Wow,' Paul spoke for the first time. 'We better not call you the Ice Queen any more.'

'You could drive a bus in there,' Thomas muttered gently pressing on my button and I felt my face burn crimson. 'Anyone got a hardon?'

'I have,' Peter sniggered. 'I'm as hard as a bloody rock.'

'Do it then,' Thomas ordered. 'Just to let Ginger know that if he spreads it around he does it with his own class first.'

'Right.' I felt Peter kneel between my spread legs and then the coldness as he smeared some lotion on my ring. 'You ready for this, Ginger?'

'It's Simon and you don't have to hold my arms.' Yeah, I'd given up, they were up for an early morning laugh and I was it.

'Fair enough, Simon,' he whispered and bent over to kiss the back of my neck. I also felt his slippery knob press between my cheeks which had closed a little. I wasn't worried, after the night with Brian, Peter for all his macho bit was peanuts. His slippery knob pressed against my pucker and with a satisfied sigh he was inside me. It was nice, nicer than the soapy one in the showers at least and surprisingly enough he was gentle although he did go a bit frantic at the end. Naturally enough he gave me a good morning load up my bum but to my bigger surprise they flipped me over after that and big mouth Thomas got down on me and gave me a beautiful blow. I didn't think I was going to cum but I did, no biggy but enough to make him cough and gasp. All the while this was going on my 'mystery twosome' were at each other and finished up naked on the next bed sucking and wanking. Now I knew I was amongst a nest of my very own thirteen year old pervos and I'd been missing out.

'Betcha working your way through a list,' Thomas surprisingly friendly at last muttered as we occupied our own table for breakfast. 'Who's next?'

'Jimbo Fraser.' I answered without even thinking about it.

'He's good,' he remarked calmly. 'Very loving in spite of acting like a slob.'

'Good,' I giggled. I could feel Peter's leg pressing against me on the one side and Paul's on the other, a whole new world was opening up for me.

A couple of us helped Mr Holland clear out a classroom which took us until lunchtime and after that our time was our own. Jim seemed to make a point of avoiding me but I got a piece of paper passed from Brian and it just said - Eleven pm, same place as Bri... J", that was good enough for me. Honek also gave me a big grin as he served me at the servery and I got all weak kneed, he was my ultimate. The trouble was that now I'd sort of come out or made a few new close friends I fancied that everyone was looking at me through fresh eyes. Here was a loner formerly called the Ice Queen it seemed and now he was on the game, fresh meat in a manner of speaking and to be perfectly honest I found it quite exciting. I even got a crafty wink from Scipio the Italian Sixth Former and one of my mini lusts. Who knew where it was going to end?

Of course, what I'd forgotten when I'd been captured in the showers the three of them were bunking in with the Sixers, no doubt my reputation was in tatters. It also brought the question: How did Brian get a night out, he was supposed to be bunking with the Head Boy as I remembered.

I was knackered well and truly and decided that the best way of spending the afternoon was to slip away and have a good kip somewhere. So, working on the logic that my dorm pals would be about their monkey business I made my way back to our dorm. The first thing I did was to split and move my bed and shove my locker down by the window. There was no rule we all had to sleep in a huddle and it gave me a bit of space, a bit of privacy as well with the locker in the way. I just stripped down to my boxers as it was warm and cracked open the window just a little to allow a breeze. Perfecto, I flopped out onto my bed and went out like a light.

So much for privacy, I woke up groggy but someone was on my bed with me and without making a song and dance about it I deduced it was one of my form. Same height and same build, I found this out by just a bit of crafty wriggling about. One thing was very obvious, I was laying on my side and the intruder was spooned up behind me and I could feel a hardness pressing against the seat of my boxers.

'You awake?' Now that's one of the dumbest questions in the world but I just answered by wriggling my bottom back onto the hardness. It was Thomas Dover and he must have come to claim his right as Duke of the Dorm or whatever, I felt his hands at my waistband and my boxers were shucked down leaving my bum bare and then I felt the press of his hard boy cock between my cheeks.

'You'd better put something on that Tom, I ain't taking it raw.'

'Good boy, Ginger,' I heard him uncap something, the crafty bastard had come prepared and I flinched a little as I felt some slippery lotion between my cheeks and he made a couple of gentle strokes across my pucker just feeding a little of the stuff into my hole. I didn't mind Tom, I quite liked him in fact and he was no giant cock, same as me I suppose. 'You're in for a fat cock tonight.Jimbo's pretty big.'

'I'll worry about that later. How's about a nice normal cock this afternoon?'

'Grrr...' He giggled and slipping his greasy hand into the front of my boxers cupped my balls and with his other hand guided his hot boy cock between my cheeks. It's amazing but I was finding out that no matter how small they were they all felt bloody huge and his was no exception. His glans popped me with no problems but as he pushed home he semed to fill me like a huge sausage and this kid was small compared to Brian for example. The thing was he stopped half way in and then slowly fucked the rest of it in and I actually lay there and enjoyed his greasy member between my cheeks and up my bottom. I also liked the sweet kisses and little sucky suckies on the side of my neck as he gradually melded into me so that we were one. I tugged my boxers off and rolling onto my belly parted my legs and he moaned his appreciation as he slowly fucked me. No rush or panic this was a leisurely afternoon joining and he seemed to like it as much as I did.

I banished thoughts of sleep from my mind and concentrated on pushing up onto his thrusts which became easier as the lube worked in and he got more and more worked up.

'Ginger...' He wailed at last and I felt his boyhood jerk inside me as he spunked into my greasy and now moist hole. To cap it all off with his oily hand on my cock I too squirted which must have made us soul brothers. We lay there in a sticky mess for a while and he carefully slipped out of me and lay on my back with his limp noodle nestling into my crack. 'The grapevine tells me you're tackling the famous Jimbo tonight...'

'Yeah, you know that,' I said shortly.

'And then?' He kissed the side of my sweaty neck. 'Something a bit bigger?'

'Honek,' I admitted. 'I've got a bit of a lust on him.'

'Good for you,' he rolled onto his back and gazed at the ceiling. 'I've got a bit of a lust going for someone.'

'Can I ask...'

'You,' he giggled. 'I always thought you were one of these homo bashers.'

'Jeez,' I'm not big enough to bash pussy.'

'All the same nice to find out that my lust is, er...'


'You said it. I didn't,' he laughed. After a long pause he turned in to look directly at me. 'Is it alright if I move my bed down here, with you.'

'I thought you were with Peter Lark.'

'Just an alliance,' he grinned. 'It was only because of the painting party we got together, he's got his own little lusts. a sorta shopping list like you.'

'Yeah, I'd like you to,' I saw the puzzled look on his face. 'Move down here with me.'

'Great... and put in a good word for me with Jimbo although he has sampled the old...' He slapped his bottom making his message clear.

That was it. I had a boyfriend or as near as you could have in a place like that. We moved his bed and locker down and by the time the others showed their faces for teas we were firmly in charge of the window bay end. Peter Lark said nothing and from his attitude I think he'd been making his way with the remaining two Paul and Luke who I knew for sure were a pair. They must be cooking up a threesome but I didn't care, I'd swagged Thomas Dover the biggest fish in our little pond.

We all sat around in the period bewteen the so called tea and dinner and had a natter, it was remarkable how the others opened up after the morning's episode and I found that Paul and Luke had been at it for a year and I hadn't really noticed. Other names were mentioned but they were on holiday. They all had 'wish lists' like myself and we happily bandied senior boy's names around and the general hot 'wants' were Scipio, the Italian, the Thai kid in the Fifth and surprisingly enough the long dark haired chef, Dave. Peter had a longing for one of the eleven year olds called Willy... well, that was Peter.

The day wore on and I got more and more excited as bedtime arrived. At least I needn't worry about my dorm any more, in fact, I saw Peter slip away just before lights out so he was clearly fraternising with a someone somewhere. I gave Thomas a snuggle and a snog before departing and then it was the familiar creep down the poorly lit corridor to the secret spot which I was beginning to think wasn't all that secret.

'Come on,' Jimbo whispered urgently from the window bay. 'I've been here an hour playing with myself.'

'You should be pretty ripe then,' I giggled as I clambered over the bed to find him sprawled out on the floor. He was a sight for sore eyes in the poor light making it's way through the part open window. His fat cock was fully erect sticking up from his black bush and it's head was shiny as he slowly worked his forekin up and down.

'This is twoway?' I asked nervously. I wasn't having him shoving that thing in me and doing a runner.

'The only way,' he held his hand out and dragged me down. 'I like undressing little boys,' he gigled. 'Lay still.'

It was fun and I must admit I got the giggles as he slowly undressed me sucking and nibbling at all my bits until I was squirming around eager for the action. I grabbed his hardness but he warned me to take it easy as he was 'ready to pop' as he put it. I said that was a shame as I'd heard he was a right Romeo but he grinned and told me that the second would last longer... He finally got me naked and got me on my belly with my legs parted, so, nothing new there. I was getting quite used to doing the passive bit but still enjoyed the part where his hot breath and even hotter tongue were felt in my crack. He pressed my cheeks well apart and attached my pucker with his slippery and flickering tongue until I was all slippery and twitchy. It was only then that I felt a finger enter and probe finding my prostate and really sending me over the edge. This Jimbo really knew what he was doing and wound me up like an old clock. I was squirming around and shoving my bum up lost in the moment. I really wanted him in me, I was so hot and randy I was on the verge of popping myself and he hadn't even touched me around the front.

The moment came at last as he shoved a pillow under my groin elevating may arse and spreading my legs. A final kiss spot on my slippery pucker and I felt his bulging and oozing knob press against me. I steeled myself and thought: 'God, Queen and Country' as the pressure built and then I opened up to his mass and felt his hot prong edge it's way through my well stretched pucker. 'Yaaaahh...' I bit the bedding but he kept going until the pain eased and he was in me... then he began.

Slow and regular strokes of his fat cock filled me until I felt his crisp pubics mashed against my bottom and the full length nestled inside me and his hot kisses on my neck had me all asquirm again. 'Yesss...' He hissed and pressed in even harder. After the initial entry I was fine and tried to squeeze on him to make it more fun. It must have worked as he gave groans of appreciation and started to fuck. God, it this was big I had to have more. I felt so bloated and so satisfied. The thought of Honek's sixer inside me make me weep onto the pillow under my hardness, I pushed up and Jimbo went for gold. He fucked me hard and almost brutally but I knew he wanted a quick fix, his second would be slower and more romantic (hopefully). He hammered my poor bottom mercilessly until I felt his hot juices splash and splatter into my belly. He'd cum like a donkey and he continued to move in and out of the mess as I lay there totally shattered.

The downside was that I'd cum myself. As he'd climaxed within me I'd also shot my bolt onto the pillow beneath and was pissed off to say the least. I told him my sorry tale and he slid free and flipped me over. He immediately ducked his head and sucked and lapped at my cuming until I was clean and hardening up again.

He was good and he knew what a bargain was as he played with me, he even finger fucked my squishy fanny until I hardened up again and my scrotum was back to normal. He kept going and in the end I think I was fully restored... Well, you know what I mean. We had a session of kissy kissy and I knew he was giving me time and in the end I was recovered enough to push him over and take my chance. He chuckled softly as I tried to raise his legs to expose his sweaty hole but in the end did the knees to chest bit and I went for it.

I fucked him and I don't know how he felt about it but his legs pressed against my sweaty back as I hammered into his surprisingly tight little bottom. He moaned and groaned as I attacked him like a horde of sex starved savages if one kid can do that. At last and after a great deal of flying sweat and effort I surprised myself by doing a decent cum which he seemed to like from his kisses and hugging. The one thing I did notice and that was the more I fucked the harder his penis got as I jolted his balls and my belly brushed against it.

I wasn't really surprised that when it was all over and I lay on my back, smelly and sweaty in my own funk he promptly got between my legs and lifted them to my chest.

'Let's have a rest,' Jim,' I moaned as I saw him hovering over me. 'I'm fucked.'

'You said the wrong thing there, Ginger,' he giggled and I felt the press of his bulbous knob against me. This time it just opened me up and slipped into my messy bottom. He was taking messy seconds on his own firsts if you can work that one out and he seemed happy enough as he sighed his satisfaction as he slipped inside me. 'After this one you'll be fucked.'

We must have set some sort of a record and it was certainly one to tell the clan about back in the form. He fucked me four times although I only managed two in addition to the initial 'accident'. I was walking bow legged for the rest of the day and he was walking around with a big grin on his face like the King of the Castle. Good advertising I suppose and I could see from various boy's faces that doors were opening all around me... back doors hopefully.

To be continued.

Part D: Ginger Simon finally gets his Honek and maybe a bit more.

Bad week this week on the writing front and this will probably be the only release unless I manage to complete something this evening (Wed) after a visit to my Doctor.

Some Comments:

DAILY TELEGRAPH... Public School Masters expenses exposed. Fifty Pounds for virgin eleven year old.

GUARDIAN... Short on literary merit but strong on action.

SYDNEY HERALD... Pommie Poofs Pummel Pre-Teens Puckers.

NEW YORK TIMES... Brit Fags juice their juniors... what's new with that bunch of decadents.


Next: Chapter 31

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