Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jul 10, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



21B - The New Trainee Chef

(Told by Hakim - 17)


G. Cutter

It turned out that the routine wasn't too bad as we were only cooking for twenty after all. I was warned that after the holidays and with over two hundred to cater for things would get busier... then again the catering staff would be at full strength although there was still one more Trainee to recruit.

Dave and Steve would be doing the dinner and I mean serve it and clean up afterwards, the bulk cooking would be done before we went home. I was teamed with Honek and we would be doing the late shift tomorrow. I still had to get my mum and dad briefed up on the funny hours. Honek told me that when we did our shift which started at midday we would cover dinner and cleanup as Dave and Steve were doing and that would get us finished around eight in the evening. We would also open up for bread and milk deliveries early morning and get breakfast going which was mainly a frugal meal, wheaties, toast and juices acompanied by something very easy like boiled eggs or even kidneys on fried bread certainly not a gut buster.

'There is overnight accomodation if you want to stay in the school... I normally do,' Honek grinned.

'Do I have to stay?'

'Up to you, it's a long walk home at eight in the evening and even longer at six thirty in the morning, then again you may not have to do it for a week or so.

'My parents aren't going to like that.'

'Welcome to the working world... all this should have been explained when you did your initial interview.'

'It wasn't,' I grumbled but secretly I was pleased. With Honek as a tutor I could have fun. 'Aren't I going to cramp your style?'

'Not really,' he laughed. 'I need to line up two visitors instead of one. Mind you, you're a big boy, you should be able to manage a night shift on your own'

'Sounds good,' I giggled and indeedy, it did sound good.

We polished off lunch and then had a long break. The preparation of dinner would start around four and would be more or less finished by six with all the prepared meals stored in heating ovens called Baine Maries, easy peasy as most of the meals were very basic and once again twenty was a damn sight easier than two hundred. In fact, Dave and Steve told me that the job was a doddle and we would get a three weeks paid leave with bonuses once the holiday was over and the main staff returned.

As five neared I was almost sorry it was over, I think Honek had corrupted me, I certainly had a taste for boyflesh and with the various kids wandering in and out I was in a perpetual state of horniness. I noticed over serving lunch that each and every kid gave me a good ogle like they hadn't ever seen a black African before and maybe they hadn't . The bigger lads, Sixth Formers I assumed all gave me a nod and a grin so there was no malice there... they all seemed friendly enough. I wondered if Jimbo had been putting the word around but time would tell.

We went home just after five and I lived a few streets past where the boy's lived. It seemed the house was owned by Dave's father who let them have the top half for free and surely enough Honek invited me in for a 'cuppa and a chat' as he called it. I made a point of calling home and telling them I wouldn't be home until later just on the offchance you understand. I sensed that Honek wanted to play and I was happy with that. who knew what would develop.

'Hey, hey, Honek.' A blond kid ran from the bottom flat of the house as soon as we walked up the side path to thier flat.

'Hi, Billy. How goes it?' Honek ruffled the boy's short hair. 'This is our newest chef... Hakim.'

'Oh, pleased to meetcha,' the boy looked at me warily after the standard greeting.

'Hakim's OK,' Honek added. 'If you know what I mean.'

'Yeah?' The boy looked at me with a big smile. 'We'll have to be friends.' From the way he spoke I was pretty sure that this was another one of Honek's conquests and a very pretty one at that.

'That would be nice.' I kept it formal (and decent).

'Just wanted to tell you mum and dad are letting me camp out in the back garden whilst we have the heatwave,' Billy looked rather coy. 'Nice big tent and right out of the way.'

'Perhaps I'll sneak down around midnight one night,' Honek grinned.

'You're always welcome,' Billy giggled and puckering his lips blantantly blew me a kiss before running back inside his front door.

'Hey, hey,' Honek smirked leading up the stairs. 'You have a fan, another fan.'

'Jeez, he's so tiny.'

'Takes it well,' Honek unlocked the door at the top and led inside. It was a nice flat and pretty big, well of course it was, it covered the whole top floor of the house. He showed me around and it was fully self contained with a big bathroom with a monster bath, a small kitchen and a lounge with two bedrooms. Remarkably clean and tidy considering three young chefs shared it but then again working in a kitchen you got cleanliness and neatness drummed into you.

'I suppose you'll be flitting around the garden once he has the tent up?'

'Or swagging him up here,' Honek smiled.' His parents aren't too fond of us so we have to watch ourselves.

'Do Dave and Steve...'

'Yeah, they've done him. Jeez if his mum and only dad knew,' Honek laughed. 'He's joining the school as a boarder after the holiday.'

'Jimbo meat?'

'I guess,' Honek kicked his trainers off. 'Want to share a bath, we smell like chefs fresh from work.'

'Sounds nice.' How could I say no?

He took me into his bedroom and it was clear how it was going to go. Straight away he had me on the bed and we undressed each other and went into what my dad called 'slap and tickle', the difference being we were two boys or youths I suppose and we both had steaming hardons before we even got going. This time it was a lot more relaxed and I was learning all the time but he worked that one out as he flattened me on the bed and went belly to belly so that out erections mashed against each other as we slowly moved together.

'What about this bath?' I strugged under him avoiding his lips for the time being.

'Are you a virgin?' He stared at me and kissed the tip of my nose.

'I've never gone all the way,' I admitted cautiously.

'But you want to?' He spoke softly staring me right in the eyes and planting a kiss on the side of my mouth.

'You're big,' I rubbed my hardness against his. 'I'm big but I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want to get hurt.'

'Do you want to?' He hissed and nuzzled at my neck. 'Do you want a bit of Polish arse?'

'Yeah,' I croaked clasping his well muscled bottom in my hands, it was absolutely gorgeous and I could imagine sinking my penis into the hilt. God, I was dribbling.

'Good, I'm around seven inches and you're maybe a bit bigger so we have to be carefull especially when you gert to the smaller boys...'

'What? The pupils?'

'Jim and the others don't stop at blowjobs,' he laughed and slipped off me. 'Come on, let's get soapy.' He dragged me from the bed and I went with him. I was rock hard and there was a streamer of precum drooling from my pee slit. I was so ripe I was almost bursting. He topped the bath up with a load of foamy and we slipped in together and then it started. What he called 'the preparation' was nothing more than working a finger up inside me and then two relaxing my back door and really reaching inside so that he hit my prostate and nearly had me begging for cock but not just yet. Then he made me do the same for him and it was such a buzz, I could feel his anal muscles clamp on me and it was basically finger fucking, that's what he called it anyway and hinted that Jimbo loved it. I felt I was being guided but I didn't care, if Jimbo was going to be my first schooly, so be it. I liked the little ginger kid that seemed to lurk around all day but he was really little. No harm in asking all the same.

'That little freckled kid, the ginger one?'

'That's Simon... you'll be on his list now, he's working his way through the school... apart from the masters that is.'

'No way.'

'Yes way,' he pushed back onto my moving fingers. 'Ignore his size, he's damn good sex and fucks like a rabbit.'

'They all fuck back?'

'Of course. If you fuck them and run they feel they've been used and we don't want any unhappy boys. You have to give them what they want and they all get a buzz out of fucking older boys. I suppose it makes them feel honours are even sorta thing but if you're going to mess with the kids make sure they go away with a smile on their little faces. That, as the Yanks say is mandatory. Leave 'em happy.' He slipped off my fingers. 'And bandy.'

'Right, Master,' I laughed as he turned around and we soaped our joint cocks... it was time.

We dried off with loads of bodily contact, kissing, stroking all of that and more. We'd both got to the stage of leaking and things were getting a bit slippery. 'You go first,' Honek whispered and he actually blushed when he said it.

'You mean..?'

'You know what I mean, Hakim the Horse.'

'Right.' I grinned and my hardon led the way back to the bedroom. I was going to lose my virginity, big time. I was going to make love to Honek and I knew perfectly well that he wanted to 'top' me. I was learning a whole new language as well. I think he was a bit nervous of me as I was far bigger than most of his little boys but he was determined I'll give him that. He produced some clear gel in a pot from somewhere and lathered my stiffness with it until it gleamed like black metal. He also gave me the briefest of lectures telling me that we'd do it 'doggy' the first time around and take it from there. I was fine but nearly burst out laughing as he crouched on the bed like the aforementioned doggy and I positioned myself to mount him.

I was on autopilot now and got in behind him stroking his pale and super smooth flanks. I've got to admit I nearly passed out as I worked my swollen and drooling knob between his cheeks and he flinched as I pushed up against his hole. 'Careful... slowly,' he gasped as I applied pressure and then the exquisite sensation as I felt my glans part his pucker and his heat and tightness enveloped me.

'Oh, my Gawd,' I moaned as I felt his hot flesh grip me and he made the slightest of moves back onto me. I was securely lodged in his hot cavern and holding his hips risked another push and he groaned piteously. I froze but he muttered for me to press on and I did. Another inch and another. 'In and out...' he whispered and I did that as well feeling the pressure ease. With the gel he was so slick, so hot and so damn tight that as I fucked I gained confidence and began to lose it. That didn't matter as by now he was pushing back onto me and as I slid in and out of his delicious bottom he was muttering and then began to pant as he pushed back harder. I took that as a signal and started for real... my first proper fuck.

I scrunched in deep feeling my wiry black pubics press against his soft bottom and we were away. I'll never forget it, my very first and it was outstanding. I knew I was going to cum quickly but so did he, he fell belly down onto the bed and parted his legs with me between them moving in and out faster and faster. We both lost it and I tried to kiss him as he craned his head around but the fuck was running things. The lust, passion or whatever was in charge and I rooted into his soft arse like an animal until I felt my balls uptight like marbles and then the wonderful heat and burning as my very first climax shot up my shaft and splashed into his eager bum.

'Jeeez... you monster,' he giggled into his pillow. 'Don't you ever wank?'

'Not much,' I admitted stirring my still hard cock in his spunk flooded hole. This was so nice and I gave an extra push feeling his body clamp on me almost milking me. 'We gonna do this again?'

'Many times,' he managed to expel my dripping cock and in a loving wrestle managed to get me onto my back. I guess it was my turn now.

He coaxed my legs up and then my knees back onto my chest. I felt so exposed and slightly ridiculous but who cared? He was the only one to see and he smeared his gel around my ring and then I felt his finger squirm inside me. To be honest I was a bit mortified but he kissed that away and I felt his fingerslip free and then a little pain as he intruded two. This was harder to take but I felt a buzz coming on as he finger fucked me and hit the spot, I could even see and feel my own cock begin to rise again as he plundered my bottom.

'Ready?' He looked down at me and I felt his fingers leave.

'I dunno,' I answered quite truthfully. I wanted his big cock in me and then again I didn't, confused was the word I was searching for but as his lips came down again I felt the smoothness and pressure of his glans on my ring. I tensed myself and then tried to relax. There was pain, no getting away with that but it was over almost immediately as his hardness parted my back door and entered me, his thick shaft speared into me led by his oozing glans. It was all so slippery that any lingering pain was soon banished by the feel of him moving inside me and then the secondary feeling of being filled.

I let my legs slip down onto his back and he slowly and very tenderly worked his way inside until I felt his crisp pubics press against me and his whole length was buried in my body.

'Gawd,' I looked up at him and managed a grin. 'You monster.'

'You're the monster,' he sniggered and moved almost all of his length out of me and then slipped it back in again. It wasn't as good as fucking but I could live with it and I think the half of it was his strong body on mine and his smoothness moving against me as he started to go faster.

'I can't believe you rape all those little boys,' I muttered. 'you must near split them.'

'They come begging for it,' he grinned and moved faster. 'That little ginger kid, that Simon loves it and some of the others... most of the others.'

'Jeez,' I groaned and sighed. He was right. It was probably and acquired taste and I was getting that taste. 'You can go faster now.'

That was it, he must have seen I was accepting him easily enough and started to go faster and faster until the slap of his sweaty flesh on mine sounded around the bedroom and the bed shook like there was an earthquake going on. He fucked me hard and fast and when he finally cum it was a experience not to be forgotten. I could actually feel his hot squirts inside me and I was so hard myself I was oozing again onto my belly. 'Yes, yes... ooooooh.' He stayed deep in me and moved slowly on a coating of his own cum. I could feel the stuff outside me as it trickled down onto my tailbone and I dropped my legs leaving us belly to belly. I felt loose at the back end, he was still in me and I felt that my ring must be like some sort of cavern entrance and as he slowly slipped free I felt his cum spill from my gaping hole before it closed.

'Jeez, Hak. That was a good 'un,' he lay on me with his slippery and softening cock nestling between my legs.

After that I decided I had to make a move. I would have liked to stay overnight but my parents would go mad. Maybe after I'd settled into the job, as Honek said, it was early days and I was a bit to old to be grounded. I was seventeen and a working boy, the relationship between my parents and myself would change. After seperate clearouts which Honek rather charmingly called 'abortions' we shared a shower and damn me if there wasn't a knock on the flat door.

'Take your time,' Honek said. 'I'll get it.'

'Who is it,' I immediately went into panic mode.

'Don't worry, probably some prat trying to sell something,' he wrapped a towel around himself and left me to it. He must have all the confidence in the world answering the door wearing just a towel but that was Honek. I heard a murmuring in the living room and then silence. 'Stay in there, I've got a treat for you,' he called through the door and I remained in the shower soaping and slowly working my semi erection to and fro. I was quite expecting him to return and go for something minor like a blow... I wasn't in that much of a rush to go home.

I heard a load of giggling so the unknown visitor was no stranger but then silence until the bathroom door opened. The glass slider was steamed up so it was a bit of a surprise when a small and pale shape slipped in and wrapped his arms around me. It wasn't Honek that was for sure and it wasn't until this apparition grasped my bum with one hand and my half hard with the other that I realised it was the kid from downstairs. I was in the shower with a child, Billy as I recalled was fourteen or something and he was tugging on my penis like he was trying to pull it off.

'It's huge,' he twittered as it began to really harden up. 'You've got an invite to my tent.'

'Thanks,' I replied rather at a loss for words.

'Until then...' He smiled up at me and dropped to his knees under the running water.

'Oh my Gawd,' I moaned as he wrapped his lips around my glans and began to suck.. I grabbed his head and began to move my hips, I was in heaven and this was just the beginning.

To be Continued.

My THE YOUNG JAMES BOND finished up in the Authoritarian Section. in spite of fulfilling none of the criteria for this Section.


Next: Chapter 34

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