Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jul 31, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



23A - The First Formers

(Told by Jimbo)


G. Cutter

It was all set up, we had the two tents and the boys to do the donkey work so Stage One was underway. Brian was supposed to be some sort of whiz in the scouting world and I just hoped he knew how to put these damn things up. The tents were bigger and heavier than I expected and our two little blondies staggered under the weight and probably cursed Brian and myself under their breaths. In the end we relented and shared the carrying as we staggered to the end of the football pitches. We had load of camping stuff in the big store as the school was rather keen on getting the kids 'under canvas' as they put it, manly and character building apparently.

I glanced at Brian and he smirked back, we had other things on our mind. Unfortunately we, or the boys were humping four man tents as the Matron had decided it was more fitting for the two older boys (Brian and I) to sleep seperately from the youngsters (William and Harry). I think Mr Holland might have had a say in that but never mind, we were down the side of the football field where we would be in sight of the school but out of sight of casual observation. We would feed, wash, etc at the school and retreat there in the unlikely event of a monsoon or forest fire, the latter being the more likely in view of the weather. The two boys sighed with relief as Brian finally indicated the spot which he had cleared with the gardener and a couple of mates. It was just clear of the treeline and they'd bashed down the long grass and skirmished any windfalls so that it was a clearing that might have been fresh from Treasure Island or similar, nicely out of the way and once dusk fell almost invisible. We had a second trip to do to get our bedding and odds and ends but the main challenge was getting the tents up with the ever efficient Brian running things.

We had a break as the two lads were knackered and Brian and I sat propped up against one of the bundles and they took the other. I just love kiddy games, so subtle. Brian and I tried to peek up their shorts and I'm sure that they were doing the same. I was sitting opposite Harry the slightly shorter of the two and I swear he had no briefs on but I could have been mistaken, he may have been wearing speedos as they spent most of their time up at the pool.

'Come on then,' Brian gave a theatrical sigh. 'Let's get started.'

I was right, getting the damn things up was a nightmare as neither the kids nor myself had a clue but we got there in the end. The second one was a lot quicker and we all stood around admiring our handiwork although by now we had a small audience taking the piss, Scipio and his little trollop and Brian's mate, Josh, the acting Head Boy. Our two little blondies looked on him as some sort of God which helped as I'd done a bit of a fix.

'We'll give you a hand with the bedding and whatnot,' Josh volunteered himself and Scipio. 'You're splitting, a junior and a senior?' He looked at us and this was the crunch, this was exactly the opposite to what the Matron and probably Holland had organised but then again Josh was the Head Boy.

'I thought I was sharing with Harry,' William looked up from his eyeballing up Brian's shorts.

'Isn't it better if you share with a senior and then you can each learn from each other?' Josh smiled. I notice he didn't say what the learning would entail.

'Yeah,' I butted in. 'Harry can share with me and Will can bunk in with Brian.' There was silence for a moment and then both boys shrugged with assumed indifference. The crunch would come when we returned to the school for the gear. It was then that they would run to Matron to complain and have a whinge or maybe not... It was suck it and see time.

'There you go, that's fixed.' Josh grinned. 'Let's go and get the rest of your gear.' He took charge of the little ones and walked back with them leaving Brian, Scipio, myself and the Blair kid to follow. An hour later we were on our return trip and in spite of the Matron rolling up and having a chat the boys said nothing. The plot was looking good. By the time we got the bedding sorted out and some firewood collected it was time for tea and catching up on some TV before the late meal.

The two boys, Harry and William had been pretty quiet earlier on but they came out of their shells a bit now they were away from Matron. Both complained that she was an 'old mother hen' and that they'd rather have remained in the school with the other lads and both seemed intent on asking Mr Holland for just that when our little camping saga was over. The other thing that surfaced was that a few others got on the bandwaggon on the camping namely Dominic and Tak from my class and Scipio and little Joe from the Sixth. It sounded like a good idea to me and I had visions of orgies under the stars but that's me.

After dinner we wandered back across to the tents, it was getting darker now although we still had an hour or so of light. Scipio and Joe accompanied us and helped us carry some of the stuff. We had two big thermos full of cocoa and some more bedding as the boys had kept nattering on about it getting colder. Mind you they were right as it did turn a bit chilly overnight and our first task on getting back to our site was getting a fire going... all very Boy Scouty and a good chance to get into a huddle.

I had my little radio and we sat around just gazing into the flames and chatting away about school generally. I was pretty certain Holland was unlikely to come acrosss and Matron certainly not. At one stage I wrapped an arm around Harry's skinny shoulders and he cuddled in quite happily. I saw Scipio and Joe getting a bit fruity with Joe boy seeming to be leading the way and glanced at Brian, he just raised his eyebrows in despair.

'What if anyone asks us why we're not sleeping as we were told?' Harry asked.

'No probs, blame Josh, he's the Boss Boy.'

'Ah, that's alright then,' he sighed in relief and I felt his smooth leg against mine. 'Gonna be cold tonight.'

'I'll keep you warm.'

'That's what I'm worried about,' he whispered and grinned at me in the fireglow. 'Well, I'm not worried 'cos Simon told us all about you lot.' His voice had dropped to a whisper.

'Us lot?'

'You and Brian,' his leg pressed against me again but this time it was deliberate.

'What's he been saying,' I cursed the little ginger nympho but then again maybe he'd paved the way. The other thing was: What had they been upto with Simon if anything? 'Simon's a pal of yours then?'

'Yeah, sorta,' he giggled. 'We go swimming together... and things.'

I kept my silence and contented myself with pressing my leg back against his, it was a start after all. He was a bit like leprosy, he was growing on me and I wondered what his little bottom and willy were like. I had the funny feeling I was soon to find out.

By the time we got to the cocoa and biscuits stage Skip and Joe left us to it, from the way they were carrying on I think they were heading for the privacy of their cabin or whatever the Sixth called their little rooms, never mind, Harry and I were retiring soon. In spite of the fire it was getting chilly and Harry got up for an instant and grabbed a jumper. I saw that Brian was cuddling William so he was doing alright. As we'd agreed, nothing too speedy and no outright rape... these two were special cases but then again if little Simon had been greasing the wheels who knew what may develop.

'It's going to be cold out here tonight,' Harry mumbled.

'It was your bright idea,' I reminded him. 'Anyway, if we put our bedding together we can share the duvets and blankets... and cuddle conserving body heat.'

'And cuddle,' he giggled. 'That's what the girl said in The Day After Tomorrow.'

'Do you want to play boys and girls?' I whispered.

'As long as I'm the boy,' he cackled making the other two look over from their own little whispered conversation.

'Right,' I poured out the last of the cocoa and flashed up out little Gaz lamp. 'I think we're going to bed now, it's getting too bloody cold to sit out here.'

'It's only ten,' Brian slurped his drink.

'It's cold,' William supported his mate and in the end we decided to call it a day. It was quite dark now and the fire wasn't going to last forever. We racked it up making it safe and split for our own tents. We both had these Gaz lamps which we'd been told would last a week at least provided we used them sparingly, we had spare gas cannisters anyway but these were up in the school store. Both boys went into the tents ahead of Brian and myself as we dampened down the fire.

'What do you reckon?' Brian looked at me in the semi darkness.

'Easy,' I grinned. 'That bloody ginger prick Simon had been talking to them so they're not completely innocent.'

'Far from it,' Brian grinned. 'Hey ho, let the snoggery commence... see you in the morning'

'I set my alarm for seven so we can get into the bathrooms before the others.'

'Good,' he turned to go and then turned back. 'I was thinking... perhaps we can get them in one of the empty dorms tomorrow afternoon...'

'Sounds good,' I laughed and went to meet my tent mate, the start of an aventure? The start of a disaster?

You had to bend almost double to get through the tent entrance and once in it was pitch black. I hurriedly rescued the Gaz lamp from outside and returned to find Harry in a shambles getting his bedding sorted out. Taking the bull by the horns (cliche alarm!) I dragged the two sets of bedding together and made up one big bed and I was delighted to say he didn't turn a hair. Bed made at last we looked at each other and he slipped his shorts off and then slipped into the bed complete in t-shirt, briefs and socks. All that was understandable as it was quite cold now and I did the same the only difference was that I disposed of my t-shirt. I could feel his eyes on me in the sparse light and as soon as I was in he was snuggled against me leeching my warmth. Mind you, I loved his wooly feet running up and down my legs, sexy in a funny way. I took the plunge and wrapped one arm around him pulling him in closer and slipped the other one up and under his t-shirt feeling the smoothness and warmth of his gently rounded belly.

'You don't waste any time,' he giggled nervously in the near dark. 'Simon said you were a lecher.'

'That was nice of him.'

'He likes you,' I saw his teeth gleam and his eyes sparkled as he grinned. 'Reckon's you're great sex.'

'That's nicer of him but a bit of a gossip all the same.'

'You don't think Willy and I are daft do you?' He sighed as my hand drifted down to his tiny cotton clad bottom. 'We know what you want.'

'Are we going to get it?' I rolled so that I was flat on my back and his slighter form was on top of me. He must have felt my erection against his tummy and I could certainly feel his and it wasn't quite the little bit of string I was expecting. He moved against me as both my hands now cupped his bottom feeling his springy little buns.

'Depends,' he murmured. 'Christ, it's cold in here.'

I ignored him and took the next step slipping my hands into the back of his briefs and grasping his sweet cheeks again only this time in the flesh. A bit of jigging and jiving and I had his briefs down to his knees and now I could definitely feel his hard cock moving against my belly. I didn't know if he could cum although I thought I felt a bit of smeary although that could be my imagination. He made the second big step, he wriggled about and I felt his small hands slip inside my own underwear and grab my cock and he giggled again in the dim lamplight.

'Jeez... that's big... and hot... and fat,' his voice had dropped to a sexy whisper. 'Simon likes it.'

'Fuck Simon,' I said brutally and attacked him whilst we still had the light. No messing here, I got his t-shirt off and then completely removed his briefs and he went with me all the way even tugging at my own clothing until we were both completely naked except for our socks and snuggling back into the warmth. The Gaz light was up by our heads set on it's dimmest glow but just gave enough light to see what we were doing. 'Warmer now?'

'Yeah,' he writhed against me as I munched at his slender neck and eventually I got onto his lips. There was a token resistance and we shared our first kiss and my tongue slipped inside his mouth for the first time. 'You taste of cocoa,' he spluttered and wrapped his legs around me so that my hardness slipped up and under between his cheeks and must have moved against his pucker. He'd lost it by now and still frantically fucked gainst my belly until he gave a shuddering sigh and spasmed in what I took to be a small boy climax. He went limp in my arms and I felt his breath warm against my neck. 'Fantastic,' he whispered as I rolled so that he was now on the bottom.

I took the chance to run my hand over my belly and felt it, the smear and slipperyness of his cum, not what I'd call a proper cum but one all the same. I rose under the bedding and tented it going down onto his still hard noodle and sucked at his three inches of hard boyness (three inches was a guess by the way). It was a nice mouthful and he immediatly started to fuck upwards into my mouth.

'Slow down, soldier,' I spoke as he raised his knees either side of my head. I grinned in the dark, he'd done exactly what I wanted so I took the opportunity to lick my finger and stroke across his tight little pucker and he flinched and jerked away.

'Simon said you'd go for it on the first night.'

'Go for what?' I asked trying to sound innocent.

'Go for a shag, you dirty sod,' he giggled. 'I don't fuck on my first date.'


'Sounds about right,' he moved under me and I felt him tug and push so that I was on my back again. That was OK, I knew where I stood now and fair's fair, I was being a bit of an over eager beaver and he was a little boy. Little boy or not he did what I'd done. He knelt up raising the bedding in a tent inside the tent and ducked down onto my pride and joy. I didn't really expect him to do it on his first date as he put it but he went straight for the balls sucking and lapping at my scrotum and my uptight nuts. 'Yummy, yummy,' he giggled. 'Bloody sight bigger than Simon's.'

'You've done Simon?'

'Willy and I did suckies with him, no shagging though.'

'Aaah,' I lay back and let him get on with it. It seemed there was more going on with the Rugrats that even Brian and I had suspected. That bloody Simon had his sticky little fingers everywhere. I promised to give him a shagging he wouldn't forget but I was on a loser, he was busy working his way through the big dicks and probably had a boy fanny like the Channel Tunnel by now. Anyway, back to little H.

He was good, he was damn good and must have had more practice than he admitted. He finished with my balls and went upto my navel all the time gently handling my cock keeping me on the boil but not enough to send me over the edge. His sweet kisses and munching went upto my nips and he took a swift kiss before going South again. This time he had to put me out of my misery. I was leaking like a tap and he took a little suck as he came across the first trace of precum on my belly.

'Yeuchy, you're ripe,' he muttered in the dark sounding remarkably adult.

'I'm going to pop,' I groaned jerking my hips upwards.

'Not yet,' he flashed me a grin and then holding my full blown hardness upright slowly and sensually slipped his sweet lips over my bulging glans. I was prepared to hang on a bit and enjoy and enjoy it I did. He was good, damn good and he put heart and soul into it licking, lapping and even a little kiss here and there. The attention he gave to my glans was extraordinary, tongue around the rim, tickling the pee slit and constantly sucking and slurping at my constant flow of precum but in the end he stopped. 'Go for it,' he ordered and stroking my balls with one hand he wanked me with the other keeping his hot, wet mouth over my knob all the time with a gentle suction like a baby.

Even when I felt it cuming and I yelled out loud he removed his hands and took it in right down into his throat as I felt the searing heat rush up my shaft and the beautiful release as I blasted a gallon of thick juicy spunk right down his gullet. He backed off a bit gulping and swallowing but managed to take the second and third shots and then the rest of it splattered on his cheek and jaw. It was a fantastic cum and he was a blower extraordinaire. He lapped away quite happily at my overflow and lapped cum from my navel until I dragged him up onto me and stuck my tongue down his throat. He wriggled and giggled like a little loony and even started to fuck against my belly again as I intruded a finger into his tiny hole. I could really get to like little Harry, he was my sort of boy.

'You cum buckets,' he nibbled my ear.

'Not surprising with your sort of work out, you're a brilliiant blower.'

'Thank you, kind sir,' he giggled. 'I'd like to do that all again on or in a proper bed sometime.'

'Tomorrow afternoon.'


'In one of the closed off dorms.'

'Brill. Get some of that slippery stuff Simon has and maybe I'll let you...'

'Fuck?' I broke in.

'Maybe but Willi and I wanted to do it as a sorta twosome... you know, watch each other.'

'What are you two, a pair of pervos.'

'Of course,' he giggled. 'It's warmer in here now.' He squeezed my penis, the damn thing was already coming back to life. 'Whooo, you up for seconds.'

'Possibly,' I gave him a big tongue slippery and gum numbing kiss and tried to guide him down my body.

'No probs, Jimbo but... you gotta do me first.'

The Soap continues

A bit late with this one but I got a bit of a self inflicted medical thingy - let's just say I didn't notice the word CONCENTRATED on the bottle. Senility's really is Hell. No real sex in this one but I'll remedy that in Pt 23B.


Next: Chapter 37

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