Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Aug 13, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



24A - The Relief Master

(Told by Richard Lodge)


G. Cutter

I arrived at St Anselms around ten o'clcock on a Monday morning by taxi. I had one suitcase of clothing and another which was mainly occupied with study material for my assorted courses. At the time I was on a long break from the University of Bristol where I was studying history and as a sideline Physical Education, a weird combination but it always does to have two strings to one's bow as they say or they used to. By some glorious cockup I found that my History studies wouldn't pick up again until October, the PE wasn't important, that was taken in nodules meaning I could duck and dive and take it a chunk at a time. With such a long wait I decided to cast around for some temporary work just to keep the funds going and had been recommended to St Anselms, one of the older public schools in the Guildford area and handling boys from eleven to sixteen and even seventeen. I phoned, then visited and two weeks later got a letter accepting me on a Short Term Contract as an Assistant P.E. Master and general Relief Teacher. The pay was good and the even better news was that I'd be joining in the middle of their long summer break. I would be joining a staff of around five teachers, a matron and about twenty boys who were spending the holidays on site.

Suited me, I'd have time to find my feet, get to know the school and it's routine and more importantly a small cadre of the boys. I was led to believe by the Bursar, the man in charge in place of the Headmaster that I would probably die of boredom over the initial six weeks, what would remain of the holidays until the Autumn Term began. For some reason they called terms 'stretches' which sounded a bit prisonlike but all public schoolds have their own little quirks.

St Anselms had more than a few as I was soon to find out.

I was slightly surprised to see a gateman in a little hut at the entrance but was delighted as we drove up the drive to see a well maintained building rather than a prison camp. I later found out that the large front courtyard was repeated at the back but that the one to the rear was grassed and the whole building was laid our like the letter aitch. The arms to the rear were connected at the end by a covered way and there was a swimming pool and sauna alongside. The sportsfields lay beyond. The crossbar of the aitch was called the Main Building and the four arms were named So and So Wing after the points of the compass.

I was greeted by the Bursar himself, a certain Major Dyer who was fully suited and booted and another younger master, Mr Thomas who surprisingly enough wore khaki chinos and a polo shirt. The welcoming committee was completed by a well set up boy of around sixteen who watched points and said nothing, I presumed him to be... well, I didn't presume him to be anyone, I hadn't got a clue.

'I expect you'd like a tea after your journey,' Dyer looked me over and smiled. I was glad I'd taken the trouble to suit up, it seemed he approved. 'Mr Raynor, ask the kitchen for tea and biscuits for three in my office as soon as convenient.'

'Yes sir,' the blond boy bobbed his head and giving me the flash of a grin disappeared into the building. Veeeery interesting as they used to say on that old US TV programme.

'Come,' Dyer led off and Thomas and I struggled with my suitcases. 'I'll get Raynor to take these to your room later,' Thomas said as we followed the Bursar into the Main Building.

Once in his office Dyer launched into a quick fire rundown on what was going on and who did what. It seemed that I'd be the sixth master looking after the pupils whilst the remainder of the school was on holiday. The Bursar himself was on holiday and made a point of letting me know he'd made a special trip in to welcome me. I muttered the appropriate thanks aware of Thomas to his side with a slight grin on his face. The upshot was that Thomas would outline my holiday duties and if I had any problems I was to report to him in the first instance. We were disturbed by the blond boy returning with a trolley bearing the tea and crockery, no mugs for these guys, cups and saucers all the way.

'Raynor, take Mr Lodge's cases to his room and sort him out a batboy for the first week.'

'Yes sir.'

'A batboy,' I was confused.

'Just like the Army only a batboy instead of a batman. Raynor will find you a boy to wait on you and tend your room for a week, after that you're on your own.'

'Oh,' I decided to watch the performance as the Bursar poured tea. I'd heard of 'fags' and 'flunkeys' at Public Schools who were normally the youngest students and played servants to the senior boys but I'd never heard of a batboy... I wondered how much of a service they provided but that was my dirty mind. Mind you the system was so antiquated and open to abuse I was surprised they still stood for it and, in fact, they didn't... my batboy was a one off.

'Oh, yes... I forgot to mention at the start that I was a well closeted gay. I liked young men my own age which was twenty and younger but not older. There, that's out of the way but you knew all that as I'm writing my own chapter in this turgid soap opera.

The Bursar went on a bit and then turned me over to Mr Thomas who would be my boss for the duration of the holiday. Thomas took me down to the Master's Common Room where I was introduced me to the other four in residence. They all seemed amiable enough and we talked until lunch time, the only thing they didn't discuss was the boys, it seemed they'd delegated their control to this kid Raynor and he was doing pretty well. In fact, two of them were taking two weeks off shortly and that would just leave four of us in the school. Thomas did mention that we did a weekly dormitory check just to make sure the lads hadn't torched the place and that we did 'sessions' most mornings. Mine would be organising something sporty as he blithely put it, his own was supervising the pool. It seemed a bit limp and disorganised but they all seemed pretty relaxed about it.

I saw the strength of it at lunchtime, We masters sat at a seperate table and the boys used half a dozen others but at least I got to see the pupils, surely a very mixed bag and all shapes and sizes.

Thomas stood up and called for attention and introduced me telling them that I would run a two hourly gym and games class for those who wished from nine thirty every morning. As he sat down he guestimated that I'd be lucky to get four or five, most of them preferred to use the pool or lurk as he put it. Lurking seeming to be a favourite pastime with most of them.

'What do they lurk at?' I asked acting the innocent.

'God knows,' one of the other masters replied. 'We don't pry... let Raynor rule the roost, he's the Head Boy after all.'

After lunch Thomas took me to my room and left me to it as soon as Raynor turned up.

'I have your batboy, a volunteer no less,' Raynor smiled slightly. 'He should be here in a few moments.' Sure enough a short spikey dark haired and dark featured boy turned up with a wide grin on his face and stood waiting to be introduced.

'Jim Fraser, from the Fifth.' Raynor said and the cheeky faced kid executed a little part bow.

'At your service, sir... for a week,'

'I'll leave you to it, Jimbo,' Raynor smiled at the boy and nodded to me. ''Any problems sir, you can catch me at any meal time.'

'Thank you, Raynor. Come in and take a seat Fraser.' As the boy sat in one of the old fashioned chairs I slumped in an armchair that had seen better days. 'Fraser's a bit formal, what do they call you?'

'Jim or Jimbo,' Fraser smiled seeming completely at ease. He probably was, I was the new boy after all.

'Well, Jimbo, I'm a bit confused with the batboy thing. I presume you're not from Gotham City?'

'No sir. My father's Army and he's over in Afghanistan at the moment, I'll see him Christmas.'

'Oh, right,' I studied him a bit closer. He had a school t-shirt on and wore blue shorts showing off sun tanned and quite hairy legs for a fifteen year old but he was a little hirsute. In fact if I was unkind I'd say he look a bit like a caveboy but he had an intelligent face even with his slightly underslung jaw. A cave boy I wouldn't mind exploring a little further I might add. 'So what does a batboy do?'

'Not a lot,' he laughed. 'Mainly look after you for the first week until you know the layout and the lads, keep your room tidy and sort you out with the laundry people, that sort of thing.' He looked at me for a moment. 'If you want your own company just say so and I'd disappear.'

'So what do I have here,' I looked around the room which was essentially a study and ignored the remark about disappearuing, he wasn't getting away that easy.'

'This is your living room/lounge/study or whatever,' he flapped his arm and stood. 'You have a tiny kitchen thingy if you want to brew tea or sort yourself out munchies in the evenings and you have a bathroom and shower over here,' he opened a door and I peered in. The bathroom was small but had a glass enclosed shower stall and the usual w.c. - no bath but I could live with a shower. He bent over to pick up something from the carpet giving me a flash of his tight blue clad young bottom. Very nice and very provocative. I'd have to keep control of my hands with this kid about. He wasn't a child, he was fifteen after all and right in the middle of my age range.

'OK. then Jimbo... you can call me Richard, Rich or Ricky in here but please stick to the Mr Lodge outside, OK?'

'OK, Ricky,' he rolled the word around. 'Ricky suits you, much better than Dick,' he grinned again and I knew there and then he was coming onto me. Maybe a bit of a wind up but maybe not. He plonked my big case on the bed and snapped it open. 'You dish it out and I'll stash it.'

'So, you don't like Dick,' I pushed my luck here and I was walking on eggshells you understand, perhaps I was reading the kid all wrong.

'I didn't say that,' he cackled a healthy boy's laugh. 'Clothing...'

'Right,' I started. Suit, shirts, underwear, etc. etc. As I fished my gear out he farmed it around into various places. 'No need to stay Jimbo, I can do all this. I need to take a shower in a minute.' As soon as I mentioned shower I could have sworn his eyes lit up. 'If you have other things to do...'

'No rush, Ricky,' he sat on my bed and watched me sort out the odds and sods, the socks, ties and toiletries. I had to admit I had an urge to jump on him and slip my tongue right down his throat but come on, I was the Relief Master and he was a Fifth Former.

'How many lads in the school over the holidays?

'Seventeen or eighteen,' he screwed his face up in thought. 'A couple of eleven year olds right upto the mighty Sixth.'

'How many Sixth formers?' I asked trying to hide my interest.

'Three,' he grinned. 'Josh, an Italian kid and a Russian. All big lads.'

'Really?' I smiled and he laughed. I think we were on the same wavelength but I didn't want to walk into some schooly's trap. I backed off a little. 'I'm for a shower if you want to go.'

'No probs, I'll tidy up your room.'

Gawd, this was becoming embarassing. I could tell him to bugger off but didn't want to come on heavy. I tried to ignore him and stripped off my suit, it was a boy's school after all and he was certainly no stranger to people in their underwear. I took my towels, soaps and all the rest of my stuff into the bathroom and ran the shower. Nice and warm and very attractive right now, if I hadn't got my batboy I might have stretched out on my bed afterwards and had a good spine shattering wank. I'd just got naked and was about to step into the shower and there was a knock on the door.

'What gear shall I lay out for you?' His head appeared around the door and he caught me on the hop literally, I was about to step into the shower so he got a good eyeful of me totally naked. This kid really was asking for trouble.

'Just a fresh shirt and shorts.'

'Anything else I can do?' His voice had dropped and I felt he was half in and half out of the door.

'What do you suggest, Jimbo?' There, that was it. I'd put the ball firmly in his court as the tennis players say. I'd see just how bold he was.

'I could wash your back,' he volunteered quite brazenly.

'You could be talking yourself into a Headmaster's report...'

'I don't think so,' I heard the door close. Was he inside or had he left, I slipped the glass slider back and he was sitting on the toilet seat removing his trainers. Bold, this kid was super bold and he had me all worked out from the word go.

'Or you could wash my front,' I smiled and slipped the door back shut.

A minute later I saw his naked form through the steamed up glass and he slipped in with me. 'Mr Thomas said I had to do anything you wanted,' he moved in and his bloated meat slipped in just under mine. Naturally enough with the word games and now his naked body against mine I shot to instant hardness. I hadn't had any proper sex for about a month and I wrapped my arms around his slender body allowing his erection to slip between my legs. 'Mmmmm... nce,' he almost purred as I ran my soapy hands up and down his wet back cupping his tight little buns. He moved between my legs and reciprocated my move, his hands stroked my own cheeks as he slowly moved.

'By God, Jimbo, you are asking for a good fucking.'

'That's on our second date,' he giggled and kissed his way down my body bending his knees until he was kneeling in front of me. I knew exactly what he was going to do and he did. He held my stiffness steady and licked around the glans and then with a sexy look upwards sank his mouth over the end of my rock hard erection. Jesus, less than four hours in school and I'd been seduced already.

Oh my God, this kid was good. I had no real idea about the school curriculum but blow jobs must have been in there somewhere as he was excellent, definitely an A Plus. He held onto my bottom and really deepthroated me, I could feel my knob right in the back of his throat and the crafty little sod was wiggling a finger into my crack. Little Jimbo who wasn't all that little where it counted was a versatile boy. I just grabbed his face and fucked his mouth until I felt the surge.

'Jimbo...' I muttered and he just held my glans inside his mouth as I voided my spunk in hot slippery blasts. He gagged and swallowed. gulped and finally slipped up alongside me and kissed ny neck. I bent my head and lightly kissed him feeling the taste of my own cum. Better and better, he was one hot kisser to add to his accomplishments.

'You've been saving that up,' he massaged my softening cock and grinned. 'What else have you been saving?'

'Well, this for one,' I dropped my head and mouthed at his dark brown nipples in turn. As soon as they went hard I dropped my head and traced down his smooth chest and dropped to my knees holding his thick boy cock and taking a tentative lap at his slit. Precum, I could taste it and as he moaned again I took his tight buttocks in my hands intruding my fingers into his moist crack. His erection slipped against my face as I probed and wriggled my finger until I found his hot hole and pentrated. He gave a strangled whine as I rammed my finger in deeply and took his jerking cock in, in one swallow. He was mine. He lazily fucked into my willing mouth as I thrust time and time again into his tight boy bottom stroking his prostate until he begged me to stop. He was juiced up and ready to go. I captured his scrotum to stop his balls rising for a few minutes and then returned to fondling his dark skinned derriere until he really started to fuck into my mouth. I swear his meat had swollen and stretched and he was endowed well enough to be sixteen or seventeen let alone fifteen.

In the end he sagged on me and I felt his erection jerk and twitch in my mouth as he sprayed me with thick, creamy and almost eatable juvenile spunk. He sagged against me as I sucked him dry and lifted him to his feet. He snuggled against me in the shower sensually rubbing against me as the warm water sprayed down on us both. At one stage he reversed and I bent a little to accomodate his shortness rubbing up against his now relaxed and springy bottom. 'You like?' He craned his head around and smiled.

'Of course.'

'Second date.'

'And when will that be, my sweet James?'

'Tonight. I shall bring you late night cocoa and biscuits around eleven... and tend to your needs, sweet Richard.' He turned to look at me and smiled up into my face. 'I go both ways, by the way.'

'I never thought otherwise with a dick like that,' I laughed.

'You better believe it,' he grinned and stepped from the shower. 'Would you like a tour and meet some of the boys?'

'Yes, that would be nice.'

'Right,' suddenly he was all business. 'Tell me the one's you fancy and I'll jot their names down. Overnight guests are easy in the holidays but a damn sight harder in stretch.'

'So you have two or three bestest friends?' I turned the shower off and we stepped out.

'About fifteen actually... just shop around. Oh, yeah, that includes the kitchen guys as well.'

I was in minor shock as we dried off and got dressed. this randy kid was not only offering himself up but most of the other boys as far as I could see. It would be interesting to see if he could come through with all his promises. I had the funny idea that he could but time would tell.

to be continued

Coming up: Richard Lodge spends a night with Jimbo and meets more of the boys. Part 2 of "KIEL NAVAL COLLEGE, 1911" almost immediately after this clears into Nifty.


Next: Chapter 39

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