Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Dec 19, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



4 - "Now we're all pals"


G. Cutter

John peeled from Steve's sweaty embrace and sat up on the bed. He was shattered, his dick was sore and his arse was sorer and about to let him down if he didn't get to the bathroom pretty damn quickly.

'Here,' Steve flung a small handtowel over which John rammed up between his legs. 'Whatcha reckon?'

'What? About Jim and me on Dave?'


'I'm game if Jimbo is, I think it would be nice to relax a bit first.'

They attended to their basic functions and then shared a bath. The bath with it's attendant slipping and sliding got them re-energised in no time at all and by the time Dave and Jimbo appeared rather the worse for wear our pair were in the lounge wrapped in towelling and sipping cold drinks. Poor Jim looked like a shipwreck but also looked pretty pleased with himself. Dave was grinning, it was his second bite of Jimbo's sweet bottom and so much better than the messy performance in the outside store on the previous Saturday. The phrase about batting on a sticky wicket came to mind and it was true. When he and Steve disappeared into the kitchen the boys had a chance to chat.

'When we have our get together I wanna do it frontal,' Jimbo whispered excitedly. 'It's great.'

'I know,' John smirked.

'Did Steve mention anything about... er, doing a double on Dave?'

'He mentioned it. He also said right at the end he wanted to take some pictures but he'd cut our heads off.'

'I don't like the sound of that,' Jim grinned. 'I'm not that ugly and if he's keeping them private what's the point. Think about it,' he stared at John. 'If they swag any other kids up here and show them it's a bit of advertising.'

'If the police raid them it a bit of advertising as well,' John pointed out/

'True, oh Wise One,' Jim grinned again totally unimpressed with the Law of the Land or it's minions.

'We could go over the sports fields later,' John glanced towards the window. 'It's a nice enough night.'

'After this lot we won't have the strength,' Jim stroked his friends bare thigh. 'But we are gonna get it on. We've never had a decent session together.

'We will,' John promissed and he swiftly kissed the dark haired boy on the cheek. 'I promise.'

Steve and Dave who had retired to their kitchen returned with a plate of sandwiches and cold drinks, presenting the plate and cans to the boys. 'Eat up,' Steve who had managed to find a bathrobe smiled and sat opposite. Dave who had settled for a towel around his waist also sat but on the floor and looked intently at the two Fifth Formers.


'Well, what?' Jim looked down at him.

'Are you two gonna try out my little double shaggy thingy?'

'OK by me,' Jim grinned.

'Same here,' John echoed. 'If you don't mind being split.'

'You won't split him, he's been practicing with milk bottles.' Steve laughed earning himself a disapproving look from his pal. 'Have your drink and we'll get him all lubed up and loose.'

'Grrrr...' Jim laughed.

'We're gonna need a bit of guidance here,' John sipped his drinlk. 'It's not on the school schedule.'

'Shagging must be... the way you pair perform,' Dave laughed.

'Yeah, well...' John grinned. 'You'll have to position us all the same.'

'No probs.' They sat sipping their drinks and stuffing the sandwiches down their faces. Surprisingly they both felt on top form and their schooly dicks were rising to the occasion but unbeknown to them Steve had crumbled up a Viagra and given them a quarter of a tablet in their drinks. He'd also done a quarter for himself and Dave, if the boys thought the party was coming to an end they were sadly mistaken, the two young chefs wanted themselves and their young guests to have fun.

'Sit together... close up,' Steve ordered as he produced a pretty expensive digital camera from a cupboard. Whistles, bells, balloons and streamers, this thing had the works. A slight exageration there but you know what I mean. As top of the range as you could get and he let the boys examine it as the sat and relaxed preparatory to what now Steve was calling, the shoot.

'They must pay you good wages,' Jim held the camera up fixing Dave in the viewfinder.

'A present from daddy,' Steve laughed gently recovering the camera. 'Shuffle up, nice and close.'

'Mmmmm...,' Jim grinned and planted a kiss on John's cheek and tried to turn the other boy's head for a kiss.

'Knock it off, Jimbo,' Steve laughed. 'I'm gonna print a glossy of this one and frame it.'

'Just like trophy heads?' John laughed.

'Yeah... sorta,' Steve looked at them both. 'I heard what you said when I was in the kitchen and it's not a bad idea. If we get any boys in here, maybe even boys you don't know the first thing they'll go for are the pictures on the mantlepiece.'

'And you say something like, we're hot...'

'Exactly,' Dave said from his position on the floor where he had now layed out flat on his back and was watching the proceedings. 'Steve will make sure your faces don't appear in the action pictures by the way.'

'Maybe a couple of private ones for you two, just me and John,' Jim giggled. 'Me kissing John's little willy.'

'It's not that little,' John protested and seeing that Steve had finished with the portraits flipped his towel aside exposed his thickening cock. Jim was down in an instant and the next ten minutes were spent with Steve jumping around taking closeups of Jim sucking meat but at last and seeing then both fully aroused he called a halt.

'David's getting jealous,' he remarked nodding at Dave who had spread a bedcover on the floor and was laying spread out and fully naked once more. Studio Guildford was about to burst into action.

'Yeah,' Dave grinned up from the floor. 'My own little fuck buddies...' He laughed and then got serious. 'You need to lube me up so that my ring is nice and relaxed although Jimbo gave it a good hammering awhile ago.' He paused and Jim had the grace to look embarassed or was it proud? 'Then one of you gets inside me and lays on his back, I'll get my legs up and the extra guy just slips inside on the original one's cock... easy!'

'You gotta be joking,' Jim looked at a bemused John. 'Easy... you've got to be a contortionist.'

'I am,' Dave laughed. 'Come on,' he raised himelf up and crouched there like a big dog with his arse cocked in the air. Needless so say Jim was down first with the gel that had reappeared. Steve just watched but held his camera on standby until Jim started to oil up and prod at Dave's pucker.

'Mmmm...' he grinned at John. 'It's just like rubber.'

'Really?' John giggled and got down onto his knees alongside his mate and had a feel. A quick glance at each other and they both slipped their index fingers into Dave and started to wriggle them around. That was a picture for Dave, he took two or three with two hands featured although he was careful to give their faces a miss. 'Cor, that's loose,' Jim grinned and went for two fingers, John slowly withdrew and did the same. Dave groaned as he felt four fingers now inside him easing and relaxing his muscle. He thought briefly of 'fisting' he'd heard of it but for now.. He was beginning to have second thoughts but it was too late. He didn't want to appear a chicken and he really did want to try the two kids together.

'Jeez, I feel as slack as a yak,' he muttered. Just the wrong thing to say. The two boys who were on the verge of hysteria burst into giggles and fell around rolling on the floor. The other thing was that they were as hard as if they'd just started, neither of them could understand their new found virility, then again neither knew about the quarter of a Viagra tablet from earlier on.

'Why don't you lay flat on your back, Jimbo,' Steve looked at the dark lad, he was bigger cockwise than John and perhaps he should sheath first. If it was a disaster they could always try again, they had until six after all.

'Orrite,' Jim grinned. He wondered what it would feel like to be up against John's hardon in one hole... only one way to find out. He flopped onto his back and held his dark skinned hardness upright. As he looked at it a bubble of cum oozed from the tip. 'Fuckin' 'ell,' he giggled and slowly wanked his rock hard erection.

'You sit on it facing him,' Steve spoke to Dave.'Then lean over kissing or whatever and it should leave room for John to come in behind.'

'I can't see that working,' David frowned. 'I'll try anything once though.'

Dave straddled Jim's body, the boy was short but his cock wasn't and Dave was beginning to have second thoughts. He'd tried assorted appliances but this was hot and very human flesh. 'Here goes the neighbourhood,' he grinned wanly and started to lower his arse. 'Jeez...' he felt Jim's slippery glans touch his sphincter. Another slight drop and he felt himself open up and the stiff flesh was in him and sinking deeper as he lowered his hips. He grinned, it wasn't to bad, he expelled air as he felt Jinm's hard cock fill his arse and then the first brush of Jim's crisp pubes.

'Lean forward,' Steve commanded busy clicking with his camera. The shots of Jim's slippery cock up inside Dave were superb. The next bit would be harder both for him to film and Dave to absorb. John was sitting on standby and wanking, his young cock was straining and begining to ooze, the Viagra was working on him as well as the others. Steve beckoned him in and kneeling he managed to get between Jim and Dave's splayed legs. 'Support yourself on one arm and use the other to guide yourself close onto Jimbo's cock,' Steve instructed. John did his best, he slipped and slid and really got nowhere. Once he pushed against the edge Dave's well stretched pucker and retreated when Dave yelled out in pain.

'This is killing me,' Jim moaned from his place flat on his back.

'It's feeling quite nice up here,' Dave grinned moving up and down on the shaft gliding in and out of his now well stretched pucker. 'One last try.'

'Yeah, last one,' Dave lay on the floor inches from the action. 'Come on John... last attempt, then we'll try something else.'

'Wow,' John frowned, this time he would do it or die. Dave had pestered for long enough and now he was beginning to get grumpy. He nearly had it once and Dave had wriggled free. This time he rested his chest on Dave's bent back and with both hands held his own hard cock against what he could find of Jim's. He felt the heat and the hardness of both boy cocks together and pushed in the general direction. There was resistance and suddenly his cock was surrounded. The pressure, the hot flesh and the feel of Jim's erection pressing against his told him that he was in. Probably the conclusive prove was Dave yelling out and bucking under him and then laying there as if dead with both boy cocks now moving in and out through his gaping pucker.

'Right in, John,' Steve whispered as he got his camera in between then as far as he could. He could actually see both boy's cocks in Dave... well, he could see the cock's disappear and Dave's ring stretched around them and now both boys were grunting and making jerky moves as Dave moaned and writhed on the double invasion.

'Bloody hell, Dave,' Jim giggled from underneath. 'You've just cum all over me.'

'Couldn't help it,' Dave groaned and pushed down onto the two boy's inside him. 'It's stretched, it doesn't feel too bad now.'

'My cock's bent,' John moaned but managed to keep in. The buzz was extraordinary, the feeling of his erection slipping against Jim's and the pair of them trapped in the warm fleshy tunnel of Dave's anus and rectum. 'Yesss...' He started to go faster as he felt himself harden up even more.

'Oh, oh, oh...' Jim on the bottom of the heap squealed and cum. John felt the warm squirts cover his cock and make things really slippery but the timing was exquisite, he jerked and groaned as he too climaxed and both young cocks spurted their juices into Dave's overstretched and crammed tunnel of love. It was a flooded tunnel now and both boys stayed still as Steve took some more closeups and then the final ones as both their red and raw erections slipped free in a flood of spent cum. Dave had got his wish, he'd been fucked by two boys at the same time. Steve had got his closeups of the best sex or porn he'd ever seen and the boys had their rewards. Two very sore and depleted dicks that were hardening up almost immediately and were too tender to even handle. The three of them seperated and sprawled onto the carpet as Steve flopped back onto the sofa. It was done.

'I desperately need a bog,' Dave staggered to his feet and grabbing a towel rammed it into his crack and rushed off down the passage.

'I desperately need something else,' Steve lay back on the sofa and both boys saw the pyramid in his shorts, they glanced at each other and grinned. Dave would be in the bathroom for a while, they had time to play before making ready to return to the school and there before them was something to play with. One removed Steve's t-shirt and the other tugged his shorts down and off over his ankles. He lay there as naked a new born baby but not many babies had what he had jerking and twitching on his belly. He too had sampled the Viagra but hadn't had the action that the others had.

'Boys, boys,' he moaned in pleasure as one hot mouth took in his scrotum and the other swallowed his hardness. He had to have these boys visit again and if they had a couple of lively pals they could bring them as well.

An hour later John and Jim strolled back to the school, they had twenty minutes before their official gate time and should be safe.

'A bit hectic,' John remarked. 'My dick feels like it's been through a shredder.'

'Never tried it,' Jim grinned. 'Perhaps Dave's fanny has teeth.'

'We never did what we talked about.'

'No, we didn't,' Jim looked at his pal as the school hove into view.

'We could always have a walk out around the sports fields after dinner.'

'Good thinking, Batman,' Jim grinned. 'We could always have a couple of hours in the kitchen Dry Goods Store. Nice and cosy, nice and private with all the chefs away.'

'We could if I had a key,' John frowned. 'Now that place sounds perfect, you said that they even have a bit of a bed made up.'

'Indeedy,' Jim giggled and took a key ring with key hanging from it from his pocket... 'After dinner.'

'Give it half an hour and let the chefs go home first,' John smirked. 'I gotta soak my dick first.'

'Mind if I join you.'

They were still laughing as they signed on at the gate and the gateman wondered why they were so happy at having to return to what he considered a prison camp.

To be continued.

This is a weekly 'soap' and is sent to Nifty on a Thursday so it should be up and running for each weekend.

I've done my Christmas Edition of 'Piece of Cake' and I'll send it to Nifty on Tuesday 23 Dec.

Look out for my 'Peter Pan and Adam' which I'll let go on the 22nd. This will be a Part 1 and Part 2 will follow directly after Christtmas


Next: Chapter 5

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