Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Sep 3, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



24D - The Relief Master

(Told by George, Trainee Chef)


G. Cutter

Hi, my name is George Serbanescu. I am a seventeen year old Romanian economic migrant as they call us but unlike most of my countrymen who live around this area I have a job or I started a job today and I'm going to tell you a little about it. First of all I was brought up in in an orphanage in Bucharest and probably due to my looks and my willingness to keep the Principal happy I received a good education and one of my majors was English language. French used to be the second language of choice for Romanians but recently it has become English. I can also get by with Russian and Serbian as well, so, as my pals would say I'm not a complete dummy. When I was sixteen I was as free as a bird and papers in hand fled the old country heading for Western Europe and hopefully a decent job and the streets paved with gold. I had one big problem that cut both ways. I looked young, I didn't look seventeen, I looked more like fifteen which meant I had problems getting work. The upside was that I was much in demand by those who like boyish boys, this was no problem to me, I'd spent time as my Principal's paramour if you like and I'd had sex with other boys in the orphanage both older and younger.

How I finished up in Guildford which is the capital (or whatever) of their Surrey District, Oblast or State is a long and complicated tale which has no place in this story.

I was living in a squat with fellow countrymen and wandered into the Job Centre in Guilford one day, I spotted one job as a trainee Chef at a rather miserable wage but hinting at food and fringe benefits, the outcome was that I applied and much to my surprise after a very short interview was offered the job which seemed to be the bottom rung of the ladder so no surprise there. The big kitchen was in a large Public School on the London Road and most of the school was on holiday although some masters and pupils remained. The Senior Chef who did the interview and took me on suggested that it was a good time to join 'the crew' as he called his staff as it would give me time to find my feet. I was turned over to this Polish youngster who would 'buddy' me and show me the ropes. There were also a Somali youngster and two slightly older English boys so that made six of us which included the Senior Chef who told me I had to call him Robby.

The first thing I noticed very obviously was that is was an all male environment and that it was vaguely like my old orphanage... sex ruled. What I mean is that with the place full of adolescent boys and youth sex was in the air. All pretty dramatic but I could feel eyes on me as I got my whites and as Honek, the Polish kid showed me around, even the younger boys, the thirteens and fourteens were at the eyeball game. I just took it onboard, I came from a far more perverted and corrupt background than they could possibly imagine. They undoubtedly indulged in boy on boy or maybe even boy on teacher on the quiet, in my Orphanage days it was just down to a crooked finger or a brusque command. From what I had learned of the English they would be a little more discreet... I was wrong there.

Honek showed me a room where, he told me, the Duty Chef had to sleep. This was a duty done on a rota and I would be expected to take my turn for which I would receive a bonus over and above my standard wage. I was in love with the little room, it was better than my squat. A fold out sofabed, a radio and TV and even room to move around, the icing on the cake was a small shower and toilet to the side it was also the place that Honek made his move.

'Maybe for the first time we'd better do it together.' He looked at me and grinned.

'Do what together?' I put on my innocent look.

'The duty, what else,' he laughed. 'I think the Boss pencilled you in for Thursday.'

''No problem,' I shrugged. 'This is better than where I live.'

'Plus all the food you can eat,' he grinned and put his hand on my shoulder giving it a little squeeze, it was then I knew. Honek was after my body. No surprise there, I'd had him and the black kid sorted out an hour previously, they were at it and probably the two older chefs, Steve and Dave as I remembered.

'I shall enjoy my turn at duty man,' I grinned.

'I'm on tonight,' he smiled and moved to face me. 'You could stay on with me if you like... just to get a taste you understand.'

'Won't anyone say anything?'

'Robby, the Senior, goes around four and I'll square the rest,' he moved in closer so that we were almost touching. 'It would save you going back to an 'orrible squat.'

'And we'd have to share a bed,' I commented without smirking. If I had to start anywhere Honek seemed as good a place as any, he was by far the best looking in the Catering Department.

'So you will? You'll stay the night?' His hand went to my hip and he pulled me in so that we were crotch to crotch. I could feel his hardness pressing against my semi erection and did a little pelvic thrust .

'Why not?' I laughed as his other hand went to my hip and his head dropped. His lips nuzzled my neck and that was it, we were kissing and rubbing against each other.

'Enough,' he laughed and parted. 'I have to show you around, we have people to meet.' I followed on, I loved that little room and wondered what would happen if I volunteered to do a standing duty. I wouldn't expect to take the money every night as some of the others may rely on it but at least it would be a temporary home and get me away from that damn squat. and my thieving countrymen. Little did I know that things were going to turn out differently to what I'd imagined and more to my advantage than I'd anticipated.

We walked around and met lots of boys, some nervous and shifty but others the complete opposite, I could feel hungry eyes on me as we walked around the pool. I was introduced to some of the masters whose names I can't recall - there were so many to remember. There was even a new master not much more than a youth himself and I learned he was on Honek's hit list. Honek was an adventurer and his buddy boy was this kid who put you in mind of one of our Romanies, tough, hairy and oozing sexual confidence. Now he, was one of my targets. My history dictated that I just lay down and took it with people older or bigger than myself but anyone similar or younger I liked to indulge... I wasn't a total queen. This kid, Jimbo was made for me, probably the same height although huskier and a smile to die for. Honek passed on with a grin that Jimbo was built like a donkey which I took with a pinch of salt, I wasn't too bad myself in the penis stakes.

The day passed in a flash, we weren't busy but everything was so strange to me, in many ways similar to my orphanage but then again different. These were confined boys, yes, but they had freedoms, they had a pool, a sauna and sports fields to run around on and from the size of the place many nooks and crannies to indulge in whatever private pleasures they fancied. Tea was a nonsense but dinner was a proper meal and I finished up serving the master's table which was no big deal. However, I did notice that the new master called Richard Lodge kept looking at me, I felt flattered, he was nice in a 'young soldier' sort of style. I wondered how long it would be before he tried to entice me into his room but never mind that, I had the night with Honek for starters.

Once the dinner was over the kitchen was put to bed for the day, Honek and I merely had to tidy up, the dutyman prepared an urn of cocoa around ten in the evening and that was it. Honek told me that we kept the kitchen locked out of hours as the boys were like a swarm of locusts if they found an open door. Most of that was lost in translation but I got the idea. The boys came down with their jugs and mugs at cocoa time and eventually drifted away leaving us in peace although Jimbo bade us a pleasant night with what the Americans call a shit eating grin on his face.

'He's tending the new master,' Honek grinned as he pulled the servery shutters down.


'As sleeping with,' the Polish boy laughed. 'Jimbo tells me that this Mr Lodge fancies you as well.'

'What is Jimbo, a procurer?'

'Mr Fixit or Mr Fixer he calls himself,' Honek grabbed my wrist and led me to the end of the kitchen, the Dutyman's Cabin as they called it. The night was about to begin, after a long and hot day we were finally going to relax and hopefully get naked. I was tired and Honek could do his thing, I just wanted to sleep and think of my future. 'Shower,' Honek declared once we were in our nest. 'Two can just about squeeze in.'

'Sounds fun,' I grinned and made the first move. I sat on the sofa and removed my trainers and socks. We were on our way. As was usual in these cases I watched him undress and he watched me. He was stocky or well built whereas I was skinny but I didn't mind, I'd always been built like a sparrow but that's what my older patrons had liked. A sweet little boy arse and a meaty cock which I had been told was outsized for my build. I could see Honek appreciated me as he had risen to the occasion and muttered for me to follow him into the shower which I did. Once under the refreshing flow he was all over me and he was gentle not rough or demanding as many bigger boys are. He soaped me all over and then turned me away and dropped to his knees. I felt him press my bum cheeks apart and his hot mouth was in there with his flickering tongue teasing my pucker. He'd had practice as he knew what I wanted, the more he licked and lapped the more I shoved my little arse out for his attentions. At last we rinsed off and then dried before unfolding the sofa and turning the lights off other than a small one so that we could just about see what we were doing.

'I saw you looking at Jimbo and some of the other boys... you like boys?' He whispered as he sucked on my balls and played with my erection.

'Yes, who doesn't?'

He laughed and lay me on my back kneeling between my legs. 'You won't go short here. What about the bigger boys even the masters?'

'As long as they are gentle... and like to suck.'

'Mmmm... How's about I fuck you and suck you to death?'

'Thick Polish sausage,' I handled his hard penis as he lifted my legs and guided my knees down to my chest. Almost automatically I guided him down to my hole as he leant in and swiped his swolled and dark red glans up and down smearing his precum on my button. 'Go on,' I croaked and he did. There was the familiar pressure and I felt my ring yield and open up to admit his hot and blood gorged flesh. It was nice and took me back to the old country with some of my nicer and more gentle pairings. Half inside me I wrapped my skinny legs around him and he started to move to and fro dropping his head so that our lips met. I could feel his thick cock inside me and squeezed on him making him groan and push in harder. When I felt it all inside me I clamped my legs and kept my arms around his neck as he started to fuck in short jabs pulling out more as he fucked until he was sliding most of his cock in and out of my gut in slippery and hole filling satisfaction. My own hardness was jerking up and down on my belly attached by a silvery threat of my own cum. God willing his hot mouth would be around in shortly and I would get my payback. He was on my threshold and maybe one of these fine days I might suprise him and rump his solid Polish bottom but for now it was his turn.

'Yes, Georgy. Yes...' He hammered away and suddenly I felt the throbbing and the jerking as his hot spunk surged inside me and he moved easily on a coating of his own cum. 'Yesssss...' He sighed and pushed in as deep as he could making me feel as if his bloated cock was going to pop from my mouth. 'So good,' his sweet lips crushed against mine and we squirmed around until his softening cock slowly slid free leaving my gaping hole to close. 'Messy boy,' he licked the puddle of cum from my belly and holding my own hardness steady dropped his head. I gasped with pleasure as I felt his moist mouth descend on me and he began to bob up and down. I had about a week's supply of spunk in my balls and he was going to get the lot.

He was good (have I said that?), he held my balls and then he jiggled them, he kept me on the boil until I was on the verge of exploding and then he went for it. He just held his mouth over my bulging and sore glans slowly running his hand up and down my slick cock until I begged him to speed up. His hand moved faster and I felt the build up and then a massive sclading burst of searing spunk shot up my shaft and splashed into his eager sucking. It seemed to go on forever, I flopped about like a stranded fish as my cock jeked and twitched filling his mouth and splashing onto his face. He giggled and sucked until I collapsed drained and exhausted.

'Juicy boy,' he smiled and covered us with the bedding. 'Sleep.'

I did sleep, in fact, I went out like a light and the first thing I remember in the morning was a blunt pressure between my buttocks and the feel of something big and hot sliding inside me. It seemed Honek was awake as well. After that we showered and saw the bread and milk in from the local dairy. After that we did the preliminaries for breakfast which was mainly turning equipment on and buttering more slices of bread than you could imagine. Then the Frosties into little bowls and by then the early turn were in. This time it was only Hakim but the other two would follow later.

'Steve's doing the duty tonight,' Honek informed me.

'I can do it,' I volunteered eagerly. 'In place of Steve, I'm not trying to sleep with him or anything.'

'Mmmmm.... You're in a squat and you don't like it?' Honek took an inspired guess.

'Right. He can have the payment, I just want the room.'

'We'll have a round table on this later,' Honek looked at me and smiled. 'You could have a good future in this place.'

'A round table?' I looked at him, this was one bit of English I was unfamiliar with.

'A meeting, break time,' Honek told me as we ran the servery shutter up. Hakim was making the tea for the boys and decanting orange juice, we were generally busy, we were off and running for another day.

We had a break mid morning and Honek did the talking for me, he proposed that I did a permanent night duty until further notice. No mention was made of money but they all promised to 'see me alright' which was something. Robby, the Senior mentioned something about me starting a bank account up and Honek and his pals offered to help with that as well so I was off and running. Honek stayed in the kitchen probably telling all and sundry how his night had passed but I had the afternoon off which was standard when you had the night shift previously. That left me at liberty to wander around only this time for my first time without an escort. I was told that we had the use of the pool in the afternoon and made a beeline for that, I didn't have a costume but Honek said most of the boys wore their boxers or underpants which suited me. I was at last going to see some of the youngsters wet and slippery which I always found a turn on at my old orphanage.

Whether by chance or design as soon as I turned up I was ganged up on by the dark lad Jimbo and a friend he introduced as Brian, maybe a little younger than Jimbo but just as forward.

'How are you settling in,' Jimbo squatted by me as soon as I spread the towel Honek had lent me.


'I thought you were Romanian or something odd,' the other piped up with all the tact of a kid. 'Your English is pretty good.'

'We odd people learn English and French from an early age,' I smiled and gave him what I call a blatant ogle, both he and Jimbo were right in my age range.

'You know Mr Lodge, the new guy? Jimbo asked.

'Vaguely,' I stretched out aware of both of them surveying me like I was something in a butcher's glass case.

'I'm providing him with a sort of night companion for the first week,' Jimbo blithely chuntered on. 'I looked after him last night and Brian is doing it tonight.'

'You are a procuror?' I looked at him.

'Well, of a sort,' he laughed. 'Don't be so bloody blunt, Georgy boy.'

'I'm going into the sauna for a bit, they're running it for a test,' Brian stood and with an almost inviting grin walked away with his tight little bottom perfectly visible in his wet briefs.

'You like?' Jimbo whispered laying alongside me and ruunning a finger up the side of my leg after a quick look around.

'Procuring again, Jim?'

'Just trying to help... do you like Brian or not, he's a goer you know.'

'Are you? That's the main thing.'

'You'd better believe it,' Jimbo laughed. 'Do you want to come in the sauna with us, have a bit of game.?'

'Yeah,' I croaked with my throat suddenly dry.

'Fancy Mr Lodge for Thursday night?' He grinned as he stood and offered his hand.

'He seems nice enough, nice and young.'

'He goes both ways,' he led into the sauna, the pool and it's surrounds were deserted but what I didn't know was that Mr Lodge's new activity classes as they called them had taken their toll. Most of the boys had their lunch and collapsed for the afternoon, the poor dears were worn out.

We went into the sauna and Brian was in the steam room already laying on his towel on his belly with his perfect pale skinned bottom beaded with sweat. Jimbo shed his boxers and sat alongside stroking the pale flesh as Brian wriggled and purred. Jimbo seemed completely unconcerned as his dark skinned cock stuck up his belly and jerked every time he moved.

I stood their feeling rather uncomfortable but Jimbo decided to put me at my ease, he stepped down from the tired benches and blatantly grabbed me front and centre. Brian for his part changed sides, he came down and went up again only this time in a darker corner where there was what looked like a bedroll of foam rubber where he took up the same position, on his belly. Jimbo and I by now were in an embrace and he swiftly got my y-fronts off me and grasped my hot flesh.

'Honek tells me you like the younger ones,' he slowly worked my foreskin over my glans until a bubble of precum oozed from the tip.

'Yeah,' I mumbled still feeling a little out of it. 'And you?'

'Good,' he gave me a quick kiss and produced a plastic bottle of sun oil from somewhere. 'Brian's bottom gets burnt something awful.'

I took the bottle in hand aware that Brian was hardly likely to get sunburned in a sauna. 'Come on, Georgy. Let's see what you've got,' Brian grinned down at me from his perch.

'I'll sit in the lounge bit and give a shout if anyone comes.' Jim grinned and left me standing there.

'Come on, Georgy. Don't make me beg,' Brian looked down at my protuding and gently swaying hardness. 'Nice one,' he lay his face on his crossed forearms and I climbed up the benching. This one I couldn't pass by. I was beginning to think that they were all in it together as they probably were but I squirted some on the lotion onto Brian's crack and worked it in deep with my fingers feeling his pucker yield. 'Go on,' Brian whispered and opened his legs.

The bench was narrow but I managed to get up and hovered above him, pushing my penis downwards I dropped on and into him like a guided missile. He groaned and so did I as I felt his delicious warmth and tightness envelope me. He pushed up as I bore in and as soon as I felt my pubics touch his smooth skin I started to move.

'Nice...' I kissed the back of his neck as I let my weight settle on him lazily moving my hips up and down. I'd had wanks, shared wanks and been shafted enough times over the last year but this was the first boy I'd taken since I left Bucharest and I made it last. I took it slow and rooted in deep and hard as he whined and pleaded for me to go faster. In the end I did and he bucked under me shoving his sweaty arse up onto my thrusts until I climaxed a thick and juicy mix deeply into his gut. We lay there covered in sweat and still joined as he moaned and wriggled his sweet little fanny as I continued to bore into his flooded rear. In the end we parted and then the kissing began and he was a good kisser as well as a good bottom.

Eventually we retired to the showers shouting through to Jimbo and the three of us finished up in a soapy and squealy threesome. I let them do their thing and watched as Jimbo plugged Brian fresh on my cum. Messy but fun for them at least, I was getting hard again and was wondering what came next. No matter, I think I was going to enjoy my stay at St Anselms but I'm sure I'll feature in further chapters.

To be continued

Well, that's Georgy settled in... on with the story


Next: Chapter 42

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