Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Dec 30, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



5c - Homeless Honok


G. Cutter

'Christ, it's cold,' Dave rubbed his hands as he and Steve stood on the pavement outside the big shopping mall alongside Guildford Centre.

'Yeah, I could use a warm schooly to snuggle upto or into,' Steve looked around. 'Right. let'd do battle.' Together they joined the stream of people entering the place and headed for the cafe. As soon as they saw the queue they gave up on that straight away and pressed onto the shops. They didn't want too much but Dave had set his heart on a couple of DVDs for Chriistmas and Steve was determined to get them for him. It's not as if he hadn't tried but he'd not had any luck. In his usual manner things had been left to the last minute, the element of surprise had gone but if he didn't get them his name would be mud for the rest of the year. He just hoped that he'd be rewarded maybe by Dave producing another couple of schoolies or even Ross and Dustin for a return visit.

'I was thinking,' Dave sipped his coffee as they finally made it to the cafe, the DVDs had been bought and it was a case of mission accomplished.

'Yeah, it's hard work at times.'

'Do you know what's around the back of this place?'

'Loading bays I imagine,' Steve looked at the much shorter queue than earlier. He fancied another cup of coffee as he was still half frozen.

'It's where the homeless hang out, all the stray boys and girls...'

'Don't get started. We are not taking a stray cat burglar home for bloody Christmas. For God's sake they're all junkies and fuckin' shoplifters.' Steve looked at his friend. Dave was so soft hearted he was a push over for any hard luck story and he tended to leap where angels fear to tread in a manner of speaking.

'There speaks a Republican, a bloody Tory and a soddin' Thatcherite as well,' Dave sniffed. 'I know this one kid, a Pole, he reckons he's seventeen...'

'Which means he's a sixteen year old runaway,' Steve butted in again and relented, it was Christmas Eve after all. 'What's he like?'

'Beautifully blond when it's washed I imagine, slim and trim, speaks perfect English. He comes from Warsaw originally and fell out with his family who live up Norfolk way.'

'So you've chatted, at some length...' Steve grinned. 'Is he gay?'

'A bit that way, I think.'

'You think,' Steve scowled. 'Not much of a basis for taking in a stray over Christmas. Is he clean?'

'Of course not, he probably want's a couple of hours in the bath.'

'I meant drugs, booze... did he look hooked on anything?' Steve looked at his flatmate and lover. Dave was such a soft touch and if he looked at anything remotely akin to a lost puppy he was gone. Still, it had to be better than having a selfish fascist bastard for a boyfriend.

'No, he seems pretty clean, just out of work and on hard times... at this time of year,' Dave put on his Mother Theresa look, he knew it turned on the more down to earth Steve. In fact, the young Polish kid Dave had talked to reminded him of some of the better looking models you get on the top Russian sites.

'I suppose we copld have a walk around and see if he's there,' Steve shrugged his shoulders. 'If he'd got half a brain he'll have got himself into a nice warm cell for the holiday.'

'They're full with the regulars,' Dave laughed. 'Come on, let's go, He's nice you'll like him.'

'So what's your masterplan, invite him home for a bath and a shag?'

'Don't be crude,' David laughed. 'We have a chat and we offer him a week off the streets... a deal.'

'If he satisfies our carnal urges and we look after him, like a pet sorta thing?'

'Yeah, that sounds good,' Dave giggled. That had been easy, he hadn't expected Steve to even think about swagging a stray, the Christmas spirit must be rubbing off.

'You kill me, Steve laughed as they walked out if the mall and around to the rear. 'You are asuming so much... he'll probably tell us to fuck off... or start screaming blue murder.'

'We'll see.' They walked unti they came to the loading area which was busy but further on a little there were a collection of the big bins and a group of scruffy and dirty looking people around a blazing brazier. One or two lay huddled in doorways covered in cardboard and one, just one, looked at them for a little while and walked over.

'Checking out the talent?' He looked at Dave with a cheeky smile and pulled the collar of his tatty jerkin up around his ears. He had a woollen fisherman's cap on which didn't flatter him but Steve noted especially the piecing grey eyes and straw coloured hair poking from the cap. This kid looked good in spite of the grime and the rather unpleasant smell emanating from his unwashed body. 'Who's your friend? Another Samaritan?' He spoke perfectly good English with a slight Eastern European accent.

'Hi Honek. This is my partner, Steve,' Dave took the bull by the horns, there was no point in messing around. 'Fancy a coffee?'

'Would I...'

'Walk up a bit, I'll get some takeaways,' Steve decided the boy's reply wasn't a question, it was just a funny way of saying yes. He left them and shot back upto the cafe. Dave could do the spadework. He was already convinced. The homeless and out of work boy was certainly no oil painting but what would he be like minus the disgusting clothing? Maybe a bit of the Buttery Chicken might be in order, maybe something it bit more romantic and lingering. He had spotted one fact, Honek or whatever his name was hadn't even flickered an eyebrow when Dave had announced he had a partner. Perhaps he hadn't picked up on it. He held the 'styrene cups on top of each other and galloped back down the stairs.

Dave and Honek were standing by the side of the main entrance avoiding the crowds wandering in and out, Steve smiled as he saw them. Beauty and the beast, Dave stood there supremely unconcerned with the falling snow flecking his thick black mop and Honek stood there shivering although his pretty face lit up in a smile when he saw the hot cups in Steve's hands.

'Get that down you,' Steve offered the first to the Polish boy who tore the top off like a savage and took a mighty gulp... this followed by choking and spluttering.

'I've just been talking to Honek,' Dave looked at Steve. 'It seems he's done some low level kitchen work in the past.'

'Really?' Steve turned his back on the wind and the blustery snowfall. 'What sort of low level stuff, Hon?'

'Washing up mainly,' the Pole admitted. 'Routine stuff like soups and spuds as well.'


'I was suggesting that he might like to stay with us over the holidays to get him of the streets...'

''Good idea,' Steve wrapped his hand around the hot mug. He smiled at Dave, that was two Christmas presnts on one day. 'Honek would have to fit in with our way of doing things though.'

'I understand that,' Honek murmured. 'I'd be extremely grateful to get out of this weather for a few days especially at this time of year.'

'We have lots of room,' Dave burbled on. 'There's only the two of us and a couple of lads who may or may not call around.'

'Mmmm...' Honek nodded. 'I can help with the cooking, housework or any other jobs you might have,' he gave Steve a quick grin.

'I'm sure you can,' Steve replied with a smile. He wasn't totally convinced but he was on the way. No homeless boy just takes up an offer to go with complete strangers. He either knew the dangers or perhaps he trusted them. Perhaps he even fancied them, stranger things have happened.'

'A bath and a change of clothing wouldn't go amiss,' Dave commented.

'I have no other clothing,' Honek blushed slightly in spite of the cold.

'No matter, we can find you something, getting you in a bath first is the priority ,' Dave said getting carried away as usual.

'Of course it is,' Honek replied dryly bringing a smirk to Steve's face. A brief moment later Dave laughed and Honek and Steve grinned.

'Ready when you are,' Dave made a point of looking at his watch. 'Do you want to say goodby to your pals.'

'I don't think so, they are strangers,' Honek jerked his head back at the alley down which the other vagrants lurked. 'They won't miss me.'

They walked back to the car, the two smartly dressed and well set up young English boys but the shorter and thinner Pole looking quite obviously a vagrant street boy drew a few curious glances but everyone was busy with their final shopping to care too much.

Dave sat in the back with the various packages and Honek sat up front as they set off through the snow which was now coming down quite heavily. They soon got to their house but the snow was laying heavy in the less used streets and the car slipped and crunched across snow that was going to lay. No way was this lot going to be cleared in the immediate future and if it kept going they could be housebound. No matter, they were both chefs and there was no shortage of food or drink for that matter.

'Nice place,' Honek commented as they finally got up onto the hardpad by the side of the house.

'We've only got the top half,' Steve explained as they vacated the vehicle leaving it to it's fate. One thing was for sure, the chances of theft from the hard standing right next to the house was slight and in a snow storm highly unlikely.

Once indoors they got their outer clothing off and started to warm up, the fire had been left on and the place was cosy if not hot. Once Honek removed his wooly hat he felt eyes on him, he grinned, he knew exactly what these two were after, he was just delighted to see that he hadn't been taken to a dismal garage for a group fuck. Perhaps they were gentlemen after all. He ruffled his scruffy golden blond hair until it stuck up like a raggedy terrier's. He removed his filthy trainers upon demand and was settled down on the sofa by the fire. To his surprise he was offered a whisky and whatever and made to feel quite at home, things were getting better and better,. He guessed any funny stuff would start at bathtime or immediately afterwards and wasn't particularly concerned. The offer to stay a week was good, no attached strings had been mentioned but he knew they were there all the same. He didn't care, he liked Dave and his pal, Steve was pretty sexy. He stretched his lomg legs and sighed with satisfaction.

'I'll sort you out a change of clothes,' Steve stood up and left him sitting with Dave soaking up the heat and savouring the bite of the drink, What a change from an hour ago, it almost made you believe in Christmas, he smiled his happiness at his change in fortunes.

Five minutes later Steve was back in with a plate of sandwiches and a bowl of soup on a tray. Honek tore into the God given food like a wolf and somewhere along the line he heard the bath being filled down the hall. Dave was doing the honours but Steve sat alongside him and waited until he had nearly finished his food.

'One small point, Honek.'

'Yes,' Honek answered politely. Steve was clearly the boss boy of the pair that had befriended him and Steve would probably be the one to lay out terms, he was dead right.

'We have three bedrooms here,' Steve was clearly uncomfortable but he pressed on. 'Dave has one, I have one and our two pals use one when they come around... it's their private little love nest.'

'Love nest?' Honek nearly dropped the tray. he also nearly burst out laughing but put his serious face on. 'They make love when they come around?'

'Oh, yeah,' Steve replied breezily. 'You know what boys are.'

Honek blushed a little but looked attentively at Steve, here came the punchline and once again he was right.

'I thought it better if you shared with Dave or myself, maybe a night with each.' Steve made his statement in a rush and then sat back to see what the reaction would be.

'Fine,' Honek said calmly. It was the very least he'd expected. 'Do I get to help out the young lovers?'

'If you want,' Steve laughed glad that his proposal had been to calmly accepted. 'They might like that.'

'Good,' Honek stretched. The food felt good inside his belly and he was beginning to feel the glow from the scotch. In fact, he was beggining to feel sexy. He hadn't had anything to do with anyone since leaving Norfolk. He'd had a couple of propositions in the early day when he was reasonably clean in London but not since drifting south. Mind you, walking around like a tramp didn't help but things were about to change and that was one thing he could forecast without a crystal ball. These two boy reeked sex and he was happy enough, they had what he needed and doubtless he had what they wanted. A partnership made in heaven or maybe the Guildford Shopping Centre.

'Your bath's ready when you are,' Dave peered from the small corridor that led to the bathroom. 'We have some clean gear sorted out for you.'

'Thank you,' Honek said and looked to Steve for guidance.

'Go on, have your bath,' Steve grinned. 'Have fun,' he disappeared into the kitchen and Honek was on his own. He stood and walked to the bathroom, now it began.

Dave stood in the bathroom but Honek had eyes only for the bath, there was the slight suggestion of steam rising from the water but the thing was foam filled, it looked like a bubble bath gone mad. 'I'll take your clothing.' Dave grinned. 'We'll stick it in the machine and see how it goes. There's a track suit, underwear and sox here.'

'Brilliant,' Honey looked at the dark haired boy who made no effort to leave. 'You watching?'

'No, no,' Dave grinned apologetically. 'just sling your gear out of the door.'

'No, stay,' Honek grinned. 'I'm gonna finish up in your bed, you may as well see what you're getting.' David just laughed and leant against the wall. This is just what he liked, a slender, good looking seventeen without too much false modesty and one who clearly knew what the score was. Wicked.

Honek stripped off slowly just dropping his clothing on the floor for Dave to collect, he wasn't deliberately flaunrting himself neither was he modest, he kept his back to Dave and then stepped into the bath without David even getting a glimpse of his front. What David did see and what excited him was that Honek had a tight little white arse that just cried out for groping. By the time he'd put what he could in the machine and crossed his fingers that the thing wouldn't blow up he could hear Steve with the TV on and quickly made his way back to the bathroom.

'I left the door unlocked,' Honek smiled from the bath. He was beginning to look a different boy already, his corn coloured hair was plastered down to his skull and the greyness and grime had disappeared, he was actually looking pink. He looked no older than many of the boys at the school.

'Shall I wash your back?' Dave quivered at the thought of getting his hand on the Pole's slippery body. Steve had clearly decided not to crowd the boy but Dave had no such compunctions, he wanted to see what was under the foam.

'You can do my front,' Honek replied with a cheeky grin.

'It's a deal,' Dave laughed. He was versatile and if truth be known he was more bottom than top, he just prayed that Honek didn't have a little willy, now that would be a letdown. He wasn't disappointed, as Honek rose from the water and finally faced him David smothered a grin. The Polish boy had a long and meaty cock hanging heavily from his lower belly. He wasn't hard or even half hard but it was inflated and gave Dave a delicious little flutter in the base of his gut. When it hardened up he expected big things, in fact, even soft Honek was packing more than Dave had expected. 'It's big,' he spoke without thinking and Honek laughed.

'It get's bigger,' Honek gave a little pelvic thrust and Dave moved in. Grabbing a sponge he reached up and rubbed it across Honek's well muscled chest paying particular attention to the boy's dark nipples. As he went down onto the boy's belly Honek turned around in the bath and presented his back, Dave was disappointed but he immediately rubbed down the pale skinned body before him and started on the deliciously springy bottom. Honek moaned and reached out to put his hands on the wall to push back onto Dave's soaping. Dave saw Honek slide his feet apart in the bath spreading his legs as if undergoing a police search and dropped the sponge. He massaged the jellylike buttocks running his fingers into Honek's crack feeling the Polish kid flinch and then wriggle his bum .

'Mmmmm.. nice,' Honek spoke to the wall and pushed his bottom out. It was a clear enough message for Dave and he gently prodded at Honek's pucker working one finger in as the boy moaned. He felt that Honek probably wasn't a virgin, he was taking things far too calmly but he was tight. If he'd been shagged it hadn't been for a long time. He slipped his hands between Honek's legs feeling he heavy balls becoming tight in their sac.

'Turn around, Hon.'

'Keep it at Hon, don't call me Hun, it sounds so camp,' Honek giggled and turned. Dave gasped, the slightly built kid was at full stretch and it was bit. Big, fat, meaty and dribbling. he grasped it's thickness and warmth working the loose skin too and fro.

Dave slowly drew the boy from the bath and guided him to sit on the edge. Honek went with it opening his legs as he perched on the rim and Dave knelt. He grined, he knew Dave had a need as much as he did and welcomed Dave's first laps with a sigh. He ruffled the dark boy's hair as Dave held his jerking penis steady and licked up the length and around the shaft. As a finale he sucked the end of Honek's bulging glans and then tenderly took it into his mouth. Dave jiggled Honek's scrotum but the boy's big balls were uptight... this was going to be quick.

Dave looked up at the smiling Pole and ducked his head taking as much of the thick shaft into his mouth as he could and then started to bob his head up and down on the blood bloated member.

'Ooh, yes. Oooh yes...' Honek whispered making little jabs up into Dave's eager mouth. Dave took it in as far as he could sucking, slurping and swallowing as he felt the bulbous red glans slide into the back of his throat and then it happened. Honek gave a little thrust up, his abs tautened, his bottom clenched and he shot a mass of cum deep into Dave's swallows.

Dave gulped and choked, he felt his mouth and throat full of young spunk, he swallowed once and was overcome by Honek's massive climax. At long last and messy seconds later he sucked and lapped the spillage from Honek's groin and the new houseguest pulled him up for a cum flavoured kiss. Dave squeezed Honek's deflated member extracting the last driblets and ducked to suck it clear, he smiled upwards to meet Honek's steady gaze.

'God that was good,' Honek grinned. 'Thank you, Dave. Thank you for everything.'

'You're welcome. You cum like a damn horse,' David wiped a smear of cum from his jaw and Honek took the hand licking his own spunk from Dave's finger.

'Now we fuck, eh?' He stood and pulled the English youth to his feet. 'We fuck like bunnies... yes?'

'Why not?' Dave grinned. He was in love... again and this Christmas, he, Steve and Honek were going to have fun all the way.

The End

Chapters 5a, 5b and 5c are out of the timeline for 'A Piece of Cake' although if time permits I might try a 5d bringing in Ross and Dustin


Next: Chapter 8

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