Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jan 2, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



5d - Honek and the boys

(told by Honek)


G. Cutter

Hi readers, you know me if you read the last Chapter. I'm Polish or of Polish stock I should say as I'm a naturalised Britisher. I'm also out of work, was a vagrant and now thanks to my new friends Dave and Steve. I know they're boarding me for the Christmas and New Year in exchange for endless sex but I don't mind that. To be brutally honest, I like it but take it or leave it. 'Strange are the ways of man', as I read in a book recently and there's nothing stranger than lads of fifteen upto nineteen in an all makle environment. These two were Junior Chefs in one of those big old English Public Schools by the way and lived just under a mile from the place. One of their dads was a pretty wealthy property developer and had let them have the top half of a house for free. I suspected something of a family history theere but didn't delve... Something like hiding away the black sheep of the family like in the old days, only they (the Brits) didn't have an Empire to banish them to nowadays.

Anyway, that's brought us upto date and I even got dragged into work with them. They were on holiday as the school was closed down until early in January but they had to go in on just one day in that dead period between the Boxing Day and the New year's Day, the twenty-seventh I think. It was Steve's idea for me to go in and give them a hand, he knew the Head CVhef would be there and he also knew that the Head Chef was looking for a couple of memials which is what they called the guys who kept the kitchen tidy, did the fetching and carrying as well as washed the pans. I was all for it, I needed a job and I was almost certain that if I had money incoming I'd be welcome to stay with them rent free... well, I'd pay rent but not in Pounds Sterling if you follow.

We drove over in the snow which seemed to have been falling on and off for over a week and met up with the other guys drafted in for what appeared to be a deepclean and sloshout. Dave and Steve told me they got extra lolly for it and they obviously got asked living virtually on top of the school. The cleanup even to my untrained eye was a joke. Washing out a deep fryer doesn't get it clean, it just get's it soapy to get technical. Grease is removed with caustic solutions and scale is removed by diluted hydrochloric acid. Purely by chance I was lecturing my two buddies on this point when the Head Chef walked across and asked who I was. Steve introduced me, mentioned my background and I got a job... easy as that. The Head Chef said that anyone who knew how to properly clean things would be an asset to the staff which was more than could be said for most of the others. This one got me a few frowns but more laughs so that was it, I was emplyed or would be when the school reopened.

They told me that I could go home as by now I had a key but I hung around, showing solidarity I suppose and it was just as well I did.

I was helping them sort out the outdoor store which they said was 'theirs', they did the stock control and and seemed to have the only keys. Once I saw the rolled up bedroll or a mix of canvas and sustsheets in the corner I realised that somwehow they managed to find time to get some use out of the place. I wondered if they brought other chefs in here or enticed schoolies, I would find out in due course but suddenly Steve looked u.

'Hansel and fuckin' Gretel,' he grinned.

'Huh,' Steve looked up and grinned. 'Mates of ours,' he briefly explained to me and I looked up to see two boys peering through the window when I was expecting to see a boy and a girl.

'Hi, Guys,' the darker of the two beamed as he and his pal came around to the door. He looked at me and Dave introduced me by name and said that I was staying with them. His tone and the impression he gave left no doubt as to my role in the household. I learnt that the dark attrtactive one was a Sixth Former called Dustin and his sandy haired pal was Ross, they lived a couple of streets away and were the boys that had been mentioned as users of the third bedroom. I could see why Steve and Dave found them attractrive, they were.

'We called around,' the sandy haired one spoke to Steve. 'We were hoping to use the room for the afternoon. You know, a private get together.'

'Yeah, no probs,' Steve replied. 'Just help yourselves.'

'The hidden key isn't hidden,' Ross looked puzzled. 'We looked everywhere.'

'Shit. 'We'll have to get one cut after the holiday,' Steve clicked his fingers as he remebered. 'We gave the spare to Honek.'


'Perhaps Honek wants to walk around with them,' Dave suddenly came to life. 'We're gonna eat here and will probably be here for the rest of the day.'

'I don't mind,' I smirked. I might get invited to join their little twosome or worstways I could watch the televsion. I was one man extra on the particulatr job they were doing or a 'spare prick at a wedding' as Steve put it. I may as well go home and sit in the warm. 'I'll put the key in it's hiding place, I don't need to carry it around with me.'

'True,' Steve nodded. 'Yeah, you go home with the boys, you're in sweet with the Head Chef although it may as well be a good idea and say ta-ta.'

I did just that and then bade my pals good bye before wandering up the road with Ross and Dustin. The snow was still underfoot although not as bAd as it had been and we chatted as we went along. It was perfectly clear that they were an item or lovers in another word.

'Steve told me the spare bedroom was reserved for friends from the school,' I remarked as we walked along.

'That's us,' Dustin laughed. 'Mind you, you could help us share it this afternoon if you want.' He looked at me and ran his tongue across his upper lip.

'He's so sexy when he does that,' Ross laughed. 'Slut that he is.'

'That's me,' Dustin giggled.

'How can I say no,' I grinned. Well, it had to beat watching the television and it was my turn to sleep with Steve tonight so it was my bottoming night. With Dave it was my topping night if you can follow. It was a perfectly straightforward arrangement, they shared me an i wondered what these two were like. Certainly younger at sixteen apiece but the younger the chicken the tastier or so they say.

We got home and I saw the downstairs kid Billy peering through the curtains. The downstairs neighbours were largely a mystery keeping very much to themselves but little Billy who was around twelve was always peeping and peering. Dave thought he was a little perve whereas Steve just thought he was a nosey little sod, for all that he was a good looking kid from what I'd seen of him. A pity he was so damn young.

'Oooooh... nice and warm in here,' Ross rubbed his hands and took his heavy camo jacket off, he must have got it from a giant soldier as it came down to his knees. The other one, Dustin, had a red ski jacket on and had the hood up making him look like a mouse peering froma hole, a bit like Kenny from South Park in fact.

I took my coat off and sat in front of the television whilst they made themselves at home and waffled around. It was pretty obvious that they were nervous with me there, the stranger but boldness won out in the end when the coffee arrived. They both sat on the sofa either side of me effectively sandwiching me and fell silent.

'Well, here goes nothing,' I reached out with one hand to feel Dustin. Ross missed out as I was holding my coffee mug in my right hand.

'Hey,' Dustin jumped but relaxed I was just feeling his crotch, nothing much to feel with his thick winter trousers on but at least it showed willing. Ross also reached out for me and he got luckier, I was still wearing my old jeans, just as old and threadbare but a damn sight cleaner now. Ross could feel my sex through the thinner material and chuckled.

'Horny boy,' he felt the outline of my half hard cock and gently squeezed the turgid meat. 'Nice one.'

'Thank you.' In spite of his thick winter trousers I could feel Dustin's beast awakening in it's nest. 'Gawd, I feel like slow gentle sex with a pair of schoolies,' I muttered.

'Your wish is our command,' Dustin whispered and stretched over to flicker his tongue in my ear. I hurriedly swilled my coffee, it seemed like we were ready to go. I hadn't had sex for six hours so I was pretty randy and the thought of the dark skinned boy and the paler one on me was elevating my condition from turgid to half hard, after that would come fully erect and then action if all went well.

'Let's go,' Ross croaked and put his mug on the floor. he stood and holding his hands out tugged Dustin and myself to our feet. Once in their room which was a bit chilly it was three way huddle and the first step was the winter warmers were dropped and then the more complcated taskof removing boots and socks. Ater that it was plain sailing as we rolled around on the bed exploring each other until we finished up with me in my boxers and them in briefs. Both of them were well formed if slender and Dustin was definitely after my stiffy whereas Ross was far more interested in my bottom. They had my boxers off before I had their briefs off put it that way. Dustin was all giggles and he was soon down on me sucking away as Ross paid attention to my back end kissing and lapping at my cheeks making plain where his preference was at, I didn't really care, most threeways are a matter of swings and rondabouts it just depended on how long the stamina held and sixteen year olds had loads of that.

I noticed a change of tempo when Ross spread my cheeks and started to lick into my crack, I wriggled around as he really got into it and them came the lube, KY or something similar I reckon but it was nice and smooth. I sighed and groaned when his first finger entered m,e and he hit the spot at his first go. Vey experieced boy and Dustin to my fron was nipping off my scrotum to stop my balls risinmg and the inevitable. I was quite pleased I'd left Dave and Steve to their work this was fun, I'd been expecting clumsy schoolkids and got two experts. Ros had two fingers in me which I appreciated, he didn't have to as after Steve I could certainly handle him but it showed concern. Then again perhaps he just liked finger fucking a tight Polish arse... who knew. Dustin annointed my hardon with the lube and I wondered what was going on having quite expected to give the flood orally but he turned around and pushed his sweet boy fanny onto me. How could I say no.

I didn't. I smeared my glans up and down inside his crack and took him with a slow but firm thrust and he sighed his satisfaction as I got hqalf of it straight in and then began to fuck the rest of the way into his delicious derriere. God, he was so good puching back onto my slow thrusts but then Ross came to life. He slipped inside me quite easily and after we got ourselves comfortable it was a party. I fucked Dustin and once he caught his timing Ross fucked into me, I was getting the best of both worlds. I hadn't even done a double with Dave and Steve, they shared me but alone. The only thing I'd done as a trio witht hem was give Steve a blow job watched by Dave on day one.

These two, however, were goers. Ross was like a rabbit and Dustin was banging back onto my stif cock like he wanted to swallow it. The thing was I wasn't small (or so Dave says and he's an expert) but Dave in spite of moaning and groaning was shoving his sweet arse back onto me in a fury. I cum into him and he accepted my squirts and splashes whilst Ross continued his shag into my well used bottom.

Their one variation was that Dustin slipped from me and turned. Moving up the bed his shoved his big boy cock into my mouth and I sucked away contentedly as Ross worked his way to a climax. He was good that sandy haired boy, he did a decent cum inside me and then stayed in tight and slowly fucking on his own mess until Dustin finally cum his lot into my mouth. Ah, the sweet spunk of youth as some poet somewhere must have said. It was almost eatable and I spread his final offering around my teeth as he slipped down my body to kiss. Ross was still moving in my messy bottom but he reached out for Dustin and they embraced with me sandwiched in the middle. It was good, in fact, it was my first threesome. I'd been expecting Dave and Steve to go the same way but they seemed to prefer one on one, these kids liked the group sex, perhaps they picked it up at school. I'd heard things about these so called English public schools and wondered how true they were. Now I had a job in the place perhaps I might find out. Still, Dave and Steve would guide me and keep me safe... hopefully.

I shared a bath and shower with my two new temporary 'masters'and then we knocked up some sandwiches which seemed the staple diet of the house. Dish of the Day: Sandwiches, sandwiches and soup now and then. No wonder we were all slimbos, two chefs in the house and all they did was make sandwiches. Still, I mustn't moan... they provided horny sixteen year old boys in pairs and you didn't get that sort of service in many cafeterias.

We relaxed and watched the television which wasn't that bad over the Christmas period. They both moaned at what was being shown but it had to beat sleeping in cardboard and listening to some wino trying to sing Madam bloody Butterfly in the middle of the night.

We were crammed on the sofa sitting in damp towels which had slipped off as we ate. Needless to say with warm boy flesh either side I soon popped a stiffy and they also filled out, it looked like it was time for the second round.

'I fancy a two cock tango,' Ross grinned and glanced at me. 'You up for it, Hon?'

'Where do I fit in?'

'Inside me and I'll give my pal, Dusty, a nice slow blow.'

'Yummy,' Dustin giggled. I had the funny feeling Dustin would be creeping up on me before the afternoon was out but no matter, he was nice and I was getting harder at the thought of Ross' snowy white buttocks and he did have a fine arse... grrr. Dustin was much darker skinned and he hadn't fucked yet but he was going to. I might be Polish but I'm not stupid, all they were going to do was a variation of the earlier game. Suited me, at least we were all loosened up now, no need for messy lube, just a bit of spit would do the trick..

There was a bit of a shuffle around and this time Ross lay on his back in the centre of the bed and raised his knees to his chest exposing his pink pucker. Dustin knelt astride his head loking down at him and Ross reached out to guide Dustin's dark skinned cock to his mouth. I moved in closer and pushed my hardnes up against Ross' pucker, he was nice and slippery with sweat and I suspect he'd given himself a swipe with the lube as I gave a slow and gentle push and slid intohim without any effort at all. I closed my eyes as I felt his sweet arse clamp around me and his hot body accepted me an inch at a time. Ross was sucking away at Dustin and he;d my waist as I started to fuck. It was too good to last and as I'd suspected Dustin slipped free from Ross's mouth and scuttled behind me geting between my elgs and slid right in with his saliva coated cock.

'Oooof...' I pushed into Ross, Dustin pushed into me and we were off on another sweaty and energy sapping sesssion of sexual rock and roll. I had the feeling with these two horny schooles we were going to be at it all afternoon... or at least until the first heart attack.

Steve and Dave rolled up around four in the afternoon and they must have felt they's stepped into a Slack Alice Convention but they didn't care. They joined in and some very curious five way combinations developed but, as they say, that is another story.

The End

The regular Series now picks up again although I've got in such a mess with the characters there may be a few 'anomalies' ... well, what's new? It's not Shakespeare, Dickens or even Enid Blyton, it's a bit of fun.


Next: Chapter 9

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