A Piss Too Far

By Michael Prymula

Published on Aug 5, 2022



Disclaimer: the characters in this story are owned by TV Tokyo and I do not make any money from it.

summary: Ash finds himself caught short after a battle with Misty, will he make it in time?

category: gay/celebrity

Ash Ketchum was a bright-eyed 10-year old boy from Pallet Town who dreamed of one day becoming a Pokemon Master. That dream hadn't quite become reality yet(he still thought it was bogus that in his match against Ritchie that Bulbasaur had been deemed knocked out just because it was hit with sleep powder and that he gotten screwed over because Charizard suddenly stopped obeying his orders which really shouldn't have counted against him, Richie later confided that he'd thought about asking Sparky to attack Charizard and potentially provoke him into attacking, but then he himself might be disqualified) but he sure as hell wasn't giving up. He was often away from home a lot which made his mother Delia worry, but for the summer after the Pokemon League he was staying home for a while and enjoying just hanging out in his hometown much to her delight. He was particularly excited for today because Misty was coming to visit him, Ash had always had a thing for her but his pride prevented him from saying it to her face(plus her still hounding him about that damn bike of hers that he totally didn't mean to destroy didn't help) she wanted to challenge him to a rematch due to their gym battle having been interrupted by Team Rocket, so they'd never really gotten to see who was better. Today was going to change all that, Ash was so excited that he downed several tall glasses of milk and OJ without thinking and rushed off before Delia had a chance to remind him to use the bathroom before he left. It was a nice breezy sunny day and Ash was wearing his blue-polyester running shorts with black stripes(from the episode "The Pi-Kahuna") and loving how good they felt against his skin. Misty had told him to meet her at the lake just outside of town where they'd first met, Ash agreed readily.

Misty greeted him and Ash smiled when he saw her pretty face, but he didn't want to get too distracted. He was after all determined to prove he was the superior trainer. They agreed to a 2 on 2 match just like they had at the gym. Ash chose Tauros and Misty was about to choose Starmie when Psyduck came out against her own will, Misty protested but Brock(who was refereeing the match) said it counted, Misty was about to argue when she remembered Psyduck's special power and agreed. Ash ordered Taurus to use Takedown, Psyduck frantically ran around trying to avoid it but kept getting knocked in the air over and over again, it looked like it was over until Tauros collided with Psyduck's head giving it a headache. Misty immediately grinned as she knew it was her time to turn things around, she ordered Psyduck to use confusion, which led to Tauros getting confused and running headlong into several nearby trees injuring itself, then she had Psyduck use Psychic to lift Tauros around and bash him into the ground repeatedly. Ash was frantically trying to get Tauros to snap out of it but it was no use and soon he fainted. Ash couldn't believe it, Misty had just knocked out one of his best Pokemon with one of hers that had caused her so much trouble. Misty was naturally pretty smug about this. That wasn't the only problem for Ash, his bladder was beginning to make its presence known, he was really starting to regret drinking so many fluids and rushing off without relieving himself. But he couldn't run off right now in the middle of a battle, he didn't want Misty to poke more fun at him and let her think he was trying to run off on her. So Ash chose Pikachu, even if Psyduck was powerful it was still a water type and no match for Pikachu. Misty's luck ran out as Psyduck once again forgot it's own moves and quickly got blasted by thunder, knocking it out quick.

Misty finally went with her original choice of Starmie, as even with it's type being at a disadvantage it was still pretty powerful. It used tackle against Pikachu, knocking it into a tree and injuring it, but Ash fired back with Thunderbolt, Starmie dodged it and used Water Gun, which blasted Pikachu good. That rushing water really made Ash's bladder start to tremble now, he moved one leg in front of the other and crossed them as tight as he could, he hoped this battle would be over soon so he could go and relieve himself, the last thing he wanted was to soak his shorts in front of Misty, as she would never let him hear the end of it for sure. Pikachu used Thunderbolt again and it travelled up the stream of water and hit Starmie head on, both Pokemon were exhaused but Starmie fell down half a second sooner. Brock declared Ash the winner, Ash normally would've gloated to Misty but with his urine trying to force it's way out he really didn't have time to dilly-dally around so he quickly thanked Misty for a good match, gathered up his Pokemon and ran off into the woods. Misty was surprised that Ash hadn't rubbed his victory in her face and wondered exactly where he was in such a rush to get to.

Ash frantically ran as fast as his legs could carry him with Pikachu riding on his back, he just needed to get far enough from Misty so he could relieve himself in the woods. Unfortunately today was not his lucky day as there were several trainers and Pokemon around, and didn't want to get in trouble with exposing himself, so he figured his only option was to get to Ceruelan City and use the bathroom at the Pokemon Center. He'd thought about rushing back home after the battle, but he didn't want his mom to give him another lecture about using the bathroom before he left and saying "I Told you So"(and she would probably tell Misty and she would laugh at him over it), besides he needed to get his Pokemon healed anyways and since Pallet Town had no Pokemon Center, he had to go to Cerulean to heal his Pokemon there. Finally he was nearing the end of the route and the trainers and Pokemon finally seemed to disappear, Ash was relieved, maybe he wouldn't have to wait til reaching town after all. He went off to the ride of the road behind a tree and was just about to lower his shorts and underwear down when he heard the roar of a motorcycle behind him, Ash startled nearly peed himself turning around to see Officer Jenny on her bike near him. "You better not have been doing what I think you were doing because public urination is illegal!" she said in her commanding voice. Ash stammered frantically trying to explain that he just thought he saw something, Jenny didn't sound entirely convinced but decided to let him go for now. Ash thought about asking her for a ride back to town but she left before he could, besides that would've required him to admit he really was trying to urinate in public and potentially lead to him getting in trouble(Which his mom and Misty would never let him live down no doubt).

Ash was seriously in trouble now, he'd never been this desperate in his entire life before. Every step was agony as he felt his yellow liquid slosh around like a full pitcher of lemonade. The thought of lemonade gave Ash a bladder spasm causing him to lose a few spurts into his boxers. He frantically moved into town as fast as he could, finally the Pokemon center came into view and he eagerly rushed inside. He dropped off his Pokemon to be healed and frantically asked Nurse Joy where the bathroom was, his heart sank when she told him it was currently closed for cleaning. Ash had come so far only to be denied relief, he could try Misty's gym but it was on the other side of town and there was no way he'd make it that far. He then saw a water fountain nearby and got an idea, he faked tripping and falling into the fountain, totally drenching his clothes and allowing himself to finally let out his pent pee without anyone knowing about it. Ash shuddered at how good his relief felt and was surprised to find himself getting hard as a result. Did he truly enjoy the feeling of a full bladder? He got his answer when stroked himself through his clothes and felt like he was hit by a freight train as an intense orgasm rushed through him, he wanted to just lie there in the fountain relaxed, but some other people were coming up and looking at him funny so he quickly came to his senses and got out, sitting on a nearby bench so the sun could dry him out. Eventually his Pokemon were healed and he headed back home to tell his mom of his victory against Misty, Delia couldn't resist bringing up how he'd left without using the bathroom, though Ash said he'd handled it fine and resolved to not forget in the future. Little did she know Ash was planning on doing it again, this time on purpose, he wanted to really soak his shorts with piss this time around on purpose without them already being soaked with water to see how it would feel. He wondered how intense his orgasm would be this time?

He downed several large glasses of soda and lemonade at lunch time and mixed up some berries for some juice, he went to the bathroom and flushed the toilet without relieving himself to make his mom think he was being responsible, the rushing water made his bladder shudder in anticipation. He then ran off to the forest saying he was going to try and catch some Pokemon, fortunately since it was lunch-time the forest was considerably quieter then before, letting Ash find a nice-secluded spot by the lake to carry out his plan. He called on Squirtle and asked him to use Water Gun on him, Squirtle was puzzled at first but obeyed, shooting a stream of water at Ash's face, Ash opened his mouth wide and the stream of water shot right down his gullet and into his stomach, he drank until he physically couldn't anymore, shutting his mouth and ordering Squirtle to stop. His bladder was really bloating his stomach now, and he was super-desperate again, only this time he had no intention of being a good little boy, he was going to be a naughty one, loving the feelings of pain and pleasure eminating from his groin with his bladder being pushed far beyond its limits and his penis getting harder and stiffer then it had ever been in his entire life, the pressure built more and more until finally the dam burst wide open and his pee flooded out of like a water ride at a theme park, his shorts were drenched in seconds(Due to him opting to go commando this time around as he loved the feel of the fabric of his shorts against his shaft)and his pee was flooding out of him like there was no tomorrow, he groaned loudly at his epic relief and stroked himself through his shorts, loving the feel of the wet urine soaked fabric against his penis and suddenly his whole world went white as he cried out with joy as he was hit by pleasure intense it brought tears to his eye, he felt like he'd just been thunderbolted by dozens of Pikachu's at once as his epic orgasm coursed through him. Ash shot what felt like bucketloads of cum into his shorts alongside his insane stream of piss, finally after several minutes his stream leveled off and his orgasm died down, he felt like he was boneless now, totally drained from his release, as much as he wanted to just lie here and take a nap, he couldn't risk anyone, especially Misty, of finding him in a compromising position, so he had Squirtle use Water Gun on his clothes, hoping to cover up the smell of piss and cum. This had definitely been one of the best days Ash had ever had, he was absolutely going to do this again for sure. He then wondered to himself if Misty and her sisters also had a similar fetish.

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