A Prince Named Justin

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on May 22, 2000


Ok, I have attempted to write many stories, only I do not get to finish them, and I have to start all over.This involves *Nsync.It dates back to the early 1500's.Now, they are not officially a group in this story.They each have individual parts.I do not know if they are homosexuals, and really do not know their true sexuality.Therefore this is just a story.There is another story I have posted, you may find it in the Sci-Fi-Fantasy section.It is called "The Witch Boy".Personally I find it is the most stupidest story I could ever come up with, but if you like, check it out.On with this story.

The sun had just come up over the horizon.The town was still asleep.It layed in the hands of its kingdom.The town was built inside the walls,which was also connected to the castle.So for anyone to leave the kingdom would have to leave through the front gate. At the castle, a man had just reached the top of the belltower.He was out of breath and was finally glad he had made it up all the way before the sun was fully above the horizon.He then pulled the rope which was attached to the bell, and soon the "ding" of the bell could be heard all throughout the kingdom."The prince has been born!The prince has been born!" He yelled at the top if his lungs, hoping to be heard over the bell. Soon the whole town was up.The occasional noise of the whole kingdom everyday, had woken again on this very special day.The bellman smiled to himself.For he, just as the city, was happy the prince had finally come. Inside the castle, in the Queens room,Queen Isabella held her charming prince.He was a small little thing.He slept peacefully in her arms as she held him.Isabella smiled."Justin.That is what I will name him."she told her servant Babette.The queen looked at the painting of her husband who was now dead.He had died in battle.She missed him so much.She had lost a great man, and now another entered the world."If only he were here to see his only son in my arms." She said. Babette looked at the queen."He knows." was all Babette said. On that same morning,deep in the forest,a little ways from the kingdom, inside a tiny little cottage was a woman and her husband smiling at a newborn of their own."He's beautiful." The mother Abigail said. "Yes, he is." The father Jacob replied back. Abigail put her son in the baby carriage the father had made himself.They both looked down at their baby boy, and smiled as he rested.For they both knew this boy was very special. *16 years later* "Your highness!Your highness!" Babette yelledas she barged through the door of the thrown room, and placed herself in fron of the Queen. Isabella looked at her.She laughed."Why Babette, what is it?You look terrifed." Babette looked at the her Queen with tear filled eyes. "It concerns that son of yours!He has done it again!" Babette said with worry in her voice.Isabella rolled her eyes.She knew it would concern her son. "What did he do?" Babette held up a dead snake."This!I found it in my bed when I awoke!It was slithering under my covers, so I jumped out of bed and screamed bloody murder, then I picked something up and killed it.That is when I saw your son sitting in the wooden chair in my room laughing his head off.That is when he told me he put it there.He told me I really shouldn't try and sleep past dawn!" Isabella could not help but laugh. "Well I am sorry to hear what he has done,but of all concerns, he was just tring to get you out of bed.Babette, you have not been looking so well.I am getting concerned for you.You have been late to dinner.You have not been cleaning as well as you used to.What is wrong?" Just then, Isabella's son walked in.The people in the thrown room along with Babette and the Queen Isabella, bowed when he entered."My is he just charming."A woman said to a man who was standing beside her. Everyone stared at the handsome Prince.He was a gorgeous sight.His body was that of a god.He had a muscular chest,and a tight stomach that had devloped abs during his life of growth.He stood a good 6'1, and was about as tall as his father would have been.His curly blond hair was one of the things that made him unique.In all the land there was no one with such hair as his.His lips were the color of a rose after a it had been sprinkled with rain.His fair skin had made him look like he was an angel.But what everyone loved most about the prince, was his eyes.His eyes were a never ending color of blue.When people would look into his eyes, the blue seemed to never fade.It stayed a bright blue.His eyes would spark even more to life when he smiled. Babette pointed to Justin."That is what is wrong!I cannot sleep at night.He sneaks into my room and sets little traps and things.I always seem to step in them, or fall for them.I even have to kill them!"Babette said holding up the dead snake to show Isabella once more. Justin walked down the red velvet carpet that lead the the throne, and stood beside Babette."Justin, I am really tired of what you have been doing to Babette.It is wrong.Now apologise to her." Isabella told him.Justin turned to Babette and patted her on the back."Look i'm sorry, I promise there will be no tricks." He told her with a big smile on his face. Babette stood there for a second."I accept your apology." She finally said.She turned around and made her way to the door.She heard a couple of laughs from the room.One of them was Justin's, and she could tell the rest had to have been from the people who stood beside the Queen.'What could be so funny?' she thought to herself as she walked out the door. Isabella looked at her son."What?" he asked her as if he were innocent."You really should stop playing tricks on her." Isabella told him. "What did I do?" he asked with a little laugh in his voice. "That "kick me" sign that you put on her back.That was not nice."Isabella said also with a little laugh in her voice."Oh,mom, that couldn't have been me.I am an angel.I would never do stuff like that to her." Justin said jokingly.The whole room laughed including Isabella at the thought of Babette walking around the castle with the "kick me" sign Justin had just put on her back. Justin rode his horse out of the castle gates and into the forest.He had to think, and get away from all the people.All he needed was some time to think. ~In the forest~ "Nicholas!Nicholas!" Abigail yelled.She waited for a reply to come through the evergreen trees that surrounded her little cottage.She picked up her dress as if not to step on it and walked into her house."I swear, that boy is always in the forest playing with the animals.He doesn't do anything but sing, and play in the forest." Jacob looked up from his writng and smied at his wife. "You look quite funny when your mad darling." Abigail laughed. Just then the door to the small cozy kitchen opened.A 16 year old boy walked in.He was a sight to see.He stood about 5'9, and was solid built.He had somewhat of a muscular chest, and broad shoulders.He was slim in the stomach.He did not have much of some abs.His face was gorgeous.His lips were a very pale pink,and his complection was somewhat of a white color.His hair was black.As black as the night sky.And what made him the most gorgeous to his parents was his eyes.They were blue.Blue as the sky on a sunny day.In all the boys parents time,they had never seen somone with black hair and blue eyes. "Nicholas!There you are!"Jacob said.Nicholas sat down at the table.He realised that breakfast was on the table, and he could tell it was cold.Thereofre he realised he was late.Again. "Oh I am sorry Mother, Father.I was just-" e was cut off by his mother and father saying at the same time "in the forest loving the peace and quiet." Nicholas felt ashamed.His parents knew him all to well.Well almost. "Nicholas, we need to talk to you about you and marriage."Jacob told his son putting his feather pen down to rest from his writing. Nicholas groaned."We have already talked about this.I am not ready." Jacob looked at his son. "Son, you cannot stay here forever.You need to go out and explore the women and see which one you would like to marry." Nicholas got up. "No!I do not want to talk about this!" He ran out the door. Abigail looked at her husband. "Now look what you have done." Nicholas ran.He didn't know where he was running to, but he knew he had to get away from his parents.The morning sun shown down through the trees.Nicholas had to get away for a while and think.He headed for a clearing.He was almost there when he bumped into something big and white.The thing knocked him down.Whatever had knocked Nicholas down, was now nuzzling his face.He looked up to find that it was a white horse. "Oh hey fellow." Nicholas said petting him. "His name is Carset." A voice said.Nicholas looked to find a boy about his age on the back of the horse.Nicholaslooked at him. For some reason Nicholas felt oddly attracted to the boy. The boy had curly blond hair, and blue eyes.He couldn't tell how tall he was, but could easily tell he had a body.His clothes were fancy.He had on a suit, which was gold, and laced over with black lace.His boots were shined, with a gold buckle on it.Th boy got off the horse, and held a black gloved hand out to Nicholas, beckoning him to grab it so he could help him up. "Thanks." Nicholas said as he was helped to his feet.The boy just smiled.At that moment Nicholas felt his heart skip a beat. 'What is it that I feel for this young boy?' he thought. "Well you look like you were in a hurry." The boy told Nicholas. Nicholas felt embarassed realising that this boy had saw him run into his horse. "Yeah I guess you could say I was." Nicholas replied.He started to walk towards the open filed which was just a short feet away.The boy grabbed the reins on his horse and turned it around.He pulled the horse along while he made his way beside the boy."So why?" the boy asked."Why what?" Nicholas aksed not knowing what he meant. "Why were you in a hurry?" the boy said. "Just was." Nicholas replied back."Oh." was all the boy said.They reached the field."Wow." the boy said aloud. Nicholas turned to the boy with a wierd look. "Never seen a field before?" Nicholas asked. The boy shook his head no. Nicholas laughed. "Why are you laughing?"The boy asked. "Nothing." Nicholas siad still laughing. "Well excuse me if you find it quite funny, but where I come from, fileds don't exist."The boy told Nicholas.Nicholas stopped laughing."Where are you from?" The boy looked at him. "Thats for me to know, and you to never find out."Nicholas looked at the boy in an angry way. "Well pardon me, sir.I just asked, because I have never seen you around these parts before.In fact, I know you do not live around here."Nicholas said walking through the grassy soil. "How would you know for a fact I am not from these parts?Just because you have never seen me around here does not mean I am not from here." Nicholas stopped.The boy stopped as well with his horse.Nicholas spoke."Well surely if you lived in these parts, you would not have such fancy clothing.And such a beautiful horse." The boy laughed. "Well excue me Mr.I think I know everything." he said. Nicholas turned away angry at his comment, and started to walk towards the other side of the field where there was an opening in the trees. "Where are you going?" The boy called pulling on his horses riens while running to catch up with Nicholas. "Somewhere to get away from people who have no respect." Nicholas said. "So are you referring to me?"The boy said jokingly."Your just one of the many." Nicholas replied.The boys smile disappeared."Hey!" he said. Nicholas stopped. "Whats the matter?Mr.Elegant get offended?" Nicholas said sarcastically. The boy smiled to cover up his hurt,and acted as if everything was ok. "No,just noticed that you are a very rude person." The boy said.Nicholas smiled and started walking. "That would be me." The boy walked along beside him.They reached the opening of the trees, and went deeper into the forest. "So where exactly are you going?" The boy said."My secret spot.Which means, you Mr.Fancy Pants has gotta go." Nicholas replied. "Oh, well thats to bad, because I was enjoying your company."The boy said."Oh well I am so sorry -, hey what is your name?" Nicholas asked realising this boy had not introduced himself."Justin." He replied."I thought you would know me." Justin said to Nicholas.Nicholas laughed. "I have never seen or heard you before in my life." Justin looked shocked.Then he smiled."Thats good to know." They started walking. ' Finally someone who doesn't holler or scream my name.This boy doesn't know I am royalty.I feel as if I have a normal life.' Justin thought to himself.'This is a good feeling.' Justin looked at the boy. And what is your name. "Nicholas." Nicholas answered. Justin looked at the boy.He found the boy to be very handsome. 'Whoa!I know I am not interested in him.Or nay other male for that matter.I am a male, and I cannot be liking other men.' He looked at the boy again.His heart skipped a beat. 'Wow!This boy...' They walked until Nicholas stopped.Justin looked around.It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.They were at a waterfall, with a pool of water at the feet of its dropping water.There were trees all around, and all that could be heard was the sound of the waterfall.They stood on a rick that was high above the pool of water.Justin looked over at the boy and studied him.He blended right in with the beautiful scenery.Justin fought his urge to try and kiss those lips.Justin tied up his horse to a tree, and sat down with Nicholas on the rock and enjoyed the scenery. Ok, there is that chapter.I am really hoping everone likes it.I would love to start a chapter 2.But I need encouragement to do so.If anyone likes it please email me, and I will see about chapter 2, because I know this is going to leave you in suspense about what may happen to Justin and Nicholas. email me at stardreamer_15@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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