A Prince Named Justin

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on May 24, 2000


Ok, I had many people asking for a chapter 2.I really do pray that this will be posted.I really do not want to let all you guys down with never seeing what happens in this story.Any questions, email me at stardreamer_15@hotmail.com.Remeber, this has the guys from Nsync in it, but I do not know of thier sexulaity.So don't ask me ok?Each guy has an individual part.Now you may read chapter 2.


The stars had just begun to appear in the night sky when Justin and Nicholas had realised it was time for them to make thier way home.They had started to talk about thier favorite things to do, and ended up talking about numerous conversations afterwards.

Justin did not tell Nicholas he was a prince.Nor did he live in a castle.Justin could not tell what kind of feelings he had for this boy, but he could tell they were not normal.The boy made Justin feel like he was somebody.Not a prince.The boy talked to him as if he were just a normal person.Justin felt very attracted to this boy.He knew it was not normal to have feelings for a male, but he could not help it.He found it surprising he liked the feeling.

Nicholas had felt the same way.Evrytime he had looked at Justin,his heart would skip so many beats, that he found it hard to breathe.The boy was gorgeous to him.His smile was what Nicholas liked about the boy.And his eyes.Everytime he would see Justin smile, he had to smile as well.He could not hep it.

"Well I better be gone now." Justin said getting up. "I know this is wierd to say, but I am glad that I-" He laughed before finishing. "I meant, I am glad you ran into my horse today.Therefore,I have met you, and I am glad that I did."

Nicholas smiled. "I am glad as well." And he meant it.The boys stood there and looked at the waterfall.It was more beautiful at night.Nicholas and Justin both watched as the water came over the edge high above them,with the moonlight following its trace to the pool below.

"Wow that is quite a sight." Justin said speaking for both of them. Nicholas watched as Justin stepped over to the tree and untied his horses reigns from it.Justin hopped on the back of the horse, sitting on the fancy saddle,and looked at Nicholas.

"I do hope we can meet again.I really really enjoyed your company."Justin said. Nicholas could not help but blush.He turned away towards the waterfall so Justin could not see his red face in the moonlight. "Goodbye mate." Justin said turning his horse around and steering it to the open field."Goodbye!" Nicholas called to him as he rode away.Soon he was out of sight, and Nicholas could not help but feel lonely.He looked at the waterfall one last time, and turned and walked towards home.

Justin rode his horse towrds his castle.His smile was more bright than his eyes.He rode his horse into the castle gates, and stopped it in front a little house that sat right by the gate he had just come into.He got off, and went to the door.He knocked on it.

"WHO IS IT?!" someone yelled from behind the door."It is I, Prince Justin." Justin replied.The voice behind the door got softer and sweeter."Oh, Prince Justin I am so sorry." The woman said as she opened the door for him."It is quite alright.I really wish you stop acting as if I am royalty." Justin said. "But you are-" The woman was cut off by Justin. "Please.I am your sons friend, and that is all I asked to be treated like." He said. The woman smiled.She always loved the way Justin said that.

"Mom I thought I heard someone knock on the-Jutin!" a young man said as he entered the room.It was the womans son.His name was Joshua Chasez.He was a peasant who lived inside the castle gates.Normally this would not have been accepted with peasants, but Justin had spot them long ago when Justin was about 8,sitting on the side of the dirt road that led to the castle.They looked so poor, and Joshua's mother was on the verge of dying because she had no food to eat.Joshua was fine, because his mother would steal food from on coming travelers, and always fed him. "My son always comes first." The woman had told Justin as he picked them up and took them to the castle.Justin bought them a little home, and Joshua and his mother were greatful.

Now over the years Justin and Joshua became best friends.And now here they were.Joshua,who was older than Justin,(21) stood 5'11, with brown hair, hazel eyes.His shoulders were broad, but he was very skinny.Unlike Justin, Joshua had more of Nicholas's body.'If I put them side by side, they would almost be twins.'Justin thought to himself.

"How are you doing Justin?" Joshua asked. "I am doing well." He replied.

Joshua looked at Justin for a moment."So where have you been all day?" Joshua asked. Justin looked shocked."I went riding.On Carset.I had to do some thinking."Justin said. "Your mother told me you had left.I felt bad, because if I would have known you had other plans I would not have come by today like usual to practice our arrowing." Joshua said.

"Oh I am sorry!"Justin said realising what Joshua meant. Justin felt bad.Him and Joshua had an everyday thing to go out and practice shooting arrows.Justin had realised he had missed it that day and felt bad.

Joshua smiled."That is ok.I wasn't looking forward to it anyway.I have not been myself latley." Joshua said.

"Well, anyways,we have to go.Remember James wanted to talk to us.He is going to give us the goods on what happens this week."Justin told Joshua."Oh yeah, ok.Bye mom."Joshua said as he walked out the door with Justin.

James (Lance) was a wizard.He was the most powerfulest in all the land.His magic frightend some.And delighted others.He knew past, future, and present.He also did ritual spells, and healed those who were badly injured.Justin and Joshua loved Lance.They would go to his little cave, that he lived in, and stay there till hours end.James looked that of a young man.He had blond hair, and green eyes.His body was hard to describe because he always wore a velvet robe that seemed to stretch on the ground around his feet for miles.It was quite big.He always had a staff in his hand.His staff was quite elegant.The long 5'8 staff handle was made of nothing but diamonds.And at the very top was a crystle clear ball.It was about the size of Justins fist.

They came out of the house just as James came through the gate.The wooden door closed behind him.

Justin and Joshua smiled.James walked up to him with his serious expression he always had on his face.

"Today."James said."Today I have a premoniton.One of many things."He looked at Justin. "Are you ready to hear it?" He asked Justin.Justin nodded his head yes.

Joshua stood there.He always watched while James told Justin his premonitons of him.Joshua was always scared to get his done, so he watched Justin.

"You young prince, are growing into a man.With this growing, comes feelings.New feelings.You will start to fall for someone.And when I mean fall for someone, your heart starts to grow to the person, and you begin to love.But this love you will have, is not a normal one.This love is unique.You will begin to change, for this person will teach you many things.You must be careful though.This love is very fragile."James told Justin.

Justin was shocked.He had never heard this come from ames before.He had never heard these words ever come out of his mouth. "Who is this person?" Justin asked. "You will see in time.When your heart calls to this one special being.When your heart starts to call the name of this person everynight before you dream,and calls to this being, the moment you wake.This person will be someone big in your life.The question is, will the others around you,see this person from your point of view?Will they accept this, or let both your hearts fade away from each other?"James said. Justin stood there.

James said goodbye and walked away.Joshua looked even more baffled than Justin was."What did he mean?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know, but I can't wait to find out."Justin said as him and Joshua made thier way to the castle to eat dinner.

Nicholas laid in his bed.He could not get the boyout of his mind."Justin." he said to himself."Gosh that is a beautiful name." Nicholas closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

He woke the next morning to a bright shiny day.He put on his clothes, and made his way downstairs and out the door.He walked to the trees and entered its vastly green world.His mind was still on Justin.He pictured them walking hand in hand along through the forest, and talking about such.Then his mind pictured to them living alone in a cozy little house,with the warmth of the fire in the fireplace crackling as they lay on the floor holding one another.His mind quickly went to another thought of what it would be like to live with Justin.What typoe of boy was he?Was he the type who got up in the early dawn and went to do what men love to do?Hunt.?Or was he the type to lay there and snuggle with him till the middle of the day?And was he the type to be willing to keep promises and speak nothing but the truth, and always keep his word?Or was he the type to lie and tell him things that were not true to make himself look good and Nicholas fall for his every word?

Nicholas reached the field and started to walk across it to the oening of the trees that lead to the waterfall.

His mind wandered back to Justin.He pictured them flirting, and hugging and kissing.And Justin and Nicholas riding Carset together through the field laughing and enjoying the wind blowing through thier hair.Nicholas groaned. 'What am I thinking?I could never be with him. He isn't like me. He is a full fledged boy.I probaly will never see him again anyway.'

Nicholas walked through the opening and heard the water from the waterfall up ahead.As he neared closer he saw Carset. 'what?' Nicholas asked himself.He neared closer and saw somone sitting on the rock.The boy turned around and smiled.His blue eyes, shining as bright as the sun. "Why hello Nicholas.I am glad we meet again." Justin said getting up from where he was sitting.Nicholas walked over to him.'Oh, that beautiful face.' He thought. "Wow, it is good to see you again." Nicholas said trying not to sound so nervous around him.

"Yeah, I am sorry if you do not like me being here.I will leave.After all it is your secret spot, and well.." Justin stopped. "I find it beautiful.I have never seen such beauty that mother nature had."

NIcholas smiled."Stay please."They sat dwon on the rock.They stared at the waterfall again."Can you swim?" Justin asked Nicholas. Nicholas looked at him."Of course." Nicholas answered.

Justin smirked."Good." And with that, Nicholas was pushed off the rock and was thrown into the pool of water below.Whe Nicholas hit the water he had realised what had just happened.He came up gasping for air.He looked up to the rock just in time to see Justin dive in beside him.Nicholas watched as he went under.Justin came up a minute later and smiled.'He looks even more gorgeous when hes wet' Nicholas thought.Justin splashed Nicholas in the face with the water.Nicholas splashed him back.They both started having a splashing fight. "You splash like a girl!" Justin remarked jokingly.Nicholas laughed. "Hey! Better watch it Justin.Or i'll be throwing you off the waterfalls edge!" Nicholas said reaching for Justin so he could dunk him."I cannot believe were in the water with clothes on!I just washed these last night in the washboard!"Nicholas said.

Justin dove under.Nicholas waited for his return for the surface.After a few seconds Nicholas became worried."Justin?" Nicholas asked.He called his name a few more times but he didn't come up.Nicholas was about to dive under when he felt someone grab his legs and pull him under.Nicholas got out of his grasp, and swam up to the surface.Justin coming up beside him.

"There you are!Don't ever scare me like that again!"Nicholas yelled.Justin smiled. "Were you worried about me?"Justin asked surprised.Nicholas smiled."A little.But only because I do not know you that well, and I didn't want someone I did not know die on me."Justin laughed. "That was quite lame." He said.

Nicholas grabbed his head and pushed Justin under.Justin pulled Nicholas down with him.When they came up Nicholas's arms were around Justin's neck.Nicholas realised it and quickly put took the off. He swam to the shore.He climbed a couple of rocks that lead to the top of the rock that they sat on, and climbed to the top. "Im sorry Justin!" Nicholas yelled as he ran his way through the opening to the field and made his way home.

Justin smiled.He started to swim again, and through his mind he could not get the incident that just happened out of his mind.He surely enjoyed the thought.He started thinking what it would be like if they both started to flirt, kiss, hug...and would he ever see Nicholas again?He was quite sure he would.He hoped to see this boy he enjoyed and liked so much.

There is Chapter 2.I am sorry if it was not that good, but I do hope that you want a chapter 3.Because that is when the story really gets good.Email me at stardreamer_15@hotmail.com if you have any comments.

Next: Chapter 3

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