A Quick Fall

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Jul 19, 2017


A Quick Fall

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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A Quick Fall ============

Justin carried a small tray of cranberry muffins out of the back room into the front. While filling the refrigerated display with them, the bell over the door chimed followed immediately by the wails of a baby girl. In walked a very young-looking man with a baby carrier in his hand. The poor guy looked so tired. Especially trying to hand the baby carrier with a baby bag and a messenger bag hanging both off his shoulder.

After Justin closed the display door, he went back to the cash register and said to the guy, "Welcome to Cafe Crave. How may I help you?"

The guy sighed as he drove his long fingers through his short, wavy brown hair before answering, "Can I have--"

The baby chose that moment to let out a particularly loud scream.

The guy lifted the carrier higher and used his free hand to brush his finger on the infant's chubby cheek and cooed, "It's okay, Abby, daddy's right here."

Though the baby continued to cry, Justin leaned over the counter look at her and said, "Aww! She's so cute!"

The guy, let's call him Hot Young Dad, smiled at Justin, then said, "Can I have a medium cappuccino?"

"Absolutely," Justin replied as he tapped away on the touchscreen monitor. "That's three-fifty-two please."

HYD slid a five dollar bill across the counter and said, "Keep the change."

Justin watched with admiration HYD hurried to a table with the his daughter having yet to cease her crying. HYD sat the carrier sideways on the booth, the backrest and table keeping it securely in place. HYD then took a bottle of formula out of the baby bag and gave it to his daughter.

"Medium cappuccino!" Paula called as she set the mug on the handoff counter.

When HYD walked away with his cappuccino, Paula turned to Justin and said quietly, "He. Is so. Hot! Too bad he's got a kid."

Justin rolled his eyes in disbelief before resuming replenishing the pastries. Justin had known Paula to be shallow, selfish, opinionated, but also a fierce and loyal friend.

A half hour later, Justin made a cappuccino, and while doing so, the baby had started crying again. Justin saw HYD doing everything he could to calm his daughter, but the baby was rejecting every toy.

Justin sat the fresh cappuccino by HYD's textbooks and told him, "On the house. Looks like you could use it."

HYD was about to thank Justin with butt loads of gratitude, but he looked to his daughter. The baby had stopped crying as soon as she saw Justin. Justin looked to the infant as well. Justin smiled as he walked in and out of the baby's vision. The baby even chuckled slightly.

Grinning happily, HYD said to Justin, "I think she likes your hair and makeup."

Justin had had his hair dyed the week before. And he did wear makeup regularly, electing to wear eyeshadow and had amazing contouring skills. That day he was wearing turquoise eyeshadow and wings on his eyes.

Justin reached his hand up and touched his platinum silver pompadour. He bent forward to the infant and, while swaying his head, asked her, "Do you like my hair?"

Abby peeled and swung her arms in excitement, her green eyes crinkling with how hard she was smiling.

"Do you like my makeup!" Justin continued to sway his head back and forth.

Swinging her arms, Abby squealed, "Babababaaa!"

"Do you think I'm pretty? Do ya?"


Justin laughed at the sheer adorableness of the infant. He then turned back to HYD, who was watching with admiration in his green eyes and a smile playing on his lips.

"She teething?" Justin asked.

HYD nodded and said, "That, and lack of sleep from teething pains making her cranky."

Justin looked back to the infant and said, "Mm, poor princess. How old is she?"

"She's seven months last week."

"She's just the cutest. Well, I gotta get back to work."

HYD smiled kindly and said, "Thanks for the coffee."

Paula was at the cash register ringing an order through when Justin got back. So he situated himself the espresso bar and made the beverages. When there were none to be made, Justin busied himself with wiping down every surface in that station. When that was done since Paula had started that earlier, Justin transferred jugs of milk from the stockroom refrigerators to the bar refrigerator.

It had been an hour since Justin had brought that coffee to HYD when Jeremy came out of the back office and said, "Justin, can you go for a forty-five?"

That meant lunch. Justin heated a container filled with grilled chicken breast, carrots and brown rice in the microwave. As it nuked, Justin made another cappuccino and brought it to HYD, whose daughter was crying again.

Though smiling gratefully, HYD said, "You don't--"

"Dude, you look like you haven't slept in a year."

Justin then made himself an iced vanilla latte and took it over with his lunch and sat opposite of HYD, sitting in front of the baby. Abby immediately stopped crying.

When HYD looked up from his textbooks in surprise, Justin quickly said, "Relax, dad, I'm not here for you. I'm here for her. You just study."

HYD smiled, highly amused, and said, "Thank you for not calling me 'daddy'. Social media has forever ruined the word for me. And thanks for helping Abby. You don't even know us."

While chewing on a piece of carrot and allowing the infant to play with his freshly washed fingers, Justin responded, "But she's much too adorable to hear crying. And you're busy trying to create a future for her. Isn't that right, Abby? Dad is securing a future for you and mommy, isn't he?"

After Abby let out an excited squeal, HYD replied, "She- umm- her mom died."

"Oh, God," Justin said in shock. "I am so sorry. I'm- God. I am so sorry."

"It- it's fine," HYD waved Justin's worries off. "It happened a while ago. Abby doesn't remember her."

"Can I-umm..." Justin began uneasily, "can I ask what happened?"

HYD nodded slowly before answering, "I was at work, Abby was just six-days-old. Our friend Cassidy went over and had coffee with Rachel, her mom. Abby needed more diapers, so Rachel left Abby with Cassidy and drove to the store. A teen, high on coke according to the toxicology report, ran a red light. Neither survived."

"God," Justin said quietly in disbelief as he turned back to Abby. "You poor girl. No. You're not pitiful. Your dad is going a great job of raising you. Isn't he?"

Abby let out an excited squeal while holding onto Justin's finger and moving the hand all about. HYD watched the two for another moment before digging his laptop out of his bag.

"Is it okay?" Justin asked HYD, gesturing a carrot at Abby. "They're steamed so much because I forgot about 'em, so your grandpa could could eat them without his dentures."

An amused chuckled elicited from HYD's mouth before he nodded his head.

A while later, HYD said, "Well, we better get going. Abby has to get some shots, doncha? Thank you again. For everything."

Justin smiled at HYD and responded, "It's no problem. It was actually one of the best lunch breaks I've ever had."

Abby let out some babble then. So Justin turned to her and said, "Because you are just the sweetest angel, huh? And you is much too cute, huh?"

While packing his books back into his bag, HYD asked, "Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?"

The smile on Justin's face disappeared in his shock and he turned to HYD. "Are you- are you asking me out?"

Smiling, HYD tore a piece of paper from the back pages of a textbook, wrote on it, and said, "This is my number. Oh, did I jump the gun? I misread all this, didn't I?"

Justin quickly said, "No, no, no. It's just- you are- I... you're bisexual. I just assumed you were straight."

Smiling a small, gentle smile, HYD replied, "I don't see genders. I see people. And I think you're gorgeous. And kind. So I'd like to get to know you."

"You're pansexual," Justin surmised. "But I make it a point to not go out with a man whose name I don't know."

"Oh. I'm so rude. I'm- I'm Bradley Samuels."

"Wonderful to officially meet you, Bradley," Justin said with a flirtatious smile as he stood. "Justin Camden. And I'd love to go out with you. Is it okay if I call tonight?"

Putting the last of his books in his bag, Bradley answered, "You can call the second I leave here if you want."

After Bradley had settled both bags on his shoulder, he suddenly grabbed Justin by the hip and pulled him into a kiss. The kiss had no tongue but it was warm and passionate.

After pulling his face away from Justin's, Bradley said, "Now the first kiss is out of the way."

While opening the door to leave, Bradley turned back to Justin, who was watching with red cheeks that blushed through his makeup. Bradley threw him a wink as he and his daughter exited the cafe.

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When Justin left the University of Texas, he contemplated calling Bradley while driving home. But a second later told himself that Bradley wouldn't exactly find it flattering talking to Justin in the car. And it was six o'clock in the evening, Abby would probably be settling down.

Feeling satisfied with his work, Justin sat his pencil down on the kitchen island. He then picked up his phone and looked at the time. Seeing that it as just past eight-thirty, Justin made the phone call.

Just after the first ring, Bradley answered, "Hello."

Smiling its giddiness, Justin said, "That was fast. Were you waiting for me to call?"

Justin could practically hear the smile on Bradley's face as Bradley replied, "Sort of. Kind of. Okay, I was indeed waiting while doing homework."

"God damn, you are cute," Justin said bashfully. "Hope you weren't waiting long."

"Just half an hour. Put Abby down for the night around that time."

"Mm, how is she? She's gonna be even crankier for a few days. Teething and tenderness from the shots."

"Mmm," Bradley groaned. "As if I'm not already busy. How was your day?"

"My day was pretty damn awesome," Justin answered with a dopey smile. "Great shift at work, where I met this stunningly beautiful, sexy man."

"Hmm, lucky you," Bradley said with a happy lilt in his voice. "Did this guy make a fool of himself?"

"No. Definitely not. I thought he was sweet, and a very attentive father. The kiss at the end was unexpected, but welcome all the same."

"To be honest, after the kiss I thought I was rushing you. But then I looked back at you and was relieved and even happy to see you all flustered."

"You have no idea. I went into the bathroom to touch up my face, and the Justin I saw in the mirror was so different than the Justin that left for work this morning. Can I ask how old you are?"

"Yeah, no prob. I am twenty-four. Yourself?"

"I'm nineteen. Hope you don't mind the age difference."

"I don't care if you don't. You could be forty and I'd still be into you."

"Really?" Justin asked, slightly surprised.

"Well, I don't see age either. You, Justin Camden, treated me and my daughter so respectfully. That's the sorta stuff I look for in people."

"You make it so hard not to be into you," Justin said with a smile as he laid his head on his arm, still sitting at the kitchen island.

"You're trying not to be infatuated with me?" Justin could hear the teasing in Bradley's voice.

"Well, I'm already headlong in like with you. The sudden kiss pretty much secured that. I only wanted to be friends with your daughter."

"Mm. My daughter already has too many friends, so she'll forgive me for stealing you away."

"You have a very understanding daughter then. And at just seven-months-old. You must be doing an amazing job raising her."

"I can't take all the credit. My neighbour watches her when I'm at school. My friends love her, too."

"Speaking of school, I saw your textbooks were on law."

"Yeah, I'm studying law at UT. I'm planning to work as a lawyer specializing in employment, workers comp, and taxes. What about you? Do you go to school or do you just work at the cafe?"

"I'm taking art at the UT. I wanna work as an artist at Disney or Pixar. I still love watching their movies, honestly. I may or may not have paid a little girl and her parents a hundred bucks because they got the last tickets when Moana was released."

Bradley laughed boisterously and asked, "God, did you really?"

Justin laughed as well and replied, "No. I'm a broke college student. I had to wait til the next day to see it. Which broke my heart! I cried myself to sleep that night."

"Awww!" Bradley laughed. "Die-hard Disney fan had to wait an extra day. I'm surprised the world didn't end."

"But it did!" Justin cried. "Mine did, anyway."

"I'm sorry to cut this short, but I gotta get some sleep."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand."

"Are you free tomorrow at seven?"

Grinning, Justin answered, "I get off school at six, yeah."

"Let me take you out to dinner. I'll pick you up."

Grinning even wider, which was not possible, Justin said, "Yeah. I'll text you my address."

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When Justin went for his lunch break at work at eleven o'clock, one of the text messages was from Bradley. He had to postpone their date because Mrs. Warren, the only available sitter, was sick.

While Justin's bowl of chicken alfredo heated in the microwave, he sent a text back to Bradley, 'Damn, that sucks. The only other time I'm free is next Saturday.'

While Justin was texting his other friends, he couldn't get Bradley off of his mind.

"Hey YouTube!" Jeremy said with enthusiasm.

John then said in the same manner, "What's up?"

After the Two Beeps' introduction, Justin hit the Home button and texted Bradley, 'I don't think I can wait a whole week to see you. Come to my place for dinner tonight? Bring Abby.'

While Justin was scrolling through his Instagram feed, Bradley texted back, 'No, that's too close to Abby's bedtime.'

Justin was about send Bradley a sad face emoji, but the three dots meaning they were typing appeared.

'But you can come to my place.'

Justin promptly changed the sad face to one of a blushing smile emoji and a heart eyes emoji.

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Justin was thankful that Dr. Corlane ended the class fifteen minutes early. Justin drove home, maybe driving ten miles faster than the speed limit. At home, he took the quickest shower, styled his silver hair into a neat pompadour, spread moisturizer all over his body, and dressed in fresh clothes.

The time was six-fifteen when Justin checked his phone. He could take his time applying his makeup.

After applying makeup setting spray to his face, Justin removed the two reusable containers from his tote and quickly hand washed them in the kitchen sink.

Fifteen minutes later, Justin dialled 2004, Bradley's apartment number.

"Hello," Bradley's voice came through the speaker.

Justin replied, "Hey, it's me. Justin."

"Yeah, come on up."

The buzzer unlocked the front door to the apartment complex and Justin took the elevator up to the twentieth floor. Before knocking on Bradley's apartment door, he checked his appearance using his phone as a mirror.

Bradley answered the door just a few seconds after Justin had knocked. Bradley's usually bright, beautiful face was so much more sexy that day. His smile was small, but warm and kind and infectious.

"You look beautiful," Bradley said, unabashedly. "Come in, come in."

Sheldon Bailey Hike taking his sneakers off, Justin said, "Dinner smells amazing!"

Bradley smiled as he mashed potatoes and said, "Barbecue-flavoured boneless pork ribs, garlic mashed potatoes, and steamed peas. For dessert, I made apple pie to be served with vanilla ice cream."

Justin moved a chair from the table to in front of the high chair that Abby was sitting in. "Hi Abby! Do you remember me?"

Abby squealed in delight as she clapped her hands on the chair tray in response.

"Justin. My name Justin. Can you say 'Justin'?"

"Jaaja!" Abby said with a lot of excitement.

Grinning, Justin grabbed Abby's wrists and gently clapped her hands together. "That's right! Justin. You are so smart, princess!"

"Blobloblob!" Abby peeled with enthusiasm.

While watching the two and mixing the potatoes with happiness shining in his green eyes, Bradley said, "Yeah, just completely ignore me. I'll just slave away in the kitchen for you."

Justin, smiling, walked back into the kitchen. He stood behind Bradley and wrapped his arms around the cook's waist. "Dinner smells great! Who's a great cook? You are! Yes you are!"

"Alright, alright, alright," Bradley said with an amused smile. "I'd rather you ignored me than be the reason you're making that adorable voice. Go. Go entertain my daughter."

Justin giggled as he placed a soft kiss on Bradley's shoulder blade.

Five minutes later, Bradley said, "Dinner's ready," as he set two plates on the dinner table.

Justin gently pulled his hands away from Abby, who was playing with his fingers. He sat on one of the four chairs as Bradley went back into kitchen.

"Do you want red or white wine?" Bradley asked while grabbing two wine glasses.

"Red's good."

After joining Justin at the table with two glasses and the wine bottle, Bradley asked, "What made you decide to go into art?"

"I've always been interested in art," Justin answered. "Oh, this tastes even better than it smells. Umm, since I was a toddler, my mom says, I was very easily entertained by putting crayons to paper. It helped that my parents made a book using a binder, putting all of my drawings in it. That gave me the extra confidence, the boost I needed to continue to draw and doodle. For my high school graduation, my mom bought me a Mac laptop and a Wacom pen art tablet. I loved that even more than the car my dad got me."

Uneasily, Bradley asked, "Oh, umm- are your parents no longer together?"

"They divorced when I was twelve," Justin replied before quickly sipping his wine. "Amicably. They'd both been having affairs and my sister arranged a family meeting where she brought in the other man and the other woman. Now I have two happy families, a sister, a brother, two half-sisters, and three half-brothers."

Amused, Bradley said, "That's- good? I guess."

Justin laughed and responded, "It worked out for everybody, I mean it was sort of hard to have your parents split up. But I got over it pretty quickly because I get along really well with my stepdad. I call me dad 'dad' and I call Ron 'pops'. I call my mom 'mom' and I Cheryl 'mama'. My dad even bought a house on the same street so it's really easy to spend holidays with both families."

Smiling, Bradley said, "Aww, that's so cool! Do you get along with everybody?"

"I came out when I was sixteen, yes," Justin replied, amused. "I came out to my dad first because I had no doubt that my mom would not be fazed. Pops' brother lives in Canada with his husband. Anyway, when I told my dad, he got teary, hugged me, and thanked me for having the courage to accept myself and not hide it by coming out."

"Your dad sounds so awesome. How'd you come out to your mom?"

"That same day. I got home for dinner and my mom asked why I'd been crying. I told her, and I quote, 'They're happy tears. I just told dad that I'm gay'. She hugged, too. And then she asked, and I quote again, 'Alejandro is not just a friend, is he?' I laughed and told her that Alejandro was just a friend but that he took my virginity."

"Where are you from anyway?"


Justin was interrupted by Abby saying loudly, "Emumumumum!"

"Excuse me a second," Bradley said with an apologetic smile.

Justin watched as Bradley ran down the hall. Within a few seconds, Bradley came running back with a pile of children's books in his hands. Bradley set the books down on Abby's tray in two piles. Abby happily flipped pages, mumbling to herself.

Smiling with happiness and intrigue, Justin said, "She a little young to be reading by herself."

Resuming his dinner, Bradley responded, "She's always been interested in books."

"So, as I was saying before, I'm from San Antonio."

Shocked, Bradley exclaimed, "No way! So am I! What part of the city?"

Smiling with his own shock, Justin replied, "Tobin Hill. Northeast. You?"

"Prospect Hill. West. Wh--"

"Mm-mm. Yeah you've been asking all the questions. My turn."

Amused, Bradley bowed his head like a medieval nobleman and said, "Of course."

"What interested you about law?"

Shrugging as he put his knife to his pork, Bradley answered, "I'm really just following in my dad's footsteps. He's a corporate lawyer, but still. I was still interested in law, don't get me wrong, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen this field."

"And how did you realize your pansexuality?"

"I've always been interested in both genders," Bradley began. "I remember being kid watching Disney movies, having huge crushes on both the princes and princesses. My first real crush was on my sister's boyfriend when I was six or seven. I used to wanna kiss him when I saw him kiss my sister. And then I wanted to kiss my brother's girlfriend. I grew up feeling scared about being interested in both guys and girls, hiding away in my room quite often. When I was thirteen, at Thanksgiving at my grandparents, my uncle Felix noticed I wasn't the same kid he'd last seen since his deployment to Iraq. He took me to the back porch and talked to me, asked me what was going on in my head, showed genuine concern. I told him not to tell my parents if he really wanted to know. He promised to keep it just between us, so I told him that I was scared about liking both guys and girls. He just smiled and told me there was nothing wrong with being bisexual. I guess I looked like I didn't believe him, so he told me about a guy on his team who was openly gay. He said that this guy was the single most bravest guy he'd ever met. He took bullets for his team, used himself as a diversion when under fire so the rest could get to safety, and nearly had a grenade blow up on him when he ran to it and threw it into the distance. So the next week, I sat my parents down and told them that I was bisexual. I identified as bisexual until I was nineteen. My then girlfriend Ariel and I had a drunken threesome with another guy from the bar. The day after that, she asked me about being bi, what type of girls I liked, what type of guys I liked, if I had a preference in genders. I told her that I had no types for either gender, that I had no preference. So she asked what drew me to her, and I told her that she was very kind and personable, funny, sweet. From all of this, she gathered her thoughts and said that it sounded like I was pansexual, not bi."

"Oh. Is she- was she Abby's mom?"

"No. Ariel and I broke up about two months later because she got a job in Arlington Heights."

"Is it alright if I ask who Abby's mom was?"

"Her name was Judy. We met in our statistics class."

"Did- umm... did you guys plan Abby?"

"No. Abby was an accident. A happy accident. Judy had switched from an IUD to the pill, but was only a couple of days into them. We went to a friend's birthday party, got high, got drunk, and in our drunken high, decided to try ecstasy. The condoms I had fell from my pocket I guess, so we had unprotected sex with the intention of pulling out. I was too high and drunk to remember to pull out. But I don't regret it. Because of Abby, Judy and I quit doing drugs and we quit partying. Oh, I'm making us sound like junkies. We were regular users of marijuana, that was it. The ecstasy that one time was just us experimenting. Only time."

"Hey, no judgement here," Justin said with a reassuring smile. "Can I ask if you're a top or versatile?"

"I'm versatile. I see sex as a close connection, sharing something with somebody. Or two somebodies on some occasions. So if you and I get to the point in a relationship where sex will happen, I will enjoy it whether I'm the top or you are."

"So do you work part time, too?"

"No, I don't. I'm already too busy with law school and being a dad. I'm already getting too little sleep as well."

"Ah," Justin said with a nod of his head. "I'm assuming you're living off of student loans and maybe help from your family."

"No. Before Abby, I was working as a host at a restaurant and if I had no money I'd take a little from my student line of credit. A couple of weeks before Abby was born, my brother won the lottery of fifty-six million dollars. As a gift, he gave me three million and he made a trust account for Abby and put in two million for her college education and living during and after college so she has money if she doesn't get hired when she's done college."

"Wow. That was so nice of your brother."

"Yeah. He was the one who suggested I quit my job at the restaurant so I could be a dad when I'm done my classes for the day. He even told me to tell him if I run out of money before I find a firm that'll hire me."

Bradley and Justin continued to get to know each other over dinner and dessert. Bradley was slightly disappointed in the apple pie that he'd made, saying that used slightly too much cinnamon. Justin disagreed, he thought everything was perfect.

Justin offered to feed Abby her baby food while Bradley cleaned up the kitchen.

Bradley joined Justin and Abby at the table when he had thrown the dishes in the dishwasher and wiped the counters clean. Justin had finished feeding the baby girl and was wiping her face clean with a baby wipe.

Smiling with adoration, Bradley said, "You're so good with her."

While grabbing the infant out of the high chair, Justin responded, "In my senior year of high school, my sister had a boy. When I finished school everyday, I would babysit while she went to college night classes. She graduated that year."

Bradley led Justin to the living room where they sat on the luxurious sofa. Justin read books to the girl for about ten minutes before Bradley told him that Abby had fallen asleep on his lap.

Bradley gently grabbed his daughter and brought her to her room. While Bradley did that, Justin grabbed his glass of wine and looked at the photos adorning the walls.

When Bradley rejoined Justin, Justin was standing in front of at a wall and was studying an old family photo. Bradley stood behind Justin and held him close, kissing the shorter man's neck.

Justin smiled and commented, "You were so cute! You had braces."

Pressing his forehead to the back of Justin's neck, Bradley groaned, "Not my proudest days."

"You seriously were cute. If you were one my brother's friends back then, I would've had a crush on you."

Bradley grabbed Justin's hand and led him back into the living room, asking, "How do you like working at Crave?"

"I love working at Crave!" Justin answered easily before sipping his wine. "Well, my boss is very understanding and accommodating because one thing I asked for was to have morning shifts on weekdays because I have afternoon classes. He is not a hard-ass, he's an attractive mid-thirties guy who is straight. When I flirt with him he's chill about it and he laughs, he'll then either tell me to get back to work or make a non-committal noise. Anyway, my coworkers are terrific to work with. Everybody is laid-back, loves to joke. This guy Brett, when he gets bored enough, he'll throw you a pair of tongs and start a sword duel."

Bradley chuckled with Justin, placing his hand on top of Justin's on the sofa cushion. This made Justin's heart skip a beat, and a fierce blush to colour his cheeks.

Justin spluttered out, "I- umm, I feel like we're moving a bit fast."

"Oh," Bradley said in surprise as he removed his hand from Justin's. "I'm sorry. I've been told that I fall fast and I fall hard. Especially when somebody treats my daughter as great as you do. I--"

Justin, smiling, grabbed Bradley's hand and replied, "I didn't say that I minded. I- uhh, I've never been in a relationship before. Since I was sixteen it's been nothing but fuck buddies and one-night-stands. Just last month I decided to give a relationship a try."

Carding his fingers with Justin's, Bradley asked, "Is this your first date?"

"No," Justin answered while looking din at their joined hands and stroking his thumb over the knuckle of Bradley's thumb. "Been on two dates with past fuck buddies who asked for dates in the past when I wasn't interested in dating. But we didn't- mesh well together outside of the bedroom so we didn't continue, obviously."

"Forgive me if this offends you or is insensitive. When was- did you- have you ever been tested?"

"Not since April," Justin answered. "But I have midterms next week."

"I didn't- that's not what--"

Justin suddenly laughed and said, "I'm messing with you!"

Smiling with embarrassment, Bradley responded, "Oh. You're an ass."

Justin laughed a little more before stating, "I was tested three weeks ago. Free of all STD's. You?"

"It's been about ten or eleven months since I was tested. But my only partner was Judy since then. I'll schedule a screening."

Justin nodded as he sat his empty glass down on the coffee table. "So you said you don't party. What does that mean to you exactly?"

"More wine? I no longer do any drugs, I quit smoking, and I don't get too drunk. I still go to parties and clubs when I can, which isn't too often but I don't mind. But I'll have only a couple of drinks and my phone never leaves my hand. Do you partake in any drugs? Parties?"

"No to drugs. I actually get sick from weed. Literally spew chunks everywhere. As for parties, I do when I'm not too tired or when my fraternity holds a big one."

Smiling with intrigue, Bradley asked, "You're in a fraternity? That's so cool! What fraternity?"

"Alpha Tau Omega. Love and respect! That's our motto."

"So, you invited me and Abby over. I'm guessing you don't live in the frat house."

"That's right, I don't," Justin replied with a slight nod of his head. "But it's not because of my sexuality. My brothers are accepting of it, and have been since I came out to them during pledging. They said my sexuality didn't matter, and that one of the active members was gay and another was bi. I did live in the house for my first semester during freshman year. The house and brothers were actually pretty clean and kept the house organized. But most nights you're getting little sleep because a brother is either doing homework or watching Netflix or playing video games. And I needed a lot more privacy. So I rent a basement suite close to campus. My landlords are awesome, the suite was freshly furnished, all inclusive including wifi and TV, and rent is only five hundred a month."

"Tell me about pledging. Were the active members tough or cruel?"

"They weren't cruel but pledging was a challenge. I almost gave up, but I'm glad I stuck it out. They made me drive people to and fro, even some that weren't in the fraternity. For a month we had to wear Disney princess and Dora the Explorer backpacks. Buckets of ice water were dumped on us when asked to read the Greek alphabet. One day the other pledges wore dresses and skirts while I had to dress like some wannabe white thug. I wore a sideways cap, a black tank, and the baggiest jeans that were ten sizes too big. We were not allowed to drink at the frat's parties but had to tend bar and serve drinks wearing women's panties. During the Dine n' Ditch I tried to use Grindr to get a guy to meet me at Esteffania's but none would, so I just grabbed the first guy I ran into. He was hot! Too bad he was straight, and thank god he wasn't the guy we had to ditch with the bill. Usual hazing, ya know?"

"A gay guy in a house full of guys," Brad said with a smile. "Ever hook- sorry. Wine is getting to me."

Justin laughed softly and said, "It's fine. I have hooked up with brothers. But not the gay one or the bi one because they were in relationships. One brother was curious, and the other was drunk. For straight guys they were very intimate with me. Heavy kissing, foreplay, and cuddles afterward."

"Are you close with your fraternity brothers?"

"They are the closest friends I have here. It's a very tight group. Just last month they kicked a pledge out of the house for asking if I was a fag because of my makeup. When I became a brother I became very close with a brother who's now a senior named Cam and his fiancee Lorelei. He's asked me to be a groomsman."

"That's so nice. How often does the frat have functions?"

"With pledging done, things have been steady. The frat hosts big parties every three or four weeks. We also do charity fundraisers a couple of times a month, donating to cancer research and St. Jude's. Once a month we'll do something to promote brotherhood. Paintball, softball, basketball, touch football, video game tournaments, etcetera. We're actually playing a game of touch football next weekend. The girlfriends and boyfriends are not allowed to play, but are encouraged to cheer their partners on. Would you like come? I'm sure everyone will love Abby."

Smiling with a deep fondness in his eye, Bradley whispered, "You can't be real."

A deep affection shone in Justin's eyes for a s done before he leaned in quickly and captured Bradley's lips in a deep kiss. Their lips danced together as if they'd known each other long before. Audible smacks rang through the air as their kisses deepened.

"Mm!" Bradley moaned deep in his chest when Justin introduced his tongue.

Maintaining lip contact, Justin adjusted his body to fully face Bradley on the sofa. Perfectly positioned, Justin placed both his hands on the sides of Bradley's neck. Bradley responded by bringing his hand to Justin's side.

Wrong move.

Justin suddenly tore his face from Bradley's and a peel of laughter erupted from his throat.

Bradley smirked and asked, "Are you ticklish?" while returning his hand to Justin's side.

Squirming away from Bradley, Justin replied, "No! I swear I'm- stop! Ple- no! Bradl- stop!"

With high-pitched laughter that he tried to keep quiet so he didn't wake Abby, Justin tried pushing Bradley's hands away from his body. But Bradley was relentless and evil. He attacked mercilessly with his fingers wiggling at Justin's sides.

"Brad! Leave- Brad! Please!" Justin said in laughter still.

When Bradley did not comply, another way Justin tried to escape the tickle torture was by leaning backward. He fell onto his back on the sofa, but Bradley went with him. He resumed to tickled Justin for just another few seconds. He remained lying on top of Justin, their eyes gazing deep into each other's.

Almost breathless with anxiety and affection, Bradley gently asked, "Mind if I lay here for a bit? You're- you're kind of- warm."

Justin continued to gaze into Bradley's eyes for a moment, as if searching for something. He must have seen what he was looking for. Justin pulled Bradley down so his head rested on his chest.

Justin kissed the top of Bradley's head before asking, "Tell me about your best friend."

Bradley nuzzled his face in Justin's chest as he answered, "His name is Julian. We've been friends since elementary school. He goes to UT, too, taking computer sciences and engineering. He was the first person outside of my family that I came out to. He made me feel comfortable afterward by playing, saying he knew he saw me checking him out. We've become so close that we have nicknames only we are allowed to use. I call him Jules and he calls me Tumbleweed."

Some time during the evening talks and cuddles, Bradley noticed that Justin had fallen asleep. Seeing this, Bradley wonders if he should retire to his bedroom. But he only wonders for a second, deciding that Justin was warm and comfortable, and holding him close in his slumber so he had no choice but to stay snuggled together. And he was tired as hell, too, so he relaid his head to Justin's chest and fell asleep quickly.

Hours later, Justin woke because he was burning up. He could feel his body scorching as a body was lying on him. He smiled to himself, stroking his fingers on Bradley's back. He tried to reach to the coffee table for his phone, but it was too far away. And he didn't want to disturb the sleeping beauty snoring lightly on him. So Justin placed a small, gentle kiss to Bradley's hair and laid back.

Just as Justin was about to fall back into a peaceful slumber, the wails of a baby girl rang through the air. Bradley's eyes flew open at the same time his body removed itself from Justin.

Justin sat up as Bradley went to go calm his daughter and put her back to sleep. He grabbed his phone. There were three text messages and the time was 2:16 A.M.

Eric Zunic: ACO party tmrw at 9

Trevor Franklin: Awesome night at Barberella! You missed a cat fight! Date's going ok?

Bella Desmond: Hope your date went GREAT! :)

Just then, Bradley rejoined him on the sofa and asked, "You okay?"

Justin smiled sleepily and replied, "Yeah. Frat brother says our sister sorority is having a party tomorrow. Two friends asked how the date went."

Lying back on the sofa in fatigue, Brad asked with a smile, "Yeah? What did you say?"

"I didn't answer. But when I see them tomorrow, I will tell them how sweet and romantic you are."

Bradley's smile grew slightly as he grabbed Justin's hand. "Mm. You're more than welcome to spend the night."

"Mmm, sounds nice. But I should get home. I have to give my rent to my landlord before work."

Bradley led Justin to the front door as he asked, "When can I see you again?"

Justin smiled. He stood on the tips of his toes to kiss the lips of the taller man and then answered, "Any time I'm free."

"Would tomorrow be too soon?" Bradley asked with a shy smile.

"I get off work at five," Justin responded sultrily. "I can come by again after showering and fixing up."

Blushing fiercely, Bradley said, "I think I'm looking forward to seeing you again so soon a little too much. I don't think I'll be able to sleep any more tonight."

Justin giggled quietly and pressed his body fully into Bradley's. He once again stood on his toes and pulled the man into another deep kiss.

The kiss last quite a while, drawing Bradley to pull Justin in that much closer, if that were possible.

When Justin finally pulled away, he said sultrily, "Think of me as you lie in bed."

Justin had taken a step to gather his shoes, but Bradley had other ideas. Bradley grabbed Justin wrist and pulled him back in. Justin let out a small squeal of fright, but laughed quietly.

Bradley kissed Justin passionately again before telling him, "I don't- I don't normally fuck on a first date but..."

Bradley smashed their lips together again. Justin had been slightly aroused before, his cock growing to full mast upon hearing Bradley's passion-hazed tongue. Another moan erupted from Justin's throat into Bradley's mouth when the taller man's hands gave his round, firm ass a good squeeze.

Justin kept his lips locked with Bradley's as he reached down to the waistband of Bradley's jeans. He quickly, greedily unfastened the fly, feeling Bradley's hands give his glutes another firm squeeze.

When Justin moved his lips from Bradley's lips to his neck, Bradley said, "Fuck, your ass is perfect."

Justin shoved Bradley's pants and briefs down to his ankle as he crouched down on his haunches. Justin then pressed his tongue to the head of Bradley's eight inch cock and grabbed the base of it.

"Jesus Christ," Bradley whispered, his breath going ragged.

Justin looked up, their eyes connecting as he flicked his tongue across the piss slit.

"No fucking tonight," Justin said with meaning. "But I will leave with the taste of your cum on my breath."

Justin deftly placed the head of Bradley's dick in his mouth and sweetly suckled on it as his hand stroked and twisted on the base.

With their eyes remaining connected, Bradley shuddered with pleasure and moaned, "Fucking fuck. Hoh Justin."

Justin removed the thick cock from his mouth and spit on it, lathering the entire length. He then pointed the prick up and dove into the low hanging sac. He lapped his tongue on the two giant balls before sucking one into his mouth.

"Jesus C- fuck."

Justin released the testicle from his mouth and planting his tongue on the base of Bradley's throbbing cock, slowly licking his way up the entire length. When his tongue touched the underside of the head, Justin shoved the cock in his mouth. Within a second, his nose was pressed up against the trimmed brown pubes above Bradley's crotch.

"Holy ffffuck," Bradley moaned as his hands gripped the counter as if his life depended on it, and his head threw back.

Justin held still with the thickest cock he'd ever had was lodged deep down his throat. He then tilted his head back a little to look up. Bradley looked down at him, and their gazes held each other in the heat of passion.

Justin grabbed the heavy sac and tugged the giant orbs down a little. He then slowly pulled his head away from Bradley's ground until just the head was left in his mouth. He gave his tongue a swirl around the bulbous head, and slowly swallowed the entire length again, easily.

When Justin saw Bradley's hands grip the countertop yet even tighter, he hastened his ministrations. His head bobbed quickly and his hand stroked the shaft in twisting motions mercilessly.

Bradley was quickly reaching the point of no return. He was so turned on by the sight of Justin's beautiful face, their eyes holding each other's gaze, the squelching sounds when his cock came out of Justin's throat, and the feel of his balls being tugged on and rolled around in his sac. It didn't help that it'd been nearly nine months since he'd gotten off with anything other than his hand.

Justin knew by the haggard breathing of the man above him that he was close to cumming. So he sucked a little harder, tightened his grip on the base, and quickened the bobbing of his head.

"Shit, man," Bradley whispered, his face contorting in ecstasy. "I'm- I'm gonna-"

A guttural groan erupted from Bradley, deep in his throat. His brows furrowed as waves of pure pleasure rocked his body. Volley after volley of thick, sweet, salty, hot cum flooded Justin's mouth. Justin loved it. He savoured it. He swallowed as quickly as he could. He knew Bradley would have ejaculated mouthful after mouthful with how huge his balls were.

"Oh my-" Bradley groaned, his cock having become overly sensitive.

Justin swallowed the last mouthful of cum very slowly, relishing in every last drop. He then used his mouth as a vacuum, searching for little remnant of cum from the large phallus in his mouth. Bradley bucked, his cock much too sensitive. But this did not deter Justin, who swirled his tongue around Bradley yet again.

Bradley laughed, his body still convulsing due to his aching phallus. "Stop. Stop. Please."

Justin, smirking happily, stood and gave Bradley a sloppy kiss. Bradley then laid his forehead to Justin's shoulder, spent, and laughed softly.

"I have a gift for you," Justin said suddenly. "Well, more for Abby."

Bradley lifted his head and looked at Justin. His green eyes shine with surprise, yet happiness. He watched as Justin walked over to his tote. He bent down and pulled his pants back up, though, he didn't fasten the fly. Justin carried over a sketchbook, and removed a page from easy-tear tab.

Handing the page to Bradley, Justin said, "I- umm, I made this the day- the day that I met you."

In Bradley's hand was a sketch. And intricate sketch. A very detailed piece of art. It was completely professional-looking, almost computer quality. The shading was perfect, making the sketch look almost like a black and white photo. It was a sketch of Bradley, both a baby bag and a messenger bag strapped on his shoulder, and his daughter in the baby carrier in his other hand.

"This is-" Bradley said breathlessly. "Oh my god. This is- this is so good! It's beautiful. It's stunning. No wonder you're studying art. This is astounding."

Justin shrugged with a blush and replied, "I hope Abby likes it, too."

Bradley smiled before leaning down giving Justin another kiss.

Justin smiled happily as he said, "I'll see you tomorrow, handsome."

When Justin got in his car he got a text from Bradley that read, 'The sketch is hanging on the fridge now but I wanna get it framed. Good night, beautiful'

/- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Three months later found Bradley and Justin two weeks into their winter semester. It was a Saturday, Justin didn't have work until the late afternoon closing shift and was meeting Bradley at one of the common areas. Bradley'd had a group project, but had to take Abby with him because nobody was able to babysit. Nobody had minded, they all thought she was just adorable.

"Hey!" Justin said loudly from the distance.

Bradley turned from his laptop to his boyfriend's voice. He was about to call a reply, but the words had become stuck in his throat in a haze of lust.

One of the girls in Bradley's group whistled. Another whooped. Justin was dressed rather scandalously, sexy. First off, Justin wasn't wearing makeup, which was not uncommon for him as he didn't wear makeup every day. He wore a grey hooded crop top and black leggings with a backward scarlet red snapback cap over his natural brown hair. His trim stomach was visible, showing off his sculpted six-pack.

Bradley stood, a smile of utter appreciation gracing his face, and said, "Got damn! Boy, you are begging for it."

Hugging his boyfriend, Justin replied with a faux British accent, "Why, Mr. Samuels, what ever are you talking about?"

Bradley smiled in amusement as he gave a gentle slap to Justin's butt and said, "I think you're trying to distract every person in the university from their work with this amazing ass of yours."

"Victoria texted me earlier telling me to check the uni's media site," Justin said with a growing smile. "It's posted everywhere. Instagram, FaceBook, Tumblr, Twitter."

"What? What is?"

"A photo of us taken last week. When we were in the courtyard."

Realization dawned on Bradley, who smiled and said, "With Abby."

"They're calling us 'The hot dads'. They are quite good photos, sweet and we do look like a family."

Bradley's smile them fell. His features were replaced by a look of worry, anxiety. He quietly and nervously asked, "Would you- umm, would you like to be a parent? A dad?"

Justin's smile fell upon hearing the words. "Are you- are you asking me to be Abby's dad? Stepdad or whatever?"

Bradley was quick to say, "It wouldn't mean you have to move in with us. Or make any changes that you--"

"Hey, hey," Justin whispered as he gently grabbed Bradley's chin. "I love you. I was planning to say that tomorrow at our date. First time saying it, ya know?"

Smiling with giddiness, Bradley replied, "I love you, too."

"And I love Abby. Maybe a little bit more than I love you. But you can't be jealous about that."

Bradley laughed uneasily, his nerves still amuck. And he leaned his head down to press his forehead to Justin's.

"So what would she call me? Papa? Pops? Daddyo? Vitchyum?"


"Ukrainian. Means stepfather."

Bradley stared at Justin with his brows furrowed in confusion for a second. "Your family's Ukrainian?"

Justin rolled his eyes and replied, "I told you that. Twice."

"You did not."

"Did so! On our second date was the first time. And the second time when you and Abby came to my mom's during Christmas break. Remember asking if I spoke the language?"

"No. No memory whatsoever."

"Well, you're tired a lot, so I guess I don't blame you. No, I don't speak Ukrainian. Let's see my little girl. Hello Abby! Hi my princess! How are you today? Hmm? Are you doing well? Guess what your dad just asked me? Can you guess? He just asked me if I wanted to be your stepdad. Yes he did!"

Abby, in the baby carrier, kicked her legs and flailed her arms about with an excited squeal.

Justin continued in his baby voice, "I know! I'm so happy, too! So you can't call me Justin now. No you can't! From now on I am Papa to you! And I love you! You are the prettiest, smartest, most well-behaved little girl in all of Texas! And I love you! Can you say 'Papa'?"

Still kicking about in excitement, Abby said, "Mlaw-mlaw-mlaw-mlaw!"

"We'll get there, princess."

Nine hours later, Justin was putting the finishing touches on an art assignment and Bradley was in the shower. The assignment was to draw, physically or digitally, an animal in their element. Justin, as usual when it came to school assignments, chose to draw digitally. The image on his laptop was of a peregrine falcon about to land on a giant boulder sitting atop a mountain. In the falcon's mouth were two rodents, dead, hanging by their tails. The falcon was about to feed three eyasses.

The sounds of a baby crying caused Justin to close his laptop and run gently to Abby's room. He picked up the girl from her crib and began singing Ukrainian lullabies his mom had taught him. Abby stopped crying immediately and laid her head on Justin's shoulder. Though she did not fall back to sleep as quickly.

When Bradley exited the bathroom with a towel rubbing his hair dry, he stopped at the door of his bedroom. His daughter was lying on his bed, with Justin lying on his side beside her and singing a soft and very sweet-sounding lullaby.

Smiling so fondly, so happily, Bradley thought to himself, 'I have the sweetest man alive. I am going to marry this dork some day.'

He quietly retrieved a pair of red briefs from his dresser and gently slipped into bed behind Justin. He spooned Justin and kissed his neck, allowing the lullaby to ease his body.

Justin carefully stripped the sweater from his body, still singing the Ukrainian song angelically. His leggings were peeled from his legs next. Wearing just his briefs, or more specifically, Bradley's briefs because he didn't bring a change of clothes the night before, Justin laid his head on Bradley's muscular and warm chest, letting his fingers play with the little hairs around Bradley's reddish-brown nipple.

When he finished singing, Justin planted a little smooch to Bradley's pectoral and whispered, "I love you. Both of you. My little family."

The End

/- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Author's Notes:

This is a lot shorter than stories I normally write. I recently read a Sterek fic on Tumblr that was about Derek having a kid and Stiles was great with the baby. So it inspired me to come up with this.

Let me know what you think. This has little sex scenes because I wanted a story full of fluff.


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