A Quiet Night In

By Andrew Butterworth

Published on Jan 21, 2004



Last night was meant to be a 'quiet night in', My house mate, Sue, had to go to a meeting out of town the following day so she had gone to stay with an old girlfriend in the town, and hence I had the house to myself. We went for a quick beer late in the afternoon prior to me taking her to the railway station; the main station is in the next town a couple of miles away. Mike, a friend of mine, usually plays snooker on Monday nights at a snooker hall near the station so I had arranged to meet him in one of the trendy Irish bars on the high street, O'Neil's, for a quick beer and a chat before returning home for my 'quiet night in'. I had already planned my evening, one last pint in my local, home about 7.30 and then cook my evening meal, ham and mushroom pasta sauce and those twirly kinds of pasta I can never remember the name of. I parked the car in the supermarket car park in the centre of town, plenty of spaces at that time of the evening and, if the worst comes the worst I can leave it there overnight if I have one too many. There may have been a possibility that some of my friends may be in the pub and you never know. I made my way to the pub, via the ATM and then I had a thought, "Mark".

Now here I have to tell you a little about Mark. Mark is a friend I met in the pub about 6 months ago. Mark is 20 years old, 5'9" tall, 140 pounds and is absolutely gorgeous! He has thick, often spiky dark brown hair, a perfectly formed, well proportioned young face and large, very sexy dark brown eyes, (my favourite!), his skin always seems nicely tanned, and seeing as he's just come back from a holiday in Greece, probably even more so now!

What makes him even sexier is his mix of intelligence, wit and sense of fun, he really is a sweetie! Mark works in the town but lives in the next county, he often goes for a beer in a different pub after work with colleagues and so I decided I'd give him a quick call to see if he was still there. I hadn't seem him for a few weeks and I thought it would be a pleasant change not to see the same old faces and go and see Mark.

I thought I'd start with a text message.

[You still in Rgate?], send....

I was just retrieving my cash from the ATM and beep beep..

[King Arms]

came the reply, the name of the pub he was in. Excellent! I gave him a call

"Hi mate, how's it going, you there for long?"

"Hi mate" very enthusiastically, "I'll be here for a half hour or so, you coming up?"

"Yeh, cool, see you in ten".

'Fantastic' I thought, I got back in the car and set off.

The Kings Arms is a nice little pub, off the main road and very well kept, it's the only pub I know that has an entire no smoking lounge so when I arrived I knew exactly which side he would be in, he's a smoker too. Mark was sat with one of his workmates, chatting, and as I walked in he gave me a big beaming smile, almost a grin. God he was gorgeous! I'd not seen him for a while and forgotten quite how cute he was, and sure enough a very nice tan as a result of his holiday. He got up and held out his equally cute hand, I took it warmly and shook it enthusiastically. Mark bought the beer for him, his friend and I and we all sat down and started chatting happily, his holiday, my weekend, and his friend's latest sexual conquests! His friend, John, is also quite a looker too, only 18 but quite tall and well built, very very str8, as I knew Mark to be.

After half hour or so we started to watch the footy on the big screen, Leicester against Leeds, it didn't really have much interest for me, apart from the fact that Alan Smith plays for Leeds! Very cute but not a patch on these two young men I was chatting with.

Mark declared that he had to go soon as he'd had his drink limit,

"Why don't you stay at my house tonight? we can watch the football there and I'm cooking tonight, pasta" I offered

Mark had stayed at my house a few times under very similar circumstances.

"Yeh mate, cool, thanks, more tea vicar?"

Mark stood and went back to the bar for refills.

We stayed for another hour or so, his work mates came and went, we all had a good laugh and a few more beers, so much for my quiet night in! Eventually we decided to leave, we were both hungry and the pub was getting a bit noisy by this time, we made our farewells and left. Most of Marks's work mates know I'm gay; he can't seem to keep that quiet! But they also know that Mark is straight, they are all young, fairly bright people and being gay really doesn't matter to them, I'm sure no would have 'batted an eyelid' as we left together.

We arrived at my house a few minutes later and headed straight to the kitchen; we were both very hungry by now. Dinner was a joint effort, me making the sauce and Mark preparing some cheese and ham pasta combination, it was actually quite good! I didn't know he could cook, another hidden talent!

After we had eaten we both sat side by side on the larger of my two sofas, we drank wine and watched TV for an hour or so.

"I need to go to bed mate, I'm knackered" Mark announced;

Usually Mark sleeps on the sofa under a duvet so I took that as my cue to go to bed as well. As I was getting up Mark spoke again;

"I'm really really knackered, I'm going to have to go and sleep in your bed tonight mate"

'Fuck!', I thought, did I hear that right? I may have suggested on other occasions that he could share with me instead of the sofa but he had always refused, well, in for a penny.

"Well you can sleep where you want but I'm not sleeping down here, I'll be sleeping in my bed too",

"Fine by me" he replied and got up, gathered a few things and left to go upstairs,

"Got any water mate?"

"Yeh, glasses in the kitchen".

What the fuck was going on? This guy who is an absolute Adonis to me, who knew I was gay, who knew I fancied the arse off him, was going upstairs and getting into my bed! Well you can imagine what my horned up little brain was going through now; I very clumsily gathered my stuff, mobiles phones, cigarettes, lighter etc and then stood there.

'What the hell was going on here?'

'What did all that mean?'

If indeed it meant anything. I thought,

'Keep cool, it doesn't mean anything, lots of male friends share beds from time to time, its nothing.'

My main fear was obvious, how would I be able to control my obvious excitement and not make a Pratt of myself? It would have been all too easy to fuck this up and then he probably would want nothing more to do with me, you only have to refer to my other incidents to see how easy that would be! ;-).

I gathered my thoughts, and with a quiet "fuck it" I went upstairs.

Mark had already 'relieved' himself so I went to the loo and took a pee. As I entered my room, Mark had already got into bed, luckily on the other side to my normal sleeping position, there were no lights on in the room, just the light from the hallway and the green hue emanating form the alarm clock radio, but there was enough for me to see he was lying on his back, just his head and shoulders protruding from the duvet,

"Alright mate",


I turned on my beside light and arranged all my night time accoutrements, phones, ciggies, (yes, filthy habit, smoking in bed!) and stated to undress. Now I normally sleep naked but that was not going to be an option tonight! I quickly removed my clothes retaining my briefs, keeping my back to Mark; I couldn't hear anything so I presumed he was trying to get to sleep. Once completed, I slipped under the Duvet, still keeping my back to him, I didn't really even look at him as I did, I leant over and turned off the table lamp,

"Night mate" I offered and thought. 'this is weird!

We lay there in silence for a few minutes,

"Thanks for letting me stay, I had a good night tonight",

"Sure no prob, it was nice, what time you got to get up?"

"Well normally seven but seeing as I don't have to drive... eight?"

"No prob, the alarms set for quarter to, so I'll just hit snooze"

"Nice one, night"


A few minutes passed and I was beginning to think 'well that's it, panic over'


My companion broke the silence,


"You know I've never sucked a guy's cock before?"


'What the!..' What had he just said???,

I had to think about it for a second, had this guy, this gorgeous straight guy lying next to me in my bed just mentioned never having sucked a guys cock before??

My heart was racing, trying to make sense of what had just happened, then the significance of the word 'before' began to sink in. 'What, before now? Or before anytime ever in the future? There was silence, a long and semi awkward silence, I had to respond, he wasn't going to say anything else, I was sure.

"Well that certainly doesn't come as a surprise!" I replied. I know, sounds crap, but that's all I could think of!

What he had said was certainly a surprise, one big, huge one! But my response was dead true. He uttered a barely perceptible single laugh, more an exhalation of breath through his nose than a laugh. I could feel the situation getting tense, I had to say something and quickly or the moment would be lost.

"Want to try it now?"

Wow!, that was very brave of me I thought.

He didn't respond verbally, but almost instantly he raised himself up on his left elbow and looked down at me, the duvet had dropped down now to his waist, his lean, fit young body was just inches from my face. His slender yet muscled arm propping himself up on the bed. I could feel the warmth emanating from him, the smell was intoxicating. I looked up into those beautiful big brown eyes and he grinned a huge grin down at me. In one fluid movement he pulled back the duvet covering us both and was knelt on the bed facing me. He was completely naked! I hadn't for one nanosecond even thought that he may be naked under the duvet, I had undoubtedly assumed that he had at least retained his boxers and possibly his T shirt too. I looked, no stared at him, wide eyed and even slightly doubting that this was real. My eyes wandered from his thick dark hair, down his smooth, perfect chest, over his flat stomach and then to his groin, Oh my God, he was as hard as steel!, his manhood was there, right in front of me, pointing towards the ceiling at an angle that only twenty years olds can still achieve with ease!

I couldn't believe my eyes, the object of many a fantasy and many more wanking sessions was knelt in front of me, in my bed, a huge erection aimed halfway between me and the ceiling, and, oh boy, what a sight it was too.!

There was enough light filtering in from the street lights through the blind and adding to the light from my bedside clock radio display that I could see him clearly. I had seen him shirtless a couple of times before but I wasn't prepared for this. He was perfect! His hairless, toned chest was only a couple of feet from me, even with my spectacles long ago removed I could see every detail of this Adonis staring down at me, The athletically defined muscles of his shoulders, his evident but not overly developed pectorals playing host to his dark, small hairless nipples, on his left pec there was a tattoo, I'd seen it before, more of a symbol than any sort of picture, it was roughly circular, about 3 inches in diameter. Now normally I don't really like large tattoos on men, subtle ones are OK, but this one was different, it was adorning the beautiful chest of this beautiful boy and I loved it. Mark's stomach was flat as a board and very well defined, this guy had not an ounce of excess fat anywhere on that lean sexy body of his, I could see a fine line of hair, almost trickling down from his inwardly oriented naval down to a not too large bush of dark brown pubic hair, that bush beautifully nestling the real object of my desires and fantasies over the previous months, his 7 inch, uncut, and very thick cock!

I was transfixed! Totally caught in the moment like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights, I just stared at him. He grinned down at me again and reached for my briefs,

"You've still got your undies on" he almost giggled down at me.

Of course I Had! I wouldn't have dared to try and get in bed beside him naked, that would have been far too suggestive and I thought he would have run a mile. Mark quickly and expertly removed them and they were consigned to the floor. There I was, completely naked, vulnerable, lying on my back in front of him. Mark was still kneeling and grinning at me, the times I had dreamed and fantasised about this moment were lost on me, this was real, this was actually happening, oh my god!

Mark's face took on a more serious look now, he had already said that he'd never given a guy a blow job but I had no clue how much contact, if any, he had had with another guys cock. He looked down at my now very hard piece, what would he do now? Would he be nervous?, would he hesitate? I didn't have to wait very long before I found the answer to these questions, he reached down and took the base of my shaft in his hand and in one smooth motion took the head of my penis fully and confidently in his hot, wet mouth.

Well considering he had said he had never given a guy a blow job before he seemed to know what to do or at least know how to please. He had probably seen it loads of times in str8 porno but he was right on it. He was wanking the shaft of my penis while talking the head and upper part of in his mouth, his tongue was all over my head, he would pull my cock almost completely out of his mouth and clasp his lips around my head until he was almost just kissing my piss hole, then he would slowly take me in again, keeping his lips tight around, keeping the seal intact until he had about two inches in side his mouth. It was fuckin great man! He was a good cocksucker!

While he did this I ran my fingers through his hair, caressed the back of his head, down the back of his neck, around his cheeks and chin. I still couldn't really believe what was happening, The guy of my dreams, the str8 guy of my dreams, was giving me a fantastic blow job!

After probably five minutes I decided that it was my turn. If he was prepared to do this then I was sure he wouldn't complain, I lifted his head from my cock and pushed him over onto his back,

"Its my turn now" I said slowly and seductively.

He rolled onto his back and looked up at me, His eyes were almost glazed, he was smiling so happily at me, it was heaven! At that point I took time to look again up and down his gorgeous body, all lean and tanned and mine!.

I moved closer to his face and leaned in to kiss him,

"No, I don't want to kiss!" he said it quite forcefully but not loud or angrily

At this point a wave of disappointment came over me, I was getting everything I could have hoped for but not the 'ultimate', a passionate kiss from my god. I looked into his eyes and he could probably see the disappointment in mine, surprisingly I didn't dwell on this for long, I just moved down a little further and started kissing his neck and shoulders, working my way down his hot, smooth chest, I kissed and sucked his little nipples and they were soon responding. I moved lower down his chest, across his stomach and lower and lower. Eventually I arrived at his pubic bush, so soft, and the smell of him, WOW! I kissed him up and down his long, thick shaft, he was stroking my hair and encouraging me to go further, I teased him as long I could hold back but could hold back no longer, I licked at the droplet of pre-cum that was glistening in the light form the clock display and then took him into my mouth. This was fantastic!, the night was just getting better and better, I worked on him for a long time, up and down his shaft, licking at his 'string' , kissing gently up and down his shaft and head, I settled on the tip of his cock head and gently tongued around his piss hole.. he absolutely loved that and squirmed and moaned underneath me, that was definitely the thing he had enjoyed most through out the time we had been making love. I played harder and harder around here and I thought he wasn't that far from cumming.

Mark obviously realised this because he reached down and pulled my face form his cock and pulled it up to his,

"Lee, I wanna fuck ya"

he said quietly but with conviction, this wasn't a question, this was stating his intention.

There was no doubt that I was going to let him, I had dreamed about this for months, he could have asked me to do anything and I would have. For some reason I knew exactly what to say, in a very calm and in as sexually teasing voice I could muster,

"Yes you can fuck me. but you've got to kiss me first".

With that he lent up and gave me a long, passionate, deep kiss, his tongue reaching right inside my mouth, around my teeth, our tongues battled and toyed with each other, his allowing mine to enter his mouth and vice versa. I could feel his whiskers brushing against my lips and face, tickling and scratching, so masculine yet so tender. We kissed passionately for a long time, I finally backed off, rolled over and laid beside him on my back, and in a tone of voice almost daring him to carry out his request I quietly said;

"come on then, fuck me..".

To be continued?........Hope you liked the first part of my first story, please email me if you have any comments.

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