A Rainy Crash

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Aug 12, 2017



Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to NCBOY1982@juno.com or @r_jason_collett on twitter. Enjoy!! :)

It was a busy Friday night and I was heading home after work. Traffic was heavy and it was pouring down rain making it really hard to see. The loud thunder and bright flashes of light wasn't helping either.

And then the worst thing happened. The car in front of me slammed on the brakes. I hit my brakes but unfortunately wasn't able to stop in time before I slammed into the back of a sedan. I couldn't believe it. I was less than a mile from my apartment and got into a car accident.

Sighing, I put the transmission in Park and got out of the car. The rain felt like tiny razor blades as it hit my face and arms. I looked at the my car and the car I'd hit and it didn't look like there was much damage considering how hard it felt when we hit.

There went any broken lights or parts that had popped off and for that I was thankful. Hearing a car door shut I looked up.

And my jaw dropped, literally. Before me stood the most handsome man I'd ever seen.

He was about 5'5, muscular, clean shaven with the darkest black hair I'd ever seen. The glow form my headlights reflected off his darker skin, telling me he was Latino or middle eastern.

"Do you have insurance?" He asked in a thick Spanish accent. I'd guess from the accent that he was Mexican.

I just stared at him, unable to speak, in awe of his sexiness. Even in the low light I could see his dark brown eyes and he looked at me and then our cars and back at me.

"Hello, I asked you a question." He said, impatience mixing in with his sexy accent.

"Ye...yes." I stammered as I shook my head, trying to clear the lustful thoughts going through my head.

"Good?" He said as he pulled out an iPhone and started dialing a number. I just stared at him he talked on the phone and I realized he'd called the police to report the accident. After giving them our location, he hung up and started taking pictures of the cars.

"I...I...I'm so sorry." I stammered. "I didn't have enough time to stop." I mumbled.

"It's ok, accidents happen. That's why they're called accidents." He said. "I'm Miguel." He said as he extended his hand.

I starred at his hand before reaching out and taking it. It was so soft and warm.

"I'm Michael. That's ironic, we have the same name, just in a different language." I noted, immediately embarrassed. Was I trying to flirt? If I was, I was failing miserably. Or so I thought.

"Well, it is a good name." Miguel said as he smiled and dropping my hand. I swear I saw a twinkle in the corner of his mouth like you see in the cartoons. Must have been the reflection of a passing car's headlights I told myself.

By now, his slicked back hair was falling into his face from the rain. When he wiped it away from his face, it was like in slow motion and incredibly sexy. I couldn't believe that I was standing here in from of this handsome guy, only because I had ran into the back of his car.

Within minutes, a policeman arrived. It didn't take long for him to take our statements and give us the nessecary information. Obviously he determined that I was at fault for the accident. When I got home I already planned to file it on my insurance.

After the police officer left, who was mostly dry thanks to his poncho, Miguel started to walk back towards his car. Before I even knew what I was saying, I said:

"Hey, I just live around the corner. At least let me wash and dry clothes and make you some coffee." I was thankful for the darkness so he couldn't see the panic on my face as I waited for his answer.

Time around me slowed down like a scene from a movie. I felt like I could reach out and touch the rain drops as they fell. Then everything went to normal when I heard:

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." I said, quickly gaining my composure. "It's the least I can do since I rear-ended you."

"Then lead the way." He said and turned towards his car. I walked to mine and climbed in as the biggest smile spread across my face.

I maneuvered my car around his as he followed me to my apartment. Within two minutes we were parking in front of my building.

"Welcome to my home." I said as I unlocked the door. My cat greeted us as we walked in. "This is KC." I said as KC weaved in and out of my legs and Miguel's. Miguel reached down to pet him and I could hear KC's purr get louder and louder.

"I'll be right back with some clothes for you to change into. Just make yourself at home." I said as I motioned towards the couch and walked to my room. Miguel continued to pet KC who was now laying on his back loving the attention from Miguel.

As I was searching through my drawers for some gym shorts and a t-shirt, Miguel appeared at the door.

"Would it be too much of a hassle if I took a shower?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Not at all. Let me get you a towel." I replied as I got a towel from the closet. "Let me show you where the bathroom is." I led him to the bathroom and put the towel, shorts and shirt on the lid of the toilet.

When I turned to leave the bathroom, there he was, standing in nothing but his red, Papi brand boxer briefs, my favorite color. He was holding his shirt and jeans that were still wet from the rain. I quickly turned away from him, doing my best not to gawk.

"Where do you want these?" He asked as he was offering them to me.

"I...I...I'll take them." I stuttered and took them from him, still keeping my eyes away. I started to walk out, avoiding him completely when I heard him speak again.

"Here" He said. I looked back as he was handing my his boxer briefs. He made no effort to cover himself. I froze as I took in all his nakedness.

He was beautiful. Flat stomach with a hint of some abs, a nice happy trail of hair that led to his soft, thick, uncut penis.

I turned again, covering my eyes, my face turning the color of his underwear now in my hand.

"It's ok, you can look." He said.

"But you're naked." I said, realizing how stupid that sounded as it came out.

"Why don't you get naked with me?" He asked.

Before I could answer, he knocked his clothes out of my hand, pushed me against the wall, cupped my face with his hands and kissed me.

I was stunned, but quickly returned the kiss. It was gentle at first as he slowly explored my mouth before he sped up, the need and desire clearly evident.

My hands started roaming over his back, feeling the taught muscles flex as his arms and hands caressed my back and chest through my shirt, which he then grabbed and pulled over my head. I heard it drop to the ground by my feet.

He continued the kiss while he worked on unbuttoning my jeans and slid them down my legs. With his help I was able to step out of them and kick them aside. I could now feel his hardness pressing against mine, still trapped in my briefs.

Before I could pull them off, he had already reached under the waistband and yanked them down in one swoop. He stepped back to give me a look over.

And that's when the years of body issues and insecurities came flooding to my mind. I am not the skinniest of guys, definitely not if you compared me to Miguel, but I had worked hard to get to where I was with my body and I was happy with it, mostly.

"Now that's better." Miguel said. Before I could speak, his lips were back on mine with more passion than ever before. Any thoughts I had about him not liking what he saw quickly vanished.

After a few moments of the most intense kissing I'd ever experienced in my life, he started to kiss around my neck and moved to my left ear where he started sucking on it, making me moan in pleasure.

He started moving lower again, licking and kissing as he went, stopping at both of my nipples, making me moan again.

He continued his exploration down to my stomach and I rubbed my hands through his thick black hair, still wet from the rain but I could still feel that it was soft. He clearly used the really good shampoo and conditioner.

When he got eye level with my waist, he stopped and leaned back, starring right at my fully hard dick. He just starred at it for a few moments. Again the insecurities came back. I know that my dick isn't the biggest or thickest, but it gets the job done and never had any complaints on it before.

Finally he leaned in and started sucking and licking my balls. He licked around them and up the side of my leg towards my pubic area.

Then he stopped again and started staring at my junk again, this time I could see a grin on his face as he grabbed my cock, angling it towards his mouth. He glanced up at me, which just drove my antipcation even higher. He looked back down and engulfed my entire dick with one swoop, all the way down to the base, making me gasp out loud.

He proceeded to continue to suck harder and faster, making me moan even louder as he continued.

It wasn't until he stuck his tongue out and licked the space between my dick and balls WHILE he had my dick in his mouth that I knew what true ecstasy was and I am sure that my moan let him know that.

The harder he worked his tongue, the loader I moaned. I didn't know how much longer I could last like this. So I let him know.

"If...you...keep on like...that...I'm....gonna cum." I said in between panted breaths. The only response I got from him was a moan and faster motion from his tongue and mouth.

Suddenly I saw blackness and stars as what felt like white lightening shot from my penis. Never had I ever felt such an intense orgasm like that.

Miguel stood up, wiped his mouth, kissed me long and hard, looked me dead in the eyes and said:

"Now, about that shower."

NOW IT'S TWO years later. Miguel and I are still together. We're now engaged and shopping for a home of our own. He moved into my apartment about 3 months after we met. Oh, he proposed to me on the same day, one year later, that I rear-ended him.

He'd gotten up to use the bathroom. While he was gone, some of the wait staff started walking towards the table. One of them had a violin and started playing this soft tune that I started to recognize. It was one my most favorite songs from my favorite artist.

I looked around, confused and trying to figure out what is going on. And that is when I saw Miguel. He motioned for me to stand and as I did, he dropped to one knee, a ring box in his hand.

"A year ago today, you rear-ended into the back of my car." He chuckled as some of the patrons that could hear us laughed.

"But that day changed my life. I've never told you this, but I was in a deep depression. I was being laid off from my job, still hurting from my ex and I never thought I would find love again. I was even thinking about ending my life that night." He paused and looked down at the floor. I was frozen in place. He wiped at a tear that was running down his cheek before he looked back at me and continued.

"But you asked me if I wanted to follow you home for coffee and some dry clothes. I could see the fear in your eyes as you waited for me to answer. I knew that it took a lot of guts for you to ask me that and I thought that it was so adorable. I knew in that moment I wanted to get to know you. That is something that I have never regretted.

"You've changed my life more than you will ever know. And because of that, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. ¿Te casarias conmigo?" That means 'will you marry me' in Spanish.

I just looked at him, I knew what I wanted to say but I couldn't get the words out. I looked at his face, those stunning brown eyes looking at me, the bottom of them wet from his tears. I looked up and around and could see the other customers watching, the wait staff watching, the music still playing.

I reached for his hand to pull him to his feet, his face showing confusion. I looked at the black ring box in his hand and saw this silver band in it. I reached for his hands and in doing so, closed the ring box. He looked down at it with my hands on his. Even with him looking down I could see tears coming down his face.

"Papi, it is you that changed my life." He still hadn't looked up yet so I reached with my hand to raise his face to mine. There was hurt in his eyes that he would later tell me was there cause he thought I was about to tell him no. "You showed me what it was to love again, that someone could love me for me. I never thought that could happen ever again. You are so amazing, thoughtful and just...I don't know, you leave me at a loss for words." I stopped and gave him a long kiss. I could feel his smile fade and then he pulled away. He looked at me, stared right into my eyes and then there was the twinkle, the same twinkle I saw a year ago I'd mistaken for passing headlights.

"So...is that a yes?" He asked, his voice low and shaky but with a hint of laughter.

"¡Sí! ¡Sí! ¡Sí!" I exclaimed. His smile returned as he pulled me in for a kiss. Applause exploded from the restaurant but I barely heard it. What I heard was our two heartbeats turning into one. The man of my dreams asked me to marry him and that had been the best day of my life, well, until our wedding day.

Oh, and the date? Well, we set it for the same day that changed our lives, the two year anniversary of the day I rammed my car into his.

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