A Real Good Time

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 13, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Hey, kid!" Charton was already at least two sheets to the wind, I could see. "You ready to go out on the town and have a real good time?"

"I might as well." I grumped. I could see he had managed to find a more sympathetic bellhop than I'd had, mine had been a complete convert to Temperance and I'd received a lecture about the evils of drinking instead of an offer to play St. Bernard if I'd slip him an extra dollar for his trouble. You'd think in this year of 1928, Prohibition had made everyone a secret drinker or booze-runner, but I'd managed to find one of the few True Believers left.

"Hey, chin up, kid! The best is yet to come!"

The cabbie pulled up with a squeal of tires when we stepped up to the taxi stop. Plenty of cabs in this town, all right. We piled in and the cabbie opened the window between us. "Where to, bubs?"

"Take us to a place where two guys can have a real good time!" Charton ordered.

"Where's that?" the cabbie asked.

Charton pulled out a dollar bill and dangled it through the window. Personally, I thought it should have been at least a fiver, but he knew this game better than me, I kept quiet. "Come now, cab drivers always know all the speakeasies and blind tigers in a town."

"All the places in town have private memberships." the cabbie went on, as he took the dollar bill.

"There's got to be one that we can join real easy-like." Charton produced another single.

The cabbie took the bill, then he said, "I can't think of one."

"Think harder." Charton produced another two singles and put them through at once. If he was trying to save money, he was about to pull even, I thought.

"Well, there might be one place."

Charton pulled out the fifth single and handed it over. "So take us there already."

"You're the paying customer." the cabbie took off.

Charton settled back and said, "You see, kid, you have to know how to play this game."

"You are the master." I agreed.

We pulled up to a crappy building in an even crappier neighborhood. "Down that alley, you'll find a door halfway down. Knock on it and when they ask you for your ticket, you point to your buddy and say, `He's the ticket.'"

"Both of us?" I wanted to know.

"No, kid, you're the ticket." the cabbie said.

I was getting disgruntled at always being labeled the "kid" by everyone I met. So I'm just out of school, a fellow has to start somewhere, doesn't he? So I was tagging along with Charton on his rounds while I learned the door-to-door sales game. And now I was a "ticket," too?

Ah, well, I had to work my way through it. I'd get a route after I finished with Charton, and from there I could work up until I was teaching my own youngsters how to sell.

In that frame of mind, I stood by when Charton knocked at the door. I wasn't the least surprised to see a small peephole slide open enough to allow two eyes to look out. "Who are you?"

"I'm a friend." Charton said confidently.

"You got a ticket?"

"Right here."

And I stepped up and the guy looked at me and I tried to look happy and eager.

There was a rattle of chain and the door opened and we got inside.

"This way, friend." the doorman said. He was a big, hulking bruiser I would hate to meet in a dark alley. Come to think of it, I just had!

"And you come with me." he said to me.

"Why?" I wanted to know. Charton was walking into a room with tables and people having fun and waiters pouring them drinks left and right! Me, I was going with a large hulk into a small side door and down a dark, cluttered hallway. This ended in a small room. "In there!" he ordered.

I looked and it was a changing room. "What do I do in here?"

"Strip down naked and wait until you're called." the doorman announced like I was an idiot. "Sheesh! The young ones are always so damned dumb!"

That burned me up. Okay, this was a club of some kind. This must be some kind of initiation for their members. Why Charton got a walk through because of me, I didn't understand, but I'd go out there, buck naked, and whatever happened, happened.

I'd been naked about five minutes when the knock came at the door. "Okay, ticket, you're on." was the announcement. Hell, I wasn't even a name to these people! I opened the door and the doorman gestured for me to follow him. Over to a curtain and he pointed for me to walk through it.

I did and stopped dead in my tracks. "Holy shit!" I blurted out, and put my hands quickly to my crotch. I was on the stage! Everyone was looking right at me!

And the voice came through the loudspeaker. "Everyone, this is Timmy. He's kind of shy, it looks like!"

"Go on out there, kid!" the doorman said from behind me. "We're on!"

I walked out and saw that they were pushing a bed out from the other side. Covers! I walked quickly over to it and found the covers were built into the bed. No cover for me! I lay on the bed, shivering. God, whatever this initiation was, get it over with already!

"Get into it, kid." the doorman commanded.

"Timmy's been getting worried lately, because he's been throwing stiffies in his bed at night. It's making him lose sleep. Poor Timmy!"

"Awwww!" came the voices.

"Does little Timmy have a stiffie now?" the voice asked. "We can't see unless he pulls his hands away, can we? Come on, everyone, let's ask Timmy real nice to let us see his stiffie."

The crowd began to urge me on, then! Come on, show it to us, show us your dick, baby, waggle that wienie, come on, baby!

And you know the weird thing about it? My dick did begin to get hard. I mean, confidence is what lets you get it up every time, right? I was getting confidence in bucket loads!

So my cock got harder and harder and I reminded myself that this was an initiation anyhow, you have to put up with a lot of shit during an initiation, play along with the game, show you're a team player, so they'll let you in. We'd be in this town for two weeks, after all, we'd want to come back, a membership would be worth it to me. And all those people wanting to see me hard....

So I stopped blushing and got hard and after a moment, I said to heck with it to myself and lifted my hands away. The cheers from the crowd were bigger than ever!

"See what a big problem little Timmy has?" the voice said. "He needs some help with that, doesn't he? And what boy doesn't know who to talk to with all his problems? He talks with his Daddy!"

And I heard a sound behind me and I looked over to see my "Daddy!" The doorman! He was on the other side of that bed and he was naked as I was!

"Daddy is going to show little Timmy what he's supposed to do with his wienie. Isn't that sweet of him?"

The big hulk sat on the bed next to me. My God, he was broadly built, his stomach as big as his waist, hairy as hell all over his chest, legs and arms and one hairy paw reached out and grabbed hold of my dong and began to pump on it!

"You see, little Timmy! This is what your dick is for!" my "Daddy" said to me as I goggled up at him. "You pump it up and down like this and that makes it happy as it can be."

I couldn't help it, I groaned as this thick hand pounded on my fuckstick, I just lay there on that fake bed on that stage, being watched by several dozen pairs of horny eyes as my cock was being pummeled by a big, hairy brute of a man.

"Little Timmy loves his Daddy very much." the announcer went on inexorably. "He'd do anything to make his Daddy happy."

I knew then what that meant. I reached over and the doorman had thrust his cock outwards for me so I could get an easy grip on it. I grabbed that long, uncut pud and I began to pump it like I hadn't done since I'd grown up too much to do such things with my friends. The big man grinned at me and then he began to groan, and his hand worked me even harder and I groaned loud right along with him. Play it for the audience, that's the way!

"Doing things together keeps a family happy!" the announcer declared as we jerked on each other. "Of course, a good Daddy teaches his boy how to do other things while he's at it."

I felt one big ham of a hand reach and grab my head and push it up and over towards the big bruiser's dong. By now, I was beyond caring who was seeing me do anything, I sidled down and latched onto that pud like it was a big fat frankfurter. Yum, yum, yum!

"Little Timmy is a fast learner, all right." the announcer said as I sucked on that long, hard prod. The doorman was hairy down there and the hairs were a thick nest that my hand held at bay so I would work the sausage they semi-hid even at full tumescence. The doorman crawled up and over me and now he was sitting on my chest and I was sucking him with the help of his hands on my head. He was careful to make sure that our bodies blocked as little of the action as possible.

"But what's this? Our Daddy and his boy aren't alone here. It looks like Officer Smith is getting interested in Timmy's instructions."

Officer Smith? I couldn't see a thing from where I was but I feared the worst. Then he walked over and I saw. A man in full police uniform, that fit him badly enough to show it was a costume taken off a rack somewhere, but he was big, strong, blond-haired and handsome and when he fished into his pants and pulled out his love-muscle, it was as big and beautiful as he was!

The doorman gestured theatrically to "Officer Smith" to come on over and then he was getting off of me and Officer Smith, now with his pants pulled down to mid-knee, was climbing on in his place. I took that fake policeman's dong in my mouth and tried to do it the justice it deserved. Hell, this stud I would have done for free, initiation or not!

"Yes, indeed, little Timmy has learned his lesson well, hasn't he, folks?" And a thunder of applause greeted my ears while I slurped lustily on the long, blond prong.

And then I felt my legs being lifted up and I realized that my "Daddy" hadn't given up the stage altogether. He was about to invade my lower parts!

I was only glad that he had managed to lubricate himself somewhere along the way, more than my mere saliva I was sure, because his cock was downright greasy-feeling as it fought its way between my buttocks and delved into my anus with the huge bulb of the glans leading the charge. I moaned when that thing popped into me, and that just made the crowd applaud all over again.

"Little Timmy's heart will always belong to his Daddy, folks. But he doesn't mind sharing Timmy's favors with his drinking buddies."

I found two more guys on either side of the bed, and two dongs being thrust at my face. I couldn't suck three at once! I reached for them and began to pump them and they settled for that.

More than settled, they both came in just a handful of seconds. In no time, I was getting hot blasts of jizz on my face from both sides, and I looked up and "Officer Smith" was grinning down at me, stripes of hot man-come on my cheeks and nose and forehead.

I felt more splashes and realized that other men had just shot their wads onto my stomach and legs. And more were crowding around me as they finished.

Officer Smith and my pretend Daddy kept on fucking my face and ass and soon I had a thick load of come spraying into my butt. I felt that wad and prayed, God, let that be the last of it. This while more come sprayed onto my face from the cocks I was jerking and some were spraying Officer Smith as well, and he let them coat that policeman's uniform with their sticky wads. No wonder it was a poor fit, nobody would want to wear this thing home!

But my hope was short-lived, for no sooner had the doorman cleared off the bed than someone else was climbing on and shoving their cock into my ravaged ass. I was just glad that "Daddy's" cock had been so well-lubed, I don't think this second bastard used anything. And more men were clambering onto the bed. I knew for certain now that this had turned into an audience participation gambit.

Come sprayed me again and again until I lost all track of it. I sucked four more cocks and got fucked three more times before it was all over. By that time, I felt like I was one walking coat of spunk, not one square inch of my body felt free of the sticky goo. Some guys had deliberately set out to mark me somewhere unmarked, I'd had one guy lift up my right armpit and shoot it into that patch of hair, and then another guy took inspiration and did the same thing to my left!

I squelched as I moved, come in my ass dribbling out and more in between my legs and on my legs and arms and armpits and come in my hair and my nostrils and my face and my shoulders and my...well, you get the point.

"Okay, everyone, I think little Timmy will be able to sleep now." the announcer said when the fury had died down. Let's let him get some beddy-bye and we'll keep right on playing. Next show in a half hour, if any of you studs are up to it after little Timmy got done with you."

The bed was pulled away and into the wings and the doorman waited for me there.

"All right, kid, good job." he said, helping me off the bed. "We got a shower back that way, wash up and I'll bring you your clothes. Drinks the rest of the night are on the house for you and your lover."

"My who?"

"The guy who brought you here." he clarified. "My God, kid, quit acting dumb, all right? You were his ticket, so you both drink free."

Charton was getting free drinks out of this! Oh, God!

I kept clear of Charton and had to call my own taxi to get back to the hotel. The next day, I just wanted to forget about it and didn't mention the entire night and neither did Charton. That is, until we saw him.

The cabbie who had driven us to the place. He was sitting in his cab reading a newspaper when we walked by with our sample cases and I saw him and pointed him out to Charton.

"Ah, yes." Charton said. "Good job spotting him. I have something to say to that man."

And like a dummy, I kept quiet and behind Charton who walked up to the cabbie and said, "Hey, you!"

The cabbie looked up. "Yeah?"

"You and me have completely different ideas about how to have a real good time!"

And Charton turned and walked away from the cabbie and back to me. "Come on, kid, we got stuff to sell."

And I followed, my ass suddenly aching all over again.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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