A Rebirth

By ozzalone65

Published on Dec 31, 2020


This is a tale based off a guy that I have had in a few stories. Tony. A hot guy I have had the great pleasure to hook up with on now multiple occasions. So this is a new story about the fucking delicious stud with the big delicious butt slapping balls.

And this story is created as an almost continuation of another story I am writing "the Last Man in Earth" but in itself a somewhat separate tale as his name is alternated for it as I spans a different life.

Enjoy this story.....

A Rebirth (1)

As I gazed out to the sea I ponder life. As I always do sometimes. Wonder my existence and all of our existences. My mother, my father and those parents of my parents parents and theirs and beyond. Generations upon generations of people on this big blue ball in the universe. I am Orin. I am a young adult male that has been alive for a good 32 years if life. I live in village called Belmontis. Its a seaside village that lies on the sea of Tempra. One of hundreds of villages scattered across these lands of fertile vegetation. My family has been here for over a century. And this place for near several more beyond that.

But this is not about my village. This is about how we came to be here. Or at least my curiosity about us, humanity and this world we are in. But I would to learn more of why and what in the coming months. I would find more about us and the human past. All due to a connection I found outside my village. I all started when the images began. These images, more like flashing memories of a life I had lived but I know I have not lived. And a world I didn't know existed. Tall seemingly ending obelisck erected to the heavens. Strange machines that had no place in my world. But then again my world was (I am told) reborn of an old broken civilization from many thousands of years passed. Remnants and fragments of anything beyond the few centuries my people have lived here or beyond the few thousand years of our known existence. My families and their families beyond that have moved from absolutely nothing to where we are now. A civilization grown up from nothing. From dust. You see. What we knew and know are only from tales and legend of what there was before us. The vast and advanced civilization that existed before us and why they disappeared. I have been told that all remnants were destroyed in the great eruptions of the volcanoes of this world some 20,000 years ago.

"But why are we here?" I would ask of my father many a time "If there was such a cataclysm?" "Oh my boy" my father answered" "Life always finds a way"

This was how he explained it. As there was nothing to shed light on any of it. And for most people that lived it was just not a problem. They just were. Some force helped to somehow make life again after the destruction on the many millennia that had passed to get us where we were today. A beautiful and lush world. The creatures that lived and died as we did. The plants and water and rock that was this world. Many times I tried to picture this old world. Even before the blazing images had started to cross my brain. Do to that curiosity and what little I knew of it, I tried to picture this old place. But my mind at the time seemed closed off and limited to what I was to discover. But I could picture somehow larger structures than even the temples we worshiped at. Those buildings that were a good 30 feet high. Something I thought huge as I was a small boy. But per my fathers words and my imagination I erected in my head the sights if a larger city than what I was accustomed to.

And I tried to just live, even beyond my continued questioning. Maybe it was just me. I was odd many thought for my questioning. But it was whom I was. One seeking answers.

But it wasn't until the visions started that I knew much of anything beyond what existed currently. Those images that started to flash before me as I grew. Sometimes in dreams I would see it. All I knew was all these images began when I first saw him. Anton. Anton was and will to this day and beyond be the man I will always desire. The man that sets my heart ablaze with lust and want. This man that I met when I was but 26. I was already a young man and on my own. Living in a small dwelling of a larger complex of four that were set in a 'X' of connected bungalows. I worked for my father in construction. Building anything from homes to carts for the horses to pull. My small tree room dwelling consisted of a main living and sleeping area, a small kitchen with a table and a few chairs for meals.and a washroom for bathing and such. Much of the furniture in my dwelling I had built myself. Each bungalow was similar woth a small courtyard to its side. Then the next bungalow un the 'X' had the same. We just made it as we wished. They were many homes in this area built this way. And I knew at least two of my neighbors well.

"Good morning Talia" I said to my neighbor to my right arm in the 'X' "Good morning to you as well Orin" she said back

Talia was a lovely maiden near my age with ginger colored hair and rhe greenest eyes. She was one of many seamstresses that lived in the village. And the only one I myself used. She was cohabitating with a young man names Berron. A tall slender fellow that was almost 3 years her junior. And he was a bit of a loaf. Although he was a mostly delightful young man. And from what my dear Talia had declared to me on mor than one occasion 'built like a stallion.' I had of course caught myself using at him many a time staring at him to see of I could see a bulge to show his manly prowess. But did not go sider him much to my attraction.

"Good morning Hans" I would say to my other neighbor to Talias right. "Good morning neighbor" Hans would say to me back "How is you father and mother boy?"

Hans was an older man of 42. He worked in the mill. Ha made mostly eating utensils for ones kitchen. He was a dear a friendly man. And somewhat handsome save for his large belly. He and i, Talia and her beau would many a night congregate in one of the courtyards to play card games and dice games for entertainment and merriment. The fourth neighbor was an older gentleman that just kept to himself. Forhan was his name. His wife passed on some years back and he moved into the small bungalow just hot to be bothered. So we let him be.

"I feel for him" I would say to Talias "Have not loved as he. But can only imagine to lose a spouse that you have claimed a life with" "It must be devastating" "Yes. It must be so" Talia agreed

But the man was not friendly. So we let him be. I let him be, after several attempts to show him friendship and scowling refusal. I let him be. But it is not if my neighbors that I speak in regards to my discoveries. My wondrous findings of us and our existence. It is Anton. My beloved Anton....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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