A Rebirth

By ozzalone65

Published on Jun 23, 2023


This is a tale based off a guy that I have had in a few stories. Tony. A hot guy I have had the great pleasure to hook up with on now multiple occasions. So this is a new story about the fucking delicious stud with the big delicious butt slapping balls.

And this story is created as an almost continuation of another story I am writing "the Last Man in Earth" but in itself a somewhat separate tale as his name is alternated for it as I spans a different life.

Enjoy this story.....

A Rebirth (15)

... I was getting bothered by these dreams that invaded my slumber. That told of a place and or a fantasy location I had never been to yer knew it with each visit. I had to find out what it was and why was I having these visions. I decided to tell Anton of my strange dreams. A few days after our last encounter together after returning with supplies to the build site. For I received another flash of imagery in a hot day and I was drained from work and the heat. I was outside in the midst of the build when I started to feel a bit dizzy from the intense heat. I had to grab onto something to keep from falling over. Anton saw me and came to myself side to steady me. But in those brief moments I recieved another vision of the past. A vision of that dwelling underground and the man named Tony. We were discussing options for 'going back up' again. Which told that we were contemplating going up and out to the desolate world above. A place I did not think I would want to live in. But this alternate self and alternate Anton needed to do something as 'supplies' would not last too much longer. Anton grabbed me and held me up. Then took me over to sit down. Then asked if I was ill. I replied that it was probably just the heat. And he handed me some water.

"But." I then said to him "There is something else"

He sat there with me as I decided to tell him of my visions and dreams. Telling him in detail about the man that was him yet not him, this frightening place that held strange of heat and horror. He looked at me, not as if I were mad, but in a curious manner. But he seemed to understand it. Then he confined in me that he too had been having odd dreams since the day we had met. Similar to mine as he mentioned the 'bunker' as called it.

"There must be some connection if we are both reliving the same visions." He said "And I think I know where we may find answers" "Where?" I asked back "Where could we possibly find such answers?" "The world archives" he came back

As if a light popped on in my head, I too understood. There were many things in the archives that told of a past a long time ago. I had learn of some of this in school. But it only referred to an archeological site that told of a civilization that was here thousands of years before we came. But there was not much else I learned of it. And as a child I found little interest in 'history'.

"We should go there" he suggested "Take some time from the build and just go there" "We can find out where the site is and go there"

So we decided to do just that, Anton and I. When we returned back to the build site we informed out rathers that there was something we needed to get out of town.

"We shall return in a few weeks" I said to my father.

He looked at me oddly, but knew he had little choice in the matter of my decision making. I was a man after all. And I would do as I needed to do. Especially since I needed answers. Anton and I left the following morning. First to the world archives, which lay 3 days journey from here. Then we would be off to where every this site was. It supposed to be a few more days south from the Archives. In a dense valley to the north. Along the eastern shore line of the continent. We found ourselves sleeping together and making live many times in our journey. First to the archives location. Seeing what they had there. Then from a map given to us by the service person there. We headed north. To the place of the infamous dig. A place called NYC. I always found it a strange name. As I had heard about it in old tales. But it was where the dig site had been found. Old ancient structures that had collapsed over the millennia. We found ourselves there on a Wednesday morning. A cold morning too. I had forgotten that the north was colder than where we lived. And we had to cross the vast river and inlet to the ocean via an ancient structure that still was intact. A stone bridge that had overgrown in trees and fauna. From our side of the bridge we could see some of the crumbled structures. Many were much taller than the highest structures we had back home. And these were in ruin.

"Wow" I have fed as I looked out to the jagged skyline befire me "It is indeed a site to behold." Anton stated

We then moved to cross the bridge. Heading for NYC. I remember the things they had said about this ancient village. It was the most advanced village in the world at the time. And so vast it was called a 'city' and it was covered in these buildings called skyscrapers. And I understood it as I looked over to the jagged destruction before me.

"This is ever so exciting" I said to Anton "It is" he said back "It's quite exciting indeed"

When we crossed over the bridge we found ourselves moving. Through and around a crumbled mess of rock and these broken structure. One to the left that lay near the water line was the tallest building I had ever seen. This broken building had to be 9 floors high, and this was a wrecked shattered thing. Some gaping openings along the side I took to be windows. Then below it a heap of rock and other strange materials. But all of it was covered in green. Only small ares shown through to tell you of the strange rock used to create these things.

"I remember this" Anton suggested "Their buildings were made of a man made stone"

We both looked at the site. It was astonishing to say the least. But I found it almost familiar as we moved through the rubble. As we moved through the city we came across a family walking through an opened area. They say us and greeted us. We found that they were here to learn of our history. A vacation if learning if sorts. We chatted with them for a small about if time before parting.

"Don't forget to see the empire s' building" the wife said to us "Astonishing marvel" "Oh yes?" I asked "Which way to it?"

The husband turned and pointed to towards an area that we could see. There was a massive structure there. And a pointed needle like thing next to it.

"There behind the great fields." He said

I looked at the map that we had received. There was a mention of great fields. And area inside the island that was NYC. All natural area with no structures. But next to it was the building they spoke of. It was a leviathan over everything else in the city. We thanked them and headed that way. Wanting to see this thing for ourselves. I held Antons hand as we got nearer and nearer to it.

"Look at it!" I shouted out "Look at the thing".

It did tower over everything else near it. It had to be over a hundred feet in height. The needle like structure was lying in top of another structure and still shooting upwards at an angle to the sky. It was broken at the top but that too appear to be at least 40 feet long. Probably more. Then we reached the building itself. There in the ground near it was a large stone marker. Laying in its side withe the words 'empire s' carved into it. And as it was broken on the one side at the s' I assume it was some other unfinished word.but it was precisely at theat moment as I looked at the carves stone that a vision struck me. I had to hold his hand as I felt dizziness hit me....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 15

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