A Rebirth

By ozzalone65

Published on Apr 27, 2021


This is a tale based off a guy that I have had in a few stories. Tony. A hot guy I have had the great pleasure to hook up with on now multiple occasions. So this is a new story about the fucking delicious stud with the big delicious butt slapping balls.

And this story is created as an almost continuation of another story I am writing "the Last Man in Earth" but in itself a somewhat separate tale as his name is alternated for it as I spans a different life.

Enjoy this story.....

A Rebirth (4)

... Sleep was deep after the previous evenings drinking and being jovial with Anton. My head down and floating about in a sea of tranquil waves. I felt a coolness upon my face. Then a heat. I was somehow moving from here to somewhere else as I slept. I was hearing a bombastic amount of sounds. Sounds I had never heard before. And people passing me by. Most in a rush. And most all the noises floating around in my head. As if caught in a tunnel or cavern the voices and strange almost metallic noises echoed in and around me. The thing was I still could not see them or anything about. This state I was in did not allow me visage of my surroundings. Just a hazed of gray and the very intrusive sounds.

"Where am i" I huffed

I still saw nothing but haze as it floated about me. And it was a bit frightening. Where was I and how did I get there? But as I tried to reach out for something to grasp, anything I was pulled from the haze and by a hand. It was Anton. But he looks different. And qe were in a dank and dark place together. But he was naked as he was lying there next to me. He was gruff looking and with a fuller beard. His body taught and lean next to me.

"Can't believe it took the end of the world to find you" he said to me. "Me too" I said back

Then we kissed. But as we did I noticed that we were I. A strangely lit dark and dank looking place. It almost appeared to be a cave. But the walls were too smooth. Some dark stone structure with no windows to the outside. Some strange items about the room we were in. But it was he and I, Anton. But then I started to question thus scene. Beyond the obvious item that I easy laying in bed with this man I so desired. Even if his look was different. But it was the fact that I was with him. This was but a dream if something I wished for. Was it not? A desire of him, but in a strange place I had never been before. And then there were all the noises that had been just before seeing him. Foreign sounds I had never heard before. That and hus comment. What did he mean the end if the world? The world have not ended. So this truly was a dream. But was the message in the dream that he and I could only be together if the world were to end. For it had not ended. Had it?

"Yes Tony" my dream self then said "Mee too!"

Who was Tony. This was Anton, was it not? I tried to say his name in this space. But the dream me kept repeating 'Tony, Tony, Tony'. So I pulled my head up and screamed. Trying to scream the correct name. But it still did not come out as I wished. My eyes shot opened and that strange name blasted forth from.my lips again. "Tony" I shouted. I looked about my room. Confused as I awoke from this dream that was more nightmare than dream. Who was this 'Tony' invading my dreams. This false Anton.

"But I could taste him" I said to myself "I could smell him" "This is soo strange" "And what does it mean?"

I rose up as I was back in the real world again. Not in this dream state that brought me such distress. I got up and went to the window. Looking out to see I was where I should be. Carpath. The sea near me and the docks where the work I was there to do was awaiting me. I was where I was supposed to be at. But as I dressed and headed out this new morning I was bothered by the dream that had startled me some hours before. And even seeing Anton made me uncomfortable. And I almost avoided him because of this dream. He noticed my behavior and confronted me with the question as to what was wrong with me. Wondering what was bothering me. And he was going to get an answer from me as he persisted when I states that there was nothing wrong.

"Come on my friend" he said "Just tell me what is bothering you?" "Have I insulted you in some way" "It was not my wish to do so"

I huffed back that it was not him. That it was me and that i was not very social. But then he rebutted that saying that when we were drinking together that i had been most social.

"Maybe you need drink all the time then" he added "For I like the social you"

Then he suggested that we drink again this evening. Saying he would loosen me up and make me more friendly. I pondered this as I looked at the sky smile on his handsome face. This did lighten my mood a bit and I was able to get some work done without issue. And I did appreciate his levity on my issues.and i thanked him for it. The day pressed on and I was close to him most of it. His arm brushing up against mine on more than one occasion. The light hairs on it tickling mine. I would glance over at Anton and smile as I looked at him. Gazing at the muscular arm under his short sleeved shirt. Then time passed and the say ended for work. Anton made sure he found me and said he was taking me to the cantine pub near the old waterfront. He literally grabbed at my arm to make sure I did not. We headed down to that pub and he immediately orders several pints. He grabbed my hand and shook it. Saying he will make me loosen up. I gazed at the stunning man as he held my hand like that. Seeing how his hand stayed on mine as he continued to speak.

"You will enjoy yourself" he demanded "Or I will punish you" "Understood?" "What?" I huffed back

It was odd that he had said he would punish me. And as he did all I could imagine was my body bent over his lap, spanking at my bare bottom. Just like my father used to so to me when I was being insufferable. And as I saw that imagery in my head I felt my penis start to rise up in my pants. Thinking that this delicious looking man would indeed spank me for not obeying his wishes. My head screaming for the punishment.

"Oh yes Anton" it shouted inside me "Tale me and do spank me" "I want to feel those strong hands on my buttocks"

Yes. All these thoughts floating about in my head had me very very excited. Thankfully there was a table to prevent him seeing the problem I was having below because of his comment. How I was becoming quite erect as I pondered his hands on me like that. Hard spanks on my buttocks. And i feared that it was reading into it all badly. That i was just getting overtly excited about nothing more than male banter between friends. That his words were only out if jest and had no real meaning behind them. But regardless if this I was hard down there.u had to reach down and pull at my hard cock as I needed to move it so as to try and stop its throbs.

"Come. Drink!" He shouted as he pulled up the pint "Let us drink to this project again" "The gods giving us work is a good thing" "This keeps us prosperous"

I lifted my cup and we tapped them together. The 'ckank' of the tin pint cups bouncing off the walls. Then iBook a long hard drink. I hoped the alcohol would dullen my growing lust that threaten to expose me. We chatted about the project some more. But not for long. For this was when Anton began to ask more personal questions. Questions that were not asked on our first encounter.

"So. Do you have someone back home?" He quickly asked "Some.. female that is so waiting for her man to return from his journey?".

The pause seemed to indicate that Anton pondered 'whim' may be waiting for me back home. Had he surmised that I was not attracted to the female species. All my longing looks at him as he was before me. All my 'eyes dilled with desire' stares when he was near me. Had he picked up on those? I surely hoped not as I would be mortified and humiliated if he knew that my lust was there and true. But he seemed to just smile as he finished his question. I looked up and to his soft and almost tender eyes. I wanted to swim in the soft brown of them.

"No" I answered back "No ine waits for me" "I have not the time for relations with.. anyone"

I too paused as I answered him. Almost stuck as I almost said the words 'no man' out. But as he didn't seem to catch my fumble we just drank more.

"Surprised" he then said back "A handsome fellow such as yourself" "There should be.. many just waiting for you to choose them"

I was very flattered that he said this. Seeing that he seemed to find my looks appealing. I licked at lips as I felt the growing hunger for him surging in me. I literally wished I could just crawl up iver the table and grab him and take him into my arms. But I dared not such a thing. Then he selves deeper into his questions. Asking some that were even more personal. And these started to get to me more than the previous ones.

"So then" he started "When was the last time you.. You know?"

The question was almost like a blunt hammer striking me. For i knew what he was asking. Anton was asking me if I had had pleasure recently. I was very shocked at this question and I was increasing becoming uncomfortable with his questions. Yet he still asked them. He even asked me id I was masturbating. My eyes pulled out wide from this next level of question.

"You should masturbate at least daily" he stated

And then he confessed that he did such an act every day. Saying usually in the evening before sleep. That way all the stress of the day was released in his orgasm.

"And it always feels ever so good" he added

The he paused and then added that this conversation was exciting him. That he may go home and masturbate right after we parted. I then saw him reach down below the table. And I knew what he was doing. For I had done it myself. I imagined anton reaching down and groping at himself. Feeling and pulling at his own growing dick. I honestly wanted to dive under the table at that moment and push myself between his legs and shove my face to his crotch. To push my mouth and lips to the area that held his penis. And then he said the greatest shocker of a statement. One that near made me burst in my pants. Anton suggested that he come to my room at the inn and help me to relieve myself

"Maybe I can aide you in releasing that stress that is eating at you" he then said.

I near fell off my chair....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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