A Season of Cheer

Published on Dec 5, 2021



A Season of Cheer

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

There is a strong chance that difference between humans and animals is the ability to self-delude. Animals know when they are old. They are more than willing to lie down and rest. They realize things aren't the way they used to be.

I never thought I had that delusional ability. I knew that most of my friends were getting older. I didn't notice that my conversations sometimes involved the words by-pass, and heart valve replacement. I thought my own problems, which incidentally included by-passes and a heart valve, were just bumps in the road.

I am Randy and I eventually realized that pretending I was young was not convincing anymore and made me into a comic character. I didn't think I had reached the comic level of self-delusion. Most of my friends were between sixty and eighty years old.

As the holiday season arrived, I decided to have a party. I hadn't had one in years. My parties' years earlier had been quite refined events. More correctly they were as refined as all sucking and all fucking events could be.

I never thought they were orgies. They were tasteful events that included multiple oral and anal interludes and friendly exchanges of intimate fluids.

I called my friends, and all were game for a party. Most of them had met a few new friends, and of course I said they were welcome. My friend Don said he had met a man who could stay hard for hours. He was afraid he might be to vigorous. I told him that sounded like the perfect guest.

I was planning my party in the first week of December. Don said used to have party in mid-December. He told me might invite a few friends over near Christmas. When I talked to another friend, Louis, he would love to come to my party, and he might revive his Boxing Day event.

Another old friend, Frank, said he hadn't been to a party in years, and would be glad to come. He once had a New Year's Day party, and he might revive it. I wondered if that was too much. Frank said that if he died of a heart attack being fucked on New Year's Day, he would be happy. He added that if he died, could we make a plaster cast of the cock that had last fucked him and shove it up his ass so he could meet his maker with a smile on his face. Refined elegance was Frank' strong suit. For the first time in decades, I had multiple parties for the Holiday season.

I figured some of the parties would not come to fruition. The party would be a lot of work for the hosts. To my surprise, no one dropped out. All of us thought this might be the last chance to get together as a group. For most of us, our orgy days were limited. There was no reason to put off things to the next year. We couldn't be sure there would be a next year for any of us.

I invited other old friends. Duval was a queen, a florist, and was now an aging queen. I'm not into that, but Duval had a king's cock. While that is very superficial of me, there is nothing superficial about his cock. I also discovered he was a smart clever man who always willing to help. The co-owner of his shop is Little Tommy. Little Tommy is six-three, and his cock is wider than it is long. Some guys love it. Others describe it as memorable.

Rex was my barber. He is Italian, hairy like an ape and likes meeting new men. I am bald, but Rex never held that against me. His barbershop is next to the Old Mexico corner market. Big Juan owns it along with two or three hundred relatives. Juan runs a tight ship. When someone tried to rob Rex's barber shop, the police had to save the robber from dismemberment by Juan's relatives. The police were nice about it. They said an accident with some scissors explained the robber's loss of his trigger finger.

One of my oldest friends is Doc. Martin. He is retired and eighty or so. He was a G.P. but he was a wise source of medical information.

We all knew two or three guys who would be interested our sort of party. My intention was to focus on recreational sex, not romance. Romance was perfectly acceptable immediately before, during and after an orgasm, but it becomes complicated after the last of the sperm drips from your ass. If lightning struck, that was fine, but a load in your ass was easy to handle without a guy who wants to marry you.

Some might say this is superficial. I had noticed that the ratio of the men you fall in love with and the men you want to have sex with is heavily tilted toward the sex partners. I never had a desire to be an elderly Victorian woman waiting to have her first sex with her one and only true love. Once and a while I may go a little overboard with sexual playmates. I confess I had no desire to be picky at my party.

My party was on the first Saturday of the month. Little Tommy came by at two to decorate. They had left over flowers from a Friday night cocktail party. Duval was setting up two dinners for tonight. He was well organized so Little Tommy was free for me.

It was nice. I don't think Duval advertises his homosexual orgy floral schemes, but it was good. Tommy was with Old Pete, a retired florist who helped when needed. He also like cock. Juan came by at six with the food. He was with a helper Julio. Julio was young, energetic, and tastefully sex crazed. A nephew was running the Shop.

Everything was ready by eight, when the first guests knocked on the door. I live in the house I inherited from my parents. It was too big for me, but it's quiet and secluded. All the guests arrived between eight and eight-thirty. We had some beer and wine, but when there are enough cocks, an excited cock tastes better than an up-scale wine.

My friends all knew each other of course, but there special friends and new acquaintances were often interesting. My friend, Doc. Martin had called all the guests and tested the new men. Rubbers were fine, but bareback was the preference. 8:30 was the last time clothes were allowed.

Rex came with a couple, Harry, and Dick. They were in their late thirties and were slim and muscular. I assumed they were joggers. Harry had a hairy chest and Dick had an impressive cock. That made it easy to remember their names. They were a bit nervous. So, I went over to them. One was a banker and the other a teacher.

I told them that while about anything goes but saying please and thank you was the rule.

"I wouldn't insult anyone by saying no?" Dick asked.

I smiled and explained, "The men here have been around the block a few times. They have all heard no more than once. You might be saving your cock for a special someone, or saving it for someone you haven't met yet," I explained. "No one wants to hurt anyone physically or emotionally. Some men dislike sperm in their mouths or ass. You are good looking guys, I suspect no one is going to have a problem with your special sauce."

"It's a cliché that experience counts. None of the older guys are new to the scene. Some sperm that retains its youthful sparkle is welcome," I added. They laughed and I later saw they had no problem mixing with the men.

Doc. Martin then introduce me to his guests, Phil, a retired nurse, and Dexter was a surgical nurse in the local hospital. Phil was a beefy red bear. Dexter was a short, trim, muscular man. I had met Phil a few times before. He had been the senior night nurse, so he was usually at work when we got together.

Rex had wandered off leaving Harry and Dick alone. They wandered toward us. They liked Phil and Dexter. Little Tommy had decorated a sling with flowers, so it looked like a swing in a garden bower. I got in the sling. Slings are surprisingly comfortable. They are useful in that they send a clear message that its occupant wants to be fucked and he isn't worried about which cock is going to fuck him.

Phil came over to me. "I'm real thick. Is that a problem?" he asked.

I smiled and said it had never been a problem before. There was a tube of lubricant in the foliage decorating the sling supports. Phil's cock was thick and filling. I assumed he liked to top because he sure knew his way around my ass. He pounded me at first, but he slowed to a massaging pace. He had a big cock head that I could feel traveling in and out of my rectum. I also knew he was oozing precum big time. there was no need for additional lubricant.

Some men are suckers, fuckers, or they like both. I had noticed years earlier, a cock popping into an ass acts like a starting gun at a race; the action begins. Sucking doesn't have the same effect. In a sling it lets everyone know it's time for more intense sex. Of course, it also let everyone know that I am a bit of a slut. I wasn't worried about that. I assumed they all knew that already.

Group play is special because you are engaging in intense personal connections in public. It is a selected public, but public none the less. It can be scary, embarrassing or incredibly liberating. I fall into the liberating category. For years I had ben terrified that someone would discover my sexual secrets. After my first orgy, I had shared my secret with other men. I had seen them naked, sucked their cocks and tasted their sperm. I shocked myself when I opened my ass as a new recreational area for them.

The men were all like-minded. They all liked sex. While some were looking for the perfect one, most weren't counting on that. Sex is its own reward. Phil was Doc Martin's longtime companion. Doc didn't mind watching Phil enjoy my ass. Doc knew my ass well. Doc always pulled out of me before he shot off. He would shoot it at my asshole and then snowplow it and have the rest of his ejaculations deep in my hole. Phil did the same.

After Phil shot off and pulled out, Harry was waiting. He filled the void in my ass.

"Is he tight?" his pal Dick asked.

"He is certainly tight enough. It's good but different. That big guy's cum makes it smooth as silk," Harry replied. I tried to grip his cock with my sphincter. He liked that.

"Randy, would you mind if I took a poke?" Dick asked.

"That's up to you and Harry," I said. "I have a feeling he has more to give me."

"I think Harry and I would both like to leave a parting gift, I that's okay with you?" Dick asked.

"I'm not entirely a slut," I said, "but I always like to make a guest feel welcome." Both Harry and Dick laughed and then took turns. They were both heathy young men, and I enjoyed their forceful ejaculations.

It is a host's obligation to make his guests feel welcome. When three men fucked and seeded me, I set the tone for the evening. I don't think Emily Post or Miss Manners formally addressed the number of orgasms a host had to take up his ass to be polite, but I am almost certain I did my duty.

I hadn't realized that while I had been generous by letting guests use my ass, several men felt that the sperm in my ass was an interesting taste treat. That included Dr. Martin and Rex. Rex liked to lick up drooling sperm, but he was also ready to replace it with his own home brew.

The party was well under way when Juan and his crew arrived. Most of his men were younger, but all were into man play. Juan has good taste in men. Pablo, his store manager was with a nephew, Edwardo. Edwardo had some problem experiences. Pablo wanted him to meet a better class of men. Latino doesn't mean much racially. Juan's father was Spanish, and his mother was Indian. Pablo and Edwardo were Spanish-Italian if hairy chests are a clue.

Edwardo was handsome. Edwardo was uneasy meeting new men, but when he discovered I liked the bottom, he relaxed as his cock slid into my behind. He had a large cock, but he liked the skin-on-skin sensations of an ass. I am an active bottom. He was used to passive bottoms. He took his time and held back his climax as long as he could. I was sucking his uncle Pablo who was giving him instructions.

I was sucking up Pablo's cum when Edwardo lost his battle and shot off in my ass. Juan and Little Tommy came by. Juan licked my ass, and then Little Tommy fucked me. They alternated sucking and fucking until Tommy had a spectacular orgasm. Men gathered around us to watch Little Tommy's gulley washer drooled from my ass.

It was getting late by then and the men went home. Little Tommy and Edwardo stayed to help clean up. They were quick and got a lot done. I went to bed. They slept in the guest bedroom. Edwardo fucked Tommy, who was rarely a bottom. Later Tommy fucked Edwardo. It was both pleasurable and educational experienced for both men. They both fucked me in the morning. Edwardo had improved his fucking style after his night with Tommy.

This was the first of the planned series of parties. I wondered if any of the future parties would be cancelled. That didn't happen. When you are older. Christmas doesn't have the excitement you felt when you had the prospect of a new bike or toy. When you reach middle age many of you friends still go home to their family. The Christmas season can be a sexual drought. My party added some zip to the season.

Don had the next party. Don was a successful accountant and was wore wing-tip shoes and suit every day. Rex claimed he had wing tipped flip-flops for the beach. Don was a jogger, so he was in shape. Don rarely got in the sun. He was bald but had an exceptionally hairy chest. His cock was large, but it took a lot of work to get it to shoot off. Rex called it the all-day sucker.

He lived in a high-rise apartment house on the next to the top floor. Don wasn't showy. He said clients don't like accountants who are too wealthy. His event was a 1950-60 revival cocktail party, with the mixed drinks and hors d'oeuvres of the period. That was not a choice for him. He gave the same parties his parents gave years earlier. His parents, however, did not include nudity.

For a man who was as up tight as Don, he was friendly and cheerful outside of the office. He had one sexual skill that was much admired. He could get his cock further down your throat or up your ass than seemed possible. Not only could he do it; it was enjoyable too. I remember the first time he fucked me; I was surprised when I felt his ejaculating deeper in my ass than I thought possible.

Rex came with Dick and Harry; Doc was with Dexter and Phil. Juan and Edwardo came with four guys, Julio was an older man, but the others were young and cute. The young guys liked the older men.

I mentioned this to Big Juan. He explained that the young guys tended to bottom for aggressive younger men. They were looking for men who would like to get fucked. That meant older men.

"Then need some quality time in an older guy's ass to learn some fucking skills" he explained. "They try to thrust as fast as they can to shoot off quickly. I want them to take their time. Maybe, I should tell you I recommended you to them?"

"Maybe you should have asked me first?" I said.

"Randy, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I've known you for a long time," Big Juan said, "If I had ever heard you say no I might have told you."

I looked at him sternly, and then laughed. "I can resist anything but temptation." I said.

He laughed and asked, "Had you noticed I have been using you to help young men find themselves?"

"I thought they were dazzled by my good looks and sophisticated, man-of-the-world air," I replied.

"That impressed me too," he said. "That was especially so after I had been fucking you for two or three years."

Two of his young men came over to us. Juan introduced one tall fit guy as Adolphe. The other was a shorter, very clearly Indian man called Aztec.

"Before you complain, Aztec is his own nickname, not mine. In school, his real name was too hard to spell. He liked Aztec as a name," Big Juan explained.

Both men spoke some English, but Aztec was better at it than Adolphe. They were both here to get away from drug dealers. They also found Juan's sexual preferences agreeable. Adolphe had a bigger cock. Aztec had an average cock, but he was born to fuck a guy's ass.

They didn't require much guidance. Sex is its own reward, and cocks are single minded as to their ultimate objective. A slow fuck extends the pleasurable sensations and intensifies the orgasm.

Both were good looking, and they did not object to open admiration. It took them a little what to realize that everyone at the party was into it and more than willing.

Adolphe's cock was a good fit, and he enjoyed my ass. He pulled out and Aztec had a great time. Ten minutes later he was injecting his load into my ass. Aztec's balls must have been productive. I felt each ejaculation. When he pulled out, Adolphe re-entered me. He had never fucked a sperm filled hole and he loved it. Aztec was his best friend and his sperm made it even better. He took his time and had a beautiful orgasm.

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