A Tale of Two Curses

By Charles Bozeman

Published on Oct 4, 2023


A Tale of Two Curses – Side story

By: The Archivist

Chapter 11 – Love and Futanari Vampires at Brown

If you would have told me a month ago, when the semester started, that I'd be dating a vampire girl with a penis, I'd have told you four things. First, I came to Brown to work on my art. I dated during my freshman year, and it was just a distraction. Second, even if I did date someone, it wouldn't be a girl because I'm not gay. Third, girls don't have penises. Finally, and most importantly, VAMPIRES DON'T EXIST.

I would have been wrong on all four of those accounts.

My name is Morgan and I'm a sophomore at Brown, majoring in Art. I do mostly big splashy stuff with canvas, but I'm also big into nontraditional sculpture and pastels. This is the story of how my life changed forever.

It started in my comparative religion elective. I took it because it fit in my schedule and looked like an easy 4.0. It was a bit early in the morning, so I tended to sleep through parts. Owing to this, I started to slip. I would kick myself if I failed an easy class like this, so I started slamming a coffee before class to stay awake.

I noticed Charlie about a month in.

She dressed conservatively. Very conservatively. Hat, sunglasses, lots of makeup, blouse, jacket with Theta Psi Theta letters, gloves, long skirt, dark leggings, and smart shoes. She looked like a bundled up Jackie O; too covered to really get a read on her.

The day I noticed her, I took too long to pack up at the end of class and was the last one out. I saw the professor giving her a thick set of notes as I walked by.

"Hey, are those the notes for the lecture?" I asked.

She turned to me. I couldn't see her eyes behind the sunglasses, but her head nodded slightly, as if she was checking me out. She smiled. "Yeah, do you want a copy?"

"That would be awesome, thanks!" I said as we filed out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the professor staring blankly into space. Weird.

As we walked I introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Morgan."

"I'm Charlie. What's your major?" she replied.

"Art. Let me guess, if you're a Theta you're doing business."

She nodded approvingly. "Good eye. Are you in a sorority?"

"No, I never really fit in to the Greek scene; I'm too much of a loner."

"Oh, that's too bad. I'm certain you'd fit right in at Theta Psi Theta." she said sincerely.

"Me? Really?"

"Yeah, I think you'd really like it." She smiled as she said.

We continued our walk and talk until we got to the campus print center. We got along famously. At the print center, Charlie summoned the manager and then something strange happened.

"If it's ok with you, let me use your printer." she said. I could tell there was something weird going on, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The manager overrode one of the printers to print for free and we copied the class notes. As we did I noticed it was not just for this unit, but the whole rest of the class.

"This is everything! Even..." I lowered my voice to a whisper "...copies of tests!"

"Relax, Morgan." She said. "These are old tests. Consider them like practice tests."

"Oh, that's ok, I guess. I just want to pass, that's all."

She smiled again. Even under all the stuff she had on, her smile was pretty. I felt a little flushed, which was unusual for me. "If you want, we can get together for a study session in the library. Do you have night classes?" she asked.

"Me? No. I'm free." I answered.

"Most of my classes are after 6, could we meet up around 10?"

"Yeah, sure. That sounds great!"

"See you there. Don't forget." she said. Her words drilled into my brain somehow. For the rest of the day, any time my mind wandered, I would think `meet Charlie at the library at 10.' I started getting nervous. I put on my most comfortable study clothes and got there an hour early to calm down. My tension melted the second I entered the building, but returned if I got up to get a drink or go to the bathroom. To feel better, I had to sit near the entrance and look for an overdressed girl.

Charlie surprised me by walking right up to me. I didn't see her until she tapped my shoulder because she was completely different. Gone was the conservative getup with the hat. She was in a cute top with a swishy medium length skirt. Her hair, no longer hidden under a hat, was a beautiful shoulder length brown with highlights. Her bright blue eyes perfectly accented her cute face. She had less makeup, and was much paler. Her cleavage was pushed up out of her blouse. She looked like she was ready for the club. I felt a bit embarrassed as she tapped me on the shoulder.

"Ready, study buddy?" she asked. I jumped.

"Oh! Sorry. I didn't recognize you."

She laughed. "Yeah, I look a little different at night. Let's go."

I followed her to a study room. We spent a few hours poring over the notes and quizzing each other on the test questions. Her arm brushed against mine several times.

That dress must not be very warm. She was ice cold.

Around 12:30 I started to yawn. "I'm getting tired, how about you?"

"Oh, not me. I'm a bit of a night owl."

"Yeah, I don't know how I'm gonna stay up for the Luminous Vertex show tomorrow."

"The what?" she asked.

"Local band, I know the bassist. They're OK." I said dismissively.

"High praise. Where do they play?"

"I forget the name of the place, but it's on their website. It's only about 15 minutes away."

"That sounds pretty cool, you need a ride?" Charlie offered.

At this point, I'd have considered dating a girl if she had a car, sexuality notwithstanding. "YES! Oh thank god I don't have to take the bus. There's this one creepy guy."

"OK, I'll pick you up at your dorm at 8?"

"Cool, it's a date."

Charlie smiled. "A date?"

I flushed again. "Well, not a DATE date but, you know..." I stammered.

"Good, see you in class." She said.

I watched her leave. Her ass swayed enticingly thanks to her short heels. I had to shake my head. What was I thinking? I didn't like girls.

My dreams that night disagreed. I dreamed of Charlie, holding me in a dark void. It was cold but I felt inner warmth as she caressed my face. Her hands moved all over my body. She kissed me gently as I felt her fingers touch my clit. The dream repeated itself in various incarnations all night. I woke with my panties soaked. I had to rub one out before class. All through class, I fantasized about removing Charlie's daytime outfit. I was so hot and bothered I couldn't sit still. She came up to me after class.

"We still on for tonight?" she asked.

"Oh, uh, what?" I said, coming out of a sexual daze.

"The concert. I'm picking you up at 8?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Cool." She said, clutching my hand. "You're not such a loner after all, Morgan."

She left me like that, unable to think. I bumbled through the rest of the day, barely making progress on my canvasses and sculptures. After a while (and copious amounts of coffee) I was coherent enough to talk to my classmates. I mentioned the Vertex show tonight. One of them told me it had been cancelled. Something about a flu going around. I double-checked the bar's website. Sure enough, they were right: no show.


I hadn't asked Charlie for her number, so I couldn't tell her. Charlie showed up at my place at 8 dressed to kill. Little black skirt, dark lipstick, skimpy top. She looked confused, seeing my dumpy hoodie and my brown hair pulled back in an unflattering ponytail.

"You're not ready for the show?" she asked.

"It was cancelled. Sorry. I forgot to ask for your number." I said sheepishly.


"Yeah, it sucks cause I wanted you to see them." I said.

"Do they have videos online?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah. Let me pull up their channel."

We went into my room and watched videos for a bit. "I can see why you like them, Morgan." She said.

"Yeah, but I'm bored. Let's just put on a movie and make popcorn." I suggested.

"Oh, uh, I already ate so I'm not hungry... but you can have some. I don't mind."

I shrugged. "You're a pretty weird girl, turning down free popcorn."

We put on a dumb documentary and sat on my bed. We slouched together on a big pillow. She was still cold, so I draped a blanket over her. She smiled and rubbed her shoulder up against me.

Five minutes later she had her tongue in my mouth and I was tearing off her little black dress.

I never wanted anyone like I wanted Charlie in that moment. It was animalistic, intense, and hot. I pulled her top down, and massaged her breasts. She pulled my hoodie over my head and wrapped her arms around me. We kissed deeply, exploring each other, as she removed my bra. I started to run my hands down her back and she pulled back for a second.

"Morgan, there's something you should know..." she said, suddenly a little afraid.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, it's best if I show you..." she said. She wiggled out of her dress and showed off her pretty black panties.

They bulged.

I looked up at her. "Are you..."

"I'm a girl. I just have this. Is it OK?" she asked.

I smiled. "Can I see it?"

She tantalizingly pulled down her panties. Her cock popped out, bobbing as it did. It was amazing. It had a thick foreskin, which the purple head bulged out of. It was about 6" long and thicker than most I've seen. I licked my lips, then pushed her back onto the bed. I inspected it up close. It grew from where her clit would be. Underneath, there was a vagina with puffy labia. She had no balls.

"You were born like this?" I asked.

"It's complicated." She said.

"That's OK. I like complicated." I said as I licked from the base to the head and swirled my tongue around the tip.

Charlie groaned. I continued my assault, taking her cock as far down as I could. That wasn't very far, as it was quite thick. Normally with guys I'd massage their balls, but Charlie had none. I tried fingering her pussy as I sucked, and she tensed and squirmed in ecstasy.

"Please, let me taste you." she moaned. I gave her tip one last lick, then fell back against the headboard. She grabbed the waistband of my sweatpants and lifted my ass off the bed as she whipped them off in one swift motion. She leaned down and kissed my pussy through my panties. As she pressed her lips to them, they became soaked with my juices. I've never been so wet. She pulled them to the side gently and touched her tongue to the hood of my clit. She licked up and down slowly.

"Oh fuck..." I shouted. I never had one of my boyfriends go down on me. It was unbelievable. Soon her licks became harder, circling around the hood and pulling it back. Somehow, I wiggled out of my panties and she threw them behind her. She took my clit between her lips and sucked it, flicking the tip with her tongue. I was so wet I was dripping down my thighs. I gently cradled the back of her neck with my leg, pulling her closer. She began moaning into my slit, while she filled me with two of her fingers. She curled them up, rubbing me from the inside. Her rhythm increased and soon I was screaming, wrapping my legs around her head as I came harder than I've ever come in my whole life.

As I came down, she looked up at me. Her face was slick with my juices. She crawled up over me, her breasts caressing my body. She leaned down and kissed me. I tasted myself on her, and felt her hardness rub against my still spasming pussy. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity.

"I want you." I said, breaking our kiss. She gave me one last peck and then climbed off the bed, retrieving a few condoms from her purse.

"Better safe than sorry, right?" she said.

"Oh, yeah," I snarked. "I mean you gave me the best orgasm I've ever had and all, but I'm not gonna have your babies just yet."

"Don't worry, I can't get... nevermind..." she said, opening one of the condoms.

"You can't what?" I asked.

"Um, well, I can't get you pregnant." She said reluctantly.

"Then why the condom?"

"It's just... you wouldn't believe me if I told you..."

"Oh come on." I said. "What's the big deal?

"I like you." She said, with no hint of a smile. "I really like you. So... I don't want to curse you."

I let that hang for a second. "...curse?"

"The Futanari curse. It's passed when a futa like me cums in the pussy of a normal woman, like you. You'd become a futa, growing a penis."

"...so someone cursed you..." I followed up.

"Yeah, but I've never had a relationship with someone who's not a sister, so I..." she cut off instantly and clapped her hands over her mouth. Her eyes went wide with surprise.

"Sister? Like the sorority? You mean they all have dicks as big as yours?" I said with incredulity.

She paused staring at me. She then sheepishly nodded. "I wasn't supposed to tell you. You'd be in danger if you spread rumors. Please don't tell anyone."

I sat up. "What do you mean `danger?'"

She sighed. "I wasn't lying. I really like you. I watched you in class and thought about you. Studying with you was great. You're so beautiful it hurts..."

I got up and hugged her. She still felt a bit cold. "You're cold. Here, put the condom down and get under the covers with me."

She laid down beside me. "That's not why I'm cold. I'm going to show you something, and I need you to not scream. Just believe me when I say I'd never hurt you."

I looked at her. Her face was impassive as stone. She was serious. "OK." I finally said.

She opened her mouth. I didn't know what was happening until I saw her canine teeth extend, turning from the blunt points people normally have into pearly fangs, razor sharp.

I froze. To my credit, I didn't scream. She closed her mouth and looked sad.

"I'm sorry..." she sobbed.

Overriding my fear, I wrapped my arms around her. She turned to me and I looked her in the eye. "So, you're a vampire?"

"Yeah..." she said.

"Is this part of the curse?" I asked.

"No, this is a second curse. Two curses, which cancel each other out partially. Each curse makes the effects of the other less bad." She said, as if by rote.

"...were you going to bite me?" I asked.

"NO!" she shouted. Then she paused. "Well... yes... but only a little! The vampire bite gives intense pleasure. It would just have been a little love bite..."

"So, you would have turned me into a vampire..." I said.

"No, I'm not allowed. That's why you're in danger. If Queen Dakota found out I told someone about the sorority she might have you killed."

There was a lot to unpack. I had a beautiful girl in my bed. She was a vampire, she had a penis, and she had just plunged me into a world where my life was in danger. I had a million questions and a billion reasons to be furious.

However, at that moment all I wanted was her.

I kissed her, softly, on the lips. "It's OK. No one has to know. I won't tell anyone."

She smiled at me. "Oh Morgan..." and then she started kissing me. Her cock got hard again and rubbed against me. Forgetting what she had just said about the curse, I squirmed to get it inside me.

"No, wait." She said. She retrieved the condom and put it on. Then, she grabbed my ankles, spread my legs, and rubbed the length of her cock on my still drenched pussy. Then she bent slightly, aligning her cock with my slit, and pushed.

It was divine.

She gently entered me to her hilt, filling me with her hardness and pushing the tip against my cervix, stretching me open. I came again, instantly, pulling her down to me and clawing at her back. She held still until I looked into her eyes.

"What... what was that...?" I stammered.

"When a futa first penetrates a woman, they always cum. It's part of the curse."

"That's awesome!" I shouted.

"Just wait." she said with a devilish smile. She pulled my ankles apart, holding me open as she began thrusting in and out slowly. She withdrew almost all the way, then back to the hilt, increasing in tempo. My toes curled around her hands, and I grabbed my tits, squeezing my nipples. Soon my body was wracked with another orgasm, just as powerful as the first. Charlie didn't let up though, fucking me hard through the orgasm, not letting up and prolonging it for what seemed like centuries. I howled, screamed, and moaned. She slowed down and bent over me, claiming my mouth with hers. She made short deep thrusts into me as we kissed, then she pulled back slightly.

"Can... can I bite you?" she asked.

I tensed. She told me that a bite wouldn't turn me into a vampire, and that it was incredibly pleasurable. But she could have been lying.

Then again, if she's a vampire, she could have bitten me at any time before this. It's not like I could have defended myself when I was cumming harder than the grand finale of a fireworks show.

"Will it hurt?" I asked.

"Just a little, and then the pain fades to pleasure." She said, then kissed me again.

I nodded and moved my head to the side, exposing my neck.

She touched the side of my cheek, bringing my face back to hers. "No, not the neck. You'd lose blood too fast. When we want to prolong the pleasure, we have a better place..." She arched her back, lowering her face to my breasts. She took my right nipple in her mouth and sucked it deeply. As she sucked, she raised her head, lifting the breast. She let go, and my tit fell onto my chest with a `pop' noise. She gave the same attention to the left nipple, running her tongue around the tip. Then, she blew lightly over them, drying them and making them cold. I felt my nipples tense as they became hard. She kissed the right one again, then looked right into my eyes and extended her fangs. She brushed them over the erect nipple, causing me to shiver.

Then she bit in.

It felt like a sharp pinch for the briefest instant, quickly overwhelmed with a dreamy pleasure. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. Tiny ripples of pure joy spread out from the two points where Charlie's fangs pierced my breasts. They filled my body with a quivering light.

Charlie began moving inside me again. The sensation of the bite seemed to amplify the feelings from my pussy all over my body. I was a being made entirely of sexual pleasure. I pawed at Charlie's back, eventually grabbing her head and pulling her into me. I wanted her to drink deeply of me and never stop. She sucked my nipple hard, drawing my blood into her mouth, as she began pounding my cunt. Her thighs slapped mine, and we both grunted with every thrust.

Suddenly, she sat up, wide eyed. Her fangs and lips were red with blood. I felt her cock swell and she shouted incoherently. I came with her, tensing and arching my back, offering my bleeding breast to her. She struck my other breast with her fangs, biting deeply, and once again I felt the bliss of the vampire's bite. I felt like melting as my limbs went limp and twitched with joy.

Her fangs slid out of me, and I whimpered. The cloudy joy of the bite faded as I saw her press her finger into the tip of one of her fangs, drawing a drop of dark crimson blood. She smeared it into my bite wounds. A stinging sensation followed, as the pain of the puncture wounds became fuzzy and disappeared. I watched the holes left by her fangs seal into pure skin, as if they had never been bitten. Charlie licked the remaining blood off my breasts, and then kissed me. I tasted the coppery tang of my blood as I kissed her deeply.

"Well," I said "that's a hell of a first time with a girl."

She looked shocked. "Really?"

"Yeah. I never knew I liked girls until I met you. I just felt it..."

Charlie broke eye contact and her lips shrank. She fidgeted a bit.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, a futa gives off pretty powerful pheromones. They can make women incredibly horny. But it doesn't make you attracted to a certain person."

That explains my dream. "Great, so I'm dating a vampire girl because her cock gives off mind control chemicals."

"I only used my will to control your mind once." She said offhandedly. "I was afraid you'd stand me up at the library, so I willed you to not be late."

"That's why I was so nervous that day!" I shouted. "You put the whammy on me!"

She looked guilty. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to spend time with you. I promise not to do it again."

"What, exactly, did you do to me, though? Hypnosis?"

"No, it's complicated." She said. "A vampire can push their will into the mind of a human, creating a strong suggestion. If it's something they want to do, it's very strong, but if it's dangerous or repulsive, it's weak. Like if I willed you to cut yourself, you'd be able to ignore me."

"Power of suggestion. Got it. I'm assuming your sisters can do that too."

"Oh shit!" she whispered, suddenly terrified. "You're right! Plus the Queen has a much more powerful version that can literally control your mind. If Dakota told you to do ANYTHING, you WOULD."

"Fucking hell..." I whispered back. "You weren't kidding about the danger."

"Yeah. There are normal vampires, both men and women, who aren't futas like me. They're mostly pretty old, and they can't walk in the sun. Futanari vampires have only been around a short time, but we've taken over several major cities and colleges. There's a war going on."

"A WAR?" I shouted.

She motioned to keep my voice down. "It's not as horrible as it sounds. Futanari vampires tend to treat their cities much better. We don't kill or enslave people. We also tend to win because we are resistant to sunlight."

"Well, you certainly treated me right." I said, rubbing her chest. I moved in for a kiss and we rolled around for a bit, enjoying the afterglow. Charlie expertly swapped her used condom for a new one, and entered me from behind. She had more stamina than any guy I'd ever been with. She pounded me into pudding. Then, after I'd come several more times, she bent down and bit my shoulder. The hazy bliss returned. I felt like my body was filled with a warm pulsing energy. It cascaded up and down as we came together.

Charlie turned me over and straddled my chest. I pushed my tits together around her cock, and licked the tip as she humped me. Then, she turned around, dangling her cock in my face as she covered my pussy with her mouth. I felt her bite in once more, her fangs piercing my most tender areas. I came within seconds. She sucked me slowly, feeding on my blood and juices, as I took her cock into my mouth. I jerked her shaft with one hand while fingering her with another as I worked her head with my tongue. I came again when I felt her cock throb and shoot a huge load down my throat. I clamped my lips around her and drained her dry as she continued to feed on my blood. Soon, I was woozy, and started to mumble. Charlie sealed her bite wounds and came up, suddenly concerned.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! You just tasted so good, I didn't want to stop."

"It's ok," I drawled "I didn't want you to stop. Bite me again, if you want."

"No, you're too weak. I'm so greedy. We can't ever go this far again. I could seriously hurt you."

"S'ok." My head bobbed up and down, as if I was drunk. "C'mere. I like you. You're cute."

She smiled and cuddled up to me. I fell asleep in her arms.

I woke up as she climbed over me, out of the bed. I felt like I was hit by a truck. I groaned and looked over at my phone. It was a little after 5am.

"Come back to bed..." I moaned like a zombie.

"No, I have to get back to the house." She said, pulling on her panties. "It looks suspicious if I stay out too long, plus I don't have my sun gear. As soon as the sun came up, I'd start to burn."

"Close blinds..." I muttered.

"Those blinds suck." She said in a judgy voice. "Although I can stand up to sunlight for a few minutes before bursting into flame, I'd never survive." She bent down and kissed me, fully dressed. "See you in class!" She headed out the door, racing the sun back to her house, presumably.

Ugh. I must have lost more blood than I thought. I dragged myself out of bed, and into the shower. Then I threw on some clothes, and trudged to get some breakfast. My normal oatmeal with raisins seemed insufficient considering my blood loss, so I loaded up on OJ, eggs, and sausage. Walking to comparative religion class I felt a lot better, if a little bloated.

I walked into class. There she was. Dolled up in her sun-proof getup. Under all the makeup and clothes, she was still beautiful. Why had it take me so long to see it? I sat next to her and held her hand under the desk. She squeezed back and smiled. We didn't pay much attention in the class.

I bent over and whispered in her ear "Do you have condoms on you?"

She blushed, and then nodded.

After class we found an empty bathroom. We waited for the crush of students in the hall to die down, and entered the farthest stall together. I put the condom on her, and she lifted me with her super strength, lowering me onto her cock. We muffled each other's moans with our mouths, and stayed silent whenever someone came in. Charlie bit my wrist and I came on her as she fed. Her dick throbbed and pulsed in me as she filled the condom with a load bigger than the one she made last night. She healed me and we kissed.

"Your place, tonight?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm guessing we need to not ever go to your place."

"Sorry." She said as she hugged me. "I'm pretty sure that if word got out I told you, they'd make you into a juice box."

"The only one who can suck my juices is you." I said as I kissed her.

"Promise?" she said with a grin, grabbing my hand.

We went back into the stall and she put that to the test. Her tongue reached farther in me that I thought possible. Even more amazing, she did it holding me up in the air by my ass, as I held on to the walls for dear life. I came all over her face, covering her face with wetness. Her fangs went into me on either side of my clit as she moaned into my pussy. After she put me down, she fixed her sun-proof getup and re-applied her sunscreen and makeup. During this time, I recovered, put my clothes back together, and tried my best to re-style my frizzed-out hair.

She kissed me one last time. "See you tonight!" Then she bounced out the door.

I wish I was that energetic. I walked a bit funny out of the bathroom, only partially from blood loss. I ate a big lunch, then went to my classes. Between classes, I googled "anemia" and went to the drugstore to pick up iron supplements, protein shakes, and condoms. I guzzled two of the shakes, which tasted like ass, and downed three times the recommended amount of iron. I also had a double espresso just before sunset. I went back to the dorm, put on my sexiest outfit with my laciest underwear, and waited.

Morgan didn't show up till after 1pm. She looked grim. I threw my arms around her and kissed her, but she didn't kiss back.

"My sisters wondered where I was last night..." she finally said, plopping down in my computer chair. I sat on my bed opposite her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"They're getting suspicious..."

"Ok." I said, caressing my hands over my chest.

"...so I can't see you anymore..."

"Right." I said, as I spread my legs and showed off my panties.

"Will you listen to me?" she shouted. "You could be killed!"

I pulled my panties to the side. "Then you better kiss me goodbye..."

She saw my pussy and visibly melted. She rushed me, tackling me to the bed and kissing me deeply.

"You're a bitch." she said. "That was unfair."

"Shut up and kiss me." I said, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her into me.

Our clothes seemed to fly off. Her breasts mashed into mine as she ground her hardness on my clit. I fumbled for the condoms and somehow got one on her before she plunged into my soaking pussy. Thanks to her curse, I came, holding onto her with my arms and legs until the shaking died down.

"Oh fuck, what am I gonna do?" Charlie moaned as she began thrusting inside me.

"It's OK. We'll figure it out." I said, pressing my lips to hers.

We rolled over and I mounted her, riding her cock. I steadied myself on her breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. She couldn't take much of that, and I felt her cock throb as she filled the condom. I pulled off and laid beside her, holding her as she came down.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"I shouldn't." she replied. "I've already taken so much from you. You could get sick."

"Don't worry, I've got iron supplements and protein shakes. Plus I really love feeding you. It feels so... close." I rubbed my nose on hers.

"Oh, Morgan..." she sighed. She leaned in and kissed me, then bent down to my breasts. I felt the pinch and floaty sensation I've come to love as her bright white fangs pushed into my nipple. I cradled her head as she fed. Her fingers found my pussy, and she circled my clit with her thumb as she drove two fingers deep inside me. I was so wet it made obscene sloshing noises as she fingered me to a long, drawn out orgasm which left me tingling from my head to my toes. She healed my bite wound and cuddled with me for a while, both of us saying nothing, except with our eyes.

Her face fell a bit. "I have to go." She said.

I put my arm over her. "Please, stay."

"No, if I stay out all night again they'll be suspicious."

I thought for a second. "What about the daytime?"

Puzzlement flashed across her face. "The sun would toast me in minutes."

"You let me worry about the sun." I scolded her. "Would your sisters pay attention to you during the day?"

"Uh..." she stammered. After a minute's deliberation she looked back at me. "Probably not. Being awake during the day makes you feel weak. Most of them sleep when they don't have classes or other stuff that can only be done during the daytime."

"So, here's my idea." I started, holding up fingers for each point. "On weekdays we meet in my room at night, for a quickie. You can say you're out feeding, which..." I playfully bit her nipple, causing her to squeak. "...is true."

"Bitch. That hurt!"

"Bite me." I said with a smile. "Then, Saturday morning you come over and we make love all day, all night, and all Sunday. Your sisters won't miss you for too long." I kissed her softly. "I'd miss you though..."

She kissed me back, passionately. "Oh, Morgan. I love you..."

The shock of that admission froze my blood. I realized I felt for Charlie what I'd never felt for anyone else, even all of my previous boyfriends combined. "I love you too, Charlie..."

We kissed for longer than I could imagine. We were two lovers, together. It felt so right. Soon we reversed our positions and I took her cock into my mouth as she ran her tongue over my slit. Her fangs penetrated my pussy and I moaned around her thick shaft. We both came several times. I swallowed her sweet, musky cum as she fed on my blood and juices. We cuddled for a bit, afterwards, saying `I love you' to each other over and over.

"You'd better go." I said, noticing that our quickie had lasted two hours.

She frowned, then rolled out of the bed. Her dress had been thrown behind my mini-fridge, so it took her a bit to find it. As she bent to pick it up, I reached out and slapped her ass, causing her to jump with a little `woo!'

"You're so bad, Morgan." She chided me.

"Yeah, but you love me." I said.

She bent down and kissed me. "And you love me."

"Yeah, I do."

"I still can't believe it." She whispered in my ear. "When I was turned I thought I'd have to give up love for the power and immortality of being a futanari vampire. But you make me feel alive again. My heart beats for you and only you."

I blushed. "I can't believe someone as cool and powerful as you could love a boring girl like me."

"You're not boring! You're..." she paused.

"...fucking boring?" I offered.

"...eccentric! You have wonderful taste and artistic style. Look at all these paintings you've done!" she said, motioning about the room. "Plus, your pussy is like porn-star good."

"Well, my momma always told me to be an eccentric loner and have a porn star pussy, and I could have any vampire futanari girl I'd want." I snarked.

"Wiseass. Kiss me goodbye." She said, rolling back onto the bed. I took her in my arms and kissed her, sucking her tongue into my mouth.

"Love you." She said, standing after our kiss.

"Love you." I said, as she left.

The door slammed shut and I fell back onto the bed.

Whoa. Heavy shit. It took me a while to fall asleep as I processed it. I liked girls. Specifically one girl. She was a vampire. We needed to hide our love or I'd die. I drifted off to sleep, scheming how to safeguard our relationship from her sorority sisters.

The next day was Friday. After seeing Charlie in class and sharing a few stolen kisses in a back storage room, I rushed out to a few stores. I got some big posters, cardboard boxes, and duct tape. Returning to the dorms, I put the posters up in the window, facing out. Then, I covered the poster and the rest of the window with the cardboard. Duct tape held it all in place. I shut off the light. Cracks of sunlight peeked in at places I missed. The duct tape sealed those shut and the only light came from the crack under the door.


I slept that night, anticipating Charlie's arrival, rubbing my clit and making a mess of my panties. My dreams were filled with visions of Charlie fucking me... and me fucking her with a huge dick of my own. I fell asleep with a finger inside me. I was awakened by a loud knock. I rolled out of bed, heedless of fatigue, and opened the door to see Charlie in her day clothes. She took off her sunglasses and showed me her beautiful smile.

"Hey, you." She said.

I grabbed her and pulled her in with a little `yip' of surprise from her. The door slammed behind her.

"I've been thinking of you all night." I said, whipping off my t-shirt.

"Me too. I've been hard for hours..."she said, rubbing her crotch through her long dress.

I fell to my knees and lifted her dress over her waist. She dutifully grabbed the bunched up cloth, giving me access to the thick granny-panties that she wore during the day. Sure enough her penis stuck out of the top, restrained by the fabric. I pulled them down and her cock sprang free, bobbing sensually in front of my face. I took it in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the glans and gently pressing two fingers into her.

"Morgan, I need to lie down. The sun's making me tired..." she said. I let her cock out of my mouth with a `pop' and led her over to the bed. She put her head on the pillow, looking a little woozy.

"Are you going to be OK?" I asked.

She put her hand to my face. "For you, I'd brave a thousand sunrises."

I made a noise that resembled "D'awwwwwwww..." and blushed redder than I ever have. I climbed on her and kissed her. Her pancake makeup and sunscreen were still fresh, so I got a little bit in my mouth. I spat, disgusted.

"Sorry." She said.

"It's OK. I'd chug a thousand bottles of sunscreen for you." I snarked.

"Aww, how romantic." she snarked right back with twice the sarcasm.

I retrieved some facial wipes and removed her makeup. I gently caressed her face. He skin was unbelievably smooth. I climbed on top of her, rubbing her cock on my panties. I slowly ground on her as I kissed her. She reached up and grabbed my breasts, massaging them in circles.

"God, I want you inside me." I whispered.

"Mmmm..." she moaned. "Condoms... in purse..."

"Do we really need that?" I whined.

Her eyes shot open. "Yes!" she shouted. "Queen Dakota gave me a compulsion. Trust me, you don't want to see what would happen if I tried to defy it. Plus, I don't want to turn you into a futa."

I ground on her. "You don't? You mean you don't want me to have a nice big cock to fuck you with?"

She grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up. "You don't know what you're asking. Without the vampire curse to mitigate the worst of the lust, you'd have an almost constant state of brain fog, which could only be lifted by penetrating a woman's vagina. Nothing else would satisfy you. Plus, if you tried to put me inside you without a condom I could seriously hurt you."


"Dakota is my maker. You can't ignore commands from your maker for about 70 years. She used her will to prevent me from making any new vampires or futanari. If you tried to force my penis into you, I'd throw you off, or fight you. I'd have no control."

I stopped grinding. "Sorry, I didn't know it was that serious..."

"Well don't STOP rubbing on me!" she shouted. "Just get the condoms!"

"...yes ma'am." I whispered. I ground on her some more as I awkwardly reached into my nightstand for the condoms I bought. I crawled down and peeled her panties off, then applied the condom. I straddled her and sat, pushing her inside me. Lightning shot up my spine as the futa curse made me cum as soon as she hit my cervix. I flung me head back with an "Oh!"

As soon as I recovered I began riding her again. She thrust gently from underneath, matching my rhythm. I steadied myself on her chest, still covered up by her thick blazer and blouse. I tried to unbutton her as I fucked her, but I couldn't get the buttons to go. She helped me, eventually exposing her bra. I pulled it up awkwardly, freeing her tits but covering her mouth with the discarded bra.

"Easy there..." she moaned. "Help me get this stuff off."

I tried to do it with her inside me, but I whimpered as her cock slipped out of me. I quickly stripped my love's clothes off, then got her inside me again as quick as I could. I came again, collapsing forward onto her naked chest. I crushed my breasts to hers as she wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight. She began to pound me from underneath, hard enough to lift my knees off the mattress. We came together in a quivering mass of moans and sweat, screaming our orgasms into each other's mouths. I rolled off of her.

"I can't believe we have all day to do that." I said.

"Mmmm... sleepy... cuddle me." She moaned.

"Oh, no, don't you go to sleep on me now!" I said, shaking her. "You owe me one full day of girlfriend time, payable in full with your dick."

"I can't fuck you for twelve hours. You'd get tired."

"Well, then tire me out. Come on, I thought you vampires had super stamina."

"We do. BUT. Staying up during the day and having sex both take up some of the magical energy we get from drinking blood. If I fucked you for the whole day, I'd need to drink. A lot. We need to pace ourselves." She scolded me as she removed the condom, placing it in the trash.

"But you're a futa. Didn't you say sex revitalized you?" I asked.

"The condom. It prevents energy transfer somehow. Every time I cum I'll get hungrier because of it." She went back to her sleepy voice.

"So, you're hungry?"

"Mmmm, a bit, more sleepy. Can we nap for a bit? I want to hold you."

"OK, babe. Come here." I held her close, letting her arms wrap around me. I flipped over and we spooned, her cock rubbing against my ass. She slept for about an hour then woke up and nuzzled my shoulders.

"Hi cutie." She said, heat in her voice.

"Ready for round two? I asked.

I nodded and rubbed against her. We made love slowly, savoring the feeling. She fed on me just a bit, piercing my breasts as I writhed under her. Afterwards, we put on every streaming movie that came up for the search vampire' and made fun of them. Charlie feigned shock and distaste that they could get vampires so wrong. Often, she had to defend the honor of the vampire race' by covering me in kisses and assuring me that vampires don't have demons or monstrous visages or pointy ears or sparkles.

It was adorable.

She also explained how being in Theta Psi Theta worked. You had to make a business plan to use your vampire powers to further futa vampire society, or conquer a city or college town that had not already been taken. Charlie wanted to manage a series of hotels that would have sun-proof rooms for vampires, letting futa vampires stay for free, and exterminating non-futa vampires. A vampire on staff would be able to encourage customer loyalty, resolve disputes, etc. She was also quite the shark, explaining cut-throat shit about hostile takeovers. It was really boring but she was so cute explaining it. She really wanted to rule the world from her itty bitty chain of hotels.

Later in the evening I ordered pizza and shamelessly scarfed it down in front of her, along with my usual protein shakes and iron supplements. We conquered every surface and piece of furniture in our sexual escapades, from my computer chair to the rug to the closet walls. It wasn't just the best sex I'd ever had; I felt so close to Charlie. I wanted to be her lover forever. I fell asleep around 4am in her arms. I woke up Sunday a bit after noon. I roused Charlie from her sun-induced slumber and rubbed her to hardness. I got a new condom on her and climbed aboard, savoring the instant cum induced by her magical cock. I rode her for a while, slowly sharing our passion.

The door to my room unlocked with a loud `KA-CHUNK.'

I screamed in surprise as the door opened to reveal a half dozen girls of various heights, builds, and colors, all outfitted with similar getups to Charlie's sun gear.

They also all had stakes.

Oh shit.

I rolled off Charlie and hid my nakedness under the covers. The invaders looked around the room, stakes at the ready.

"Clear." A tall redhead said. A cute, petite blonde girl entered the room, armed only with a look of undying rage.

"My Queen!" Charlie said, tumbling out of the bed onto her knees.

Double shit.

"Charlie." She said, with a sultry voice tinged with ice. "What, exactly, do you think you're doing?"

"Oh, uh, I was..." she stammered.

"Tell me what you're doing." The Queen said, with an unusual force. Charlie flinched as if struck.

The words seemed to spill out of Charlie. She spoke without pausing. "This is Morgan, we fell in love, I was spending time with her, she loves me for who I am OH PLEASE DON'T KILL HER I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!" the last part came out as a shout.

The Queen, Dakota presumably, turned to her underlings. "Make sure we're not disturbed. Tell anyone in the hall to ignore us." A few of them nodded and filed out. "NOW. You're telling me you love this girl, my sweet thrall. How long have you known her?"

"F-f-f-f-f-f-ive days..." Charlie said with shame in her voice.

"Five. Days. In an eternity of life. Were you planning to overthrow me?"

"No! No, never! I love you my queen!" she said, prostrating herself before the pixie vampire.

Queen or no, I was jealous. I was just too scared to let that jealousy out just yet.

"There's something you should know." I squeaked.

The queen looked up at me, surprised I had spoken. "Well, is that so? What do you have to offer me, girl?"

What a bitch.

"Charlie wanted to break off our relationship, but I didn't let her. I knew that being with her was dangerous, but I didn't care. It's not her fault. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me." I admitted.

"Oh, I assure you, I have quite enough anger for the both of you. Is this true, Charlie? Did this little coed seduce you?"

"Well, yes and no... she encouraged me, but I decided. I wanted to do it..." she said.

"I'm surprised at you, Charlie. You know how the futa curse can forge emotional bonds. You should know better." She scolded.

"I wasn't trying... I just... You promised us the power to get whatever we want. I want Morgan." She whimpered.

"Really." Dakota said. "And just what excites you about this girl, other than her obvious good looks? If you were serious enough to risk your life for this girl, was it just for a nice pair of tits and a tight pussy?"

"No!" Charlie shouted. "She's smart and funny and an amazing artist. She likes the same things I like. She's so beautiful I want to scream every time I look at her. I was hoping to keep her a secret until I graduated, and then make her mine. I want to spend eternity at her side."

"Eternity... with an artist. Understandable. But, she'd eventually grow to resent you, wouldn't she? Art won't pay the bills."

I couldn't help it. I let out the most disgusted sigh I've ever uttered. I'm so sick of people thinking artists should be dirt poor mooches. The queen fixed me with her gaze, fangs out, obviously perturbed.

"Oh, did I offend your artistic sensibilities, girl?" she shouted.

"No, you just sounded like my Mom and every other person who doesn't know that art is a business." Fuck being a scared little bunny rabbit. I'm not going to let this bitch insult me in my own bedroom.

When I mentioned the word `business' Dakota's face softened, becoming an unreadable mask. "Go on." She said with a flat affect. For some reason, that scared me more than her rage.

So, I laid it on her. How the fine art world works. It took a while, because it's not just complex, it's fucking brutal. I had to constantly reiterate every detail because she didn't believe the art world was that vicious. The main point that I made was that people pay a lot of money for art, which makes it worth a lot of money.

"Tell me how you would use the powers of a vampire to dominate the art world." she said with the willpower of a queen. It felt like my brain was smashed by a hammer and rebuilt only to answer that question. I don't know how I did it, but I somehow came up with a plan to open multiple shows by controlling minds, selling works through compulsion, and making a name for myself in the community. I even tied into Morgan's idea; providing art for her hotels. It was actually quite brilliant, which was a surprise that it came from me.

Dakota's poker face didn't change during my whole rant, but then she smiled. Ok, NOW I was scared.

"Morgan," she began "did you know that Charlie is one of my most promising thralls?"

"No, but I'm not surprised." I admitted.

"I care for her very deeply. Tell me the truth do you love her?" Dakota asked with her will.

"YES!" I shouted. "I've never loved anyone more than I love Charlie."

Dakota seemed taken aback. "Good. Tell me if you would ever hurt her."

"NO! I'd rather die than see her harmed!" I was twice as emphatic.

Dakota gathered herself. "Morgan, you've put me in quite the spot. If I let you have her..."

Morgan's face went from terrified to elated.

"...it wouldn't be fair to the other girls, who follow the rules. Are they each going to get to have their own girlfriends? Where does it stop?"

Morgan crawled forward on her knees. "Oh, please, my Queen, let me convince them. I'll do whatever they want."

"Very well. It will be up to the sisters to decide. You two will come back to the house. Morgan, follow us, don't try to escape or warn anyone. Charlie, you will convince the girls. If even one of them says no, you have to kill Morgan."

Morgan fell on the floor, sobbing. I crawled over to her, heedless of my nakedness. I held on to her.

"I... I... don't want... to... kill... you..." she bawled.

"It's OK. You're the best businesswoman I've ever met. You can do it." I punctuated it with a kiss. The tension flowed out of her.

"Very impressive. You'll make a fine addition to the sorority, if you survive." Dakota said.

God. Dammit. I had enough. "Were you always so heartless, or did becoming a vampire make you a huge bitch?"

Dakota's hand shot out and grabbed my throat. She lifted me off the ground with ease. "You have no idea what I had to go through, girl." She tossed me at her feet. "Get dressed. We are leaving." She filed out, leaving us.

Charlie and I threw on our clothes. Charlie took a bit more time as she had to apply sunblock. "How can you follow that woman?" I whispered.

Charlie shushed me. "She is loving to her subjects, but very protective. Before she was a vampire, she was raped. Dealing with the thoughts of that incident makes her... grumpy..."

Oh, damn. Now I felt like a jackass.

The ride back was tense. Charlie held my hand in a death grip. We rode in the back of an SUV with Dakota and a few others. The seats were arranged to face each other, like a limo, but a bit smaller.

"Queen Dakota?" I piped up. "I'm sorry for what I said. I'm just... a little terrified."

Dakota made a dismissive motion. "It's fine. At least you have enough class to apologize."

"Thank you, my queen." Charlie said.

"About that..." Dakota said. "You're supposed to be asking for permission from all of our sisters. Perhaps you should start now."

Charlie looked to the tall redhead. "Justine," she began "I love Morgan with all my heart, and I know if you give her a chance, you'll love her too. If you say that she can't join us, I'll have to kill her, and then I'll kill myself. Please, let Morgan join us."

Justine, the redhead, had a sort of foxy look to her, with a long slender neck and full pouty lips. "Hmm, I don't know." She said as she hiked up her long skirt and pulled her cock out of her pantyhose. "Can you convince me?"

I was a bit jealous as Charlie dove onto Justine's cock without hesitation. She took all of it down her throat and bobbed up and down. I wondered how she did it until I remembered Charlie doesn't need to breathe. Justine smiled and leaned back in her seat as she blew her load down my one true love's throat. Morgan sat up, cum dripping from her mouth.

"Wow, I've never seen you that enthusiastic." Justine said.

"I'd suck your dick all day and night if it would save Morgan's life." She said, wiping the cum off her lips and placing it on her tongue.

"Then you can have her." Justine said with a smile.

"Thank you, Jusitne." Morgan said with a mouth full of her cum. She leaned over and kissed Justine, swapping the cum.

This was making me hot and bothered. Also jealous, but to a slightly lesser extent. Morgan repeated the process on the other girl riding with us, a hot blonde named Rilee. She sucked the cum out of Rilee's cock in record time. It was then that I realized she was sucking them off so hard to save my life. I didn't think I could love her more, but I found a way.

We arrived at the house. Dakota imprisoned me in Morgan's room, using her will to keep me from escaping. I spent hours just lying there, waiting, smelling Morgan's scent on her pillow, and trying to keep from freaking out.

I wasn't leaving this house alive, one way or another.

As the sun set, Morgan came back. Her blouse was drenched with cum. She looked guilty.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Don't be," I replied "you did this to save my life."

"Yeah, but I liked it a little bit too much..."

"Did it work?" I asked, heart in my throat.

She paused dramatically. "...yes. I got them all to accept you. I'm allowed five minutes for a shower and then I'll come back and you are to follow me to the altar room."

"Altar room?" I asked.

"There's a big table. It's where Queen Dakota gave me my curses. All of the girls. We turn new recruits there..." she paused. "...in front of everyone."

I blushed at the thought of dozens of sorority girls watching me get fucked. "Go take a shower. We should hurry."

"Are you in such a hurry to give away your life?" she asked. "Remember, there's no going back."

"I'm giving my life to you." I said, carefully hugging her so that the jizz on her shirt didn't touch me. "...and I can't wait to be with you forever."

She smiled, then left me alone. Sure enough, she came back within minutes, naked, soaking head to toe.

"It's time, my love." She held out her hand to me. I took it. My life was about to end, but I couldn't help but feel giddy. She led me into the basement. A tall table was surrounded by incredibly hot naked girls of all types, each with an erect penis jutting from their crotch. I was stripped by the girls as I approached the altar, where Dakota stood. Her cock was adorably small.

"Charlie, I am your maker and Queen. Who comes before us tonight?" Dakota asked.

"A new sister, if it pleases the Queen." Charlie answered.

"New sisters are taken by the queen... but..." Dakota said. Everyone looked a bit puzzled. She continued after a pause. "Tell me, my beautiful thrall, how would you feel if I took the prize you love so much, and made her mine?"

Charlie, compelled by Dakota's will, blurted out "I would resent you forever!"

"As I suspected." Dakota intoned. "Our sorority was founded on the promise of power and sisterhood. You all love your sisters. However, I never meant to deny you all the chance to find a love of your own. The first two futa vampires loved each other. My maker loved her mother. It is our nature to find a true love to be with for eternity. As such..." she turned to Charlie. "...Charlie, will you do the honors of bringing Morgan into our sisterhood?"

Charlie screamed in delight and hugged me, then Dakota, then all of the girls in the room in turn. When her circuit was complete, she stood before Dakota again.

"Know this," Dakota intoned "...as her maker it is your responsibility to teach Morgan about her vampire and futa powers. You must guide her, teach her, and love her. Do you accept this responsibility?"

Charlie began crying. "Yes, my Queen." She said through her tears.

"Morgan, come before us." Dakota said. I walked up to her. She continued. "Morgan, you have come to sacrifice your life for the promises of power and love. Do you give of your heart's blood freely and of your own accord?"

"Yes." I said.

"Will you be loyal to your queen, maker, and sisterhood, unto eternity?"


"Then lie on the altar, and trade your mortal life for the eternal." Dakota motioned to the altar. I climbed up onto it, and laid down. It was hard and uncomfortable.

Charlie was on top of me in a flash. "Oh, Morgan, I love you so much." She bent and kissed me.

"I love you too." I said after the kiss.

"I'm going to fuck you bare." She began, building intensity. "I'm going to fill your pretty little pussy with my cum until it floods out. I'm going to give you a cock and then I'm going to ride it while I drink all you have. I'm going to drain you with my fangs and feed you my blood. I'm going to make you mine, for every night. I'm going to make love to you forever! Just say the words and I will make you mine."

Charlie told me what to say earlier. "Take me, my love. Make me yours for eternity. Curse me and curse me again. Take all I have. Take me. Now."

She plunged her cock into my dripping pussy. I wrapped my legs around her waist and came. All of the other girls in the room didn't matter; I was with Charlie. She was my world. My love. My last moments of life.

Her bare cock felt so much better than it had wrapped. I felt every ridge, bump, vein, and detail of her exquisite penis as it filled my entire pussy and stretched it, pushing into my cervix. Feeling her in me completely was the most powerful orgasm I'd ever had.

She let me recover and then began to fuck me, hard. I came again and again under her ruthless assault. I felt her swell and once more plunge as deep as she could.

"I'M CUMMING! TAKE IT! TAKE MY LOVE!" she shouted as I arched my back and came with her, feeling a sensation of wetness as my pussy was filled with her semen.

"YES! CUM INSIDE ME! FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE!" I screamed back through my orgasm. She bent down and kissed me. Soon, I felt a tingling swelling between us. As it dwindled, she pulled out and I looked down.

I had a penis.

It was amazing. It was pink at the tip, but a bit darker than my normal skin. It was bigger than Charlie's, with barely any foreskin and a prominent head. Charlie licked her lips and moved up my body, mounting my new appendage. Before I could even get used to having it, I was inside her to the hilt.

Charlie screamed as she came on my new cock, spraying my face with her cum. I paid no mind and thrust up to meet her cumming pussy, filling her completely. It was so intense to feel her walls grip me. I moved quickly, bouncing her up and down as she ground her hips on me. She grabbed my tits, slick with her cum, and squeezed. I repaid the favor, holding onto her breasts as she bounced. Soon a feeling of power built within the base of my dick and I felt something explode through it. I screamed in joy as I had my first orgasm with my penis, filling my love's pussy with my first load.

The joy of my first cum was heightened as Charlie struck my neck like a viper. I shouted in surprise, which melted into pure bliss. Having her fangs in my neck was so intimate and intense compared to previous bites. I felt her drink me and I came again inside her. It seemed to last an eternity, but I noticed it was harder and harder to breathe.

I was dying.

Charlie somehow knew, and pulled off, my blood running down her mouth. She bit into her wrist and offered it to me. "Drink, my love, and be mine forever." With what little strength I had left I grabbed her bleeding wrist and jammed it in my mouth, drinking deep of her maroon blood. It tasted like dark wine, tingling and flowing down my throat. Charlie bit into my other wrist, continuing to drink the last of my life away.

I felt my heart stop.

I panicked. I needed to grab something, anything, or fall into an abyss. As I reached out, something dark entered me, and I instinctively pushed out with my new fangs, piercing Charlie's bleeding wrist again. The trickle in my throat became a flood as I drank the blood of my maker, my lover, my life.

Soon, we were satisfied, and Charlie pulled off and laid next to me on the blood stained altar. She kissed me, sharing the last drink of my mortal blood with me. It was the most exquisite thing I'd ever tasted, and we licked it off each other's fangs.

Cheers arose from the girls. Dakota stepped up to us. "Welcome to our sisterhood, Morgan."

"Thank you, my Queen." I replied, holding Charlie tight. "I love you, my maker." I said to Charlie.

"I love you, my thrall." She said.

We had little time to hold each other, as the basement evolved into an orgy. I met all my new sisters, tasted their cocks, pussies, and blood. It was wonderful. The best moment was when Charlie and I penetrated each other, sharing our love and cum in a mind link. We felt each other's pleasure as we massaged, penetrated, and were bitten by all of the other girls in turn. Afterwards, Charlie and I dragged each other upstairs to her room when daybreak was close, and I fell asleep in her arms, both of us dripping from our sisters.

It was the first of many such nights, and I would spend them with my love, forever.

Copyright 2017 by The Archivist, all rights reserved. Do not repost or redistribute without prior written permission of the author. One copy may be saved for private use, insofar as that use does not extend to personal or financial gain by use of the author's work without consent.

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Next: Chapter 12

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