A Teacher's Duty

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 28, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Mr. Ogden methodically erased the test questions from the blackboard. The final bell had rung some time ago and he was alone in the classroom. He was used to being alone at this time, he stayed behind in the quiet school to grade the remaining test papers. Best way to handle it, grade each classes' tests during the period following, and stay a half-hour late to grade the last of them, post their grades and go home for the weekend with no worries. A teacher had many duties, and this one was best gotten out of the way quickly and cleanly.

Then the sound of footsteps echoing their path his way--Clnk! Clnk! Clnk! Clnk! Clnk! A whispered comment that lose sense but picked up volume with the echoes. Mm-mm-mm-m-mm-hm-mm?" And the rustling of muted laughter, hnh-hnh-hnh-hnh-hnh-hnh!

And they entered, the four youths. All of the vitality and energy of youth embodied in these four.

First was Roger, the class clown. He played tennis well and used the gym's weights so he was sleekly handsome and svelte, with his darkly brown hair so cleanly coiffed and styled. Wearing the clothes that said he was going places someday. Trouble was, his grades said he wasn't going anywhere!

Next was Morris, tall, broad-shouldered, darkly handsome, his hair shaved down close to his scalp so that he didn't have to spend time caring for an Afro or dealing with nappy hair. He did this to concentrate on football, where he was a powerful halfback and a shoo-in for a football scholarship...except his test score from this morning said he wasn't going to graduate this year after all!

Then came Tad, the musician wannabe. His hair was bleached and spiked, his body was lean and begged to be adorned with metal rings on improbable parts of his body to make him the punk rocker he yearned to be. His talent on the guitar was unmistakable, his ability to create lyrics and set them to music that hooked you was undisputable. If only he'd turn a little bit, just a little, of that talent toward understanding gerunds and participles.

And there was Willis, whose prose writings smacked of genius once you got past the horrid misspellings and the complete lack of understanding of how to construct sentences coherently. Mr. Ogden tried to soften the blows of the red ink with green words of encouragement. Willis was too deep in his hormonal rages, using his pretty face and gentle poetic turns of phrases to seduce everything in a skirt that caught his fancy. If he wasn't so busy during classes trying to rack up notches on his bedpost, he would have passed today's test easily.

As it was...Mr. Ogden sighed. "Well, boys, what can I do for you?"

"We came about our grades." Tad said with any further preamble.

"Is there a problem with your grades?" Mr. Ogden said. These four were in his second class, he'd posted their grades in time for them to see them at lunch. The afternoon classes would see their grades in the morning.

"Yeah, we got a problem!" Morris said.

"You HAVE a problem." Mr. Ogden corrected.

"That's what I said, we got a problem."

"What is your problem?" Mr. Ogden sighed.

"The grades are the problem!" Willis said. "You're flunking us, that's the problem! Man, how do you expect us to graduate?"

"I don't." Mr. Ogden said bluntly.

"Why the hell not?" Roger said, and he wasn't smiling for a change.

"Because you didn't do the work." Mr. Ogden said. "You didn't earn the grades. But you'll be happy to learn that I am offering a summer class, you only have to enroll in it and you can still get your diplomas in time for fall. Of course, you won't get to attend graduation this year...."

"The hell we won't!" Morris snarled. "What the hell do you have against us, anyhow?"

"Nothing." Mr. Ogden said. "You had your chance to pass this class the same as everyone else. You're all bright students, you could have passed my class easily if you had only applied yourselves. But since you didn't, why should I give you a free ride? You chose to goof off, you failed the test, and now you can make it up in summer school. Assuming you study, I'll be teaching that class, too, you know. And summer school is harder than regular school."

"I got to get to summer football practice." Morris said. "I've done been accepted to Alabama State."

"And I have a job waiting for me in Tucson!" Roger lamented.

"And my band has gigs all summer!" Tad put in.

"You can't do this to us!" Willis summed it up.

"I can and I have." Mr. Ogden said. "I will see you all this summer. And maybe from now on, you'll remember to take care of the present before you launch into your future."

He turned back to the blackboard and picked back up the eraser, his back to the hapless four. It really wasn't his fault, any one of these four could have learned well enough to pass his course easily. They just didn't apply themselves....

A hand on his shoulder spun him around, and he was startled! This was a good school, he had no reason to fear for his safety.

"You're going to change those grades, sucker!" Morris said to him. It was his shoulder.

"You don't want any of us in summer school." Tad said. "You wouldn't like having us around all summer at all."

"Yeah, you passed everyone else!" Morris pointed out.

That was true. "Everyone else deserved to pass." Mr. Ogden pointed out. A quiver had slipped into his voice, these were four young men, all past their eighteenth birthdays. These were the young men sought out for the Army or athletic scholarships! Mr. Ogden was just an English teacher, more than ten years their senior (He had just past his own thirtieth birthday the week before), and didn't have their youth or their bulk. He had enough trouble keeping the spare tire off his waist, which showed up every winter and was his interminable duty every spring to jog it off. He had most of it gone now, enough to be reasonably trim for summertime.

"So why the fuck did you fail us?" Tad wanted to know.

"You didn't pass the test."

"You can give us a make-up test!" Tad said. "You gave us a make-up test for mid-term."

"And I told you then it would be the only make-up test you would get." Mr. Ogden said, backing up. He kept backing, and ran right into Roger, who with Willis was on his other side. He was trapped between his desk and the blackboard.

"You going to hold a summer school for just the four of us?" Roger said. "You'd do that to us?"

"You did it to yourselves." Mr. Ogden yammered. "You did it to yourselves, you didn't even try, didn't even listen in class...."

"Well, listen to this." Willis said. "Either you give us a passing grade so we can graduate with the others in three weeks, or you can suffer the consequences."

"Beat me up and it's an automatic explusion." Mr. Ogden said nervously. God, they were going to beat him up!

"Oh, we won't leave a mark on you." Roger said. "Least not, anywhere it's going to show."

"I will report this." Mr. Ogden said. "Someone's going to hear this."

"No witnesses." Roger said, confirming his worst fears. Everyone bolted soon as they could on Fridays, they always did. This building could well be empty, save for maybe the janitor. He remembered that Roger was friends with the janitor, who was far more friendly to the students than the teachers, and a high-school dropout. No help there!

Mr. Ogden now had no doubt about the danger here. "So what are you going to do?" He said to them as bravely as he could. "Whatever it is, you won't change my mind. You're all going to pay for your failure to work up to your potential in my class, the work is not...up to...your abilities...." His voice trailed off.

Roger was undoing his pants! As was Willis! Two young men opening their flies and pulling their pants down.

"What are you going to do?" Mr. Ogden said again.

"Letting you have a taste of the consequences." Roger said, and he was smiling now. And like his jokes sometimes, it wasn't a pleasant grin. "We figure a taste of what it'll be like to have us alone with you in this school room all summer is going to be like. Once you do, we figure you'll decide to give us all fucking "A's."

"Fucking A's." Willis smirked. "That's a good one."

Mr. Ogden looked over at Morris and Tad. They had planned this. They were going to gang-rap e him!

"You kids don't know what you're doing here." He stuttered out. "When everyone learns of what you're doing...."

"Are you going to tell them?" Morris pointed out. "You can be the teacher who got fucked by four of his students." A short pause. "All summer long," he added, "If you don't talk and you don't give us the grade."

"I'm not changing your grades." Mr. Ogden said.

"Then let's get started." Roger said behind him and he and Willis grabbed Mr. Ogden's arms.

Mr. Ogden began to struggle. But he didn't call out. He struggled in silence. These kids were right, he couldn't get that reputation at the school. Nobody would respect him after that, no matter the circumstances. He could only move...and that would mean losing his house and his friends and his life!

Tad knelt to undo Mr. Ogden's belt and he pulled it off. Maybe they would use it to "spank teacher!" God, how ignominious!

But they set it aside and Tad's hands unfastened his waist button and unzipped his pants.

"Don't do this, boys." Mr. Ogden said. "You're only making things worse for yourselves like this. You don't want...."

"But you do." Tad said as he pulled down Mr. Ogden's pants. "Guess who's not wearing any underwear!"

It was true, he had left them off this morning, a momentary decision and a secretive bit of mischief, for him to be facing his classes without any briefs. He enjoyed those few days each year when he would do that, just often enough to keep the students guessing about that bulge in his trousers. What a day to choose for that mostly-innocent bit of naughtiness!

For without the briefs to help hold him in, his cock was exposed, dangling only inches from Tad's pretty lips, those lips that crooned out melodies so wonderfully, they were pursed now as if he were contemplating planing a kiss upon his teacher's pud!

And Mr. Ogden's cock rose out from his body.

"Yeah, you're going to like this, aren't you, Mr. Ogden, sir?" Morris added. Morris, the only one of the four who wasn't doing anything to restrain or strip Mr. Ogden, had his own prick out and was pumping it up. His look said that he intended to be first.

Mr. Ogden looked down at the huge pud, the black organ was more of an odd gray color, the head was purplish and round as an onion. A purple onion of black lust borne of rage.

A misbegotten rage. "I didn't do it to you boys." he whimpered. "I didn't make you not study, I didn't tell you to ignore my teachings, I didn't do anything but give you just the grade you earned. It's not fair to the other students to give you a free ride while they do all the work...."

"Oh, we're giving you a free ride." Morris said. "You ready to board Little Morris and let him show you a good time?"

His cock jerked, and Tad chuckled. "Shit, he's getting into it. Teacher's hot for his students."

"No wonder he wants to drag us into summer school." Roger said. "Just the five of us in this school. I bet he had it all planned out."

"No, no, it's not like that at all." Mr. Ogden moaned. "Guh!"

Tad had grabbed hold of Mr. Ogden's prong and was working it. "This calls you a liar, Mr. Teacher." he said. "Like my mother said one time when my brother-in-law was cheating on her, a man's prick is the one honest thing about him, it never tells a lie. So who are you trying to fool."

Mr. Ogden would have spoken more, but Tad's lips fastened upon his cock and when that hot moisture from that young mouth soaked his glans, Mr. Ogden could only moan.

"Hey, that's not part of the plan." Roger said.

"Fuck that." Tad said as he released Mr. Ogden's prod with a popping sound. "Him running around with his dick flopping in his trousers, I knew he didn't have any underwear. Looking right at me, right at these lips, wondering what it'd be like. He didn't think I could tell, but I could. Yeah, I could. Isn't that right, Mr. Ogden?" Tad locked onto Mr. Ogden's dong once again.

"Oh, uhhh!" was all Mr. Ogden got out.

"Is that right?" Roger pressed him.

"No...no, it's not...I never touched anyone, ever."

"But you wanted to." Roger affirmed himself. "Maybe you weren't so fair on grading our tests after all, were you?"

"No...uh, the tests were fair!" Mr. Ogden gasped out. "You didn't apply yourselves."

"Failing an essay test." Roger said to his ear, his voice not the least bit low. It boomed in Mr. Ogden's brain. "Essay questions are so subjective, don't you think? So easy to let yourself love or hate what someone's written. Whichever one is most convenient for what you have in mind, eh?"

"I don't think that's what happened to you." Mr. Ogden gasped out. "I've tried to be fair."

"Last chance, Mr. Ogden." Roger said. "Either you change our grades to passing, just give us each a "C", and we'll let you go, with nothing more than a hard, wet dick to show for it. If you don't, we're going to make you wish you had."

Mr. Ogden had to clear his throat, and lick his lips before he could manage to speak. "No."

came out in a hoarse whisper.

"Okay, let's do it." Roger said.

He and Willis nearly flung Mr. Ogden over his desk. He had cleared the papers from it already, so it was quite bare as was proper for a desk at the end of the work day. He ended up on his back and his shoes and socks were being pulled off of him by Morris and Tad, a white face and a black face grinning at him. His hands were still held by Roger and Willis.

"Don't do this." He croaked as his pants were pulled off of him and he was bare from the waist down. "Don't do this, please!"

"Still got a woody." Roger said and now it was his hand on Mr. Ogden's prick and it was wet from Tad's mouth, but Roger gripped it just the same and jerked it back and forth.

"Oh, God!" Mr. Ogden sighed and quit struggling.

His legs were pulled apart and Morris, quite nude now, brought his black body over Mr. Ogden's and Mr. Ogden felt the purple glans kiss his anus.

"No, Morris, don't." He pleaded. "Don't do this to us."

"Us? No, it's what we're doing to just you." And Morris pushed his cock into Mr. Ogden's ass.

"Hoo, he's no virgin!" Morris crowed as his dong pushed into Mr. Ogden's ass. Mr. Ogden only let out a gurgle. "We got us one happy pussy-boy here. He must love this hard cock, don't you, Mr. Big Boss English Teacher?"

"O-o-o-oh!" Mr. Ogden groaned in lieu of an answer. It was true, he had taken enough other men's cocks to keep this from being raw torture. He knew how to relax his sphincter and had when that huge cockhead had pushed against him. But that didn't change what was happening, just meant he didn't end up being ripped wide open.

But Morris used that talent of his to push in deep and hard, his body could barely adjust to the hard black pud being rammed inside of him. "Oh, God!" Mr. Ogden gasped out.

"Yeah, oh, God." Morris agreed, but his tone was of pleasure, half that of fucking and half that of domination. A mean sort of pleasure, domination, but pleasure just the same. "Yeah, God, yeah."

"Come on, fuck him." Willis giggled out, a happy, nervous sound. "Come on, I want to do him next."

"Ain't going to be much left of him when I'm done." Morris said as he grunted and began to slam his cock in and out of Mr. Ogden.

"Aghghghgh!" Mr. Ogden gurgled. "Oh, ahhh, aghhh!"

"Ah, shit, yeah!" Willis said. "Aw, man, I got to get some of that, now." There was a wet jab as Willis' prick stuck Mr. Ogden's ear as Willis lifted it up and then it was being pushed in front of Mr. Ogden's mouth.

"Hey, watch that!" Morris said, his own face wasn't so far from it. "You damned near slapped my face with that spunky wet white meat."

"Sorry." Willis said but he didn't sound like he meant it. "This meat's for teacher. Maybe we could make him a sandwich. And he giggled again, a near-insane sound. "Come on, teacher, here's an appetizer for you, before the main course.

Mr. Ogden felt the cock slide across his lips. Thickly moist, tasting of stale piss and unwashed sweat, the exertions of a young man throughout an active day had accumulated there. Hot young meat, his tongue reached out and tasted that before he realized, pulled it back.

"Come on, lick it for me." Willis panted. "Come on, teacher, lick my dick!"

"Do it." Roger commanded, and Mr. Ogden obeyed. His tongue came back out and he lapped at the hard adolescent prick, the strong pulsing rod that only belonged to the 18-year-old, barely adult, barely of age...but definitely all male!

Willis groaned and he pushed his cock down and the glans pushed against the inside of Mr. Ogden's cheek, bulging it out. "Yeah, a mouthful of my prick, suck it for me, suck it!"

Mr. Ogden's arm was between Willis' legs, Willis had straddle it to get in closer and he brought his arm up and his finger caressed the youth's butt-crack and Willis gasped as his teacher's finger slid into the sticky wetness between the cheeks, all musky and rank and steaming and fetid as a puddle of week-old water trapped on a concrete concavity.

Mr. Ogden's fingertip brushed Willis' anus and Willis groaned, "Oh, yeah, teacher's getting into this, yeah!"

Mr. Ogden's other hand came up and brushed the side of Roger's pants, the outside and he moved his hand to bring it inside...and Roger caught it.

"I didn't say you could do that." Roger cautioned.

"He can do mine!" Tad offered. He was behind Willis, Mr. Ogden reached his hand out and Tad grabbed it and guided it to his prick, and Mr. Ogden wrapped his hand around it tightly.

"Ah, fuck, yeah!" Tad groaned.

Mr. Ogden tried for Roger's again and Roger again pushed it away. "You don't do anything until I say so." he cautioned Mr. Ogden, and Mr. Ogden stopped trying.

Morris was still pumping Mr. Ogden's ass, and the pain was quite abated now, with the acquiesence to his lot had come a surcease from discomfort, his body had decided as long as they were playing along, it would treat this gang-bang as a welcomed joining of bodies.

"Yeah, we're turning teacher into our pussy-boy." Morris gasped as he pounded his teacher's butt. "Yeah, going to pump you full, Mr. Ogden, going to fill you plumb up, yeah, man."

His mouth full, Mr. Ogden couldn't correct the errors, but the teacher in him noted them. The rest of him was busy with being fucked, with sucking a second dong while he pumped a third. The fourth lay tantalizingly out of his reach. And he wanted it. He dared another try, and this time his hand was grabbed and held at bay.

"Hurry up, Morris," Roger said. "We can't take all day with this." And right to Mr. Ogden's face. "Plenty of time this summer to pump his ass slowly, unless he changes our grade."

"Don't rush me, man." Morris complained. "Shit, I'm busy here."

"So finish your business and let Willis on before he creams in teacher's mouth. If he does, he doesn't get a ride."

"Aw, fuck that." Willis groaned and he pulled his prick out of Mr. Ogden's mouth. "Come on, Morris, hump that black butt of yours, if you don't give me a chance at teacher's butt, I'll settle for yours."

"Fuck you." Morris gasped. "Fuck you all, you...damned...bastards...I'm...coming!" And with a grunt and a groan on the tail of his words, Morris delivered, and Mr. Ogden felt the hot creamy load spurting into him, and he looked right into Morris' face as Morris came, the black lad's eyes squinched shut in passion, and as Morris finished, he opened his eyes and looked right into his teacher. And Mr. Ogden gave him a grave nod, letting the boy read into that look whatever he wanted. I will remember this, the eyes said, I will remember you.

It discomforted Morris and he got up quickly, his chest still heaving as he gasped. "Shit, you all ruined that for me." He griped. "I wanted to pump him long and hard."

"My turn." Willis gasped. "Flip him over, I don't want those fish eyes on me while I fuck him."

Like a limp fish, Mr. Ogden was flipped over as requested and he felt Willis' horny prick dive at him immediately after he was turned. God, this kid was such a slave to his hormones, he was plowing into his teacher's butt and he no more than got inside than he began to thrust in and out like a frenzied rabbit.

There were no more hands holding Mr. Ogden down, but he didn't try to get away now. When Tad slapped his prick against Mr. Ogden's mouth, he opened up and took that young singer's prong down quickly. Hell, this one, he owed it to, Tad had serviced him for a time.

Willis was a maniac on his ass, and Mr. Ogden couldn't enjoy this, he just held still for it and let that hard cock pummel him and when Willis groaned and squirted, he felt only a sense of relief as another load of teenaged jizz was jetted into him.

"You next, Tad." Roger said and Mr. Ogden looked over at him. Would Roger now present him with his dong, would he now get to suck on Roger, on young, handsome, playful Roger? He hadn't shown any of that playfulness here and now, but now Mr. Ogden realized that the "class clown" act was just that, an act that Roger used to control his classmates, cajole them into doing what he wanted them to do. He had masterminded this degradation for his English teacher, Mr. Ogden realized. He was the leader of this impromptu group bang.

Tad's cock pumped into Mr. Ogden and while Tad wasn't rough with him, Mr. Ogden used that to put on a show for Roger, looking up at the youth while his butt was being rammed, and he looked at Roger and tried to read the soul behind those eyes. Still Roger held back, and Mr. Ogden wondered if Roger would even go through with it after this third one was done.

So he played for Roger, grunting with liquid sounds of relish and delight, and the teenagers chuckled around him, three bubbling-brook noises of superiority, and yet Roger still held aloof.

"Ah yeah, I'm going to come, I'm going to come!" Tad groaned.

Mr. Ogden clenched his butt muscles and began to milk Tad's dong and Tad moaned and he thrust deep into Mr. Ogden and he held it there. "Take that, you rotten son of a bitch of a teacher!" Tad gasped. "Oh, ah, ah, HUUUUUUUUNNNNNHHHHH!"

Mr. Ogden grunted, low male sounds of pleasure, and his eyes stayed locked on Roger.

Tad finished, held onto Mr. Ogden's back, and then he rose up. "Okay, Roger, your turn."

"Yeah, my turn." Roger said. "You guys clear out and I'll finish up with our teacher myself. He's not going anywhere."

Though the boys protested, Roger insisted, and Mr. Ogden turned over onto his back again, but made no effort to cover or clothe himself. When the door closed on three of his assailants, Roger said, "My turn now."

"Nobody's stopping you."

"Yeah. You want this, don't you?"

"Maybe I do." Mr. Ogden said.

Roger's movements were deliberate, slow even, but he walked over, his hands lifted Mr. Ogden's legs up out of the way, and his cock touched Mr. Ogden's ravished buttocks.

"Feel that?" Roger said. "Feel that wet stickiness? That's the jizz from three guys. Time for me to add mine to it."

"Sure, go ahead." Mr. Ogden gave his permission. "Let me feel your cock slopping it around."

Roger convulsed and drove his dong into Mr. Ogden's ass. The waiting jizz squelched as promised, and Roger hissed, raised his head back. "Oh, God, that feels so good!" he gasped out. "I love the feel of jizz around my cock, love the way it feels and sounds as it squishes around my pud!"

"I like it, too." Mr. Ogden agreed. "Come on, kid, make it sing for you."

Roger began to fuck Mr. Ogden and the come performed its song for the two, the student and the teacher, the ravisher and his ravished, the older and the younger, and they were joined by the wet sloppy sounds of come slurping around a hard young dong that was pumping teacher's ass.

Mr. Ogden reached up and put his arms around Roger, and Roger lowered himself and as he thrust into Mr. Ogden, Mr. Ogden stroked the young, strong back.

"Oh, yeah, that's good." Roger panted. "Oh, I love the feel of come on my dick. Oh, God, I've got come-lube on my prick, oh, God, oh, oh!"

"Yeah, feels great." Mr. Ogden agreed. "Come on, kid, that janitor will be here before much longer. We can still keep this quiet for both of us." He paused. "But enjoy yourself." And Mr. Ogden took his own advice, let his incipient pleasure bubble forth at last.

He used the desires fanned by the triple fans of young lust before this one, but they were just the foundation, the base, he now built his true desire from this fourth partner, he clung and let his body fondle his youthful lover, and as Roger's thrusts increased in urgency, Mr. Ogden felt the urgency rising in him as well.

"Oh, oh, God, I'm going to come!" Roger breathed huskily. "I'm going to shoot right in there with the rest of it, four men's jizz inside of you, Mr. Ogden, four! I can feel all of it, God, it's great, it's great, oh, oh, shit, oh, oh, oh!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Mr. Ogden chimed in with him.

"Oh, oh, ah!"

"Ah, uh, uh!"



And as they convulsed in their conjoined climaxes, Mr. Ogden gripped Roger tightly and he kissed Roger hard and as he did, he felt the young body tighten in even greater joy, and his own clenched up as well! Like the driving of hard steel into the ground, his orgasm and Roger's climax melded them together, until when they were done, it was no longer rapist and rap ed, it was not even teacher and student, it was two who had found a common need and sated it together.

"Hey, come on!" came Morris' voice from the door. "The janitor's coming!"

Roger got up and clutched for his clothes, and Mr. Ogden helped him hold steady as he yanked them on. Roger didn't look back, just raced out the door.

Mr. Ogden got his own clothes more sedately, the janitor would visit a dozen rooms before his own and he had plenty of time.

He posted the rest of the grades and went home. The next day, he waited for the words he knew would come. Four faces looking at him, him and his gradebook, the grades still unchanged, still four "F's" and four aborted dreams that went with them.

"You didn't change them?" Morris asked. He couldn't say more than that, there were other students present.

"Of course not." Mr. Ogden said with what he hoped was calm composure. "You haven't done anything to merit changing it."

"What do we have to do to get them changed." came Roger's question. It wasn't quite a question, though, it was more like a statement, more like the words that have to be said though you know the answer.

"You can come to summer school." Mr. Ogden said to the four faces. "You can listen to me while I teach, and you can earn the grades you want to earn."

"That's not all we'll do this summer." Willis said, and his tone didn't quite make it a voluble threat.

"That's all as it may be." Mr. Ogden said. "But I will teach you this summer and you will learn. It's the only way you'll pass my test."

"Are you serious?" Tad demanded. "Didn't...Didn't yesterday teach you anything?"

"It certainly did." Mr. Ogden said, and his eyes were now on Roger. "It taught me that nothing abrogates a teacher's duties to his students. No matter what happens, I must see to it that you four learn this subject and learn it well. Whatever it takes to make that happen, that's what I'll do." Roger's consternation gave way and a small smile, a real smile, touched that face that had formed many masks before now, but this one was for real. It didn't last long, but it did show itself for a second.

"Whatever it takes, huh?" Willis said. "Okay, you asked for it. We might drop by after school for a bit of after-hours lessons." His tone made it clear who would be giving out the lessons.

"I'll be here." Mr. Ogden said. And he turned from the four dumbfounded lads and began to erase the blackboard. Only twenty-three more teaching days before the end of the school year. Whatever else happened, it was a teacher's duty to get things cleaned up for his next set of students.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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