A Tellers Tale

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Jul 31, 2010



This is a story of a meeting of two women who subsequently become attracted to each other, eventually have a sexual relationship and fall in love or maybe fall in love and then have a sexual relationship. If that offends you or is illegal for you to read.... then don't. The author retains all rights to the story.


The Teller's Tale Part 1

I had been employed as a teller in one of the neighborhood branches of our bank for about two years and for the last 6 months had served as their lead teller. I finished my associates degree in business going to night school and recently I was promoted to oversee the teller staff in the main bank, which I was very happy about. It was a highly responsible position and carried a hefty pay raise as well. It was a large bank and the main teller complement was ten on the first four days of the week and fifteen on Friday as that was our busiest day.

I was at my desk, poring over some paperwork when I noticed a rather irate young woman at one of the teller stations. I watched for a bit and could see that the teller was getting a little flustered. I went over to see what was happening.

It seemed the ladie's account balances had been totally withdrawn and apparently it was without her knowledge as she was trying to make a withdrawal of her own.

I introduced myself and explained that since it was a Friday and a very busy time, that maybe we should go over to my desk and I could try to help her without all the other patrons learning of her problems.

She agreed and I led her to my area which was fortunately away from the traffic area and kind of in a corner.

"Please have a seat here .... uh ....."

"Cynthia, .... Cynthia White," she said nervously.

"OK, may I call you Cynthia?"

"I prefer Cindy if you don't mind."

"Very good Cindy. I am Andrea McGregor but please call me Andie."

She sat in the chair closest to my desk so we could talk quietly and still hear each other.

"Now, I know you are upset but I don't know any details so could you please fill me in as I look up your account and its recent activity."

"OK. Joe and I have been a couple for about a year and a half, living together and sharing everything. We were talking about marriage and of buying a house. He has been working out of town recently but steady, as a carpenter and we have been banking some cash as you can see."

"I see that. Your account was opened with a rather large deposit and there have been regular deposits made each month over the last year. Please continue."

"Well, I am the assistant manager in the ladies' department at Martin and Powell Clothiers. Subsequently about three fourths of the deposit amounts were from my salary. It was never a problem for either of us that I earned most of our income."

I just nodded as I waited for her to continue.

"So now I come here to withdraw a few hundred for a purchase I wanted to make and I find that both the savings and checking are at zero balance. Have I been hit by identity theft?"

"Well, that I can't say for sure but if you would take a look at these images it might lend a clue."

I turned the computer monitor so she could view the images of withdrawal signatures.

"Oh no. I can't believe this. Those are his signatures. His handwriting. The son of a bitch has taken all our money. No wonder I haven't heard from him since Monday."

"Cindy, I am afraid the other bad news is that the bank bears no responsibility for this as both your names were on the accounts as co-owners and only one signature was necessary for any account activity. If you want to pursue getting any of the money back you would have to do it through the legal channels."

"I am in shock, Andie. I loved and trusted him and thought we were on our way to a life together. I don't know what I am going to do. Every penny I had was here and now it's gone."

"I am truly sorry for your situation, Cindy, and I am sure I can't comprehend the depth of your anger and resentment. But .... you do have good job and income to help you get started again. That and determination should help you get through this."

"I know. It is just such a shock and it will take me a while for all of it to soak in. I am a survivor and I will get through it. Lesson learned. It won't happen again."

"Well, I admire your attitude. If you need to talk sometime, .... I am here Monday through Friday. Let me give you my card."

"Thank you. You know ..... since I got involved with him, now that I look back, he was pretty much the only friend I had away from my work. Maybe that was his plan all along. I may need to take you up on your offer just so I can gripe to a real person instead of my empty house," Cindy smiled as she spoke.

I started to hand her my card but then I turned it over and wrote my home and mobile numbers on the back before I handed it to her.

"You may need a sympathetic ear sometime other than working hours. Give me a call at either of those numbers if that happens, OK?"

"Kindness like that is appreciated, Andie. What if I call and just want to talk ... ?"

"Do it. I won't mind."

"Thanks again for your time. I will be in touch. Goodbye."

"You are welcome. Bye bye. Oh, .... and good luck to you."

It seems that 'Mr. Nice Guy' in the personna of Joseph Newton, if that is indeed his name, made away with slightly less than thirty thousand dollars. Whether Cindy will ever get a penny of it back is beyond me. Over the next couple of weeks I thought about her several times and wondered how she was doing. I wanted to call her but didn't think it was quite ethical. She was definitely attractive and it was kind of easy to remember her. Her strawberry blonde hair was collar length. Her hazel eyes that darted quickly from place to place, were a pleasure to watch. Her pouty lips were coated with a pinkish lip gloss and the teeth that showed when she smiled were perfectly shaped and aligned. She had a body that made me envy her. Not thin like a model but trim and quite well rounded in the proper places. I had noticed when we were side by side that we were about the same height at five eight but the resemblance ended there. A pale green dress, not quite to her knees, medium deep vee neck and buttons to the waist, adorned her body. Her legs were long and shapely as they flared into her hips and buttocks. A wide belt accentuated her small waist and her eyecatching bustline held a pair of nice size breasts, at least C and maybe even D cups. Actually though, the reason I wanted call her was purely personal and not business related in the slightest. She had struck something in me. I had a strong desire to get to know her. Become friends. Become lovers. Yes I said 'lovers'. I am lesbian and have known that for certain since I was about 15 I guess. But I was pretty sure that since she had been with Joe, contemplating marriage, her sexual convictions were exactly opposite of mine. I can still dream and fantasize. Since you are on edge waiting for a description of me .... here it is. I am, as I said earlier, about five eight and fashionably thin. I have a rather pretty face but the rest of me I wouldn't call impressive. My body shape is nothing like Cindy's. My A cup breasts were once described as being like flattened tennis balls. I have black hair, slightly curled, which I keep somewhat short, only to the bottom of my ears. My complexion is fair and clear and my pale blue eyes seem to glow at times. My legs are not great but they do possess a little shape as I did run track in high school and cross country in college, but they are not muscular.

Then, the third week since we had met I saw her again. On Monday, as I came out of the lounge and headed for my desk, I saw Cindy approaching a teller window. I watched as she looked around and saw me. She waved and I waved back. Then she pointed to herself and then to me as if asking if she could come to my area. I nodded and waved her over.

We greeted each other and sat by my desk.

"So how are things going, Cindy?"

"Not too badly. I am here to open new accounts with just my name on them. So I will also have new account numbers as well. Trying to cover things."

"Good for you. Don't leave any open ends."

"I .... uh ..... have been intending to call you but somehow just never got around to it. I wanted to thank you for being so understanding and helping me get started toward recovery."

"Not necessary. I was just doing my job and helping you to calm down a put things in perspective."

"That may be but I .... how do I say this ..... "

"Just say it is the best way, ...." I smiled and snickered a little.

"OK. I would like to see if you and I can be friends. What little I know of you .... I like you. I have lost most of the friends I had before Joe came on the scene and I need to make a totally fresh start in that regard. I would like for you to be my first new friend."

"You flatter me. But how could I turn down such a request. I see no reason you and I can't try to establish a friendship. Since it is your idea .... I think you should decide how we proceed. At least in the beginning and if it blossoms then we can go from there."

"Sounds like a done deal to me Andie," as she flashed me her beautiful smile.

I stood and offered her my hand to shake as I would any bank customer. She held it and we looked at each other. I saw a gorgeous woman. I am pretty sure she didn't see a lesbian. Not yet anyway.

I walked to the teller window with her and she said "I will call you at home in a day or two."

I smiled and said "I won't use my phone until you do. I don't want to chance missing the call."

She laughed and I turned back to my work.

At home that evening, alone, mindlessly staring at the TV, the phone rang. It startled me and I almost went off the sofa.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi ... is this Andie?" a soft voice asked.

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"hmmmm.... I hoped you would recognize my voice. It's Cindy, the pauper."

I laughed and said "Hi Cindy the pauper. I wasn't expecting to find you on here."

"Never know about me. .. uh ... I know this may be short notice but ..... are you busy Friday evening?"

I didn't even have to think about it. I wasn't seeing anyone and had no plans whatever.

But I said "Hold on a sec and let me check my calendar," as I reached and rustled the pages of a magazine for effect and then after a few seconds replied, "actually I am not busy Friday evening."

"Great. I would like it if you came to my house for dinner. I have reconnected with a couple of former friends who will be there and I would like you to be there too."

"Are you sure? .... I will probably be like a piece of furniture and just be in the way."

"Nonsense. You will fit in quite well I am sure. For me it will almost be like meeting them all over again ... it has been a while since I have seen them."

"OK. I will come. But if start feeling like a chair or a lamp, I am going to go home."

She laughed out loud and said "It's a deal. You will be fine. Don't worry, it will just be .. us girls .. and they are ... just girls. "

"Alright, I am convinced. I have your address but .... what time shall I be there? ... and any dress code?"

"Sevenish... earlier if you want ... maybe six thirtyish? ... nah .... no dress code but I and the others will likely be in dresses or skirt and blouse combos. I hope that's OK?"

"Sure, not a problem, I think I have a dress somewhere," I snickered.

"Don't forget, OK?" she chided.

"No way. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Thank you for thinking of me."

"Welcome. See you Friday ... around six thirty."

"See you then, Cindy. Bye bye."

"Bye Andie."

The phone clicked and went dead as I put it back on its rest.


A Tellers Tale Part 2

Nothing exciting or interesting happened the rest of the week.

Friday after closing hour, I went home and poured a glass of Merlot. I sat and sipped it as I viewed my closet in my mind, attempting to decide what to wear.

After the wine, I stripped and threw everything I had been wearing onto the bed and headed to the shower. I was careful to keep my hair dry as it was looking decent for a change. So after I dried off, I journeyed to the closet and bypassed the section of pants and pant suits. After pulling several dresses out to hold up to me ... and then putting them back .... I chose a navy blue skirt, which would stop about three or four inches above my knees. Then a red button-up blouse with just a tad of lacy trim around the collar and down the split front. My legs were bare and my feet would be wearing two inch wedges with a wide toe strap and no heel strap so they would be easy to kick off if barefoot was in vogue at Cindy's house.

I applied some eye shadow, a little mascara, just a touch of blush for my cheeks followed by a medium pink lip gloss. I spun in front of my full length mirror and wondered who that sharp looking broad was that I was seeing. I wasn't hoping to impress anyone but I didn't want to exhibit a sloppy appearance either.

With my shoes on, I grabbed my purse and headed out to Cindy's. It was only about a twenty minute drive in the after rush hour traffic. I arrived six thirty two, rang the bell and almost immediately was greeted by Cindy, dressed in a navy blue sheath with a scoop front and length to just above her knees. She was wearing hose, probably pantie hose, sheer and very light tan. Black slipons with a small heel, bows on the front and a small open toe graced her feet.

She was as gorgeous as ever as she smiled and extended her hand to welcome me into her home.

"You're right on time .... please come in," she said.

Inside, I was ushered into the living room and seated on one of two love seats that face each other. A fireplace adorned the back wall and a large four place sofa completed the rectangle which enclosed a huge U shaped coffee table.

She offered me a drink and I accepted a glass of wine. We sat and chatted about how her life had been since her money losing adventure. She seemed to be handling it quite well after accepting the loss and vowing she would never get caught like that again.

The half hour passed so quickly. The doorbell announced another arrival. Actually both of them at the same time even though they had driven separately.

I was introduced to Pam and Emily and we all smiled and said our 'glad to meet you'. They too each had a glass of wine and Cindy topped ours off as well.

As we sipped wine, I sat rather silently as the other three renewed old acquaintences and swapped a few stories of days gone by.

A beeping emanated from the other room and Cindy excused herself to tend to dinner.

Pam asked me if I worked with Cindy and I of course replied in the negative and explained that I worked at the bank and that is how we met.

We all sat at the dining room table enjoying a leisurely dinner and talking about a myriad of subjects. Again I was a bit quiet as usual. Eventualy the subject came around to men, husbands, exes, boyfriends etc. To my chagrin ..... no mention of girlfriends .... except in reference to why they were all without a man in their life at the time.

Since I was the quiet one,.... Emily asked "Have you ever been married Andie?"

I smiled and slowly said " .... No .... I haven't. I guess I just haven't met the right person yet."

Emily and Pam seemed to accept that but I noticed that Cindy had a quizzical look as she raised an eyebrow and smiled ever so slightly.

Later we retired back to the living room with after dinner drinks and more conversation .... most of which didn't really include me since they had all known each other for several years. Then as the grandfather clock announced nine o'clock, Emily was the first to mention leaving. Pam agreed with her and they both stood.

They found their purses and expressed their thanks to Cindy and said that it was nice meeting me as they turned toward the door. Cindy hooked her hand in my elbow and directed me to the door with her.

"Don't go," she whispered to me.

After they were out the door and it was closed she turned to me and said "I am not sure the friendship I shared with them is valid anymore. Did things seem a little tense and distant to you?"

"How would I know? I never saw either of them before .... but .... yeah .... I did think they both seemed a little uncomfortable a couple of times. Maybe it was because of my being here."

"I don't think that was it. Maybe I expected too much. Oh well .... maybe I will try again .... maybe not."

I started towared the table where all our purses had been and she said "Do you have to leave so early too?"

"No, .... I guess not ... I just didn't want to be labeled as one of those you can't get rid of," I said with a smile.

"Don't be silly, please stay a while longer. Can you handle another glass of wine?"

"I think so , .... yes .... with dinner in between and the time factor .... I am fine with that."

She got the wine and we sat on one of the love seats. She kicked off her shoes, turned toward me and put her left knee up on the cushion, hooking her foot behind her other knee.

"I usually go barefoot at home. I wear shoes all day and it just is so nice to get them off as soon as I get home," she said with a laugh, "feel free to drop yours if you want, Andie."

I nodded and pulled mine off as well, placing them aside by the coffee table. Smiling as I did so, I assumed a mirror image of her position and turned to face her.

I just kind of looked at her over the rim of my glass as I sipped my wine.

"I'm glad you could come tonight Andie."

"Me too. Thanks for asking me."

"I had a reason."

"Oh? Should I ask?'

"I wanted to see you at the same time as Pam and Emily. I was a bit apprehensive about having them here even though I have known them for so long. Actually I thought I would feel more comfortable with you here. And .... I was right."

"And all that means .... what?"

"Well, to me it means that I probably won't have them back. It just didn't seem like old times to me. I hope you weren't too uncomfortable yourself."

"No, .... it was a bit awkward when you were all reminiscing and I was just on the side .... but I didn't really mind."

"Good. Anyway, since I have essentially dumped them from my social life, .... I was .... uh .... hoping that maybe .... you and I .... might grow into a real friendship."

I smiled and probably blushed before I said "I don't think anyone has ever .... asked me .... to be their friend before. I thought that was something that just kind of happened."

"Does that mean it isn't going to happen?"

"I didn't say that. I truly would love to be your friend and have you as mine. I like you and that is a start. Apparently you like me or you wouldn't want me as your friend," I hesitated and cleared my throat.

"And? .... is there more?"

"Yes. But .... we will both have to maintain open minds as we learn about each other."

Cindy smiled and said "You're right. Not too much info at first. Learn as we go, huh?"

"Yep. I think that is the best way," as I upended my glass for the last sip of wine, "and I should be going."

"So soon?"

"Don't want to overstay my welcome."

I stood and slipped on my shoes, picked up my purse and waited for Cindy to show me to the door.

As I turned to face her and thank her for the hospitality, her arms came up and encircled me pulling us into a hug. My face went past hers to rest our heads together side by side. My arms went around her as well. I wanted to at least kiss her cheek but I resisted. Maybe next time.

"Andie, you have my number. Feel free to use it." she said through a grin.

"You have mine also, .... feel free to use it," I winked and stepped into the open doorway.

"Be careful driving home Andie."

"I will, Bye."

Arriving home without incident, I dropped my shoes and purse in the closet, stripped down to my thong and draped my clothes on the chair in the corner.

"Maybe I should call and let Cindy know I am home safely," I muttered to myself before I retrieved her card from my purse.

I laid it by the phone and went to brush my teeth before I went back an picked up the card, then the phone. I punched in her number and waited. It rang several times before she picked up.


"If you were already in bed, I apologize Cindy."

"Andie? .... no ... I am still up ... I was just about to step into the bathtub when it rang,"

"Oh .... I'm sorry .... go ahead with your bath, don't let me interrupt,"

"Don't be silly, I will slip down into the warm water and we can talk until the water gets cold if you want."

"You're naked, getting into the bath and you want to talk to me? I shouldn't have called."

"Nonsense girl, we don't have 'visionphone', you can't see me .... "

Thinking that I wish I could see her ... I said ,"Well, .... actually I wanted you to know I got home safely, .... no cops .... or anything ..."

"Glad to know that. Can't be too careful with a bit of alcohol in you."

"That's for sure."

"Andie .... are you sure your OK with our newfound friendship?"

"Of course. I am happy about it, .... why do you ask?"

"I just thought .... uh .... when I hugged you .... that you felt kinda stiff at first .... and I just wondered if maybe I shouldn't have done that."

I snickered and said "Oh .... no .... it was fine .... I am a hugger too. I guess I just didn't expect it. But I am not against hugging at all."

She was silent for a few seconds so I went on to say "I should go and let you enjoy your bath. Thanks again for this evening. I did enjoy being there."

"OK. You're welcome and I foresee a lot of evenings in our future. Goodnight Andie. Sleep well and sweet dreams."

"Goodnight and sweet dreams to you also Cindy."

I heard her phone click and mine went back on its holder.

My small nipples were a bit aroused thinking of her nude in that warm water as I pushed my panties down my legs and stepped out of them. My hand slid down to my hairless mound and I extended a finger into my slit and pushed down on it.

I heard myself gasp as the vision of Cindy in the tub filled my mind. I stood, bending my knees a little and thrusting my pelvis toward my hand.

Cindy's image reached a hand toward me and her fingers lightly rubbed my bare lips. Fingers invaded my warm wet space and I began to rock with their slow plunges .... in and out .... in and out .... as I breathed more rapidly.

I wandered backward to the bed and laid back on it with my feet dangling off the side. I drew my knees up and began masturbating in earnest, to a vivid image of Cindy's smiling face and the feeling of fingers inside me, imagining they were hers. Soon I was rewarded with a nice orgasm, which I knew would release some tension and allow me to fall asleep.


A Tellers Tale Part 3

Several days passed with no contact between us. So that evening around eight o'clock, I picked up the phone and called her. It rang several times and finally her answering device came on. It was one of those canned messages and not her voice. So I left a short message that I was just calling to check in with her since we hadn't talked in a while.

I went to the shower and enjoyed the splatter of hot water on my body. I closed my eyes and just let it run for a few minutes. Then I quickly soaped up, rinsed off and stepped out to dry off. After slipping into a knee length terry robe, I ventured to the kitchen for a glass of wine, then to the sofa to stare blankly at the TV.

I was kind of in a trance, thinking how great it would be to actually see her in the altogether. I laid my head back against the sofa remembering how she looked the first time I saw her .... flustered .... irate .... but oh so sexy in her fitted dress. They way it hugged her curves and accentuated her bust, waist and hips.

The phone rang and I almost dumped the remainder of my wine. I finally got it steady on the side table and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, .. it's Cindy returning your call. Sorry I wasn't here but I had to stay until the store closed at nine. Everything alright with you?"

"Oh yeah , I am fine, I was just lazing around and wondered what you were up to so I gave you a call. Nothing important."

"Well I am glad you did. At least I know now that I and my old friends really didn't scare you away."

"Not at all. I enjoyed spending time with you and if you aren't busy Saturday evening I would like for you to come here for dinner."

"I am not busy then and I would love to have dinner with you, Andie."

"Great. I hope you can tolerate seafood?"

"Oh yes. I love virtually all seafood. No allergies here. Oh but please ... I hope it will be cooked," she said with a laugh.

"For sure. I am not into sushi or raw meat of any kind,"

"OK, I am getting hungry already, .... so .... see you ...oh.. what time on Saturday?"

"I was thinking maybe sevenish ..... is that suitable for you"

"Perfect and knowing it is seafood, I will bring a wine,"

"Please .... no .... just bring yourself .... I don't have a lot of company and I really want to do everything myself. I hope that doesn't offend."

"Not at all. I shall come with both hands empty then. See you Saturday at seven. Goodnight Andie"

"Goodnight to you Cindy and .... if you can and want to .... earlier is good too. Bye bye and goodnight,"

"OK, can't promise but I will try. bye bye,"


Saturday arrived without incident. I spent all day getting my place in order. At the market I bought fresh shrimp, .... the large cocktail size .... and some fresh bell peppers and green onions. The whole dinner I had planned was grilled shrimp basted with lemon and olive oil, wild rice, a stir fry mix of peppers and onion, hot rolls and white wine. Dessert was to be chocolate truffles and a cup of strong Kona coffee.

The shrimp would take no time to grill, the rice was done and on the warmer as were the peppers. I sat down a few minutes after six to wait .... but not long. About 20 minutes later the bell rang. I opened the door and there stood the beauty I had expected .... but .... she looked even more appealing than I had visioned.

She wore a simple A-line, wedges, her hair pulled back and held with jeweled combs allowing her dangling earrings to show. I suspect my mouth was agape as I reached for her hand to welcome her in. She stepped in and as I closed the door behind her, she extended her arm around my waist and leaned over to plant a short kiss on my cheek. I felt a surge of warmth flow through. I probably blushed but she didnt say anything if I did. She kicked off her sandals just inside the door and pushed them aside.

"Thanks for inviting me Andie," she said softly as she slowly moved her lips away from my cheek.

I smiled and said "You're welcome and I am so glad you could come, .... now .... how about a wine before dinner?"

"Yes, that sounds great."

So I poured the wine and we sat on the sofa and talked about my apartment, her house, plants ... etc...

I said "I guess if we are going to eat on time I had better put the finishing touches on dinner," and got up.

"I'll keep you company in the kitchen," as she followed me and sat at the kitchen bar watching me as I coated the shrimp and put them on the grill. The table was already set and waiting.

Soon we were munching the shrimp and side dishes, talking all the while and I was enjoying her so much. She is a delightful person to talk to. The truffles and strong black coffee topped off what I considered a great dinner.

When all the dishes were safely in the dishwasher, we retired to the sofa with another coffee.

Chatting about places we have been or would like to visit, Cindy all of sudden sat bolt upright and gave a little squeal.

"In about four weeks, I am going to my time share for a week. Leaving on a Sunday and coming back the next Sunday. Why don't you go with me. We can enjoy some relaxation time, bask in the sun a bit, swim, soak in the hot tub. What do you think?"

"Oh that sounds like fun, but I will have to check at the bank. I have vacation time coming but ... let me know the exact dates. I will check on Monday and let you know."

"OK. Do it first thing Monday and let me know. I am so anxious now that we are talking about it."

"I can sense that," I laughed and then said "but ... the accommodations ...,? " I questioned.

" No problem there.. we each get a separate bedroom and I'm pretty sure we can work out a shower/bathroom schedule."

"Well I guess that isn't too bad then," I grinned at her.

"Well .... if you can stand me... I guess I can stand you," she threw back at me and we both laughed.

We chatted on and on about so many things. I really liked her. Just as usual, I thought, here I am getting heated up over a straight woman .... again. But she is fun and I think she likes me... until she discovers the real me.

As the conversation went on, I found that it may not be long before she makes that discovery as the topic changed to dates, boyfriends and her ex-fiance Joe. She told me of her high school days, dating and prom. Then continued to her college years. She had quite a few beaus over those years but she didn't mention any girls which kind of dismayed me a bit.

"So, Andie, tell me about your love life and all the hearts you broke along the way."

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. Then I just hesitated and looked down at my hands in my lap.

"Is it that hard for you? You must have gotten stung really badly. It's OK if you don't want to talk about it."

"No, .... it isn't that Cindy, .... there just isn't much to tell. After hearing your accounts, my few seem so minor and juvenile. They're hardly worth mentioning."

"Ahhh,... come on... it can't have been that bad. Surely you went to prom?"

"Actually .... no I didn't. I wasn't quite the social icon in high school."

"I almost didn't go myself. I was waiting for this one boy to ask me ... waiting and waiting. He never asked me. I was crushed and cried about it. Then this other guy asked me and I went just to spite the first one."

"And how did that work out?" I asked.

"Actually it was good. I discovered I liked him better than the other guy," she laughed, "then we dated a few times and later just drifted apart."

I thought a few seconds before I said "Well, at least the ordeal didn't send you chasing after girls, and .... you eventually wound up with Joe," then followed it with a laugh.

"Yeah... thanks for reminding me of that. I would have probably been better off with a girl," she said with a short snicker.

I didn't say anymore about that but I watched her without turning my head and I could see she had a serious, pensive look on her face. I couldn't know if it was caused by Joe or by thoughts of girls but I stuck it away in my memory bank for later .... like maybe at her time share?

We sat and talked, had another glass of wine, talked some more, covering many subjects and laughed together .... over nothing in some cases. I was really getting into her. I knew she was at least ninety nine percent straight but she was so enjoyable to be around .... and .... she seemed to like me. Cindy is one of those who gets into her talking and uses her hands, smacks you on the knee for emphasis, and even will reach out and put her hand on your arm at times. That was a definite turn on for me all by itself.

"How about another wine, Cindy?" I asked cheerfully.

"Oh I may have reached my limit. I have to drive home you know," she countered.

"Well it is Saturday evening and I have two bedrooms here. The second one has a bed also," I said with a chuckle.

She laughed and said "That is definitely an intriguing offer .... but I should head for home. Maybe next time? .... or maybe you will drink one too many and stay over at my place next week."

"Next week? Do we have plans I wasn't aware of?"

"Just checking," she said with a smile, "I think we should do this every week for a while...or at least on alternate weeks. What do you say to that?"

I rubbed my chin and put on my thoughtful face, hesitated about 10 seconds and then said "That has to be the best idea either of us has had tonight and I say ..... let's do it."

"Great. So .... I hope we will talk at least once between now and then Andie, but if we don't, then I will expect you at my front door no later than six thirty next Saturday."

I was having a hard time supressing my anxiety but I think I did it alright before I said "I will be there. May I bring a wine?"

"Absolutely NOT!! .... just bring yourself ...." she said ... then added, " Oh ... and maybe your PJs and a toothbrush just in case. If you don't stay you can leave them for another time."

I laughed heartily and said "I will bring those if you promise to bring yours next time you're here."

"That's a deal. I promise I will."

"I have a whole closet full of stuff too you know," I said with a smile

"I got lots of room, .... bring whatever you need," she said with a staight face before she broke into a big grin.

I walked her to the door with my hand on her elbow and as I opened the door my lips brushed her cheek and I quickly kissed her there and the quick movement actually made my lips touch her earlobe as well. I got a good whiff of her perfume which almost made me kiss her again but I thought I should leave it at that for now.

When I looked at her face, she smiled, and reached to pull us into a hug sans another kiss.

"We are going to be great friends Andie, thanks for a lovely evening. See you again soon .... and hopefully talk again even before that. goodnight."

"Goodnight Cindy, drive carefully .. and please give me a quick call when you get home?"

"Will do, bye bye."

And she was gone. The emptiness fell around me like a settling fog. I pinched myself and said "Get real girl, too early to get all heated. Go to bed and get some sleep."

So I brushed my teeth, stripped down to my skin and as was turning down the covers, the phone rang. I grabbed it on the first jingle.

"Cindy?" I said into the phone.

"Were you expecting someone else?", her sweet voice asked, "A late night lover, perhaps?" and she snickered.

"No, Miss Nosy, I was not expecting anyone else to call. It was just kind of an automatic thing I guess," then before she could say more I laughed and added, "Did I bring a jealous thought to your mind?"

"More curious than jealous I think, .. anyway, I am here safely. So sleep well Andie. Talk to you again soon. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Cindy, sweet dreams."

I dropped the phone in its holder, went to bed and slept very peacefully, barely mussing the covers before morning came.


A Tellers Tale Part 4

Sunday morning, bright sunshine outside poured through my bedroom window as I opened the shade. I shut my eyes to the light and then slowly reopened them.

My mind was seeing Cindy.

I made coffee, put some cereal into a bowl, peeled a banana and as I was pouring milk onto the cereal, the phone rang.

"Hello?" I said in a questioning tone, not accustomed to Sunday morning phone calls.

"Aha.. you didn't know it was me this time," Cindy said with a chuckle, then "Are you still in bed?"

"Of course not. I 've been up for hours," I lied.

"Sure you have... you're probably still in your PJs."

"Well yeah I am, " I said with a laugh, "I am a birthday suit sleeper."

"Oh my god, ... I am talking to a naked woman?"

"It's only fair isn't it? Last week I talked to a woman who was naked and getting into a bath tub."

"Yeah, that's right you did. Well, today it's my turn I guess."

"Cindy .... uhhh .... oh never mind."

"What? Come on ... you can tell me anything."

"I wasn't going to tell you something...."

"OK... so what was the question?"

"Nothing , forget it."

"Ahhh.... you want to know if I sleep naked. That's it isn't it?"

"Do you?"

"Maybe you will find out when we go to the time share, " she said in a teasing tone, "we will be sleeping in adjacent rooms and sharing the bathroom."

"Hah.... and I might wear real PJs since I won't be alone," I laughed.

"Actually I was calling to see if you want to go to brunch with me at the Marriott downtown. My treat. You haven't eaten yet have you?"

"Uh.. .. no .. I was about to when you rang me. But I can't go looking like this, " I laughed.

"Might be interesting... hehehe... I will give you a half hour to get ready. I will pick you up."

"OK... I better hurry... it takes a lot to make me presentable in the morning."

"I don't believe that for even one second. Bye... see you in 30,"

"Alright... bye."

I literally ran to the shower, quickly dashed through, avoiding getting my hair wet. After drying, I went to work on my face. A little pinkish lip gloss, a bit of blush for my cheeks and a light brushing of eyeshadow. No time for more beautification even though I wanted to do more.

I threw on a beige cotton dress, not too short, then brushed my hair a bit and flipped it into a reasonable shape with my fingers. I twirled in front of the mirror and decided that maybe I didn't look too bad for such a short get-ready time as I slipped my feet into my brown two inch wedges.

Just then the doorbell announced that I had company. I opened the door to find Cindy with a glowing smile on her face and looking extremely pretty in a hot pink jumper style dress that went just at the top of her knees, white ballerinas and a white purse. Her hair was pulled back and I wanted to pull her inside and jump her right there on the carpet.

"I see you are ready," she said.

"I almost didn't make it .... you're a girl too .... you should know it takes a while to do it right," I laughed.

"You did it right Andie. You look great. Let's go .... I am starved."

So away we went. Cindy chattered all the way to the Marriott, I nodded several times but only half listened to the words. Just having her voice all around me made me warm inside. I know .... I am over the f'ing edge again. Why is it I can never find a lesbian like her .... I seem to attract straights.

We sat and ate .... and ate .... sipped coffee .... ate some more. Seemed like there was enough food there for the whole city and then some. Then we ate more. I was stuffed and couldn't have eaten another bite.

"We are going to have a great time that week together. I am so anxious,"

"Whoa .... you don't even know if I can get time off yet."

"I know .... and if they tell you you can't? .... I will call the bank president and tell him that I am moving all my funds to another bank unless he let's you have time off. That should do it."

I started laughing and then she started. I started to say something and she interrupted with ....

"See .... our fun is starting already and we haven't even packed."

I knew she was right .... it was going to be fun .... it might even make a good book or movie I thought to myself .... 'The Lesbo and the Straight Girl' and I chuckled again.

"Speaking of packing, if we keep eating like this I won't need to pack anything because nothing of mine will fit me," I said with a mischievous grin on my face.

"Not a problem. You will come to my store and I will see that you get everything you need and want, all at my discount."

"Yeah .... then I will be fat and my bank account will be thin,"

"It is a gorgeous day today, let's get out of here Andie."

We left. Into her car and down the street as she turned to look at me and said "You don't have anything important on your schedule today do you?"

"Well .... no .... not really .... why?"

"I don't want to take you back home yet. Can we just spend the afternoon .... being silly .... and impromptu .... having fun?"

I laughed. I smiled. I nodded. She smiled. I said "You are such a 'type A' .... so spontaneous .... and you are hard to say no to."

"Does that mean ... yes?"

"Yes .... I will go along with your impulsiveness. As long as we dont end up in jail."

She drives and we talk and all of a sudden she pulls next to a curb and stops on a residential street. I must have had a funny look on my face.

"What .... you got something against yard sales?"

"Yard sales .... what brought that on?"

"Didn't you see that huge yard sale we just passed?"

"Uh.... no.... I am not much on yard sales."

"Get out ... we are going to see what bargains they have."

It was a huge sale, covering the front yards and driveways of three homes.

I found a box full of paperback books, John Grisham, Steven King, Ann Rice and Danielle Steel to name a few of the authors. They were marked one dollar each and there were about twenty of them.

"If you take the whole box, I'll take ten dollars," I heard someone say.

I looked around to see a pudgy red haired woman with tons of freckles smiling my way.

"Sold," I said as I opened my purse to pay her.

A twenty was the smallest bill I had and she said she would be right back with my change.

Cindy came up to me with a plastic bag and opened it for me to look in. It was full of costume jewelry of all colors, sizes and shapes. Bracelets, ear rings, beads, strands of fake pearls and who knew what else.

"Five bucks," she said with a victorious smile on her pretty mouth.

The redhead returned and handed my my ten dollars change and Cindy got this wry grin on her face.

As we walked back toward her car she said "For someone who .... quote .... is not much on yard sales .... end quote ....it didn't take you long to find a bargain," and she smirked to me.

I just shook my head. What could I say?

Next thing I knew we were in the city's largest park and stopped by the lakeside.

"Is there a yard sale in the park that I didn't see?'' I said with a tad of sarcasm.

"I like to watch the sailboats. They seem so free out there, dependent only on the wind and the skill of the sailor."

After a few minutes she drove deeper into the park, stopped, turned off the engine and got out.

"Come on," she said a she took off her shoes and threw them in the car, "get your shoes off and lets go walk barefoot in the grass."

I just turned my head to stare at her. She smiled back, nodding as she urged me to join her without uttering a word.

"There might be bugs in that grass .... or worse."

"Oh geeeeez .... so what. If you get something on you it will wash off," she snickered.

So .... off came my shoes and we walked, and walked and walked .... all of it quite slowly .... our hands bumped a number of times. I wanted to take hold of hers and swing our arms together as we walked.

We stopped, she turned to me and just looked into my eyes, then she dropped her eyes to the ground and said "Your toes are prettier than mine."

I laughed and said "Oh my god Cindy, you really are nuts aren't you?"

"Put your hands up like this," and she raised hers up as a person would do to make 'air quotes' or pretend they were cats paws and claws with her palms facing me.

I put mine up and she pressed her palms to mine and meshed our fingers together. Then she pulled our clasped hands to her cheeks and just held them against her face.

Finally she said "Andie .... this is one of the most enjoyable days I have had in a long time. Thank you so much for putting up with my whims and letting me just unravel a bit."

"What else could I do? I didn't have a way home, " I said in a falsetto voice, then followed with a normal voice as I added "You are very welcome and .... quite frankly .... I enjoyed it too. You have a way about you to take simple things and turn them into fun. Thank you for sharing your day with me."

She removed her fingers from mine and pulled both my palms to her cheeks, then moved her head to kiss each palm while her eyes looked into mine. It was such a moving thing for me, a surprise, that I felt a shiver pass through me and wondered if I was having a mini orgasm.

"The sun is going down and it is getting cooler, maybe we should head back to the car."

I nodded and she let go of my right hand .... but not my left. Our fingers slid together and we held hands as we walked slowly through the grass back toward her car. Then .... as if she read my mind .... she pulled on my hand and began to swing our arms between us. I closed my eyes a second and felt a smile grow on my lips.

Back in her car, we slipped our shoes back on. I leaned back and let my head go until I was looking up at the top of the car. My eyes were closed and it was so quiet I could hear my pulse.

"Well Andie, was the day we had worth skipping all those unimportant items you had on you schedule for today?"

"Yes. A totally unqualified yes. You are fun to be with. I truly enjoyed it and would have to classify it as a great day."

She started the car and as we drove along, she hummed to herself and we barely acknowledged each other. Soon we were in front of my apartment.

"Would you come in for a glass of wine?" I offered.

"Hmmmm.... do you have any more of that white we had last night?"

"I think I could find one. I buy it by the case, I get a discount that way."

"OK. One glass only though, OK?"

"You're the boss."

We sat on my sofa, legs stretched out and feet on the coffee table, sipping our wine.

I felt so comfortable with her. I hadn't had a partner for a while and just being with another woman who could make me smile, even though she was straight, was good for me. I knew I was on the wrong road but I didn't want to turn around yet.

I looked over and the bottom hem of her dress was up to about mid thigh. I kind of got lost and I couldn't help staring ... my eyes moving up and down her legs. They looked great and seeing some thigh as well just enhanced my pleasure.

I heard her say in a whisper "Your legs look nice too,"

My face was on fire, I knew it was as red as a ripe tomato. I looked toward her and she had a huge grin on her face. I looked down to my own legs and found that I was showing more thigh than she was.

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you Andie. I couldn't help myself. I saw you looking and when I looked toward you, I had to say it. And .... it is true."

"Well .... I am embarrassed .... but I did it to myself. No blame on you."

"I didn't have to say anything about it."

"It's OK. Can we just drop it .... please?"


"I know you said only one wine .... but I have to be a good host and offer more."

"No .... thank you .... I would love it but I better get home," as she tipped the glass for the last few drops.

"Again Cindy, thank you for an .... uh .... interesting, enjoyable day."

"It was my pleasure Andie. I am glad you hung in there with me. We must do that again soon."

I walked her to the door, she turned and held out her arms for a hug. I obliged her and wrapped my arms around her. Our cheeks were together as she squeezed me really tightly. I returned the favor.

I kissed her cheek and said "We'll talk soon. I will let you know tomorrow about the trip."

She kissed my cheek after she said "You're going. I may have to kidnap you .... but you're going."

She went out the door and I watched as she walked away. What a cute twitch she has.


A Tellers Tale Part 5

Instead of a shower, which I needed after the walking we did, I opted for a bathtub full of warm, almost hot, water. I sank down to my chin and just closed my mind and eyes to everything.

I tried.

Visions of Cindy kept running through my mind. She was laughing, being evasive, being so damned cute and perky. Suddenly I snapped out of it .... I was dreaming .... I had dozed in the tub and the water had cooled.

I pulled the plug and got out, dried myself and fell into bed. I was alseep in seconds I think.

Morning came much too early. I woke up before the alarm told me to. My first thought was .... what the hell am I getting into? Cindy is straight and I think I am falling in love with her. How can that happen?

I took a quick shower just to help me wake up while the coffee pot was working. I took my time with some cereal and strawberries. Sipping a second cup of coffee, my tortured brain automatically focused on 'her'. I got dressed and headed for the bank. Hopefully I would find some diversion in my work. I was obsessing and that isn't like me.

As soon as I could, I approached my supervisor about getting that week for vacationing with Cindy.

No problem. I had the days available and I was going to spend a week away from work .... with Cindy.

I called her at the store and told her the good news.

"You're going ..... I am so glad. I knew you would. I just knew it. We are gonna have a ball Andie."

"Yep, I guess I am," I said, then "we will talk later, OK?"

"I will call you this evening Andie .... have a great day. I know I will .... now."

"OK. I will sit by my phone. Bye bye,"

"Bye" she said.

Following an uneventful day at work, I was at home, TV on and actually I was sitting by my phone but only because it was on the table by the sofa. When it did finally ring, I took my time answering on the fourth ring.


"Hey Pretty Lady, .... I was beginning to think you weren't home."

I laughed and said "I knew it was you .... just wanted to give you an anxious moment."

"No wonder I don't like you. You are too much like me I think," she replied and then laughed.

I snickered.

We chatted about nothing

Cindy went on "Friday night I work until nine o'clock. Do you think you could come to the store when you get off work? We have a bunch of clothing that is end of season stuff and is going on sale starting Monday. Employees get first pick before that. You can look and I will get any that you want. It is a good opportunity to grab a few new things at a really bargain price. You may find something you want to take with you on our vacation. We will be going out to eat at least a couple of evenings."

"That sounds great. Yes, I will be there about six thirty. Is that alright for time?"

"Perfect. I will see you then but I am sure we will talk more before then."

So everything was moving along. We had our weekend 'dates' and the time flew by. Next thing I knew it was time to pack for the trip. It was going to be just a three hour long drive so it wouldn't be so tiring.

We arrived without incident and the place was very nice. The sliding doors opened to the pool deck. One of three hot tubs was about ten steps away. Inside it was a huge living-dining area, a fair sized kitchen and a half bath. The two bedrooms and bath were in like a loft area along with a lounging area. I thought one bedroom would be enough but I knew I was day dreaming.

After unpacking we headed to the grocery to stock up on some stuff ... and of course a few bottles of wine. I brought a few with me but seven days and nights would require a few more than that.

Mid-afternoon on Sunday and we were set for the week. Plenty to eat and drink. So we decided to hit the pool for a bit of relaxation and some sun.

We each went to our respective bedrooms and changed. I had a rather conservative medium blue swimsuit that was kind of a modified bikini. The top provided ample coverage for my meager breasts and the bottom part was not skimpy either. I felt comfortable being seen in it.

Cindy came out in a light green, bikini style as well but a bit less coverage than I had. I stared .... and when my eyes got to hers, she was staring too .... directly at my legs ... or so it seemed. I probably blushed a bit but I don't think it was intense.

"Do I look alright?" she asked with a sly grin.

"Uh .... yeah .... well .... you look great .... as usual."

"You look pretty hot yourself Andie."

"Yeah ... like a skinny underdeveloped teenager," I said with a snicker.

"Don't sell yourself short Sweetie .... I think you look pretty hot," then said "let's go get some sun."

She led the way, carrying huge towels for us to drape on the chaise's and a plastic bag that held some sunscreens of various strengths. I tagged along with our towels to dry off with and watched her mostly bare butt cheeks twitch as she walked ahead .... barefoot ... which made it even sexier for me.

After spreading the towels, I walked over and stuck my toe into the pool water. It was nice. Not at all cold as I kind of expected. So I just jumped in. When I came up she was standing at the edge watching me. Then she just kind of slid intot the water and slowly came toward me. Suddenly she grabbed me and pushed me under. As I came up, sputtering, I looked around and didn't see her. She had gone underwater and swam away from me. In a few seconds she came up about halfway across the pool and laughed. I went for her and we played like that for a few minutes.

"I am going to go lie down and relax," I told her as I pulled myself up and out of the pool.

As I was drying off, she came out of the water too.

"As bright as the sun is, we should both use some sunscreen," she said.

"You're right. It is pretty intense right now, .... we don't want to get burned the first day."

"Don't want to get burned at all," she laughed, "that could cut into on our activities later."

The more I listened to her, the more I wondered if she was spouting double meanings. But then I thought .... nah .... she is just being Cindy and since she doesn't know I am lesbian, she thinks nothing about it.

"Lay down on your belly and I will oil up your back for you Andie," she told me.

I didn't question her. I laid down and was thinking how much I was going to enjoy havin her hands rub around on my bare skin. Just then I felt a squirt of lotion hit between my shoulder blades and then both her hands began to smear it around. When she put her fingers under my bra strap I felt a definite tingle course through my body. Soon my back was covered and I started to get up.

"Just stay there and I will get the backs of your legs too,"

So I stretched my self out again and moved my legs so that my feet were at the edges and my toes pointing toward the tile deck. This time she trailed a stream of lotion down the back of each leg and spread it using one hand on each leg. I was determined I wasn't going to flinch no matter how she did it. I felt her hands on the inside of each leg below the knee. Her fingers curved around my flesh and she worked her way up over the knees and to the inside of my thighs. Just as she got near my butt, her hands turned and followed the outline of my suit across and to the outside of my hips.

She smacked my butt and said "That should hold you for a while. Will you do me? I am sure we can do our own fronts," as a big grin crossed her face.

"I'll be glad to return the favor, Cindy. Get on your belly."

She did and I admired her form from above. I guess I took too long.

"Hey .... I am burning here .... what are you waiting for?"

"Oh .... sorry .... I guess I was just kind of daydreaming .... this is such a great place and I have never been anywhere like this before."

I squirted her back and spread it around as she had done to me. When my hand went under her bra strap I so wanted to push it around and down to her breast but I resisted. Then I took hold of her ankles and moved her feet and she in turn made room between her legs for me. I looked at her crotch and .... maybe it was imagination .... but I thought I could see the outline of her pussy lips and her slit through the material of her suit.

I started applying the lotion, .... over her shapely calves, then the back of her knees .... I wanted to kiss that area .... then up her thighs .... on the inside I used a little too much lotion and there were a couple of spots where the whitish globs just hung to her soft skin. The picture that popped into my perverted mind was that it was not lotion .... but her vaginal secretions and .... cum .... as I enjoyed my reverie and spread it all around with my fingertips. I caught myself just before my fingers reached that little strip of cloth that covered her .... up high .... between her legs. I sucked in a deep breath and held it.

"Are you OK Andie? I thought I heard you sigh or moan or something."

I thought "oh my god ..... did I do that?" then I said "Sure .... I'm fine. I just took a deep breath before I stood up."

She turned over and I adjusted both our chaise backs to a sitting position before I sat down. We both put sunscreen on our fronts and faces. I turned my head to look at her and she was watching me as I rubbed my legs with lotion but she quickly diverted her eyes.

We sunned for a while, until I said "Do you think we should get out of the sun? We've been out here almost 2 hours and it's just day one."

"You're right. Let's go in. My skin is feeling pretty warm," as she felt the front of her thighs.

I got the shower first , since I was the guest she told me. Then I dressed while she showered.

I slipped into a thong, covered with a pair of shorts and put on a t-shirt without a bra underneath. Went down to the kitchen and got some water and Cindy soon came down as well. She was in shorts and a t-shirt too but she was in a bra. Her size needed it.

We sat with the TV on .... neither of us watching it .... as we sipped our water and talked about the the time share and trivial things.

Out of the blue I heard "Have you ever been in love, Andie?"

"Huh? where did that come from?"

"I thought I was in love with Joe. Then he did that to me .... looking back .... I don't think I really loved him. It was nice having someone, but I didn't feel what I think is love. I didn't get excited to see him when I was on my way home from work. I didn't run to meet him at the door when he had been out of town for a week. I liked being with him .... the sex was good .... but ..... am I crazy?"

I didn't say anything, so she continued "I just wondered if you had ever been in love."

"Can I have a while on that one? Not sure I can give it a proper answer on such short notice."

"You mean you don't know if you ever have been?"

"Let's change the subject, .... please? It just isn't that easy for me. I promise I will answer you later."

"OK .... but when later? .... later tonight .... later this week .... later this year.... this is getting mysterious."

"I get your point .... how about .... later tonight .... after dinner?"

"You really are in a dither about this aren't you? I can see that it is difficult for you .... from the look on your face."

"Yes .... but I will answer you .... and tell you everything you want to know."

I looked at her and she gave me a tiny smile and an almost imperceptible nod. She knew I was stressing.

"I think I will go lie down and maybe take a short nap Cindy."

"Of course. It's your vacation too. Go for it. I will be quiet."

"You don't have to be quiet, I can sleep with the TV on or whatever. No big deal."

"See you when you wake up then," as she came and gave me a hug, then kissed my cheek.

Before I walked away, I pulled her back for another hug .... a longer one .... then I kissed her cheek and hurried up the steps.

I fell onto the bed and the last few years of my life sped through my mind. I had to tell Cindy, and relating the incident may help me too. Finally I guess I drifted off to sleep. I woke up and could see it was almost dark outside. I had slept at least a couple of hours.

I dragged myself out of bed and headed downstairs.


A Tellers Tale Part 6

It was quiet down there. The TV was off and I could smell food but I didnt see or hear a thing .... until I saw Cindy lying on the sofa ... curled up and asleep.

I got a bottle of water from the fridge and promptly dropped it on floor. Luckily it was a plastic bottle but it did make enough noise to wake her up.

"So .... you're awake," she said.

I laughed and said, "Yeah I am ... looks like you are too now, .... sorry for being so noisy."

"Hey no problem. I was just waiting for you. Kinda lonesome all by myself so I dozed off .... are you hungry?"

"I think so. What smells so good?"

"Just some chicken and herbs smothered in mushroom soup and baked. Plus some carrots and salad."

"You are too much .... you cooked all that while I was snoozing?"

"Yeah .... not much trouble. Let's eat it."

So we grabbed some wine and ate as we talked and talked .... avoiding the subject of love .... .

After everything was cleaned up and we were on the sofa again, I turned to her and said "Well, it is after dinner .... so I guess center stage is mine."

"You don't have to .... "

I interrupted with ...."Yes .... I do. If not now .... then very soon .... and here is a good place for me to do just that. No one else around, no interruptions and no one for me to hide from."

"Hide from? You certainly don't need to hide from me."

"I know. Not everyone is as kind and forgiving as I think you are."

Before she could say anymore .... I started.

"In answer to your question .... yes .... I have been in love. Maybe more than once but I am one hundered percent sure that I was in love once. My soul mate and I lived together for a little over a year after dating for about six months. We were everything to each other. Lovers, friends, confidantes, you name it. We seemed to have everything any couple could aspire to. Then things seemed to change slightly. The tenderness and intense lovemaking sessions didn't seem quite the same. I came home to an empty home one evening and I felt my that my life was over."

Cindy said "What .."

I said "Shhh... I am not finished."

"It seems there was this other woman who had lured my love away from me. About six months later I got a letter from my ex. The latest romance was also on the rocks and washed away. The ultimate price to be paid for the infidelity was to be death. And the same day I got the letter, a bottle of pills and a remote hotel room provided that scenario."

"Oh my god Andie, ... "

"Shhh ... there is more."

"It was felt that, no matter what, I would never take them back into my life, .... though I didn't get the opportunity to say yes or no. The letter was long, apologetic and .... very sad and depressing to me. So yes I have been in love. I may still be in love but I also may never know."

Cindy said "I presume when you got the letter you were quite hopeful it was going to be good news. But all he had written turned out to be bad news instead."

"Yes, " I said through my sobs, "that is right .... except for one detail .... oh god Cindy .... you are gonna hate me .... the letter wasn't from a 'he' it was from a 'she' and her name is Elaine, or it was . Since then I have basically been a hermit. That is until you came along and stirred some life back into me."

Cindy didn't say a word but I could see the sadness and concern on her face as she moved closer to me and turned to put her arms around me and hug me.

I heard her as she whispered into my ear, "Why would I hate you Andie. You didn't do anything wrong."

"But, I am who I am and you are who you are. You're not like me .... but that doesn't keep me away from you. You are the first person I have really been friends with since Elaine left me."

"I consider that an honor Andie. I have been quite happy about our newfound friendship. I have been working at pulling us together too. Dont put it all on yourself for where we are right now."

"But .... you're straight. I never have been. Believe me,.... I tried .... tried to conform to society's expectations of a woman. It wasn't for me."

Her arm was behind my neck, around my shoulders and my head was on her shoulder.

She turned slightly and lifted my head with her hand under my chin. My eyes opened and we just stared into each other's eyes for fifteen seconds, which seemed like forever. She let go of my chin and I kept staring.

She closed her eyes and said "I understand Andie .... I'm not as straight as you may think. I have fought with my own sexuality since my late high school days and through college. I have pretty much been living a bisexual existence since I was seventeen or eighteen. I had boyfriends and girlfriends .... and sometimes I had neither. I had one nighters with either a girl or a guy, never anything kinky like threesomes but nothing I ever considered as a real relationship. When I was with Joe, that was the only monogamous relationship I ever had."

I started to say something and she put her fingers to my lips to shush me.

"When you and I met at the bank and I discovered Joe was really gone, I had a pretty big letdown and it wasn't all because of the money. But I had some long talks with myself and came out of that realizing that Joe wasn't what I really wanted in a life partner. I didn't know what I wanted. I still don't. You seemed different to me and I was attracted to you from first sighting. So, given my past experiences, I decided to pursue you a little and see where it went. Was it 'gaydar'? I dont know .... So here we are .... you, a lesbian .... me, a bisexual, possibly more toward lesbian than not. Where do we go from here?"

I had been looking down for a bit and when I looked up she had tears. I did too. Her fingers came and touched me, wiping my tears as she said "Why are we crying?"

I smiled faintly and said "Maybe because we both sense a feeling of relief and release? Maybe because we are happy to at least have someone to talk to? Maybe because we have needed to cry for a long time and just needed someone else to cry with .... instead of crying alone?"

"Stand up," Cindy ordered.

I did.

We entered into a hug .... a real hug .... full of sympathy .... understanding .... and maybe full of hope .... hope that we could find the catalyst that would bond us together .... feeding a hungry void that seemed to dwell in both of us.

"Let's go for a walk outside Andie."

"Great idea. I need a jacket though."

We walked and talked and were both glad to be out of the condo. Our emotions were high and I was pretty sure neither of us wanted to do anything rash. I know I didn't. If it was real .... there would be plenty of time for us later, as we grew closer.

When we decided it was time to get some sleep, there was no mention of sleeping together, no goodnight kiss .... just a tight hug and a silent promise that there was more ahead for us.

Next morning at breakfast, cereal with strawberries, toast, orange juice and coffee, we sat not across from each other but at the ninety degree sides of a corner. Our elbows touched occasionally as did our knees. We smiled a lot as we ate and talked.

"Andie ....?"

"What? do I have milk on my chin ?"

She giggled and said "No ... I just wanted to say something and had to make sure I had your attention first."

"You got it now. Say your piece ...."

She looked me in the eyes and said "We did the right thing last night didn't we? .... walking I mean."

It was more of a statement of fact than a question.

"I think so .... yes .... and SLOW is the order of the day .... no ... of the week. I want us to show restraint and talk until we are breathless and blue in the face, learning as much as we can about each other."

"I agree. I have a feeling ....." her voice kind of trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow and smiled "You do? .... and what might that feeling be?"

She laughed and shook her head, saying "I was thinking out loud I guess .... but I do have a feeling .... that this isn't a 'one week stand'."

Then I laughed... "I hope it isn't. I like you a lot Cindy. I liked you a lot before we came here. I like you even more now."

I put my hand on top of hers on the table. She turned her palm up and our fingers meshed together. We were staring and smiling again.

So it went for the rest of the week. We talked, sat in the hot tub, sunned ourselves and rubbed lotion on each others bare skin by the pool. We did some cooking together, watched TV , talked some more and just enjoyed being together .... kind of like a real couple. Except .... we slept separately and hugged without kissing on the lips. It was cheeks only. The good part of all that was that we didn't seem to bear any urgency to actually kiss or .... touch each other in an intimate way because we both knew it was coming, coming in it's own due time.

Sunday morning rolled around and it was time for us to leave. We packed up our stuff and crammed it into her car. Then we went back in for a final check to make sure we hadn't missed anything.

"Well... looks like we have everything," she said, "guess we should hit the road."

As we neared the door I put my hand on her arm and she stopped and turned toward me.

I stepped to her and put my arms around her, hugging her to me. My head by hers and my mouth close to her ear.

I whispered, "Since this is the place where we truly met each other, I think we should have our first kiss here."

I pulled my head away from her and looked into her smiling face.

Our faces moved slowly together, our eyes went closed and our lips found common ground. The first touch of lips on lips was like a lightning bolt for me. A long awaited shock of electricity flowing through me and hopefully into her. Lips slid over lips, arms tightened their grip and it's likely that grunts and groans could have been heard on the other side of the closed door. We kissed until we both needed some air .... but the hug continued .... followed by another long sensual kiss and several ensuing smacks of our lips as we pecked at each other until we both started laughing. Two beaming, deliriously happy women turned and walked out as the door locked behind them.


A Tellers Tale Part 7

The ride home was somewhat quiet. We didn't talk a lot but we did exchange looks and smiles often. We arrived at my apartment and she carried in a bag for me.

We stood at my entry door and faced each other. I extended my arms and she came to me. Our lips met and we kissed over and over. Still our tongues had not met. I guess we were each waiting for the other to take the initiative. It didn't happen.

"That's two," she said, "two down and one to go."

I looked at her and I guess she saw a question in my eyes.

"Two places christened with a kiss, leaving my house to be next."

I smiled and said "I guess that will be this weekend,"

"Unless you want to come over sooner?"

I didn't answer right away and she said "Do we need some time apart .... maybe to let the past week settle down a little,"

Quickly I said "No, .... that isn't what I was thinking at all," then I added, "I was just trying to imagine what that kiss was going to be like. This one was definitely longer than this morning at the condo."

Cindy grinned and said "Hmmm.. hadn't thought of it that way. I guess one of these times it will last all night."

"We can work toward that." I said softly with a wink.

She put her hands on my jawbones, fingers behind my neck and pulled us together for another kiss. Shorter but just as enjoyable.

"We will talk tomorrow evening," she said with a nod, "the weekend seems so far away right now."

"Yes, it does. Goodnight Cindy and thanks for everything and I do mean everything."

"I know. And I must thank you too. Goodnight and sweet dreams," as she stepped through the door and I watched her walk away. I already knew what that twitch looked like in a bikini .... now I wondered how it would look totally naked.

The next few days at work were a bit slow but I had paperwork to catch up on. So I was busy and it kept me from spending a lot of time daydreaming.

Cindy and I talked a couple of evenings and I was going over there on Saturday evening. I was looking forward to that but I was also wondering if what I wanted was going to happen, was it still too early or what she might have in store for us. I always got anxious at times like that and this time I think I was even worse.

So ..... Saturday, six thirty in the evening I am at her door, wearing shorts, as we had agreed to dispense with dressing for dinner. I pushed the doorbell button. The door opened and I was rewarded with her beauty once again. I felt a wave of warmth start at the top of my head and work its way down my body. She was wearing shorts, a tank top and no shoes. Her legs looked so perfect.

Obviously I was staring as she smiled that sweet smile of hers and said "Are you going to come in .... or just stand there?"

I shook my head to kick myself out that zone and said "I guess I am coming in .... sorry ... I was just kind of out in space somewhere."

"Well, get in here, I don't want you out in space, I want you in MY space," she laughed.

I stepped through the door and when she turned from closing the door, I put my arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss. While we were kissing I took a couple of small steps forward and her back was against the door. Her arms tightened around me and we pressed together, our bare thighs met and I was extremely aware of her breasts against mine.

When I pulled out of the kiss, her eyes were still closed and I untangled myself from our embrace.

"Oh, shit, ..... Cindy .... I am so sorry .... I just kind of lost it .... you look sooooooo gorgeous .... and .."

"Hey, hush up .... ," she interrupted me, "that was a wonderful surprise .... and I loved it .... and .... now I get to give you my greeting kiss," as she pulled our faces together again, still with her back against the door.

The pressure of our bodies against each other was such a turn on. Through my closed eyes I could see and feel every little curve of her legs, hips, breasts, neck .... her hands on my back, .... and then I felt it .... the tip of her tongue at my lips. I couldn't deny her .... my lips parted and her tongue rubbed against my teeth .... she squeezed me tighter if that was possible .... and then my mouth was full of her tongue.

I pressed my tongue against hers and automatically sucked it in as deep as I could get it. I heard her moan .... and I knew I had to break away. I pushed at her tongue and it receded back into her mouth .... but I didn't stop there as my own tongue followed it into her warm wet mouth and I tried to push mine down her throat.

I pulled back and put my forehead against hers as we were both seeking some air.

Our arms fell to our sides and I moved back a step. She opened her eyes and looked at me while we both breathed deeply to calm ourselves a bit. While smiling huge smiles, we went back into hugging.

I whispered, "Cindy .... oh my god .... Cindy .... ,"

"Oh Andie, .... that was awesome .... really awesome ....," then she said, "I think I need to sit down."

We walked together to one of the love seats in the living room and sat beside each other.

"I'm sorry Andie, .... I didn't know how you would accept that, or if I could even do it .... but I have wanted to try .... "

"Don't be sorry .... I wanted the same thing but I have been reluctant because I didn't want to seem overly aggressive and mess things up between us."

"Seems as if we both want the same things here."

"Yeah, it does .... but let's not go too far .... too fast .... know what I mean?" I asked.

"I think so .... but we are both adults .... it isn't like a high school crush."

"That is the thing .... I want to be sure .... sure that this is the path you want to take. So .... at the risk of making you think I am not that interested .... please don't think that .... I am very interested in this relationship .... but I have been hurt before .... and I do not share .... not at all."

"I understand .... so we are moving too quickly?"

"I don't really know that, Cindy ....I'm just being cautious."

She nodded.

"How did you get so smart?" she said, "let's go have some dinner and wine."

She stood up,

I laughed .... "Experience I guess .... not smarts .... "

Extending her hand to me .... she pulled me up .... hooked her arm in mine and we went side by side into the kitchen. Since it was just the two of us we sat at the bar and ate .... braised pork chops, baked sweet potatoes, green beans and hot rolls. The blush wine was just a tad dry but had a wonderful fruity flavor.

Later we watched a movie, "Desert Hearts" .... we had talked about movies and she asked me to bring one. That is the one I chose. She had heard of it but hadn't seen it. I deem it to be a nice 'entry' movie to the lesbian theme. She said she liked it.

I got up onto my knees and leaned over her, she looked up and I kissed her, pushing her back and laying my body down on top of her. She put her arms around me and held me tight. I pulled away and raised up on my arms, looking into her eyes.

"I am so glad we met, Cindy."

"Me too .... so here we are ....you, Cay, the casino girl and I, Vivian, the professor, " she said and we both laughed.

"Are you sure of that? Sometimes I think the roles are reversed,"

"Does it matter?"

"Not to me," I replied, "as long as we are together."

"Well .... " she said and hesitated, "here we are together .... closely together .... so what's next?"

I smiled faintly and said, "I think we both know what is next .... but I'm not exactly certain we are ready for that. We must be patient."

"Patient?" she almost screamed, "If I am patient much longer .... I will BE a patient .... at the local looney bin."

I leaned down and kissed her again and whispered "We're getting closer .... quite close."

"I want to touch you .... put my hands on you .... " she said almost hissing.

I didn't move and I made no comment.

I felt her hand on my ribs and I held my breath. Her hand moved slowly upward along my side and over slightly to press against my small breast. I let out my breath with a sigh as her palm then pressed against me and her fingers bent to mold her hand to to cover my breast. A slight squeeze brought a shiver through me before I relaxed a bit.

"Kiss me Andie .... kiss me hard," she demanded ... but in a soft, whispery voice.

I moved to press my lips to hers. My tongue met her parted lips and I licked her lower lip along its width and then extended it to enter her warm wet mouth. I leaned to the side with my shoulder against the back of the sofa, which freed my other hand to seek out her ample breast.

I felt and heard her whimper above our slurping, wet kiss noises as my hand found its target and pressed against her. I squeezed and released over and over as she relayed that motion back to me through her fingers.

Then terror struck me and I went bolt upright onto my knees, separating us and dashing the moment as if with ice water.

"What's wrong Andie?" she said in a shaky voice, "I'm sorry .... I shouldn't have done that ....,"

I blurted out, "NO, .... it's alright .... I .... I just .... I have to wait .... we have to wait a little longer .... I'm sorry Cindy."

"I am just too pushy .... always want my way ...." she said before I interrupted her.

"That isn't it .... not at all .... I was just hit with the thought of ruining what we have here .... blowing it all away with one big emotional outburst of sex."

Cindy didn't say a word and I went on, "I just need a little more time .... if you can cope with me a little longer .... I want exactly what you want .... maybe I want it even more .... but .... please stick with me .... bear my insecurities a little longer?"

She rose up to hug me and I put my arms around her and my eyes against her shoulder as my tears poured out and ran down her soft skin and wetted the shoulder strap of her tank top.

"No problem for that Andie .... and I am not going anywhere away from you .... I will be right here for you .... for us .... whenever the time is right," she said as she nuzzled my ear with her nose and kissed my neck just below my ear.

So we sat and held each other, just being silent for a while.

I finally broke the silence as I said "Cindy, I am sorry to be the spoiler tonight. But I think I should go home."

"You don't have to. There is a big empty bed in that other bedroom, your toothbrush is in the bathroom and your PJs are in the dresser."

"I know. I think I just need the comfort of my own cave," I snickered slightly.

"OK, .... just don't fret about .... well .... you know what I mean."

"I do. Thank you for not being offended or angry with me,"

We walked to the front door, I turned to her and extended my arms as she smiled and stepped into my embrace. I turned my head and our lips met, engaging in a tender but rather long kiss.

"So next weekend at my place?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"For sure .... I wouldn't even think of not being there," she answered.

"Good night Cindy," I said as I turned and started out.

She held my arm and turned me back, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me again.

"Good night Andie," she whispered ..."I just needed another one,"

"Is one enough?"

"No .... but I should quit while I am ahead," she laughed.

"There are innumberable kisses in our future, Cindy. Talk to you tomorrow. Good night again."

"I look forward to that. Good night."

I stepped out and walked toward my car, where I turned to look back and she was standing on the step. She threw me a kiss and a wave of her hand as I got in and drove away.


A Tellers Tale Part 8

I was nervous as I drove the path home. I wasn't upset .... it was just the uneasiness I felt because of my relationship with Elaine and the way it ended. I didn't know if I could endure another one like that and what I was feeling for Cindy was extremely strong. I knew I was falling in love with her but I only would tell myself that I "might be falling for her".

When I went in my front door I could see the answering machine flashing. I knew it was Cindy. I hit the play button and it played her familiar voice for me.

"Hey Andie, it's Cindy. Just checking on you. Give me a call back when you get in. Bye"

I smiled from knowing she was concerned and wondered if maybe I should have stayed there.

I picked up the phone and punched the callback button and she answered on the first ring.

"Hi Babe. Glad you got home alright."

"Hi yourself, were you worried about me?"

"Not really, I just needed an excuse to call,"

"No you didn't .... no excuses necessary .... you may call me anytime and you know that."

"I know .... but I guess I was just kind of needing to apologize a little ..."

"Uhnnnnnh uuuhhhh .... don't feel that way .... I loved your touches .... all this just scares me .... "

"Andie .... "

I interrupted with "Wait let me finish .... it scares me because you aren't .... aren't like me .... and I am afraid of being hurt and alone .... again."

"How can you be so sure I am not like you? There have been many lesbians who were with men before they came to terms with their true identity. No one can ever know what is in the future."

"I know you're right .... and of course I can't be absolutely sure about you .... so .... I hope our standing date is still on .... "

"Damn right it is .... and if you were to say otherwise I would be there ringing your doorbell wanting some answers...."

"OK .... you made your point .... and .... if you want to ring my doorbell before next Saturday .... well .... you know where the button is."

"Do I have to call for an appointment?"

"No .... I am always home unless I am working .... or if I am with you."

"I will write all that down on the note pad here by my phone .... just in case my memory fails," she said with a chuckle.

"Goodnight Cindy."

"Goodnight and sweet dreams, Andie."

The line went dead and I hung up as well.

I felt better, more at ease with the situation and decided to just go lie in bed and watch a little TV. I flipped through channel after channel and found nothing that interested me. After thumbing through a couple of magazines I was bored enough to go to sleep. I turned out the light and next thing I knew it was morning and the bedside radio was calling for me to wake up.

Cindy and I talked a few times over the week but neither of us ventured to the others home but that is our usual sequence of events. So as the days passed, my anxious side was getting a bit fidgety. Just the anticipation of seeing her sent a shiver down my body. But I didn't want to get too high on possibilities and then get tripped up by my own reluctance. I was pretty sure she was ready to move forward with our relationship. Was I?

By the time Saturday afternoon rolled around, I had been up and down on that roller coaster and I knew I had to calm myself. I felt that if she were to ring my doorbell right at that moment, I would literally drag her through the door, rip off her clothes and have my way with her right there on the carpet. The thoughts that brought me back to earth were the ones that painted pictures in my mind of the two of us, lying in the darkness on white sheets, embracing, kissing and caressing as we drifted away into our own world of ecstasy. A big glass of wine helped to calm that too.

I knew time was getting close for her arrival. I put on my shorts an a knit top and skipped the bra assuming he knit fabric would hide my nipples

Six twenty two. Ding dong said the doorbell. I went as quickly as I could to open the door. I almost fell over. She looked like she was about 19. Dressed in short shorts, sneakers, no socks, a tank top and her hair pinned back and up. Her face was glowing.

I put out my hand and she took it as she stepped through the door. She pulled me close and put her other arm around my shoulder as she kissed me. I kissed her back as my arms went around her and we embraced as if we hadnt seen each other in years. The door was still open. After two more kisses, I closed it.

"How about a wine?" I asked.

"Sure, if you have one," she grinned.

So I poured two. We sat on the sofa and just had a staring contest as our eyes locked over the rims of our wine glasses.

"Cindy .... you look so .... so gorgeous .... if I didn't know better I'd think you were like 19 or 20,"

"Well .... you look pretty hot yourself, Kiddo," as her eyes were fixed on my chest.

"Thanks .... but you must have left your contacts at home didn't you?"

"Nope, my eyesight is just fine and I say you look hot."

"OK ... the HOT cook says ... I hope you like lamb."

"Sure, I like it .... I like almost everything. "

"Good, cause I took the easy road. We are having Irish lamb stew, salad and biscuits but I guess I should call them scones."

"Sounds good to me."

"Are you ready for it now or want to wait? it's up to you."

"Let's finish our wine first, OK?"

"Suits me,"

After the wine glasses were emptied, we ate, drank more wine and finished off with bread pudding and a really dark strong Kenyan coffee.

Later in the living room, talking, Cindy pops up with "What was the name of that movie you brought over?"

"Desert Hearts, why?"

"I couldn't remember. Do you have any others?"

"I have whole stack of movies," as I pointed to the rack by the bookcase.

"I didn't mean .... just movies .... I meant others like that one .... "

I giggled a little and said "Yes I do have some others. I was hoping you would say that."

"Since they are yours, you know about them, .... why don't you pick one and we will watch it."

I looked at her and I could see determination in her eyes .... but there was something else there .... just a glimmer or a twinkle .... something that seemed to be playing with my eyes.

Scanning down the titled edges of the cases I came to the one I was looking for. It is a bit more graphic and carries a couple more sex scenes than Desert Hearts. It is "When Night is Falling."

While the title pages were playing, I turned off the lights except for the one over the sink in the kitchen which helped to dampen the glare of the TV screen.

During the course of the movie, I paused it two times and we drank more wine. I was secretly hoping she would decide to stay over instead of driving home after drinking a bit.

I had to reverse the play a couple of times so she could watch the nudity and sex scenes over again. I didn't mind it myself as both the actresses were pretty hot.

When it was over, I asked "There is about one more glass for each of us in that wine bottle. Shall we kill it?"

"Are you trying to get me tipsy and take advantage of me?"

"And if I say yes .... then what?"

"Then I say .... fill my glass .... and if you say no .... I say .... fill my glass," she said and laughed.

"My answer is .... nothing is planned .... we just drink the wine and see where it takes us. But quite honestly, even without the next glass, I don't think you should drive home tonight."

"I was thinking that myself .... so .... lets get that wine before it goes stale," as she headed for the kitchen.

So we emptied the bottle into our glasses and sat on the sofa. We did a lot of staring at each other and smiling over the rims of our glasses. She got a look in her eyes and a smile formed on her lips.

"OK, out with it, what are you thinking?" I said.

She turned and put here glass on the table, then turned back to me, got on her knees and took my glass, setting it beside hers.

Leaning over me, lowering her body onto mine, her eyes closed as her lips parted and she kissed me very lightly. Almost not a kiss it was so light.

Then she backed off a few inches and hissed "I love the taste of your lips," as she dipped down for another one.

My arms went around her and our open lips allowed us to share tongues and proceed with a long, wet, very passionate kiss while our bodies pressed together from lips to toes.

After it ended, she said "Maybe I have had too much to drink and you should show me to my room."

"I don't think that is the case but it is rather late and I will show you."

I went near the front door and picked up the gym type bag she had dropped there when she first arrived. She smiled and followed me down the short hallway to the bedrooms. I flipped the bag onto the bed and turned on the light in the bathroom. She unzipped the bag throwing under garments out and came up with a toothbrush and some toothpaste which she put on the bathroom vanity.

"If you need anything and can't find it .... I am right across the hall," I said with a smile.

"You did say .... anything .... " she answered through a toothy grin.

I just smiled and started out .... but then I stopped .... went back into the bathroom and picked up her toothbrush.

"In the morning, this might be a bit handier for you if it is across the hall," I stated as I walked out without looking at her.

She was jabbering as she followed me and I deposited her stuff in my bathroom. When I turned to go into the bedroom, she was blocking the door. Feet and arms against the door frame like a guard of some kind.

"You're drunk," she said.

"Nope, .... you asked me to show you to your room and I did."

"But .... but you ..."

"I what? "

"You confuse me sometimes,"

"I don't think I said anything cryptic did i? I was just implying that .... sleeping in strange surroundings, .... you might wake up in the middle of the night .... and .... uh .... need to be .... uh .... comforted a bit."

"So that's why you stole my toothbrush?"

"Just trying to be a good host and make things easy for my guest," I said wide eyed with a smile.

"I see. Well, I appreciate your looking out for me. Goodnight then," as we melted into a wet kiss.

She pulled away and headed over to the other bedroom without a glance or a word.

I smiled and felt a cold shiver course through my body. I knew she would be back .... and soon. My king size bed would be waiting for her. And so would I.

I stripped, brushed my teeth, dabbed a bit of smell good stuff on, turned out the lights and went to bed. I could see that her lights were still on and a few seconds later they went off.

I laid back with the top sheet up to my breasts and my hands behind my head as I stared at the ceiling, wondering, .... am I doing the right thing? .... will she come to me? .... of course she will. I am the one who has been holding back and I am sure she understood my innuendos.

I am not sure if I dozed or what but suddenly I was aware that I wasn't alone in my room. When my eyes focused, I could see Cindy in the dim light, totally nude and standing by my bedside.

"What's .... going on?" I said in a groggy voice.

"I .... I had a bad dream .... can I get in bed with you?"

"Sure, Honey, get right in here under the cover and we will make that bad ol' dream go away."

She raised the sheet, slid in beside me and scooted over until our hips touched. I reached for her hand and our fingers entwined as I heard her release a big sigh.


A Tellers Tale Part 9

I turned on my side to face her and saw that her eyes were closed and her jaw looked 'set' indicating that maybe she had clenched her teeth.

"Are you asleep already?" I whispered.

"No, .... no way .... just wondering .... if I should have stayed where I was."


"I don't know .... I guess I am just apprehensive .... don't want to seem agressive."

"I think I understand that .... I am a kinda in the same place."

"So .... umhh .... what do we do now? .... just turn over and go to sleep?"

I snickered a little and said "If you want to .... but I thought you were a little more anxious and adventurous than that."

"Well I am .... so .... how about .... I kiss you?"

"That sounds good .... but you don't need to ask .... for a kiss .... or .... anything .... just let yourself go," I said in a nervous, throaty voice.

She turned toward me and slowly moved her face to mine. I closed my eyes in anticipation and waited for our lips to touch. I didn't move forward at all as I wanted her to do that. When our lips met, I felt a familiar warmth spread through me as I relished the thought of finally, once again, being close with another woman.

I kissed back and we both struggled to sit up so we could get our arms into the action and hug each other as we kissed. She pushed gently on me to urge me back to my pillow and lowered her body onto mine. I was so aware of her larger breasts pressing against me, making my nipples stiffen in reponse.

I gave in. Deciding it was time to join in and help her, I placed both hands on her butt and pulled her fully on top of me. Then I spread my legs and her body slipped between them and our pelvic areas were touching. I pushed up to her and she pushed back. I moved my one hand up her ribcage to her breast and felt her shiver as my fingers caressed her nipple.

She started kissing all over my face but didn't seem to be making any effort to move down my body. I decided to take the initiative and I rolled her off and onto her back, got to my knees and sucked her hardened nipple into my mouth. She moaned and squirmed to that.

I pinched the nipple between thumb and forefinger as I kissed my way down to her navel. Her hands came to my head as if to hold me away. I pulled back and planted a kiss at the top of her closely cropped Vee of pubic hair and nuzzled my nose in it. She relaxed her grip.

As my face neared her puffy lips the scent of her arousal penetrated my nostrils. It was like a shot of adrenalin. I dove in like we had been lovers for years. Devouring her with my lips and tongue, relishing her wonderful flavor and making love to her with all my feelings.

Her legs were in constant motion as she squirmed to my actions. That just drove me onward. I knew she wasn't going to hold out long and I pushed her as hard as I could. She came quickly, pushing at my face as my tongue lashed her puffy lips and dilated entry. Her moans evolved into a muffled scream as the first throes of orgasm raced through her. She went rigid and then collapsed onto the bed. Her breathing was ragged and uneven while quivers traversed her body as she recovered. I abandoned any thought of trying to give her a double at that time.

I crawled up beside her and laid close. I put my arm over her and she turned her head to look at me with a faint smile on her lips. I kissed her cheek.

"Kiss me," she said in a shallow tone.

I put my lips to hers and her tongue probed at my mouth which opened to give her access to her own juices which were plentiful on my lips and tongue. She had oozed a river just before and during her orgasm.

"I've never tasted myself like that before," she said, "only from Joe's dick after we had sex and I must admit that this way is much better."

I smiled and caressed her arm with my fingers and then did the same to her cheek and lips while I said "So .... am I to assume .... that you enjoyed that?"

"I don't think 'enjoyed' quite describes it, Andie. I can't think of an appropriate word right now. Awsome is the best I can do."

"Ready for some sleep now?"

"Are you kidding me? No way could I sleep. I am so keyed up it would be impossible."

With that she mustered up enough energy to raise up and kiss me, throwing her arms around my neck as she pierced my mouth with her tongue again. Her hand found my breast and began to gently massage it as she tightened up the kiss.

Moving her hand from my breast to my hip was like hitting the switch on my legs. They spread wide and my knees rose up a bit as her hand slid downward over my shaven mound and on down to my waiting, wet pussy lips. She found my slit and ran her fingers up and down, eventually sliding two fingers inside me and slowly worked them in and out of my wetness.

I whispered, "You know you don't have to do this."

"I know .... but this time it is for me. I need it," she replied just before her lips met the wet flesh of my labia.

She kissed all over and dragged her tongue along my slit, up to my clit hood and back down. Her fingers returned and I raised my hips to meet her. Her open mouth settled over my clit area and I could feel her sucking in as her tongue worked against me.

It had been so long for me to orgasm with another person, I knew my first one was going to arrive quickly. My eyes were closed, my mouth open for air and my brain was presenting me the picture of her pretty face smashed against my pussy while her tongue and lips brought me to that blissful orgasmic peak.

As my waves shook my body I knew I didn't want her to stop so I put my hands on the back of her head and applied light pressure to tell her to stay there. She read my actions and kept going. In a very short time another wave of pleasure sped through me, shaking me from head to toes again.

This time I relaxed and let her pull away, but she kept her fingers going a bit longer. After our cool down time, hugging, kissing and caressing each other, we decided to get some sleep. I spooned against her backside and soon we were both gone.

Sometime later I was awakened by her massaging and kissing along my legs. She was on her knees between my legs. As soon as she knew I was awake she made her way back to my pleasure zone with her tongue lapping at me.

I made the moves to get us into a 69 position and from there we took each other up to the heights of another orgasm. We laid side by side and talked a while before going back to sleep again.

When daylight arrived with the sunlight streaming in the window I got up and closed the blind. She stirred a little but didn't wake up. I found my robe and went to the kitchen, softly closing the door behind me.

I started a pot of coffee and then sat on the sofa. I pulled my feet up onto the cushions and my robe fell away baring my pelvic region. I looked down at my crotch and said to myself, softly but aloud, "Well, it looks as if you have found another very talented and loving tongue to keep you wet and puffy."

Just then I heard a snicker from the hallway and then she said, "Do you always talk to your pussy like that?"

I laughed and said, "No I don't and it has been such a long dry spell, I thought I should say something."

She stepped in front of me and put her hands on my knees. Then she pushed them apart and next thing I knew she had dropped to her knees and her face was buried in that deep vee between my legs. I held her head and scooted forward a little to give her better access and began humping in rhythm with her head bobs. Very soon I was riding the wave of ecstasy again as the heat rose inside me and I knew another earthquake orgasm was soon to arrive. I shook with the waves of pleasure, gasped for air and my legs went over her shoulders and squeezed her head so she couldn't escape. When my convulsions diminished, she untangled us and turned me to stretch out on the sofa. I closed my eyes.

The sun beaming onto my face woke me up. I looked around the room and finally found her. Cindy sat, holding her coffee cup, watching me as if I had been in a coma and she was waiting for me to wake up.

We were both still naked.

"Good morning my sleeping beauty," she said with a smile and a lilt to her voice.

"Is it still morning?"

"Barely. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are when you sleep?"

"Nope, never had the opportunity to observe that."

"Well, you are and I would like to enjoy that scene every day or night or whatever."

"You would? Are you a little nuts or what?"

"I am in love. I am in love with you. Crazy in love with you just like I have known for some time now but didn't feel it was the right time to tell you, Andie."

I got off the sofa and went to sit on her lap. I straddled her legs and faced her. We kissed and kissed and kissed.

I said, "I am so happy right now, Cindy. It almost seems like a dream to me. I have been fighting with myself for quite a while as I am sure you know. I wanted you but I was so afraid of being wrong. So afraid of losing you and being alone again. I love you too Cindy. I love you so much it scares me. But I have to take that risk."

"We are perfect for each other Andie, I know it and you know it. So let's jump on the train and take life's ride together."

After a few more kisses and about a gallon of happiness tears, I said, "So you're ready for a housemate again?"

"Oh yeah, and this time I know it's really the right one. So, will you move into my house and make it our house. Share your body and soul and the rest of your life with me?"

"Anything you want. Anything."

So we spent the next week deciding what furniture I would take to her house and what she would move to make room for the furniture and me.

Ten days later we were all settled in as a couple. My old bedroom suite filled our guest bedroom while Cindy and I shared her big bedroom with the king sized bed. She bought a new matress and all new sheets, pillow cases and bed spread. She said she didn't want us sleeping on any bed things that Joe had touched.

So our life together began. Now it is four years later and I am more in love with her than ever and she feels the same toward me.

\\ THE END ///

Comments to: storeegurl@inbox.com

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