A Thousand Loves

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 20, 2023


Sent: Fri, July 20, 2007 4:25 am

A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2007 written on October 25, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 4 - Matteo becomes an actor

In the anonymous room, sitting on simple wood benches, there were other people waiting. A girl sitting near Matteo buttonholed him.

"Are you here for an interview with doctor Romanesi too?"

"Yes, sure."

"Do you hope to become a movie actor?"

"Yes, sure."

"Which academy did you attend?"

"Academy?" Matteo asked, not understanding.

"But yes, a dramatics art academy, an actor academy, of course!"

"Ah... None..."

"And you hope to become an actor? At most, as you are pretty, they will give you a walk-on part..."

"Well, just as a start..."

"Oh no, if you start just as an extra, you'll die as an extra, darling. Don't deceive yourself, the movies world is a cruel world. Do you at least have a letter of introduction?"

"What? No..."

"Well... so then you are just wasting your time, I'm sure..."

A little man opened a door and called, "Vanna Girotti!"

The girl near Matteo sprang up, "That's me!" she said with a shrill voice and, waddling slightly, disappeared through the door.

After about half an hour, the girl came out and the little man called another name.

"How did it go?" Matteo asked her.

"He says he is interested in me but for the moment he has not the right part for me. But he will call me, possibly for his next movie..." the girl answered in a standoffish tone and walked away. Without waddling.

After a couple more names, at last the little man called, "Matteo Venini!"

"Here!" the boy answered excited, standing up and, waving a sign to the others, went through that door.

He went in. The director had a thick head of hair (Matteo knew that, having touched him) of a salt and pepper colour, combed back. The man was checking some papers. He took a sheet from his desk and read it without yet looking at Matteo.

"Matteo Venini, born in Quinto of Genoa, January the 12th, 1936. Teacher's licence, working as a waiter, is that right?"

Matteo was still standing in front of the desk and his heart was crazily beating. He was almost regretting he went there...

"Yes, doctor..." he answered, recognizing the man's voice.

The director raised his eyes and a very short flash of recognition passed in his eyes, but his expression remained impassive.

"Where were you working as a waiter?"

"At the Hellas Hotel in Milan... I'm still working there..."

"And why did you ask for an interview with me?" The man asked, slightly tense.

"Because I would like to be an actor..."

"Yes? But why with me?"

Matteo was prepared, "I saw your movies and they are the ones I have liked best and so, being able to be an actor with you..."

"Did you ever perform?"

"No, never..."

"And... how come that all of a sudden you got the fancy to become an actor?"

"I've been thinking about it for months, and I was told by a photographer that I am photogenic and... and so, at finally I made up my mind..."

"And what are you waiting now from me? Tell me..."

"That... that you make me undergo a screen test and that if I am fit, that you hire me..."

"And if on the contrary you are not fit?"

"Well, you are the judge... I will go back to my present waiter work."

"But... tell me... didn't we by chance already meet?" the director asked, examining him.

Matteo was sure that the man had recognized him, but went on, following the line he had thought in advance.

"I really don't think so, doctor... This is the first time I have come to Rome."

"But I am often in Milan."

"Did you ever stay at the Hellas Hotel, doctor?"

"No, never in that hotel. But you... isn't your name Nicola?"

Matteo widened his eyes (hoping to be a good actor) and said, "It is a kind of... a kind of nickname that... But you... your voice..."

"Then, we really did meet." The man said, carefully scrutinizing him.

"Well... I could not swear on it, but... but if you know that... my nickname..."

"Yes, Nicola or Matteo. In Milan I met a certain Nicola and got to know him rather... intimately. Aren't you he?"

Matteo asked himself how one could blush, but didn't know how, thus he assumed an embarrassed expression, "I... I am sorry but... I... I don't know..." he stammered asking himself what the director would now do or say.

There was a moment of silence.

"And now you are trying to gain profit from that, aren't you?"

"To take profit? No... I don't understand..."

"Blackmail me, in short."

"What? Oh no! I absolutely... I... I didn't even guess that..."

"So, then, this is nothing but a coincidence?"

"I just want to try to become an actor, and..."

"You are a really handsome boy, Matteo. And I like how... let's say I have really good memories of you. But I don't know if I could make an actor of you. I don't know if you've got what it takes, do you understand?"

"Well, could you not let me have a screen test?" Matteo asked.

"Yes, I can... but if you don't have enough talent, what then?"

"Well, I will go back to Milan and continue doing the waiter..."

"And what about you and I?"

"When... when you go again to Milan... you could again ask for Nicola... couldn't you?"

"And if on the contrary you got what it takes to be an actor... would you feel like, every now and then, doing again... what Nicola was doing for me?"

"Oh, certainly yes, doctor, and with real pleasure!" Matteo exclaimed thinking he had won.

"Alright, then I will fix you a screen est. Let me just call Agenore and tell him to shoot some pictures of you and to prepare your file. You'll come back here for the screen test... tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. I'm glad I met you again, Nicola, or Matteo. But if you are presuming to take profit from what you know, I shall crush you, don't you forget it!"

"Oh no risk, doctor! I will be as silent as the grave, I swear!"

"It will be better for you. After the screen test, anyway, keep some time free. We will go to eat pizza together and... afterwards... I will submit you to a more personal test, agreed?"

"Certainly, doctor. More than willingly, doctor."

The director pushed a button and the little man immediately entered.

"Agenore, take this boy to see Sinibaldi. Tell him to shoot him a picture set and to prepare a complete file. And give him a pass for tomorrow morning at ten o'clock for a screen test at studio 4."

Matteo said good bye and followed the little man. He was photographed, measured, and they wrote down all his data and gave him the pass.

The boy was excited - the actor career was opened before him and possibly also that of the bed-boy of the director. It had been easier than he had thought or hoped. He could now resign, move to Rome... and start a new exciting life. Yes, the director liked him as a boy-bed. Matteo didn't either like or dislike the director. Certainly, if it had been the 209... he thought. But the director was not bad as a male. And Matteo could anyway find a boy he liked to compensate... especially if he became an actor, it would not be difficult.

The next day he presented himself on time. As on the previous day, he was dressed with sober elegance, wearing clothes made to measure, to show off his body which he knew was beautiful.

Fiorenzo Romanesi welcomed him with a recognising nod and signalled him to sit down. He was doing a screen test for a girl. Matteo carefully watched what he was doing, as, he thought, in a while it would his turn to undergo more or less the same test.

He was called.

"Sit on that stool." The director said him and signalled the cameraman and the camera droned.

They were already shooting. Matteo felt somewhat tense but went to sit trying to be the most possible natural and to forget the camera droning, the lights, the studio. The director asked him questions and Matteo answered, feeling gradually more at ease. He was asked to narrate moments of his life, then he was made to read a text. He had a few minutes for a quick first reading, than was given the action and he started. Then the director asked him more questions, made him read a part of the previous text again, asking him to read some lines with greater intensity. Matteo read them again, trying to follow the director's requests.

"Good, he is the last for today, Giovanni. Re-wind and go to develop. You, Stefano, see to having it all ready for this afternoon at four, as usual. Come with me then, Matteo. Bye to everybody, boys, see you at four. Hi Menotti. Hi..." the director said standing up and he went out, followed by Matteo.

They walked in silence to the Cinecitt bar.

"An appetizer, Matteo?"

"No, thank you, don't bother..."

"Don't stand on ceremony with me. I shall have some, so if you want some too..."

"Well, thank you. How was the screen test?"

"Not bad. You are still uncouth but... you've possibly got what it takes. As a start, I'll give you a secondary part in my next movie."

"Oh, thank you! What is it about?"

"A story in a circus. I'm reaching an agreement with the Orfeis. We will possibly call it 'The acrobat'..."

"Will I play the part of one of the circus people?"

"It could be, we'll see."

They went to the director's car who made him get in. He drove to a small house towards Tor della Monaca. They ate a pizza in front of it, offered by the director. Afterwards he took Matteo into the little house.

"This is one of my preferred hideaways. We will have a couple hours." The man said sitting on a sofa before a cold fireplace. "So, then, Matteo... come here, open my fly and start..." he said spreading his legs.

Matteo immediately knelt between the man's legs, undid his belt then all the fly buttons. He unbuttoned his underpants and pulled out the already hard pole. His hands could recognize it... But being now able to see it with the full light was giving him more pleasure. He bent down to lick it knowing that his real test was, in reality, this one.

His tongue glided up and down the stiff rod, provoking agreeable sensations in the man. Always going on to pass his tongue on it, he raised his eyes to look at the man's face, as to get an approval. The man was looking at him with a pleased expression.

"Yes, good, take its cap down..."

Matteo complied, made the prepuce slip down and started to lick the purple and hot glans. The man pushed his pelvis further forward, spreading his legs more and leaned against the back of the sofa. Matteo, supporting the stiff rod with a hand, took it in his mouth and worked its tip with his lips and tongue, until he felt it throb vigorously.

"So, Matteo, good. You're a really good boy. Suck it all, now." He said resting a hand on his head and pulling it to himself.

Matteo let it slip down his throat, closing his lips on it and moving his tongue against it as it was advancing inside his mouth. Then he started to suck and to move his head forth and back.

"Yes, all of it, like that..." the man said, enjoying the mouth work and spreading his legs even more.

Matteo caressed his hard balls, continuing to suck with greed and skill. When he felt the man strongly shudder, looked again at him from down up.

"Do you want to put it in my ass, now?"

"Yes, boy... sit on it and take all of it..." the man panted.

Matteo stood up, lowered his trousers and underpants with one only push and slipped out of them. He climbed on his knees on the sofa, astride the man's pelvis and lowered himself, sitting on his lap, squeezing the man's the hard tool between his buttocks and started to move back and forth so masturbating it for a while. Then he rose again slightly, kept the rod straight upwards with a hand, making it point at his hole, then lowered himself again, slowly. The rod slipped completely inside him, without difficulty.

Then Matteo put his hands on the man's thighs and started raise and lower himself, making it slip into his channel, each time well inside. The man then pinched Matteo's nipples through his shirt and, seizing his free member in a hand, started to masturbate him at the same rhythm of the boy's ups and downs. Matteo looked at him and enjoyed the expression of abandoned pleasure he could read on the man's face.

Both felt orgasm rapidly approaching. Now Matteo was springing up and down in his lap with a rhythmical movement.

"I'm... almost... coming..." Matteo panted going on at the same rhythm, "I wouldn't... soil your..." he moaned.

The man made him stop, "Get down, then. I want to fuck your ass standing up, from behind..."

Matteo lifted himself off the sofa and stood up. The man leaned against his back and with a few well given strokes slipped into him agin, completing the impaling with a last sharp push. Matteo emitted a sigh of real pleasure and pushed himself against the man. Fiorenzo started his to and fro motion, keeping him tight against himself with an arm around his waist and masturbating him with the free hand. Pleasure burst at once from both of them - with a set of darts, the man unloaded inside Matteo's anus and the boy, almost immediately shot his seed into the empty fireplace.

Fiorenzo kept the boy tightly against himself. "Ah, Matteo, you really are one of the best boys I ever had. I can feel you enjoy yourself at least as much as I enjoy you. You came too, didn't you? It means that you will fuck me another time..." he said.

Then he parted from him and tidied his clothes. Matteo was also about dressing back but the man stopped him leaning a hand on his arm.

"No, I never saw you naked, in the light. Finish undressing, instead, and let me see you."

Matteo smiled and undressed totally. The director looked at him, turning around him and testing his body with his hands.

"Yes, more or less as I thought you were, just touching you. But I should say I like you better under the light than in the dark. Stay naked some more, you are a feast for the eyes. A really beautiful little male, I should say. To think that now that I can have you..."

Matteo was pleased for these praises. Fiorenzo offered him a drink. They chatted for a while. After a half hour, the man looked at his watch.

"Get dressed again, now. We have to go back to the studios. Yes, I will give you a part on my movie. Are you able to ride a horse?"


"You have to learn. I will fix lessons for you. You will be one of the circus' equestrians. Possibly Tonio's part... it is secondary part, but just to start... and then it sets off your beautiful body."

Fiorenzo got him a Vespa motor scooter and after a few days small flat as well, to which he too kept keys. Matteo resigned from the hotel, sent his belongings to Rome and started his new life.

First of all he learned to ride. The costume designer made him white tights with trimmed with golden sequins and with ankle-boots in white hide. He had to act bare chested, and his tights discreetely showed up the generosity of his virile endowment. When they started to film the scenes, Matteo noticed more than one admiring glance from the other actors and staff, both men and women.

Fiorenzo was often going to see him at his flat, to have sex with him. They both now undressed totally and had sex on the bed, with calm and pleasure. Matteo took the habit, at home, to wear just a dressing gown, with nothing under it, to be ready when the director came to see him. Fiorenzo approved and appreciated that.

A few times the director also called him to his private bureau during filming breaks, on one pretext or another, to get a blow job. Matteo always complied, willingly. He liked the life of the movies world. And thanks to Fiorenzo he also participated in parties with the other actors and had occasion to meet famous actors he admired.

One day, while he and another youth were changing in the bit parts actors' dressing room, the other one, who was an equestrian like him, caressed his basket through the tights, with the most natural air of the world.

"I would like giving you a blow-job..." he whispered.

Matteo looked in his eyes and passed a hand on his buttocks, tightly wrapped in the tights, "And I would like fucking your nice little ass..."

"Oh, yes, you bet! Do you have a place?"

"No." Matteo answered thinking he could not take his colleague to his flat where Fiorenzo could go and enter at any moment.

"At my place... there is a problem... as I'm living with another boy..."

"Your boyfriend?"

"No. He too is like us, but..."

"And you never have sex?"

"No, you see, he is also a bottom like me, therefore... The problem is that we never take our boys there."

"Couldn't we have a threesome?"

"I don't know if he..."

"Well, it's up to you... just let me know. I would anyway willingly take your nice little ass."

"I'll ask him tonight and if he is game... A threesome, or just we two... Tomorrow I'll tell you something, alright?"

"What's your friend's job? Is he an actor too?"

"No, he's an attendant at the Vatican Museums. He is the boyfriend of a monsignor."

"Of a monsignor? Of a priest, you mean?"

"Yes, sure, for seven years. He found him that job, and also the flat belongs to the Vatican."

"And how come you live with him?"

"I met him at Monte Caprino while I was cruising. We became friends, and I was looking for a place to stay..."

"But, was he cruising as well?"

"No, not him. He'd just accompanied a priest of the Opus Dei to look for a hustler, and as that priest liked me..."

"How was it having sex with a priest?"

"A priest is a man like anyone else, isn't he?"

The day after that boy told him that his friend let them have the flat free for a couple hours, that same evening. Thus Matteo, after the filming was over, took the boy on his Vespa and, guided by him, went to his flat. They at once undressed and laid on the wide king size bed.

"You sleep here, together?"


"And you never do anything?"

"No, we are just friends."

"But, how's your friend? Handsome?"

"Yes, very much so..." the boy said then bent down to suck his member.

Matteo was enjoying himself; it was several months since anybody gave him a blow-job, and that boy was skilled. All of a sudden, his eye caught a movement, he turned to look and saw a boy, totally naked, standing in the doorway, really beautiful, his member proudly erect, who was looking at them with a little smile.

"I hoped not to disturb you. I changed my mind, I didn't feel like waiting for two hours at the coffee shop, all alone..." the newcomer said.

The boy stopped sucking Matteo and looked at him, embarrassed. Matteo, not at all upset, and rather excited by the beautiful vision, sat up on the bed and said, "Come here, with three we will enjoy ourselves even more..." and pushed down his companion's head to make him continue his service.

While his companion was resuming sucking him, the newcomer, a handsome dark-skinned, curly-headed boy, drew near the bed and Matteo rested a hand on his ass and pulled him to himself, starting to suck his straight, hard stake. After a while they moved to make room for the curly-headed boy who went on the bed so that Matteo was in the middle, and while Matteo sucked his colleague, the curly-headed boy sucked him.

They went on sucking each other, until his colleague moved on all fours and Matteo, kneeling behind him, started to fuck him vigorously. The curly boy then went astride his friend's back and again offered his shaft to Matteo who sucked him willingly and with pleasure.

Then the curly boy wanted to be fucked by Matteo while he sucked his colleague. Matteo was enjoying himself very much and anyway noticed that the two friends never did anything between themselves, but both devoted their attentions to him. And finally, after several rotations, all three came almost in unison, then laid down on the bed, exhausted, to relax, Matteo between them.

The curly-headed boy said, "You're a real heartthrob!"

"Better than your monsignor?"

"Well... no. But I like you."

"But is he not jealous, your monsignor?"

"No, because I almost never have casual affairs. You are just the third in seven years."

"Why don't you live with him?"

"It's not possible; he lives in the Vatican."

"But how did you meet?" Matteo asked, made curious.

The curly-headed boy laughed. "I was seventeen and was attending the Jesuits school. His brother was our literature teacher. A married man, all hose and church, a real bigot. He made us write a composition on friendship. I already liked sex with men, especially those older than me, and had already had a few experiences. Well, in that composition I wrote that when two become really close friends, when they share everything, a physical attraction can also take over and therefore, in that case, the relationship can also manifest itself physically, also between two men, and that it was a right and beautiful thing...

"Of course the professor was scandalized, and asked me if by chance I was a sodomite... yes, he really used that word. I answered him that I was... He then told me that if he reported me to the superiors I would be surely thrown out of the school, but that I possibly was just a mentally confused and also disorientated boy, so he told me I had to confer with his younger brother, who was a priest who took care of maladjusted youths, and who could possibly help me to mend my ways...

"I thus met my monsignor, who was then just a young priest of twenty-seven, beautiful to die for, who worked with drug addicts, thieves, delinquent boys, and so on. He asked me if I was certain about my sexuality or if it wasn't, instead, just a juvenile pose, for the pleasure of scandalizing, or going against the trend, a kind of rebellion... I told him I was more than sure, that I had already tried it many times, and that also, just being near him, was turning me on a lot...

"We talked, he wanted me to tell him about my experiences. And how I understood I am homosexual and so on. I felt that he, besides being beautiful and arousing, was also very likeable. Then at one point he asked me what I thought of homosexual priests. I cheekily answered I hoped he was one, because I would have loved to be fucked by him... And so we became lovers, of course without the knowledge of his brother who on the contrary was persuaded that he really put me on the straight way, and so avoided my expulsion from the school."

"But are you in love with your monsignor?"

"Yes, sure, we are both in love with each other. He is an extraordinary man, besides being beautiful."

"So, then, why do you cheat on him?"

"Oh, well, this is not cheating. It is not a simple physical act that make me cheat on him. He is now in Canada for a while with his cardinal... when we are so far apart, at times it becomes hard for me to resist. But for me, only he counts, really."

"But if, for instance, you fell in love with me? Just for the sake of speaking..."

"No, that can't happen. Because I never do it twice with the same person, however much I like them. And as I told you, I don't do it so often..."

They still chatted all three together and Matteo told him about his life until he became an actor, only keeping silent about his present relationship with the director. After that first time, Matteo had sex with his colleague again, but the curly-headed boy didn't participate any more, though at times he waited for them, to chat together again.

After the movie about the circus, Fiorenzo gave Matteo another part, a little more important, in a movie about the expedition of the "Mille". The director had now the habit of going to have sex with Matteo two or three times each week. Besides what he earned as an actor, Fiorenzo paid him the rent and all the expenses, so that Matteo had a good life. He also often bought him clothes or gave him other presents. To celebrate their first year together and his twenty-first birthday, Fiorenzo gave him a Fiat car, a Topolino.

Very soon Matteo had discovered that Fiorenzo was married and had four children - three daughters of twenty-six, twenty-one and nineteen, and a son of twenty-four. The elder daughter was married to a scriptwriter and was the only one Matteo had already met, apart from the director's wife, on the occasion of some parties.

Once Matteo asked Fiorenzo why, if he liked having sex with men, he did start a family.

"You know how it happens, I discovered since when I was a boy that I liked boys a lot more than girls. But in 1930 it was impossible and dangerous to let such a preference get around. Thus when, I was twenty, and my father decided I had to marry Marzia, that is my wife, who was a pretty girl, clever and quiet, and of a very rich family, I decided to accept.

"She is a good wife, and it has been she who helped me to become a director... of course she knows nothing about my homosexual life and anyway because sex with her is good, but also because I'm very fond of her. For the first two or three years after our marriage, I didn't even feel the need to have a male. Then I started having a few adventures. Then for about three years I was the secret lover of my director and master. When I was in my thirties I became the lover of a famous politician, an opponent of fascism. He had to flee to Switzerland, and I was planning to meet him there, but then he found another lover...

"We remained good friends anyway. It was he who helped Giorgio Monito to start his business and who made me be part of his index of customers. Thus in these last years, when I was feeling the need to have sex with a nice young man, I was going to Milan with the pretext of my work... And there I met you and came to like you... and destiny wanted that you came to see me to try an acting career... and so, here we are."

"So, then... I am your only boy, at present?"

"Yes. I never went with more than one man at a time."

"But are you happy with me?"

"Yes, I told you. You are one of the best males I ever had, in bed. And I feel good with you out of bed too."

"If you... if you didn't have your wife... would you let me live with you?" Matteo then asked.

"Bah, who knows. If I found the way to justify your presence in my home... You are a good boy, even though I think that at times you cheat on me..."

"Why do you say that?"

"A sensation. And anyway I cannot demand you to come to bed only with me, as I don't come to bed only with you, but have sex with my wife too." Fiorenzo said, quietly smiling, caressing the naked body of the boy lying near him. "A couple of times I came here to meet you but you weren't at home... And anyway I can't demand that you stay at home all the time waiting for me..."

"If I know you will come, I always wait for you..." Matteo said.

"Yes, I know. You are a good boy, as I said. And your mouth, little ass and cock are delightful."

"Only those?" Matteo asked, pretending to be offended.

"No, also a beautiful body, an expressive face... and you are so very likeable."

"And as an actor? Do I have talent or not?"

"You are developing yourself. I don't know if you will ever be a famous actor or not or a leading actor, but that can't be excluded. It all depends on you, on your zeal. It depends on how keen you are to learn to become an accomplished actor."

"If you didn't like having sex with me, would you have given a part, that first time?"

"I don't know... possibly yes, possibly not."

"More a yes or more a no?"

"More a yes, I think. But for sure your nice little ass attracts me a lot, and decidedly tipped the scales in favour of the yes..."

"Do you want to fuck me again?"

"No, this time I want you to fuck me... It's a while since you have done so, and I really desire it..."

"Yes... but first fuck my mouth for a while, go on... it's hard again ..." Matteo spurred him.

The man didn't need to be asked twice. Pushed his pelvis near the young man's head and offered him his swollen member. Matteo started to take care of it again. Even if that man didn't really have a handsome body, Matteo liked it and found it sexy. He made him aroused at the right level, then Fiorenzo laid on his back and offered himself to the boy. Matteo mounted him with impetuosity, as he knew the man appreciated being fucked.

Matteo thought that if only the director could have him live with him, he would not look for others, he would be faithful to him. It is not that he felt in love with the director, but all summed up, he liked him and was growing fond of him. And the director also gave him economic stability and comforts, and he felt grateful for those.

Matteo had lost sight of the boy who worked with him in his first movie and also of his curly-headed friend, but he became friends with the costume designer's assistant, a handsome blond Venetian who first wanted to be fucked by him with great pleasure, and then ended making a sixty-nine drinking all his seed with real gluttony. No bad at all, that boy...


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 5

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