A Thousand Loves

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 1, 2023


Sent: Wed, August 1, 2007 2:51 am

A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2007 written on October 25, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 8 - The long quest

Matteo was missing Giuliano more and more and he gradually became aware of the reason - Giuliano was certainly very beautiful, he undoubtedly was skilled at making love... but above all, he was now aware, he had given him what he really needed - he was a man who gave him love and even more important, to whom he could give his love.

This was almost a revelation to Matteo.

Fiorenzo didn't give him love, nor asked love of him. Fiorenzo only wanted to enjoy of him. He was giving him friendship, possibly also a little bit of affection, it was true, but certainly not love. He gave him economic tranquillity, that anyway he deserved as he did his job as an actor properly.

The young student... In this case it was Matteo who wanted to enjoy the boy and had no problem if the boy also enjoyed giving himself to him, but after all that was not what really interested him. The boy was likeable and also good company, and when he was giving himself to Matteo he was certainly putting much eroticism into it, but not real affection and even less love.

With Giuliano it had been different. Notwithstanding that few months had elapsed since his departure, Matteo already missed him keenly. And now he had understood the reason for it: he terribly missed Giuliano's love.

So as soon as the filming was finished, Matteo went to talk with Fiorenzo.

"I became aware that I was wrong not to go away with Giuliano. I want to contact him... Give me his address, please."

"Do you want to abandon everything? And if he doesn't want you any more?" the man asked, knitting his brows.

"I will write him and, if he still wants me, I will go to him..."

"Be careful, Matteo, if you leave me... don't presume you can come back to me later. You stay here with me or all is over, is that clear?"

"I'm sorry, Fiorenzo. I have been fine with you, but... what I need is something different."

"Giuliano lives in Auckland... the other side of the world. There they speak English and your English is barely basic. What will you do, down there? Be his kept boy? Here you have a career. In the next movie I'll give you a more important part..."

"No, Fiorenzo, there will not be a next movie for me. I have decided, at this point. Please, give me Giuliano's address..."

"No, it would certainly not be me who helps you in this madness. You decided to go? Good. From tomorrow you will leave the apartment and... it's your own lookout. You can't expect me to help you to leave me. I'm not a charity institution. No, not I. You stay with me, or..."

"No, Fiorenzo. I will leave the apartment tomorrow, alright. Take care of yourself."

"Matteo, do not make rash decisions, think it over..." the director insisted, but the young man left his study, without listening at him.

He went home, prepared a suitcase with his essential belongings. He gathered his objects of some value and went downtown to sell them, and also sold his Topolino car. He called at the bank to withdraw all his savings and changed most of the money into travellers cheques. Then he went to the Embassy to get a visa and to a travel agency to book a flight to New Zealand. And finally he took the apartment keys to Fiorenzo's office, leaving them in an envelope with his secretary, as he didn't want to meet him any more.

He had to spend three nights in a hotel but at last he got the visa and could leave. He had left everything behind him, without regrets. He was not a little boy any more. He was over twenty-four and felt he was an adult.

It was his first time on a plane and he enjoyed the flight. Near him was sitting a New Zealander Anglican minister going back to his land after some touring through Italy. They chatted of this and that. Matteo asked him information about work possibilities in New Zealand.

"This is not a really easy moment. If you were a technician, possibly... but a school teacher and former actor..."

"I could work as a waiter in a restaurant or an hotel..."

"In an Italian restaurant, perhaps. You should speak English more fluently for a work in contact with the public."

"I will improve it fast, living in the place."

"Yes, but meanwhile?"

"I have some savings with me. I have only to find a place where to sleep without spending too much money."

"Look for the YMCA in Auckland. If they have free room, there it will be very cheap."

Speaking with that middle-aged pastor, so kind, friendly and lavish with his advice, time passed faster.

Matteo landed in Auckland. He asked where the local YMCA was, reached it and was lucky - he was given a small room. He paid and immediately went to sleep - he was feeling really tired. The room was small but agreeable and functional, but there was just a sink. The toilets were along the corridor and the showers were on the ground floor. He needed a shower but decided he would have it on the following morning, after a good sleep. And he slept like a log.

When he woke up, he went downstairs to take a shower. He was surprised seeing that there weren't individual boxes but only common showers. At that moment nobody was there, so Matteo undressed and washed. Back in his room he dressed and went out. He started to search for Giuliano. First of all, in the YMCA lobby he searched the telephone directory, both of Auckland that of the surrounding area - there was no Romanesi. He looked for the Italian Consulate, but there wasn't one in Auckland. He then asked for Wellington directory. First he looked for a Romanesi, without a result. Then he found the Embassy number. He called and talked with an official who, after a short search told him that the doctor Giuliano Romanesi was living in Auckland and gave him the address of a hotel.

Feeling happy, Matteo asked himself whether to call or to directly go to the hotel. He opted for going in person, he preferred to meet him more than to talk him on the phone. He found the hotel and asked for doctor Romanesi. The receptionist told him there was nobody with that name amongst their guests. Matteo insisted and the shift-leader told him that a doctor Romanesi had really been their guest, for about one month, but that he had now moved away, without leaving them the new address.

Matteo left the hotel, deceived but determined to carry on his quest. He asked where were Italian restaurants and toured them one after the other, showing Giuliano's picture and asking if they ever saw him. Nobody recognized him or had heard his name. Matteo took advantage of his tour to ask if there was a job for him, but all seemed to be full up, not to need new staff.

Matteo searched for some weeks, he also started to visit the offices of various industries where Giuliano could possibly have got his job, but many secretaries answered him saying they could not give information about the personnel to strangers.

Matteo had now been in Auckland for a couple months and was starting to feel somewhat depressed. He couldn't find Giuliano, he couldn't get a job and his savings were running out even though he tried to spend as little as possible.

One evening after supper he went to the common showers and was washing. Three boys were already there. Matteo, after the first few days had overcome his hesitation and was now used to being naked in front of strangers, and he rather liked seeing those naked bodies, mainly when they belonged to handsome boys. Two went out and another came in. Matteo at once felt struck - that young man had a sculpturesque body, totally hairless besides the two tufts at his armpits and the three pointed one on his pubis. The newcomer's member was softly hanging between his thighs beautiful, circumcised like almost all he had seen there up to then.

The pubic hairs were of a reddish brown, while the young man's hair was dark brown, almost black, short and slightly waving. His lips were thin, perfect, his nose small, the eyes of light hazelnut colour were luminous. The newcomer greeted the other with a smile and started to wash.

After a while the other one went out, so Matteo was alone with the hunk. He was not able to move his gaze from his body. Their eyes meet and Matteo lowered them, embarrassed. After a while he looked again at him and saw that his eyes were still sweeping his body. He was about lowering again his look when the other one smiled.

"Hello!" he said with a warm voice.

"Hi..." Matteo answered hinting at his turn a hesitant smile.

The other drew nearer and, pointing at Matteo's member, said, "You are the first uncut one I have ever seen. Are you a European?"

"Italian." Matteo answered.

"I'm American, from Detroit. Are you on holiday?"

"No, I came to search for a friend."

"Ah. I, instead, work here. I'm a rugby trainer in a high school."

"You have... a great body, in fact..." Matteo said, now openly looking at it.

"You too... I've heard that Italians are very hot in bed... is that so?"

"I don't know... it could be..." Matteo said and became aware he was getting an erection.

The other looked between his legs, smiled and said, "I see that it is taking a good shape. You are even more beautiful, when aroused..." and stretched out his hand to brush his member, staring in his eyes.

Matteo shuddered and let him do so.

The other said, now holding Matteo's hard pole in his fist, "It is nicely firm... I like you..."

"I like you too ..." Matteo panted remaining still under the shower's stream.

"I never sucked an uncut one... I would like to try..."

"Yes, I too..." Matteo answered more and more excited.

The other guided Matteo's hand to feel his erection. Matteo finally touched it and felt it was big, strong, warm. He groped it with pleasure.

"Let's finish washing, then we can go to my room. Alright?" The American asked.

"Yes, sure."

They dried, the American wore a dressing gown and Matteo his pyjamas, keeping the towel in front to hide the erection which didn't abandon him. While going upstairs, they introduced each other. The American's1 name was Dick Gibson.

As soon as they were in Dick's room. The young man pushed Matteo against the door and crouched before him. He lowered his pyjama trousers to the knees and gently took Matteo's straight pole in his hand. While making the prepuce slip down, he started to lick it. Matteo pushed his pelvis forward and unbuttoned his pyjamas jacket. Dick caressed his belly and chest and made all of Matteo's member slip in, right to his throat. Then he moved his head back, clasping his lips on it.

"Mmhh, it's really tasty! You're very sexy, Matteo, I like you... You have a really nice baseball club and also two perfect balls..."

"But... aren't you a rugby trainer?" Matteo jokingly asked.

"Oh, but I adore baseball, on such occasions!" Dick answered with a smile letting his dressing gown slip off over his shoulders while he was standing up.

He slipped his thick member under the Italian's testicles, between his closed thighs and started to move back and forth while making Matteo's pyjama jacket slip off his shoulders. He bent his head to nibble a nipple, while his hands were kneading his buttocks. Matteo shuddered and sighed. Yes, he really needed some good sex, after so long when he didn't have any.

"Who knows how many of your rugby players do you fuck..." Matteo murmured, more and more excited.

"Oh no, not here. I had to leave the States in hurry because I had sex with one of my players, there in the high school were I coached, and we were caught. I am now much more cautious. Also if I believe that a couple of the boys, at my present high school, would really be game and do it with me... Let's go on the bed, come on, so we can do a good sixty-nine, to start." Dick invited him and, embracing his waist with an arm, gently pushed him to the bed.

Matteo stepped out of his trousers leaving them on the floor, followed him and they laid down.

"This first time, how do you feel about coming with a sixty-nine? I never savoured the taste of an Italian boy. I want to be intoxicated by your wine, Matteo."

"Yes, sure, I want to drink yours too, Dick..."

After that first time the two young men met again, quite often. Matteo liked Dick, but he continued to look for Giuliano. Also with the handsome American, after all, there was only sex.

Matteo was about to run out of his money and he wasn't able to find Giuliano nor a job, in spite of being in Auckland for several months. He talked about his problems with Dick. The American one day suggested he should go to a mixed pub where the gay people often meet.

"I've heard, just yesterday, they are looking for a waiter. You could try, couldn't you?"

"Where? What's its name?"

"If you want I can take you there tonight after supper. They close at 11:45, therefore we have all the time we need. And I know the owner, I can introduce you..."

They went. The pub was in the centre town and its name was the King's Arms... The owner evaluated Matteo, talked with him and finally decided to hire him. For the first months he made him work on the first shift, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

"If you are Dick's friend, you're gay too, aren't you?" the owner asked him.

"Well, yes..." answered Matteo, who didn't expect for such a direct question.

"By me it's okay. We have many gay patrons here, but not only gay. But remember, nothing to be done here on the premises. If somebody makes you a proposal, you have absolutely not to give him rope. Understood? If he is somebody you really like, give him a date elsewhere and out of working time."

"Yes, of course, don't worry. There will be no problems." Matteo answered.

In the morning shift there were not many gay patrons attending the pub, anyway Matteo soon began to receive some proposal, more or less explicit. But he always dropped them. After all he was happy with Dick in the evening. At four in the afternoon, when he finished work, he was again going around looking for Giuliano. He didn't even know where else he had to search, or who to ask. At times somebody said him he had seen the man of the picture he showed around, but they were false alarms or, when he thought he had found a track, he unfailingly lost it.

Dick suggested he could to publish ads on the local newspaper - a message in Italian with the text "Giuliano, I'm Matteo. I'm at the Auckland YMCA. Come to look for me, please". Matteo published this ad several times, but nothing happened.

He had told Dick, the only friend he had there, all his story, from his discovery he was gay, to the period of his army service when he hustled, to his work at the hotel and his extra services, then his meeting with the director and then with Giuliano. And finally their separation.

"And now he possibly is even no more here in Auckland... I'm afraid I will never again meet him..."

"And you abandoned everything just for him, my poor Matteo."

"Oh, I would do it again. I was an idiot not to do so at once, when he asked me..." Matteo confessed sadly.

"But you said he got a contract here as an engineer, didn't you? Did you try to go to the various industries. To have hired him from a foreign land, it should be an important firm, rather big..."

"Yes, I tried. Almost all the most important firms have answered me they could not give me information about their employees, not even just tell me if he worked for them or not..."

"But you have a system to discover it."

"And how?"

"You write a letter addressed to your friend, at the various industries addresses, with the sender's address written on the back. If he doesn't work there, the firm would certainly return it to the sender. If on the contrary he works there, they would give it to him."

"Oh, shit, I didn't think of that. And it is so simple! I have just to write some letters, not even so many... But... if he, seeing the sender, returns it without even opening it?"

"Well... you can put my name as the sender. So he would discover who's writing to him only after he opens it, and an opened letter cannot be returned to the sender. Therefore even if he doesn't answer you, if one of the letters is not returned, almost certainly means he works at that place."

"But if he doesn't answer, it means he doesn't want to have anything more to do with me..."

"Well, that's right, he could still be angry with you. But you can go to wait for him at his work place and anyway talk with him. And above all, try to write a good letter, a convincing one. In the letter explain him well what you feel, what you have done to find him. Ask him at least for just one meeting. Write him you are working at the King's Arms and ask him if he wants just drop in to see you... I don't think he will refuse just one encounter, after you abandoned everything and spent all your money just to find him..."

Matteo was persuaded. He wrote a long letter, restarting it several times until he was satisfied. He wrote it in several copies and sent it to the various firms where he thought Giuliano could work.

After few days, the first envelopes started to return, with "Unknown at this address" stamped on them in red Matteo crossed out their addresses from the list he had prepared

He didn't imagine that since a couple of months Giuliano was attending the King's Arms, but that he was going there only in the late evening, after supper, just to meet the half-Oriental hustler to take him home. And Matteo didn't think to show again to the owner Giuliano's picture. In fact he had already showed him six months before, that is when Giuliano was still not attending that pub, and the owner didn't even remember that Matteo went to see him months before showing him the picture.

On the list there were still three addresses. Matteo didn't even know if he had to hope or not.

It was now almost a year that Matteo had left Italy. He was still living at the YMCA, making love with Dick working at the King's Arms... and regretting he didn't follow Giuliano when he had proposed him to go with him.

Dick was a good friend. He encouraged him to hope and from time to time gave him a new idea, like that of consulting all the back numbers of the local newspaper at its archives, from Giuliano's arrival day on, in the hope that, for some reason, his name appeared in the local news columns.

At least this kept busy Matteo's mind, and kept alive his hope, making him feel less the weight of the days passing without any practical result.

Giuliano seemed vanished into nothing, it seemed that there wasn't any track of the young man. At times Dick had to console him, to infuse him courage and he did so both with their agreeable physical intercourse, and trying to amuse him proposing him activities. He really was a good friend.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 9

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