A Ticklish Thriller

By A B

Published on May 19, 2022


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TL was at a complete loss for a new target. The disappointment of his last endeavor stayed with the tickling killer. Despite the carjacker's insistence that he wasn't ticklish, TL had no reason to believe him. He'd heard that claim before, and it always proved untrue. Everyone's ticklish, even TL, albeit you had to work hard finding out the secret of his ticklishness, but once you did, he could be tickled into hysterics. However, this guy turned out to be truthful. No matter how hard the man dressed as Skeletor tried, he couldn't get a toe twitch or snicker from his victim. Finally, after an hour of failed attempts, he placed a gas mask over the struggling man's mouth and nose. He opened the valve and watched as the hose filled with nitrous oxide. TL conjured the sounds of his other ticklish victims to work himself up to a climax as he masturbated over the wriggling, dying man.

After dropping the corpse off, TL drove around for quite a while, lost in thought. He tried to think about what he wanted to do for an encore. The man managed to not get caught yet. He didn't want to press his luck too much in this town. However, the most recent kill was a disappointment, and TL felt he had to follow it up with something spectacular. Finally, it came to him. He'd go out with a bang by going after not one but two guys, and he knew who it had to be. He just needed the time to let them be at their best. For this last endeavor, he didn't want to kill the duo. Just tie them down, tickle them, and then leave. The more he schemed, the harder his dick got. The car filled with his moans as he rubbed himself to his climax. TL smiled and licked his lips as he continued driving.

Will, Lance, & Sean

It was just three weeks until Christmas, and classes were winding down for the fall semester. Lance, Will, and Sean were spending a night together before going and spending the holidays with family. Sean got up, went to the kitchen, and returned with three beers. After handing two out to the other men, he sat and opened his own beer.

Lance and Will smirked. Once Sean's beer was on the coffee table, the pair launched a unified tickle attack on their unsuspecting brother from both sides. The living area filled with the half Asian's shrieks and boisterous laughter. His legs pushed against the sofa cushions as he wriggled and tried to escape. Finally, he yelled out a surrender. Will and Lance giggled. They both kissed his cheeks and went back to watching the movie. An hour later, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lance asked as he got close to the front door.

"It's Duncan"

Lance smiled and opened the door. "Dunker!!!" The brunet giggled and jumped into the taller, more muscular blonde man in the doorway.

"Hey, little bro." Duncan Marshall giggled and embraced Lance.

"C'mon in. Ya want a beer?" Lance closed the door after the visitor entered and slipped his shoes off.

"Sure, I'd love one. It's been crazy at Barefoot, getting ready for the reopening." Duncan said as he sat down.

The six-foot-two, the twenty-six-year-old blonde smiled and looked at the other two men in the room. Duncan worked doing pr for the bookstore/lounge. The man's eyes instantly found their gaze landing on the three pairs of bare feet, one belonging to Lance. Duncan also hosted an online blog devoted to ticklish guys and their feet. The man smiled and thanked his host as he opened the beer and took a generous swallow. He set the bottle on the coaster and stretched his legs, his size thirteen feet flexed inside the white athletic ankle socks.

"So, what's up, Dunk?" Lance slapped his forehead, causing the others in the room to giggle. "I'm sooo sorry. Duncan, I don't know if you've been introduced yet." Lance paused and placed his hand on Sean's foot. The brunet smirked and tickled the bare sole. "This is Sean." He said between his and Sean's giggles. Lance repeated the action while introducing Will. The two pounced on the introducer and tickled his sides, causing the room to erupt in a symphony of male laughter.

"Nice to meet you two." Duncan smiled and looked Sean up and down. "Umm, especially you, Sean, you're cute." Duncan gasped and shook his head. "Not that you're not cute, Will. You're hot, but I'm not getting a gay vibe from you."

Sean, Will, and Lance laughed and cackled like hyenas.

"Thanks for the compliment, and your straightdar doesn't need adjusting." Will giggled when he saw the expressions of the other men.

"Straightdar?" Duncan asked.

"Sure, isn't that what the gay community has to detect straight people? I just figured since there was gaydar, there's also straightdar." Will's boyish laughter joined in with the others.

"Thanks for the compliment, and you're a hot guy too." Sean blushed and softly giggled.

"He's single too, Dunk, just like you." Lance smiled and yelped as he was pulled into Sean's headlock. Then given a noogie and tickle attack by Will.

Duncan giggled and shook his head at the younger men's antics. "I'm putting together a calendar to sell at the reopening. It's called "The Barefoot Boys" I'd love to have you, Will, and Sean in it." He paused and blushed. "Umm, maybe if you're interested, I'd like to take you out for dinner after the project's finished. Would you be interested, Sean?"

Sean gasped and looked at Will and Lance. Who smiled and nodded their heads. "I'd love to have dinner with you, Duncan."

Duncan smiled and released the breath he was holding. "I'm looking forward to it." The blonde smiled as he and Sean exchanged phone numbers and social media info. "Now, about the calendar. Are you three interested?"

"Are my brother's going to be in it?" Lance asked as he kissed Sean's cheek and playfully ruffled the slightly taller guy's hair.

"Surprisingly, yes, even Dakota."

"Sure, I'll do it." Lance smiled.

"I'm in," Sean stated.

"Count me in," Will said.

"Sweet, I think this is gonna be an amazing product." He paused and looked at Lance. "I'm thinking of having you come in on the same shoot as your brothers. I assume you're okay with that." Duncan giggled.

"Well, you didn't make an ass out of you and me with that assumption." Lance giggled and sat in the bigger man's lap, giving him a hug.

Duncan and the other two guys broke out laughing. "You're definitely Adam, Jai, and Mikey's brother." The blonde shook his head and returned the affection. "I've always been curious about something." He paused. "Why aren't you an owner of Barefoot also?"

"I receive a portion of the revenue, but I'm just not interested in it. I love going in and helping out when needed." Lance went back and sat between Sean and Will.

Duncan finished his beer and started to get up. He walked over to give the three roommates a hug goodbye. Once he bent over, Lance grabbed him and pulled the hulking man down onto their laps. The trio wrapped their arms around the struggling guy on top of them.

"Will, tickle his feet. It's Dunk's main ticklish spot." Lance giggled.

Duncan's Studio

The day of the photoshoot was freezing. However, Duncan made sure his studio's heat was blasting so that his models weren't uncomfortable. The twenty-six-year-old was all smiles and giggles as he set up the camera equipment and backgrounds. He'd chosen some beach scenes and ones that made it look like the guys were in the forest. Duncan's home and studio happened to be two lots down from Mikey's house, which was still being worked on. The blonde photographer was even more excited to have Mikey and Dakota barefoot in his studio. He loved seeing the couple together. Dakota's natural tan skin tone seemed to glow when he was next to Mikey's paler tone. They just looked perfect together.

Duncan had set out coffee, donuts, pastries, and various juices for the guys. He'd just finished taking some test shots when the doorbell rang. The blonde just about skipped to the door because he was so excited.

"Hey, Dunker." Mikey giggled and jumped into the taller man's arms, hugging him. He wriggled and squealed as he got tickled by both Dakota and Duncan at the same time.

Duncan giggled and set the brunet back on his feet. He gasped when Duncan wrapped him in a bear hug and lifted him off the floor. "Damn, you're strong, Kota." He smiled and kissed the couple's cheeks.

"Brave Warrior need much strength to protect little white angel from bad men." Dakota and the other two guys broke out in hysterical laughter from his exaggerated broken speech.

Mikey smirked and kneaded his fingers between Dakota's ribs. The half Cherokee jumped and cackled as he was brought to his knees.

"Brave warrior strength no helpful when tickled." Mikey giggled and ran behind Duncan.

"Nope, I'm not your human tickle shield, little guy." Duncan chuckled and hefted Mikey's squirming body over his shoulder. He and Dakota then tickled the trapped younger man's ribs.

"Get his feet too," Lance said as he entered the studio, giggling.

"We'll help get his shoes and socks off," Adam added as he lifted Lance off the floor. He and Jai tickled their squirming little brother's sides.

The studio echoed with the sound of boisterous male laughter and useless threats. Everyone calmed down and greeted each other with loving hugs. Duncan showed the guys where they'd be working and the backgrounds. He also had some costumes for the five of them to wear. Dakota fell in love with the Eagle's head headdress and matching feathered armbands and loincloth Duncan chose to display Dakota's Cherokee heritage. Mikey squealed when he was shown a less ornate outfit of just a brown leather vest and loincloth and a headband with a single feather in the back. Duncan explained he wanted to have Mikey and Dakota wear the costumes in the same photo. The blonde then told them they were the featured models for the calendar, alongside Will and Sean.

The photoshoot took close to four hours. It might have taken less time if the models weren't so full of mischief and playful. They were having a blast, tickling each other and taking advantage of their exposed ticklish spots being bare. Duncan got a great shot of Adam and Jai pretending to be sunning on the sandy beach with only their speedos covering their tight asses. They posed separately and together. One pose was downright adorable. Adam was pinned facedown on the floor with Jai, straddling his waist and poised to tickle his foot. Lance looked adorable when Duncan got a photo of him on the floor, kicking his bare feet back and forth with a lollipop stick between his lips against the forest background.

One of the most breathtaking shots of the entire shoot was with Mikey and Dakota, back to back, in their Indian costumes. Dakota looked like a Cherokee Indian chief. Once some spray tan had been applied to his skin, Mikey looked like a warrior ready to fight to the death, holding his bow and arrow. Duncan had his models pose in different scenarios and pairings. The studio erupted in laughter when one of the shots had Adam caught in Dakota's headlock and Adam tickling Dakota's side. However, the most endearing pose taken was the five of them, side by side, with Mikey sprawled across their laps. By the end of the day, the models and the photographer were exhausted. Although, they were excited and proud of the photos chosen for the finished project. After Will and Sean did their photo session, December's photo was a group shot containing all seven of the guys.

Next: Chapter 15

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