A Ticklish Thriller

By A B

Published on Apr 6, 2022


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After vandalizing Mikey's house, the blonde socialite started thinking about her next plan of attack. She periodically glanced at her restrained and gagged passenger turned captive, Will, in the rearview mirror. Janice snickered as her fingers constantly swiped up and down the young man's trapped bare feet, tied to the middle console. Will's muffled laughter and squeals filled the car's interior as his pale olive-like toes flexed and wiggled, trying to avoid the ticklish attack. The devious bitch came up with a suitable plan to punish Will.

Janice pulled over to the side of the road, she took Will's phone and performed a quick search in the gay personal ads. The blonde giggled when she found what she was looking for. Without Will's permission, she sent a reply to a gay dom looking for someone to dominate with tickle torture. After a few messages that almost made her gag, Janice and Master Paul reached an agreement. Will would be with the Dom till the morning, and everything done to him was to be recorded and posted on the school's gazette's website. She threw the phone at Will, hitting him in the forehead. Then Janice dragged her five nails across the hysterically laughing man's bare feet while driving to Paul's home. Once there, Janice tickled Will out of his clothes, leaving only his dingy white briefs on him, and dragged the man out of her vehicle by his ankles. Then she rang the doorbell and left him on the steps of the Tickler's house. Before leaving, the blonde told Will to enjoy his punishment and cackled the rest of the way to her car.


The redhead stood up as he watched his mistress drive off. "Why did she leave me here, in just my underwear, and what did she mean punishment?" He asked aloud to himself.

"She left you with me, boy."

Will jumped and yelped out of surprise. He wasn't expecting an answer. He turned around and saw a hulk of a man with bulging muscles, wearing a leather strap harness, and blue jeans so tight that his impressive bulge looked like it would break the zipper.

"Whoever the fuck you are, I'm not staying here, and you can't make me, you fuckin' freak bastard. My Dad's a cop, one pho..."

The sentence was cut short when Paul smirked, grabbed Will's arm, and forcefully pulled it behind the shorter man's back. "Listen to me, maggot. The Dom sneered as he wrapped his other hand around the squirming young man's neck and squeezed.

"I can and will make you do anything and everything I want. Your mistress paid me to torture you. So, little boy, you're mine from now till sometime between morning and noon tomorrow."

"Bullshit, you damn fucker."

Will lifted his foot, preparing to stomp on the assailant's bare toes, but instead found himself pulled back and downward so that he was lying on the porch, faceup. Before he could think, the bigger man quickly had his massive arm wrapped around his ankles.

"You will call me these names only. Sir, Daddy, Tickle Dom, or Master Paul. Do I make myself clear, little boy?"

Will's face lost its color when he heard tickle in the list of names. He raised his eyes and gulped. "S...She to...told you?"

"Oh, yeah, my adorable little ticklish boy." The man chuckled. He leaned down, hefted the redhead over his shoulder, and carried the defeated man into the house.


"Shit, I lost him," TL muttered to himself as he turned around and headed back to his car. He slowed his approach when he saw someone trying to break into his car. The hunter took a second to assess the man and decided he'd become the next target. Quietly, TL inched closer to the young raven-haired Asian man, so focused on breaking into the car.

"Fuck! I can't believe this piece of shit car is so hard to get into."

"Ya know, it works much better if you have the key."

TL wrapped the startled man in a chokehold and stuck the chloroform-soaked cloth over his nose and mouth. The new target struggled but couldn't escape, and after a couple of minutes, the limp body fell into its captor. TL chuckled and laid the man in his backseat, tied his wrists and ankles together, and removed his sneakers and socks. Then, the blonde kidnapper placed his prey's feet on the middle console and tied the ankles to the top with his industrial velcro straps. TL giggled as he got in the driver's seat and drove to his secluded rental property.


Tony and his men were almost finished with the crime scene when his phone sounded, letting the Commissioner know Mikey's house had been vandalized. Instantly, he ran to the car, opened his travel tablet, and accessed the security footage. "What the..." He'd just finished watching the scene when his phone rang again. He picked up the second he saw Lance's name. As he listened to his son, he checked the apartment footage. The more he watched the interaction between Lance and Will Parks, the more pissed off Tony became. He finally stopped his hysterical son midsentence and told him he'd check on Mikey after stopping by the house to see the damage for himself. Then, after asking about the altercation, the Commissioner hung up the phone. Tony took a deep breath and called Tim Parks, Will's father. After informing the officer to be in his office Monday morning with his son, and a lawyer, Tony got in his car and drove over to Mikey's house. On the way, he called his wife and the other Dads. Then, after that, his final call was to Dakota.

Mikey & Dakota

Mikey opened the car door and stepped out. He smiled as he walked around the SUV and wrapped his arms around his big strong cop. Shivers went through the brunet's body as their soft, plump lips connected for a passionate kiss. Both he and Dakota melted into each other's embrace. Dakota gently and slowly pinned Mikey's body to the side of the SUV. Finally, after another minute, the couple had to separate due to the need for oxygen.

"Holy fuckin' heart racing kisses, Indian boy." Mikey suddenly jumped and squealed as his trapped body was on the receiving end of Dakota's tickle attack.

"Little pale face ticklish boy shouldn't tease big strong Cherokee warrior," Dakota giggled at his overexaggerated broken Indian speech and continued tickling Mikey's sides and pit hollows.

The shorter brunet wriggled against his boyfriend's body as his high-pitched squeals and laughter floated along with the night wind. "I give, Uncle." He screeched.

"You still gonna be my boyfriend?" Dakota asked as he picked up Mikey's lighter body.

Mikey giggled as he wrapped his arms and legs around the muscular cop and laid his head on the broad shoulder. "Of course, I'm still your boyfriend. You're my big strong warrior, Kota. I always feel safe and protected with you." Tears of love and happiness fell from Mikey's eyes.

"I'm always gonna protect you, even after death. If you're still alive, I'll be watching over you." Tears welled in Dakota's eyes as he lovingly kissed Mikey's forehead. "My heart and inner being, tell me, we were born for one another."

Mikey smiled and kissed Dakota's cheek. "I feel the same way about you, Kota."

The two men entered the apartment. Dakota toed off his shoes, and Mikey followed his example. They glanced at one another and smiled. The half Cherokee took hold of his brunet, led him to the sofa, and gently guided Mikey's body down on the soft cushions. Licking his lips, Dakota placed Mikey's feet on his lap and started to remove his socks. Mikey tried to do the same but jumped and giggled when the other man's fingers quickly but lightly stroked up and down his freshly bared soles. He looked at his mate, who shook his head no.

Mikey relaxed and leaned back against the sofa's arm. Moans of sheer pleasure escaped his lips as soon as Dakota's firm foot massage started. The cop's nimble fingers magically kneaded and caressed his love's soft, warm pale soles. He smiled as he watched the younger man's feet wrinkle at the center of his curved arches. Dakota leaned down and started nibbling and licking Mikey's plump, round toes, and his moans blended in perfect harmony with the brunets.

"Damn, you're good at that, Kota." Mikey softly whispered.

Dakota smiled proudly at the compliment. "Thank you, my sweet angel." He paused. "Mikey, Papa Tony, and I are worried about your health. I'm sure your brothers are as well."

"Kota, I'm fine, please, don't worry."

The half Irishman smiled and wrapped his arm around Mikey's ankles. "Mikey, I'm not gonna argue with you about this. However, I will..." Dakota rapidly scratched his nails along the smooth, creamy soles.

Instantly, Mikey became animated as his laughter and shrieks filled the room. He writhed and pulled against the cop's grip but wasn't getting free.

"Tickle your feet until you give in, baby boy. I will continue to worry about you because I care very deeply for you, Mikey." Dakota chuckled as he continued tickling the younger man's bare feet. He also threw in a few kisses and nibbles on Mikey's toes.

"Okay, you win, this one. I'll go get a checkup." Mikey screeched. He panted and sighed when Dakota's arms magically appeared around him. "I...I'm really fighting the urge to say I love you right now, Kota."

"I feel the same way about you, sweet angel."

"I think we'll both know when the time is right for us to verbally express our inner feelings for one another." Mikey reached up and gently caressed Dakota's cheek.

"I think so too, angel boy." Dakota leaned in for another kiss when his phone rang. He got a serious expression when he saw the caller's id. "What's wrong, Papa Tony?" He paused and reached over for Mikey's hand. "No, Mikey's with me, at my apartment... Okay, we'll be right there."

"What's up, babe?" Mikey nervously asked.

Dakota's face lit up from being called babe but quickly became serious again. "Where's your phone?"

Mikey stood up and searched his pockets. "It's probably in the Cherokee. Why?" The brunet instinctively reached out and embraced his strong boyfriend to anchor him.

Dakota closed his eyes and wiped his tears as he kissed Mikey's head and gently stroked his soft, light brown hair. "Your house's been vandalized. The Dads and Lance have been trying to call you."

Mikey gasped and ran for the door. He quickly put his shoes on and bolted outside, with his boyfriend right behind him. "I gotta get to the house and see what's going on."

"Mikey, babe, I'm not sure if..."

"Kota, I'm not giving in on this one. It's my house, and I'm not gonna be kept away, like some scared little kid. I know that I'm child-like and seem fragile at times, but I'm not letting some fuckin' bullshit run me out of my home."

Dakota rushed to Mikey's side and had him wrapped in a loving embrace. The burly cop couldn't deny the surge of pride and honor he felt for this man and that he was the one Mikey chose to be with. "I think you misunderstood me, babe." He paused and kissed the brunet's trembling soft lips. "I was gonna say, I'm not sure if it's safe for you to be there, but I know I can't stop you. Hell, Superman couldn't stop you." Both Dakota and Mikey chuckled. "I'm gonna be right by your side."

Mikey closed his eyes and smiled. He gave Dakota his signature hug and a passionate kiss. "I love you, my strong warrior."

Dakota whooped and hollered as he excitedly swept the shorter man off his feet and cradled him like an infant causing Mikey to squeal and giggle. "I love you too, my sweet angelic Mikey." He smiled and set the brunet back on his feet, then opened the door for him. He ran back to the front door, made sure it was locked, and then drove to Mikey's house.

Next: Chapter 5

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