A Ticklish Thriller

By A B

Published on Apr 9, 2022


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The blonde socialite woke up thinking how satisfying it would be to see the footage of Will's being broken by that disgusting gay guy who called himself a master. However, when she turned on her phone and searched the school's website, Janice's banshee-like screeches were shrill enough to break a glass. There on the website wasn't Will being humiliated, but Janice, threatening someone with being outed if they didn't give her the FNC award. The blonde's face was tomato red, and she threw the phone against the wall. Janice jumped out of bed, stalked to the dresser, and pulled out a third phone. She pressed a couple of buttons and waited. "Yeah, it's Janice. Is this Egen? Good, I need a couple of people kidnapped, and I need it done ASAP. Preferably before Monday, I need the leverage." She paused. "Lance Knight and Will Parks, keep them at the lake's library after closing." Janice sneered after ending the call. She giggled and made another call. "It's Janice. I have a job for your boys."

Lance & Will

"C'mon, Parks, you can do this. Manup and deal with whatever happens."

Will's nerves wreaked havoc with him as he pulled into the parking lot of Lance and Sean's apartment complex. The redhead borrowed some clothes from Paul, and the man even lent him his backup truck so he could drive into town. Will, parked the silver Ford F150, turned off the vehicle, got out, and locked the door. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths as he slowly walked up the steps, stood at the door, and rang the doorbell. Fear almost made him turn around and drive off when Lance hollered just a second. As soon as Will heard the footsteps, he knew there was definitely no turning back now.

Lance opened the door and immediately started to slam it the second he saw Will's face.

"Lance, please, wait before closing the door on me." Will hastily said.

The brunet sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head because he was willing to grant the request. "C'mon in, Parks." Lance opened the door, so the redhead could enter. "This better not be any kind of trick."

"It's not, Lance, I...I'm here to apologize for everything I did last night." Will hesitantly walked inside.

"Take your shoes off and sit down. I have the feeling this is gonna be a long conversation." Lance closed the door, and after Will removed his sneakers, he showed the redhead to the sofa. "Ya want a beer?"

The redhead sat down and crossed his legs, sitting Indian style. His pink toe ankle socks poked out from under his legs. Lance couldn't help thinking how cute they looked on him. The youngest Knight male wasn't gay or bisexual, but he never overlooked a good-looking pair of feet, male or female. He shook his head and walked to the fridge, returning with two beer bottles. Lance handed one to Will and sat facing the redhead, mirroring his pose.

"In the spirit of full disclosure, the entire conversation and visit are being recorded. It was my Dad's doing. After last night he's heightened the security on all of us kids." Lance took a sip of beer. "Normally, I wouldn't have something to drink, but you look like you needed to relax some, and no one should drink alone."

"Thank you for seeing me, Lance. I know that I don't deserve it, but Master Paul said I had to make things right with the law. With you, and Mikey as well." Will paused and took a sip of beer.

"How'd you ever meet Paul?"

Will blushed and lowered his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes. "J...Janice punished me for acting on my own and attacking you. She tickled me into submission like she always does to dominate me. She called me last night after you broke up with her." Will stopped to wipe his tears.

Now that the light was shining on the redhead's face, Lance could easily see the giant, nasty looking bruises on Will's face. He gasped and hesitantly reached out to lightly stroke the side of his visitor's face.

Will yelped, dropped his bottle, and jumped off the couch. The redhead crouched in the corner. "I'm sorry, Lance. Please, please don't hit me. I know I deserve to get the hell beat outta me."

Instantly, Lance was on his feet and slowly maneuvering around the beer on the floor. The brunet slowly wrapped his arms around the hysterically sobbing man. "Shhh! It's okay, Will. I'm not gonna hurt you, and despite everything last night, I'll never let anyone hurt you, if humanly possible. That goes for anyone of my family members as well." Lance shocked himself when he realized he was cuddling Will Parks while he sobbed on the floor of his apartment.

"Thank you, Lance. Master Paul said you and your family were good people." Will sniffed his tears back and hugged Lance so tightly that the brunet softly gasped. "I...I'm scared of Janice, bro. She's so crazy. I don't know what she's gonna do." Will gasped when Lance picked him up, bridal style, and gently placed him on the sofa. He was even more surprised when the brunet took his feet into his lap and began gently massaging them. Even though Lance's effort wasn't meant to, Will's feet were so ticklish that he couldn't help squirming and curling his toes inside his pink and green striped socks. The boyish giggling that escaped his lips made him blush, especially when Lance's giggles joined his.

"So, Will's got ticklish feet." Lance smiled and continued to massage his sofa mate's feet. "Just relax and let yourself relax. It's okay if you giggle and squeal. I'd be doing the same thing." He paused. "It's not like you don't know I'm ticklish." He giggled, then hugged Will before returning to the redhead's feet.

Will had no choice but to react to the attention being paid to his very sensitive feet and toes. "Paul helped me realize I'm not truly a submissive person. I just didn't know how to be assertive, and since my ticklishness was always used against me, I was easily broken and dominated." Will squeaked and giggled when Lance's fingers worked on the ball of his foot.

"I attacked you last night because Janice tickle tortured my feet for ten minutes straight. Then she hit me and left this bruise, and she kicked me into the wall. I felt so emasculated I had to take it out on someone. You were the chosen target."

Lance stopped the massage and digested what Will told him. "She's been torturing you this entire time. Will, why haven't you said anything to anyone?" Lance gently rubbed the redhead's back.

"I couldn't. I felt so weak and pathetic. Last night, Master Paul helped me come to terms with what's been happening to me and how it's affected my sense of right and wrong." Will looked into Lance's eyes. He expected to see malice and disdain. Instead, he saw love and sympathy.

"Will, I'd like you to come with me to Mikey's. I'm leaving in a few minutes. We'll let Paul know you're gonna be later than expected getting his truck back."

"Lance, are you sure that's the best thing?"

"William, I've never been more sure of anything. Mikey'd kick my ass if I didn't offer to let him help you." Lance paused. "Well, maybe not kick my ass, but he'd tickle the hell outta me."

The statement caused both guys to crack up laughing. Lance cleaned up and got himself together as Will talked to Paul and let him know the plans. The redhead smiled when he was met with the older man's complete agreement and encouragement of the idea. After everything was cleaned up, the two young men left the apartment and headed to Lance's Ram. They got in, and Lance checked that the safety was on his gun and that it was loaded.

"You carry?" Will asked in astonishment.

"You don't?" Lance's surprised tone matched Will's.

"No, I don't even know how to shoot."

Lance smiled and patted the redhead's shoulder. "We'll fix that, bro."

"Do you think Mikey and Sean will be able to forgive me?" Will asked as he wiped his tears.

"Yes, although they might decide to tickle you for your actions." Lance giggled and tickled Will's side.

The redhead squealed and wriggled. "Hey, I wasn't ready." He giggled and blushed. "Umm, Paul helped me realize that I love mutual tickling with other guys, but I don't have any desire to sleep with them."

Lance got really excited. "Dude, we're the same in that aspect."

The brunet was so animated and happy that Will giggled and shook his head. "I wish I'd been nicer to you before now. You're really an amazing guy."

"The important thing is, you've come around now. The moment you stepped foot in my apartment, we began healing the tension and rift between us." Lance hugged Will. "I look forward to being friends, maybe even brothers in the future."

"I'd love that, Lance."

Lance nodded and backed out of the parking space. He turned left out of the complex's lot and headed for Mikey's place at the lake. Along the way, he and Will continued to talk. Lance went into detail about finding Mikey and beating Steve for hurting his brother. Will couldn't help shivering as he thought about what Mikey had to endure. In his heart, he questioned whether he'd be able to be as strong as the man he mocked just the previous night.

A few minutes after leaving the city, Lance noticed a strange vehicle following them. He regulated his breathing and slowly increased his speed. The brunet wanted to see if the van was actually following them. Sure enough, the van picked up its speed as well. "Will, I need you to stay calm and do what I say, okay?"

Will nodded his compliance.

"Open the glove box, pull out the gun, and lay it between us." Lance kept his eyes on the road while slowly increasing his speed again. He tried to put enough distance between them and the pursuant vehicle. In the hopes, he could turn off on a side road without them seeing. "Okay, now reach in my pocket, careful you don't tickle me."

Will did as he was asked. "What's going on?"

"I don't want to worry you, but we picked up a tail just past the city limits. I don't know why but these guys in the van are after us."

Will looked back and gasped. "I know that van. They're part of a shady group the FNC uses to throw their weight around behind the scenes."

"Will, enable the Bluetooth on the phone." Lance looked up into the mirror. "Then, brace yourself for a rear impact. The van's gonna..." He didn't have time to finish the sentence before the van rammed the back of the pickup. Lance fought to keep control of the vehicle. His and Will's body's lurched forward. "Call Mikey and conference in, Dad."

Mikey & Dakota

The two men spent the morning reveling in their newly acquired relationship. They stayed in bed as long as they could, massaging and tickling each other's feet while chatting and getting to know one another. Mikey and Dakota took a leisurely shower and shared a homemade breakfast they cooked together. The men cleaned the kitchen, then locked the apartment. The couple had just gotten into Dakota's SUV when Mikey's phone rang. He looked at the ID and smiled. "Hey, baby bro, I thought you'd..."

"No time, big bro. I need you, and if you're still with him, Kota too. Dad, are you there?"

Mikey put the call on speaker when he heard Papa Tony's voice. "What's up?" The three older men asked at once.

"I'm on the main road, about ten minutes away from the lake house. Dad, Bros, I got a tail, been with us since leaving the city limits." Lance paused. "Fuck! Will, brace yourself again."

No sooner than Lance's statement was heard, the sound of the two guys hollering in fear and metal crashing came across the phone.

"Lance, are you referring to Will Parks?" Tony asked.

"Yes, sir, it's me," Will answered. "Dude, they're coming up again."

Another sound of cars colliding. Everyone on the conference call heard Tony ordering his guys nearby to haul their asses to the area Lance and Will were in.

"Bro, we're breaking the speed limit trying to get to you, are you armed?" Dakota asked while he kept his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I'm armed. Wait! There's a cruiser... Fuck! That's not a real cruiser. It's going..."

The connection was ended as the fake cruiser plowed into the side of Lance's truck, sending him and Will fishtailing into the field. The Ram hit the ditch so hard that it flipped over and landed in the grass on its wheels. The men in the van jumped out, pulled the unconscious guys from the truck, tied their wrists and ankles, and put them in the vehicle. Once they were on the road, one of the abductors began trying to bandage the wounds.

"LANCE!!! TALK TO ME, BRO." Mikey yelled into the phone, only to be met with silence.

Dakota's phone started going off. "Yeah, Papa."

"I've got Pam calling Tim, letting him know about the accident. Have you made contact with the boys?"

"I wish. The phone is going straight to voicemail, Papa." Mikey said as he wiped his tears.

Tony said a prayer under his breath for the young men's safety. "I'm on the road now, guys." He paused. "Mikey, I don't suppose I can talk you out of being involved, can I?"

Dakota looked at Mikey and chuckled. "I wish you could've seen the look Mikey gave the phone Papa Tony."

"I can only imagine. I'm sure I've seen it before."

"There's no way in hell. I'm NOT staying out of the search for my baby brother. And, God help, the people who have him, and Will, I'm shooting first and asking questions later."

While all this was going on. A body with a video card attached to it was discovered by a couple out for a jog on the peaceful forest trail.

Next: Chapter 7

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