A Trial of Strength

By moc.loa@9876wr

Published on Nov 20, 2019


A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 491 By Rob Williams


IN THIS CHAPTER: The hot, sexy Doctor Chad, new to man-sex, rejects his sudden love for the cop Mark as too risky. But the tribe's founder Bob persuades him that loving more than one man is just fine within the tribe. And Bob seduces Chad into his first-ever surrender of his ass to a man. Bob's lover Randy is hostile to Chad, but soon he urgently needs the doc's help in an intense drama that changes everything. ___________________________________________________________________


When the cop Mark and his boy Jamie went to Uncle Mike's house in Palm Springs there was much talk of Doctor Chad, the handsome doctor who had just treated Jamie in the hospital after Jamie's surfing accident.

They knew nothing about Chad's personal life, assuming he was probably married with kids, but they were in for a shock. As Jamie told the gathered tribe when he and Mark got home to L.A., "You'll never guess who we met in Mike's bar. Chad – that hunky doctor from the hospital."

Mark explained, "Seems he's been questioning his sexual identity for some time and had never even touched another man. He finally took the plunge by driving out to Palm Springs and going to a leather bar he found on Google. Mike's bar – I mean, what are the chances of that?

"So we got together, Mike invited him to stay and I tell you, that man is into guys – from mild to wild. I let him fuck Jamie and the next day he watched Mike and Larry make love. Then came the wild part when we went out to Hassan's old house in the desert and re-enacted that intense desert dungeon trip. But I'll let the doc speak for himself ... `cos he's coming to dinner tonight."

Bob said, "Randy's not home from work yet, Mark, so why don't you come to our place, have a cocktail and tell me all about it?" As they sipped martinis in the den of Bob and Randy's house Bob said. "I know that look in your eye, Mark. I'd say you've got it real bad for this hot doctor."

"Bob, it's great to watch a guy like that discover himself. I mean, you met him at the hospital He's not only drop-dead gorgeous and built like a brick shithouse, he's bright, articulate and adventuresome. Man, in the few days we were out there he did pretty much everything, including a real hot session in Hassan's basement – chains, whips the whole shebang. Only thing he ain't done is get butt-fucked. He's a natural top – it'll be a while before he does that."

"And, er, you and Jamie?"

"Bob, I'll tell you what I told Jamie. This don't change a thing between him and me, and the same goes for Randy, you and me. We're all rock solid. Oh, it's pretty obvious Chad is infatuated and thinks he's in love with me, but you know how that goes when a guy first has man-on-man sex – he falls in love with the first guy he fucks with. Don't get me wrong, he and I could have a real hot time, but never at the expense of what I feel for Jamie or you guys."

They talked a while longer until Mark's cell phone rang. "It's him, Chad," Mark grinned. "I'll put it on speaker so you can hear him. Hey, Chad, what's up? You on your way?"

They heard a dismal voice say, "Mark, I'm not coming. Listen, don't say anything, I'll make this quick. Mark, I'm in love with you. I felt it coming on from the moment I saw you in the bar and it grew and grew until that incredible scene in the basement, and that clinched it.

"But I can't do it. I can't come between you and Jamie, you're such a perfect couple. I know you would never leave Jamie for anything or anyone, and I sure wouldn't want that, it would be unforgivable. So there's no way it would work out, Mark. The only thing for me to do is stay away. Maybe someday in the future we'll get in touch and we can be friends, but right now that's not possible."

"But Chad, wait, we have to talk about this. There's so much ..."

"No, Mark. The fact is I'm too much in love with you to ever hurt you and Jamie. So give my love to your beautiful boy, and I'm sorry I won't get to meet the tribe. They sound like a great bunch of guys, but I ... I can't ..." And the phone went dead.

Mark started to call him back but Bob restrained him. "Wait, Mark. You'll never convince Chad right now ... you heard his voice. It was the voice of a man who's discovered something wonderful but thinks it's out of his reach. He feels love for the first time but doesn't understand it. To him it's all black and white, and if he can't have the white then it's fade to black."

"I'll go to him then, and make him see reason."

"That's about the worst thing you can do, Mark. He would see you, his heart would leap, and the pain would be all the more unbearable."

"But Bob, I can't sit here thinking about that great guy all alone and miserable in his apartment. I caused his despair," Bob, "and I can't just leave him there like that."

Bob sighed. "No, you're right, Mark. That would be cruel and unfair." He paused and looked Mark in the eye. "So ... let me go. Do you have his address?"

"You, Bob?! Sure, he gave me his address but I don't think ... I don't see how ..."

"Mark, I would be an impartial go-between, a mutual friend who can maybe make him see things differently. I have no stake in this so Chad won't feel cajoled or threatened. It's worth a shot."

Bob stood up and Mark gazed at him, looking gorgeous as ever with that ripped body and chiseled superman features, dressed in his usual blue-jeans, loafers and white V-neck T-shirt that clung to his perfect torso. He imagined Bob walking into Chad's apartment and ...

"Yes, you're right, Bob. You're the only guy who might be able to do something." He stood up and hugged Bob. "Help me out if you can, buddy."

Bob smiled. "That's why I'm going, Mark. Because I love you."

********************** CHAPTER 491 *********************


As Bob left his house and prepared to drive across town his heart went out to Mark and to Chad. As a founder of the tribe Bob had always been the peace-maker when there were quarrels or l conflicts in the tribe. He was a calm, respected presence – revered even – and now he was setting out on another mission.

And he had an instinctive grasp of the issues involved between Mark and Chad, even though he hardly knew Chad. When he and Randy had gone to the hospital as moral support for Mark, Chad had interacted with them briefly, but naturally his primary focus was on his patient, Jamie, and on Mark who stayed by his bed all night.

Chad had been efficient and kind, but what Bob concentrated on now was Chad's sudden realization that he was attracted to other men. Bob knew this dynamic well as so many men and boys of the tribe had been new to sex with men when they arrived. As Mark had said, "It's obvious Chad is infatuated and thinks he's in love with me, but you know how that goes – when they're new to all this a lot of guys fall in love with the first man they fuck with."

And Bob could clearly see the difference in attitude between the two men. Love within the tribe was spread around – Mark and all the other men were open to anything, any combination of men and boys loving each other. Chad on the other hand had a traditional view – when love came along it was faithful and monogamous – you didn't share it.

That was the central dilemma that Bob had somehow to reconcile, although he had no idea what awaited him. It was a half-hour drive across town to Chad's apartment in an upscale building on the edge of Santa Monica. It had a secure entrance and Bob hesitated to call Chad's apartment on the intercom as he might be reluctant to buzz him in.

Fortunately someone came out of the heavy front doors and he went in and up to the third floor. At Chad's apartment door Bob hesitated again, then took a deep breath and knocked. He heard shuffling sounds from inside and a voice said, "Who is it?"

"Hi Chad, it's Bob."

Chad was apparently looking through the door's peephole as he said, "Oh yeah, Mark's friend, you were at the hospital. What do you want, Bob?"

"Oh, I was in the area and just dropped by to make sure you're doing OK." Bob winced at his own clumsy lie which he knew Chad wouldn't believe. But he was relieved when he heard the door latch click and the door opened. Chad was wearing only boxer shorts and his hair was tousled as if he had been in bed. Despite his bleak appearance he managed a weak smile.

"In the area and just dropped by, eh? OK, come in Bob."

Bob walked in and as he brushed past the near naked doc they exchanged a fleeting glance that was, well, more than just a fleeting glance. Bob had forgotten how sexy the doctor was, with that phenomenal physique, tousled light brown hair, seductive hazel eyes and Greek God features that resembled Mark's. "I'm sorry if I came at a bad time, Chad, if you were sleeping."

"Nah, that's OK. I was lying on the bed but I couldn't sleep – just staring into space. I can guess why you're here, dude. I guess Mark told you everything, right?"

"I have to confess that I was with Mark when you called him and he put the phone on speaker."

"Ah." Chad paused, looking at Bob. "Er, Mark mentioned that he's in love with you, and with your partner Randy too. Quite a combination."

"I guess it must seem that way, Chad, but it works. At the start it wasn't easy – Randy gets angry easily. At first we were known in the tribe as the tortured trio but, after the three of us admitted that we loved each other, the tribe changed that to the triumphant trio. The boys especially like giving names to everything. They can be very inventive."

Chad smiled again, soothed by Bob's deep, gentle voice. "Would you like a drink, Bob? I know I would. Scotch?"

He poured two drinks and they sat facing each other by the window, with a view of the ocean. "Nice apartment, Chad."

"Thanks, Bob, it should be for the rent I pay. I don't spend much time here though, I'm always at work. So it's usually a mess as you see. Jamie said it could use the help of, er, Eddie, is that the right one?"

Bob nodded and Chad chuckled. "Mark and Jamie went through a list of guys in that tribe of yours who could help with all my problems – my financial muddles, computer illiteracy, microwave dependency, staying in shape, gardening. It was quite a sales pitch. Seems those guys have a solution to all your needs."

"Yours too, Chad, if you'd let them."

Bob had broached the subject they had been avoiding and there was an uneasy silence until Chad said, "Bob, I knew that's why you really came here. Did Mark send you?"

"No. A actually he was so upset after your phone call that he wanted to come himself. I said that might make things worse – you know, too close to home. I suggested I come instead, an impartial voice with less personal investment in the issue."

"You're right, Bob. Mark coming here would have solved nothing, except to make me even more wretched. It's a simple issue, Bob, with only one solution. See, I'm in love with Mark but coming between him and Jamie would be unthinkable. And anyway, Mark would never leave that beautiful boy in a hundred years. So the only solution is for me to put the whole thing behind me, like a glorious dream that I woke up from and came back to the real world."

"So, you don't think dreams can come true, Chad? Don't tell that to the tribe. We've made dreams come true for many of the guys – most of them actually."

"But not his time, I'm afraid, Bob. I'm sorry you had a wasted trip. It was a great dream though and fitted in with other things going on in my life. I've been offered a really good job. There's a hospital in your area that specializes in sports and work-related injuries and they're looking to expand. That's my medical specialty and they want me to be the director of the whole program as head of surgery. I've more or less accepted the offer.

"I'm already credentialed at that hospital and I've even performed a few surgeries there to see if we fit as a team. It's the chance of a lifetime. I even looked for a house to buy in that area and found just the right place, except it's a fixer, needs a lot of work on the house and the garden."

Bob smiled. "Well, I could help you with financing on the house and Randy has been in construction all his life. We've even got two gardeners who can do landscape design."

"I know, I know, Mark told me all that. It would all work out fine except for one thing. I'm in love with Mark – and I'd want him for myself. As you know, Bob, I'm brand new to all this. I've never been in love with anyone before ... Mark and Jamie are the only guys I've ever made love to."

"But that's just the point, Chad. See, there's a parallel to your situation that I've already mentioned. Randy and I had been lovers for some time (we call it lovers – partners sounds too much like a business arrangement) when Mark came along and he and I fell in love.

"You can't imagine what that did to Randy, he went apeshit. But gradually he came to accept the situation and eventually acknowledged his love for Mark. Randy and I are still crazy in love with each other, and Mark loves us too, even though he's devoted to Jamie. In fact we all have boys and even our boys have boys."

Bob chuckled, "I know that sounds complicated but, see, in our tribe love is kinda universal. You can have a lover and still fuck with other guys – but always within the tribe. As you say, Chad, you're new to this and what you need is to make love with a few other guys before you choose a soulmate. Heaven knows there are plenty of hot, sexy guys in our group who would love to tangle with you. Hell, I've had a hard-on ever since I brushed past you in the doorway."

Taken aback by that remark, Chad said hesitantly, "There's, er, there's another issue, Bob, a detail maybe but it would be a deal breaker. See, I know Mark would want to fuck me, and that's just not on. I'm what you call a top man. I've fucked Jamie and Mark but I would never, ever submit my ass to another guy."

Bob smiled. "You know how many guys have said that when they join the tribe? Most of them have, including me, Randy and even Mark. Nobody forced them to do anything but eventually their desire became so great that they longed to give it a try. And they've never looked back. Still, I see your mind's made up and I'm not going to try and change it. You're an alpha male, Chad, with firm convictions and I admire that kind of strength. I'll be off."


Bob stood up to leave – and made sure he was standing under one of the overhead spotlights. He knew his lighting and what it took to look his most seductive. Chad gazed up at the superman clone with his dark curly hair, sculpted square-jawed features and that muscular torso under his white V-neck T-shirt tapering down to sexy slim hips.

"Actually Bob, I don't feel that strong right now. I'll tell you the truth, when you arrived I was on the bed jacking off thinking about Mark. I was about to bust a load when the doorbell rang."

"Oh, man, I'm sorry. Don't you hate when that happens? Well I'll leave and let you go back to your dreams of Mark."

"Do you ... do you have to leave, Bob? I could use the company and I'm tired of jerking off to impossible dreams. You, er, said you'd had a hard-on since you brushed past me. Well that gave me a boner too and ... it's still there. You look so fucking hot, man, would you at least let me jerk off looking at you? You said I should get off on other guys and they don't come any more gorgeous than you."

Bob grinned. (It was working). "Chad, flattery will get you everywhere. Randy always says I'm good at S&M – standing and modeling – and he should know. He says jerking off looking at me is the next best thing to butt fucking me."

"You get fucked in the ass?" Chad asked incredulously.

"Sure I do, Randy too. Chad, there's nothing demeaning about taking it up the ass. Tough alpha males do it all the time. The tougher they are the hotter it looks."

"Does it hurt?"

"At first, sure. But when the pain goes away, man, it's a feeling like no other. Anyway, that's beside the point. All you wanna do is jerk off looking at me so let's do it. In the bedroom I assume – pick up where you left off when I so rudely interrupted you. Let's go, dude."

The bed was rumpled from Chad lying on it fantasizing about Mark. He fell on his back as before and rubbed the bulge in his shorts, staring up at Bob. Bob smiled at him, then reached behind his own neck, grabbed the back of his T-shirt and slowly pulled it up. Chad gasped as he watched the bottom of the shirt rise up to reveal first Bob's slim waist, his ripped eight-pack abs then the slabs of his pecs before he pulled the shirt off over his head and tossed it aside.

"Holy shit," Chad moaned. He stared in disbelief at the shirtless muscle-god and automatically pulled his stiff dick out of his shorts.

Bob was a master of seduction – he had done this countless times to turn Randy on and it always worked so well it ended in one of them fucking the other. That would not be happening this time, though. All they expected was for Chad to rub one out as he muscle-worshipped Bob.

Except ... Bob's brain was working ...

As he watched the mesmerized Chad stroking his cock Bob knew that, once he climaxed and Bob left, half an hour later Chad would go back to thinking about Mark. and Bob would have achieved nothing – a wasted visit. No, this called for extreme measures to jerk Chad out of his singular obsession with one man and set him on a more open and fulfilling path.

Bob kicked off his loafers and paced round the bed. It was a look Chad found highly erotic – a muscular man shirtless and barefoot in beltless blue jeans. In the past he had jacked off looking at pictures of such men – a favorite way for fitness models to pose, rugged and sexy. Finally Bob stood at the foot of the bed, towering over Chad and ripped open his jeans. He pushed them down, along with his shorts and stepped out of them, buck naked.

"Oh fuck, man, don't do this to me. Damn, that is so fucking hot – and you know it you son-of-of-a-bitch. You're trying to seduce me – and its damn well working. Let me touch you, man ... I don't wanna cum just looking at you."

Bob smiled and knelt on the bed straddling Chad's waist. Chad reached up and pressed his palm on one of Bob's pecs. The other hand he reached behind Bob and stroked his own cock. "Would Randy let you do this with me, Bob?"

Bob chuckled. "Randy doesn't control me, Chad. Like I said, I'm free to do as I like, even make love to another guy. Er, there's only one line he draws. He thinks he owns my ass and goes crazy if he thinks that another guy butt-fucked me."

"Dammit, that's just what I was dying to do. I fucked Mark and Jamie and, man, the thought of shoving my dick inside you is ... shit damn ...!"

Bob bent forward and gently licked Chad's lips. The he kissed him full on, their open mouths churning against each other. Chad pounded his cock harder and when Bob felt the doc was reaching his climax he pulled back and straightened up, still on his knees, leaving Chad frustrated and longing for more.

"Man, I am so fucking stoked, I gotta touch you. Please, man, let me make love to you... I want it so bad."

Bob pulled back, upright on his knees, wrapped his hand round his own cock and stroked it, his eyes fixed on Chad. "Dude, there's only one way that's gonna happen – if I can fuck your ass."

"Man, you know I can't do that. That's the only thing I wouldn't do with you."

Bob shrugged. "OK that's it then. I'll just stand up and you can cum looking at me like you wanted."

He moved as if to get off hm but Chad pleaded, "No wait ... maybe we can simulate it – you know, stick your cock between my legs or grind it against my abs, anything except ..."

Bob knew how to drive Randy wild and he used the technique now. He lowered the tempo by getting off the bed then casually bent down and picked up his jeans. He chuckled, "My boys, the twins, have their own boy called Will, the cutest young redhead you'll ever meet. And he has a rule – it's this." Bob pulled a tube from his jeans' pocket. "This is lube, and Will's motto is, never leave home without it. And he's dead right – you never know ..."

He squeezed some into his palm and stroked his cock, smiling into Chad's eyes. "OK, doc, let's fake it."

==== THE REAL THING ====

Bob pulled Chad's shorts off and knelt on the bed between his legs. "Usually we start by pushing the fuckee's legs back to get a clear shot at the ass." He casually raised one of Chad's legs and pushed it back with his shoulder.

Bob looked down and grinned. "Man, you have a great ass. Shame it's not gonna see any action – it'll be all in your mind not your ass, so let your imagination go wild, Chad." Bob pushed the other leg up and slid his cock in the crease of Chad's groin between his balls and his leg. He eased it slowly forward and back in a simulated fuck.

He saw that Chad's cock was rock hard and oozing pre-cum, so he leaned forward braced his hands on the bed level with Chad's shoulders, and stared down at him. Chad reached both hands up and stroked Bob's chest, running his finger down the cleft between his pecs, traced the curve under them up and then grabbed his broad shoulders. "Man, you are so fucking beautiful and your cock feels so good against my balls. Fuck my abs, man."

Bob moved up a bit and pressed his cock against the ridges of Chad's abs, feeling them flex under him as his cock slid over them. He said quietly, "You feel that, buddy? You feel my cock working your abs?" Chad did, but as he stared up at Bob's handsome, square-cut features and deep brown eyes ... it wasn't enough, he wanted more.

Sensing this Bob smiled. "You wanna know how a cock feels pressed against your hole?"

"Yeah, yeah, I want that, dude ... but you know ... not ..."

"I know," Bob smiled. "One of the tribe's rules, never make a man do anything he don't want."

Bob pulled back so he was kneeling upright, and rubbed a greasy finger against Chad's hole, massaging it gently. He even inserted a finger and watched Chad groan – with pleasure, not pain. Then he pressed the head of his cock against the hole and smiled, "See how good that feels, buddy? Take deep breaths and stay fixed on my eyes."

Chad was falling under Bob's spell as so many other men and boys of the tribe had – starting with Randy so long ago. He did as instructed and Bob increased the pressure imperceptibly. "Fuck yeah," Chad moaned. "More ..."

It took only a slight sudden thrust, and the head passed over the sphincter. Chad jolted, not sure what had happened and Bob said, "I'm inside you, Chad. In your ass."

Chad panicked, his ass muscles clenched reflexively round Bob's cock and he gasped, "No ... no ... I can't, it hurts so bad. Pull out, man."

Instead, Bob leaned forward and pinned Chad's wrists to the bed. "Chad, ssshh, relax your ass. Take deep breaths and look into my eyes. Do it for me man, I really want it."

It was that last appeal that worked. Chad had reached a point where he would do anything for this beautiful man so he breathed hard and, with a big effort of will, managed to relax his ass. The pain diminished, and something else took its place, a sensation he had never felt before. He had no idea what it was ... all he knew was that he was pinned down to the bed, at the mercy of Superman ... whose cock was inside him, in his ass!

Bob stayed motionless for long seconds, letting the pain dissolve completely and watching the doctor's agonized face relax ... and smile. "Fuck," he moaned. "Fuck, that feels ... damn, you're really inside my ass, man?"

"Only just inside, Chad. I can pull out if you want."

"No, no, don't do that, please. Can you try to ... easy, though, real easy ...?"

Slowly, carefully, Bob slid further in. When he felt Chad panic and clench his ass he stopped until he relaxed again and smiled. It took a few minutes but at last the head of his cock reached the warm velvet depths of Chad's ass. "That's it, doc, that's all it takes. You OK?"

"Fuck, man. There's never been anything like this. Try pulling back." Bob knew he was home and dry – well, maybe not dry. He pulled slowly back, then in again, gradually accelerating until he was massaging the doc's hot ass. Chad gazed at Bob with a look bordering on worship as the charismatic founder of the tribe moved slowly up and down over him, his long cock driving deeper inside him. Chad's square-jawed face fell back and he moaned in ecstasy.

His wrists were still pinned to the ground, he was Bob's captive, and that idea thrilled him. As he told Bob, he was a top man, admired by all and at the top of his game professionally. But now he was being dominated – physically, sexually and psychologically. He had never submitted to another man in any way, least of all by surrendering his ass.

Sure, he had been tied up and lightly whipped in the house in the desert but that was part of a ritual, replaying a scene from Mark's past. This felt real and as Bob's shaft pistoned faster and deeper in his ass he groaned, "Fuck me, man. My ass is yours ... I love it ... I love you man ... fuck yeah."

Watching Chad transition from macho, self-assured doctor to subservient sex slave was a huge turn on for Bob. "You're a great fuck, dude. Man, your ass is hot ... it's gonna make me cum inside you. And I'm gonna watch you bust a load all over those perfect abs – without touching your cock. You're gonna do it for me, that's an order."

"Yes, sir. My balls are gonna explode. I can feel it ... I'm gonna cum ... I'm gonna fucking cum, man ... please, let me feel your juice in my ass ... aaagh ... aaagh!" His body bucked and writhed beneath Bob, he stared up at him wild-eyed and howled as his cock shot streams of cum over his flexed abs and he felt warm jizz pouring inside him, the juice of the first man ever to fuck him in the ass.

==== "YES, YES & YES ====

Everything went dark for Chad for a moment and when he opened his eyes he looked up Bob in a daze, disoriented, not sure what had just happened. Then he felt Bob's rod pulling slowly out of him and he winced as he felt a final jolt of pain.

Then Bob was on top of him, wrapping his arms round him and they rolled over the bed, kissing, moaning, until finally their heavy breathing subsided and Chad turned on his side away from Bob, his body shaking. Bob realized he was sobbing quietly and he pulled him over to face him. "I know, buddy. The first time can be overwhelming. But those are tears of joy, not pain or fear. A whole new life has just opened for you."

"Bob, I ... I think I'm in love with you."

"In addition to Mark or instead of?"

Chad's tearful face broke into a smile. "Fuck you, man."

"You know, that's what Randy always says when he gives in to me. Anyway, I hope I've just demonstrated what I told you earlier – about love being all around us, ripe for the plucking. And I don't mean Adam's forbidden fruit. No-one's gonna mind however many bites you take of this apple. Sure you love me, and you love Mark, and I love Mark, and round and round it goes."

"I'm starting to understand, Bob, I just needed the demonstration." He grinned. "I guess a fuck is worth a thousand words eh?"

"That's what I always say. OK, now ... Mark invited you to dinner and you declined. Now I'm extending the invitation again. Will you join us all for dinner?"

Chad smiled. "Dammit, Bob you know the answer to that. `Course I will."

"And will you take that job and let me help you buy that house and let Randy fix it up for you?"

"Yes, yes and yes," Chad laughed. "If you're as great at finance as you are at fucking I'm in good hands."

"Right, so I'm I gonna get back home. Dinner is still several hours away so take your time, catch your breath and come to the house when you're ready. I'll have our house manager Eddie meet you at the gate. Mark gave you the address?"

Chad nodded, Bob got up and pulled his clothes on. Chad stood up and they hugged, then Bob held him at arm's length. "Yeah, you'll fit right in, dude. And you'll make someone a perfect lover. The big question is who?"


Bob could be permitted a certain smugness in his smile as he drove away. He had settled another conflict in the tribe with his blend of soft-voiced reasoning, seduction, flaunting his superman looks, and pure sexual charisma. And he had enjoyed himself in the process.

Chad was one hot alpha stud and would cause quite a stir in the tribe. In Randy too, an issue that Bob was acutely aware of and had to address right now. As he drove he made a phone call, hands-free of course following his own stern advice to all the boys.

Randy was breathless when he picked up and Bob said, "You still at work? Bad time to call?"

"Still here, yeah, but we can talk, I need to take a breather. What's up? You sorted out that mess between Mark and that other guy."

"That `other guy' is called Chad as you well know, Randy, and yes, that's just what I've been doing. I managed to persuade him that he should come to dinner and meet the tribe after all – told him his infatuation for Mark would wear off once he had experiences with other guys. I just left his house."

Bob could hear Randy tense over the phone. "Did he fuck you?"

Bob sighed deeply. "Randy I thought we had put that question to rest a long time ago. But just for the record, no he didn't fuck me. Matter of fact I fucked him, first man ever to do that to him."

"You fucked him?!!" came the angry response.

"Randy, he didn't fuck me, I fucked him. No reason to get bent out of shape."

"Oh no? You should have checked with me first. A new man comes to the tribe, especially a stud like him, I gotta check him out first."

Bob rolled his eyes. He knew Randy was mad not that he had fucked the doctor but that he had been the first. One thing Randy disliked was the thought of Bob assuming a role that should be his. He was the boss, Bob was his and he, Randy, should approve of a guy before Bob made any move. Bob knew he would pay for that with his ass when Randy reasserted his authority later tonight, a prospect that was by no means unwelcome to Bob. He looked forward to it.

However, he had to placate Randy or his irrational anger would eat away at him. "It's no big deal, Randy. You can check Chad out all you want when he comes to dinner. I'm sure you'll like him."

"Yeah? We'll see about that. Right now me and Darius are dismantling this rusty old fence and it's being a bitch ... so I'm not sure if I'll even be home for dinner."

So there! Bob mouthed silently, smiling as he heard in Randy's voice the protest of a petulant little boy stamping his foot. He loved that sudden change of tone in the big tough guy and it always made him want to throw he arms round him. "Well do try to make it home, buddy, and leave that old fence till tomorrow. You know we'll all be waiting for you," Bob purred seductively.

He sighed as he turned off the phone. Dominant and macho as he was, Randy was the undisputed leader of the tribe but he had his insecurities. Chief among these was his love of Bob that was so intense Randy couldn't imagine life without him and he needed to stress again and again that Bob would be his man forever.


When Bob got home Eddie was waiting impatiently for him just inside the gate. Whenever a major story was brewing, wide-eyed Eddie always made sure he was front and center, as close to the action as possible. Thanks largely to him this story was already on the grapevine, up to the point where Bob had left the house to meet with Chad.

"Ah, Eddie, good," Bob said, `just the man I wanted."

"Ready for my orders, sir."

"Chad is coming to dinner after all, Eddie. He'll be here soon and, as you're the house manager, I want you to meet him and bring him straight to me. I would prefer that he doesn't meet anyone until I've seen him, and then I or Mark will introduce him at dinner. If you glimpse any of the other guys try to distract Chad. Talk to him, you're good at that."

"Aye-aye, sir."

Left alone at the gate Eddie hopped around as if on hot bricks until a short while later he heard a car pull up outside. He opened the gate – and there was Chad, in jeans and a simple white T-shirt. Eddie gaped. "Wow, you're even more gorgeous than they said. Sir, if I may say so, you are waaay hot. You must be Chad, and I'm Eddie the house manager. I'm to take you straight to Bob."

Chad smiled broadly at this bright-eyed, exuberant young guy, and shook his hand. "Right first time, Eddie, I'm Chad and I've come to dinner."

"Yes you have ... yes you have," Eddie gushed. "I'll take you to Bob and Randy's house over in the back there. This is the compound, sir, and I live across the street with Hassan. He's this big tough gorgeous Marine Captain, a total hunk, and I'm his boy. Most of the guys have their own boy and some of the older boys even have a boy of their own, like ..."

"I know, Mark and Bob explained that ..."

"... like the twins and Will," Eddie soldiered on oblivious to interruptions. Let's see there's also ... no I won't tell you all the names cos you'd never remember them, but we pretty much know your story cos we have this grapevine thingy that spreads the word the minute anything happens, so we know you treated Jamie and brought him back to life ... well you and Mark when he kissed him ... damn, a kiss from that hunk's enough to wake the dead. And you run the Intension Care Place ...

" ... Intensive Care Unit, Eddie."

"Yeah, that's the one ... so what's it like being a doctor, sir?"

"Well, it depends on the ..."

"'Course we got doc Steve too only he's a shrink he don't fix guys like you fixed Jamie ... oh there's Will over there but Bob don't want you to meet anyone until dinnertime so I'm supposed to distract you by talking to you. How am I doing?"

"Oh, pretty nigh perfect, I'd say," Chad smiled, amused by Eddie's machine-gun delivery."

"Good, cos I like to please Bob, we all do, cos he's this gorgeous ... well you already know that, sir, and he must've done something pretty spectacular to make you change your mind after you and Mark ... oh, here we are at Bob's house, let's go upstairs." Bob was waiting for them in the living room. "Here he is, sir, signed sealed and delivered ... we've been talking about the tribe and we almost ran into Will but I distracted him so ..."

"You did very well, Eddie, but now I'll take it from here."

"I thought you would, sir, `cos I always say ..."

"Eddie ..."

"Oh, sorry, sir. I know, right? Zip it." He ran his fingertips across his lips and twisted them at the corner like a key. Flashing a big smile at Chad he left.

Bob smiled. "So that was Eddie. He says you two were talking but I imagine he did all of it. Did you manage to get a word in sideways?"

"Oh, one or two ... occasionally," Chad grinned. "He's adorable."

They hugged and Bob offered him a drink. "Mark is in his apartment with Jamie. I told him about our meeting and he's thrilled that you changed your mind. I thought it best that you stay here and meet Randy first when he comes home. Then we'll introduce you to the tribe at dinner and after that you'll no doubt want to spend time with Mark and Jamie. We'll play it by ear."

"Thanks, Bob, I appreciate a little quiet time with you. Give me time to adjust before I face the other guys."

However, the best laid plans of mice and men ... Bob's phone rang. It was a panicked Darius. "Sir, quick, there's been an accident here at work. Randy's been injured. We need help fast."


Bob stayed calm and put the phone on speaker so Chad could hear. "OK, Darius," Bob said, "tell me exactly what happened. Who else is there with you?"

"It's just me and Randy, sir, we stayed late to try and pull down a hunk of rusty old fence. But Randy seemed to be real tense about something and he wasn't as safe as he usually is." (Bob winced, knowing that was because of him.) "He was losing his temper and jerked backward into a jagged slice of the fence. It cut a big gash on his leg and now it's bleeding a whole lot."

Bob looked desperately at Chad who said into the phone, "Darius, this is Chad. I'm a doctor and specialize in work-place injuries."

"Yes, I know who you are, sir. What should I do?"

"Where exactly is the cut and where is Randy?"

"It's on his right calf, sir, and Randy is stomping around in a rage."

"No, no, that's the worst thing. The harder his heart pumps the more blood he loses. If you have a clean cloth press it over the wound. It's essential to calm Randy down and make him lie flat."

"Hm, you obviously don't know Randy, sir. It'd be like taming a tiger."

"Do what you can. At all costs he mustn't move and must remain calm. I'll be there in ..." He looked at Bob who said, "...in ten minutes, Darius. Hang in there."

Chad took charge. "I have my doctor's bag in my car. We've got to stem the blood loss." They rushed outside where Eddie was still hanging around waiting for news.

Bob said, "Eddie there's been an accident – Randy's cut his leg. We're going out there but ..."

Chad took over. "Eddie, we'll need a blanket, bedsheet and clean towels, and a warm shirt for Randy too. We don't have time to wait so go find some and follow us to the work site, OK?"

"You can count on me, sir." Bob knew that was true. Eddie might be a chatterbox but he was bright and capable, a great guy to have around in an emergency.

Chad drove fast with Bob giving directions and soon they screeched to a halt at the gates of the construction site. Chad grabbed his bag and they ran to where Darius was trying to calm Randy. He had got him to sit down but he was still yelling. "Don't be such a fucking wimp, boy. I tell you I'm fine, a bit of blood's nothing, I can carry on working."

Chad took one look at the blood oozing through his jeans and pooling on the ground and said, "No way you can work or even move. We gotta slow your heart rate to ease the blood flow. Take deep breaths."

Bob said calmly, "Randy, you remember Doctor Chad. You have to do what he tells you."

"No fucking way!" Randy yelled. "That guy, especially that guy, is not coming near me. You touch me, asshole, and you'll feel my fist."

Chad stayed calm. "Bob, I have to give him a sedative, it's the only way." He took a vial and a syringe from his bag and held it up to the light to fill it. "Guys," he said quietly, "you've got to hold him down, at least for a few seconds. I need to get to his arm."

"A few seconds is all you'll get, doc," Darius said. He went behind Randy's chair, wrapped one arm round his throat and the other round his right arm, pulling it behind his back. Randy flailed with his left arm but Bob grabbed that and used all his strength to hold it still."

"Quick, Chad, now." Chad swabbed the arm briefly and inserted the needle. He had just long enough to drain the syringe before Randy broke free and they stood back as he flailed with clenched fists. He managed to stand up, yelling obscenities, and staggered forward a few steps ... before his legs buckled and he slumped forward in Bob's arms. The others helped Bob lower him on his back on the ground."

"That worked fast," Bob said.

"He's a big guy so I used the maximum dose. He won't pass out but he'll feel no pain. The very opposite, kinda euphoric, like laughing gas at the dentist. Darius, you got a knife?" Darius handed him one and Chad slit Randy's jeans all the way up. He reached down yanked his jeans open and pulled the fabric back, away from his leg."

"That's quite a gash on his calf," Chad said. "We gotta stop that bleeding. First we gotta apply a tourniquet. We need some clean cloth. Here, this'll do – clean on an hour ago." He pulled off his white T-shirt and twisted it into a rope. He knelt on the ground and tied the shirt round Randy's wounded leg just above the knee. "You got some kind of short rod, Darius?"

"How about this big screwdriver, sir?"

"Perfect." Chad inserted it in the loop of cloth and twisted it to tighten the cloth round the leg in a classic tourniquet. Randy groaned slightly as it clamped round his leg, and Chad secured the screwdriver so the tourniquet remained in place."

Just then there was a squeal of brakes and Eddie ran in carrying a big bundle. "Wow," he said, gazing down at the shirtless doc kneeling on the ground, working on the big gypsy's bare leg, his jeans ripped off all the way up to his crotch. Randy had a placid smile on his face.

Chad was all business. "Eddie, spread a blanket on the ground beside him with a sheet on top of it. Great, now Bob and Darius help me shift Randy over onto it – slowly, very carefully, try not to jolt him." When Randy was lying still on the sheet Chad said, "Are the towels clean, Eddie? We must prevent infection." Eddie nodded. "OK, now wipe the blood from around the wound – I need to get a good look at the cut after I've taken his blood pressure."

Playing a part in a big drama like this the theatrical Eddie might have hammed it but Bob was pleased to see that the boy was now calmly efficient as he followed the doctor's instructions, undaunted by the sight of so much blood.

Chad wrapped the blood pressure cuff round Randy's upper arm, inflated it and waited for the reading. "Hm, not bad, and the bleeding's slowing, but I'm gonna raise the leg. Eddie tear a strip off the sheet."

Eddie did so and Chad wrapped the strip around the calf, then knelt between the patient's legs and slowly, carefully pushed the injured leg up. He leaned into it and rested it gently on his shoulder, then reached one hand forward and pressed his fingers lightly on the side of Randy's neck, monitoring his pulse.

"Thanks for your help Eddie. Guys, I don't wanna move Randy for another fifteen minutes or so until the pulse slows and he's nice and relaxed. Then I want to transport him to the new hospital I just joined as director of surgery. It's not far from here and the staff already know me well, so we'll get priority treatment. How are you feeling Randy?

Randy grinned dazedly and drawled, "Feeling no pain, doc. Don't know what you shot me up with but from down here everything's looking real good, including yourself doc."

Relieved of duty Eddy stood up opposite Bob and Darius and stared down at the shirtless doctor on his knees, holding up Randy's leg, the jeans ripped off all the way to the now-bare crotch. Eddie had seen this pose a million times before and it always meant only one thing. Eddie glanced wide-eyed over at Darius and silently mouthed, `Is he gonna fuck him?'

Darius shot back a look that was part glare, part smile and mouthed, `Are you nuts?'

Nuts or not, Eddie wasn't the only one with that notion. The sedative now at its peak Randy smiled blearily up at Chad and said languidly, "Anyone ever tell you you are one hot, sexy son-of-a-bitch, doc?" He reached up and ran his hands over Chad's chest. "Ripped fucking bod, face like one a' them Greek gods. And that bulge in your crotch pressing on my ass. Damn, last man who had me on the ground like this fucked my ass. You gonna fuck my ass, doc?"

"Randy, please, that's the sedative talking. I need you to calm down."

"Calm down? Looking up at that gorgeous body and feeling your huge shlong pressed against my butt? Only one thing'll calm me down now, dude." Mechanically Randy's hands moved down to his cock hanging out of his ripped jeans. He wrapped his hand round it and started stroking."

"Randy, that is the worst possible thing ... your pulse is racing again."

"Course it is, that's what you do to me, doc."

"As a doctor I cannot take responsibility for ..."

"Ah shut the fuck up, dude, or you'll get that fist I promised you. And that'll make my pulse race so fast I'll burst a blood vessel. Ha, blood vessel – funny dontcha think?" So you better let me do this, doc, you got no choice. Like I say to all the guys, just look into my eyes, dude ..."

Randy was right, Chad had no choice – better this than all that rage again. Let Randy get this out of the way and then then get him to the hospital fast. But Chad kept his fingers on the pulse in his neck.

"You gonna choke me while you fuck me, dude?" Randy grinned. "Some guys get off on that. But most guys cum in my ass just looking at me. Try it, doc."

Chad gave in and stared down at the swarthy stubbled gypsy features and ... those eyes, those hypnotic steel blue eyes. They gazed up at him as Randy pounded his cock and Chad felt his own cock get hard ... and he pressed it against Randy's butt. He had fallen under Randy's spell like so many men before him, though never in such dramatic circumstances.

But the doctor in Chad knew he had to end this, so he said, "Cum for me Randy. Beat that meat and let me see you cum over that gorgeous body. Please, man ... let me see you cum ..."

"I like to hear a man beg, doc, and one day soon I'm gonna make you beg real good. I'm gonna fuck your ass, dude, and make you crawl begging for more. I can make a man do that. But right now let's get this show over. I can almost feel your dick in my ass, doc. You feel it too ... you know what it feels to cum in my ass? Imagine it, doc, driving it in until ... aaah!"

Chad watched the gypsy's body tense, his shaggy black hair whipping across his face as his cock spurted jizz over his ripped abs. Chad fought to control his own lust but as he forced himself to calm down he realized he had creamed his jeans. It felt like the end of a contest – and Randy had won.


Chad quickly regained his professional posture and felt Randy's pulse. It was not as bad as he feared and was already slowing down as the sedative took hold again. He lowered Randy's leg and checked the bleeding which seemed to be under control – the tourniquet was doing its job.

"OK, that does it," Chad said, "no more fooling around, we're gonna get this man to the hospital so I can give him a tetanus shot and stitch up his leg. Which car shall we use, Bob?"

"We'll use Randy's. It's the biggest truck with the most room. Darius, you drive and Chad will sit next to you and show you the way while he phones ahead to the hospital to alert them. We'll lay Randy flat on the back seat and I'll sit with him. Eddie, I want you to go back home and tell everyone what's happened here. Rumors must be flying so I want you to tell them the truth – no exaggerations, right?"

"Sir, even I couldn't exaggerate this one ...it's already totally over-the-top. You couldn't make this stuff up – no one would believe you."

"Eddie," Chad said, "put Randy's jacket over him that you brought to keep him warm. Good, now I'll pick him up, you hold his head Bob, and Darius hold his legs out straight. Eddie, run ahead and open the truck."

Chad put his arms under the heavy gypsy body and proved his strength by lifting him up, lying across his forearms. It was a strange procession that crossed the construction site, and as Bob held his head up Randy said drowsily, "Doc, whatever happened back there didn't happen. You didn't make me cum and I still hate your guts."

"Whatever you say, Randy. Just stay calm and breathe deeply."

"I mean it, dude. It didn't happen. But I am still gonna plough your ass ... you are gonna get so fucking fucked, dude, and you are gonna fall in love. I can make a man do that."

"I don't doubt it, Randy." Chad grinned at Bob. "And it won't be the first time."

Eddie held the truck doors open and they carefully loaded Randy flat on the back seat, with Bob supporting his head. Darius got behind the wheel with Chad beside him and Eddie said through the open window, "Sir, is Randy gonna be alright? He just has to be."

Chad smiled, "Don't worry kiddo, I'll make sure he will ... for you, Bob and all the guys. And Eddie, I gotta say you did a terrific job. You're the perfect guy to have around in an emergency. Now go do what Bob told you to do. Go tell your story."

The truck drove away and Eddie was glowing as he got into his own truck and took off. He couldn't wait to see the guys at home – and boy, did he have a story to tell.

TO BE CONTINUED in "A Trial Of Strength" – Chapter 492

Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol.com.

ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site www.atrialofstrength.com. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters.

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Next: Chapter 492

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