A Tropical Yule

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 22, 2007




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Castillo looked around the sky, the ocean, the sand. The sky was almost entirely clear, only a tiny wisp of cloud in the north spoke of cooling moisture. The sun shone down from a cobalt blue sky in an unbroken wash all across the sands, the waves. The weather was more than warm, it was humid and hot, there wasn't a single hint of coolness to be found in either air, water or land.

Yep, it was turning out to look a lot like Christmas, Castillo thought dryly. He had set out across the beach to gather shells, there were a goodly number of the pink fan-shaped shells, and a couple of smaller conches, to be had. These would work well on the single small bush they had on their island, one which had died long before they had gotten there and was now a mere bundle of dried branches. But it was all they had, and it had been declared by unanimous consent, their yuletide bush.

That bush kept mocking him, Castillo thought. It being their only source of fire should a ship appear, their only hope for attracting notice and being rescued from this lump of land upon which they had lived for sixty-seven miserable days, they'd had to ignore it, live on uncooked fish and the occasional uncooked gull meat. They couldn't cook their food, for they had no fuel, nothing but the one bush, and that one had to be saved for their chance at salvation.

So far, though, no hint of a ship, not even the smoke from a ship's stack, had been seen. So the bush remained, untouched, and now, today, it could perform an honorary duty as a Christmas tree. Much like the chief petty officer who doubled as King Neptune when their ship crossed the equator, the better to taunt the fresh fish who hadn't been across yet, this bush would rule today. Tomorrow, it would return to its duty of sentry, a single hope, supreme in its usefulness to be delegated to uselessness...except today.

Castillo took his pocket knife and began to worm holes in the shell. Some small bits of thread gleaned from the rags of his clothing would let him tie the shells to the tree. He did this and was working on the last shell, trying to figure out where it could best go (some of the branches, he'd found, were too brittle to hold any weight).

A shadow fell over his work and he looked up. "Look what I found." said Szelnak, the other half of this island population. Szelnak was about the same age as Castillo, in his early twenties, but where Castillo was brown haired, Szelnak had a shock of beautiful blond hair. On the ship, the other hands had often joked that it was a shame with that hair that he wasn't a beautiful girl. But Szelnak was a beautiful enough man, with a marvelously chiseled body, nearly hairless, that showed melon-sized muscles on the arms within the sleeveless remnants of his ship's uniform. That body was increasingly haunting Castillo's thoughts at night. Two men, all alone, rescue a fading hope, their very chances of life diminishing as day followed day. Why not...Castillo shook his head of the vagrant thought, looked at Szelnak's hands. In his hands, he held... "What is that?"

"Some short lengths of chain." Szelnak said. "All I could manage to pull out, maybe all there is. But look at them."

Castillo did, the chain was so badly rusted, it was nothing but rust. A length of semi-brittle iron, bright orange with rust. "Okay, I've looked. What about it?"

"Think how it'll look on our Christmas tree." Szelnak bragged.

"Huh?" Castillo looked at the chains again. "Hey, yeah." he saw it now. If the tree could hold the lengths of chain, then it would be like having orange paper-strands around the tree. He and his family had made paper-chains to put on the tree, cutting colorful pages out of magazines, folding them into lengths, link them in and then tape the length into a circle. "Sure, let's get the tree decorated, it'll be mid-day in another couple of hours and we'll have our Christmas dinner and exchange gifts."

Gift? "Oh, yeah, that's right, I need to get mine for you finished." Castillo said. "Now, remember, you keep away from the east end of the island."

"Long as you keep away from the west until lunch, we're cool." Szelnak agreed.

"Agreed." Castillo still needed to put the last touches on the gift. Not something he could do much ahead of time.

Two days ago, a coconut had washed up onto the island. Such fruits did from time to time, they were usually waterlogged, half-rotten, worthless, but occasionally they were lucky. This one had come in time to form Szelnak's gift. A large, round ball, hull browned and mottled by exposure to the ocean, but it felt otherwise firm and intact. Castillo prayed it was, but he didn't dare cut it open until the last second. For now, he could use his knife to cut a few designs into the flesh.

But too many could ruin the coconut, especially if Szelnak wanted to keep it for a while.

Castillo considered, then dimpled, and smiling, he cut a small pair of eyes and a grinning mouth on the coconut. Nice. And the one cut that went deep showed the fruit inside still white and clean and firm. Ripe! Very nice!

Castillo looked overhead...time to go for the dinner. He carried the coconut to their "Christmas tree" and placed it under the bush. Too bad he couldn't wrap it, as it was, Szelnak would know at a glance what his present was. Still, a coconut would be a very welcomed change from the diet of fish they were looking forward today for Christmas, no gulls had been careless for some days lately to even give them a change in meat....

So that's my gift?" Szelnak asked him.

Castillo looked up. "Yep. All yours, that's my gift."

"I'd be willing to share it."

"I wanted to give you something that's all yours." Castillo said. "I can live without a piece or two of the coconut."

Castillo found himself weakening. He didn't have to grab any of it, but... "It'll be your coconut, you decide what, and if, you want to share it."

"Guess you might as well see what I got for you, then." And Szelnak put his gift under the bush.

A small tin box. A keyhole was on the front, but the latch was apparently broken, for the lid didn't close properly.

Castillo found tears forming in his eyes. "It's beautiful." he said, and he damned well meant it.

For the last two months and more, he had owned nothing but the clothes on his back and his pocketknife. He'd had a set of keys, but lost them in the waters when the ship went down. Now...he was also the proud owner of a tin box, a box designed to keep things in. He could keep his pocketknife in there. He could keep those shells in there, if he wanted to keep them after Christmas (maybe one, as a keepsake.) He could...he could OWN things again!

"It's just beautiful." he said again, and now the tears did flow.

"Hey, hey." Szelnak put an arm around him.

"I'm sorry." Castillo blubbered. "It's just...God! This is just the best thing I ever got for Christmas, ever!"

"It's just a box." Szelnak said bashfully.

"It's the only fucking box on the island." Castillo said. "And you gave it to me."

"Hey. It's Christmas. You've given me the only coconut on the island."

"But you're going to share it with me."

"And maybe I'd like to keep something in the box now and then, if you don't mind."

Castillo had to smile at that. A lone pocketknife and a seashell didn't exactly crowd even a small box. And he'd use the pocketknife so much that keeping it there was nearly a waste of time. "You got a deal."

"Now we're talking Christmas." Szelnak said. "How about some nice, fresh fish now."

"Sounds wonderful." Castillo said. And, very nearly, it did.

They topped off their fish with a small piece of the coconut, lopping the top off the coconut-head. Szelnak had survived with a much larger knife, nearly a machete, he used it to spear the fish they caught (Castillo could only contribute by diving and chasing the fish underwater.)

After that, they sang a few Christmas carols together. It wasn't much, but it was a touch of civilization in a life with very few things outside the basics of life to be had. Castillo sang and managed to forget, at least for a while, that he daily had to tighten his belt a bit tighter around his waist, that water had to be rationed between the thankfully-frequent rainshowers to last them until the next time around, that twice now, they had gone three days without water until clouds formed and refilled the small pools they had dug to catch it. If only they had the most basic containers to fill with water, they wouldn't have to catch as much as they can and pray it didn't all evaporate before the next rain, and then, that it would rain enough.

That knowledge of death so close, of living upon such a sliver of survival, made this small celebration doubly sweet. To be more than alive, to be human...so precious.

The sun still beat down upon them. There was no shade to be had. They had a yuletide tree created from a dead bush, some shells and a length of rusty chain. Their gifts had been a coconut and a tin box. They had feasted on raw fish and a bit of precious raw coconut. And still...life was sweet, and the holiday was precious.

Castillo thought of all this as they sang, and when they finished the last of them, he leaned over and took Szelnak into his arms.

He had expected the blond stud to be resistant, to be worried, to be surprised. But none of that appeared. Maybe Szelnak had decided earlier upon this conclusion to their festivities, and was pre-empted rather than surprised by Castillo's advances. Whatever his frame of mind, Szelnak let Castillo take him, and more, lifted his lips to meet Castillo's own in a kiss!

Their lips were chapped, the endless sun and harsh winds and poor water (they were getting low on water again, what they had was brackish and nasty-tasting) were ravaging the tender parts of their bodies, and none of that mattered now, not at all, this was Christmas, and they had few ways to celebrate it as it was, they would take this way, the way of their bodies, and give its glory to the world!

They had nothing but sand to lie back upon, but their bodies were enough to scrunch it into a form-fitting bed. Castillo feasted his lips upon Szelnak's own, tasting the sweet nectar that was more than the raw fish, more than the coconut oils, more than the sand and salt that blew ceaselessly around them...they tasted Szelnak, fed upon his kind spirit and his loving heart, and that was a banquet that kings can look upon with envy.

Castillo's hand found Szelnak's crotch, and the hardness within. The cloth was rotten with use, sour with body oils, worn beyond the clean white it was once, now tarnished to a color with the worst aspects of brown and beige, the threads were losing their continuity. This sole protection of their bodies from the sun, when it was gone, they would be as a pair of lobsters on this treeless beach. But Szelnak's body now rested in the shade of Castillo's form above him, and when Szelnak's legs parted, the cloth gave way (or had it given way before, Castillo heard very little ripping), and his middle part was open and cleared for Castillo's access.

"You'd better rub some spit on it." Szelnak said. "It ain't like I've done this with anyone before."

"Yeah, uh, sure." Castillo panted. His mouth was suddenly dry as the Sahara, but he worked up what he could and spit it into his palm. A meager amount, he applied it and tried for more. Wind and sand worked against him, but he persevered, and soon had enough that he dared to touch it to Szelnak's anus.

"Uh, ah, yeah!" Szelnak sighed, he threw back his blond hair and moaned up into the unforgiving sunlight. That same sun clawed at Castillo's back, but he didn't care just now, he pushed into Szelnak's bowels and his cock was coated with warmth of a different, and delightful, nature.

"Annnh-hnnnnhhh!" Castillo grunted as his prick sent out sensations of a new and unknown, but utterly ecstatic, texture into his body. This was more than his hand had ever, could ever, give to him, this was the touch of another's innermost parts impacting upon him, rushing out joy in all directions, and he felt that if he but held still, he could have reached his orgasm just as he was, without any more movement, any more stimulation than that which enveloped him right now.

Szelnak sparked him out of that with the movements of his hips, the feet resting on Castillo's back pulled up and released their pressure, the action sent Castillo's dong into and out of Szelnak's butt, and when Castillo felt this additional delight, his body galvanized and he began to hunch his fellow castaway with a frenzy born of the two months stranded on this island, compounded by the three months at sea they had endured before that. It was one thing to spend six months at sea between sexual liaisons as required, it was another to have waited that long and yet still not to see any end to the deprivation in sight, he had his outlet now, he had Szelnak's beautiful, blond body beneath him, he had those arms around him, those feet upon him, that body moving and pulling him into that oasis of sensual skin, and now he moaned and hunched harder at Szelnak's butt.

"Ah, hah, gah, uh, huh, oh!" Szelnak moaned. "Damn, man, you're good, shit, yeah, damned good!"

"Oh, ahh, ahh, ahh!" Castillo was beyond words now, he could only moan. He was close, so fucking close now, he was going to fucking cream and cream big!

"Your nuts are boiling now, aren't they?" Szelnak grunted at him. "I can feel how hot that big fucking dick of yours is getting, come on, Castillo, give me that hot nut-juice, give me all of it!"

"Oh, ahh, ahh, guh!"

"Come on, shoot it in me, shoot it all, shoot it now, fucker, now!"


And Castillo was creaming, he was fucking unloading a massive load into his buddy's butt, and when he did, he felt Szelnak's body tighten, tense, grow rigid as a rock, and then hot splatters of jizz peppered Castillo's stomach, splashed his body, coated both of them with hot, white puddles of hot male jizz.

Castillo spent the last of his own climax inside Szelnak's bowels, and he was spent, panting, gasping, he fell onto Szelnak's chest and the expelled "whoof!" of air alerted him, and he hastily rolled off to lie beside Szelnak and the two of them took a moment to re-aerate their bodies.

"I guess we got something else we can share from now on." Szelnak said.

Castillo couldn't help it, he began to laugh. "Yeah, I guess we do."

"Merry Christmas, Castillo."

"Merry Christmas, Szelnak."

Nothing for them to do now but to lay there, keep an eye out for ships, and try to endure until sundown once again. The sun continued to beat down on them without mercy. The waves still roared and crashed and threw salty mist over them when the wind blew it toward them, as it frequently did. There wasn't a promise of rain and they needed rain in the next two days or they'd be completely without water again.

But still, it had been a pretty good Christmas, after all.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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